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Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder: An Essay

There is a saying "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". What one individual considers beautiful may
not be beautiful to another. To me, beauty is not only something that pleases the eyes, but also pleases
the other senses and the mind. I think true beauty makes you see beyond the lovely sight. It will give you
insight or realization of something interesting beyond just the outward appearance.
When we talk about beauty in people. we often refer to their physical attractiveness. Of course, a
beautiful or handsome face is pleasant to look at. But I find that the most memorable "beautiful people"
are those who have captivating personalities behind the pretty faces. In one of my previous classes,
there were two beautiful girls, Sue and Lin. Both had almost flawless faces and trim figures. But Lin was
used to getting her way. She felt that her looks could help her get anything she wanted, especially
among the boys. Sue, on the other hand, treated her beauty in a matter-of-fact way and she was nice to
everyone. She was also a member of the debating team, her personality made her a more outstanding
beauty than Lin.
There is another kind of beauty in people that attracts me greatly. This is what is known as inner beauty.
People who have this kind of beauty have attained inner peace. They care about their fellow-man, and
try to right the injustices in this world. Two well-known personalities who exemplify this are Nelson
Mandela and Mother Theresa. Mandela was willing to sacrifice his life and freedom to obtain equal
rights for the Blacks in South Africa. Mother's Theresa's mission is to help the poorest of the world's
In fact, even around me. I know some people who are always ready to lend a hand to a person in
trouble. I greatly admire the beauty of these people because they are the ones who make the world a
better place. This inner beauty. I notice, gives a certain radiance to their looks.
I also love the beauty of art. I enjoy classical art as well as folk art which is painted by untrained artists.
To me, the beauty of an artwork is not just in the skills involved. A painting that attracts me is one which
evokes an emotional reaction. When I gaze at a painting. I am trying to figure out the artist's point of
view. The beauty of art, to me. is that it gives a glimpse into the artist's life or his surroundings.
Where places are concerned, to me, there is nothing comparable to the sea. It may take on different
colors, or be calm at one beach and choppy at another. But it is like a timeless beauty - always a
pleasure to look at and often so appealing that you cannot resist jumping in for a swim.
Some people think that things of beauty are only attainable if you are rich. I disagree completely with
this. Everyone has his idea of beauty, and we need to have things, people and places of beauty in our
everyday life. In the words of a poet "a thing of beauty is a joy forever."
Different people have different perspectives on looking at the same tings .This because of a game played
by the mind and the eyes which reflects on our vision and sight. Beauty for me as a person is being the
best possible version of yourself in the inside as well as the outside because “an original is always better
a copy” .Everything around has beauty in it but not everyone sees it or even tries to see it . The most
beautiful eyes are definitely those that seek beauty in others including themselves. But beauty is not
something that always needs or requires to be seen by the eyes but it can also be felt by the heart . Even
though beauty attracts the eyes ,character and personality of a person is what captures the heart
.According to me beauty is what comes from within and that reflects on your eyes, that’s the beauty
that is experienced by the beholder .This can bring about a change in even the smallest thing around
because not everyone see’s things similarly only they can decide what they want they want to see Bit if
the eyes are sad and week then no beauty would be seen and felt by the eyes.
So always look at everything with happy eyes to realize the beauty in things around you To always have
happy eyes one must have a clear mind and heart with a positive attitude toward everything around
them. Thus people say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and the most liberating and inspiring
thing about this wonderful proverb is realizing that you yourself are the beholder. This is what
empowers us to find beauty in different things , words and even places around us where people still
haven’t found beauty in yet. This makes a difference in what you have seen and other’s still haven’t