1. Log In Google Analytics 2. Select Account 3. Click “Conversions”, then” Ecommerce,” and then” Overview”. Conversions> Ecommerce> Overview 1. Ecommerce Overview Report The Ecommerce Overview report provides a high level view of Ecommerce metrics including revenue, transactions, conversion rates, top products and more 2. Shopping Behavior Shows how many visitors complete each action on the path to a sale. In a bar chart, from left to right, you’ll see the number of total sessions, then the number of sessions that included a product view, then the number of those that added a product to the cart, those that started the checkout process, and finally, the number that completed a transaction 3. Checkout Behavior Report Checkout behavior analysis reports let you determine how your users moved through the different stages of checkout. It points out the customers' entrance and exit points in the checkout funnel. 4. Product Performance Report The Product Performance report focuses on specific products, quantities ordered, revenue, price, and average quantity ordered. For example, you can use this to note your best-sellers and possibly promote those on the homepage as they are the most popular. 5. Sales Performance Report The Sales Performance report provides a day-by-day view of product sales. 6. Product List Performance It allows you to track how clusters of products are performing in your online store. By analyzing customer engagement metrics for product lists. Product Performance reports include data for the revenue and conversion rates your products generate, how many products the average transaction includes, the average order value, refunds you had to issue, and the rates at which users add products to their carts and make purchases after having viewed product-detail pages. 7. Internal Promotion The Internal Promotion Click is the amount of times that a user has clicked the particular promotion, banner or advert. Once this is clicked, Google Analytics records the position that the ad was in and then records if any sales have been made if it was clicked. It will also give you the Click through Rate for the advert. 8. Order Coupon The Order Coupon report lets you see how your order-level coupons performed in terms of the following metrics: Revenue – Total revenue from eCommerce transactions; depending on your setup. E.g. this can include sales, tax and shipping. Transactions – Total number of completed purchases on your site. Average Value – The average value of eCommerce transactions. Order Coupon Code – This is the primary dimension. 9. Product Coupon This report lets you see how your product-level coupons performed in terms of the following metrics: Revenue – Total revenue from eCommerce transactions; depending on your implementation. E.g. this can include sales, tax and shipping. Unique Purchases – Total number of times a specified product (or set of products) was a part of a transaction. Product Revenue per Purchase – Average product revenue per purchase. Product Coupon Code – This is the primary dimension. 10. Affiliate Code The Affiliate Code report lets you see how your affiliate sites contributed to your eCommerce performance in terms of the following metrics: Revenue – Total revenue from eCommerce transactions; depending on your implementation. E.g. this can include sales, tax and shipping. Transactions – Total number of completed purchases on your site. Average Order Value – the average value of eCommerce transactions. Affiliation – This the primary dimension.