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Social Science History & Geography Test - Class 10th

Test of social science history and geography
Class 10th
Q.1. Which of the following is true regarding Napoleon administration?
A. He introduced parliamentary form of government.
B. He introduced forced conscription into army.
C. He introduced custom barriers at various borders.
D. He led setting of Jacobin club in various cities of europe.
Q.2. The outcome of treaty of Vienna 1815
A. Russia was given new territories on west front.
B. Conservatives wanted change with old customs
C. France was not restricted for further annexation.
D. Austria was given control of northern italy.
Q.3. In which year did Lord Byron died after fighting for independence for Greece ?
A. 1832
B. 1821
C. 1824
D. 1830
Q.4. ASSERTION : The emphasis on vernacular language and collectivisation of local folklore was not just
to recover ancient national spirit
REASON: they also wanted to carry the modern nationalist message to large audiences who were mostly
Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
A is true and R is false.
A is false and R is true.
Q.5. What were causes of revolt during 1830s?
A. Aristocracy enjoyed power but they were suppressed by peasants
B. Small producers faced competition with imports from England.
C. Right to work was given to everyone.
D. Rise in prices led to rise in income of middle class.
Q.6. What was main reason for failure of German uprising during 1848?
A. King revolted against liberals
B. Aristocrats and middle class became good allies.
C. Middle class and workers have no consensus.
D. Parliament took place in church.
Q 7. What should the term ‘Ideology’ mean?
A. System of ideas reflecting way of life.
B. System of ideas reflecting a particular social and political issues.
C. System of ideas reflect ones perception.
D. System of ideas only
Q.8. What important event took place during year 1859?
A. Cavour did tactful alliance with French
B. Austrian forces were defeated by Sardinia Piedmont
C. Victor Emmanuel was proclaimed king.
D. Defeated bourbon kings of Spain.
Q.9. What does the symbol rays of rising sun depict?
A. Symbol of german empire strength.
B. Willingness to make peace.
C. Beginning of new era.
D. Readiness to fight
Q.10. Why the eastern european region called as Balkan?
A. Due to its disintegration from monarchy.
B. Due to their ethnicity and geographical variation
C. Due to romanticism.
D. Due to subjection of new powers.
Q.11. What is the term resources mean?
A. The means of transformation of things in our environment.
B. Which were used in past.
C. Which are technologically accessible, economically feasible, culturally acceptable.
D. Which are interdependent on humans.
Q 12. What does the reserves constitute?
A. Which are reserved, can be used in emergency.
B. Which are vital for human survival and maintaining quality of life.
C. Which has equitable distribution in nature.
D. Which are subset of stock which can be put to use if we know how to use them.
Q.13. What problems did we face in development of resources?
A. Depletion of them by greed of few individual.
B. Accumulation which led division of society on the basis of to have or have nots.
C. Indiscriminate exploitation led to global warming and unbalancing ecology.
D. All of the above.
Q 14.