PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENT The total marks for this assignment is 10Marks (5Marks for presentation and 5Marks for report) You are required to work in groups (maximum 10 students) to model and design a system for the following mini projects. In the end you are required to produce an SRS Document by following the right format. Here’s what your outline might look like: 1. Introduction 1.1 Problem statement and system Purpose 1.2 Intended Audience 1.3 Intended Use 1.4 Scope 1.5 Definitions and Acronyms 2. Overall Description 2.1 What is the software development methodology your are goinfg to adopt? Why? 2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies 3. System Features and Requirements 3.1 Functional Requirements 3.2 Non-Functional Requirements 3.3 System Features 3.4 |How will you obtain data for your system? Mention and elaborate data sources for your system 4. Modelling(Analysis) 4.1 Use structured system analysis and design approach:Include context, Level0 dfd, ERD and three logic diagram 4.2 Apply Use case diagram from OOSAD, Class diagram, sequence diagram and any other two logic diagram 5. Design(make sure to write the name of the software you use during the design process) 5.1Make the appropriate architecture of your system 5.2 Make appropriate designs (incuding physical design) based on your modelling Overall structure of your SRS Arrange all of your work in chapaters Chapter 1 Introduction Overall Description System Features and Requirements Chapter 2 SSAD Chapter 3 OOSAD Chapter 4 Design The following are the Titles for the mini project For SE students 1. An Artificial intelligence based system for identifying fake news 2. AI System for identifying face voice calls 3. AI-based system for door opening using user's face 4. AI based solution for tracking the location of sick animals. 5. Artificial intelligence for medical reaction prediction 6. AI based system for Personalized Shopping, These recommendations are made in accordance with their browsing history, preference, and interest For HIS students 1. AI based solutions for predicting cancer diseases 2. AI-based systems for predicting women's menstruation cycle 3. AI based system for diabetes prediction 4. AI-based system for predicting future students to be enrolled in primary schools and the needed resources 5. AI based system for drug combination prediction 6. Chat box AI based system: Use Natural Language Processing to make the conversation sound as human and personal as possible For CS students 1. AI based system for Prediction of water quality indexes on rivers or lakes 2. AI based system for predicting users who are likely to connect in the future, e.g. on Facebook 3. AI based system for watering agricultural products 4. AI-based systems for tracking car route 5. AI based system for predicting future power supply on smart grid 6. AI based system for Fraud detection: By considering the usage patterns, AI can help reduce the possibility of credit card frauds taking place For IS students 1. AI-based solutions for classifying crops diseases in agriculture 2. AI based solution for opening Lab doors:Face recognition system 3. AI based systems for predicting future products to be sold together 4. AI based system for transforming the the existing supply chain systems 5. AI based system for tracking fake reviews: Many customers prefer to buy a product or service based on customer reviews. AI can help identify and handle fake reviews. 6. AI based solutions for identifying similar users on intagram, recommending people you can follow For CE 1. AI based system for recommending similar friend products eg. In amazon 2. AI based system for monitoring shop inventory 3. AI based system for predicting the amount of energy use on smartgrid 4. Artificial Intelligence system for identifying defects and nutrient deficiencies in the soil. 5. AI based gaming system: AI can be used to create smart, human-like game to interact with the players. 6. AI based system for detecting software bug and cyber-attacks For CSDFE 1. AI based system for tracking lost cars 2. Ai based system for identify lost death 3. AI based system for predicting tax inflation 4. AI based system for improving the safety systems(Internet of things) of multiple connected devices in IOT 5. AI based solution for translating automatically. posts on Facebook from different languages 6. AI based solution for detect, removing propaganda, and hateful content on Twittwer network For CNISE 1. AI based systems for predicting weather conditions 2. AI-based systems for estimating the amount of water likely to be obtained on digging a well 3. AI based system for Transilating Kiswahili to any mother language 4. AI based system for predicting the cost to be incurred in the next energy consumption on smart grid 5. AI solutions for Personalized Learning: hyper-personalization techniques can be used to monitor students’ data thoroughly, and habits, lesson plans, reminders, study guides, flash notes, frequency or revision, etc., can be easily generated. 6. Smart Compose systems:Gmail and Google Docs employ AI in Smart Compose to read what you’re typing, comprehend it, and suggest what to type next For IDIT 1. AI based system for veryfing user signatures 2. AI based system for predicting possible flight route 3. AI based system for predicting next word given list of words 4. AI-based system for classifying spams text 5. AI based systems for Creating Smart Content:Digitization of content like video lectures, conferences, and text book guides can be made using Artificial Intelligence. We can apply different interfaces like animations and learning content through customization for students from different grades. 6. AI based system for providing answers to very common questions easily. Fr MTA 1. AI based system for providing answers to very common questions easily. 2. AI solutions for Personalized Learning: hyper-personalization techniques can be used to monitor students’ data thoroughly, and habits, lesson plans, reminders, study guides, flash notes, frequency or revision, etc., can be easily generated. 3. AI systems for identifying fake reviews: Many customers prefer to buy a product or service based on customer reviews. AI can help identify and handle fake reviews. 4. AI based system for Creating Smart Content: Digitization of content like video lectures, conferences, and text book guides can be made using Artificial Intelligence. We can apply different interfaces like animations and learning content through customization for students from different grades. 5. AI for user navigation: AI makes lives easier for users by automatically detecting the number of lanes and road types behind obstructions on the roads. 6. AI based system to ease the hiring process of employees For BIS 1. AI based system to ease the hiring process of employees 2. AI based system for Transilating English to any mother language 3. AI based system for predicting the cost to be incurred in the next energy consumption on smart grid 4. AI based solution fortranslating posts on Twitter from different languages automatically 5. AI based solution recommending products on Amazon website 6. AI based system for identify lost death For DCBE 1. AI based system that can detect diseases and identify cancer cells 2. AI based solutions for classifying fingerprints 3. AI based system to predict future crop yields in agriculture based on the current yields 4. Chat box AI based system: Use Natural Language Processing to make the conversation sound as human and personal as possible 5. AI-based systems for predicting women's menstruation cycle 6. AI for user navigation: AI makes lives easier for users by automatically detecting the number of lanes and road types behind obstructions on the roads. Each work should be unique, and stick to the appropriate degree program. No similar work will be accepted. Upon submission , if there is any copying between groups, the groups will receive zero(0) marks Deadline for the activity is on 5/2/2023 presentation will start on the same date.