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Class Practice 3 - Answers (Critical Thinking Skills)

Class Practice 3
Question 1
Which of the following is an argument?
Response: The room is messy because John Campbell was in here earlier, and he is a messy
Correct answer: You should tidy up after yourself since nobody likes to use this room after you.
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 2
A premise is….
Response: the argument that leads to the conclusion
Correct answer: the statement that comprise reason for an argument
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 3
If guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns. Don't outlaw guns.
The above is an example of....
Response: argument
Correct answer: argument
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 4
The one characteristic shared by many forms of critical thinking is the focus on the quality of an
individual's ________.
Response: ethical values
Correct answer: reasoning
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 5
The intersection of a claim and its support is called...
Response: an argument
Correct answer: an argument
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 6
Critical thinking ________.
Response: is the ability to understand the structure of an argument and apply a set of evaluative
criteria to assess its merits
Correct answer: is the ability to understand the structure of an argument and apply a set of
evaluative criteria to assess its merits
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 7
A social scientist asks, “What are the costs, benefits, risks, and opportunities of closing the
homeless shelter in this community?”
Which critical thinking skill does this question manifest, and what aspect of the phenomena
under investigation does this question consider?
Response: Interpretation – Participants
Correct answer: Evaluation – Situation
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 8
Which of the following statements best describes the critical thinking process?
Response: Critical thinking is about cynically showing why other people are always wrong..
Correct answer: Critical thinking is about making decisions based on reasons that speak for
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 9
Select the best fallacy for the following statement:
“Mom, I am not running around the house. I’m practicing for my track meet.”
Response: Strawman
Correct answer: Red Herring
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 10
Peter: "Based on the arguments I have presented, it is evident that it is morally wrong to use
animals for food or clothing." Bill: "But you are wearing a leather jacket and you have a roast
beef sandwich in your hand! How can you say that using animals for food and clothing is wrong!
Based on the conversation above, the most suitable fallacy would be _____
Response: Tu Quoque
Correct answer: Tu Quoque
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 11
Which of the following statements about critical thinking is true?
Response: It is about how you approach problems. .
Correct answer: It is about how you approach problems. .
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 12
Martin, an entrepreneur, has been facing an employee union strike at his factory for the past
four weeks. Last week, the laborers from his factory entered his home without his consent to list
out their demands to him while insisting on better working conditions for the employees. Martin
consulted his lawyer who was of the opinion that the committed offense was criminal in nature.
Which among the following statements best describes the issue in this scenario?
Response: the employee union striking at Martin's factory
Correct answer: Are union organizers permitted to enter an employer's property?
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 13
Annabelle is a novelist who has crafted a protagonist with strong critical thinking skills.
What is something her protagonist would say?
Response: It is possible for problems to have more than one possible solution.
Correct answer: It is possible for problems to have more than one possible solution.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 14
Why is openness so important to the practice of critical thinking?
Response: People are not open unless they know you will be fair.
Correct answer: You must be able to fairly assess new ideas.
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 15
What is the best evaluation of this argument?
“A university was saved from financial and academic disaster by its provost, who later went on
to become a consultant. James Hoopster became a consultant after having served as a
provost. So James Hoopster saved his university from financial and academic disaster.”
Response: It is invalid because we cannot be sure if we are referring to the same provost
Correct answer: It is invalid because we cannot be sure if we are referring to the same provost
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 16
“The “global warming” theory maintains that everything is getting warmer, not colder.
But if that’s true, then my tea should be getting warmer, not colder, as it sits here in the cup. But
of course it never does. Therefore, there is no global warming.” commits the fallacy of _____
Response: Red Herring
Correct answer: Straw man
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 17
All stars produce energy. The Sun is a star. Therefore, the Sun produces energy.
Choose which one of the following alternatives which applies to the argument above _____
Response: cogent
Correct answer: sound
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 18
If a lecturer is grading student work for the quality of the critical thinking displayed, which of
these considerations would be the most important?
Response: the quality and fair-mindedness of reasoning displayed in the work
Correct answer: the quality and fair-mindedness of reasoning displayed in the work
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 19
Ishmael is in charge of presenting information to a women’s health care committee. As a
Muslim, he opposes abortion, so he decides to leave out any reference to it. Based on this
scenario, Ishmael is....
Response: analyzing alternative points of view.
Correct answer: presenting biased information.
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 20
John and Sandra signed a contract on the 1st of January. The contract required Sandra to
deliver goods to John on the 20th of January. Sandra failed to deliver the goods. John sued
Sandra and the judge held that she had breached the contract. As a result, John was entitled
to damages. Which of the following is considered the conclusion of the case?
Response: John and Sandra signed a contract on the 1st of January.
Correct answer: Sandra breached the contract and as a result John was entitled to damages
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 21
All licensed physicians in the United States are medical school graduates. Ralph is not a medical
school graduate, so Ralph is not a licensed physician in the United States.
What is the conclusion for the statement above?
Response: Ralph is not a licensed physician in the U.S.
Correct answer: Ralph is not a licensed physician in the U.S.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 22
“To all those who argue that multi-culturalism has failed, I say: what effort did you ever make
personally to integrate? What effort did you make to make it a success yourselves?” commits
the fallacy of _____.
Response: appeal to emotion
Correct answer: ad hominem
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 23
Which of the following is a statement?
Response: If you don’t close the door, the dog will get out.*
Correct answer: If you don’t close the door, the dog will get out.*
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 24
Sensationalism is used by the media in order to:
Response: Excite and attract viewers.
Correct answer: Excite and attract viewers.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 25
Which of the following statements about risk and uncertainty is true?
Response: Nobody can escape life’s risks and uncertainties.
Correct answer: Nobody can escape life’s risks and uncertainties.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 26
In building a case, the best procedure is to look for......
Response: steps in critical decision making.
Correct answer: steps in critical decision making.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 27
The standard, direct use of “We must face the facts and stop looking the other way” is______
Response: directive use
Correct answer: directive use
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 28
strong critical thinkers strive for...
Response: precision.
Correct answer: precision.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 29
A person who believes that critical thinking is similar to other skills-based activities is most likely to
suggest that it ________.
Response: can be improved by guided practice
Correct answer: can be employed only when there are contradicting ideas
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 30
The standard, direct use of “I’m shocked to learn that these employees actually start work when
overtime kicks in” is,_____.
Response: directive use
Correct answer: expressive use
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 31
Which of the following is an argument?
Response: "I am writing about the cost of concert tickets. I am outraged at how much ticket
prices are increasing every year. A few years ago, one could attend a popular concert for a
decent price. Now some musicians are asking as much as 200to 300." [Letter to the editor,
Buffalo News]
Correct answer: Faster-than-light travel is not possible. It would violate a law of nature.
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 32
“It is not a good idea to encourage students to question their most fundamental moral
beliefs. For once a person begins to doubt them, she may ultimately reject them; and if enough
people did that, it would lead to deterioration of our moral values, and ultimately to social
anarchy” commits the fallacy of _____
Response: Tu quoque
Correct answer: slippery slope
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 33
Jason is a lecturer in Veritas University College.
Which of the following statements is true?
Response: Jason can only teach government-sanctioned information
Correct answer: Jason can teach critical thinking in his courses
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 34
“We need to have our usual staff picnic instead of a luncheon or we’ll lose our workers and then
the company will fold.”
The statement above consists of TWO fallacies which are...
Response: Slippery Slope and False Dilemma
Correct answer: Slippery Slope and False Dilemma
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 35
Alex’s coworker Emir presents information in a very sarcastic, biting tone. However, he usually
makes some good points.
As a critical thinker, what should Alex ask himself?
Response: Can I identify Emir’s good ideas and claims despite his off-putting way of expressing
Correct answer: Can I identify Emir’s good ideas and claims despite his off-putting way of
expressing himself?
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 36
Which of the following is a non-statement?
Response: How many stars are in our galaxy?
Correct answer: How many stars are in our galaxy?
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 37
Sam is a manager of a supermarket. Whenever he communicates with his colleagues, he
makes a point not to create conflicts or offend any of them.
Sam’s communication style is ………… communication style.
Response: Passive
Correct answer: assertive
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 38
“An aspirin a day can reduce the risk of heart disease,” is an example of a proposition of _____.
Response: value
Correct answer: fact
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 39
All penguins are great mathematicians. George Bush is a penguin. Therefore, George Bush is a
great mathematician.
The argument above is _____
Response: valid but unsound
Correct answer: valid but unsound
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 40
“You must pass the final exam in order to pass Critical Thinking.”
Passing the final exam is ______ condition for passing Critical Thinking.
Response: neither a necessary nor a sufficient
Correct answer: a necessary
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 41
The text indicates that prejudicial statements can involve . . .
Response: deductive arguments that are untrue, even if logically valid.
Correct answer: deductive arguments that are untrue, even if logically valid.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 42
The standard, direct use of “Mass is the quantity of matter in a body regardless of its volume or
any forces acting on it” is_____
Response: directive use
Correct answer: informative use
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 43
Is the following argument sound?
“Not every argument is of equal quality. Therefore, at least one argument is better than at least
one other argument.”
Response: No, because there is the possibility that the premise could be true but the conclusion
Correct answer: Yes, because the premise is true and it implies the conclusion.
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 44
“Copernicus demonstrated that the earth was not the center of the solar system. We now know
that our solar system is not the center of our galaxy, and that our galaxy is not the center of the
universe. So let me suggest that in all probability none of us should take ourselves so seriously that
we think we are the center of everything.” The previous passage is best described as __________.
Response: a fallacious argument masquerading as valid
Correct answer: a way of reminding people not to take themselves too seriously
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 45
Now that you're mayor of the city, do you still believe that the city government is a waste of
The above is a....
Response: statement
Correct answer: statement
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 46
"If women in first world countries were oppressed, they wouldn't be able to study in colleges how
oppressed they are!"
The statement has a common logical fallacy of _____
Response: Ad Hominem
Correct answer: Strawman
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 47
Cindy : Oh, your boyfriend cheated on you?
Devi : Yes!!
Cindy: Please tell me more about how the entire male population is responsible.
The conversation above depicts common logical fallacy of_____
Response: Hasty generalisation
Correct answer: Hasty generalisation
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 48
Evidence, values, and credibility combine to...
Response: demonstrate truth.
Correct answer: support a claim.
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 49
"So, you don’t agree that we should spend taxpayer money on the bullet train? I’m surprised
that you are against all transportation innovations."
What is the most suitable fallacy for the statement above?
Response: Ad Hominem
Correct answer: Strawman
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 50
“If James doesn’t come to my candidate’s party, then no one will show up and then I’ll have
wasted all this money and my candidate will lose.”
The most suitable fallacy is. . .
Response: False Dilema
Correct answer: Slippery Slope
Score: 0 out of 1