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lessons 1

课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 4 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
学习范畴 Learning areas:
科学 science____ 品德 moral___ 艺术 art____ 逻辑 logic___ 体能 physical___
社交 social____ 其他 other___
目标 objectives
活动过程 activities
知识 knowledge
圆圈时间 Circle time
1. Vocabukary: Seasons; spring;
autumn; winter and summer.
1. Greeting: 《Good morning song》;
2. Watch the seasons video.
2. Sentences: In Spring trees
3. Show the season’s flashcards.
In Summer it is hot.
3.1 Use The sentences when they look
at the flashcards.
In Autumn trees cry.
In Winter it is cold.
4. Play spin the bottle: Let each
learner spin the bottle and the
flashcard it lands on.
4.1 The learner has to say the name
and sentence.
5. This is my body (goodbye song)
技能 skill
主题时间 Theme time
1. Learning a new song.
Planting seeds.
2. Understanding the seasons.
Read a book about seeds and what
comes up when planted.
Look at words: seed, plant,
stem, leaves, water, shovel,
ground, dig.
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 4 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
回顾 Review
态度 attitude
积极参加活动 Being active__
专注力 Focus__
积极互动 Interactive with others__
自我约束 Self-control__
自信 Self-confidence__
尊重他人 Respect others__
信任他人 Trust__
遵守规则 Follow rules__
反思 Reflect__
教学资源 teaching resources
教学用具 teaching materials
Flashcards of seasons
Empty bottle
教学反思 Review
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 5 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
学习范畴 Learning areas:
科学 science____ 品德 moral___ 艺术 art____ 逻辑 logic___ 体能 physical___
社交 social____ 其他 other___
目标 objectives
知识 knowledge
活动过程 activities
圆圈时间 Circle time
1. Vocabukary: Planting, Flower, 1. Greeting: 《Good morning song》;
birds, bees, grass, rainbow.
2. Watch the Spring song videos.
3. Spring flashcards: Use the
vocabulary and show it to them.
4. Put the flashcards in a line like
a ladder.
4.1 The learners should stand in a
line and as they jump over the card
they should say the name.
4.2 The cards will lead them to the
5. Sing Spring song in file.
6. This is my body (goodbye song)
技能 skill
主题时间 Theme time
1. Knowledge of flashcards.
1. Role-play with each other.
2. Talking to each other.
2. Example: S1: Hello …
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 5 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
S2: Hello
S1: Look I have a yellow bee.
S2: I have green grass.
回顾 Review
态度 attitude
积极参加活动 Being active__
专注力 Focus__
积极互动 Interactive with others__
自我约束 Self-control__
自信 Self-confidence__
尊重他人 Respect others__
信任他人 Trust__
遵守规则 Follow rules__
反思 Reflect__
教学资源 teaching resources
教学用具 teaching materials
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 5 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
Spring flashcards.
教学反思 Review
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 6 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
学习范畴 Learning areas:
科学 science____ 品德 moral___ 艺术 art____ 逻辑 logic___ 体能 physical___
社交 social____ 其他 other___
目标 objectives
知识 knowledge
活动过程 activities
圆圈时间 Circle time
1. Vocabukary: Planting, Flower, 1. Greeting: 《Good morning song》;
birds, bees, grass, rainbow.
2. Watch the Spring song videos.
2.Sentences: I see a purple
3. Play game like musical chairs.
This is a purple flower.
3.1 Choose 5 chairs and place them
in front across the learners and put
a flashcard on each.
3.2 Choose a flashcard which will be
the rotten card.
3.3 Play some music and when it
stops the 5 learners have to run to
the chairs and the one sitting on
the rotten chair is out.
4. This is my body (goodbye song)
技能 skill
主题时间 Theme time
1. Knowledge of flashcards.
1. Plant fake flowers in Styrofoam.
2. Using knowledge of planting
and role play planting.
2. Colour the Styrofoam green and brown.
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 6 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
回顾 Review
态度 attitude
积极参加活动 Being active__
专注力 Focus__
积极互动 Interactive with others__
自我约束 Self-control__
自信 Self-confidence__
尊重他人 Respect others__
信任他人 Trust__
遵守规则 Follow rules__
反思 Reflect__
教学资源 teaching resources
教学用具 teaching materials
- Styrofoam, fake flowers, colors
教学反思 Review
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 7 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
学习范畴 Learning areas:
科学 science____ 品德 moral___ 艺术 art____ 逻辑 logic___ 体能 physical___
社交 social____ 其他 other___
目标 objectives
知识 knowledge
活动过程 activities
圆圈时间 Circle time
1. Vocabukary: Planting, Flower, 1. Greeting: 《Good morning song》;
birds, bees, grass, rainbow.
2. Watch the Spring song videos.
3. Memory game: Turn the flashcards
around on the floor.
3.1 Ask the learners, where is the
yellow bee? Carry on until all cards
are turned.
4. Hand 4 learners a flashcard and
they have to tell everyone: This is
a …
5. Show the learners the flashcards
they have to respond: I see a bee.
6. This is my body (goodbye song)4.
This is my body (goodbye song)
技能 skill
主题时间 Theme time
1. Knowledge of flashcards.
Make spring art.
Use paint to make flowers.
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 7 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
回顾 Review
态度 attitude
积极参加活动 Being active__
专注力 Focus__
积极互动 Interactive with others__
自我约束 Self-control__
自信 Self-confidence__
尊重他人 Respect others__
信任他人 Trust__
遵守规则 Follow rules__
反思 Reflect__
教学资源 teaching resources
教学用具 teaching materials
- Spring flashcards
- Paint and a flower picture.
教学反思 Review
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 8 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
学习范畴 Learning areas:
科学 science____ 品德 moral___ 艺术 art____ 逻辑 logic___ 体能 physical___
社交 social____ 其他 other___
目标 objectives
知识 knowledge
活动过程 activities
圆圈时间 Circle time
1. Vocabukary: Planting, Flower, 1. Greeting: 《Good morning song》;
birds, bees, grass, rainbow.
2. Watch the Spring song videos.
技能 skill
主题时间 Theme time
态度 attitude
回顾 Review
积极参加活动 Being active__
专注力 Focus__
积极互动 Interactive with others__
自我约束 Self-control__
自信 Self-confidence__
课堂主题: 消防员
时间 Time: 8 March 2019
Lesson theme: Seasons (Spring)
教室 Class room: International class
儿童年龄 Children’s age:
教师 Teacher: Rosél
尊重他人 Respect others__
信任他人 Trust__
遵守规则 Follow rules__
反思 Reflect__
教学资源 teaching resources
教学用具 teaching materials
教学反思 Review