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Peugeot Tangier Work Experience Report

Module name: Work Experience
Module number: BRM5032
Student name:Chaimae Essabi
Student number: st20167881
Placement Module Number and Title: Peugeot Tangier
date of report: 20th july 2021
Wok experience report
I did an internship this summer at a french automobile manufacturer “PEUGEOT”. The
predecessor of the current firm was formed in 1810, with the conversion of the family mill in
Herimoncourt into a factory. Various branches of the family will begin on quite diverse
productions, all of which will be based on steel (tools, springs, umbrellas, frames of consets, coffee
mill, timepieces, bicycles ...) The Peugeot company is at the origin of the PSA group which also
includes Citroen, bought by Michelin in 1976, DSn founded in 2014, as well as Vauxhall and its
sister. German Opel (formerly GM Europe). Peugeot mainly produces passenger cars, utility
vehicles and two-road vehicles. In 2009, the company's sales amounted to nearly 1.52 million
motor vehicles worldwide, including 1.12 million in europe. In 2016, the brand sold 1,919,460
vehicles. In 1977 sopriam was founded in morocco casablanca by l’ONA, and it is a subsidiary of
the Al Mada group and the exclusive distributor of the Peugeot, Citroen and DS brands in Morocco.
And sopriam has a network of branches and dealers spread throughout the Moroccan territory. It
has 6 branches in Casablanca dedicated to the sale of new vehicles, the sale of spare parts and
vehicle maintenance. 8 dual-brand branches with spare parts sales points and workshops for
vehicle maintenance in Mohammedia, tangier and its where i was located, Kenitra, Tetouan, Fez,
Meknes and Marrakech. and a site dedicated to the buyback and sale of used vehicles in casablanca
(Accueil, 2021).
The location of my placement was in Boulevard Mohammed V, street of Rabat, in tangier, i started
my internship in 1st july, the internship was 15 working days long, where in the first few days i
received a small training where i was shown how to greet and address customers, i was then shown
around the dealership to understand where each car model is. My main task involved customers
giving a down payment in order to get their cars in three months. The task requirement part
includes the company's mission and the way they operate as sellers, and then what my tasks were
in the company and what I was required to do. I will note that I did not receive any electronic
materials for the internship as I did not need any. Following is the SWOT analysis that highlights
my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then the recommendations that are based on
my observations and experience, that can help the company eventually grow and fix any internal
Finally we have the conclusion that contains all of the main points of each part of this report, and
in which i give my personal take on the experience as whole (PEUGEOT - Concessionnaire auto
à Tanger - Bons Plans Tanger, 2021).
Task requirement:
All activities taken are aimed at following objectives: Social leadership is necessary since the
business success is inextricably linked to its social and environmental performance. The Group is
growing by co-construction in a sustainable connection with its social actors founded on respect,
optimism, and integrity (A Leader for a New Era of Mobility, 2021).
I spent my first week located in the showroom shadowing other workers, where got to learn
about the commercial department. I learned the different missions of a salesperson.
the salesperson can carry out several activities at the same time. First I started with
prospecting, which is its primary task and which consists in bringing new customers to the
Company, seeing as the car industry is very competitive, i not only had to convince clients to
switch to our car brand but i also had to find the optimal vehicle for them, for example, a family
looking for a car might prefer an SUV.n communication, which allows us to convey information
about the product or
service to targeted customers. the service, which must intervene before and after the sale by
making myself available to the customers and listening to their comments. The sale itself,
which concludes the phase of approaching the customer and the commercial presentation of
the product or service, because In an increasingly dynamic and competitive world,
businesses are trying to strengthen not just their connections with their partners, but also the
bonds that bind them to their consumers. Since the emergence of marketing optics, the latter
has been the primary goal of the company's success. In fact, marketing is a process of
harmonizing the company's objectives, resources, and revenue demands in order to better
serve consumers. And to do this, I must take into account the specificities of the target
market and the positioning sought by the company in each market.
A Car Sales associate, also known as an Automobile Salesperson, is in charge of selling
automobiles, trucks, and vans for both individual and commercial usage. Interacting with
consumers to evaluate their requirements, advertising special offers at their shop, and participating
in test drives with potential buyers are among their responsibilities. It is important to not only
present the clients with products we’re selling but with one that they not only want but also need,
it is also important to take into consideration the customers lifestyle and figure out what
characteristics each individual find desirable in a car
My responsibilities during the internship were (Intern Job Description, 2021):
➢ Serve customers when they arrive at the dealership.
➢ Display the company's automobiles and educate buyers on their benefits and guarantees.
➢ Respond to consumer inquiries about automobiles, finance, and the purchasing procedure.
➢ Help support clients on test drives, obtaining permits and paperwork ahead of time in
accordance with best procedures.
➢ New car sales and exchange prices for clients' automobiles are negotiated.
➢ Work with the finance department to evaluate the financing and ownership possibilities for
each customer.
➢ Contact previous job to make sure that they are happy with their products.
The challenges i faced however, because of a sales increase, was that the company was facing a
crisis, there was a shortage of semiconductor chip which is an essential part in the production of
peugeot cars, therefore there were no new cars to sells, at the end i had to maintain the loyalty of
the customers that were coming to the dealership to purchase but did not find the product they
This task did not require any training or education that I had previously, it depended purely on my
customer service and language skills.
SWOT analysis:
➢ Knowledgeable about cars
➢ Language barrier ( company operates in
➢ Easy to work with
➢ Good customer service
➢ Bad time management
➢ Flexible
➢ Rude customers
➢ Opportunity
➢ Opportunity to get more customers
➢ Opportunity to expand knowledge
about automobile industry
➢ Shortage of cars
➢ Company had to maintain clientele
although they had no products to sell
➢ Supplier did not have stock of
semiconductor chip so i there were not
any new cars to sell
(Parsons, 2021)
The main problem that we faced was the car shortage, the company barely had any cars to sell. My
recommendation is to first be truthful with your customers, it is better to have an ethical approach
where the relationship between the company and clients is built on trust than treating clients as a
revenue source. The company should take better measures against these situations in the future,
either have backup suppliers or more stock of car parts that they know will be high in demand.
Another main concern was that the employees were working in unfavorable conditions, the
dealership did not have any AC or employees kitchen or break area where they could rest or keep
their food, as a result employees and staff members would need extra break time to leave the
dealership and take their break elsewhere. This is not only a bad work environment, it is also bad
for the company long term; with companies like this, you not only want loyal customers but also
loyal employees.
Also, as most car companies, peugeot offers guarantee and repair services, the issue is, the
mechanical noise can be heard from the dealership; this can cause issues such as : 1.There might
be a miscommunication between a customer and the salesperson,because they could not hear each
other over the noise; 2.it is another bad working condition factor, which is the fact that the
dealership employees would have to endure the noise for most of their shift at peugeot.
This can be solved a few ways, the company would either have to separate and move the
mechanical shop, which is the most costly option; or they could upgrade their technology where it
does not create a lot of noise. Technically it is better for the company to obtain better technology
because that is more productive long term (HARRISON, 2017).
To conclude this report, i would like to add that I enjoyed my internship because i learned a lot.
Business is not an easy thing as it has many different aspects to it. Each department has a lot of
work to do and has to work hand in hand with other departments. Since there was a shortage in
cars due to supply chain issues, there was a shortage in sales. It is also very difficult to find a way
to keep the customer satisfied without actually offering them a product to buy. How does a
company turn back customer and for the customer to still be happy? Through shadowing and trial
and error, there was a way for to do so. Being incline to use french also sparked up some French
that i still remember. I was able to revive a little bit of a language that died in my memory. All in
all, learning about the realistic work environment in a car company was definitely worth it and is
recommended to anyone that is considering it.
● Peugeot.ma. 2021. Accueil. [online] Available at: <https://www.peugeot.ma/>
● Bons Plans Tanger. 2021. PEUGEOT - Concessionnaire auto à Tanger - Bons Plans
Tanger. [online] Available at: <https://bonsplansmaroc.com/nos-deals/prestataires-deservices/automobile/concessionnaire/peugeot-concessionnaire-auto-a-tanger/>
● Stellantis. 2021. A Leader for a New Era of Mobility. [online] Available at:
● Betterteam.
● Parsons, N., 2021. What Is a SWOT Analysis and How to Do it Right in 2021 (With
Examples). [online] Liveplan.com. Available at: <https://www.liveplan.com/blog/what-isa-swot-analysis-and-how-to-do-it-right-with-examples/>
● HARRISON, T., 2017. 7 recommendations for the Mental Health and Workplace Review.