arise benefactor blacksmith charitable chimney compensate encounter exceed forge humble iron ladder modest occupy penny preach prosper Arise is to happen Paydo bo’lmoq Difficulties arose with his phone because it was old Is person who gives money to help someone muruvvat The student’s benefactor gave him money to ko’rsatuvchi spend on his studies Is person who makes things out of metal temirchi The blacksmith pounded the piece of metal until it was metal It is helping someone who is in need marhamatli My sister was charitable enough It is a tall pipe used to carry smoke out of a building mo'ri The cat was on the roof sitting next to the chimney Compensate is to pay someone for the time they Pul to’lamoq, spent doing something qoplamoq Her boss compensated her for the extra work If you encounter something you meet or come Ro’baro kelmoq, close to it duch kelmoq I encountered a sea turtle while I was swimming To exceed is to be more than something Oshirib Since I exceed my limit, I decided to get rid of my yubormoq credit cards forge something to put a lot of effort into Qiyinchilik bilan making something successful or strong so that yo’lga qo’ymoq it will last The couples forged their friendship. This is not believe that they are better than others kamtarin Even though bob is the smartest boy in his class, he is humble temir narvon kamtarin ishg'ol qilmoq chaqa voizlik qilmoq yashnamoq province satisfaction sustain acquire awkward caretaker deceive discourage fake hatred hut inferior lodge neglect newcomer offense overlook repay ridiculous satisfactory shepherd venture wheat alley ax bunch chore decent disgrace elbow grateful viloyat mamnuniyat davom ettirmoq ega bo'lmoq noqulay enaga aldamoq tushkunlikka solmoq soxta nafrat kulba past kulba beparvolik qilmoq yangi kelgan jinoyat e'tiborsizlik qaytarish kulgili qoniqarli cho'pon oshiqmoq bug'doy tor ko'cha bolta dasta, shingil majburyat yaxshi sharmandalik tirsak minnatdor irritate kid loose offend overnight persist pine scar sensation sled tease valentine bloom compact curl decay dessert dip distant eclipse fairy grace leisure mankind passion pillow pulse refresh sneeze spice jaxlini chiqarmoq bola bo'sh mustahkam emas xafa qilmoq kechki paytda davom etmoq qarag'ay chandiq hissiyot chana masxara qilmoq shaydo bo'lmoq gullamoq ixcham jingala parchalanish shirinlik botirmoq uzoq tutilish farishta viqor dam olish insoniyat ehtiros yostiq zarba yangilash aksirmoq ziravorlar whistle wool acquaint cemetery curse disguise fancy flashlight hood inhabitant nourish pirate publication riddle rot scare shortly skeleton spoil starve thrill wicked hushtak jun tanishmoq qabriston la'natlamoq niqob noodatiy chiroq qalpoq yashovchi oziqlantirish qaroqchi nashr topishmoq chirimoq qo'rqitmoq qisqa vaqt ichida skelet buzilmoq och qolmoq qiziqish yomon