CHAPTER 5 INFANCY LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. UNDERSTAND THE TOPIC OF INFANCY; 2. DESCRIBE THE STAGES OF INFANT'S PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT, INCLUDING MOTOR SKILLS, SIGHT, HEARING, TASTE AND SMELL; 3 . D I S C U S S I N FA N T F E E D I N G , I N C L U D I N G T H E IMPORTANCE OF BREASTFEEDING. Developmentalists are careful to distinguish between sensation and perception. Sensation is the process by which sensory receptor neurons detect information and transmit it to the brain. Clearly, neonates “sense” the environment. They gaze at interesting sights, react to sounds, tastes, and odors, and are likely to cry up a storm when poked by a needle for a blood test. But do they “make sense” of these sensations? The Newborn’s Readiness for Life In the past, newborns were often characterized as fragile and helpless little organisms who were simply not prepared for life outside the womb. This view may once have been highly adaptive, helping to ease parents’ grief in earlier eras when medical procedures were rather primitive and a fair percentage of newborns died. Even today, in cultures where many newborns die because of poor health and medical care, parents often do not name their newborns until they are 3 months old and have passed the critical age for newborn death (Brazelton, 1979). Newborn Reflexes One of the neonate’s greatest strengths is a full set of useful reflexes. A reflex is an involuntary and automatic response to a stimulus, as when the eye automatically blinks in response to a puff of air. It describes some reflexes that healthy newborns display. Some of these graceful and complex patterns of behavior are called survival reflexes because they have clear adaptive value (Berne, 2003). Infant States Newborns also display organized patterns of daily activity that are predictable and foster healthy developmental outcomes. In a typical day (or night), a neonate moves in and out of six infant states, or levels of arousal, that are described in Table 5.2. During the first month, a baby may move rapidly from one state to another, as mothers observe when their wideawake babies suddenly nod off to sleep in the middle of a feeding. Developmental Changes in Infant States • Two of the states—sleeping and crying—show regular patterns of change over the fi rst year and provide important information about the developmental progress a baby is making. Changes in Sleep As infants develop, they spend less time sleeping and more time awake, alert, and attending to their surroundings. By age 2 to 6 weeks, babies sleep only 14 to 16 hours a day; and somewhere between 3 and 7 months of age, many infants reach a milestone that parents truly appreciate— they begin to sleep through the night and require but two or three shorter naps during the day (Berg & Berg, 1987; St. James-Roberts & Plewis, 1996). The Functions and Course of Crying A baby’s earliest cries are unlearned and involuntary responses to discomfort—distress signals by which the infant makes caregivers aware of his needs. Most of a newborn’s early cries are provoked by such physical discomforts as hunger, pain, or a wet diaper, although chills, loud noises, and even sudden changes in illumination (as when the light over a crib goes off ) are often enough to make a baby cry. An infant’s cry is a complex vocal signal that may vary from a soft whimper to piercing shrieks and wails. Philip Zeskind and his associates (1985) discovered that adults find the intense cries of hungry babies just as arousing and urgent as equally intense “pain” cries. So crying probably conveys only one very general message— “Hey, I’m distressed”—and the effectiveness of this signal at eliciting attention depends more on the amount of distress it implies than on the kind of distress that the baby is experiencing (Green, Gustafson, & McGhie, 1998; Zeskind et al., 1992). Developmental Changes in Crying Babies around the world cry most often during their first 3 months of life (St. James-Roberts & Plewis, 1996). In fact, the declines we see early in life in both crying and REM sleep suggest that both these changes are meaningfully related to the maturation of a baby’s brain and central nervous system (Halpern, MacLean, & Baumeister, 1995). Pediatricians and nurses are trained to listen carefully to the vocalizations of a newborn infant because congenital problems are sometimes detectable by the way an infant cries. Preterm babies, for example, and those who are malnourished, brain-damaged, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) the unexplained death of a sleeping infant who suddenly stops breathing (also called crib death). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Young infant from becoming aroused when oxygen intake is inadequate (Franco et al., 1998; Frick, 1999). So when babies with abnormalities in the lower brain centers are sleeping prone, are heavily bundled, or have a respiratory infection that may restrict breathing, they may not struggle suffi ciently to breathe and thus may succumb to SIDS (Iyasu et al., 2002; Ozawa et al., 2003; Sawaguchi et al., 2003a–d, g–n). Nevertheless, it is important to note that (1) not all SIDS victims have identifi able brain abnormalities, and (2) researchers, as yet, have no foolproof screening tests to predict which babies are at highest risk of SIDS. Methods of Soothing a Fussy Babyto be soothed (Korner, 1996). Even in the first few days of life, some infants are easily distressed and diffi cult to soothe, whereas others are rarely perturbed and will calm easily should they become overstimulated. One in ten infants experience colic, which is an inability to be soothed and intense, high-pitched, and irritable crying despite every physical need being met. For parents of these infants there is little consolation because the crying may continue for hours without relief. The one positive note is that colic usually ends by the third month. Other Soothing Techniques When feeding or diaper changing doesn’t work, rocking, stroking, singing lullabies, and other forms of continuous, rhythmic stimulation will often quiet restless babies (Campos, 1989; Rock & Trainor, 1999). Swaddling (wrapping the infant snugly in a blanket) is also comforting because the wraps provide continuous tactile sensation all over the baby’s body. APPLYING RESEARCH TO YOUR LIFE In many cultures, babies are kept quite contented through swaddling and having ample close contact with their mothers, who stand ready to nurse at the baby’s first whimper. Preference Method The preference method is a simple procedure in which at least two stimuli are presented simultaneously to see whether infants will attend more to one of them than the other(s) (Houston-Price & Nakai, 2004). This approach became popular during the early 1960s after Robert Fantz used it to determine whether very young infants could discriminate visual patterns (e.g., faces, concentric circles, newsprint, and unpatterned disks). Babies were placed on their backs in a looking chamber and shown two or more stimuli. The Habituation Method Perhaps the most popular strategy for measuring infant sensory and perceptual capabilities is the habituation method. Habituation is the process in which a repeated stimulus becomes so familiar that responses initially associated with it (e.g., head or eye movements, changes in respiration or heart rate) no longer occur. Thus, habituation is a simple form of learning. As the infant stops responding to the familiar stimulus, he or she is telling us that they recognize it as something that they have experienced before (Bertenthal & Longo, 2002). For this reason, the habituation method is also referred to as a “familiarization-novelty” procedure (Brookes et al., 2001; Houston-Price & Nakai, 2004). The Method of Evoked Potentials Yet another way of determining what infants can sense or perceive is to present them with a stimulus and record their brain waves. Electrodes are placed on the infant’s scalp above those brain centers that process the kind of sensory information that the investigator is presenting This means, for example, that responses to visual stimuli are recorded from the back of the head, at a site above the occipital lobe. If the infant senses the particular stimulus presented, she will show a change in the patterning of her brain waves, or evoked potential. The High-Amplitude Sucking Method Finally, most infants can exert enough control over their sucking behavior to use it to show us what they can sense and to give us some idea of their likes and dislikes. After the researcher establishes an infant’s baseline sucking rate, the procedure begins. Whenever the infant sucks faster or harder than she did during the baseline observations (highamplitude sucking), she trips the electrical circuit in the pacifier, thereby activating a slide projector or tape recorder that introduces some kind of sensory stimulation. Infant Sensory Capabilities Hearing Soft sounds that adults hear must be made noticeably louder before a neonate can detect them (Aslin, Pisoni, & Jusczyk, 1983). In the fi rst few hours of life, infants may hear about as well as an adult with a head cold. Their insensitivity to softer sounds could be due, in part, to fl uids that have seeped into the inner ear during the birth process. Despite this minor limitation, neonates are capable of discriminating sounds that differ in loudness, duration, direction, and frequency (Bower, 1982). They hear rather well indeed. Reactions to Voices Young infants are particularly attentive to voices, especially high-pitched feminine voices (Ecklund-Flores & Turkewitz, 1996). But can they recognize their mother’s voices? Research by Anthony DeCasper and his associates (DeCasper & Fifer, 1980; DeCasper & Spence, 1986, 1991) reveals that newborns suck faster on a nipple to hear a recording of their mother’s voice than a recording of another woman. Reactions to Language Not only do babies listen closely to voices, but they are also a b l e t o d i s c r i mi n a t e b a s i c s p e e c h s o u n d s — c a l l e d phonemes—very early in life. Peter Eimas (1975b, 1985) pioneered research in this area by demonstrating that infants 2 to 3 months old could distinguish consonant sounds that are very similar (e.g., ba and pa). In fact, infants less than 1 week old can tell the difference between the vowels a and i (Clarkson & Berg, 1983), and can even segment words into discrete syllables (Bijeljac-Babic, Bertoncini, & Mehler, 1993). Causes and Consequences of Hearing Loss Youngsters with recurring infections may have diffi culties understanding others’ speech, which could hamper their language development as well as other cognitive and social skills that normally emerge early in childhood. And there is reason for concern. Children who have had recurring ear infections early in life do show delays in language development and poorer academic performance early in elementary school than peers whose bouts with the disease were less prolonged (Friel-Patti & Finitzo, 1990; Teele, Klein, & Chase et al., 1990). They also exhibit impaired auditory attention skills (Asbjornsen et al., 2005). Visual Perception in Infancy Perception of Patterns and Forms Recall Robert Fantz’s observations of infants in his looking chamber: babies only 2 days old could easily discriminate visual patterns. Early Pattern Perception (0 to 2 Months) Apparently not. When Fantz (1961) presented young infants with a face, a stimulus consisting of scrambled facial features, and a simpler stimulus that contained the same amount of light and dark shading as the facelike and scrambled face drawings, the infants were just as interested in the scrambled face as the normal one. Later Form Perception (2 Months to 1 Year) Between 2 and 12 months of age, the infant’s visual system is rapidly maturing. She now sees better and is capable of making increasingly complex visual discriminations, eventually even including temporal movement sequencing into her discriminations (Kirkham, Slemmer, Richardson, & Johnson, 2007). She is also organizing what she sees to perceive visual forms and sets of separate forms (Cordes & Brannon, 2008). Explaining Form Perception Newborns are biologically prepared to seek visual stimulation and make visual discriminations. These early visual experiences are important, for they keep the visual neurons firing and contribute to the maturation of the visual centers of the brain (Nelson, 1995). By about 2 to 3 months of age, maturation has progressed to the point of allowing an infant to see more detail, scan more systematically, and begin to construct visual forms, including one for faces in general, as well as more specifi c confi gurations that represent the faces of familiar companions. Perception of Three-Dimensional Space Because we adults easily perceive depth and the third dimension, it is tempting to conclude that newborns can too. But when are infants capable of perceiving depth and making reasonably accurate inferences about size and spatial relations? We’ll briefly consider research designed to answer these questions. Size Constancy Very young infants have shown some intriguing abilities to interpret movement across the third dimension. For example, a 1-month-old reacts defensively by blinking his eyes as a looming object approaches his face (Nanez & Yonas, 1994). Three- to fi ve-montholds react differently to looming objects than to looming openings. Along with pressing the head backward and throwing the arms outward, infants’ heightened blinking response has been interpreted as anticipation of an impending collision (Schmuckler & Li, 1998). Use of Pictorial Cues Albert Yonas and his associates have studied infants’ reactions to monocular depth cues—the tricks artists and photographers use to portray depth and distance on a twodimensional surface. In the earliest of these studies (Yonas, Cleaves, & Pettersen, 1978), infants were exposed to a photograph of a bank of windows taken at a 45-degree angle. Development of Depth Perception Eleanor Gibson and Richard Walk (1960) developed an apparatus they called the visual cliff to determine whether infants can perceive depth. The visual cliff (see Figure) consists of an elevated glass platform divided into two sections by a center board. On the “shallow” side, a checkerboard pattern is placed directly under the glass. On the “deep” side, the pattern is placed several feet below the glass, creating the illusion of a sharp drop-off, or a “visual cliff.” The investigator tests an infant for depth perception by placing him on the center board and then asking the child’s mother to try to coax the infant to cross both the “shallow” and the “deep” sides. Motor Development and Depth Perception. One reason that many 6- to 7-montholds come to fear drop-offs is that they are more sensitive to kinetic, binocular, and monocular depth cues than younger infants are. Yet, this fear also depends very heavily on the experiences infants have creeping and crawling about and perhaps falling now and then. Joseph Campos and his associates (1992) found that infants who have crawled for a couple of weeks are much more afraid of drop-offs than infants of the same age who are not yet crawling. In fact, precrawlers quickly develop a healthy fear of heights when given special walkers that allow them to move about on their own. So motor development provides experiences that change infants’ interpretation of the meaning of depth. Intermodal perception • the ability to use one sensory modality to identify a stimulus or pattern of stimuli that is already familiar through another modality. Are the Senses Integrated at Birth? It would obviously be useful for an infant who is attempting to understand the world to be able to integrate information gained by viewing, fi ngering, sniffi ng, or otherwise exploring objects. Do the senses function in an integrative way early in life? Suppose that you captured a baby’s attention by fl oating a soap bubble in front of her face. Would she reach for it? If she did, how do you think she would react when the bubble pops at her slightest touch? Thomas Bower and his associates (1970) exposed neonates to a situation similar to the soap-bubble scenario. The subjects were 8- to 31-day-old infants who could see an object well within reaching distance while they were wearing special goggles. Actually, this virtual object was an illusion created by a shadow caster. If the infant reached for it, his or her hand would feel nothing at all. Bower and his associates found that the infants did reach for the virtual object and that they often became frustrated to tears when they failed to touch it. Development of Intermodal Perception Although intermodal perception has never been observed in newborns, it seems that babies only 1 month old have the ability to recognize by sight at least some of the objects they have previously sucked. In one study, Eleanor Gibson and Arlene Walker (1984) allowed 1-month-old infants to suck either a rigid cylinder or a spongy, pliable one. Then the two objects were displayed visually to illustrate that the spongy cylinder would bend and the rigid one would not. Explaining Intermodal Perception The intersensory redundancy hypothesis suggests that the amodal detection of a stimulus aids in the development and differentiation of individual senses (Bahrick & Lickliter, 2000). That is, the multiple sensory modalities of a stimulus object draw an infant’s attention, and as the infant attends to and interacts with that object, the infant gathers comparative input that refi nes individual sensory modalities. Basic Learning Processes in Infancy ■ The individual now thinks, perceives, or reacts to the environment in a new way. ■ This change is clearly the result of a person’s experiences—that is, attributable to repetition, study, practice, or the observations the person has made, rather than to hereditary or maturational processes or to physiological damage resulting from injury. ■ The change is relatively permanent. Facts, thoughts, and behaviors that are acquired and immediately forgotten have not really been learned, and temporary changes due to fatigue, illness, or drugs do not qualify as learned responses. ■ Let’s now consider four fundamental ways in which infants learn: habituation, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. Habituation: Early Evidence of Information Processing and Memory Earlier, we touched on one very simple and oftenoverlooked form of learning called habituation—the process by which we stop attending or responding to a stimulus repeated over and over (Streri, Lemoine, & Devouche, 2008). Habituation can be thought of as learning to become disinterested in stimuli that are recognized as familiar and nothing to get excited about. It can occur even before a baby is born: 27- to 36-week-old fetuses initially become quite active when a vibrator is placed on the mother’s abdomen, but soon stop moving (i.e., habituate), as if they process these vibrations as a familiar sensation that is no longer worthy of attention (Madison, Madison, & Adubato, 1986). Individual Differences Infants reliably differ in the rate at which they habituate. Some are highly effi cient information processors: they quickly recognize repetitive sensory inputs and are very slow to forget what they have experienced. Others are less effi cient: they require longer exposures to brand a stimulus as “familiar” and may soon forget what they have learned. Classical Conditioning A second way that infants learn is through classical conditioning. In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus (the conditioned stimulus, or CS) that initially has no effect on the infant eventually elicits a response (the conditioned response, or CR) of some sort by virtue of its association with a second stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus, or UCS)that always elicits the response. Operant Conditioning in Infancy Even babies born prematurely are susceptible to operant conditioning (Thoman & Ingersoll, 1993). However, successful conditioning in very young infants is generally limited to the few biologically signifi cant behaviors (i.e., sucking, head-turning) that they can control (Rovee-Collier, 1997). Newborns are also very ineffi cient information processors who learn very slowly. So if you hoped to teach 2-day-old infants to turn their heads to the right and offered them a nippleful of milk every time they did, you would fi nd that they took about 200 trials, on average, to acquire this simple habit (Papousek, 1967). Can Infants Remember What They Have Learned? Earlier, we noted that very young infants seem to have very short memories. Minutes after they have habituated to a stimulus, they may begin to respond once again to that stimulus, as if they no longer recognize it as familiar. Yet, the simple act of recognizing a stimulus as “familiar” may not be terribly meaningful to a neonate, or even a 2-monthold. Might young infants be better at remembering behaviors they have performed and that have proved to be reinforcing? Newborn Imitation or Observational Learning The last form of basic learning we will consider is observational learning, which results from observing the behavior of other people. Almost anything can be learned by watching (or listening to) others. For example, a child may learn how to speak a language and tackle math problems, as well as how to swear, snack between meals, and smoke by imitating his parents. Newborn Imitation Researchers once believed that infants were unable to imitate the actions of another person until the latter half of the first year (Piaget, 1951). But beginning in the late 1970s, a number of studies began to report that babies less than 7 days old were apparently able to imitate a number of adult facial gestures, including sticking out their tongues, opening and closing their mouths, protruding their lower lips (as if they were sad), and even displays of happiness (Field et al., 1982; Meltzoff & Moore, 1977) Advances in Imitation and Observational Learning An infant’s capacity to imitate novel responses that are not a part of her behavioral repertoire becomes much more obvious and more reliable between 8 and 12 months of age (Piaget, 1951).