Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications INSTITUTE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS RAE411 Telecommunications Software Tianhua Chen 2022/10/21 1 Basic Concepts of Graphs and Related Terms ▪ Graph is a non linear data structure; A map is a well-known example of a graph. In a map various connections are made between the cities. The cities are connected via roads, railway lines and aerial network. We can assume that the graph is the interconnection of cities by roads. Euler used graph theory to solve Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem. Is there a possible way to traverse every bridge exactly once – Euler Tour 2 A graph contains a set of points known as nodes (or vertices) and set of links known as edges (or Arcs) which connects the vertices. Graph Terminology 1. Vertex : An individual data element of a graph is called as Vertex. Vertex is also known as node. In above example graph, A, B, C, D & E are known as vertices. 3 2. Edge : An edge is a connecting link between two vertices. Edge is also known as Arc. An edge is represented as (starting Vertex, ending Vertex). In above graph, the link between vertices A and B is represented as (A,B). Riga Technical University ▪ Edges are three types: ▪ 1. Undirected Edge - An undirected edge is a bidirectional edge. If there is an undirected edge between vertices A and B then edge (A , B) is equal to edge (B , A). ▪ 2. Directed Edge - A directed edge is a unidirectional edge. If there is a directed edge between vertices A and B then edge (A , B) is not equal to edge (B , A). ▪ 3. Weighted Edge - A weighted edge is an edge with cost on it. Edges can be weighted; for example, "distance," "travel time," and "fare" between two stops in a transit network can all be used as weights. 4 Types of Graphs 1. Undirected Graph A graph with only undirected edges is said to be undirected graph. 2. Directed Graph A graph with only directed edges is said to be directed graph. Riga Technical University 5 3. Complete Graph A graph in which any V node is adjacent to all other nodes present in the graph is known as a complete graph. An undirected graph contains the edges that are equal to edges = n(n-1)/2 where n is the number of vertices present in the graph. The following figure shows a complete graph. 6 4. Regular Graph Regular graph is the graph in which nodes are adjacent to each other, i.e., each node is accessible from any other node. Riga Technical University 7 5. Cycle Graph A graph having cycle is called cycle graph. In this case the first and last nodes are the same. A closed simple path is a cycle. 6. Acyclic Graph A graph without cycle is called acyclic graphs. Riga Technical University 7. Weighted Graph A graph is said to be weighted if there are some non negative value assigned to each edges of the graph. The value is equal to the length between two vertices. Weighted graph is also called a network. Riga Technical University 8 9 Outgoing Edge A directed edge is said to be outgoing edge on its origin vertex. Incoming Edge A directed edge is said to be incoming edge on its destination vertex. Degree Total number of edges connected to a vertex is said to be degree of that vertex. Indegree Total number of incoming edges connected to a vertex is said to be indegree of that vertex. Outdegree Total number of outgoing edges connected to a vertex is said to be outdegree of that vertex. Parallel edges or Multiple edges If there are two undirected edges to have the same end vertices, and for two directed edges to have the same origin and the same destination. Such edges are called parallel edges or multiple edges. Self-loop An edge (undirected or directed) is a self-loop if its two endpoints coincide. Simple Graph A graph is said to be simple if there are no parallel and self-loop edges. Adjacent nodes When there is an edge from one node to another then these nodes are called adjacent nodes. Incidence In an undirected graph the edge between v1 and v2 is incident on node v1 and v2. Riga Technical University Walk A walk is defined as a finite alternating sequence of vertices and edges, beginning and ending with vertices, such that each edge is incident with the vertices preceding and following it. Closed walk A walk which is to begin and end at the same vertex is called close walk. Otherwise it is an open walk. If e1,e2,e3,and e4 be the edges of pair of vertices (v1,v2),(v2,v4),(v4,v3) and (v3,v1) respectively ,then v1 e1 v2 e2 v4 e3 v3 e4 v1 be its closed walk or circuit. Path A open walk in which no vertex appears more than once is called a path. 10 If e1 and e2 be the two edges between the pair of vertices (v1,v3) and (v1,v2) respectively, then v3 e1 v1 e2 v2 be its path. Riga Technical University Length of a path The number of edges in a path is called the length of that path. In the following, the length of the path is 3. 11 Circuit A closed walk in which no vertex (except the initial and the final vertex) appears more than once is called a circuit. A circuit having three vertices and three edges. Riga Technical University Routing and Forwarding Forwarding versus Routing – Forwarding: – to select an output port based on destination address and routing table – Routing: – process by which routing table is built ▪ Routing is not the same as Forwarding ▪ Routing is the building of maps – Each routing protocol usually has its own routing database – Routing protocols populate the forwarding table ▪ Forwarding is passing the packet to the next hop device – Forwarding table contains the best path to the next hop for each prefix – There is only ONE forwarding table 12 Routing Forwarding versus Routing – Forwarding: – to select an output port based on destination address and routing table – Routing: – process by which routing table is built 13 Routing Forwarding versus Routing – Forwarding: – to select an output port based on destination address and routing table – Routing: – process by which routing table is built 14 Routing • Forwarding table VS Routing table • Forwarding table • Used when a packet is being forwarded and so must contain enough information to accomplish the forwarding function • A row in the forwarding table contains the mapping from a network number to an outgoing interface and some MAC information, such as Ethernet Address of the next hop. • Routing table • Built by the routing algorithm as a precursor to build the forwarding table • Generally contains mapping from network numbers to next hops 15 Routing Example rows from (a) routing and (b) forwarding tables 16 Routing Network as a Graph The basic problem of routing is to find the lowest-cost path between any two nodes Where the cost of a path equals the sum of the costs of all the edges that make up the path Undirected Graph Cycle Graph Sub Graph Connected Graph Routers are used as vertices, and network connections between routers are used as edge weights, which can include factors such as the speed of network connections, network load levels, and priority by time periods. As an abstraction, we combine all influencing factors into a single weight. 17 Routing • For a simple network, we can calculate all shortest paths and load them into some nonvolatile storage on each node. • Such a static approach has several shortcomings • It does not deal with node or link failures • It does not consider the addition of new nodes or links • It implies that edge costs cannot change • What is the solution? • Need a distributed and dynamic protocol • Two main classes of protocols • Distance Vector • Link State 18 Distance Vector ▪ Each node constructs a one dimensional array (a vector) containing the “distances” (costs) to all other nodes and distributes that vector to its immediate neighbors ▪ Starting assumption is that each node knows the cost of the link to each of its directly connected neighbors 19 Distance Vector Initial distances stored at each node (global view) 20 Distance Vector Initial routing table at node A 21 Distance Vector Final routing table at node A 22 Distance Vector A to G: A, B, C, D, G (cost: 4) A, C, D, G (cost: 3) A, F, G (cost: 2) Final distances stored at each node (global view) 23 Distance Vector ▪ The distance vector routing algorithm is sometimes called as Bellman-Ford algorithm ▪ Every T seconds each router sends its table to its neighbor each router then updates its table based on the new information ▪ Problems include fast response to good new and slow response to bad news. Also too many messages to update 24 Distance Vector • When a node detects a link failure ▪ F detects that link to G has failed ▪ F sets distance to G to infinity and sends update to A ▪ A sets distance to G to infinity since it uses F to reach G ▪ A receives periodic update from C with 2-hop path to G ▪ A sets distance to G to 3 and sends update to F F decides it can reach G in 4 hops via A ▪ 25 Distance Vector ▪ Slightly different circumstances can prevent the network from stabilizing – Suppose the link from A to E goes down – In the next round of updates, A advertises a distance of infinity to E, but B and C advertise a distance of 2 to E – Depending on the exact timing of events, the following might happen ▪ Node B, upon hearing that E can be reached in 2 hops from C, concludes that it can reach E in 3 hops and advertises this to A ▪ Node A concludes that it can reach E in 4 hops and advertises this to C ▪ Node C concludes that it can reach E in 5 hops; and so on. ▪ This cycle stops only when the distances reach some number that is large enough to be considered infinite Count-to-infinity problem – 26 Count-to-infinity Problem ▪ Use some relatively small number as an approximation of infinity ▪ For example, the maximum number of hops to get across a certain network is never going to be more than 16 ▪ One technique to improve the time to stabilize routing is called split horizon – When a node sends a routing update to its neighbors, it does not send those routes it learned from each neighbor back to that neighbor – For example, if B has the route (E, 2, A) in its table, then it knows it must have learned this route from A, and so whenever B sends a routing update to A, it does not include the route (E, 2) in that update 27 Count-to-infinity Problem ▪ In a stronger version of split horizon, called split horizon with poison reverse – B actually sends that back route to A, but it puts negative information in the route to ensure that A will not eventually use B to get to E – For example, B sends the route (E, ∞) to A 28 Example F to C: FABC = 6+3+4=13 FEBC = 2+1+4=7 FEDC = 2+1+9=12 FAEBC = 6+1+1+4 = 12 FAEDC = 6+1+1+9=17 FEABC = 2+1+3+4=10 FABEDC = 6+3+1+1+9=20 Riga Technical University How to find the distance vector router table for all nodes? 29 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Example Network running RIP Rather than advertising the cost of reaching other routers, the routers advertise the cost of reaching networks. Router C would advertise to router A the fact it can reach 1, network 2 and 3 cost 0 2, network 5 and 6 cost 1 3, network 4 at cost 2 RIPv2 Packet Format 30 Link State Routing Strategy: Send to all nodes (not just neighbors) information about directly connected links (not entire routing table). ▪ Link State Packet (LSP) – id of the node that created the LSP – cost of link to each directly connected neighbor – sequence number (SEQNO) – time-to-live (TTL) for this packet ▪ Reliable Flooding – store most recent LSP from each node – forward LSP to all nodes but one that sent it – generate new LSP periodically; increment SEQNO – start SEQNO at 0 when reboot – decrement TTL of each stored LSP; discard when TTL=0 31 Link State Reliable Flooding Flooding of link-state packets. (a) LSP arrives at node X; (b) X floods LSP to A and C; (c) A and C flood LSP to B (but not X); (d) flooding is complete 32 Dijkstra’s Shortest-Path Algorithm ▪ Iterative algorithm – After k iterations, know least-cost path to k nodes ▪ S: nodes whose least-cost path definitively known – Initially, S = {u} where u is the source node – Add one node to S in each iteration ▪ D(v): current cost of path from source to node v – Initially, D(v) = c(u,v) for all nodes v adjacent to u – … and D(v) = ∞ for all other nodes v – Continually update D(v) as shorter paths are learned 33 33 Dijsktra’s Algorithm 34 1 Initialization: S: Least cost path known 2 S = {u} 3 for all nodes v D(v): Known shortest cost from 4 if (v is adjacent to u) source to v 5 D(v) = c(u,v) 6 else D(v) = ∞ C(w,v): Known cost from w to v 7 8 Loop: Do 9 find w not in S with the smallest D(w) 10 add w to S 11 update D(v) for all v adjacent to w and not in S: 12 D(v) = min{D(v), D(w) + c(w,v)} 13 until all nodes in S 34 1 1 2 5 4 3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm Example 3 2 4 1 35 35 2 Dijkstra’s Algorithm Example Loop: Do 4 1 D(w) 3 not in S 1with the smallest find w add w to S 2 5 forall v adj to1 w && not in S: 1 2 5 3 4 3 1 D(v) = min{ D(v), D(w) + c(w,v) } 1 4 in S until all nodes 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 1 4 1 4 1 1 2 2 5 5 36 4 3 4 3 1 1 36 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 4 3 4 3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm Example 3 2 3 2 4 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 4 1 4 1 1 2 2 5 5 37 4 3 4 3 1 1 37 u 3 2 v w 1 4 1 2 x s 5 4 3 y t 1 • Shortest-path tree from u Shortest-Path Tree 38 z (u,v) (u,w) (u,w) (u,v) (u,v) (u,w) (u,w) link • Forwarding table at u v w x y z s t 38 u 39 3 2 v w 1 Fig. 1 1 4 2 x Fig. 3 5 s 4 3 y t 1 z Fig. 5 Fig. 2 Fig. 4 39 Shortest Path Routing ▪ In practice, each switch computes its routing table directly from the LSP’s it has collected using a realization of Dijkstra’s algorithm called the forward search algorithm ▪ Specifically each switch maintains two lists, known as Tentative and Confirmed ▪ Each of these lists contains a set of entries of the form (Destination, Cost, NextHop) 40 Shortest Path Routing ▪ The algorithm – Initialize the Confirmed list with an entry for myself; this entry has a cost of 0 – For the node just added to the Confirmed list in the previous step, call it node Next, select its LSP – For each neighbor (Neighbor) of Next, calculate the cost (Cost) to reach this Neighbor as the sum of the cost from myself to Next and from Next to Neighbor ▪ If Neighbor is currently on neither the Confirmed nor the Tentative list, then add (Neighbor, Cost, Nexthop) to the Tentative list, where Nexthop is the direction I go to reach Next ▪ If Neighbor is currently on the Tentative list, and the Cost is less than the currently listed cost for the Neighbor, then replace the current entry with (Neighbor, Cost, Nexthop) where Nexthop is the direction I go to reach Next – If the Tentative list is empty, stop. Otherwise, pick the entry from the Tentative list with the lowest cost, move it to the Confirmed list, and return to Step 2. 41 Shortest Path Routing 42 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) OSPF Header Format OSPF Link State Advertisement 43 Distance Vector vs. Link State Routing Node A: to reach F go to B Node B: to reach F go to D Node D: to reach F go to E Node E: go directly to F A B C ▪ With distance vector routing, each node has information only about the next hop: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ E Distance vector routing makes poor routing decisions if directions are not completely correct (e.g., because a node is down). D ▪ If parts of the directions incorrect, the routing may be incorrect until the routing algorithms has reconverged. 44 44 F Distance Vector vs. Link State Routing C A B E C F A C B C A E F D C B E B A D E F D D In link state routing, each node has a complete map of the topology B F ▪ A E ▪ D If a node fails, each node can calculate the new route A E C ▪ B Difficulty: All nodes need to have a consistent view of the network A D 45 B E C F D F F 45 Link State Routing: Properties ▪ Each node requires complete topology information ▪ Link state information must be flooded to all nodes ▪ Guaranteed to converge 46 46 Link State Routing: Basic principles 1. Each router establishes a relationship (“adjacency”) with its neighbors 2. Each router generates link state advertisements (LSAs) which are distributed to all routers LSA = (link id, state of the link, cost, neighbors of the link) 3. Each router maintains a database of all received LSAs (topological database or link state database), which describes the network as a graph with weighted edges 4. Each router uses its link state database to run a shortest path algorithm (Dijikstra’s algorithm) to produce the shortest path to each network 47 47 Received LSAs LSAs are flooded to other interfaces Link State Database Dijkstra’s Algorithm Operation of a Link State Routing protocol 48 IP Routing Table 48 Riga Technical University 49 OSPF ▪ OSPF = Open Shortest Path First ▪ The OSPF routing protocol is the most important link state routing protocol on the Internet ▪ The complexity of OSPF is significant ▪ History: – 1989: RFC 1131 OSPF Version 1 – 1991: RFC 1247 OSPF Version 2 – 1994: RFC 1583 OSPF Version 2 (revised) – 1997: RFC 2178 OSPF Version 2 (revised) – 1998: RFC 2328 OSPF Version 2 (current version) 50 50 Provides authentication of routing messages Enables load balancing by allowing traffic to be split evenly across routes with equal cost Type-of-Service routing allows to setup different routes dependent on the TOS field Supports subnetting Supports multicasting Allows hierarchical routing Features of OSPF ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 51 51 .1 .1 4 .2 .2 / 24 2 .2 2 .4 / 24 3 .5 .4 .5 5 .3 .3 2.0 .1. 10 .4 .5 52 1 / 24 1 .6 /2 4 10 .1. 8.0 3 .3 / 24 Example Network Router IDs are selected independent of interface addresses Link costs are called Metric Metric is in the range [0 , 216] Metric can be asymmetric / 24 .6 52 4 /2 3 .1 .2 .4 / 24 .4 .2 / 24 .2 .5 .5 .3 .3 2.0 .1. 10 .4 .5 / 24 .6 /2 4 10 .1. 8.0 .1 .3 53 / 24 Link State Advertisement (LSA) Link ID =, Metric = 4 Link ID =, Metric = 3 Link ID =, Metric = 0 ▪ The LSA of router is as follows: ▪ Link State ID: = can be Router ID ▪ Advertising Router: = Router ID ▪ Number of links: 3 = 2 links plus router itself ▪ Description of Link 1: ▪ Description of Link 2: ▪ Description of Link 3: Each router sends its LSA to all routers in the network (using a method called reliable flooding) / 24 .6 53 4 /2 Network and Link State Database .1 2.0 .1. 10 LS Type Link StateID Adv. Router 4 /2 Router-LSA .2 .4 .4 / 24 .2 .5 .5 .3 0xe39a 0x6b53 0x219e 0x9b47 Checksum .3 .2 Router-LSA 0xd2a6 0x05c3 .4 / 24 .6 0x8000003a 0x80000003 0x80000007 0x80000006 LS SeqNo 18 20 1712 1618 0 LS Age .6 0x80000038 1680 54 0x80000005 .5 /2 4 10 .1. 8.0 / 24 Router-LSA .1 Router-LSA Each router has a database which contains the LSAs from all other routers Router-LSA .3 Router-LSA / 24 / 24 54 Link State Database ▪ The collection of all LSAs is called the link-state database ▪ Each router has and identical link-state database Useful for debugging: Each router has a complete description of the network – ▪ If neighboring routers discover each other for the first time, they will exchange their link-state databases ▪ The link-state databases are synchronized using reliable flooding 55 55 OSPF Packet Format IP header OSPF packets are not carried as UDP payload! OSPF has its own IP protocol number: 89 OSPF Message Header TTL: set to 1 (in most cases) OSPF Message LSA Header LSA LSA Data LSA ... ... Body of OSPF Message Message Type Specific Data Destination IP: neighbor’s IP address or (ALLSPFRouters) or (AllDRouters) 56 LSA 56 OSPF Packet Format 2: current version is OSPF V2 OSPF Message Header Message types: 1: Hello (tests reachability) 2: Database description 3: Link Status request 4: Link state update 5: Link state acknowledgement Standard IP checksum taken over entire packet version message length Body of OSPF Message type authentication type Area ID source router IP address checksum authentication 32 bits authentication Authentication passwd = 1: 64 cleartext password Authentication passwd = 2: 0x0000 (16 bits) KeyID (8 bits) Length of MD5 checksum (8 bits) Nondecreasing sequence number (32 bits) ID of the Area from which the packet originated 0: no authentication 1: Cleartext password 2: MD5 checksum (added to end packet) Prevents replay attacks 57 57 OSPF LSA Format LSA LSA Header LSA Data LSA Header Link 1 Link 2 Link Age Link Type Link State ID advertising router Metric Metric length link sequence number Link ID Link Data #TOS metrics Link Data Link ID #TOS metrics checksum Link Type Link Type 58 58 Discovery of Neighbors Scenario: Router restarts ▪ Routers multicasts OSPF Hello packets on all OSPF-enabled interfaces. ▪ If two routers share a link, they can become neighbors, and establish an adjacency OSPF Hello OSPF Hello: I heard ▪ After becoming a neighbor, routers exchange their link state databases 59 59 Acknowledges receipt of description Sends database description. (description only contains LSA headers) OSPF Hello OSPF Hello: I heard Database Description: Sequence = X+1 Database Description: Sequence = X+1, 1 LSA header= Router-LSA,, 0x80000005 Database Description: Sequence = X, 5 LSA headers = Router-LSA,, 0x80000006 Router-LSA,, 0x80000007 Router-LSA,, 0x80000003 Router-LSA,, 0x8000003a Router-LSA,, 0x80000038 Router-LSA,, 0x80000005 Database Description: Sequence = X Database description of Sends empty database description Scenario: Router restarts After neighbors are discovered the nodes exchange their databases Discovery of adjacency Neighbor discovery and database synchronization 60 60 sends requested LSAs Regular LSA exchanges 61 Link State Request packets, LSAs = Router-LSA,, Router-LSA,, Router-LSA,, Router-LSA,, Router-LSA,, Router-LSA,, Link State Update Packet, LSAs = Router-LSA,, 0x80000006 Router-LSA,, 0x80000007 Router-LSA,, 0x80000003 Router-LSA,, 0x8000003a Router-LSA,, 0x80000038 Router-LSA,, 0x80000005 Link State Update Packet, LSA = Router-LSA,, 0x80000006 explicitly requests each LSA from has more recent value for and sends it to (with higher sequence number) 61 Update database ACK LSA Update database LSA LSA Update database LSA-Updates are distributed to all other routers via Reliable Flooding Example: Flooding of LSA from Routing Data Distribution • • 62 LSA ACK Update database Update database 62 Dissemination of LSA-Update ▪ A router sends and refloods LSA-Updates, whenever the topology or link cost changes. (If a received LSA does not contain new information, the router will not flood the packet) ▪ Exception: Infrequently (every 30 minutes), a router will flood LSAs even if there are no new changes. ▪ Acknowledgements of LSA-updates: ▪ explicit ACK, or implicit via reception of an LSA-Update ▪ 63 OSPF Design Service Provider Networks 64 OSPF Areas and Rules • • • • Backbone area (0) must exist All other areas must have connection to backbone Backbone must be contiguous Do not partition area (0) Area 2 Backbone Router Internet Area 4 Area Border Router Area 0 Ruteador Interno Area 3 Area 1 Autonomous System (AS) Border Router 65 Autonomous Systems ▪ ▪ An autonomous system is a region of the Internet that is administered by a single entity. Examples of autonomous regions are: ▪ UVA’s campus network ▪ MCI’s backbone network Regional Internet Service Provider ▪ ▪ Routing is done differently within an autonomous system (intradomain routing) and between autonomous system (interdomain routing). 66 Ethernet Ethernet Router Router Autonomous System 1 Router Ethernet Ethernet Autonomous System 2 Router Router Ethernet Autonomous Systems (AS) Ethernet Router 67 67 OSPF Design ▪ Figure out your addressing first – OSPF and addressing go together – The objective is to maintain a small link-state DB – Create address hierarchy to match the network topology – Separate blocks for infrastructure, customer interfaces, customers, etc. 68 OSPF Design ▪ Examine the physical topology – Is it meshed or hub-and-spoke (star) ▪ Try to use as Stubby an area as possible – It reduces overhead and LSA counts ▪ Push the creation of a backbone – Reduces mesh and promotes hierarchy 69 OSPF Design ▪ One SPF per area, flooding done per area – Try not to overload the ABRs (Area border router) ▪ Different types of areas do different flooding – Normal areas – Stub areas – Totally stubby (stub no-summary) – Not so stubby areas (NSSA) 70 OSPF Design ▪ Redundancy – Dual links out of each area – using metrics (cost) for traffic engineering – Too much redundancy … ▪ Dual links to backbone in stub areas must be the same – otherwise sub-optimal routing will result ▪ Too much redundancy in the backbone area without good summarization will affect convergence in the area 0 71 OSPF for ISPs ▪ OSPF features you should consider: – OSPF logging neighbor changes – OSPF reference cost – OSPF router ID command – OSPF Process Clear/Restart 72 OSPF Best Common Practices – Adding Networks 73 OSPF – Network Aggregation • BCP – Individual OSPF network statement for each infrastructure link – Have separate IP address blocks for infrastructure and customer links – Use IP unnumbered interfaces or BGP to carry /30 to customers – OSPF should only carry infrastructure routes in an ISP’s network OC12c ISP Backbone OC48 Customer Connections OC12c 74 OSPF – Adding Networks ▪ Redistribute connected subnet – Works for all connected interfaces on the router but sends networks as external types-2s – which are not summarized ▪ router ospf 100 redistribute connected subnets ▪ ▪ Not recommended 75 OSPF – Adding Networks ▪ Specific network statements – Each interface requires an OSPF network statement. Interfaces that should not bet broadcasting Hello packets need a passive-interface statement ▪ router ospf 100 ▪ network area 51 ▪ network area 51 passive interface Serial 1/0 ▪ 76 OSPF – Adding Networks ▪ Network statements - wildcard mask – Every interface covered by a wildcard mask used in the OSPF network statement. Interfaces that should not be broadcasting Hello packets need a passive-interface statement or default passive-interface should be used ▪ router ospf 100 ▪ network area 51 ▪ default passive-interface default no passive interface POS 4/0 ▪ 77 OSPF – Adding Networks ▪ The key theme when selecting which method to use is to keep the links-state DB as small as possible – Increases stability – Reduces the amount of information in the LSAs – Speeds up convergence time 78 OSPF – Useful Features 79 OSPF Logging Neighbor Changes ▪ The router will generate a log message whenever an OSPF neighbor changes state ▪ Syntax: ▪ [no] ospf log-adjacency-changes ▪ A typical log message: ▪ %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on Ethernet0 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done 80 Number of State Changes ▪ The number of state transitions is available via SNMP (ospfNbrEvents) and the CLI: – show ip ospf neighbor [type number] [neighbor-id] [detail] ▪ Detail—(Optional) Displays all neighbors given in detail (list all neighbors). When specified, neighbor state transition counters are displayed per interface or neighbor ID 81 State Changes (Cont.) ▪ To reset OSPF related statistics, use the clear ip ospf counters EXEC command. – clear ip ospf counters [neighbor [<type number>] [neighbor-id]] 82 OSPF Cost: Reference Bandwidth ▪ Bandwidth used in metric calculation – Cost = 10^8/BW – Not useful for BW > 100 Mbps but can be changed ▪ Syntax: – ospf auto-cost reference-bandwidth <reference-bandwidth> ▪ Default reference bandwidth is still 100Mbps for backward compatibility 83 OSPF Router ID ▪ If the loopback interface exists and has an IP address, that is used as the router ID in routing protocols - stability! ▪ If the loopback interface does not exist, or has no IP address, the router ID is the highest IP address configured – danger! ▪ Subcommand to manually set the OSPF router ID : – router-id <ip address> 84 OSPF Clear/Restart ▪ clear ip ospf [pid] redistribution –This command can clear redistribution based on OSPF routing process ID. If no PID is given, it assumes all OSPF processes ▪ clear ip ospf [pid] counters –This command clear counters based on OPSF routing process ID. If no PID is given, it assumes all OSPF processes ▪ clear ip ospf [pid] process –This command will restart the specified OSPF process. If no PID is given, it assumes all OSPF processes. It attempts to keep the old router-id, except in cases where a new router-id was configured, or an old user configured router-id was removed. It requires user confirmation because it will cause network churn. 85 OSPF Command Summary 86 Redistributing Routes into OSPF – ROUTER OSPF <pid#x> – REDISTRIBUTE {protocol} <as#y> – <metric> – <metric-type (1 or 2) – <tag> – <subnets> – 87 NETWORK <n.n.n.n> <mask> AREA <area-id> AREA <area-id> STUB {no-summary} AREA <area-id> AUTHENTICATION AREA <area-id> DEFAULT_COST <cost> AREA <area-id> VIRTUAL-LINK <router-id>... AREA <area-id> RANGE <address mask> OSPF Router Sub-Commands ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 88 IP OSPF COST <cost> IP OSPF PRIORITY <8-bit-number> IP OSPF HELLO-INTERVAL <number-of-seconds> IP OSPF DEAD-INTERVAL <number-of-seconds> IP OSPF AUTHENTICATION-KEY <8-bytes-of-password> Interface Sub-Commands ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 89 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Destination host unreachable due to link /node failure Reassembly process failed Time To Live had reached 0 (so datagrams don't cycle forever) IP header checksum failed ▪ Defines a collection of error messages that are sent back to the source host whenever a router or host is unable to process an IP datagram successfully – – – – ▪ ICMP-Redirect – From router to a source host – With a better route information 90 91