SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS Surf. Interface Anal. 28, 101–105 (1999) XPS of Sulphide Mineral Surfaces: Metal-deficient, Polysulphides, Defects and Elemental Sulphur Roger St. C. Smart,* William M. Skinner and Andrea R. Gerson Ian Wark Research Institute, The Levels Campus, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, South Australia 5095 This paper reviews evidence for the assignments of components of the S 2p XPS spectra from sulphide mineral surfaces under different conditions of preparation, oxidation and reaction. Evidence from other techniques confirming assignment of high-binding-energy S 2p components to metal-deficient sulphide surfaces, polysulphides, elemental sulphur and electronic defect structures is considered for specific cases. Reliable assignment of S 2p3=2 components at 163.6–164.0 eV to elemental sulphur Sn 0 can be confirmed by evaporative loss at 295 K and/or observation of S–S bonding by x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), x-ray diffraction or vibrational spectroscopy. Assignment to polysulphides Sn 2− at 162.0–163.6 eV requires confirmation of S–S bonding by XAFS or vibrational spectroscopy. Metal-deficient lattices can be represented as electronic defects (e.g. vacancies) or restructured surface phases confirmed by diffraction or XAFS evidence. High-binding-energy S 2p3=2 components can also result from Cu(I) substitution into ZnS with associated oxidation of sulphur as electronic defect sites without S–S bonding, metal deficiency or restructuring. This assignment is confirmed by XAFS evidence. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEYWORDS: sulphides; minerals; surfaces; XPS or ESCA INTRODUCTION Knowledge of the structure, bonding and electronic states of sulphur in the surface of metal sulphides is of critical importance in the control of mineral surface reactivity, particularly oxidation and adsorption, for mineral separation by flotation and in sulphide mineral leaching for metal recovery or control of environmental pollution.1 – 3 Reactions at metal sulphide surfaces are equally crucial to understanding the actions of these materials in catalysis, solar energy conversion and geochemistry.4,5 In this paper, we will focus on the evidence for assignment of components of the S 2p XPS spectra from sulphide mineral surfaces under different conditions of preparation, oxidation and reaction. This consideration of the evidence for these assignments, however, applies equally to XPS information from sulphide surfaces in the other areas of application or study. The S 2p spectrum of a sulphide S2 ion is known to contain the S 2p3/2 and the S 2p1/2 spin-orbit doublet separated by 1.2 eV with intensity ratio 2 : 1. The S 2p3/2 component is normally found in the binding energy (BE) range 160.0–161.2 eV, depending on the metal (M D Pb, Zn, Fe) in the sulphide.6 – 10 In disulphide S2 2 minerals (e.g. pyrite FeS2 )7,10,11 and on sulphide surfaces after oxidation reaction, S 2p doublets at higher BEs have been identified reliably and routinely by many researchers under a variety of reaction conditions. These high-BE components have been assigned variously to the four different models summarized in Table 1. In these models it is important to note * Correspondence to: R. St. C. Smart, Ian Wark Research Institute, The Levels Campus, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, South Australia 5095. CCC 0142–2421/99/130101–05 $17.50 Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. that an assignment to a polysulphide Sn 2 species requires direct evidence of S–S bonding,11,12 that a decrease in M/S stoichiometric ratio may imply metal deficiency either as vacancies (defects) in the original host lattice13 or in restructuring to an altered lattice structure in the surface layers,14 and that bulk elemental sulphur is expected to evaporate in ultrahigh vacuum unless the surface is maintained at <200 K.15 In the last case, XPS spectra recorded at room temperature would not be expected to show S 2p components attributable to S8 0 species. There is a possibility that Sn 0 species, including S8 0 , may be protected from evaporation in a vacuum at 298 K by an overlayer of oxide/hydroxide species, but this proposition has not been tested. An assignment of the high-BE components to altered electronic states can clearly cover any of the previous three models but, as we will demonstrate in this paper, there are examples of non-integer oxidation states of sulphur with high-BE components that cannot be assigned to polysulphides, metal-deficient sulphides or elemental sulphur.16 The assignment of S 2p3/2 BEs to any of these models can be compromised by overlap of the BE range in which they have been found. Hence, it is objective of this paper to consider the reliability of these assignments on the basis of welldocumented literature assignment supported by other techniques or experimental procedures. DISCUSSION In the following discussion, particular examples of sulphur species, mineral surfaces and their reactions have been selected from the literature, including our own results, Received 30 November 1998 Accepted 18 December 1998 102 R. St. C. SMART ET AL. Table 1. Structural models and confirmatory evidence for assignment to XPS high-BE S 2p3=2 components from sulphide mineral surfaces Confirmationa Model 1. Polysulphides Sn 2 S S bonding; Bond distances (XAFS); Vibrations (IR, Raman) 2. Metal-deficient sulphides (a) Host lattice: Vacancies Defects Substitution (b) New lattice: Restructuring Surface layers M S, S S bond distances M S coordination (XAFS) Diffraction (XRD, ED) M/S stoichiometry (XPS, Auger) Diffusion 3. Elemental sulphur Sn 0 Evaporation at 295 K; S S distances (XAFS); Vibration (IR, Raman); S8 0 diffraction (XRD) 4. Electronic states (defects) Altered electron distributions (VBXPS); Non-integer M, S oxidation states (XAFS) a XAFS, x-ray absorption fine structure; XRD, x-ray diffraction; ED, electron diffraction; VBXPS, valenceband XPS. Table 2. Assignment of S 2p3=2 : sulphides (S2− , S2 2− ); polysulphides (Sn 2− ); sulphur (Sn 0 ) Speciesa Conditions 2 S S2 S2 Galena PbS, vac. fracture Sphalerite ZnS, wet polished Pyrrhotite Fe7 S8 , vac. fracture S2 2 S4 2 S5 2 Sn 0 Pyrite FeS2 , vacuum fracture [CuI .S4 /3 ]3 [PtIV .S5 /3 ]2 Electrochemical deposition on Au, Pt Sulphur (bulk) S8 0 XPS S 2p3/2 components (eV)b 160.1 160.7 161.2 161.2(1), 162.2, S2 2 (0.14); 163.0, Sn 2 (0.17) 162.1 162.6 162.0(1); 163.0(1) 161.9(2); 162.8(2); 163.2(1) 161.4 161.8 (interface, S2 ); 163.0 163.2 (surface, Sn 2 ) 163.6 164.2 Refs Other techniques c Refs 6, 7, 8 17 10 SRXPS SRXPSc 6, 7 17 7, 10, 11 12 12 19 Raman 379 cm 1 IR, Raman 440 550 cm 1 IR, Raman 440 550 cm 1 No evap. at 295 Kd ; electrochemical charge transfer IR, Raman 469 cm 1 ; evap. at 295 Kd 11 12, 17, 18 12, 17, 18 12, 19 11, 12 11 a Assigned by authors. Relative to Au 4f7/2 D 83.9 eV; numbers in parentheses are relative intensities. c SRXPS, synchrotron radiation XPS. d Loss of Sn 0 by evaporation at room temperature in a vacuum. b over nearly two decades. The results from the selected papers have been assessed and validated reliably in many supporting papers that are too numerous for inclusion. We believe that these results are widely accepted by researchers currently working on sulphide mineral surface reactions using surface analytical techniques. Table 2 summarizes the S 2p3/2 BE components attributed to sulphide S2 , disulphide S2 2 , polysulfide Sn 2 and sulfur Sn 0 species. There is a progression of increasing BE through these increasingly oxidized sulphur species from S2 (160.1–161.2 eV), S2 2 (162.1–162.6 eV), Sn 2 (161.9–163.2 eV) to Sn 0 (163.0–164.2 eV). The polysulphide species (Table 1) have more negative S -like end sulphur atoms with some residual negative charge Surf. Interface Anal. 28, 101–105 (1999) on the next nearest sulphur atoms and chain atoms closer to neutral S0 (i.e. 163.2–163.6 eV).12 Thin layers of sulphur electrochemically deposited by anodic oxidation of sulphide species in solution onto gold and platinum surfaces exhibited BEs corresponding to sulphide species close to the metal interface (i.e. 161.4–161.8 eV). Multilayer deposits gave surfaces with much higher BE (i.e. 163.0–163.2 eV) corresponding to polysulphide (but not elemental sulphur) species.19 The multilayer-deposited sulphur films did not exhibit the volatility of bulk elemental sulphur at 298 K, indicating interaction with the underlying metal or metal sulphide. The formation of polysulphide species in solution was inferred from corresponding electrochemical conditions for analysis of polysulphide Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. XPS OF SULPHIDE MINERAL SURFACES species at a rotating disc electrode, i.e. charge transfer. A Raman spectrum was not recorded in these experiments. Table 3 now turns to the assignments of high-BE components on mineral surfaces as proposed by a wide selection of authors. The model of oxidation and reaction of iron-containing sulphides is now well established.1,10,11,14,21 The development of Fe(II)–O species and, on oxidation, an Fe(III)–O overlayer predominantly as hydroxide species proceeds, leaving the underlying surface of the original mineral increasingly deficient in iron. The stoichiometry of this underlayer (measured by XPS or Auger spectrometry) on pyrrhotite can be observed to change from Fe7 S8 through Fe2 S3 to FeS2 with extended reaction.10 This, however, does not directly imply that the lattice structure of the surface layers has altered from that of the original host lattice or that S–S bonding has been formed, producing disulphide or polysulphide ions. The effect of iron (as Fe(II) or Fe(III)) vacancies on the electronic states of neighbouring sulphur atoms has not yet been substantiated theoretically or experimentally. There is a contention that the almost 30% of Fe(III) in pristine pyrrhotite surfaces, demonstrated by Pratt et al.,10 is associated with the formation of S2 2 ions but their presence has not been confirmed directly by lattice or molecular structural evidence. X-ray diffraction evidence for surface restructuring of pyrrhotite after acid reaction has been obtained in one case14 where the defective tetragonal Fe2 S3 phase was found in the surface layers. In this phase, 103 the [001] zone exhibits linear chains of Sn atoms with an S–S distance similar to elemental sulphur S8 0 , although the BE is still 0.2–0.6 eV less than that expected for bulk elemental sulphur. Disulphide structures, as found in pyrite, are not formed in this tetragonal phase nor can the BEs be interpreted as representing polysulphide Sn 2 ions. Raman spectroscopic evidence for polysulphide Sn 2 molecular structure has been obtained directly from oxidation of pyrite by Mycroft et al.11 However, this observation could be made only when the anodic potential exceeded 600 mV SCE, whereas the high-BE components of the S 2p spectra were also observed at potentials well below this value. Continued oxidation produced elemental sulfur, confirmed by the Raman peak at 469 cm 1 and evaporative loss at room temperature in a vacuum. The absence of vibrational evidence for polysulphide and sulphur at lower anodic potentials may be due to limitations on the sensitivity of the Raman observations but this also remains unsubstantiated at this time. There are two other interesting cases in which substantially increased hydrophicity and hence flotation recovery without reagents has been demonstrated. The preparation of galena surfaces following oxidation and surface cleaning by hydrocyclone (cyclosizer) shearing action produced new, intense S 2p3/2 components in the range 162.0–162.8 eV not attributable to elemental sulphur because the XPS measurements were carried out at room temperature.13 Similarly, oxidation of chalcopyrite at high Table 3. Assignment of S 2p3=2 components from sulphide mineral surfaces to polysulphides, metal deficiency and sulphur XPS S 2p3/2 (eV)b Speciesa Fe7 S8 .Po/ Fe7 S8 .Po/ Fe7 S8 .Po/ S2 Conditions Sn 2 Sn 0 Ref. 164.3(0.05) 10 10 14 Auger Fe2 S3 /Fe(III) O XRD Fe7 S8 /Fe2 S3 10 14 20 SRXPSc 20 162.5(0.3) 20 SRXPSc 20 163.1(2) 11 Raman 440 550 cm 1 , Sn 2 Evap. 295 K,e Sn 0 11 S2 2 FeS2 .Py/ Vac. fracture Air ox., 6.5 h 5 ð 10 2 M HClO4 , 20 min, 25 ° C Vac. fracture FeS2 .Py/ Air ox., 10 min FeS2 .Py/ 0.6 V SCE,d 30 min, pH 5 3 ð 10 3 M Na2 S, pH 9.2, 180 K pH 11, air/O2 , 2 h 161.4(0.2) 161.1(1) 162.1(?) 163.0(?) 3 ð 10 4 M Na2 S, pH 9.2, 180 K Ground (ox.), pH 7, cyclosizer (shear) 161.1(1) 162.1(0.2) 162.8(0.1) pH 4.9, >0.23 V SHE 2 ð 10 3 M HS , 0.2 V SHE, 20 min >50 mV SHE, pH 4.6, 5 min 160.7(1) FeS2 .Py/ CuFeS2 (Chpy)f CuFeS2 (Chpy) PbS(Ga) PbS(Ga) PbS(Ga) PbS(Ga) 161.2(1) 161.2(1) 161.1(1) 162.2(0.14) 162.2(0.3) 161.3(0.3) 162.0 (surface) (0.75) 162.7 (bulk)(1) 162.0(s) (0.5) 162.7(b) (1) 162.5(1) 163.7(0.17) 163.2(0.1) 162.9(2) 162.2(1) 163.6(1) 22 163.6(1) 162.0 162.8(1.5) 160.7(1) 21 21 13 163.9(2) 7 160.4(1) 161.7(0.15) 163.0(0.3) 8 160.7(1) 161.9(0.06) 163.1(0.09) 23 Other techniques No Sn 0 (evap. 295 K) Flot. recovery 100% Evap. 295 K,e Sn 0 Ref. 21 22 21 Contact angle 50° ! 75° Flot. recovery 18 ! 40% AFM; evap. 295 K,e Sn 0 No Sn 0 (evap. 295 K) 13 SRXPS No Sn 0 (evap. 295 K) 23 7 8 a Assigned by authors. Values in parentheses are relative intensities. c SRXPS, synchrotron radiation XPS. d Raman not observed <0.6 V SCE. e Loss of Sn 0 observed by evaporation at room temperature in a vacuum. f Chpy. b Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Surf. Interface Anal. 28, 101–105 (1999) 104 R. St. C. SMART ET AL. pH has long been known to produce very high flotation recovery and the appearance of new S 2p3/2 components at 162.1 and 163.0 eV not attributable to elemental sulphur.22 In both cases, there is strong evidence that either metal ion vacancies (i.e. Pb2C or Fe3C , respectively) or polysulphide Sn 2 species are responsible for the increased hydrophobicity, but no direct evidence is available yet to discriminate between these two models. The formation of elemental sulfur Sn 0 , confirmed by evaporative loss at room temperature, has been demonstrated in reactions under oxidative acid conditions7 and in reactions with HS and S2 species from solution at high pH.21 Dramatic evidence of the formation of islands of elemental sulphur has been provided by AFM imaging of galena oxidising in acid solution. The sulphur islands are directly correlated with an S 2p3/2 component at 163.9 eV lost on evaporation at room temperature in a vacuum.7 These islands only appear at anodic potentials of >230 mV SHE, a result that is still consistent with vacancy or polysulphide formation at potentials below this value.13 In Table 4, the model of altered electronic states of sulphur arising from defects and substitution/reaction (activation) is examined. The reaction of Cu(II) from solution with sphalerite surfaces has now been shown reliably9,16 to proceed by a 1 : 1 ion exchange of Cu(II) for Zn(II), followed by reduction to Cu(I) and corresponding oxidation of adjacent sulphur ions. This mechanism is followed at both low (e.g. 5.5) and high (e.g. 8.5–9.2) pH for solution concentrations up to at least five monolayerequivalents. At solution concentrations in excess of 10 monolayers and pH >8, precipitation of some colloidal Cu(II) hydroxide can be observed in SIMS imaging and in x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra. This mechanism at the lower concentrations has been confirmed both in nitrogen- and air-purged solutions.9,16 Using tuned synchrotron radiation (SRXPS) at monolayer sensitivity, it has been demonstrated that new high-BE components of S 2p3/2 spectra appear first at 162.1 eV and subsequently at 163.1 eV. Warming the sample from 180 to 295 K does not affect these components and they have been attributed to polysulphide Sn 2 formation.9 The most recent evidence from XAFS has not found S–S bonding to be formed in this substitution/reaction mechanism.16 Instead, the incorporation of Cu(I) into surface Zn sites alters the Cu–S3 local structure to a distorted trigonal planar configuration with oxidation states (determined from the copper edge in XAFS and structural modelling) corresponding to Cu(0.9) and S( 1.63).16 This assignment is consistent with the XPS evidence of the 162.1 eV component appearing first as a surface state in the first monolayer. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy depth profiles from flat ZnS substrates have demonstrated that this substitution/reaction proceeds into the bulk of the lattice structure up to 45 monolayers deep after 18 h of conditioning. X-ray adsorption fine structure Cu 1s edge determination and structural modelling of the bulk CuS4 local structure shows that one of the Cu–S bonds is effectively broken, reverting to a distorted trigonal planar structure for the remaining CuS3 bonding with oxidation states corresponding to Cu(0.8) and S. 1.63/ for the CuS3 structure and S. 0.8/ for the broken Cu–S bond. The last electronic configuration corresponds to the appearance in XPS spectra of the 163.1 eV component with bulk substitution/reaction. Hence, in this model, the high-BE components do not correspond to metal deficiency, polysulphide or elemental sulphur. The original host lattice remains intact but is substituted, creating electronic defects at the sulphur sites. The presence of the oxidized sulphur sites is sufficient to impart increased hydrophobicity and flotation recovery24 without the addition of other flotation reagents. CONCLUSIONS It is apparent that several different assignments or model structures can be attributed to the high-BE components of S 2p XPS spectra of sulphide mineral surfaces after fracture, polishing, oxidation or reaction. The BE ranges of S 2p3/2 components of polysulphides, metal-deficient sulphides, elemental sulphur and defect electronic states overlap so that assignment cannot be based on this criterion alone. In addition, the electronegativity/electron affinity and coordination number of neighbouring metal atoms can have a substantial effect on the sulphur oxidation states and their observed BEs The central issues in the assignment relate to: Table 4. Assignment of S 2p3=2 components from sulphide mineral surfaces to activation, defects and substitution Species ZnS Cu/ZnS Cu/ZnS Cu/ZnS Cu/ZnS Cu/ZnS Cu(I) defect Conditions Wet polished 10 4 M CuSO4 , pH 9.2, 1 h, N2 -purged 10 4 M CuSO4 , pH 9.2, 1 h, air-purged 10 4 M CuSO4 , pH 9.2, 1 h, N2 -purged 10 4 M CuSO4 , pH 9.2, 1 h, air-purged 10 4 M Cu.NO3 /2 pH 5.5, 15 min, N2 (3.7 ML) XPS S2 Ref. Other techniques 162.4(0.2) 9 9 SRXPSb Cu(I) XPS;c no Sn 0 (evap. 295 K) 9 9 161.3(1) 162.6(0.3) 9 Cu(I) XPS;c no Sn 0 (evap. 295 K) 9 161.2(1) 162.1(0.6) 163.1(0.6) 9 SRXPS; no Sn 0 (evap. 295 K) 9 161.2(1) 162.1(0.6) 163.1(1.2) 9 SRXPS; no Sn 0 ; S6 2 assignedc 9 162.1 163.1 9 XAFS:d Cu0.9 ; S 1.63 (surface)c Cu0.8 ; S 1.63 ; S 0.8 (bulk)c 161.2 161.2(1)a S 2p3/2 BE (eV) Ref. 16 16 a Values in parentheses are relative intensities. SRXPS, synchrotron radiation XPS. c Assigned by authors. d XAFS, x-ray adsorption fine structure. b Surf. Interface Anal. 28, 101–105 (1999) Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. XPS OF SULPHIDE MINERAL SURFACES (1) whether S–S bonding exists (as in disulphide ions, polysulphide ions and elemental sulphur); (2) whether the lattice structure of the original mineral surface is retained (with vacancies, coordination defects or substitution) or is restructured to a new surface mineral phase (confirmed by diffraction or XAFS coordination evidence); (3) whether elemental sulphur species are present (lost to vacuum at room temperature), requiring sample cooling to <200 K for retention; (4) whether altered electronic states associated with substituted atoms and defect (coordination) sites can be confirmed (by XAFS or valence band SRXPS) without invoking S–S bonding or lattice restructuring. On the basis of the present evidence, the following conclusions concerning the reliability of assignment of the high-BE S 2p components can be drawn. (1) Assignment of high-BE components of S 2p3/2 spectra at 163.6–164.0 eV to elemental sulphur requires 105 confirmation by evaporative loss at 295 K and/or S–S distances (XAFS, x-ray diffraction) or vibrations (IR, Raman). (2) Assignment of high-BE components at 162.0–163.6 eV to polysulphides Sn 2 requires confirmation of S–S bonding by IR, Raman or XAFS. (3) Assignment of restructuring in surface layers requires confirmation by diffraction (x-ray diffraction, electron diffraction) or XAFS for altered lattice structure, M–S and/or S–S bond coordination and distances. (4) Assignment of electronic defect sites as vacancies, lower coordination sites or substituted sites (activation, impurities) requires confirmation by XAFS and/or valence-band XPS (SRXPS) The combination of evidence from XAFS, diffraction, vibrational spectroscopy and possibly valence-band SRXPS with XPS evidence is likely to become of increasing importance in further studies of the reactions of metal sulphide surfaces. REFERENCES 1. R. St. C. Smart, J. Amarantidis, W. M. Skinner, C. A. Prestidge, L. LaVanier and S. Grano, in Solid/Liquid Interfaces: A Surface Science Approach, ed. by K. Wandelt, J. O’Connor and S. M. Thurgate. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1999). 2. R. P. Hackl, D. B. Dreisinger, E. Peters and J. A. King, Hydromet allurgy 39, 25 (1995). 3. J. E. Thomas, W. M. Skinner and R. St. C. Smart, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 62, 1555 (1998). 4. W. Jaegermann and H. Tributsch, Prog. Surf. Sci. 29, 1 (1988). 5. A. Ennaoui, J. Fiechter, Ch. Pettenkofer, N. Alonso-Vante, K. Büker, M. 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