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Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

1. What are the legal bases of the Code of Ethics
Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall behave with honor and
dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness and other
excesses, much less illicit relations.
2. State the teacher’s preamble.
Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possesses dignity and reputation with high moral values as
well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their noble profession, and they strictly
adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and values.
In the preceding items, provide answers for the Ethical question. Cite Legal Bases from the Code of
Ethics (eg. Article, Section) and provide at least (2) Jurisprudence in each article.
3. Who are covered by the Code of Ethics?
Limitations, Section 2, this code covers all public and private school teachers in all educational
institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels, whether academic, vocational,
special, technical, or non-formal. The term “teacher” shall include industrial arts or vocational teachers
and all other persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all schools at the
aforesaid levels, whether on a full-time or part-time basis.
4. What is the academic freedom of teachers?
the State,
Section 8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have privilege of expounding the
product of his researches and investigations; provided that, if the results are inimical to the declared
policies of the State, they shall be brought to the proper authorities for appropriate remedial action.
According to present jurisprudence, academic freedom encompasses the independence of an academic
institution to determine for itself (1) who may teach, (2) what may be taught, (3) how it shall teach, and
(4) who may be admitted to study. Also, according to the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the
Philippines, Article XIV, Section 5, "Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions of higher
5. Why should teachers be physically, mentally, and morally fit?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article II: The Teacher and the
State, Section 4. Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to duty. As a
teacher, we must be physically, mentally, and morally fit because help us deliver or or convey our lesson
efficiently. Teacher well-being has been connected to teaching effectiveness. It has a positive effect on
student achievement. So, in order to teach our students the lessons that they need to learn, you as a teacher
must possess good well being.
Based on the G.R. No. 183678, There is no dichotomy of morality. A teacher, both in his official and
personal conduct, must display exemplary behavior. He must freely and willingly accept restrictions on
his conduct that might be viewed irksome by ordinary citizens. In other words, the personal behavior of
teachers, in and outside the classroom, must be beyond reproach.
Accordingly, teachers must abide by a standard of personal conduct which not only proscribes the
commission of immoral acts, but also prohibits behavior creating a suspicion of immorality because of the
harmful impression it might have on the students. Likewise, they must observe a high standard of
integrity and honesty.
6. As a facilitator of learning, what is your responsibility to the students?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article III: The Teacher and the
Community, Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall,
therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such learning and growth.
Based on G.R. No. 115795 March 6, 1998, It is to state the obvious that schools, next only to the home,
wield a weighty influence upon the students, especially during the latters' formative years, for it instills
in them the values and mores which shall prepare them to discharge their rightful responsibilities as
mature individuals in society. At the vanguard in nurturing their growth are the teachers who are
directly charged with rearing and educating them. As such, a teacher serves as a role model for his
students. Corollarily, he must not bring the teaching profession into public disrespect or disgrace.
Also, according to G.R. No. 178837, She is a teacher from whom a lot is expected; she is expected to be
an exemplar of uprightness, integrity and decency, not only in the school, but also in the larger
community. She is a role model for her students; in fact, as she claims, she stands in loco parentito
them. She is looked up to and is accorded genuine respect by almost everyone as a person tasked with
the heavy responsibility of molding and guiding the young into what they should be - productive and
law-abiding citizens.
7. What practices manifest honorable and dignified behavior?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article III: The Teacher and the
Community, Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall
behave with honour and dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as gambling, smoking,
drunkenness, and other excesses, much less illicit relations.
Under Section 23 of Republic Act No. 7836, otherwise known as the Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994, the Board has the power and authority to regulate the practice of
teaching in the Philippines. The charge of Immorality and/or Dishonorable Conduct is also one (1) of the
grounds for the revocation or suspension of a license of a professional teacher. For entering into a
second marriage without first seeking a judicial declaration of the presumptive death of his first wife and
thereafter cohabiting with his second wife and having children with her, petitioner is liable for
Immorality and Dishonorable Conduct.
8. Why do you need to study about the community you are assigned to?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article III: The Teacher and the
Community, Section 4. Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall, therefore, study
and understand local customs and traditions in order to have sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain from
disparaging the community.
9. How could you show that you belong to the noblest profession?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article IV: A Teacher and the
Profession, Section 1. Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.
You must possess a patience and understanding heart. It's also a noble profession because it requires
bravery and passion. A teacher must have the courage to do the right thing for the sake of their
students, as well as a deep love for teaching, even if it is exhausting.
10. Why should teachers participate in the continuing Professional Education program of the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC)?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article IV: A Teacher and the
Profession, Section 3. Every teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
program of the Professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as will improve
his efficiency, enhance the prestige of the profession, and strengthen his competence, virtues, and
productivity in order to be nationally and internationally competitive.
11. What is your responsibility regarding confidential information?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article V: The Teachers and the
Profession, Section 4. A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates
and the school, and shall not divulge to anyone documents which has not been officially released, or
remove records from files without permission.
12. In times of controversies affecting the learners, the school or the profession, what should be your
stand as a teacher. Why?
13. What is your obligation to the school and the administration you work with?
Higher Authorities in the Profession, Section 1. Every teacher shall make it his duty to make an honest
effort to understand and support the legitimate policies of the school and the administration regardless of
personal feeling or private opinion and shall faithfully carry them out.
14. You have the right to seek redress against injustice to the administration, how are you going to do
Higher Authorities in the Profession, Section 4. Every teacher, individually or as part of a group, has a
right to seek redress against injustice to the administration and to extent possible, shall raise grievances
within acceptable democratic possesses. In doing so, they shall avoid jeopardizing the interest and the
welfare of learners whose right to learn must be respected.
15. What is your obligation as a contractual teacher?
Higher Authorities in the Profession, Section 6. A teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual
obligation to live up to his contract, assuming full knowledge of employment terms and conditions.
The Professional Teaching Practices Commission has a duty under Sec. 14.20.460
“(2) To conduct investigations and hearings on alleged violations of ethical or professional teaching
performance, contractual obligations and professional teaching misconduct;”
PTPC Contract Policy was formed to uniformly address investigations of alleged breach of contract.
According to Teacher's Rights under teacher tenure, Prior to attaining tenure, a probationary teacher
may be dismissed at the discretion of the school district, subject to contractual and constitutional
restrictions. Laws other than those governing tenure will apply to determine whether a discharge of a
teacher is wrongful. If a probationary teacher's dismissal does not involve discrimination or does not
violate terms of the teacher's contract, the school district most likely does not need to provide notice,
summary of charges, or a hearing to the teacher.
16. When can a teacher e dismissed from service?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article VII: School Officials,
Teachers, and Other Personnel, Section 4. No school officials shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal a
teacher or other subordinates except for cause and Section 5. School authorities concern shall ensure that
public school teachers are employed in accordance with pertinent civil service rules, and private school
teachers are issued contracts specifying the terms and conditions of their work; provided that they are
given, if qualified, subsequent permanent tenure, in accordance with existing laws.
According to G.R. No. 157788. March 08, 2005, The school could not lawfully terminate a part-timer
before the end of the agreed period without just cause. But once the period, semester, or term ends,
there is no obligation on the part of the school to renew the contract of employment for the next
period, semester, or term.
In this case, the contract of employment of the respondent was not presented. However, judicial notice
may be taken that contracts of employment of part-time teachers are generally on a per semester or
term basis. In the absence of a specific agreement on the period of the contract of employment, it is
presumed to be for a term or semester. After the end of each term or semester, the school does not
have any obligation to give
17. What should be the teacher’s attitude towards gifts?
Learners, Section 4. A teacher shall not accept favours or gifts from learners, their parents or others in
their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved.
According to Public School Teacher FAQs on the Conflict of Interest Law, Public employees, including
teachers, are prohibited by Sections 3 and 23(b)(2) of the conflict of interest law from accepting gifts
worth $50 or more that are given to them because of the position they hold, or because of some action
they could take or have taken in their position. Teachers and other public employees may accept gifts
that are worth less than $50, but they have to disclose in writing the fact that that they have done so if,
based on the circumstances, a reasonable person would think that the teacher might unduly show favor
to the giver or the giver’s child because of the gift. G.L. c. 268A, § 23(b)(3). Therefore, whether you may
accept the gift depends on its value, and whether you must disclose a gift you are allowed to accept
depends on the circumstances.
18. How can you establish cordial relationship with parents?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article IX: The Teachers and
Section 1. Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and shall, conduct
himself to merit their confidence and respect.
Section 2. Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the progress and deficiencies
of learner under him, exercising utmost candour and tact in pointing out the learner's deficiencies and in
seeking parent’s cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of the learners.
Lastly, Section 3. A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and understanding, and shall
discourage unfair criticism.
19. Name some legitimate income generating activities you could engage in to augment your income.
BUSINESS Section 2, A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate income
generation: provided that it does not relate to or adversely affect his work as a teacher.
20. How are you going to deal with it?
In order to maintain a good reputation with respect to financial matters, settlement of debts and loans
must be arranged satisfactory. Lastly, teacher should not act, directly or indire6, as agent of or be
financially interested in any commercial venture such as selling of books, school supplies and other
21. What is the primary principle a teacher should consider regarding relationship with others?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article XI: The Teacher as a
Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the primary principle of
personal behaviour in all relationships with others and in all situations.
22. How could a teacher exemplify dignified personality?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article XI: The Teacher as a
Person, Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as a
model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and all others.
Section 1. A teacher shall live with dignity in all places at all times.
x x x x Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as model
worthy of emulation by learners, peers, and others. [Emphasis supplied.]
The foregoing provisions show that a teacher must conform to the standards of the Code. Any deviation
from the prescribed standards, principles and values renders a teacher unfit to continue practicing his
profession. Thus, it is required that a teacher must at all times be moral, honorable and dignified.
23. What disciplinary actions could be imposed to erring teacher who violate the provision of the code?
According to CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article XII: Disciplinary Actions
Section 1. Any violation of any provision of this code shall be sufficient ground for the imposition against
the erring teacher of the disciplinary action consisting of revocation of his Certification of Registration
and License as a Professional Teacher, suspension from the practice of teaching profession, or reprimand
or cancellation of his temporary/special permit under causes specified in Sec. 23, Article III or R.A. No.
7836, and under Rule 31, Article VIII, of the Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. 7836.
According to Article VIII, of the Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. 7836
• Section 27, Inhibition against the practice of teaching profession. Except as otherwise allowed under
this Act, no person shall practice or offer to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines or be
appointed as teacher to any position calling for a teacher position without having previously obtained a
valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license from the commission
• Section 28, Penal Provisions- The following shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Five thousand
peso (Php5,000) nor more than Twenty Thousand peros (Php20,000.00) or imprisonment of nor less
than six (6) months nor more than five (5) years, or both, at the discretion at the court.
A.) Any person who practice the teaching profession in the Philippines without being certified in
accordance with the provisions of the Act
B.) Any person who represents or attempt to use as his own certificate of registration