Uploaded by Claudia Ionela Nicula

Invitation email

To: coreteam@officegreen.com
Subject: Meeting Invitation_Survey insights discussion and action plan for team meeting.
Dear team,
That’d been exciting to see our great improvement in deliveries and customer service in our team meeting project. It’s the result of our hardwork
and continuous improvement spirit.
However, the insights from the survey pointed out that we will need to improve our deliveries and potentially to consider implementing new
customer’s initiatives : delivery time and live chat. Therefore, I’m writing this email to invite you to join our meeting at 10:00 AM , July 21st at
Conference Room. This meeting is to discuss about the insights , give feedbacks to come up with action plan for improvement.
Kindly access to the Meeting Agenda in the attachment for more details of the meeting, 3 topic we are going to discussion and each person’s
Again, thank you a lot for your hardwork so far. I believe if we keep the spirit going , we’ll certainly achieve the success of the project!
Signature: Name, Project Manager