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Word Formation Worksheet

1. Botanists don’t care too much about separating plants into ____________ (DICOTYL)
and ____________ (COTYLEDON), but into useful plants and weeds.
2. The interviewer considers this work to take a lot of time, effort. So anyone with a lot of
_________ (GO) can apply for this job.
3. I gradually lose patience with Laura’s _____________ (MIND)
4. I have to say that I know _________ (SHIT) about her condition recently.
5. This is the flower which is __________ (DAFFODIL). I don’t know its scientific name.
6. My father didn’t know how long the _______ (AWAIT) time is. The TV repairman came
late, which made my father couldn’t watch World Cup.
7. All students don’t like that teacher because she is nothing but a _________ (FEAR).
8. Paul can’t learn anything. I don’t know why but I guess he is ________ (BRAIN)
9. This is _________ (FEATHER) leaves. The main feature of this vein system is the
branching pattern of plumage, the secondary veins branching from the main vein toward the
leaf edge with approximately equal length and nearly parallel to each other.
10. When you sustain _______ (OSSIFY), it means your bone tissues suffer from the loss of
mineral content.
11. These texts from my husband are so suspicious, I can’t even reach them. I guess this is endto-end ____________ (CIPHER).
12. I have a feeling of __________ (QUIET) because it’s at midnight! My daughter has yet to
come home!
13. The whole village are waving __________ (CARD) that said “Stop Apartheid!”.
14. The game involves letting hounds out to tease a chained bear called _________(BEAR).
15. People in that town always want to __________ (SALT) seawater to produce fresh water
for drinking.
16. Because I was a _________ (MAKE) person, I was as proud as Punch.
17. Josh thought it was a pity when his sister cleaned the house ten times a day unnecessarily,
she may be __________ (PROUD).
18. Because she wasn’t trained academically as a doctor or a nurse, she was admitted as a
_________ (MEDICAL) staff.
19. It was _______ (FALL) that the story I loved him was revealed by herself. I couldn’t even
imagine how embrassing it was.
20. He confused me with a series of __________ (QUICK) questions.
21. World Cup is a _____________ (QUAD) game.
22. An underlying mechanism for regulation of many processes in the cells is the localisation
of protein complexes within specific ___________ (CELL) compartments.
23. As far as I know, ____________ (SATURATE) fat has a chemical structure that does not
easily change into cholesterol.
24. Because I have no tools to catch quails, I will try to make __________ (CALL) and have
an alternative plan.
25. There will be a colossal ________ (TEACH) in five days.
26. I’m in desperate need of having _________ (TIME) due to the fact that I’ve been working
for at least 10 hours.
27. Immediate action need be taken to prevent that violent ____________ (FREE).
28. A _________ (DOWN) family is waiting for something to eat.
29. He seems to have a ________ (DOG) look because he has had his pants fall down.
30. I hope this motorbike is _________ (WORTH) because it is a second-hand, which makes
me feel unsafe.
31. That he wasn’t a __________ (WORTH) makes the bank didn’t want to give him a loan.
32. John has been held _____________ (COMMUNICATE) for at least 2 weeks. I have tried
to find out.
33. ___________ (SYLLABLE) is a poetic meter of ten syllables used in poetic traditions of
syllabic verse.
34. He had shown great _________ (SCIENCE) in selling his rice before the floods came.
35. That is a(n) _________ (DOUBT) that he claimed 100 people overnight!
36. I am delighted that my cat has just __________ (CREATE).
37. I’m sorry for my grandfather’s death. He ________ (CEASE) his wife, which makes her
live alone.
38. ‘Altcoin’ is a catch-all term for ___________ (CURRENCY) based on the Bitcoin system.