Uploaded by Алия Арингазинова

Module PyGame. Graphic text Counter of game 16 01 23

Module PyGame. Graphic text. Counter of game
1. Task 1 "Start"
Display the text "Start" in the center of the window.
Help: Output graphical text
Link https://stepik.org/lesson/876615/step/2?unit=881088
2. Task 2 "Finish"
Display the text "Start" in the center of the window.
After pressing any key output change text to finish.
Use font Bottom_Rock.ttf for text.
Help: Output graphical text
Link https://stepik.org/lesson/876615/step/3?unit=881088
3 Task 3 "Counter"
Implement the change of the counter using pressing "+" and "-" keys.
"+" - increases by 1 counter
"-" - decreases by 1 counter
Link https://stepik.org/lesson/876615/step/4?unit=881088
4 Task 4 "Animation text"
Implement red-black flashing arbitrary text.
Help: Output graphical text
Link https://stepik.org/lesson/876615/step/5?unit=881088
5 Task 5 "Popping balloons"
Write a program in which a ball with a radius of 20 appears in a random place on the screen (of a
random color).
After clicking inside the ball, the counter increases by +1, a new ball appears on the screen.
Help: Output graphical text
Link https://stepik.org/lesson/876615/step/6?unit=881088
6 Task 6 "Get text for movement"
Write a program to move text from top to bottom.
The text for the movement must be entered in the program window
Help: Output graphical text
Link https://stepik.org/lesson/876615/step/7?unit=881088
7 Task 7 "Catch an apple"
Write a program:
1) The apple falls from the top to the bottom along a random Y coordinate;
2) The bowl is controlled by moving the mouse along the bottom edge of the window;
3) Press "Space" when an apple into the bowl. If the apple is in the bowl counter increments by 1 and
run new an apple.
4) Finish the game if the counter reaches 5.
Help: Mouse events
Help: Animation
Help: Output graphical text
Link https://stepik.org/lesson/876615/step/8?unit=881088