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AI & Automation in ADM & AKDITAL: An Organizational Analysis

Chaimae Essabi
MBA7000 - People and Organisations
ADM & AKDITAL on AI and automation
Organisations must continually grow and adapt to address a wide range of difficulties, including
changes in technology, the introduction of new opponents, and changes in laws, regulations, or
fundamental economic factors. And as the representative of the management consulting firm, I will be
taking in two different clients (ADM) and (AKDITAL). In this paper, I will go through several
elements of introducing technology to both organisations.
ADM (Autoroutes Du Maroc) is the concessionaire authorised by the Moroccan government to build,
manage, and maintain the country's highways. Since its creation in 1989, ADM has developed a 1,800
km highway network, making it the second largest in Africa after South Africa. (Découvrez La
Panoplie des Canaux de Recharge Jawaz 2020) and AKDITAL on the other hand, is a private health
care Group in Morocco, created in 2011 Following the deregulation of private clinic funding by the
administration of Saad Eddine El Othmani, the firm expanded and announced the launch of numerous
more locations. And was listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange in November 2022. (Akdital Group
Whether public, private or nonprofit organisations, provide us with the needs of life on a daily basis.
Food, housing, security, health care, and machinery, as well as automobiles, fuels, clothes, and
defence, are all generated by highly developed processes and are all created inside the organisations.
And only few would deny that technology has changed the world and acted as a catalyst for societal
and business progress. Technology and specialised processes define hierarchies and workflows,
generate products, build the image, manage the workers, and in certain cases, represent the
organisation itself. Neuby, Barbara. (2016)
It may boost organisational efficiency and production by automating processes, easing
communication and cooperation, and providing access to a wide range of information. Adoption of
modern technology can also deliver financial benefits to shareholders. This can result in cost savings
while also helping to recruit and retain outstanding people. (Three factors for growth with
organisational technology 2016)
Human-machine collaboration, refers to the use of technology to support and complement the work of
human personnel.
Overall, the advantages of human-machine collaboration are dependent on the organisation's unique
objectives and goals, and might vary greatly depending on the type of the job being performed.
Increased human-machine collaboration in AKDITAL can provide a variety of benefits, such as:
Increased efficiency and productivity: Machines may help with chores like data input, freeing
up healthcare staff to focus on patient care.
Enhanced decision-making: Technology can enable the analysis of vast volumes of patient
data and the use of advanced algorithms, resulting in better informed treatment decisions.
Greater adaptability: Technology can enable healthcare personnel to accomplish jobs that are
physically or mentally demanding, or that need expertise that is beyond their existing skill set.
Improved patient care: Through the use of telemedicine or virtual assistants, human-machine
collaboration can provide individualised and efficient patient care.
Cost savings: Using technology to optimise processes can result in cost reductions in areas
such as labour and materials.
Some possible downsides of enhanced human-machine collaboration for AKDITAL include:
Higher initial investment expenses for obtaining and adopting new technologies.
Employee training on how to utilise and operate with new technologies is required.
Dependence on technology, which might lead to risks if it fails or is disturbed.
Some human employees may face job loss or relocation.
Concerns have been raised about the ethical implications of delegating certain duties to
robots, notably in the healthcare business.
Staff may also be resistant to change, since the incorporation of technology may need them adapting
to new methods of working and learning new skills.
Overall, it is critical for a private-sector health care organisation to carefully analyse the possible
downsides of enhanced human-machine collaboration and prepare for how to manage them in order to
assure the technology's success. (Author links open overlay
panelTessaHaesevoetsaPersonEnvelopeDavidDe CremerbKimDierckxaAlainVan Hiela et al., 2021)
On the other hand Increased human-machine collaboration in ADM as a government owned company
can result in a variety of advantages, including:
Increased efficiency and productivity: Machines can help with activities like surveying,
paving, and maintenance, enabling humans to focus on more difficult jobs.
Enhanced safety: The employment of technology, such as drones for inspections or
autonomous vehicles for maintenance, can increase workplace safety.
Greater adaptability: Human personnel can once again be empowered by technology to
complete duties that are physically or cognitively demanding, or that need expertise that
exceeds their current skill set.
Improved road maintenance: Through the use of sensors and predictive analytics, humanmachine collaboration can allow more efficient and effective road maintenance.
Cost savings: Using technology to improve processes can again lead to cost savings in labour
and materials. Landsbergen D, Wolken G (2001)
The following are some possible downsides of enhanced human-machine collaboration for ADM:
Higher initial investment expenses for obtaining and adopting new technologies.
Employee training on how to utilise and operate with new technologies is required.
Dependence on technology, which might lead to risks if it fails or is disturbed.
Some human employees may face job loss or relocation.
Concerns about the ethical implications of delegating some duties to computers.
Mckinsey 7s method
The McKinsey 7S model is a framework for assessing and enhancing an organisation's effectiveness.
It is made up of seven components: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, personnel, and
skills. It may be helpful in AKDITAL to automate key operations, such as appointment scheduling
and medical record keeping, in order to enhance efficiency and decrease the possibility of mistakes.
Billing and claims processing, as well as some parts of patient care, such as prescription delivery, may
also be eligible for automation.
On the other hand There are a few functions that may possibly be automated in the context of in ADM
utilising the 7S model include:
Data input and management: Automating data entry and management processes can
assist minimise employee workload while increasing efficiency.
Financial reporting: Automating financial reporting operations can assist decrease
mistake risk and improve financial report accuracy.
Customer service: By automating some elements of customer service, such as
answering commonly asked queries, workers may devote more time to more
complicated duties.
Maintenance scheduling: Automating maintenance scheduling can assist guarantee
that maintenance chores are done on time and that resources are used efficiently.
Suwanda & Nugroho, Bernardus. (2022).
AKDITAL can manage the changes to its organisational structure caused by the implementation of
technology by ensuring that staff are aware of the change, want to support it, have the necessary
knowledge and skills, can put the change into practice, and that the change is reinforced over time
using the ADKAR model.
In contrast The deployment of technology in ADM may result in a variety of modifications to the
organisational structure. Technology, for example, might be leveraged to streamline maintenance and
repair operations, resulting in a flatter organisational structure. Technology might also be utilised to
promote employee communication and cooperation, resulting in a more decentralised organisation.
Furthermore, the use of technology may necessitate the acquisition of specific knowledge and
abilities, resulting in a functional organisation with specialised units or teams. The particular
organisational adjustments will be determined by the technology being introduced and the aims of the
government-owned highway enterprise. Ainur & Yulianti, Praptini. (2022)
As a result of increasing human-machine collaboration, both an AKDITAL and ADM may see
changes in leadership style as a result of technology adoption. The incorporation of technology in
both types of companies may need leaders adapting their management style to match the new methods
of working that technology provides.
Leaders at AKDITAL may need to adopt a more collaborative and facilitative approach, since
personnel may work more autonomously and remotely, relying on technology to communicate and
interact. They may also need to prioritise continual learning and professional development, as
employees may need to master new skills in order to use technology efficiently.
As technological integration raises safety issues, ADM executives may need to adopt a more
directive and controlling attitude. They may also need to prioritise training and development to ensure
that employees are proficient in the usage of new technologies.
Overall, the precise modifications to leadership style will be determined by the technology being used
and the organisation's goals.
In conclusion, the implementation of technology can have a substantial impact on both private and
public firms, impacting organisational structure, company culture, and leadership style. The specific
consequences will be determined by the technology used and the organisation's goals. It is critical for
both private and public enterprises to carefully analyse the possible benefits and obstacles of
technology implementation and plan for how to solve them in order to assure the technology's
Découvrez La Panoplie des Canaux de Recharge Jawaz (no date) ADM. Available at:
https://www.adm.co.ma/fr (Accessed: January 1, 2023).
Akdital Group (2022) AKDITAL Group - The leader in private health care in Morocco. Available at:
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Technology | HelpSystems. Available at: https://www.fortra.com/blog/three-factors-involvedorganizations-technological-growth (Accessed: December 31, 2022).
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