1 Literature Review: Effects of exercise on the human brain Louisiana Christian University David McKemy Juan Cardona PY422A-Introduction to Research & Writing October 19, 2022 2 Most of the psychological, mental, and brain research have been focused on different theories and practices, that are then applied in a therapy or counseling session. In other words, most psychological approaches are, in a way, passive. Passive in the way that the person going through the process rarely is asked to move or do anything physical. All the work is mental, either cognitive or emotional, or both. In a way, that used to make sense in the past because we used to separate the mind and the body. The treatments for psychological and physical illnesses were completely separate and were not considered to affect each other at all. However, in the past decades and years, scientists had discovered the huge effects that the mind can have on the body, and the body can have on the mind. They are interrelated, and what benefits one may end up benefiting the other. This is the case for exercise and brain health and function. There are more and more data and research available on the huge benefits that exercise has on the brain, Exercise in general, including different types of exercises, has been shown to prevent, reduce, and sometimes even recover people from different mental disorders such as Parkinson's disease, chronic stress, thyroid disorders, sleep deprivation, and multiple sclerosis (Alkadhi, 2017). Despite most research supporting the beneficial role of exercise on the brain, there is still much research to be done to have a whole picture of all the possible benefits or even some possible detriments, “Although the beneficial effects of exercise to the health and function of the brain have been accepted by the scientific and medical community, much remains to be achieved to understand its mechanisms of action” (Ang, 2007, p.1). Thus, with the current information, it is clear how exercising is one of the most potent tools to improve brain and mental health. However, there is some research indicating that in specific circumstances, and when taken to an extreme, exercise can be detrimental to the brain and mental health. 3 One thing that has been researched the most is exercise’s role in the improvement and even recovery of different illnesses and diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease among others (Alkadhi, 2017). These types of diseases and illnesses are commonly treated with pills and prescribed drugs and medications. However, with the new findings on the effects of exercise on these types of illnesses, now many people are changing their approach. For instance, there is a negative correlation between Alzheimer's disease and energy expenditure and the number of physical activities that people perform (Kramer, 2006). In other words, the more exercise activity and energy expenditure people do, the less likely they are to have Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, regarding dementia, it was found that physical activity, has a negative correlation with subjects that have been diagnosed with dementias at initial assessment (Kramer, 2006). Additionally, when the authors looked at several studies in the scientific literature, they concluded that “the studies reviewed above suggest a significant, and sometimes substantial, relationship between physical activity and later cognitive function and dementia” (Kramer, 2006, p.2). Furthermore, exercise has been correlated with improvements in other illnesses like multiple sclerosis. For instance, there is a study that assessed the effects of exercise on this very terrible neurodegenerative condition called multiple sclerosis. According to the study, exercise therapies and exercise activity is a promising nonpharmacological therapy in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) (Dalgas, 2017). It is worth stressing, however, that exerciseinduced training has also been shown to possibly induce a worsening of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (Dalgas, 2017). This might have been in cases in which the exercise stimulus was too harsh for the people doing it, or simply normal stress symptoms that people experience when exercising if they have not been doing it regularly. This detrimental effect is very minor nevertheless, according to the author. Even tough exercise training and activity may induce a 4 temporary worsening of symptoms in some multiple sclerosis patients, it is considered safe (when no taken into an extreme and does not increase the risk of relapses” (Dalgas, 2017). Furthermore, despite exercise-induced training being a potent tool for the improvement of people with multiple sclerosis it should never be the only type of therapy or treatment that people in this condition takes. According to the author, “Exercise training can lead to clinically very significant improvements in physical function but should be considered just a complementary help to specific task-based training” (Dalgas, 2017). Thus, exercise is just another tool in the toolkit for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, not the only one. Finally, in this same study, it was shown that exercise training not only helped people with multiple sclerosis to improve their condition but also exercise training-induced improvements on the brain and cognition, “Exercise has also shown positive effects on the brain, including improvements in brain volume and cognition” (Dalgas, 2017, p.1). Therefore, exercise not only can help people with different types of illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and others but also can improve mental and cognitive conditions in these people and also in people without any illness or condition of this type. There is an article that assessed the effects of exercise on the brain and cognition at different levels. The article examines the positive effects of aerobic physical activity on cognition, emotional and brain function, at the molecular and cellular systems and behavioral levels” (Hillman, 2008). So, this means that exercise not only improves brain and cognitive function directly (at the molecular and cellular level) but also indirectly, changing and improving people’s behavior in different situations that then ends up improving cognitive and brain function (Hillman, 2008). For instance, exercise has been shown to improve the academic performance of young teenagers in the classroom. This can be explained by the two different ways in which exercise influences brain and mental health and performance. The first one is by improving 5 teenagers’ behavior and attitude toward education and school. One explanation for this behavior change is that when teenagers start doing exercise their body composition starts improving, and they start feeling better about themselves and start having higher self-esteem. This overall improvement in mood will then be reflected in their grades. According to the authors, one of the major causes of obesity in the 21 century is the lack of physical activity, particularly among children in the developed world. Exercise might not only help to improve their physical health but might also improve their academic performance (Hillman, 2008). Thus, physical activity influences people not only within their work or school environment but also several other areas of their overall life, several studies support the idea that physical exercise is a lifestyle habit that might lead to increased physical and mental health throughout life (Hillman, 2008). The second mechanism by which exercise help students in their academic performance is by the effects at the molecular and cellular level that directly improves the teenagers’ cognitive and mental skills, thus improving their cognitive and mental performance, and thus improving academic performance. There is a study showing what are some of the specific mechanisms by which exercise influences these changes in the brain, in young children with disabilities, and animals (Ploughman, 2008). According to the authors, “Neurotrophins, endogenous proteins that act as a support to brain plasticity are the ones that mediate the beneficial effects of exercise on the brain. Furthermore, exercise activity increases brain volume in areas implicated in executive processing, improves cognition, like the prefrontal cortex, in children with cerebral palsy, and enhances phonemic skill in school children with reading difficulty” (Ploughman, 2008). It is important to stress, however, that depending on the level of intensity of the exercise the effects will be beneficial or not. Several studies examining the intensity of exercise required to optimize neurotrophins suggest that moderate exercise activities are the ones with the most benefit for the 6 brain. Sustained increases in neurotrophin levels occur with prolonged but low-intensity exercise, while higher intensity exercise, in a rat model of brain injury, elevates the stress hormone, corticosterone. This is thought to halt the benefits of low-intensity exercises (Ploughman, 2008). In other words, for exercise to have its beneficial effects, it must be done in moderation, very extreme and intense bouts of exercise might increase cortisol in people and may end up having a detrimental effect (Ploughman, 2008). This is what has been seen in animal experiments at least. There was no beneficial effect of cardiovascular activity on children with disabilities because they were not able to perform these types of exercise bouts, youth with a physical disability may not benefit from the effects of exercise on cardiovascular fitness and brain health since they are less active than their non-disabled peers(Ploughman, 2008). However, this does not mean that they should not exercise in any other form. They still will benefit from other types of exercise that fit their needs and capabilities. This is very important since the benefits that exercise can bring to the mental and brain health of young populations are huge, especially for young people with disabilities. Clearly, moderate physical activity is important for youth whose brains are highly plastic and perhaps even more critical for young people with physical disabilities (Ploughman, 2008). It is very important to protect and enhance mental and brain health in the younger populations because their brain is still in development, so it is at this stage that they and the adults in charge of them, need to take this very seriously. However, this does not mean that older people will not benefit from exercise or that they should not give importance to their brain health. Earlier it was shown how exercise can help in the treatment and recovery of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis among others. Additionally, exercise can have several benefits for older people without any of these conditions, 7 improving their brain’s cognitive function, and physical activity can have a neuroprotective effect on later life cognition (Kramer, 2006). There is a paper with a meta-analysis analyzing the scientific literature from 1966 to 2006 regarding the effects of exercise in non-demented older adults (Kramer, 2006). This is very interesting and valuable because this paper not only shows the results of one particular study but shows the results of all the studies made from 1966 to 2006 assessing the effects of exercise in mentally healthy old people (Kramer, 2006). Research reviewed in this paper highlights the positive effects that exercise has on the aging brain in clinical populations, nonpathological populations, and nonhuman animals (Kramer, 2006). Moreover, It was shown how among all the cognitive traits, the ones that showed the best improvement of all was the executive control processes (Kramer, 2006). These processes, according to the authors, are processes that include components of cognition such as planning, scheduling, working memory, inhibitory processes, and multitasking (Kramer, 2006). The authors make two very interesting and important observations. The first one is that all these executive control processes are the ones that decline as people get older, these are many of the processes that show a substantial age-related decline (Kramer, 2006). This suggests that many of the conditions people attribute to aging can be mitigated and/or reduced with exercise (Kramer, 2006). For instance, there is a paper that assessed the relationships between physical activity and exercise and the brain and cognition throughout the life span in non-pathological populations (Voss, 1985). According to the authors, despite most of the scientific literature on the effects of exercise on the brain having been done in younger populations, there is growing evidence of the huge benefits that exercise can have in older populations as well, whereas research has focused primarily on the benefits of aerobic exercise in youth and young adult populations, there is growing evidence that both aerobic and resistance training are important for maintaining 8 cognitive and brain health in old age (Voss, 1985). Moreover, there is a meta-analysis reviewing studies supporting the notion that physical activity and exercise can help alleviate the negative impact of age on the body and the mind abound (Bherer, 2013). This metanalysis provides an overview of important findings in this fast-growing research domain. Results from crosssectional, longitudinal, and intervention studies with healthy older adults, frail patients, and persons suffering from mild cognitive impairment and dementia are reviewed and discussed.” (Bherer, 2013). In other words, this metanalysis reviews the most important findings regarding the effects of exercise on aged-related processes and factors, and how it can improve and preserve cognitive condition and function. (Bherer, 2013). Together these findings suggest that physical exercise is a promising nonpharmaceutical intervention to prevent age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases (Bherer, 2013). Furthermore, another paper found improvements in aging-related factors of exercises related to specific brain regions improvements. Evidence indicates that physical and mental activity influence the aging process. Human data show that executive functions of the type associated with frontal lobe and hippocampal regions of the brain may be selectively maintained or enhanced in humans with higher levels of fitness (Churchill, 2002). These improvements are not only seen in the persons’ overall brain and health well-being, but in improvements on specific brain regions, recent results have implicated neurogenesis, at least in the hippocampus, as a component of the brain response to exercise, with learning enhancing the survival of these neurons (Churchill, 2002). For instance, there is a study that attempts to assess these specific changes in different brain regions, that review murine evidence about the effects of exercise on discrete brain regions involved in important CNS functions (Morgan, 2015). They found evidence of multiple regional adaptations to both forced and voluntary exercise. Exercise can induce molecular adaptations in neuronal 9 function in many instances” (Morgan, 2015). Furthermore, the study also attempted to assess exercise effects on other major central nervous system functions and factors such as the circadian rhythm, central metabolism, cardiovascular function, stress responses in the brain stem and hypothalamic-pituitary axis, and movement (Morgan, 2015). Despite the changes and influences that exercise has on these functions might be beneficial, more research is needed to draw reliable conclusions, evidence suggests exercise may benefit these conditions, the neurobiological mechanisms of exercise in specific brain regions involved in these important CNS functions have yet to be clarified (Morgan, 2015). However, the authors conclude that this area of research, attempting to understand exercise effects on the molecular, and cellular, but also the functional and general effects on the central nervous system is very promising, these findings suggest that the regional physiological adaptations that occur with exercise could constitute a promising field for elucidating molecular and cellular mechanisms of recovery in psychiatric and neurological health conditions” (Morgan, 2015). Moreover, the second observation they did was that the beneficial effects of exercise were larger when people combined aerobic training, strength, training, and flexibility training, effects of fitness training were larger when programs of aerobic training were combined with strength and flexibility training. Combinations of different treatment protocols may engender both more varied brain changes and serve to further reduce age-associated cardiovascular and muscular skeletal disorders (Kramer, 2006). Thus, despite there are benefits of doing any type of exercise, the benefits multiply and increase when different types of exercises and disciplines are combined. These improvements in cognition and executive control processes are incredible. However, exercise does not only help with the improvement of these cognitive processes but also helps in the improvement of emotional control and behavior. 10 Today, researchers know how emotions are not only vague and ambiguous concepts that cannot be measured or assessed but emotions, in part, are produced by different neuro and chemical interactions occurring within our brain (Meeusen, 1995). For instance, there is a relationship observed between these neurotransmitters, and the perceived fatigue experienced by individuals, there is a possibility that the interactions between brain neurotransmitters and their specific receptors could play a role in the onset of fatigue during prolonged exercise (Meeusen, 2006). Thus, these neurotransmitters regulate our emotional response and perception of the things happening internally and externally. There are some of these neurotransmitters are correlated with feelings associated with pleasure, happiness, and reward, such as dopamine and serotonin (Meeusen, 2006). Exercise is a crucial influence on the releasing of these neurotransmitters, physical exercise influences the central dopaminergic, noradrenergic and serotonergic systems (Meeusen, 2006). Additionally, research has found benefits of exercise not only from the increase in the release of these neurotransmitters but practicing exercise has been associated with better levels of resilience and recovery after an important and significant stressor also (Bernstein, 2017). The study found that increases in rumination due to exposure to a stressor were mitigated and decreased by a previous bout of acute aerobic exercise, “higher rumination in response to the stressor predicted more persistent negative emotion afterward; this effect was attenuated only by prior acute aerobic exercise, in this case, cycling, both 5 min, and 15 min post stressor. This effect was unrelated to physical fitness or cognitive performance” (Bernstein, 2017, p1.) In other words, people that did acute aerobic exercise before being exposed to a stressor showed fewer levels of rumination than people that did not exercise (Bernstein, 2017). It is worth noting that these effects were not related to the individual’s fitness level. Meaning that regardless of if it was a person who exercises regularly or a person that rarely exercises, these 11 effects were the same (Bernstein, 2017). However, that does not mean that fitness levels and exercise experience do not matter at all. This study also showed that physical fitness level did predict greater attentional control and the capacity to update working memory (Bernstein, 2017) Thus, despite the fitness level and experience did not enhance recovery and resilience after a given stressor, it was correlated with better attentional control and memory capacity. This might suggest that practicing exercise over the long term, will not only provide acute and short-term benefits but long-term benefits as well. Furthermore, there is another study showing how exercise can have an important role in improvements of levels of depression, especially for the older populations, the benefits of exercise have been best defined for learning and memory, protection from neurodegeneration and alleviation of depression, particularly in elderly populations (Cotman, 2007). Therefore, it is clear how exercise has a huge and very important role in emotional management and emotional recovery. Additionally, exercise practice has not only been associated with a better emotional recovery, as just viewed but also with better brain recovery after a brain stroke (Austin, 2014). Aerobic exercise (AE) enhances neuroplasticity and improves functional outcome in animal models of stroke, however, the optimal parameters (days post-stroke, intensity, mode, and duration) to influence brain repair processes are not known (Austin, 2014). It is worth noting, however, that the exact mechanisms by which exercise induces these benefits are still unknown. Additionally, this study was made on animals, and its applicability and suitability for humans are still discussed (Austin, 2014). Furthermore, there is another study examining the neuroplastic effects of exercise after a traumatic brain injury (Griesbach, 2011). This study showed that despite exercise having very important benefits to the brain and there is strong evidence suggesting that it has a neuroprotective role in the brain, it can be detrimental for people that just 12 experienced a traumatic brain injury, There is strong evidence that indicates that exercise has neuroprotective effects by activating specific neuronal circuits and increasing molecules that enhance synaptic plasticity. However, results of human and animal studies suggest that premature postconcussive exercise may be deleterious by exacerbating postconcussive symptomatology and disrupting restorative processes(Griesbach, 2011). In the same way, exercise is correlated with improvements in different health biomarkers. For instance, there is one study evaluating exercise effects on things like inflammation and other health-related biomarkers (Cotman, 2007). Exercise reduces peripheral risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, which converge to cause brain dysfunction and neurodegeneration. A common mechanism underlying the central and peripheral effects of exercise might be related to inflammation, which can impair growth factor signaling both systemically and in the brain” (Cotman, 2007). Additionally, this study also shows that exercise has several benefits on many other health-related factors and processes, not only inflammation, exercise increases synaptic plasticity by directly affecting the synaptic structure and potentiating synaptic strength, and by strengthening the underlying systems that support plasticity including neurogenesis, metabolism and vascular function (Cotman, 2007). Another way in which exercise can have a direct effect on overall health is through its effects on free radicals (Radak, 2007). Free radicals within the human body can cause a lot of oxidative stress which can be detrimental to the individual’s health (Radak, 2007). It appears that exercise-induced modulation of the redox state is an important means by which exercise benefits brain function, increases the resistance against oxidative stress, and facilitates recovery from oxidative stress (Radak, 2007). Furthermore, exercise played a huge role in the maintenance and improvements of mental and physical health during the last covid pandemic. Despite many people were not able to do much 13 exercise because they were forced to stay in their homes, the ones that practiced it took advantage of several benefits of this practice. There is a paper that evaluates the possible mechanism by which exercise may benefit people during the pandemic. They review the molecular mechanisms of physical exercise in COVID-19 pandemic on mental health. They also point links between exercise, mental, and cardiovascular health (De Sousa, 2021). There are several mechanisms by which exercise can counteract the effects of the covid-19 virus. According to the authors, both the virus and exercise elevate levels of an enzyme called ACE2. The difference is that exercise elevates it through processes that enhance health and brain function, while the virus elevates it through pathological processes that harm and damage the body (De Sousa, 2021). Therefore, covid enhances ACE2 leading to inflammation and neuronal death with possible development of mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Physical exercise also enhances the ACE2 expression. However, physical exercise induces an antiinflammatory and antifibrotic effect (De Sousa, 2021). Not only that but the authors also found that exercise has effects on different biomarkers and biological pathways that increase mental health in general, “physical exercise enhances the activity of several pathway leading to neuronal survival and the maintenance of a good mental health (De Sousa, 2021) Most of the research reviewed so far consists of the direct mechanical effects that exercise has on the improvement and maintenance of brain health. However, exercise can have also indirect effects on brain health. For instance, there is some evidence pointing out the effects that the hormone testosterone can have on the brain and the neurons (Foecking, 2022). Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the human body, especially for men. This hormone is released most of all in resistance training bouts or very intense aerobic training. There is a study that attempted to see the effects of this hormone testosterone in the neurons. 14 There is evidence that testosterone can have a very important role in the recovery of vestibular function in the brain. This study has important clinical implications because it identifies testosterone treatment as a viable therapeutic strategy for the long-term recovery of vestibular function following TBI (Foecking, 2022). These findings are very interesting and very valuable, however, there is something that needs to be clarified. The testosterone that participants had in their system was not naturally synthesized in the body as a result of a resistance training or aerobic training bout, it was administered synthetically. Therefore, more research is needed to be able to make these results applicable to people that do not get that testosterone administered. However, this is a very good and interesting starting point for further research on testosterone and its role in mental and brain health. So far, the benefits and the good part of effects of exercise on the brain have been discussed. However, the detrimental or the possible detrimental effects of exercise on the brain have not been discussed yet. It is important to stress the fact that there is no such evidence of possible bad effects of exercise on the brain. There is way more evidence for the benefits that for the detriments. With this being said, it’s been found that in some situations in which exercise is not done properly or is taken to an extreme, it can have some detrimental effects on the brain and body. There is a study evaluating the effects of exercise on female and male university athletes. College and professional athletes always train very intensely because they are looking to be the best ones in the discipline they are practicing. In many cases, this can be taken to an extreme and make the training and the exercise detrimental to the athletes’ health and performance, highperformance university athletes experience frequent exertion, resulting in disrupted biological homeostasis, but it is unclear to what extent brain physiology is affected (Churchill, 2021). This suggests that despite not knowing the specific brain areas affected by overtraining, it is evident 15 how overtraining can impair biological homeostasis in the brain and body (Churchill, 2021). Therefore, according to the authors, after doing some brain scans in the athletes’ brains, they show substantial but reversible neurophysiological changes due to season play in the absence of overtraining symptoms, with effects that are sex-dependent but otherwise insensitive to demographic variations (Churchill, 2021). This is one of the few cases in which exercise can end up being bad and detrimental to the brain. It is worth stressing however that this is a situation in which the individuals were overtrained and without proper recovery. Most of the data and research indicate that exercise is one of the best behavioral tools to improve brain functions and brain illnesses. Therefore, as long as it is not taken to an extreme, and not practiced under specific risk conditions, doing exercise is always going to be beneficial for the brain, at least that is what the research and data we have today suggest. In conclusion, exercise is one of the most powerful and beneficial tools any individual can have in order to improve his or her brain’s cognitive and emotional functions. It has shown incredible effects on the improvement and recovery of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis among others. Additionally, it has been shown to improve emotional recovery after an individual’s exposure to a great stressor. Moreover, it improves cognitive skills and executive control skills. Especially for older adults, exercise has these incredible effects, even improving many of the age-related factors that make people ill and sick. Finally, its been also shown that exercise can be detrimental to the brain but just in some specific situations and circumstances. These specific situations and circumstances have been found to be two so far. In cases in which there are risk factors that do not make exercise beneficial, such as post-surgery or pos brain trauma scenarios. The second scenario is in which 16 people take exercise to an extreme causing elevated levels of stress or even overtraining. Besides these two specific situations, everyone should practice some type or even several types of exercise in order to improve and optimize brain health and functions. 17 Reference list Alkadhi, K. A. (2017). Exercise as a positive modulator of brain function. 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