ABSTRACT It is confirmed that the electrical energy demand and hence the electrical operating cost for the pumping stations network of Egypt are substantial. Hence any attempt for energy cost saving at the pumping stations network of the country will be very much appreciated. An experimental model of multipump type, pumping station installed to apply and verify the modern concepts of power saving in the irrigation pumping stations of Egypt. This model is built-up to acquire also the intelligent management and control strategies. The fundamental concepts are to design the pumping station taking into consideration the mechanical problems elimination. The first part of energy saving is accomplished by the electronic soft starter; it is used to eliminate the cavitations phenomena. Also, It is used for soft stopping, which eliminates the water hammering problems. The second part, which is the main part of the energy saving, is the management of the output water delivery. To meet the variable needs, the experimental pumping station consists of five identical water pumps. A variable speed derive is used when the water demand is covered by a fractional of the rated flow of a water pump. The management and control of the pumps operation is carried out by a programmable logic controller ( PLC ). The linguistic experience and intelligent operation of this pumping station that is collected from the related senior human being is stored and operated also by the PLC. Experience operations have been carried out by the concepts of the Fuzzy logic control to determine the number of pumps to be operated. Intelligent management is obtained using principals of the artificial intelligence programming. The verification of the results gives a good agreement between the results obtained from the application of each concept and the target of that concept. IX