O X F O R D I B P R E P A R E D GEO GR A PH Y I B D I P L O M A Garrett Nagle Anthony Gillett P R O G R A M M E O X F O R D I B P R E P A R E D GEO GR A PH Y I B D I P L O M A P R O G R A M M E Garrett Nagle Anthony Gillett 1 Acknowledgements The 3 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom The to Oxford University furthers and of the Oxford Press is University’s education by a department objective publishing University publisher kind Press in of of UK University excellence worldwide. the the and Oxford in in is of research, a certain Oxford. publisher use Oxford University Press moral rights of the trade mark countries ISBN published 978 0 19 in in rights a the 843422 system, by law, reprographics outside Oxford the You must this same Printed scope not in by rights University of like the to copyright subject thank the Baccalaureate for their guide. following for permission material: robertharding/Alamy p4: 43, Shutterstock; 47, 58: 76, 90, p5: 92, Stock Photo. 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Glasgow you must impose effort reproduced printings if has in been this notice made book. is to Any given to contact copyright omissions the will publisher. be holders rectied of in material subsequent C ontents Introduction iv Option A : Freshwater A.1 Drainage basin hydrology and geomorphology 2 A.2 Flooding and ood mitigation 6 A.3 Water scarcity and water quality A.4 Water management futures 12 Question practice 14 Unit 1: Changing population 1.1 Population and economic development patterns 112 1.2 Changing populations and places 116 1.3 Challenges and oppor tunities 119 Question practice 122 9 Unit 2: Global climate—vulnerability and resilience Option B: Oceans and coastal margins B.1 B.2 Ocean–atmosphere interactions Interactions between oceans and coastal places 2.1 The causes of global climate change 126 2.2 The consequences of global climate change 129 2.3 Responding to global climate change 132 Question practice 134 20 23 B.3 Managing coastal margins 25 B.4 Ocean management futures 28 Question practice 30 Unit 3: Global resource consumption and security Option C: Extreme environments C.1 The characteristics of extreme environments 35 C.2 Physical processes and landscapes 38 3.1 Global trends in consumption 3.2 Impacts of changing trends in 3.3 C.3 Managing extreme environments 41 C.4 Extreme environments’ futures 45 Question practice 47 138 resource consumption 142 Resource stewardship 146 Question practice 148 Unit 4: Power, places and networks (HL only) Option D: Geophysical hazards 4.1 D.1 Geophysical systems 51 D.2 Geophysical hazard risks 55 D.3 Hazard risk and vulnerability 57 D.4 Future resilience and adaptation 60 Question practice 63 Global interactions and global power 4.2 Global networks and ows 4.3 Human and physical inuences on 152 157 global interactions 161 Question practice 164 Unit 5: Human development and diversity (HL only) Option E: Leisure, tourism and sport E.1 E.2 Changing leisure patterns Tourism and spor t at the local and national scale 5.1 Development oppor tunities 5.2 Changing identities and cultures 168 173 5.3 Local responses to global interactions 176 Question practice 179 66 69 E.3 Tourism and spor t at the international scale 72 E.4 Managing tourism and spor t for the future 75 Question practice 78 Unit 6: Global risks and resilience (HL only) Option F: Food and health 6.1 Geopolitical and economic risks 183 Environmental risks 188 Local and global resilience 192 Question practice 19 6 F.1 Measuring food and health 82 6.2 F.2 Food systems and spread of diseases 85 6.3 F.3 Stakeholders in food and health 88 F.4 Future health and food security and sustainability 91 Question practice 93 Internal assessment 200 Practice exam papers 204 Index 213 Option G: Urban environments G.1 The variety of urban environments 97 G.2 Changing urban systems 99 G.3 Urban environmental and social stresses 101 G.4 Building sustainable urban systems for the future 104 Question practice 10 6 Answers to questions and exam papers in this book can be found on your free suppor t website. Access the suppor t website here: w w w.ox f or dsecondar y.com / ib-pr epar ed-suppor t iii I N T R O D U CT I O N This book syllabus provides in coverage Geography and of the offers IB diploma support Over view of the book structure to The students preparing for their examinations. book cover book will help you revise the study material, essential terms and concepts, divided the strengthen geographic assessment, and examinations. questions topics answers marks and and are book throughout knowledge, practices improve The exam-style may be scored approach with continually tips by your packed against illustrated to to exam warn is that common questions, errors. The largest themes best of the section and the to end of check this your confidence studies. papers set of IB diploma assessment student and geographic you will explain why missed. IB-style themes book monitor Answers are provide knowledge and given to examination all further and the online papers 2019) study and boost progress of and your your units The internal of examination at the and explains report The higher level must complete the internal At take papers 1 and 2 as part of data, in a and Paper paper 1 2 examines examines the the final this their Paper3 and examines The internal combined, three and as is taken by HL students perspectives. assessment marks table HL, from you structure syllabus all (for geographic first inquiries understandings. At from the will the SL, geographic geographic study three options that to select draw a will conclusions the 2 to and 3, nature out collect present the and and your marking grade. IB-style and the carry topic, satisfy highest contains papers1, to outlines have suitable format achieve section section you practice written exclusively book. These to test papers will yourself give before you the an actual at the same time provide additional exam practice for the material featured in all of the below, to and units. only , geographic the and geographic the geographic more in covers options 1–3 the follows geographic core external shown practice external options perspectives. and suitable and problems themes of assessment and assessment. book, assessment how opportunity and set (HL) for students perspectives, 1–6. examination (SL) the geography two fieldwork process DP Geography assessment level of knowledge units and criteria standard and complete at www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-support All a opportunities skills, questions themes and perspectives, perspectives. A complete that papers. All example which sections IB your demonstrate annotated or to exam-style test several your examination essay-writing into learn internal the is The The answers and examination and solutions to all text questions are give papers are given online at your www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-support overall 7 DP Geography grade, from 1 (lowest) to (highest). Assessment over view SL Assessment Description marks Internal Fieldwork with a written repor t Geographic themes — 25 weight 25% marks 25 weight 20% Two options (SL) Paper 1 Structured and extended answer questions HL Units or options tested 40 35% 60 35% 50 40% 50 25% — — 28 20% Three options (HL) Geographic perspecti ves—global change Paper 2 Units 1–3 (Core) Structured, visual and extended answer questions Paper 3 Geographic perspecti ves—global interactions (HL only) Extended answer questions Units 4–6 iv and Key concepts institutions, world The “Geography concepts” model key concepts—place, process, power, the two scale interaction. and spatial temporal (near, “organizing” (short-term, far) Scale long-term) ability has and both be occur. Key climate identified at a local villages) (for to (countries, according or the to their example, countries, national regions). disparities (for example, variety of in households, or cultural wealth high or can or be income physical level diversity , are the hurricanes). livelihoods, alternative possibilities of the include security , outcomes human acidification farmland, need low The concept this book, the endowment countries, The impact Power and of the population that impact may on oceans, growth and the for food, water and space. farms, compared resource core-periphery). in natural scales, international Places power the development. change, increased from to unequal Possibilities spatial perspectives. can the in concepts— degradation Places processes and cause possibility—and example, in contains has four (for and in link geography this feature, allows you appearing to syllabus connect to the throughout the four material key of concepts model. income characteristics of Command terms a place may migrants’ places be are or and perceived spatial considered goods Processes real views) can people, be and (for example, interactions (for example, between flows of itself ideas). human or physical mechanisms Command that and the that you such as transport and trade. They varying spatial scales and timescales. may have negative impacts on the environment, sustainable Power at a is the different good (such as ability scales. example concentrated in of circular to a Annotate some flow influence Unfair be have Power the terms exam Before expected. terms question question, It correctly . is crucial will not be defined in The any papers; therefore, it is part important their meaning and their to importance in of the exam. you answer • Underline • Look • Match its a question command you should: terms. impacts is are may be governments Denition exam the more arrangements divide. the people may individuals, depth these in approach Some processes). and trading power wealthy Term Analyse whereas the words to operate advance and and interpret understand processes the how of of on are you detail command change, terms tell at the your command mark weighting answer to the of that depth question. required for the term. Sample question What you should cover Break down in order to bring Analyse the challenges Describe and explain the social, economic out the essential elements or associated with and environmental issues associated with structure. transboundary pollution. transboundary pollution. Add brief notes to a diagram or Annotate the diagram to Identify each of the types of radiation and add graph. show shor t-wave radiation a clear label to show each one. and long-wave radiation. Classify Arrange or order by class or Classify the following types Decide whether each type of migration is likely category. of migration into forced- and to be under taken voluntarily or whether it is voluntary-migrations. forced. Give an account of the similarities Compare the impor tance You need to pick out the similarities—the between two (or more) items or of wind and water in the impacts on erosion, transpor t and deposition, situations, referring to both (all) development of landform and the development of landforms. of them throughout. features in hot, arid areas. Compare Give an account of similarities Compare and contrast the For the both groups of countries, you should: and and dierences between two ecological footprints that • contrast (or more) items or situations. occur in HICs and LICs. Compare • Dene Give the precise meaning of a Dene the term “tourism”. describe and explain the similarities (compare) in ecological footprints describe and explain the dierences (contrast) State a precise meaning of the term—there word, phrase, concept or physical may be one or two marks be allocated to quantity. this question. Look at the mark weighting to determine the detail required. Continued on next page v INTRODUCTION Term Describe Denition Give a detailed account. Sample question What you should cover Describe two predicted Look at the mark weighting to determine the trends shown on the graph. detail required. You should adapt or manipulate the data provided to achieve full marks. Determine Discuss Obtain the only possible answer. Determine the month when Calculators are not allowed in the exam, and the temperature range was you may need to work out the value by eye or greatest. by using a ruler. Construct a considered and “Population growth is the Describe and explain dierent threats to balanced review that includes greatest threat to the ear th’s the world’s resources. You may decide a range of arguments, factors resources”. Discuss this that population growth is not a threat but or hypotheses. statement. a necessity to discover and develop more Opinions or conclusions should be presented resources. Evaluate each view by drawing on clearly and suppor ted by case study evidence. Arrive at a conclusion that appropriate evidence. addresses dierent viewpoints but favours one more than the other. Distinguish Draw Make clear the dierences Distinguish between Your answer should be more than two separate between two or more concepts or population distribution and descriptions and it is essential that you items. density. emphasize the dierences between them. Represent by means of a Draw a labelled diagram You should make sure that your diagrams are labelled, accurate diagram or to show the impact of very distinct by drawing in black ink or pencil. graph, using a pencil. A ruler urbanization on a ood Labels can be brief. (straight edge) should be used hydrograph. for straight lines. Estimate Evaluate Examine Obtain an approximate value. Estimate the size of the lake You will have to use both the scale on the map in square 6327. and your ruler to obtain an approximate value. Make an appraisal by weighing Evaluate the strategies to Your evaluation is not just an opinion, but must up the strengths and limitations. achieve sustainable urban provide evidence such as examples, case development. studies or facts to suppor t it. Consider an argument Examine how inequalities This means explaining thoroughly. It requires or concept in a way that between countries lead to you to demonstrate in-depth understanding of uncovers the assumptions and dierent global ows. both inequalities and global ows. Give a detailed account including Explain the causes and You will need to briey describe before you reasons or causes. consequences of famine. explain. You should explain a number of social, interrelationships of the issue. Explain economic, political and environmental factors for both causes and consequences. Identify Justify Provide an answer from a number Identify the direction of the Only a brief answer (sometimes one word) is of possibilities. most frequent wind. required here. Give valid reasons or evidence to Methods of climate You would need to explain the advantages and suppor t an answer or conclusion. mitigation are shown in disadvantages of each methods as well as gure 1. Select two methods outlining the disadvantages of the methods not and suggest why they have chosen. the greatest potential to reduce carbon emissions. Justify your answer. Label Outline State Add labels to a diagram. Label features A , B and C Each label is likely to be just one or two words. shown in the diagram. Do not describe or explain the feature. Outline two ways in which a This command carries few marks, so your glacier erodes its load. answer should consist only of brief statements. Give a specic name, value State the landform shown in Only brief answers (sometimes one word) are or other brief answer without the photo. required here. Propose a solution, hypothesis or Suggest reasons for the high This term is used when there are several other possible answer. level of infectious diseases possible answers and you may have to give in LICs. reasons or a judgement. Give a brief account or summary. explanation or calculation. Suggest To what Consider the merits or otherwise To what extent are physical Your answer should consider physical factors ex tent of an argument or concept. factors the main cause of along with human factors (social, economic Opinions and conclusion water shor tages? and political) and the ways in which they are should be presented clearly and suppor ted with empirical evidence and sound arguments. vi interrelated. Many the exam extended evaluate include and These extract terms answer questions an such such example command use present terms commands an questions as as describe questions a indicating how and illustrate in you describe will explain, the should but way in also and respond, of a will level extent. change of following not the only discuss, what the but to but questions higher to which Each explain, you answer evaluate response. and expect Extended discuss, change as (essays) argument. examine, produces such is complete answer. Describe a population policy. China introduced the one child policy in 1979. This was an anti-natalist policy which imposed nancial penalties on couples having a second child and incentives for those upholding the law. The purpose of this policy was to curb high bir th rates in an attempt to improve access to food and other resources, to reduce unemployment and to raise the national standard of living. The policy reduced the bir th rate from 33 per thousand in 1970 to 17 per thousand in 1979. In many rural areas, a preference for boys has led to a gender imbalance of 117:100 boys to girls. Fer tility rates in many areas are well below replacement level. 2010 the rate was around 1.4, well below the replacement level of 2.1. As a result of the one child policy, China now has an ageing population. The policy was abolished in 2015. Explain t wo impacts of the population policy. China’s one child policy was introduced in 1979 because rapid population growth was beginning to threaten economic progress. The policy was successful in reducing fer tility rates and thus improving the livelihoods of families and reducing the economic burden on the state. Enforcement in urban areas has been most marked and one child families have become typical. Traditionally, there is a preference for sons in Chinese culture, but a one child policy would inevitably lead to gender imbalance in the population because most families wanted a son to carry on traditions. Another consequence of the policy was an ageing population resulting from a fall in the fer tility rate and greater life expectancy leading to an ever-increasing elderly population. Evaluate the success or failure of a named population policy. There are several adverse consequences of the policy. The preference for boys has created a gender imbalance. In the early days the policy was accused of contravening human rights. This is related to the abor tion of female fetuses or female infanticide or abandonment. Both practices were practiced more so in rural than urban areas. The gender balance has created a shor tage of child-bearing women now aged 20–40, which is socially undesirable and likely to reduce fer tility rates still fur ther. All this has negative economic implications. It will mean a future reduction in the labour force, lower revenue from taxation and the burden of an ageing society. vii INTRODUCTION Support Exam guidance and strategies about Manage your time effectively: Every year, marks through time mismanagement. the answers real world, with and in evidence: longer Geography responses is there students must lose your be plenty of factual support, examples and The statistics. most first question sure that each the common at you exam. the are question allowed tendency Note before that that the to expense aware and is of five of the you start spend the each on the Use Make allocation rigidly minutes’ of long others. time stick too to reading it few for during time that the is current unique are and floods. Read the instructions carefully: Y our revision thorough and no sub-topic should be example, in paper 2 you will need units of the core, but the to questions cover cover will all sub-topics yourself with the within human changed. these instructions at of core most exam papers as these give you the 1993. documented case study causes, One But there events are are are of a studies example examples consequences Generally , geographic the relevant. is more local undesirable and responses the events examples occurring and case since Occasionally , older case 2000 studies, units. top as the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, are the best of examples your exams. There case not such Familiarize in in studies: all are necessarily floods better Outdated studies three used case documented omitted. have For and well should because be very frequently Mississippi recent exam. examples and to use, in this case for a nuclear power instructions disaster. about timings and your choice of question. Use Do not generalize: Geographers are keen correct terms classification and putting phenomena terminology: into shows can sometimes be misleading such as “China is a developing in several respects. First, China is too large size and population to classify in For levels of development vary this years greatly and urban areas. Third, the rate of is likely to make any a few years. The classification solution is to the are example such as smaller of the global economic choose a can sometimes country at in tourism into the truth. “Mumbai is a poor city” elite of there. used in affluence Generic exams and the reflect badly on such the the to of as a very “e.g. candidate. The • Read the instructions on the cover of your exam paper • of rate young high be described for as on For the example, relative if you advantages a development and you strategy in discussed a less the issue to a more inevitably lose developed marks. country , you Ignoring is also common and is highly likely to marks. following sitting table your summarizes key information exam: Don’t • Pad your answer with irrelevant content just to make it look better. Examiners are impressed by quality, not quantity. • Underline the command terms in the questions and focus on Leave the examiner to draw conclusions if you cannot decide. these as you work through each question. • Write a brief plan for essays, to give your answer a • Bend the question to t your rehearsed answer. Spend too long on your best question at the expense of others. Observe the mark weighting of the sub-par ts of • structured questions. • Give sucient attention to the par ts of the question requiring evaluation, discussion or analysis. • could carefully: country respect when logical structure. • lot rich Africa” allowed and the number of questions you should answer. • a the to remind you of the exam regulations, such as the time • future”, comment Do • to birth distortion disguises existence expressions due the scale. lose pockets keep momentum”. as commands of to the development result growing more would Simplification “a obsolete with bottom on likely question asked developed reliable clumsy where economic of within situation way . were change a between Read rural example, keeps who “population Second, geographical in some physical of avoids country” people fails use and and population statements understanding boxes. description. Generalization Good on Invent case studies; these will be checked by examiners. Use lists or bullet points—these are not suitable for detailed analyses. • Make your own abbreviations; for example, U for Urban and Complete the correct number of questions. R for Rural. However, you can use accepted ones but make Make sure that all your answers are legible, correctly sure you write the term out in full the rst time you use it— numbered and in numerical order. for example tropical rainforest (TRF) and infant mor tality rate (IMR). viii Key features of the book Each chapter starts with geographic “You covers should inquiries Geography Chapters typically and be a Geographic able to knowledge show” and theme or perspective, checklists. understandings These of the and outline IB the diploma syllabus. contain the features outlined on this page: Key definitions are discussed at Test yourself a level sufficient for answering Test yourself boxes contain exam-style questions relating to the main text, typical examination questions. where you can test your knowledge and understanding. The number of marks Most definitions are given in a typically awarded to these questions is also given. grey side box like this one, and explained in the text. Content link Assessment tips give advice to help you optimize your exam technique, Content links provide a reference warning against common errors and showing how to approach par ticular to relevant material within another questions and command terms. par t of this book that relates to the text in question. Note that there are Question practice and sample student answer sections occur at the countless possibilities for linking end of each chapter. This section includes typical IB-style questions content in the syllabus. relating these to the chapter material, with advice on how best to approach questions. Concept link A sample the student correct answers points are student’s response to these highlighted highlighted response is in in red. given in questions green, and Positive the green or is then incorrect negative and given, red or with Concept links connect the material incomplete feedback pull-out on of the geography syllabus to the the four key concepts in the “geography boxes. concepts” model: places, An example of a question practice section and an accompanying processes, power and possibilities. student B answer OPTION B: OCE ANS AND is shown C O A S TA L gas M A R GIN S reserves (266 below. trillion are QuE STION estimated cubic feet). to The total around countries are 7,500cubic competing in their claims to T he develop these resources and to control sections of PRACTICE kilometres the South China low pressure area has to be far enough away from the Sea. ▲ Valid equator that the Corio lis force (the force caused by the second factor ro tation QuESTION PRACTICE of the Earth) creates ro tation in the rising air mass – if it is ▲ Development The following graph shows the distribution of hurricanes. too close to hurricane the equator would no t there is insufcient ro tation and ▲ Valid Marks 4/4 point—oceans competing c) point a develo p. and nations Some parts of oceans, such as the South China Sea in the ▲ Valid point—competition over Pacic, may become sources of geopolitical conict between Tropic resources of Cancer nations (e.g. China, Brunei, the Philippines, Vietnam and Equator Indonesia) because they contain valuable resources such as oil, Tropic ▲ A second conict gas and sheries. T here can also be conict over shipping channels of Capricorn e.g. the Straits of Malacca between Singapore and Indonesia. Average annual ▲ Development point frequency 0.1–0.9 Average tracks Marks 4/4 Essays a) Describe the distribution of hurricanes as shown on the map. [2] Either: Examine b) Explain t wo factors needed for the formation of hurricanes. c) Using examples, explain t wo [2+2] reasons why oceans may become a source of geopolitical conict. the advantages and disadvantages of dierent types of coastal management schemes. [2+2] ▲ Simple T here are many types of coastal management introduction schemes. Essays T hey Either: Examine the advantages and disadvantages of dierent types of coastal management schemes. are generally examine to reduce erosion and prevent ▲ Good—distinction ooding. Or: Using a located example, designed [10] how conicting pressures in a coastal area have been managed. Coastal management schemes vary in terms of their major types of coastal between management [10] effectiveness and their cost. How do I approach these qestions? ▲ First Coastal management schemes are often divided into example hard a) This question asks for a description. You should use the information on the map, for example, lines engineering of latitude, compass bearing, major concentrations and some smaller ones. and soft engineering schemes. Hard engineering ▲ Good schemes b) You are asked to explain two factors. Each explanation is worth two marks, so some detail/development is are those that physically alter the landscape, point—advantages of whereas sea walls needed for the award of the second mark. soft engineering schemes try to work with nature. One of the ▲ Good c) Similarly, here you are asked to explain two reasons. Each explanation is wor th two marks, so some simplest types of hard engineering schemes is a sea wall. point—outlines a T his disadvantage detail/development is needed for the award of the second mark . is a large-scale wall designed to reect wave energy. Modern Essays ▲ Good sea walls are often cur ved to redirect the waves away from point—develops the For these essays, the command term is examine. This means that you should discuss the underlying assumptions disadvantage beach. and interrelationships of the issues presented in the question. Good answers will relate these essay questions to Traditional sea walls were often straigh t and vertical the 4Ps (places, processes, power and possibilities) or other geographical concepts. Remember to refer to specic and led to the scouring of the bed, and undermining of the ▲ Good point—located example examples, and some critical thinking and evaluation should be present in your answer. walls’ foundations.T hey are relatively expensive and last ▲ Clear S AMPLE STuDENT ANS WER about thirty years. Chesil Beach, in Southern England, account of sea walls with has support cur ved ▲ Valid points highlighted a) T he distribution of hurricanes is mainly in tropical sea from the equator , and mostly on the western side of are some exceptions such as on the NE side of Australia the west coast of central of hard the village engineering are of Chiswell. gabions. T hese are wire type of management boxes are lled with rocks. T he wire boxes prevent the rocks from ▲ Description and being off form oceans. which T here pro tecting ▲ Second Another away walls areas, washed away or used for abrasion, and the rocks reduce the America. ▲ Function energy of the cheaper than wave as it passes between different rocks. T hey are Marks 2/2 b) Sea temperatures must be over 27°C. (Warm water gives off T he gabions sea on walls top of and, Chesil from a Beach distance, (gabion can look attractive. mattresses) ▲ Advantage protect ▲ Located ▲ Valid large quantities of heat when it is condensed - this is the heat Chiswell from large shingle being ung in storm conditions. ▲ Second which ▲ Development drives the supporting with example 31 of this method, hurricane.) point 30 All example factor the book questions by the in these authors to sections reflect have the new been IB written specifically geography syllabus for and examinations. ix A A systems F R E S H WAT E R approach Geography course, is a and characteristic the of Freshwater the unit Yo sold e ale to sow: is ✔ no exception. A drainage basin is a system, how physical systems it has inputs, landscapes becomes careful processes and give scarcer and rise to outputs that flooding. due to human management of this and As at local, national natural precious and ✔ how well as examining freshwater make also resource international you places, through connect power A . 1 depletion, studied. connections progress that is to other this the and key the of the you be able course should concepts drainage basin of and ood human risk for factors different exacerbate and places; is the varying power of different factors in relation scales. pollution should parts unit, with and You inuence landforms; physical mitigate factors, to As and shape water ✔ needed processes since water management issues; of ✔ to as the future possibilities intervention you in for drainage management basins. ensure processes, possibilities. D R A I N A G E A N D B A S I N H Y D R O L O G Y G E O M O R P H O L O G Y Yo sold e ale to sow ow pyscal processes • Draae as – an area of flece draae as systes ad ladfors: land that is drained by a river and its tributaries. ✔ The of drainage varying basin type as and an open intensity), system with outputs inputs (precipitation (evaporation and • Watersed – the border of a transpiration), ows (inltration, throughow, overland ow and drainage basin that separates base ow) and stores (including vegetation, soil, aquifers and the one drainage basin from another. cryosphere); • Ope syste – when energy can enter and leave a system, ✔ River discharge characteristics such as a drainage basin. ✔ • Evapotrasprato – the River and processes total amount of evaporation spatial and from land and from vegetation channel and of its relationship hydraulic erosion, temporal and stream ow, channel radius; transportation factors characteristics to inuencing and their deposition, operation, and including seasonality; (transpiration). ✔ • Load – the transpor ted bed load material material by the consists that processes saltation. is of as formation oodplains, of typical meanders, river levees landforms, and including waterfalls, deltas. The larger transpor ted such The river. The traction suspended via and load This unit includes a wide range of terminology. Terms such as is transpor ted via processes “eutrophication” and “salinization” are often not spelled correctly or such as suspension and are used out of context. Take time to practise spelling these terms, solution. since appropriate use and spelling of terms will increase your mark for • Cryospere – water in solid knowledge and understanding in your essay responses. form (e.g. snow, ice). 2 A .1 DR A in A gE bA Sin h Y D R O LO g Y AnD gE O m O R P h O LO g Y Te draae as as a ope syste wt pts, Cocept lk otpts, flows ad stores PROCESSES: This section outlines A drainage the system basin to is join an open other system systems since such as matter a can marine enter and leave system. a range of natural processes which create an open system. The dynamic nature of these After a period of rainfall, the water is then stored and transferred. processes not only shapes Some of the transfers take place on the surface, such as overland flow landscapes, but it also creates (also known as surface run-off) which occurs when there is limited the unique characteristics of infiltration due to impermeable rock, for example. Infiltration occurs places which can be at a range when water moves underground from the surface. A permeable rock of different scales, from the Nile type will allow water to pass through it, and the movement as it basin to a basin at a local scale. percolates reservoirs, downwards ponds, where water taking place is in soil, held. a via gravity vegetation Clearly , drainage there basin is classified and are that ice a are as all number affect the throughflow. examples of of Lakes, stores physical processes movement of water. Test yorself A .1 Dsts between an open and a closed system. [2] A .2 Aalyse how a drainage basin functions. [3] Make sure that you do not include “opposites” or “mirrors” in your answer. This is when you A .3 Expla how rock type and vegetation can affect the flow of water in a state the opposite compared to drainage basin. [2+2] the previous par t of your answer. A .4 Study the map (figure A .1.1). You will only get a mark for one Fre A .1.1. River Seine drainage basin side of the “mirror ”, so do not expect double marks. When asked to describe a map, it is impor tant that you utilize 0 150 km your car tographic knowledge by including distances, compass directions, grid references Descre the physical characteristics of the River Seine and its drainage basin. [3] and relief. 3 A OPTION A: F R E S H WAT E R Rver dscare ad ts relatosp to strea flow, cael caracterstcs ad ydralc rads The in discharge the river. It theoretically the velocity and deeper resulting the volume measured increases by the a or of in water cubic larger ability will be able hydraulic for water that It is area to or move flowing per a a point other a given point (cumecs) by in greater in at second calculated at hold radius, to is metres downstream. cross-sectional channels in efficiency is is and multiplying the river. volume words, a Wider of water higher downstream. Rver processes of eroso, traspor tato ad deposto, ad spatal ad teporal factors flec ter operato There and the are four attrition. river processes Once either suspended as load of erosion: material the has hydraulic been eroded, bed load (material (material held in on action, it the suspension is corrasion, then riverbed) by the corrosion transported flow or as of the down the water) or Test yorself as A .5 Expla how a river ’s the dissolved material may load be (soluble carried on material the dissolved surface, such as in the leaves water). and Some branches. discharge is related to channel There size and shape. are four processes for transportation: traction, saltation, [2+2] suspension and solution. A .6 Descre and expla the When material is no longer being transported by a river, it is deposited. relationship between a river ’s For deposition to occur, there must be a reduction in the river ’s velocity discharge and suspended in load. that the material can no longer be carried. [2+2] A .7 Expla how temporal factors The in will affect a river ’s ability to transpor t material. order [2+2] seasonal processes times of nature of the year. intermittent of some erosion, For periods rivers example, of can transportation the mean and ephemeral year when an increase deposition rivers there is a only rainy at or a decrease different contain flow at season. Te forato of typcal rver ladfors Waterfalls rock. this is the left pool is One a are of more below. support The landform when layers resistant without Fre A .1.2. 4 formed the is rock is flows more continues, via over easily undercut. underneath process created water eroded two than different the Eventually and it and a will The Goðafoss waterfall in Iceland the collapse gorge erosion. is types other, and undercut into formed. the of due to rock plunge A waterfall A .1 Processes the of erosion, formation inside and When the possible that the which and lateral the shows number the River. of A floodplain When in the Layer a upon flood is a formed on course), layer the the of a larger, Floodplains There each that are is of the of one of are Material outside a two sinuous of meander is the an lake. the river longest and required it eroded See gE O m O R P h O LO g Y for on the image is in order figure tributaries the AnD meander. increases, are oxbow all deposited meanders then via deposition flat of and land is coarser erosion different created the the amount of is via deposited channel. material on creating Levees is of once as the the silt created of shows with depositional transportation are adjacent river water or A.1.3 the a to a river. (normally subsides. alluvium during deposited decreases are material side such are material levees of the deposited energy and at material floodplain. as processes River, material channel, the bends very deposition h Y D R O LO g Y lakes. floods develops when occurs “bendiness” Juruá and meanders. bA Sin Oxbow lakes on the Juruá is river lower further It of straightens, oxbow Fre A .1.3. or outside meander Amazon erosion sinuosity that transportation evolution DR A in A gE times closer distance to from landforms needed to of the river the although supply the deposited. types of deltas: arcuate, bird’s foot and cuspate, and deposition. Test yorself A .8 (a) State two landforms found in a drainage basin that are formed A clear annotated diagram is solely via processes of erosion. [2] an appropriate approach to () Expla how the landforms you identified in par t (a) are formed. [2+2] answering this question. 5 A OPTION A . 2 A: F R E S H WAT E R F L O O D I N G A N D F L O O D M I T I G AT I O N Yo sold e ale to sow ow pyscal ad • hydrorap – a graph that a factors exacerate ad tate flood shows how a river or stream’s rsk for dfferet places: discharge changes over time and its relationship with the amount ✔ Hydrograph of precipitation that falls during a and rainfall event. natural characteristics inuences on (lag time, peak hydrographs, discharge, including base geology ow) and seasonality; • Atecedet ostre – the ✔ How urbanization, deforestation and channel modications affect amount of moisture stored ood risk within a drainage basin, including its distribution, underground after a previous frequency and magnitude; period of precipitation. ✔ Attempts at ood prediction, including changes in weather • Peak dscare – the greatest forecasting and uncertainty in climate modelling; amount of discharge flowing in a river after a rainfall event. ✔ Flood mitigation, afforestation, including channel structural modication measures and levee (dams, strengthening) and • Peak rafall – the time at which planning (personal insurance and ood preparation, and ood there is the highest amount of warning technology); rainfall into a drainage basin for a ✔ given storm. Two contrasting drainage detailed examples of ood mitigation of basins. • Afforestato – the process of planting trees in an area where there were previously none. • Reforestato – replanting trees hydrorap caracterstcs ad atral fleces o ydroraps in an area that was previously A hydrograph shows data for two variables on the same chart, e.g. deforested. a river ’s discharge receives. and Cocept lk lag is this The is amount via time—the an and the of overland time important amount rainfall flow, between period. of rainfall influences throughflow peak A short rainfall lag time that the and to a a drainage amount discharge, groundwater river ’s means of that peak a basin flow. The discharge— river may reach PL ACES: The relationship between its bank full discharge, channel can hold, which is the maximum amount of discharge a the human and natural worlds is and flood an area quickly . Increasing the lag time and never more present than when reducing the discharge can reduce the risk of flooding. The monitoring a place experiences a natural of hydrographs as well can enable predictions to be made regarding flooding disaster such as a flood, which as measuring the effectiveness of flood mitigation strategies. can devastate places. The power of a place, based on experience and/or the economic ability to Test yorself put in place defences to mitigate A .9 Dscss how physical factors can influence a hydrograph. [3+3] the effects of flooding, is able to ensure that the relationship does not bring negative consequences. If you are asked to discuss the factors that influence a hydrograph in an extended response, it is impor tant that you evaluate the impact, since this is normally necessary to reach the highest mark bands. For example, human activities can decrease the discharge and increase the lag time via afforestation, whilst urbanization and building on a floodplain will increase discharge and reduce the lag time. 6 A .2 F LO O D in g AnD F LO O D m i T i g AT i O n A .10 Sest how hydrographs can be used to forecast and manage flooding. [2+2] When discussing hydrographs in your answer, it is appropriate to include an annotated hydrograph showing the different responses from a river when there are natural differences between two drainage basins or there is change annually in a par ticular basin. how razato, deforestato ad cael odfcatos affect flood rsk wt a draae as, cld ts dstrto, freecy ad atde Human that factors there are increasing reach a erosion flow due to hold The the the more events versa. range the the tend In of risk and mean the time Fre A .2.1. thus taken Urbanization means an increase in impermeable surfaces and a reduction in infiltration to river. interception increasing capacity of will surfaces, the being flooding and exposes amount of soil overland reached. area since of a the channel channel can volume. on influence or cross-sectional risk frequency depend the reduces soil urbanization flow stream whilst Increasing reduces as impermeable overland nearby Deforestation to such more and magnitude natural movement to have summary , human of and a and of large the of a flood human water. that Infrequent magnitude characteristics physical will factors factors and of flood vice places will via a influence flooding. Attepts at flood predcto Weather during and a forecasting period residents Extreme rainfall track in of a weather and these can low predict pressure drainage events debris events the reaching days, and basin such a as timing this about data the cyclones river. possibly a and the will will increase before of forewarn impending Meteorologists week, amount are they risk the rainfall authorities of flooding. amount able to arrive of detect in an and area. Flood tato There are classified a variety as “hard” the structural the landscape. control hold the more works or This of water “soft” and no strategy . lining straightening and to hold becoming more more or building nearby concrete Other a and levees be with to as dam Soft of is to in when alter order to that will are created. type of flood deepening, will hydraulic be engineering this widening, its can channels structures (channelization) increase which form examples such they engineering concrete artificial would channel a and infrastructure. or strategies discharge Hard materials construct reforestation mitigation river artificial protect so strategies, engineering. involve river, and mitigation uses may a nature, Afforestation flood measure flow with of also enable radius, a thus efficient. 7 A OPTION A: F R E S H WAT E R Two cotrast detaled exaples of flood tato of draae ass The following although was still Case both case studies places significant study: Flood Fre A .2.2. had (Pakistan flood economic and damage mitigation Queensland) management in and show strategies the loss of in that place, there life. Pakistan The Indus river system H i m a l a Hindu y a Kush s I n Kabul K ab d u s ul s u Islamabad d n I h J e lu m b a n e h Beas C i v a R Sutlej T rimmu Dam j l t e u S s New u Delhi d n I River Capital city Watershed 0 300 Arabian km sea Pakistan has from Himalayas In the regular September rising above Around people about 2.5 killed dams neighbouring from these on controlled the urban Case In January to higher flooded was 8 Flood 2011 than Tasha. large to stop for on rivers suggested the that major 200 a snowmelt in in such the A$10 as in Brisbane flood a La the and place, being 35 such in release of 367 Warnings of as on the in further spending to west order allow bank to of protect flooded. Australia year and topped people Australia also their cost from banks of the due Tropical and disaster died. Wivenhoe (and floodwaters had Queensland, the in flooding this. After economic flooded affected; upstream T rimmu, were as started flooded. destroyed. authorities such Niña The been amount denied Burnett state. billion the Queensland, major the further at Sutlej they people. and villages rainfall of dam were and and have that discharge government a to homes embankments was was rainfall, Ravi rainfall, many embankments, the Rivers management built built from portions Chenab, reported late mitigation there monsoon monsoon 125,000 too and normal heavy Jhelum, to some meant approximately Flood was This over Pakistani of to were been and upstream study: Cyclone The breaches areas. due increased barrages Chenab rivers came had due deforestation. people India dams downstream. millions the and flooding Additional and banks million were the 2014, their floods also to Dam secure which water A .3 supplies). behind Residents the dam eventually due to in argue spite released, rainfall widespread that of the insufficient forecasts Brisbane amounts, so the of heavy River level water by released rainfall. already rose was 10 had When a high metres W AT E R SC AR CiTY AnD W AT E R q u A Li T Y from water was discharge causing damage. Cotet lk Test yorself Flood mitigation in cities is A .11 Using evidence from figure A .2.2, otle the potential difficulties explored in option G.4. for the Pakistani government in relation to mitigating flooding. [3] A .12 Evalate the success of flood mitigation strategies in Pakistan from 2010 onwards. A . 3 [4] W AT E R S C A R C I T Y A N D W AT E R Q U A L I T Y Yo sold e ale to sow te vary power of dfferet • Pyscal water scarcty – factors relato to water aaeet sses: where water resource ✔ Physical these and economic including between water the water causes quantity scarcity , and and and impacts water of the factors droughts; that the control distinction development is approaching or has exceeded unsustainable levels; it relates water quality; availability to water demand and ✔ Environmental consequences of agricultural activities on water implies that arid areas are not quality , to include pollution (eutrophication) and irrigation necessarily water scarce. (salinization); • Ecooc water scarcty – ✔ Detailed examples to illustrate the role of different stakeholders; where water is available locally ✔ Growing human economic pressures growth and on lakes population and aquifers, but not accessible due to human, including institutional or financial capital migration; reasons. ✔ Internationally shared water resources as a source of conict; • Drot – a prolonged period ✔ Case study of one internationally shared water resource and of abnormally low rainfall. the role of different stakeholders in attempting to nd a Drought is a broad category resolution. and can be subdivided into hydrological, meteorological and agricultural drought. Pyscal ad ecooc water scarcty—water • Etropcato – a process alty ad atty that affects freshwater whereby 3 Water per stress person is when per year, annual water whereas supplies water scarcity drop is to less when a than 1,700 person m has dense algal and plant growth occurs due to increased 3 access be to less natural than and significant 1,000 human, period and m for the annually . example The a causes lack unsustainable of of water rainfall in consumption scarcity an of area can for water a concentration of chemical nutrients. by • Salzato – a process in agriculture. which the salt content of surface A decrease factors. rivers has water. source and water led to from due to be disposal caused of present commercial systems the can being contamination caused are the fibres Chemicals of quality example, sanitation have year For in (see may deaths diseases of in as the a in number the food agricultural pollute such plastic following millions, by page), clean and more cholera, world’s chain are and/or groundwater increases oceans as overland flow or throughflow in 3 drinking inadequate million and and significant Waterborne than malaria and different another while water. of sewage transfers crystallized salts left behind after irrigated water has evaporated. diseases deaths a diarrhoea. Cotet lk Water security is examined fur ther in unit 3.2. 9 A OPTION A: F R E S H WAT E R Evroetal coseeces of arcltral actvtes o water alty Agriculture irrigation pesticides Algae Cotet lk The environmental impact of can grow reduces under can and the the have the a pollute on negative application the of of on rivers oxygen on chemicals freshwater surface amount impact of the freshwater. The in of the surface due to available form and of and underground. eutrophication for use fertilizer vegetation which and creatures water. global agribusiness is explored A reduction in oxygen results in a reduction of life in a lake or fur ther in unit 6.2. river. A number resolve this the different problem, environmental Cocept lk of including groups, Environment groups farmers residents Agency in and the and organizations (subsistence government are or trying to commercial), departments such as UK. POWER: As water becomes more Case study: The role of different stakeholders in North Carolina, USA scarce due to the effects of global climate change, population growth Jordan and increased consumerism, off the oppor tunity to access water stakeholders can be decided by the power of which a place. The places upstream in and a drainage basin have the upper industry Lake into has the suffers tributaries are the eutrophication feed involved power national and from that to into in this provide government agriculture. the issue, are is for able some to nutrient A number such funding which Here due lake. of as the the to rich state in run- different government clean-up put the of of place the rules lake for stakeholders: hand in controlling the amount of • 300,000 • The people who rely on the lake for drinking water water to reach places fur ther along the course of a river. In addition, Environmental legislation the quality of the water can from the Protection Clean Agency Water (EPA), which enforces Act decrease due to agricultural and • The state government of North Carolina, which provides funding for industrial processes, which can cleaning the lake also negatively affect places. • • The Army Clean Corp Jordan volunteers to of Lake help • 30 animal-feeding • 12 wastewater Fre A .3.1. engineers is an clean who maintain environmental the the lake and organization that lake operations treatment facilities. Distribution of water scarcity Key Little or Physical no water water Approaching Economic No 10 data scarcity scarcity physical water water scarcity dam scarcity organizes A .3 W AT E R SC AR CiTY AnD W AT E R q u A Li T Y Test yorself A .13 Dsts between physical and economic water scarcity. [2] For shor t-response questions, try to avoid writing a long list of A .14 Study figure A.3.1, which shows the distribution for different country names when you are types of water scarcity. asked to describe data shown Descre the pattern of economic water scarcity. [3] on a map. As a geographer, you A .15 Exae how agriculture can have a negative impact on should be skilled at identifying freshwater. [2+2+2] general patterns and anomalies. You will only receive 1 mark at most for a 3-mark question if you grow a pressres o lakes ad afers, cld provide a list. A 3-mark question ecooc rowt ad poplato rato will require three distinct Aquifers subject to (rocks to that evaporation, population increase Economic growth industrial processes In addition, incomes diet to can the they of a may quantities risk and as greater of water) from in an of increase and of an due to A useful strategy would be to comment on the pattern, the extremes and any anomalies. input. disposable A person’s food, increased in due growth. increases as patterns when describing a map. not depletion water middle-class. consumption are economic consumption result production of significant also amounts country’s increased agricultural at pressure growth with are migration requiring growth change, increased but via significant create economic and may contain which stress on leads water Be aware that the syllabus sources. specifically requires you to Groundwater is an important source of freshwater around the connect a human reason (such world. Aquifers can be either unconfined (they can be recharged via as irrigation) with salinization. percolation) or impermeable place confined rock). artificially For since (the water confined is enclosed aquifers, percolation is not the between recharge layers has to of take possible. iteratoally sared water resorces as a sorce of coflct The political basins or more same borders never a their shared Case Over that the share Africa’s signed of the water, as the and decades waters the DRC basin 1929 Sudan) and takes falls an and full of all the a River have Egypt access been a has to a in water in different Egypt, in the borders which the to that the to water stakeholders the Ethiopia, interest plans two on is important as increase. between long-established any rely order increasingly Uganda, Burundi, from drainage resource tension 1959, may populations country’s water veto and vested each the of straddle underground, needed by Nile. basins countries becomes place Rwanda, watersheds and/or often shared amended to those surface are This has within ability building there of of the drainage consumption Sudan, landmass). in the sustainable. South and drainage on and Many Agreements Internationally the Sudan, fit. residents development recent Eritrea The equitably study: countries source, needs. environmentally economic of perfect countries. freshwater fulfill is are Nile (it it its restrict the countries Republic Kenya, (and only water of Tanzania, since covers historic gives Nile, 11 the 10% of agreement the Republic source of upstream, such dam. 11 A OPTION A: F R E S H WAT E R In it order to to other generate countries, Renaissance join to was form that president Despite Sudan for countries that have to share a source of freshwater. this Part of take place [2+2] access the W AT E R River past to Nile) agreement not the be between such as three At 2015, an the 25% point, Egypt, of from each rainfall the to the This of the agreement. ensure would that each independent issues country . a in Egyptian Republic assessment and especially and Nile Egypt former Principles dam due Blue 2011. reduction a export Ethiopian and in to Ethiopia. detrimentally . countries, reduced a and Grand White began independent of country the (the one against published information the build Nile Declaration that the expected receive. impact been it March a for construction action affected never accurate considered, was evaluate has in signed to Blue since military friction, power decided the and normally Ethiopia to on concerned would would remains basin A . 4 it assessment A .16 Sest possible challenges the Ethiopia (GERD) proposed and country Test yorself Dam immediately water hydroelectric around getting Therefore, when growing other tension issues population in are Nile countries. M A N A G E M E N T F U T U R E S Yo sold e ale to sow exaples of ftre possltes • iterated draae as for aaeet ter veto draae ass: aaeet (iDbm) – a comprehensive approach to ✔ The importance of strengthening the planning and management to of a drainage basin involving a contexts, including variety of different stakeholders access clean, improve to water management sustainable safe and participation in different water affordable use of local economic and communities development efciency , and ensuring water; in order that there is a balance ✔ Increased dam building for multipurpose water schemes, and their between economic development costs and benets; and environmental impact. ✔ Case study of contemporary dam building expansion in one • Wetlads – areas of marsh, major drainage basin; fen, peatland or water, whether natural or ar tificial, permanent ✔ The or temporary, with water that is growing (IDBM) importance plans, and the of costs integrated and drainage benets they basin management bring; static or flowing, fresh, brackish ✔ Growing pressures on major wetlands and efforts to protect them, or salt. such ✔ as the Case Ramsar study of Convention; the future possibilities for one wetland area. Strete par tcpato of local cotes to Cocept lk prove sstaale water se POSSibiLiTiES: Possibilities from managing freshwater within a drainage basin can bring benefits and problems at a variety of scales. The implementation of IDBM aims to bring benefits to all stakeholders in a basin, whether they live in different countries or have different priorities. The sustainable already improve for such no is the as drip water is another supplies. one order of water in gardens irrigation wasted benefit rural to of an their how in growing can secure alternative supplies Israeli crops. source. in water to without water ensure local (SEWA) repair has also methods, hand that people safeguarding Association to level can recycling communities, trained clean by irrigation Empowering involvement are international communities efficient Women’s women and Local water more community areas national pioneered when of of a chapter. using Self-Employed example miles or at this management The that several use discussed residential just 12 been in water India pumps having to is in walk A .4 W AT E R m A n A gE m E n T FuTuRE S icreased da ld for ltprpose water scees Multipurpose and an area significant than the between amounts carbon used to the Case the which in Pretoria within South of Africa 200 with phase. of in create Katse and 3,000 received for costs and 17 were and no date flooded in jobs in Phase from cleaner that were the and water 20,000 to 2, fully The first be third hectares the as jobs did part of created not and Mahole US$500 were were Mahole by Phase in require to dams. in 2004. The The 2. during 2016. displaced relocated Katse Dam million electricity which people The Katse Dam in Lesotho South to the 2025 over of Fre A .4.1. a households then 16,000 sale is with the 4,857 3,400 by education. a Once is for behind completed and engineering second 1998 significantly transferred given necessary money enclosed dams Lesotho and The dams has construction. the for amounts generate is basin. significant of large Johannesburg, Lesotho water siltation potential Gauteng dams five from a and country have of as the approximately be million much The is Lesotho more such drainage opened will (LHWP) the to the expansion— Project to and be temperature from required. health (LHWP) whole phases with building Lesotho. will as emissions can in the releases instead such tunnels released concrete used they evaporation dams of fewer and flooding generate difference Project and metres 1, dam Lesotho the 2004 be has reservoir of country , Water tunnels were was Dam US$71 also a (cities This the that against also However, water while in can The the amount Water river reservoirs benefits with in Phase Dam Polihali The year. three land the of 2025, For arable of for and cubic completed finished the from LHWP km every project was the fish, pipelines, power Orange million through for could Africa fuels. and water V ereeniging) water the of water and completed, 2,000 dam to Highlands hydroelectric surplus due manner construction aspects network divert region of Highlands Lesotho complex problems The a protection They environment. Contemporary Lesotho The a many in fossil downstream amount dioxide of provide fishing. energy natural energy . study: of can and burning water build improve the causes reduce generating of to the reservoir schemes recreation continual detrimental can dam for Phase water South 1, sales Africa treatment. during Phase 1, Test yorself more villages compensation involving of 12 was will be provided construction malpractice during relocated to the people, companies Phase during Phase and during 2. Inadequate bribery Phase 1 was with uncovered allegations A .17 Sest reasons why the benefits gained from the construction of large dams may 2. outweigh any costs. [3+3] A .18 Briefly otle what is Te row por tace of terated draae meant by the term IDBM. [2] as aaeet (iDbm) plas, ad te costs A .19 Descre an IDBM using ad eefts tey r an example that you have As you have populations, already seen economic a number of development times and in this global chapter, climate growing change studied. [3] bring A .20 Sest how an IDBM can challenges when trying to please different stakeholders economically bring both costs and benefits to and socially , while also aiming to achieve environmental sustainability . different stakeholders. IDBM tries different to achieve stakeholders all of and these with different the mutual cooperation [3+3] of countries. 13 A OPTION Fre A .4.2. A: F R E S H WAT E R Wetlands in a grow pressres o ajor wetlads ad effor ts to periglacial environment protect te, sc as te Rasar Coveto The in Ramsar Ramsar Convention—the in Iran governments UN in in order Environment world’s Case land study: 1971. Convention is a can future treaty protect Programme surface The to It be the on that unique (UNEP) classified possibilities Wetlands—was was signed ecology estimates as for by of that a signed number wetlands. about 6% of The of the wetlands. one wetland area—the Iraqi Marshes The Iraqi area is unique been to the of via by culture of UN 2006, In by the of the 2017 Several has the Test yorself A .21 Defe the term “wetlands”. from from is thus once dams the birds outside positive and now are restore to a in water the 2003, decreased, the marshes UNESCO make to the build a and the is has to the from 1980s the Marsh Arabs the wetlands and the had unique in 2003 and by World area Heritage thanks to site, further the but Iraqi The graph below shows the number of oods per decade for a river. 50 40 sdoofl 30 fo rebmuN 20 10 0 s0002 s0991 s0891 s0791 s0691 s0591 s0491 s0391 s0291 s0191 s0091 Source of data: International Baccalaureate Organization (2016) from more. the rise of fishing and Domestic wetlands pelicans. there series Decade once and However, ISIS has buffalo tourism watching the meant situation that few visited. potentially decimate living touring and have a present quESTiOn PRACTiCE 14 as eagles Iraq Iraq of forced By life marshes war The that rejuvenated. returned groups as possibilities, Tigris again in Hussein Iraq. way government. with conflict draining of a their the Iran–Iraq people. revenue been had birds such By in decades, draining the 1990. water devastated. to had families native in south-east the recent during perished, designated Iraqi In the on Hussein 200,000 was in live upstream, over families planning Euphrates wetlands. was East. Kuwait programme increasing, are Turkey of who disloyal nearby marshes some sectarian There A .22 Otle the value of area while been tourists a wetlands Saddam being Livestock the of Middle to Marsh Arabs migratory with of the due for thousand herding, area displacing began initiatives of series 90%. 50% 2016, and a area, shrunk The part an Marsh Arabs, difficult invasion the are the the Arabs marshes out to this made punish and Marshes home of are dams 40–50% some that of wetlands. negative will their issues starve normal the too. rivers waters and quE STiOn PRACTiCE a) Descre the changes in ood frequency shown on the graph. [2] ) Otle one ood prediction strategy. [2] c) Sest one physical reason and one human reason why the risk of a river ooding can change over time. [3 + 3] Essays Eter: Exae the role of river deposition in the formation of oodplain landforms. [10] Or: Evalate the costs and benets of river ooding. [10] How do I approach these questions? a) This 2-mark question will require two distinct points and the inclusion of data. Try to categorize changes that have taken place over time and write one sentence for each time period. Consider the general trend, periods of signicant increase or decrease and any anomaly that is not par t of the general trend. Do not forget to include data in your answer. ) A brief account or summary is required for this question; it is wor th 2 marks so two or three sentences will be sucient. c) For each factor (one natural and one ar ticial) it will be necessary to clearly state the factor, and then explain in detail how it links to increased or reduced ooding. It would also be appropriate to try and include an example for each of the factors. First essay choice: The command term is “examine”, and because of this you will need to ensure that the relationships between the river processes and the formation of landforms on a oodplain are discussed. Consider how some landforms are a product of deposition and other landforms require other uvial processes. Try to ensure that your paragraphs have a focus, and be prepared to draw an annotated sketch that explains how processes help to form dierent landforms on the oodplain. Second essay choice: “Evaluate” is the command term for the alternative essay response, and therefore you will need to ensure that you oer a measured response, with both costs and benets detailed in your answer. In order to provide context and to substantiate the positive and negative eects, you will need to include relevant case studies with detail. Conceptual connections are possible: you can outline how ooding can be benecial to a place in terms of how the land around a river is used. S AmPLE STuDEnT AnS WER a) T he general 2000s large is a is from decrease 11 largest of increasing. jump about trend oods increase in frequency Between about between ood 9 oods 1920s the from 1900s to and 1930s. 11 the 1930s to and the 30 from 1930s oods 1900s 1920s approximately Between oods from 15 approx. and in is to the quite oods. 15 1940s. is increase a valid point a T here oods 1940s ▲ General to the Relatively ▲ Signicant increase a valid point staying in the same between 1940s to 1960s but a small decrease 1950s. This is a comprehensive answer that includes plenty of data and achieves full marks. Given the time constraints in an exam, it would be more appropriate to include less content since two sentences would have been sucient. Increasing number of oods = 1 mark Flood-rich period 1940s–1960s = 1 mark marks 2/2 15 A OPTION A: F R E S H WAT E R b) Weather way that forecasting authorities and are tracking able to weather predict systems is one oods. This answer includes a valid strategy, but it requires development in order to link the strategy to ood prediction. For example, the monitoring of any future increases in precipitation can aid authorities in making predictions for potential ooding when also considering river levels and soil moisture. The answer only states or identies a strategy rather than providing an outline. mark 1/2 c) ▲ Increased T he amount discharge ▼ Lacking of precipitation received in an area can affect the precipitation development/ T he of human a river as additional interferences such as water ood will fall in the management, channel. for explanation/examples example because channelization, places further can create downstream negative that have effects. not T his is implemented ▲ Channelization channelization ood as the size will of see the an increase channel in cannot discharge cope with resulting the excess in water . Increased precipitation, but quite simplistic development = 1 mark Channelization = 1 mark Explanation is present via a reduction in capacity for places downstream to cope with an increase in discharge = 1 mark This answer requires more depth. For the physical reason, precipitation could be fur ther developed by explaining that additional volume will be added to the river via overland ow and throughow. In addition, antecedent moisture could be present from a previous rainfall event, which would fur ther increase overland ow and the risk of ooding. An example would ensure that 3 marks for the physical factor would be credited. The human par t of the answer is better since there is more explanation, and an example of where channelization has caused ooding would provide the third mark for this par t of the answer. marks 3/6 Essay Eter: Exae the role of river deposition in the formation of oodplain landforms. Floodplain further landforms down or are upstream caused a by different landform river is. l Youthfu old-age m id a g e time 16 processes the quE STiOn Due to discharge, playing a major and role, velocity the upstream landforms and may be gradient different PRACTiCE also due to ▲ Processes erosion taking place such as hydraulic action, abrasion and attrition. Eroding the large rocks and turning to matter that can be ▲ Landform transported to form as downstream the velocity and of the the formation rivers gets of slower larger the levees centre of begin ▼ This the and river will be the fastest as it will be the largest wetted it less friction hence deposition on the sides of a very long sentence be broken down achieve greater clarity in perimeter order leaving is should the river to as ▲ Deposition—link to the question less velocity therefore it and is matter cannot be transported the the inner too heavy ▲ Processes river like it’s deposited. levees Just as formation side of the of river oxbow on banks lakes making it the velocity deposit on is the higher ▲ Landform on outer . ▼ This is is higher meander, inner ion deposit incorrect; on the and the outer will velocity side deposit of the on the side. meande r Rivers lower have different courses present as the and stages these such sections inuence of as will erosion the upper , have and the middle different deposition and the landforms will differ . Some sentences are very long, and the essay would benet from being more structured with clear, focused paragraphs. Some appropriate terminology has been included although more could have been included such as ‘slip-o slopes’ for the inside of a ‘meander ’. The drawings do not add much value to the response since they lack annotations and a limited amount of content is provided in the response. Floodplains and deltas could have been discussed, as well as providing a clearer explanation of the formation of a meander. marks 4/10 17 A OPTION A: F R E S H WAT E R Or: Evalate the costs and benets of river ooding. River ▲ Appropriate terminology ooding basins due to monsoonal from the example with detail in order ooding. country main ▲ Relevant due to terminology (as to – the avoid An the more. living oods rivers T he within of annually snowmelt T hese agricultural annual such oods is of basis this consistency effects is to a lead productivity. and T his can even benet where of its – with soil 30% causes of three ooding heavy fertility oodplain), also be adequately paired the spring, means Meghna improved over in these combination spring to deposited of can and most ooding Bangladesh, Ganges the in snowmelt oodplains due in as effects this Brahmaputra, rains. an detrimental sediment/alluvium benets on relative example Himalayan monsoonal ▲ Appropriate However , occur conditions and communities prepare to climatic rains, detrimental. that tends the which country’s ▲ Benet aquifers is to highly be restored, important increasing in a highly the groundwater densely populated supply. T his country like ▲ Benet Bangladesh, ▲ Application to example oods. the to example even and the poverty, help to pollution As 18 can in be water the at risk of of water sewage cannot natural ush well-being aforementioned ▲ Benet be scarcity treatment always ltration be without plants extracted system of its of benet away local of these pollutants, ecosystems eradicating as the as aquifers the country’s high rivers. seen, the effects of these annual oods can to from increasing well these due important. also overall may inexistence therefore more Floods the to country’s river , ▲ Application Due which be the is quE STiOn ▲ Case highly that benecial, doesn’ t primarily have on especially very for a develo ped agriculture. nation urban However , like vo latility of and relies global ▼ This climate on an increasing scale due to climate change means not nal aligned paragraph, that these oods are no t entirely predictable, and can Normal negative oods destroy can as the Bangladesh of unexpected synchronized intense destroy settlements, however can be ood effects were well as T his led a their kill livestock 2017 , to the poverty, Here it can be the seen the of at Intense can be the oods, the means It in same to ood’s for time modern over were a was due due as high foothill to snowmelt. people by consequences consistent large-scale 6 ▲ Appropriate terminology the million Bangladesh’s were ooding terminology as rainfall. devastated and ▲ Appropriate T he deforestation and example by abnormally antecedent history 100 caused to consolidated negative despite potential rivers consistent killed effects that three case consequences such devastating Himalayan due ood Its particular the by table nation. affected. however benecial, rains largest delta were T his discharges water the ▲ Structure and unpredictability mitigated. of consolidated high low-lying people nature. monsoon of discusses ooding ▲ Relevant their is rest consequences. infrastructure, consequences the which ▲ Negative their sentence with have benets devastating knowledge Bangladesh se ttlements the study PRACTiCE immense. being unexpected ood ▲ Negative can impacts, case study detail arise In and be highly conclusion, consequences benets delta disagree always ooding communities. oods be of I which damaging. with outweigh that However , enough statement benets, maintain communities devastating the to the climatic aren’ t make given volatility for , benets the that sur vival prepared the that of it is these can which of negative often river/ lead can ooding the to large often appear ▲ Effective new meagre in summary information with included, no aligned comparison. with the rest of the essay Detailed explanation of the problems and benets with an evaluation. marks 10/10 19 OCEANS B Covering oceans more are of AND MARGINS than great 70% of the importance Earth’s to surface, humans in Yo shold be able to show: a ✔ number of ways. This optional theme provides how physical processes to the the of to the the physical oceans with atmosphere–ocean important role that characteristics particular linkage, oceans concentrating play in ✔ how coastal interactions on ocean link the Earth’s systems; places with are shaped by their oceans; influencing the varying power of different stakeholders in conditions. relation ✔ B . 1 and and reference ✔ climatic processes an atmospheric introduction C O A STA L to coastal margin future possibilities global commons. O C E A N – AT M O S P H E R E for management; managing the oceans as a I N T E R A C T I O N S Yo shold be able to show how physical processes link • ENSO (El Niño Sothern the Ear th's atmospheric and ocean systems: Oscillation) – a reversal of the normal atmospheric circulation ✔ in the southern Pacific Ocean. • La Niña – an intensification of ✔ normal atmospheric processes The operation and energy ocean Atmosphere–oceanic Southern in the southern Pacific Ocean. of transfers, Oscillation environmental ✔ Detailed and currents, and the including importance interactions (ENSO) examples of the La Niña distribution, oceanic associated and economic their of with cycles nutrient conveyor El belts; Niño and their climatic, effects; geographic impacts of El Niño and impacts of hurricanes LaNiña; ✔ The formation, coastal ✔ Case and ✔ The study ) including of one and physical storm hurricane on surges; and its impacts on coastal places people; changing (CO distribution margins, and the role of oceans impacts of as a ocean store and source acidication on of carbon coral dioxide reefs. 2 The operation of ocean crrents Surface ocean blowing The effect current currents steadily is of ocean cold or are across caused the currents warm. by the influence of prevailing winds sea. on W arm temperatures currents depends from on equatorial whether regions the raise the Test yorself temperatures of polar areas (with help from prevailing westerly winds). B.1 Identify (a) one warm ocean Ocean currents are important as they transfer heat, oxygen and current and (b) one cold current nutrients in the Nor th Atlantic Ocean. around the world. [2] B.2 Otline the impact of ocean Nutrient and energy transfers currents on the climate of places Many at coastal margins. eastern currents the move surface. California 20 oceans experience upwelling currents, where the ocean [4] cold Such and water, rich upwelling south-west in nutrients, currents Africa. are from found the off ocean the floor coast of to Peru, B .1 The importance of oceanic conveyor O C E A N – AT M O S P H E R E INTERACTIONS belts Concept link In addition to the transfer of energy by wind and ocean currents, there PROCESSES: The processes that is also a transfer of energy by deep sea currents. Oceanic convection exist within the hydrosphere occurs from polar regions where cold salty water sinks into the depths and atmosphere, and between and makes its way towards the equator. The densest water is found both systems, enable the in the at a Antarctic area. This cold dense water sweeps round Antarctica distribution of energy. These depth of about 4 km. It then spreads into the deep basins of the natural processes are impor tant Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. Surface currents bring warm at a variety of scales, such as the water to the North Atlantic from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. These economic impact on a country’s waters give up their heat to cold winds which blow from Canada agricultural industry in the South across the North Atlantic. This water then sinks and starts the reverse Pacific during a La Niña year, for convection of the deep ocean current. example. Human input can alter Temperature, salinity water of masses ocean water water is less dense. denser different (denser very sinks). water slips affect densities whereas large mass pressure water dense, When water and a are masses the density important A cold, warm, under the highly less less the layering deep surface different dense seawater. saline, saline, with in of Large of mass water densities the meet, as the increased frequency of cyclones due to the warming of of mass some of these processes, such is the atmosphere and oceans. the mass. Atmosphere–oceanic interactions associated with ENSO and La Niña cycles El Niño El Niño—the occurs conditions at in the “Christ intervals Pacic Ocean Child”—is between two a warming and ten of years, the eastern and lasts Pacific for up that to two years. During El Niño temperatures western over The 10 Low the and area children to to eastern (SSTs) El into of Niño food. Pacific the over east 28°C develops event Some people in in East its Africa The spread 40 (ENSO) rise as extend the episodes, warm Pacific. over to areas driest and heavy easily led million urban experienced malnutrition. virus Oscillation The water sea much from the surface further eastern water across Pacific; high the pressure west. million The the flows pressure 2015–16 water in Pacific temperatures Pacific. Southern 100 in (there in was in for 35 more Africa stagnant short and were Up needed America being areas years. Africa South people rural southern year southern rains million people to affected. one million treatment enabled water of nearly the for for Zika mosquitoes breed). La La Niña Niña across is the an conditions off the whereby coast extends intermittent equatorial of beyond the in the patterns in Canada. over northern strong South patterns cold Pacific easterly America Pacific Sahel and into and in has India, Generally , Australia, current Ocean. It an winds the there flows push linked with are and from the intensification western been and Indonesia that is cold with Its water impact unusual rainfall temperature wetter-than-normal the normal upwelling Pacific. unusual east of Philippines. conditions Test yorself Wetter B.3 Compare the climate conditions are also experienced in northern Brazil and south-eastern conditions in the southern Africa. The summer monsoon tends to be stronger over north-west Pacific region associated with India. Drier conditions are experienced along the west coast of El Niño events with those of SouthAmerica. La Niña. [2+2] 21 B OPTION B: OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S The formation, distribtion and physical impacts of hrricanes on coastal marins Hurricanes winds and 24 • hours), Sea the • move they to form, quantities heat be bring other as heavy rainfall, hazards well as such large strong as flooding totals (up to and 500 mm flooding. from number must of cause heat a that rainfall, causes excess temperatures of over when low latitudes conditions 27°C. it is (Warm to higher are latitudes. needed: water gives condensed—this heat off drives hurricane.) The so waves; invariably hurricanes large hazards High-intensity Hurricanes For intense high mudslides. in are low that Earth) the pressure the area Coriolis creates equator, rotation there has force is to be far (the force the rising in insufficient enough caused air away by mass. rotation the If and it a from the rotation is too equator of close hurricane the to will not develop. • There must altitude) Case In study: Haiti, refugee In Test yorself the be to over USA, 100 Sandy Sandy, were flooded affected Florida Damage shear (the hurricane deaths were from Wisconsin. wind the Hurricane camps seaboard low allow to was gradient maintain of its wind velocity with structure. 2012 attributed and 24 to crops states, Maine to Sandy . washed including and west particularly the across severe in Tents across the away . entire to eastern Michigan New Jersey and and New B.4 Briefly explain the main York. At least 131 people in eight states were killed. The New York hazards associated with Stock hurricanes. Exchange was closed for two days, the first weather closure since [4] 1985 and the first two-day weather closure since 1888. Seven subway B.5 Sest why Haiti tunnels under the East river were flooded. Battery Park in Manhattan experienced a relatively high had a storm surge of 14 feet. Over 100,000 homes on Long Island were number of deaths despite damaged or destroyed. not being in the direct path of Hurricane Sandy. [2] The chanin role of oceans as a store and sorce of carbon dioxide (CO ), and the impacts of ocean 2 acidification on coral reefs The oceans are the largest reservoir of carbon in the carbon cycle—they Test yorself contain approximately 38,000 trillion kg of carbon. The oceans are also B.6 Analyse the impor tance of a major source of carbon. For example, photosynthesis by plankton the ocean as a source and a store creates organic compounds from CO . Some of this passes through 2 of carbon. [2+2] the B.7 (a) Describe how the ocean food chain and sinks to the seabed where it is decomposed into sediments. is becoming more Acidication acidic. (b) Explain how more acidic oceans are damaging to marine life. [3] Atmospheric dissolved. the It water ’s and 22 of oceans [2] carbon reacts pH organisms dioxide with level with sea and is taken water making shells. to it in by the produce more ocean and carbonic acidic. This becomes acid, affects lowering coral reefs B.2 B . 2 I N T E R A C T I O N S A N D C O A S TA L INTERACTIONS BE T WEEN B E T W E E N OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L PL A C E S O C E A N S P L A C E S Yo shold be able to show how coastal places are shaped • Estatic chanes – worldwide by their interactions with oceans: changes in sea level caused ✔ Physical inuences sediment wave ✔ supply , processes on coastal lithology , (littoral The characteristics and deposition, and beaches; and landscapes, vegetation, drift, including subaerial hydraulic formation of wave-cut including action coastal waves, processes and and cliffs, of erosion stacks, by the growth and decay of ice caps, thereby locking up and later releasing water from ice. abrasion); landforms platforms, tides, spits • Isostatic chanes – localized changes in the relative level of the land and sea, caused by the depression of the Ear th’s crust, ✔ Advancing and retreating coastlines, including the role of isostatic such as due to the weight of an and eustatic processes, and the associated landforms (relict cliff, ice sheet. Following deglaciation, raised beach, fjord); the crust beneath the weight ✔ The role of coastal processes, wind and vegetation in sand dune begins to rise again, and relative sea level therefore falls. development. • Ad vancin coasts – coastlines that are growing/getting larger Physical inflences on coastal landscapes either due to deposition or a fall in sea level. Waves • Sbaerial – processes that Constructive waves tend to occur when wave frequency is low occur on the Ear th’s surface. (6–8/minute). Swash moved beach. up the Destructive create waves waves stronger of than are high the is stronger the result frequency swash, than of backwash, locally is sediment generated (12–14/minute). material so eroded As from winds, the the is which backwash is beach. Tides Tides are regular gravitational • tides are • during movements pull of greatest the in in Moon bays the and and sea’s Sun along surface, on the caused oceans. funnel-shaped In by the general: coastlines Oceans and their coastal low pressure systems, water levels are raised 10cm for every margins are open systems as decrease of 10mb. they receive energy and matter from external sources. However, Sediment supply for convenience, geographers Sediment transport is generally categorized into two modes: use the concept of a sediment cell (or littoral cell) in which • Bedload—grains transported by bedload are moved with inputs and outputs are balanced continuous contact (traction or dragging) or by discontinuous within a single bay or region, and contact (saltation) with the seafloor. each sediment cell is • Suspended load—grains are carried by turbulent flow and generally self-contained. are held Subaerial up and Subaerial, or weathering, by the wave water. processes cliff-face, solution processes include weathering, salt slaking weathering, and biological freeze-thaw weathering. Content link Some of these mass movements are discussed in more detail in Mass movements are also important in coastal areas, especially option D.1. slumping and rock falls. 23 B OPTION B: OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L Wave M A R GIN S erosion Test yorself The processes of erosion are abrasion, attrition, solution (corrosion) and B.8 Distinish between hydraulic action. constructive and destructive waves. [2+2] Littoral drift B.9 Describe what is meant by a Littoral littoral cell system. (longshore) drift leads to a gradual movement of sediment [2] along the B.10 Explain the impor tance of wind, the tidal range. the [3] shore, whereas steepest as the the swash moves backwash moves in the direction straight down of the the prevailing beach, following gradient. B.11 Analyse the changes that occur as a result of wave refraction. The characteristics and formation of coastal landforms [3] of erosion and deposition Erosional Cliff profiles factors. is landforms to One say (cracks are major bedding along Wave-cut about are and Cliff- replaced subjected Wave factor to by a lines are are and and the depend influence strata of of on of a number lithology sedimentary of controlling (rock rocks) type), and that jointing weakness). most frequently typically less lengthening concentrates rather wave 500 in and the with that angle marine on wide means lower than energy high-energy metres evolution platform processes found than shore-platform subaerial refraction is (horizontal platforms 1°. variable vertical environments of very an steep cliffs angle cliffs that are forces. flanks of headlands. Test yorself If B.12 Otline the difference are widened between a stack and a stump. [2] if the [3] arch the lines crack). caves Further B.13 Analyse the formation of wave-cut platforms. there to on of Geos either erosion and collapse, stack A beach exposed is may side be of these a an may eroded a of be and headland weathering leaving produces Depositional weakness, the eroded to form a enlarged to form caves, merge, arch upstanding an may stack. arch cause The is geo (a and formed. the roof eventual of the erosion of stump. landforms a feature coasts or of coastal sand on deposition, sheltered consisting of pebbles on coasts. Spits These • localized abundant depositional material is features available, will develop particularly where: shingle and sand Test yorself • deposition is increased by the presence of vegetation (reducing wave B.14 Describe the formation of velocity spits. energy). [3] B.15 Briefly explain the formation of caves and arches. and [2+2] Spits are common Swapkopmund, that form spits along indented Namibia. are always The coastlines, long, joined at narrow one end for example, ridges to the of near sand and shingle mainland. Ad vancin and retreatin coastlines Sea levels sheets. change as Eustatic in in conjunction change level of sequence fall, of refers the adjustment Temperatures levels 24 the isostatic A simple 1. change or to land a the global relative to growth change the and in level decay sea of level. the sea of ice The is known isostasy . sea-level decrease, eustatically . with change glaciers can and ice be described: sheets advance and sea B.3 2. Ice thickness increases 3. Temperatures and the land is lowered M A N A gINg C O A S TA L M A R gIN S isostatically . Concept link rise, ice melts and sea levels rise eustatically . PL ACES: Similar to other par ts of 4. Continued melting releases pressure on the land and the the planet, coastal margins are land dynamic places that can feature risesisostatically . a range of different landforms Features of emerged coastlines include: that are subject to processes of • raised beaches, • coastal • relict such as along the west coast of Malta erosion and deposition, both in their formation but also in their plains evolution. Thus places have cliffs, such as those along the Fall Line in eastern USA quite unique characteristics. For • raised Rio mudflats, la Plata, for example, the mudflats on the south coast of the example, coastlines with striking and impressive cliff and dune Argentina. formations. Spatial change on Submerged coastlines include: these margins relies on global • rias, such valleys as the caused Georges by rising River, sea Sydney , levels or Australia—drowned due to a sinking of the river processes; a cliff may be eroded due to an increase in storm surges land in oceans as global temperatures • fjords, • fjards such as the Oslo Fjord—glacial troughs drowned by the sea and acidification increase. or Maine, “drowned glacial lowlands”, for example, Somes Sound, USA. Test yorself The role of coastal processes, wind and veetation B.16 Describe the processes that form (a) fjords and (b) relict in sand dne development cliffs. Sand dunes onshore Strong low form winds, winds tide. a where large tidal transport V egetation there a is reliable range large causes a a and supply of vegetation volume of reduction sand in sand, to trap onshore, wind the sand. especially velocity , [2+2] strong at especially in Test yorself the lowest few centimetres above the ground, and this reduces energy B.17 Analyse the formation of and increases The greater the deposition of sand. sand dunes. deposition, B . 3 the amount and more of vegetation, rapid sand the dune M A N A G I N G greater the development amount [3] of occurs. C O A S TA L M A R G I N S Yo shold be able to show the varyin power of different • Exclsive economic zone stakeholders in relation to coastal marin manaement: (EEZ) – an area in which a ✔ Coastal erosion and ooding cliff-line stabilization ✔ coastal and management managed strategies, including coastal nation has sovereign rights over all the economic retreat; resources of the sea, seabed One management case study focused on the decision- and subsoil, extending up to 200 making process and perspectives of different actors; nautical miles from the coast ✔ Conicting land uses land-use (tourism, pressures industry on and coastlines, housing) including and commercial (one nautical mile is c.1.85 km). conservation • Soverein – having measures; independent authority over a ✔ One case coastal ✔ ✔ of coral stakeholder Detailed Sovereignty coastal to illustrate the roles of, and outcomes for, territory. stakeholders; Management different ✔ study reefs examples rights margins of and and mangrove perspectives of both nations swamps, their ecosystems in exclusive on relation economic to use and and including value; their territorial zones issues; limits along (EEZs). 25 B OPTION B: OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Coastal erosion and floodin manaement strateies, Concept link incldin cliff-line stabilization and manaed retreat POWER: The value of coastal margins should not be Coastal hard engineering management strategies understated, and different Cliff-base management strategies include: stakeholders view this value through different lenses. For • example, commercial developers Sea walls, reflect are interested in tourism which wave density . are energy . However, large-scale They they are are concrete easily curved made and walls good designed in areas of to high expensive. revenue, while ecologists see • Gabions, which are made from rocks contained in wire cages and coastlines as areas containing absorb wave energy . They are cheaper than sea walls and revetments unique ecosystems that suppor t but only work on a small scale. biodiversity and protect against environmental degradation. The Cliff-face management includes: value of places can often lead to • Cliff drainage, Cliff grading, which removes water from rocks in the cliff. conflict and friction due to the contrasting motivations of par ties • the who have a vested interest. These cliff which refers to the lowering of the cliff angle to make safer. conflicts can exist at a local scale, Coastal but they have also taken place soft engineering management strategies at an international scale in the Soft engineering management strategies include: past and present and could quite • Beach nourishment, which uses sand pumped from elsewhere to possibly take place in the future replace the eroded sand. as countries seek to establish their territory in oceans. • Managed retreat, which allows the coastline to be eroded in certain places. Test yorself Case B.18 Describe the advantages By of (a) gabions and (b) cliff regrading. 1950s walls sand. Coastal stakeholders may hold different Due Corps of viewpoints regarding coastal [6] of sand. there and to replenished B.19 Otline why some management schemes. the sea [2+2] study: was the had left protected. Engineers built 0.25 sand a Miami Miami to the new the beach, cubic from Beach, and with USA USA, of vast as and 18 1980s million are needed groynes, amounts recreation, 1970s metres the Beach, removal tourism During million eroded of at of led importance and the little dredging Around replenish management of the beach the US cubic each was Army metres year to beach. Conflictin land-se pressres on coastlines There are a number commercial measures. to and species tourist amount Case of Tourism Resorts is from 26 of gets as the is Red that reefs has of and water natural industry houses, cause loss of of including and conservation can habitats groundwater pollution. habitats lead industries, In and tables, contrast, and to limit most the cause. reefs in and However, people which can coastlines housing) and lowering developments industry the causes problem, It preserve new Sea onto building intrusion, Hurghada blown a example, to on and developments aquifers that visitors. landfill sewage in want growth attractions which on a such numbers the The pressures industry infrastructure). damage study: (for visual intrusion conservationists conflicting (tourism, housing changes diversity , saltwater of use Tourism, land-use hotels land and occurred. the part Sharm-el-Sheikh some want to reefs. major even northern tourist visit. have Construction disruption it the has Red to also impact dust, new Disposal treated, large may creates creates reefs. been Sea. attracted developments Construction where of algal land of growth B.3 Marine parks Mohamed but this Marine has including have been Park angered tourism discharges), created at in area (for Sharm-el-Sheikh) fishermen. There developments illegal the fishing and are to example, aid many C O A S TA L M A R gIN S Ras conservation, threats (sedimentation, mass reef M A N A gINg to habitat the reefs, degradation, tourism. Manaement of coral reefs and manrove swamps Coral on reefs account nearly 25% a of The the value Coral in of are tourism Global coral coral major breed, reefs animals, grow, biological tourists sea-level as are and with and sea rise, well all change lifetime Increasing fish Coral and of sea” contain and spawn the about and evade reefs. habitat, our plants “rainforests an economic interest people and in importance. coral involved in reefs, the industrialists. reefs climate in of conservationists households reefs the biodiversity . stakeholders warming, Global sea as reefs of sector, to rich fishermen, coastal and coral are described species many including Threats their world’s reefs There the of often million predators • are as overfishing, pollution endangering will for cause several surface destruction from coral industry , of farms reefs. irreparable damage to coral reasons: temperatures will cause more coral bleaching. • The abundance some • species Increasing ocean corals other and growth, Coral To reefs: avoid • • more act of Mangroves dyes, fish reefs are of reduce calcification resulting eventual in in slower death. Fire B.3.1. A coral reef in Antigua strategies and gases activities are of support people in the tropics, it is are reduced (sedimentation, overfishing, blasting coastal tropical provide as both as well as as forests zones Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to with protection trees and tropical many fuelwood, food such commercially and of of shrubs areas. that grow Mangroves in the cover coastline. humans such swamps provide designated biodiversity . salt-tolerant the poisons, mangrove and Threats and products species, trees greenhouse swamps: 25% include will and damage human estuaries about reduced limited Mangroves tidal be that: reservoirs Mangrove will organisms, management coral as acidification Possible damaging species extinct. calcifying permanent is coral become skeletons emissions coral) many weaker recommended • of may from as beds tropical and as services. timber, shellfish farmed sea-grass ecological charcoal, and nurseries. and materials, crustaceans. farmed storms, These thatching for In act Many subsistence, addition, as use mangrove sediment traps. 27 B OPTION B: OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L Owing M A R GIN S to the large range of benefits that mangroves provide, many Test yorself stakeholders farmers, B.20 Analyse the conditions are interested conservationists, in mangrove local swamps, residents and including fishermen, politicians. necessary for the growth of coral. [4] Mangrove swamps: Management B.21 Using examples, analyse Possible strategies management strategies include: the variety of pressures that affect coral reefs. • restoration • managed • generic and afforestation [4] realignment—allowing mangroves to migrate inland B.22 Sest the ecological services provided by mangrove swamps. protection of mangrove ecosystems. [3] Sovereinty rihts of nations in relation to territorial limits alon coastal marins and exclsive economic zones (EEZs) Test yorself Coastal states are free to exploit, develop and manage all resources B.23 Distinish between found in the waters, on the ocean floor area extending 200 nautical territorial waters and exclusive miles economic zones. from over which exclusive over the use of EEZs. has [4] a country economic exclusive example, O C E A N shore. Territorial waters are the waters (sea/ocean) [2] B.24 Explain why conflicts arise B . 4 their rights fish, has zone for energy full is the sovereignty the exploitation resources M A N A G E M E N T rights. sub-surface and of area In contrast, over marine which the a resources, country for metals. F U T U R E S Yo shold be able to show examples of ftre possibilities • Abiotic resorces – non-living for manain the oceans as a lobal commons: resources such as oil and gas. ✔ Causes and consequences of increasing demand for the abiotic • Biotic resorces – living resources of oceans, Trends biotic including minerals, oil and gas; resources such as fish and vegetation. ✔ of • geopolitical – the influence areas of geographic factors (location, in alternatives and resource to use (sh overshing, and mammals) including and aquaculture, the viability conservation quotas; resources) over politics and power. ✔ Strengths including and weaknesses local and plastic The strategic and of global initiatives strategies to for manage ocean radioactive pollution, materials, oil waste; Concept link ✔ insecurity , POSSIBILITIES: With growing islands, pressures placed on ocean value of including canals and oceans the and sources contested transit choke of international ownership and conict/ control of points; environments, there is an increased ✔ One contemporary geopolitical case study focusing on a need to ensure that initiatives contested ocean area. are implemented and managed to achieve sustainability. The Sustainable Development Goals Cases and conseqences of increasin demand for the contains targets that represent abiotic resorces of oceans positive possibilities from strategies applied throughout the world. As However, the management of oceans of is a complex matter; the resulting non-renewable the world’s living rise, population the demand resources grows, for raw such as its economies materials oil and develop increases, and standards especially for gas. possibilities can also be negative, The Arctic and oil could hold a quarter of the world’s undiscovered gas especially when trying to cope with reserves. This amounts to 90 billion barrels of oil and vast growing consumerism and increasing amounts of natural gas. Nearly 85% of these deposits are believed geopolitical tension, and thus power to be offshore. Canada, Denmark, Norway , Russia and the USA are and scale cannot be ignored. racing 28 to establish the limits of their territory , stretching far beyond B.4 their land borders. They are competing to gain better access to OCE AN M A N A gE M E N T FuTuRE S the Test yorself Arctic’s resource base. B.25 Define the term “abiotic resource”. [1] Trends in biotic resorce se (fish and mammals) B.26 Identify two abiotic and the viability of alternatives to overfishin resources found in the Arctic. World fisheries of in and aquaculture contributed almost 171 million [1] tonnes B.27 Sest why the Arctic fish 2016, valued at over US$362 billion. The world’s supply of is impor tant for abiotic fish as food has rate of 3.2% grown dramatically since 1961, with an average growth resources. the world’s per year compared with a growth rate of 1.6% per year [2] for B.28 Explain why development population. of abiotic resources in the Overshing Arctic may be damaging to the environment. Nearly stocks from 70% in the of the EU the world’s North Sea regularly stocks are fish less in are than other in need 10% parts of of of management. 1970 the levels. [3] Cod Fishing boats world. Aquaculture Aquaculture 2000 and W orld world aquaculture Quotas In involves 2016, the and raising production conservation past, quotas, the real problem too few fish fish in grew 2016 by , was on usually average, estimated for food. 5.8%per at 80 Between year. million tonnes. areas bans of commercially , aquaculture the and conservation fishing industry: areas too have many failed to fishermen address chasing When describing data, remember and too many young fish. For fisheries to be protected, the to refer to the maximum, number of boats and fishermen need to be reduced. minimum, trend and anomalies. Strenths and weaknesses of initiatives to manae ocean polltion Test yorself The strengths increased civil are oceanic patch including number of also derives manage more such the size many of from the plastic of and the areas are under land 50% fishing the include work However, to example, which in pollution Greenpeace. (for important—just ocean legislation, as pollutants pollutants, is to awareness, organizations, weaknesses, pollution initiatives public society increasing of of be managed, plastic) based. of the B.29 Analyse the reasons of why two different seas/oceans there and have developed as pollution the the hotspots. origin Marine-based great Pacific [2+2] B.30 Describe how the physical garbage nets. geography of oceans is related to oceanic pollution. [2] The strateic vale of oceans and sorces of international conflict/insecrity A number of importance transit the or choke presence the Case oceans of point), of Countries strategic routes control biotic importance study: have shipping of and canals borders for example, (for transport the in South (for (for the This the may Straits example, resources conict on importance. islands abiotic Geopolitical with of (for the South China Sea to the a Islands), the Arctic the China due Malacca, Falkland example, example, be of Panama Ocean), Canal). Sea include China, Taiwan, Test yorself the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam. B.31 Sest reasons why there The South second (10 China Sea most-used million Malacca. has sea barrels) of Moreover, a lane very in crude the important the oil region a world. day has strategic Over are 1.6 shipped proven oil and value. million is the cubic through gas It the Straits reserves. is competition among countries metres of for rights over the South China Sea. [2] Natural 29 B OPTION B: OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L gas M A R GIN S reserves (266 trillion develop are estimated cubic these feet). to The resources total around countries and to are control 7,500cubic competing sections of kilometres in the their South claims China to Sea. QuESTION PRACTICE The following graph shows the distribution of hurricanes. Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn Average annual frequency 0.1–0.9 Average tracks a) Describe the distribution of hurricanes as shown on the map. [2] b) Explain t wo factors needed for the formation of hurricanes. [2+2] c) Using examples, explain t wo reasons why oceans may become a source of geopolitical conict. [2+2] Essays Either: Examine the advantages and disadvantages of dierent types of coastal management schemes. [10] Or: Using a located example, examine how conicting pressures in a coastal area have been managed. [10] How do I approach these qestions? a) This question asks for a description. You should use the information on the map, for example, lines of latitude, compass bearing, major concentrations and some smaller ones. b) You are asked to explain two factors. Each explanation is worth two marks, so some detail/development is needed for the award of the second mark. c) Similarly, here you are asked to explain two reasons. Each explanation is wor th two marks, so some detail/development is needed for the award of the second mark . Essays For these essays, the command term is examine. This means that you should discuss the underlying assumptions and interrelationships of the issues presented in the question. Good answers will relate these essay questions to the 4Ps (places, processes, power and possibilities) or other geographical concepts. Remember to refer to specic examples, and some critical thinking and evaluation should be present in your answer. S AMPLE STuDENT ANS WER ▲ Valid points highlighted a) T he away T here off distribution from are the the some west of hurricanes equator , and exceptions coast of mainly mostly such central is as on on the the in tropical western NE side of side areas, of oceans. Australia and America. Marks 2/2 b) ▲ Valid Sea large quantities which ▲ Development 30 temperatures must be over 27°C. (Warm water gives off factor point drives the of heat when hurricane.) it is condensed - this is the heat QuE STION T he low pressure area has to be far enough away from the ▲ Valid equator of the that the Earth) Corio lis creates force ro tation (the in force the caused rising air by the mass – second factor ro tation if it is ▲ Development too close to hurricane the equator would no t there is insufcient ro tation and point a develo p. ▲ Valid Marks 4/4 point—oceans competing c) PRACTICE and nations Some parts of oceans, such as the South China Sea in the ▲ Valid point—competition over Pacic, may become sources of geopolitical conict between resources nations (e.g. China, Brunei, the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia) because they contain valuable resources such as oil, ▲ A second conict gas and sheries. T here can also be conict over shipping channels e.g. the Straits of Malacca between Singapore and Indonesia. ▲ Development point Marks 4/4 Essays Either: Examine the advantages and disadvantages of dierent types of coastal management schemes. ▲ Simple T here T hey are many are types generally of coastal designed to management reduce erosion introduction schemes. and prevent ▲ Good—distinction ooding. Coastal effectiveness management and their schemes vary in terms of their major types management engineering and soft schemes are often engineering divided schemes. into are those Hard engineering example that physically alter the landscape, schemes try to work with nature. types of hard engineering schemes is a One sea point—advantages of whereas of walls the ▲ Good simplest management engineering sea soft between hard ▲ Good schemes coastal cost. ▲ First Coastal of wall. point—outlines a T his disadvantage is a large-scale wall designed to reect wave energy. Modern ▲ Good sea walls are often cur ved to redirect the waves away from point—develops the disadvantage beach. and Traditional led walls’ to the sea walls scouring of foundations.T hey were the are often bed, and relatively straigh t and vertical undermining expensive and of the ▲ Good thirty years. Chesil Beach, in Southern example last ▲ Clear about point—located England, account of sea walls with has support cur ved sea walls pro tecting the village of Chiswell. ▲ Second Another which being form are of lled washed hard with away engineering rocks. or T he used for are wire gabions. boxes abrasion, T hese prevent and the the are wire rocks rocks type of management boxes from reduce ▲ Description the ▲ Function energy of cheaper than T he the gabions wave sea on as it walls top of passes and, Chesil between from a Beach different distance, (gabion rocks. can look T hey are attractive. mattresses) ▲ Advantage protect ▲ Located Chiswell from large shingle being ung in storm example conditions. ▲ Second method, supporting with example 31 B OPTION ▲ Third B: OCE ANS AND C O A S TA L Groynes method the ▲ Advantages M A R GIN S are wooden/concrete shoreline to trap sediment barriers being placed carried at right away angles by to longshore and drift. T hey can be successful at keeping sediment in an area but disadvantages may lead lead to erosion following the further down -drift. construction down T his of the occurred groynes at coast, at and Barton - Bournemouth Boscombe. Another more methods form include removes ▲ Advantage of cliff of cliff cliff excess regrading cliff . but T his especially the advantage coastal management is cliff-face strategies. drainage water that is and cliff regrading. contained within the Cliff drainage rocks forming drainage the ▲ Advantages of identied T hese ▼ Clear star vation examples and ▲ Two sediment increased on -Sea ▲ Located to cliff , can help slumping. and also reduce Cliff makes the risk of regrading slumping mass movement, reduces less the slope angle of likely. no “Soft engineering schemes” refers to methods that work with support nature. ▼ Duplication said in of what's been sand T his or includes shingle to beach restore a nourishment, beach. Miami which Beach is adding in Florida has introduction been ▲ First type of soft engineering is only in ▲ Good restored a regularly. short-term southern It looks solution. England, there is attractive In some but areas, managed is expensive such retreat, as in at and Barton which some example parts At of the Barton, coastline houses are and sacriced businesses whereas are others protected are but protected. the camping ▲ Second type of soft engineering and caravan back, further but is site is allowed away from to the be eroded shoreline. – mobile T his is homes quite are moved unpopular , ▲ Advantages and disadvantages of managed retreat it cost-effective Coastal ▼ Interesting points have been allows schemes nature are to costly. takes Also, its the course. nature of the here— threat could management and further is changing with global climate change and rising sea developed levels have (and in worked more some years powerful in cases ago sinking may certain well land). become Schemes obsolete as that seas may become locations. Valid account. Support generally present. The idea of cost could have been developed, and related to LICs. Marks 8/10 Or: Using a located example, examine how conicting pressures in a coastal area have been managed. ▲ Clear location Studland example users ▼ Largely and a on coastal the the south area coast where environment are the of Britain, needs of carefully is an different managed. excellent recreational Studland scene-setting/ background information Beach is beaches leading 32 of Beach, still and to wild a and largely succession heathland, of unspoilt. sand woodland, dune marsh It is has ridges and a broad and sandy slacks large fresh-water QuE STION ▼ Introduces lake. Because of the rich and varied plant and animal life, the Focus is on recreation area was declared a National Nature Reser ve in National beach, and T rust the try to numbers run of Studland visitors are Beach parking responsible spaces it has provision of 500 T here cars. was built cafe and an in available. increased overow is also 1990 at a the car as controlled point. that litter Knoll the a Car T here for can car take collection. Park price are 311 T rust and ▼ Good a by Visitor huts the owned, front but the of T rust T here are several T here are many Beach. T here the beach manages problems are and for the 38 the the majority for weekly staff problems in conicts between to of and deal of a ▲ Some management ▲ Clear evidence—management coastal boaters, path, between between board power sailers, boat enthusiasts are on parking swimmers and and the lets. ▼ Not yet related T here dog are walkers four car and parks ▼ Needs to focus plus sunbathers, two focused capacity on a busy day is 3,500 cars. overow T here is along the Ferry Road of approximately on conicts but also 1,000 conict mainly between implied parks. detail but needs to focus roadside on parking conicts and ▼ Good T he on sailing users Studland conict along visitors. in to Beach. ▼ Identies between litter privately walkers and identied situated ▲ Now the to shop, Studland and needs question Centre seasonal with management naturists these but the of of along to the maximum includes beach detail back became parking T he which than pressures family by National capacity park daily the information Since tourism/ rather 1962. relate car example. conicting users conicting T he located PRACTICE cars conicting pressures and ▼ Needs to focus on conicting pressures end September , between total 140,000 number and of 200,000. cars On in a National busy day T rust there parks are are about ▼ Descriptive 25,000 people on the beach and up to 1,000 cars parked on the conict, Ferry Road. As many as 300 cars are parked illegally on T here in the are e.g. residents than 1,000,000 visitors per year . T hese in time. Most arrive in July and August. numbers 20,000–25,000 about the of with visitors on Nature come just Reser ve, the approximately Bournemouth/Studland 95% T here is a for the which beach 8,000 chain beach and contains on busy coming ferry. only the a Of 5% sand day and Little large on by all foot 200 the Sea vo lume the beach problem litter the venture dunes, due bins the – the National during the lost children, often up 12–13 high Trust summer to their focus heathland, tonnes a week to refer back to the are inux of visitors. T o put out approximately months. Ano ther 30 a day, who have to be of very good information co pe could easily conicting be related back to pressures problem is about managing the reunited impacts with to question litter to needs into Lake. of but pressures visitors ▼ This is parking across that with illegal is ▼ Lots dumped over detail conicting ▼ Needs woodland to and T he on the relate tourists are ▼ Good concentrated on between village. more estimated of easily yellow local lines account problems—could of tourism, not the conicts parents. 33 B OPTION B: OCE ANS ▲ Back on track! AND C O A S TA L M A R GIN S Dealing with naturists. offended called conicts People by the Heather dunes, which of using interest the naturists. Walk allows which the - coastal T o this runs general the main path end for a public the to being walking new behind one feel footpath naturist walk the the was area full created in the length ▲ Management of conicting pressures of the and beach tear on without the encountering footpaths on the naturists. Nature T here Reser ve, is but some this wear is ▲ Finally! Conict between being walkers and worn ▲ Good point—would be useful to dene monitored and walkways have been put down in the most naturists land-use T he parts. main way the beach has been managed is by land-use zoning zoning. is where T he the car parks cafes and are at either toilets are end of located, the and beach, these and areas this get ▲ Describes land-use zoning— most implied way conicting of dealing of pressures middle beach is to conicting say , of is family ▲ That the visitors. T he nature reser ve is located near the with the also beach, located beaches as and few around possible. people this walk area, Overall, it so is there. as a to T he be very naturist as far from effective way the of managing pressures managing the beach. Lots of good detail, but lacks focus on conict. Had the candidate said “To manage conict between family tourism and nature conservation needs, land-use zoning has been used” this would have made the answer much more appropriate. Overall 6/10 as conict and management are largely implicit. Marks 6/10 34 E XT R E M E C This option E N V I R O N M E N TS requires a study of two different extreme Yo shold be able to show: environments: ✔ • Cold and glacial high-altitude areas, environments periglacial areas and why (polar, in non-polar places Hot, arid environments how (hot deserts and Extreme also the environments difficult for are relatively human inaccessible habitation. and physical in varying are possibilities for settlement extract activity . the kinds This option main of people extreme have for examines landscape extreme create unique environments; power of different they to these offer, management C . 1 the stakeholders T H E and and extreme future possibilities way and for managing their extreme communities. processes of both in which environments the from economic natural the value Nevertheless, and characteristics environments, adapted opportunities pose processes economic environments and extreme environments; ✔ there be areas). to are to semi✔ arid considered latitudes); landscapes • are high ✔ mountains some environments; challenges and the they sustainability . C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F E XT R E M E E N V I R O N M E N T S Yo shold be able to show why some places are • Arid – having less than 250 mm considered to be ex treme environments: ✔ Global-scale and hot, high distribution arid of environments mountains in cold and (polar, non-polar high-altitude glacial places) of precipitation per year. and areas, hot, environments periglacial arid areas, • Semi-arid – having less than 500 mm of precipitation per year. environments • Ice sheet – a continent-size ice (hot deserts and semi-arid areas); 2 mass, at least 50,000 km ✔ Relief and climatic characteristics that make in size. environments • Glacier – a slow-moving body extreme, including unreliability and intensity of rainfall in arid of ice. environments ✔ How relief, remoteness and the climate, present risk of human ash oods; discomfort, challenges for inaccessibility human habitation and and resource development; ✔ Detailed Concept link examples for illustrative PL ACES: Places that are classified purposes; as having extreme environments ✔ The changing distribution of extreme environments over time, are those that present challenges including the advance and retreat of glaciers and natural for those attempting to live there desertication. and develop resources. Over time, the distribution of these areas is changing, due to processes Global-scale distribtion of cold and high-altitde such as global climate change, environments and hot, arid environments Cold arid which can make some areas more habitable and other areas less. As environments a result of these challenges and The world’s main and Greenland, ice masses exist at high latitudes, as in Antarctica oppor tunities, places evolve. and at high altitudes, as in the Alps and the Himalayas. 35 c OPTION C: E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS Approximately a quarter of the Earth’s surface is characterized by long Test yorself periods thaw. C.1 Describe how (a) polar regions and (b) arid regions vary in with latitude. large [2+2] of the arid Most areas northern parts latitudes Hot, extreme These of cold are hemisphere Siberia. that and winter known snowfall, but “periglacial” including There experience as are also much some periglacial it also areas of and has are northern high-altitude a summer widespread Canada areas in and low conditions. environments arid areas are located in the tropics, associated with the When describing locations with subtropical high-pressure belt. However, some are located alongside respect to latitude, make use of cold ocean currents (such as the Namib and Atacama deserts), some are the main lines of latitude (where located in the lee of mountain ranges (such as the Gobi and Patagonian relevant), for example, the deserts), while others are located in continental interiors (such as the equator (0°), Tropics of Cancer Sahara and the Australian deserts). and Capricorn (23.5°N and 23.5°S), and Antarctic and Arctic Circles (66.5°S and 66.5°N). Relief and climatic characteristics that make environments ex treme Anchorage Test yorself whereas C.2 Identify one factor, other in Alaska, Casablanca USA, in is an Morocco example is an of a periglacial example of a environment, semi-arid environment. than temperature or precipitation, Anchorage has a mean annual temperature of −4°C. The temperature that makes a periglacial range is from 15°C in summer (July) to −11°C in winter (January), environment difficult to live in a and explain why. range of 26°C. Rainfall is relatively low (374 mm), mainly falling [1+2] between July in the In contrast, from form a low August). winter and of October. This of the precipitation in winter will be snow. Casablanca’s of Much 13°C is months a in range of mean winter of annual to just a high 10°C. temperature of 23°C Rainfall in is is 18°C, summer more ranging (July/ plentiful in the October–February . How relief, climate, hman discomfor t, inaccessibility and remoteness present challenges for hman habitation and resorce development Challenges extremes People allow skin against water to sand the floods intensity the rainfall, and the 36 unvegetated floods in are sun water Cline loose, of where the of water this irrigation is evapotranspiration. light-coloured day . and their their the flocks work in clothing protect Turbans around move most example, insolation wrapped do For even rates during and semi-arid capacity brought surfaces of and environments accessibility , to their provide face to to be the protect close to morning heat. arid be resources. herders They semi-arid reflect be environments temperature, high long, can Nomadic may of semi-arid and of difficult, the infiltration Floods lack wear and hot, arid circulate, midday in concentrations flash to periods. occur exceeds surface. may sun intense a there against the dry and farming air storms. during avoid Flash from hot, and of the practised protection arid include makes Oryx grazing in a hot, arid deser t hot, Challenges shortages Figre C.1.1. of (thus in Creek and causing about less wadis, areas by when water interception gullies Cave to summer or Creek rainfall flow and infiltration) channels, in over convectional for Arizona, example, USA in 2014. C .1 Challenges in Challenges glacial from glacial low low • • environments and waste hours have thawing the of an of need with glacial areas include road the instability possibility and the E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS of flooding the are reduce that make disposal darkness that that buildings special the wheels and and of expensive plant growth human may and growth provision limit on by: difficult difficult impact permafrost for plant environment adverse of characterized happiness cause infrastructure on vehicles to cope ice/snow Figre C.1.2. • OF areas landslides, that working subsidence • and avalanches, temperatures long and glacial C H A R A C T E R I S T I CS melt. the water and periglacial temperatures make • in surges, Periglacial • periglacial THE need to keep some machines running A periglacial environment in Thingvellir, the Iceland whole Many transport soils to are People For • to prevent mountainous economic leads time activity routes may have difficult, make reduced likely areas shutdown. for steep example, mountainous temperatures, to be adapt thin to and living relief, so making Brooks areas settlement Range, inaccessible. growing seasons are and Alaska. The Limited high shorter, relief and infertile. in cold environments in a variety of ways. example: some up people for lamps a lack to may of deal take vitamin sunshine with the or lack D use of supplements SAD light in (seasonal in winter affective to make disorder) winter Test yorself C.3 Describe one challenge that is similar in hot and semi• clothing needs to be windproof as strong winds contribute to wind arid environments and in cold chill in winter may prevent months—heavy clothing, head protection and gloves environments. [2] frostbite C.4 Explain how the traditional • buildings may be built on stilts to avoid potential issues with clothing worn in deser ts helps permafrost thaw in summer people to adapt to the extreme • cars need diesel snow fuel tyres freezing to due travel to over extreme snow cold and in extra heaters to stop deser t environment. [2] winter. The changing distribtion of ex treme environments over time Past and present Desertification areas that distribution refers were to of the previously arid spread is anthropogenic desertification is natural, million desert now years. For covered due to example, with of semi-arid acacia induced) long-term and conditions productive. (human the environments desert-like biologically desertification two and but climate Kalahari mopane Much some change sands into modern are over mainly the last fossil trees. Content link Past and present distribution of glacial environments The causes and consequences There are glacial a number phases. of These interrelated include factors natural that may cause (Milankovitch) ice cycles, ages such and as: of global climate change are explored fur ther in units 2.1 and 2.2. • the “stretch” in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun 37 c OPTION C: E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS • the “tilt” of the • the “wobble” Earth of the Earth’s axis. Test yorself In addition, there are changes in: C.5 Describe how natural cycles affect glaciations. • the distribution • reflectivity • tectonic • human of land and sea [3] C.6 Briefly explain how albedo (albedo) changes lead to changes in the amount of ice present. activity [2] effects (anthropogenic impacts). C.7 Sggest how human The activities influence glacial advances/retreats. [3] past and long-term C . 2 P H Y S I C A L present environments in the changes distribution northern in of glacial hemisphere and is periglacial related to these very climate. P R O C E S S E S A N D L A N D S C A P E S Yo shold be able to show how physical processes create • Dirnal – during the course of one day. niqe landscapes in ex treme environments: ✔ Glacial processes landscape lakes, pyramidal medial ✔ ✔ and Periglacial heave, erosion, in moraine of periglacial patterned Physical chemical Hot, arid landscape mesas and glacial and cirques/corries, troughs, soliuction features, and lateral, and including frost permafrost, pingos; in hot, deposition features, and deposition, erratics; freeze-thaw, ground and including arêtes, and weathering transportation pedestals, areas, landscape thermokarst, and transport glaciated peaks/horns, terminal processes and erosion, ✔ of features arid by including environments, wind dunes, and and water; wadis, rock buttes. Glacial processes of erosion, transpor t and deposition, Concept link and landscape featres in glaciated areas PROCESSES: Natural processes shape environments, with Processes in extreme environments: Glacial environments landforms being created in Glacial erosion and associated processes consist of a number of arid and glacial environments. different actions. Change occurs as a number of these processes take • Abrasion • Plucking is often called the “sandpaper effect”. place simultaneously. There (or quarrying) is the ripping out of material from the are different rates of change bedrock. depending on the environment and the feature being formed in Types of glacial erosion the landscape. • • A pyramid A ribbon result • of A corrie peak lake a is an A glacial formed long damming weathering, • is is by when lake found trough is a in a or more trough arêtes often converge. formed as a moraine. armchair-shaped abrasion, three hollow plucking, and steep-sided formed the and by freeze-thaw rotational relatively movement flat-floored of ice. valley , An annotated diagram can be formed by many cirque glaciers and valley glaciers. used to show the formation and shape of glacial features. 38 • An arête the retreat is a of sharp ridge cirques. formed by freeze-thaw weathering and C.2 Glacier load can be AND L ANDSC APE S carried: • subglacially—under • englacially—within • supraglacially—on Glacial the the top glacier glacier of the glacier. deposition Terminal example moraines of mark terminal the maximum moraines is the advance Franz Josef of a glacier. terminal A good moraine in Zealand. Lateral of P R O C E SS E S transport A glacier ’s New P H YS I C A L the moraine material refers comes to the from moraine loose carried weathered at the rock side from of the a glacier. valley Much sides. Test yorself Medial moraines occur when two glaciers meet. The two lateral C.8 Distingish between lateral moraines that meet subsequently flow as one medial moraine in the and medial moraine. middle of the enlarged [2] glacier. C.9 Explain how erratics can Erratics are rocks that have been deposited in an area of different be used to analyse glacial geology . They have been eroded by ice, transported and deposited. movement. [2] Periglacial processes of freeze-thaw, soliflction and frost heave, and periglacial landscape featres The main periglacial solifluction and Freeze-thaw down rocks and It is day a ways slow and as far of soil Frost as 1 that cm the with and year. in means year. is as a it weathering, flows flowing material can within at to the at breaking number repeated is the and and this is transported speeds soak the which Scree to autumn, soil permafrost, along in leads and effective due of freezing leads to the rocks. Water process stones This occurring impermeable it freeze-thaw and areas spring weathered per common jointed movement, heave (peds) literally is periglacial every many include heave. especially of Solifluction main many cycles thawing, breakdown processes weathering in freeze-thaw frost of into and of the downslope. between the it one 1 ground, carries cm but per only particles Figre C.2.1. permafrost. water ground that freezes upwards lifts towards soil the Frost heave of soil particles surface. Content link slope Freeze-thaw weathering and solifluction are discussed in the context of geophysical hazards in Patterned Tor option D.1. ground Braided rivers Solifluction and lobes terracettes Pingo Asymmetric slope Figre C.2.2. Periglacial landscape features 39 c OPTION C: E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS Permafrost years). • is There defined are Continuous effectively • as three permanently main types of permafrost—where remains Discontinuous at the frozen subsoil (for at least two permafrost: the surface upper limit throughout permafrost—where there is of the the ground year significant melting in summer • Sporadic Pingos 50 m are and system and by rounded widths pingos forms domes. beds. is The or from trapped the freezes there due to masses depressions and heave freezing pits may an be of talik lakes lake the ice is lake trapped of the lake sediments), that upwards, into and edge (unfrozen forced freezes sediments the from over Open- collects, small beneath of types. overlying expanding are ice-cored thawing a heights water inwards the fragmented. main beneath forms by sediments change, up is reach two where develop groundwater an can are bottoms compressed extensive climate that groundwater and produce permafrost There that grows, the hills m. pingos overlying to is 500 valley above increasingly When Test yorself ice in permafrost Eventually itself ice-cored over form large freezing but of Closed-system As basin. permafrost—where surrounds and the it. talik dome. ground irregular formed. ice, surface These for of are example, hummocks, by fire shallow called thermokarst. C.10 Define the terms (a) permafrost and (b) thermokarst. Patterned [1+1] C.11 Explain (a) the formation of patterned ground and (b) the process of frost-heave. on flatter where ground ground, there metres is refers and to the stone limited regular stripes on precipitation stone circles steeper and and slopes, limited ice. polygons found They in can areas be several wide. [2+2] Physical and chemical weathering in hot, arid environments, and erosion, transpor tation and deposition by wind and water Weathering Disintegration where day there and occur some is or a contract only in the instances, insolation large by weathering diurnal night. outer rocks As rock layers. may is found temperature is This split in a poor causes in range. hot The conductor peeling or desert rocks of areas heat heat, up by stresses exfoliation. In two. Erosion Salt of crystallization salt. When temperature There • are • rises, two Deflation behind T ransportation Sand-sized some flash in 40 is the floods. wind erosion deposition crystals and of are exert rock left by solutions behind. pressure on As the rock. erosion: removal carried by and may a mm) surface be flash of by and small material, leaving particles. water are moved and occasional as wind-borne by three processes: creep. irregular flood, deposited out wind (0.15–0.25 experience During is salt expand progressive areas which salts of saltation areas decomposition materials. the and dry desert material, the particles suspension, Rainfall is the evaporates, types larger Abrasion causes water the the episodic heavy river flood (sporadic) downpours picks up subsides. a large but that cause volume of C.3 M A N A GING E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS Hot, arid landscape featres Landforms • Sand and • • dunes where are formed there is a Wadis are dry Mesas are relatively isolated from gullies the where large that have large main wind supply speed of been areas plateau of is high and constant, sand. eroded plateau either by by that flash have erosion or floods. become through slope Test yorself retreat. C.12 Sggest how the climate • Buttes are isolated peaks, often the remnants of former mesas or of hot, arid and semi-arid plateaus. environments influences the • Rock pedestals ground (by rocks abrasion) resembling C . 3 are a that and so have have been a eroded wider closer upper to part, the processes of weathering and sometimes erosion. [3] mushroom. M A N A G I N G E XT R E M E E N V I R O N M E N T S Yo shold be able to show the varying power of • Infer tile soils – soils that are different stakeholders to ex tract economic vale lacking in nutrients or bases. from ex treme environments: • Irrigation – the addition of ✔ Agricultural the distinction salinization ✔ opportunities Human Case and cold and study and arid areas, including irrigation access, water to farmed areas in order to help plants cope with seasonal ownership; environments, one in infertility , opportunities resource of challenges aridity land physical in permafrost ✔ risk and extraction between and or permanent shor tages of water. and challenges including for mineral inaccessibility , nationalism; cold environment to illustrate the issues; It is dangerous to generalize. The ✔ Human and extraction climatic physical in and arid opportunities environments, political and challenges including for oppor tunities and challenges in mineral inaccessibility arid areas and cold areas vary and with the level of development of factors; the country. HICs (such as the ✔ Case study of one arid environment to illustrate the issues; USA and Canada) are more able ✔ Opportunities and challenges for tourism in extreme environments; to deal with such areas than LICs (such as Nepal and Burkina ✔ Detailed examples illustrating the involvement of local and Faso). To avoid this potential global stakeholders. pitfall, use case studies to back up your points. Agricltral oppor tnities and challenges in arid areas Aridity refers peryear), or Insemi-arid and 500 water so lack soils lack of so there are moisture are nutrients the is (dry) or of (precipitation high annual are rainfall varies for than 250 between farming, mm rates. 250 mm especially where used. sometimes in less evapotranspiration possibility and bases matter inputs very some methods arid organic reduce of there environments, mm, limited also a conservation Desert the to where the entering soil. the infertile. There soil, is and a Infertility lack low of refers biomass, weathering to and Content link rates The lack of moisture in arid and nutrients. semi-arid environments relates to Salinization may occur 250 water in areas where annual precipitation is less than discussions of water security in mm. As evaporates, salts are left behind in the soil making it option A.3 and unit 3.2. toxic to many plants. 41 c OPTION C: E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS Not all societies possible, it may groundwater irrigation In some land in one the They to in and may lead be are such to norms land Even as as extraction Mali, especially often or deny to agricultural where irrigation salinization, the problems such limited, acquire there irrigation. Moreover, countries social to to problems pollution. may right Nonetheless, access area societies systems people • lead and ownership legal have is depletion of water of for elsewhere. Niger for and Burkina women. women maintain and their opportunities in Faso, Formal law, indigenous land. arid environments. include: nomadism amounts (the of traditional rainfall • settled farming • irrigation in • increased use and using areas of way of dealing with insufficient pasture) groundwater close to rivers or drought-tolerant oases species. Hman and physical oppor tnities and challenges for Concept link mineral ex traction in cold environments POWER: Mining resources and agriculture are two examples of Challenges for mineral extraction land use in extreme environments. Resource development in periglacial environments is hindered by low The development of these temperatures that: industries may be in conflict with the aims and desires of • make the make it working environment difficult those already in situ in these • difficult/expensive to provide services such as water and areas, and a power dynamic can sewage disposal develop between different vested par ties, such as TNCs and local • mean groups. With resource availability in that winter some or machines they shut have to be kept running the whole time down. declining, governments may seek There are also a number of hazards such as avalanches, rock falls and to enhance their sovereign power frost heave. Waste disposal is difficult because of the low temperatures. by trying to develop their domestic power sources. Government In addition, priorities, plus the aims of TNCs, difficulties can be pivotal in the decision- difficult. remoteness, combine to inaccessibility , make mineral water supply extraction in and cold transport environments making process when places are Resource nationalism may also limit access to resources. Denmark contested. remained in Greenland resources. benefits has This to made control of achieved Greenland’s full resource Greenland. Arctic oil home resources rule, nationalism However, exploration the in until including was oil expected price Greenland the control to In 2009, natural bring collapse too 1990s. of great since expensive 2013 and not worthwhile. Opportunities for The exploitation fuel resources development wealth but it for can conflicts Case 42 can also areas periglacial both of areas for their opportunities the fragile and economies communities, their local Mining and extraction improve put among damaged of creates individuals, study: Large mineral of TNCs environment mineral and challenges. these and fossil Resource regions national under and generate governments, pressure and communities. in northern Europe’s polluted Europe remaining as mining wilderness companies areas risk prepare to being develop create C.3 northern nickel, Finland, coal, gold, developments lakes and Sweden and diamonds, could bring mountains, as Norway zinc and as to uranium, phosphorus. permanent well for damage indigenous to iron the E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS ore, However, and Test yorself these network herders M A N A GING of the rivers, tourist C.13 Briefly explain how permafrost may hinder mineral industry . extraction in periglacial environments. More than one-eighth of Finland has been designated for mining [2] and 2 the Norwegian open-cast copper, fertilizer phosphorus cobalt, nickel contaminating the company mine and near Yara Sokli. chromium feeding grounds International Heavy from of metals existing plans such a as mines 40–60 km antimony , C.14 Analyse problems caused by mineral extraction in cold environments. are [10] reindeer. Hman and physical oppor tnities and challenges for mineral ex traction in arid environments Opportunities Areas of The and and include copper in oil in the Arizona, Middle East, USA and in uranium the in Atacama Chile. provides infrastructure, wages extraction extraction Niger, opportunities which for Challenges aesthetic erosion. for include changes remoteness, economic for local mineral There major are revenue investment provided Challenges are mineral mineral Australia Desert, for into gains local people the and areas, and/or and the resources for being improvement employment migrant mined, of and local higher workforce. extraction the also natural for and some effects on landscape, economic inaccessibility problems from country environmental in are the and the hot, local pollution social of supplies, and challenges. challenge arid water accelerated In attracting addition, a workforce environments. Table C.3.1. Top ve copper Case study: Mining in Chile producers (‘000 tonnes), 2015 Chile is Copper Mining one the the growth Chilean on energy , rights public to 60% tremendous potential and of for high developing tolerate Figre C.3.1. important over state, limitations the most for generates economic for of accounts of profit of countries export private huge salaries mining impacts for Chile, indigenous the mining Chile’s for include people, in investors, potential many of scarcity and the the world. Rank Contry Tonnes ('0 0 0) 1 Chile 5,434 2 China 1,642 3 Peru 1,299 4 USA 1,196 5 Australia 914 revenue. tax the of considerable revenues workers. water, The affordable willingness of the mining. Source of data: The Economist (2017) The Atacama Deser t is the main focus of Chilean mining. Test yorself C.15 Identify the minerals that are found in Chile. [1] C.16 Sggest why copper is so impor tant for Chile’s economy. [3] 43 c OPTION C: E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS Mining has has caused had some considerable Increased workers of water negative wetlands dust that can competition and example, many the per for indigenous Cerro to dry be out out. water a copper use Mining between populations of The transported Colorado second impacts. is groundwater operations large generate distances mine by operators, threatening mining protected of mine biodiversity . project wetland wind. pumped between For 125 1994 litres and 2002. Oppor tnities and challenges for torism in ex treme environments In Content link desert (dunes, regions, salt flats, opportunities canyons), Link this content with discussions pursuits. Tourism of tourism in option E. workers, major Challenges shortages The impacts erosion, (and Case or study: Dubai • Over is 15 In 2016, Over resources waste, be jobs, and of to be for introduction include of scenery outdoor incomes for its accessibility , water tourism. aesthetic mass changes, exotic positive/negative, to and governments. temperature, sustain linked culture providing taxes environment hazards, may indigenous movement, water species and shortages habitat short-term/long-term, unintentional. by the United most tourists Arab globally visited Emirates visited Dubai in city . 2017; 20 million are 2020. tourism to in fourth million 12% tourism Test yorself of TNCs natural can the expected • the T ourism expected • lack tourism many extremes degradation, These intentional for include salinization), removal. • a on land create benefits may and may for wildlife, rise of contributed to over Dubai’s sector by £15 over £5 billion population billion by will to UAE’s GDP—this is 2026. be working in the travel and 2026. C.17 Otline reasons for the T ourism growth of tourism in the UAE. in cold environments [3] Tourism is a major economic activity in cold environments, in C.18 Sggest why the increasing particular alpine areas. However, even wilderness areas, such as the dependence of Dubai on tourism Arctic and Antarctica, have seen an increase in visitor numbers, for and recreation may lead to many problems in the future. reasons: [3] • The various northern attractions of • Improved accessibility • Improved infrastructure • Increased • The In cold other personal desire or its wilderness areas—scenery , wildlife, lights for affluence “new” high-altitude outdoor leisure time experiences. regions, activities, and scenery opportunities and may experiencing focus life in on skiing and indigenous Test yorself societies. C.19 Briefly explain the growth of tourism in cold environments. [3] C.20 Analyse two environmental multiplier tourism can pollution, [6] as well as effect lead may the avalanches. 44 governments to conflict challenges impacts that tourism in cold environments can have. the Many that the with also it recognize can have. destruction indigenous include mitigation of On of the the the natural other natural peoples remoteness, potential and hand, tourism economic such and increased environment, availability hazards for as of leakage. power, landslides The access, and C.4 C . 4 E XT R E M E E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N T S ’ E N V I R O N M E N TS ’ FuTuRE S F U T U R E S Yo shold be able to show examples of ftre possibilities Desalination – the removal of for managing ex treme environments and their commnities: salt from seawater to produce ✔ The causes, acceleration, desertication ✔ One of ✔ case consequences including study land use, illustrating the and management conict and climate human and physical freshwater. of change; dimensions desertication; Increasing competition environments, for including organizations, access the transnational role to of resources in indigenous corporations extreme groups, (TNCs) and civil society militia groups; ✔ ✔ One New case study technology environments, to and highlight the sustainable including greater issues; development use of solar in extreme power and desalination; ✔ The impacts and environments, management including of global adaptation by climate local change in extreme populations. The cases, acceleration, conseqences and Concept link management of deser tification POSSIBILITIES: Extreme Desertification conditions is into widespread defined as previously process, the spread productive affecting low- of deserts areas. and or desert-like Desertification high-income is environments are under threat a countries from socio-economic and alike. environmental pressures. Technological development, as Desertification is the result of many factors: well as adaptation, can ensure • Increased pressure on land resources due to migration that these areas are able to • Changes in • Increased evolve with changing situations, agriculture and also enable positive change use of water through more intensive agriculture. so that sustainability in these Desertification has • Reduced • Encroachment Wind by erosion adding building an area can yields by small they reduce they act as study: in the reduced up by the dams fencing. to flooding; to bind they and on the rain-fed productive Runoff (diguettes). Trees can soil; create be they shade can of be planted and wind settlements. breaks captured Livestock return for agriculture land construction soil. the environments is achieved. following: irrigated sand-bodies matter help wind in earthen putting They of be organic of functions. Case crop resulted to can be and to and the kept provide nutrients animals by off various the people; soil; and breaks. Desertification in Europe Test yorself A fifth of Spanish land is so degraded that it is turning into desert. In C.21 Examine the impacts of many places tourism is making things far worse. Water is pumped deser tification. from below ground, pulling salt water from the sea into the [2+2+2] aquifers. C.22 Sggest ways in which In some parts has of that it and ecosystems Mediterranean reduced the and soil’s Europe, capacity resulted in to the degradation support human is so severe communities deser tification can be managed. [2+2] desertification. 45 c OPTION C: E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS Increasing competition for access to resorces in ex treme environments Case study: The Carmichael coal mine, Galilee Basin, Queensland, Australia The Galilee tonnes of including lines and Barrier Test yorself Basin coal. the a One stakeholders’ viewpoints Queensland. regarding development of coal litres mining in the Galilee Basin. places. [1+1] a C.24 Briefly explain (a) the Critics advantages and (b) the that disadvantages of developing the mining in the Galilee Basin. proposed largest an year. The argue mining The that (and table mining is the firm, impact Carmichael water of Indian environmental Australia complex thermal expansion Adani, C.23 Identify the various Queensland, world’s massive Reef. key in A huge will mine is coal Abbot is be on alone the water, will to port on 27 billion planned here, the Great project. which by while been is railway require drop always around mines Point behind expected have coal project, unsustainable, agriculture) contains of is up 50 limited to 12.5 metres those in in some favour Australia’s in billion argue primary industries. [2+2] New technology and sstainable development in ex treme environments Desalination Desalination is (or desalinated desalinization) to produce fresh removes water fit salt for from seawater. human Seawater consumption Content link (potable water) and for irrigation. Desalination in the context of water security is discussed in Due unit 3.2. generally to high available In 2015, and there worldwide, water The for osmosis the depletion were of 18,500 of desalinating 86.8 is a but problem desalination million cubic seawater alternatives in certain plants metres are per are not always locations. operating day , providing people. regarding technology costs reserves around million criticism the alternatives, is that it desalination costs too and the use of reverse- much. power From is input, than producing 300 main Solar energy greater a relatively growing small rapidly . In base, 2017, the installed global solar capacity power of solar capacity electricity passed Content link 400,000 megawatts. This amounts to about 1.8 per cent of all global Solar power, as a renewable electricity generation. Experts say that solar power has huge potential energy source, is relevant to for technological improvement which could make it a major source of the discussions of energy global electricity in years to come. consumption in unit 3.1. Test yorself Ad vantages Disad vantages A completely renewable resource Initial high cost of solar plants No noise or direct pollution during Solar power cannot be harnessed during electricity generation intense storms or at night Very limited maintenance required to keep Of limited use in countries with low annual solar plants running hours of sunshine C.25 Briefly describe two advantages and two disadvantages of solar energy. 46 Table C.4.1. The advantages and disadvantages of solar power [4] QuE STION PRACTICE The impacts and management of global climate change in ex treme environments The Arctic warming Resilience could be Report felt as far 2016 reported away as the that the Indian effects of Arctic Content link Ocean. The impacts of global climate Climate tipping points occur when a natural system, such as the polar change are discussed more ice cap, undergoes sudden or overwhelming change that is irreversible. generally in unit 2.2. In • the Arctic, growth ice • the in with tipping vegetation darker emissions tundra it Scientists could have from a unpredictable of include: tundra, thus which replaces absorbing methane, a potent more reflective snow and heat greenhouse gas, from the warms. speculated suddenly melting on vegetation, increased as points take hold relatively and for some and slow potentially years change that the feedback dynamics phenomenon irreversible to a of mechanisms Arctic fast-moving consequences for ice one with Test yorself global C.26 Describe one example warming. For instance, when sea ice shrinks, it leaves areas of dark of positive feedback and one ocean that absorb more heat than the reflective ice, which in turn example of negative feedback causes further shrinkage and so on in a spiral. due to potential climate change Coping strategies • changing the • relocating • increased (adaptations) type of in cold environments include: in the Arctic. [1+1] C.27 Briefly explain, and farming/fishing illustrate, the term “tipping homes away from coastal locations point”. focus on tourism and [2+1] recreation. QuESTION PRACTICE Examine the photo on the right, which shows a landform within the Alps mountain range. a) i) Describe two main features of the landform shown. ii) Explain the processes of plucking and abrasion. b) [2] [2 + 2] Briey explain two factors that aect the location of the world’s hot deser ts. [2 + 2] Essays Either: Examine the oppor tunities and challenges for mineral extraction in cold environments. [10] Or: Examine the causes and consequences of deser tication. [10] How do I approach these qestions? a) i) This asks you to distinguish, that is, make clear the dierence between a glacial trough and a corrie lake. ii) This asks you to explain. To get two marks you will need to identify the process and then develop the answer with detail/exemplication. b) You need to identify two factors, and then explain how they aect the location of deser ts. Again, to score two marks for each point, you need to develop the answer. First essay choice: Good answers are likely to cover both oppor tunities and challenges in cold environments. If only one is covered, the maximum mark that can be achieved is 6/10. Oppor tunities and challenges are likely to include a range of environmental, social, economic and political factors. You should include suppor ting examples/case studies in your answer, and you must include some evaluation to achieve full marks. 47 c OPTION C: E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS Second essay choice: Good answers are likely to cover both the causes and consequences of deser tication. If only one is covered, the maximum mark that can be achieved is 6/10. Causes and consequences are likely to include a range of environmental, social, economic and political factors. You should include suppor ting examples/case studies in your answer, and you must include some evaluation to achieve full marks. S AMPLE STuDENT ANS WER ▲ Landform identied a) It ▲ Two features i) T he has landform very steep is a valley glacial sides, trough and a (U-shaped concave valley). valley oor . described Marks 2/2 ▲ Valid ii) point Abrasion sandpaper ▲ Development is the and it scratching is most and effective scraping when the of rocks load like carried by the point glacier over point ▲ Valid development stronger/tougher/more which from ▲ Valid is it moves underneath meltwater away can from the get the In contrast, glacier . into solid It joints, rock angular/sharper plucking occurs freeze on and is the the ripping jointed pluck than rocks or rip of rock rock where the rock below. Marks 4/4 b) ▲ Valid point ▲ Valid explanation Some such as the with cold currents. T he from forming, although there deserts are found at Namib cold great Desert current may be found prevents fog distance are in from much coastal the by sea, rain areas. e.g. a Other Central point Sahara ▲ Valid deserts coast hot ▲ Valid hot Desert. T his means that any water-bearing winds that development there to could the more have been have continental lost their moisture by the time they get interiors. Marks 4/4 Essays Either: Examine the oppor tunities and challenges for mineral extraction in cold environments. ▲ Good point, lots of information T here ▲ Good range of resources and are many environments. opportunities T he Arctic is for mineral believed to extraction contain up to in 90 cold billion areas barrels ▲ Potential resource and impacts of of undiscovered natural oil gas (13% and of undiscovered 20% of oil), undiscovered 30% of natural gas development liquids. at ▲ Introduces advantages a range with In Kiruna addition, (Sweden) there and are signicant gold in Alaska. deposits So, of there iron are ore many of some support potential mining 48 undiscovered benets in companies terms and of tax job creation, revenues for increased countries. wealth for QuE STION However , to there extract make are many minerals working in disadvantages cold conditions for environments. difcult. companies T he Some low oil PRACTICE trying temperatures workers in Siberia ▲ Disadvantages are paid seven Russia. T he such water as times low as much temperatures and sewerage as oil make workers it disposal. in difcult During other to parts provide winter of ser vices there ▲ Quantication are ▲ Explanation very long night nights time. – in Vitamin some D places more deciency is a than real twenty problem hours for of many ▲ Range some of valid points with explanation people. T he permafrost makes it very difcult to operate due to thawing ▼ Fair good (by heat) which may cause order to can pressure build roads lead on to the and subsidence. permafrost buildings, T he and weight cause foundations of it points to say a thick gravel pad. However , valuable sh-spawning T here also are many the habitats hazards in extraction to melt. need from cold of to gravel be In be exactly . ▲ Simple explanation built explanation removes rivers. ▲ Solution environments, would vehicles ▲ Further into but “where” to problem including ▲ Negative environmental impact avalanches, mining rock falls, activities icings more and difcult. frost A heave. further T hese problem make is that any ▲ Good pollution that is produced, such as oil leaks, take a very explanation there to decompose, has been due climate to the low change temperatures. which is Most causing the cold environments to rise – this is not temperatures necessarily a as it can increase the amount of permafrost impact—but why? good ▲ Well thing hazards recently, ▼ Negative of problems long ▲ Geophysical time of explained repetition from melt. above Covers a range of advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages given greater ▲ Recent changes attention. Some suppor t but not very detailed. No conclusion given. Marks 8/10 Or: Examine the causes and consequences of deser tication. Approximately desertication. among 25% of the Earth’s Desertication physical, biological, is land surface caused political, by experiences complex social, interactions cultural ▲ Complex and ▲ Range economic factors. sustained cover and high a It can result temperatures, range of human from forest prolonged res, activities as of causes drought, reduced such vegetation over-grazing, ▲ Identies over-cultivation, reduced periods of falling land can result in productivity, a decline reduced in crop malnutrition. Soils may (due over-exploitation); to to agricultural wind and rain erosion, a range of natural fallow. and Desertication issue experience of loss due poverty nutritive of to causes of desertication fertility, yields, loss particularly soil human soil the and matter surface loss ▲ Impacts due of 49 c OPTION C: E X TREME E N V I R O N M E N TS vegetation; fertilizer); ▲ Good points made about surface Water on the effects (due resources limited extinct environmental has impacts on people on food security a become – there for the vicious use scarce is a may cover . of excessive and the use of chemical encrusting agricultural and occur Plant reduction availability affects circle of hunger in farmers may and make of tables may when it rains animal due species biodiversity with to the may become knock-on imported increasing and turn pressures It food food urban for to it It can lead exploitation production aid, lead areas. people. increased revenues to dry billion malnutrition, may in from one and Falling foods. food not leads national creating a increased to only of a leads falling be benecial. Marks 8/10 to governments. dependency migration, an incomes and slums. Generally a very good account—a case study or named examples would 50 the machinery). groundwater and in nearly reduced them of poverty increase upon points oods resource. It valid the compression heavy dwindling for ▲ All to vegetation Desertication to ▲ Impact to impacts effects ▲ Now of (due water fall. Ironically, ▲ More pollution soils soil ▲ Impacts soil G EO P H YS I CA L D The of human risks, and and HAZARDS natural worlds geophysical face hazards a are number a You sould be able to sow: constant ✔ threat in many parts of the world. Dynamic how geological geophysical processes ensure that places at varying processes give rise to tectonic levels events of differing type and of magnitude; development volcanoes types You of and/or mass may extreme should have cope with earthquakes the as impact well as of ✔ different how for movement. have already climatic be to studied events familiar as with other part the of risks Unit conceptual 2, such so ✔ as can as the processes involved, the the people effect in places, coping with possibilities D . 1 to the the power risk create of and different the events, hazard risks power in of geophysical different local hazards contexts; how future possibilities can lessen human on vulnerability different generate places; varying affect systems connections ✔ such different how you geophysical to geophysical hazards. stakeholders and the resilience. G E O P H Y S I C A L S Y S T E M S You sould be able to sow ow geologcal proc esses • Convecton currents – the g ve rse to geopyscal events of dff erng type and transfer of heat via movement of magntude: magma in the Ear th’s crust. ✔ Mechanisms convection of plate currents, movement plumes, including subduction internal and heating, rifting at • Subducton – when a tectonic plate plate is forced underneath another margins; tectonic plate into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary. ✔ Characteristics by varying hazards of types volcanoes of (shield, volcanic (pyroclastic ows, composite eruption; lahars, and associated cinder) formed secondary • Rftng – the creation of a crack landslides); or fault line in the Ear th’s crust as the lithosphere is extended and ✔ Characteristics of earthquakes (depth of focus, epicentre and wave stretched. types) caused human by triggers secondary varying (dam hazards types building, (tsunami, of plate margin resource movement extraction); landslides, and associated liquefaction, transverse • Pyroclastc flow – a rapidly moving mixture of hot gases, rocks and lava that is produced faults); when a volcano erupts. ✔ Classication of (physical human), and and mass movement liquidity , types speed according of onset, to cause duration, extent • Laar – a flow of volcanic debris that has mixed with water and mud. frequency . • Lquefacton – when a saturated land surface changes composition, moving from a solid to a liquid Mecansms of plate movement temporarily due to seismic activity in the Ear th’s crust. The Earth Each of the between within mantle plates is a layers these the system affect has layers Earth’s the converge, that a is constructed different that crust. drives In overlying diverge or from composition, the processes particular, series and of convection lithosphere compress a and this against it of is layers. the tectonic currents ensures each interaction movement within that the tectonic • Transverse fault – when rocks move in opposite directions to one another creating tension and a release of seismic energy. other. 51 D OPTION D: G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS When the different types of movement occur, they result in the Concept ln formation PROCESSES: Geological processes create geophysical events such as ear thquakes, volcanic eruptions and mass movement. The extent of the processes, in terms of the intensity, will result in a range For the of oceanic underneath between released. at different scales. The spatial interaction between geological areas influences the speed of the the plate two plates in the a is These via of rock into eventually to plumes, the will type) is leads to and as pressure, land oceanic will make friction being on are plate their Upon crust, forced energy mass mountains plate. or creates seismic the continental events. continental This the fold hazard subducted mantle. formed under in eruption are of against occurs, compress magma creation the earthquake weaknesses volcanic the converges denser plate and forced plumes mantle. surface (a an and crust continental plate addition, surface, landforms oceanic Subsequently In the when tectonic continental of different effects occurring various example, the formed. melts way to reaching the occur. onset and other characteristics of Figure D.1.1 shows these different types of plate movement and how the hazard. they connect within Fgure D.1.1. the Earth’s geophysical system: Dierent types of tectonic plate movement You should be able to describe and explain the processes that take place at convergent, Plate Plate divergent and transform plate boundaries and ensure that you include appropriate terminology. Asthenosphere Divergent For example, tectonic plates move apar t at divergent plate margins, such as the Nor th American plate and the Eurasian Plate Plate plates, due to convection Asthenosphere currents in the mantle. This Convergent allows magma to rise and solidify, which means that the sea floor spreads as the plates move apar t under the Atlantic Ocean. Plate Underwater shield volcanoes Plate Asthenosphere can be formed, which may reach above the water level over time Transform due to fur ther eruptions. Note the presence of the continental rift zone in the diagram of divergent plates, Test yourself Fgure D.1.2. D.1(a) State two types of volcano. [2] (b) Descrbe the differences in terms of the lava emitted from the two types of volcano that you named in par t (a). 52 which [2] shows how a continental plate is being Mass movements in the Dolomites, Italy stretched. D .1 G E O P h YS i C A L S YS T E M S Caracterstcs of volcanoes Composite volcanoes, characteristics hazards classified gases, in created into ash tsunamis, shield terms primary fall) and food of during and their and (e.g. shape, after lava secondary cinder an the type eruption. flows, (e.g. volcanoes of have eruption The and hazards pyroclastic lahars, different flows, landslides, can the be volcanic flooding, shortages). Fgure D.1.3. Test yourself D D.2 Copy figure D.1.3 and annotate to describe or explain the process that is taking place at each letter. [6] C B Sea level As with other examination Mantle questions for the optional themes on paper 1, this type of question provides an oppor tunity to draw an A E annotated diagram. Your diagram and your annotations need to be F clear, and they should explain the processes and features. Test yourself D.3 Explan the formation of landforms at divergent plate margins. [2+2] Caracterstcs of ear tquaes The is point called called the compress liquid and Surface roll the focus. liquid; waves along the from There expand solid Surface surface Earth’s epicentre. and and not name. on the surface The are the surfaces. true different ground move from form when P- surface side to fall like a the an only to of seismic seismic travel side well reach Love crust, both material and surface, down. hence waves which the P-waves solid up Rayleigh waves emanates in affecting as the is waves. through as categories: and energy earthquakes accordion, S-waves two wave, of types side and into where like S-waves they waves from centre the which move the side. 53 D OPTION D: G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Classfcaton of mass movement types Human of activity fracking has earthquakes, in areas creates W ater can an as in tectonic also and the issue in parts risk in seismic areas Oklahoma, cracks instability create of some of movement pressure weakness Mining increase been such where flooded. can has instability the in it has USA. taken behind in as activity . the dam the Earth’s and will underlying presence resulted Dams place, The are the in minor often increase, rock crust. built valley is which beneath the dam. Earthquakes can Content ln occur due to the extraction of fluids underground, such as water when Option A.4 examines the pros and mining coal for example, which creates subsidence and movement in cons of constructing dams. the crust. Figure D.1.4 shows the different types of mass movement. Flow Wet Avalanche Mud Earth Flow Rotational Block Flow Slide Slide Solifluction Dry Soil Rock Creep Fall Slide Fgure D.1.4. Heave Types of mass movement Fast Slow Weathering also movement, and Weathering can Table D.1.1. creates seismic be instability energy categorized and causes as enables different unpredictability mechanical, chemical types in a or of mass slope. biological. Categories of weathering Mecancal Cemcal Bologcal Freeze–thaw Hydrolysis Chelation Pressure release Oxidation Salt crystallization Hydration Thermal expansion/exfoliation Solution Carbonation Freeze–thaw weathering can create instability due to the expansion Test yourself and contraction D.4 Compare and contrast flows to and slides. lubricate [2+2] rock A rock can falls on the when dry , steep surface, avalanche often travel is water a the down freezes slopes. rock slide most Where can rapid hollows and there in is cracks, more and can moisture lead to occur. type where melts of mass previous movement avalanches and have Content ln taken place. Connect this information with the A rotational slip is concave in shape and normally occurs when a weak effects of increasing temperature rock type such as clay becomes saturated. due to global warming described gets in unit 2.1. 54 heavy in conjunction with gravity . The clay will then slip as it D. 2 Flows can involved be in differentiated the according movement. In a to debris the size flow, of the G E O P h YS i C A L hAz ARD RiSk S particles more than 50% mud flow more of the Content ln particles 50% of are the coarser particles than are sand, finer whereas than sand. in a A lahar is an than example of Mass movements occurring in a extreme environments is explored mudflow. in option C.2. Creep is a slow contraction absorbed as movement well and as then that heating released is caused and via due cooling of to the soil, expansion as moisture and is evaporation. Test yourself A slump occurs when rock or soil falls in blocks independent of a D.5 Explan why some types of curved slip plane underneath. mass movement cause more Solifluction frozen and is the downwards subsurface, moves over D . 2 and more it is movement common frozen of where permafrost soil over upper a permanently permafrost problems for people than other melts types of mass movement. [4] underneath. G E O P H Y S I C A L H A Z A R D R I S K S You sould be able to sow ow geopyscal systems Magntude – the size and extent generate aard rss for dfferent places: of a geophysical hazard. ✔ The distribution of geophysical hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, Rs – the probability of a mass movements); hazard event causing harmful ✔ The relevance risk management; of hazard magnitude and frequency/recurrence for consequences such as threats to life, proper ty and infrastructure. Governance – the ability for ✔ Geophysical hazard risk as a product of economic factors (levels of the local or national authorities development and technology), demographic factors social factors (education, gender), to mitigate the risk from a (population density and structure) and geophysical hazard. political ✔ factors Geographic including (governance); factors affecting rural/urban geophysical location, time of hazard day and event impacts, degree of isolation. Te dstrbuton of geopyscal aards Earthquakes major and tectonic movement volcanoes plates linked to and an tend as to such be they earthquake or located have a along linear volcanic the edges pattern. eruption of Mass will also Test yourself take place in these mountainous resulting in and same areas locations where as well there as have in been areas that land-use are D.6 Descrbe the distribution of changes different types of volcanoes. instability . [3] Te relevance of aard magntude and frequency/ recurrence for rs management The magnitude and events Richter the scale, more of 10. a earthquakes larger created magnitude factors of with of For powerful by Charles earthquakes. example, than a and volcanoes magnitude a It tend Richter is quake a to in can be 1935, is logarithmic that be more measures measured, infrequent. designed scale 4.0 and is ten to The assess measures times 3.0. 55 D OPTION D: G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS The Mercalli scale is used to measure the damage caused by an Concept ln earthquake. PL ACES: Risks for people and developed. places are increased due to a combination of natural and human factors which vary from place to to assess of rock More It the recently , uses a amount along a seismometer fault is in greater of seismic line used to 1979, range and Moment variables energy , the detect the of area the specifically where seismic Magnitude than a the surface scale Richter was scale movement is ruptured. A waves. place. The natural reasons tend The V olcano Explosivity Index (VEI) is used to measure volcanic to relate to relative distance eruptions. It is a complex measure that includes the amount of to a volcano, a fault line, or a material emitted and the height of an ash column during an eruption. slope, whereas human reasons The eruption of Mount St Helens in 1980 was VEI 5 and Mount incorporate a number of socioPinatubo in 1991 was VEI 6. The Index is logarithmic, similar to the economic and political factors, Richter scale, and the top of the Index is VEI 8, which is one million quite often relating to the human times more explosive than a VEI 2. The United States Geological development status of a place. Survey 10 (USGS) years and has stated that is much more a year). A a VEI 5 infrequent normally than a happens VEI 3 once (which every occurs 3 several times VEI 1 will only emit 0.0001– 0.001 km of Test yourself 3 material D.7 State the relationship during material, 10 an times eruption, more while than VEI VEI 2 will emit 0.001–0.01 km of 1. between the magnitude of a hazard event and the frequency Geopyscal aard rs of its occurrence. [2] D.8 Descrbe a scale that is used to measure the magnitude of the extent of a volcanic eruption. A range of factors geophysical increase Some of the risk these faced factors by people in relation to are: [3] • Economic: quality ability slope • of to Social: The the by than were less to to • Political: well Test yourself as warn D.9 Suggest how disparities in will education can increase the risk there from geophysical hazards. new [4] as to the Policy people. is a be know buildings earthquake. in 2004, to are of taken appropriate rules and lines have and be in are died. meant climb and rural able to a a urban areas. This for in was safety , For withstand in with order country . ensure hazard govern in died conjunction often a at during monitoring for an women trees in within that for more that communication especially than to females prepared regulations of warnings prepare male governments of the event,the stabilization exacerbated Universities and factor, population Chile by to which risk dictate hazard understand one research a females are four hazard funded the how every swim Oxfam. undertake important greater for to movement. to occurs, education, how by decisions The an in knowledge services likely inequalities in and mass example, example, tsunami may more for gender study providing also are to will respond system earthquake For to a government emergency an that susceptible inequalities likely improve warning less development services people When Ocean accordingly the economic early is disasters. due of governments, males, Indian partly it Educated natural the an that earthquake. risk level emergency fund such released 56 can hazards. in event, order as to construction areas where example, a 9.0 all magnitude D. 3 hAz ARD RiSk AND V U LN E R A BiLi T Y Geograpc factors affectng geopyscal aard event mpacts There week are also and the between a other time centre earthquake or factors of of day that population mass can when an increase event and the risk, occurs, location such as of as well the the as day the of the distance This may be an essay question rather than a shor t answer eruption, response, and the command movement. term “to what extent” should prompt you to include Test yourself evaluation. Here, for example, D.10 “Social and economic factors are the sole causes of the impacts there is agreement and from geophysical hazard events.” To wat ex tent do you agree with this disagreement with the statement statement? [10] in the question. D . 3 H A Z A R D R I S K A N D V U L N E R A B I L I T Y You sould be able to sow ow te varyng power of • Vulnerablty – the geopyscal aards can affect people n dfferent susceptibility of a community to local contex ts: the impacts of a hazard event. ✔ Two contemporary hazards, ✔ For earthquake each hazards geophysical knowledge ✔ contrasting and geophysical hazard and event studies mass type, understanding hazard case the each for movement case studies volcanic hazards; should develop of: proles, including any secondary hazards; ✔ varied impacts of these hazards on different aspects of human wellbeing; ✔ why levels of vulnerability communities, personal Case study: including knowledge Volcanic and eruption varied spatial both between variations in and hazard within perception, preparedness. at Volcán de Fuego, 2018 Concept ln Hazard event Guatemala, former with one one of three toxic seismometer emitted gas, unexpected than Fuego, is At the ash composite for to a of since June and 2018 the in to it and volcano. POWER: While some geophysical the active and flows. the More fact hazards can be predicted, the power of geophysical hazards erupted, pyroclastic information monitoring seen close constantly of lahars lack volcano located being beginning clouds, been been a volcanoes known due had had de major It eruptions. lava, was V olcán Antigua. Vulcanian eruption was is capital, producing just profile: The that material can ensure that places still face a tremendous amount of devastation. Ear thquakes in par ticular can severely 1974. impact places, especially if it Impacts: The eruption immediately affected almost 13,000 people living is challenging to implement in the vicinity of the volcano. There was an evacuation, given temporary but not before measures to reduce the 110 people died. People were shelter. The UN Refugee vulnerability of people living there. Agency stated in the weeks in the capital, amount 3000 of volcano 15 times is a than the Guatemala in may Vulnerability: more following ash people that the eruption. City , died is predominantly so million was atmosphere. have Guatemala year, 1.7 the in a Aurora closed A local for would be affected International several days organization Airport due to estimated the nearly total. poor rural. people La people country The are and volcano used to the area erupts periods of around the approximately uncertainty . 57 D OPTION Fgure D.3.1. D: G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS An eruption occurs at the Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala Preparedness: monitored National The and government eruption But the were The covered over a in an namely the order people owners Case an the it lies the Nepal in an underneath eventually pressure 7 for miles. midday . after and and Almost 8 destroyed south base people buy to food. order hospital at the to study: or has resort died. for Rodeo rock, at was and Residents not were warning are Locals given some evacuation with called began disaster. were many zone. does these not groups to evacuated, La Reunion of was followed, earthquakes The which form 2015 were Indian after quite and is its being tension, energy . shallow occurred a in plate creates seismic including a so high it is of is in 6.7 at and The a just depth before shock the day were the half a 2015 plan. a week Everest density to reach are of homes Water after which the engulfed lake in But earthquake bed, the and had so it is had areas affected and occurred. were retrofitted training were to susceptible been received authorities rural a are struggling liquefaction Kathmandu staff in that constructed population earthquake, and living areas poorly the former hospitals training injured 600,000 damaged. places Mount population on were Some people. earthquakes, the on Buildings built 20,000 many challenging in surprised much less areas. movement profile: homes 19 almost During killed, affected. occurred killed with On Rwanda. continually in were landslides. urban Mass event lies of follow. INSIVUMEH. Kathmandu 250,000 Fortunately , than El government people plate, the available and withstand Rwankuba, fell over not poor, magnitude Hazard people people avalanche emergency prepared Case and waves. Preparedness: in 9,000 Kathmandu seismic in from of volcanic regarding risk to 2015 Eurasian aftershocks region, are some a the government impending the was flows eruption communities If seismic earthquake camp earthquakes the the people experienced released there the Hydrology informed earthquake. Nepal mountainous the of Nepal, has and responsibility active miles were An Vulnerability: by 48 is million electricity earthquake. the 7.8 original overall were the was A series the Impacts: It in from after authorities training from that settlement the tourist and pyroclastic ash rural However, upmarket subducted of the 6am rural about these information profile: since epicentre 58 at leave. Earthquake event history , evacuate, to saw study: Hazard to whether at the Seismology , (INSIVUMEH) issued procedures. decide of with with of limited issue from hundred critical them volcanologists warnings only 3pm. been Meteorology Guatemala an has Institute V olcanology , of volcano It 6 in May Rwankuba, 2018 happened throughout the a major after a previous Rwanda mudslide period night. of 2018 occurred heavy rain in which a D. 3 Vulnerability: in Africa several these at a with lack These of of had the density is total that decided which The were to countries stay in lightning Impacts: Rubazo, 18 the had due received world the had they life of adopt the particularly in 6 May , of a and V U LN E R A BiLi T Y of people of are there is other recorded. rainfall. AND of slopes and number injuries in The Population a relatively 2018). people follow was to leave that one the Framework to the advice of implementing relation so RiSk countries one the and expectancy Sendai by foot agriculture, average Rwanda disasters on 3.7 not the deforestation, and asked did villages. to risk plans, above increased but their to deaths at populated movement depend (approximately risk, to mass Prior with densely living Due to slopes. to most population government in the country . place rate at the reduces development and on fertility its the of susceptible taken growing one communities country Preparedness: areas rural is of in are drainage landslides high many mountains mountains risk. west Rwanda hAz ARD and first Monitor, local flooding, landslides strikes. people Bisesero were and killed, Gatsata, 12 were and 300 injured people in the were villages made of homeless. Test yourself D.11 Using a specific case study, explan the causes and consequences of You should ensure that the a rapid mass movement. [3+3] example you have chosen for question D.11 represents rapid D.12 Suggest reasons why communities often underestimate the probability of a tectonic hazard event occurring. [4] mass movement, and while the human causes should D.13 Explan the ways in which vulnerability to a geophysical hazard can be explained, natural factors be reduced. [2+2] should also be included. The consequences could be categorized into the economic, social and environmental impacts. The consequences Geophysical hazards include volcanic eruptions, ear thquakes and mass should be explained. movements, and each of these can be discussed. An ear thquake will provide more oppor tunities for developing explanations. Try to discuss examples and case studies that have taken place in your lifetime. There have been a range of hazard events that have occurred, and you should be in a position to discuss eruptions, ear thquakes and mass movement in detail. Better answers should present a discussion of the relative damage caused by the initial hazard event and that caused by secondary effects; concluding remarks may agree or disagree with the statement. 59 D OPTION D . 4 D: G E O P H YS I C A L F U T U R E HAZ ARDS R E S I L I E N C E A N D A D A P TAT I O N You sould be able to sow ow future possbltes can • Reslence – the capability lessen uman vulnerablty to geopyscal aards: of a place to recover from the impacts from a geophysical ✔ Global hazard. geophysical including • Slope stablaton – ensuring ✔ event Geophysical a slope is not susceptible planning to mass movement by hazard (land-use preparedness, implementing a strategy. hazard frequency use and and disaster adaptation zoning) of trends population through and insurance future government resilience adoption of projections, estimates; increased personal and and growth (increased new technology); ✔ Pre-event slope management stabilization), design, tsunami monitoring ✔ Post-event and earthquakes defences), lava technologies to to for mass and tsunami volcanoes strategies include map (to the (to include (rescue, enhanced hazards/disasters, continuing movement (to include GPS include building crater diversions); management reconstruction), promote strategies human rehabilitation, use of locate communications survivors and development. Global geopyscal aard and dsaster trends Content ln and future projectons You will study megacities in unit 1. Test yourself The following and also the map shows location Fgure D.4.1. of those areas at risk due to seismic activity megacities. Megacities (circled), and areas at risk due to seismic activity D.14 Descrbe the distribution of areas at very high risk . [3] D.15 identfy three highly London populated areas that are in areas New at very high risk . [3] York Osaka Istanbul Los Delhi Angeles D.16 The world’s fastest-growing Mexico City cities are located in Niger, Burundi, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Mali and Angola. Using figure D.4.1, state whether this will mean more Sao people are susceptible to seismic hazard risk. [1] Paulo Key: Very high risk Geopyscal aard adaptaton It should be noted that the Historical information in question D.16 are only mentions growth rather than type the total number of people living can in these cities and also does not Areas state the location of these cities people within each country. Some par ts has of countries are more at risk than level others. 60 more of be a analysis at risk hazard used at to risk do number of protect live of seismic help to inform earthquakes, makes from not can from land-use areas mass and areas is in a and those people low. authorities and not The about areas unpredictability However, volcanic eruptions areas. are the challenge. landslides movement that activity zoning from work city although can be island allowed to of that of this zoning eruptions. zoned so that Montserrat visit unless the D. 4 FUTURE R E S iLiE NC E AND A D A P TAT i O N Pre-event management strateges Concept ln There is a range of strategies that can be implemented in order that POSSiBiLiTiES: Pre- and the future impacts from a geophysical hazard can be reduced. Quite post-event strategies can be often these strategies are only implemented after a hazard event has implemented involving a range taken place, since the risk may not have been known previously or of different stakeholders and the impacts were unforeseen. In addition, the level of knowledge the use of technology in order to about the different strategies may have been limited or the expertise reduce the risk and vulnerability not available. One example is modifying construction codes so that of places. These possibilities not buildings are built to withstand a higher magnitude earthquake. This only include financial input, but involves modifications such as steel reinforcement, base isolators, also the education of citizens who movable hydraulic joints, strategies to reduce building shaking, also need to take ownership of shatterproof glass, deep foundations. By including these things when responsibility for safeguarding designing buildings in order that seismic energy is absorbed, they themselves. should not collapse or suffer damage during a seismic event. Test yourself D.17 Dscuss how building design can be the most effective way for people to reduce their vulnerability to ear thquakes. If the command term for this [2+2+2] question was “evaluate” then it would be possible to offer an alternative view by stating that In terms of secondary hazards, a warning system can alert places about land-use zoning, early-warning an impending tsunami. Sensors on the sea bed send data to buoys on the systems, evaluation planning ocean surface which is then transmitted via satellite to warning centres. and increased education would A slope can example T able by D.4.1 be modified stabilizing summarizes in it order with the a that the metal other ways land mesh in to does not prevent which a slope slip, rock can for falls. be represent more effective ways of reducing vulnerability. stabilized. Fgure D.4.2. Table D.4.1. Strategies for stabilizing slopes Ear thquake-resistant pipeline Strategy how t wors Removng groundwater This can be achieved by using pipes to remove water or by pumping out the water. Dierent soil types can make it more challenging to achieve this. improvng surface dranage The removal of areas that will allow water to accumulate and the drainage of water from a surface via the use of pipes. Removng materal The excavation of soil and rock at the top of a slope can reduce the pressure that may cause a landslide. installng ples Metal beams are installed in the ground that is underlying the unstable soil and rock in order to create stability. Fgure D.4.3. Constructng walls A wall built from concrete, rock or logs is often used with Slope stabilization in Brunei the installation of piles if material slips between the piles. Removng unstable If the soil is liable to move, it is replaced with material that materal is less liable to move. This could be soil or rock that is less prone to weathering. Aorestaton/reforestaton/ The planting of vegetation can help to stabilize a slope plantng vegetaton and remove moisture from the soil. V olcanoes are movements monitored and the with release of GPS technology volcanic that monitors seismic gases. 61 D OPTION D: G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS Post-event management strateges Case study: Rescue: The collapsed Oxfam a family 8.5 that Facebook. to log the bank million in government buildings. and blood Earthquake Red in they immediately Cross were all used. Google’s who 2015 International sent Kathmandu. people people Nepal, teams right via a to help used in as and for the Red crowdsourcing order to Cross opened and which donated in Aid, friends feature was people Christian notified Check million rescued search such users Safety US$15 Finder been to Facebook Over Person had began charities over using information reconnect them with Content ln family members. The collect information Ushadidi internet-based platform was used to The use of the Ushahidi platform about the immediate needs of people affected. in building resilience is explored Helicopters were used to assess the damage and help rescue people. fur ther in unit 6.3. Rehabilitation: Markets crops were were opened T emporary restored harvested. after a month Reconstruction: rupees, Victim was and a Special to Test yourself many D.18 Explan how a place is able to increase preparedness before a geophysical hazard event involving mass movement. eruptions easier to predict but Additional family more difficult to respond to than [10] loans, with by which funding the of the were 25,000 only took while creation for a an that given to very as to to Valley . people focused the amount satisfied. rebuilt Two and were these the to cremate requiring made via to had this a and money rapidly to be dealt Constitution, Reconstruction Authority . A “to what extent” type question, such as D.19, would require an essay or extended response since it requires evaluation. You have the option to discuss the causes, the effects and the responses alongside a range of variables such as building design, early warning systems and other forms of being prepared and responding. Time management is therefore very impor tant and allocating a set time of approximately 22–25 minutes for your essay response at the end of each option is imperative. Both volcanoes and ear thquakes must be discussed, and you should ensure that your paragraphs have a focus. For example, one paragraph could explain how volcanic eruptions are more measurable and predictions can be made based on the changes and release of gases. Your next section could then discuss the responses. Examples of how to predict ear thquakes and volcanic eruptions should be included. 62 a hospital disabled. grants releasing on was after remained to rupees objected and A plan (NRRF) A year be those came in 200,000 structures. that billion slow event. earthquakes due been 40,000 to tarpaulin ‘Earthquake Fund had those country , National received was had summer and Kathmandu This received was place of temporary politicians of to as homeless. traumatic reconstruction. US$4.1 was the the resistant homes provided approximately authorities of Families government clashes the outside rupees was bamboo Kathmandu were present. 5% still responses: the made improved of destroyed conditions only Constitution the still those Rehabilitation fund villages debris amount and food access in for process were given rupees to to made children buildings government Violent first delayed that and with access homes 25,000 provided schools were billion whilst an although projects. of towns post-event introduced whose buildings and helped earthquake, member, External for US$2 and the school treatment [2+2] D.19 To wat ex tent are volcanic ear thquakes? after and ensure damaged legislation that Reconstruction raise earthquake, years order were T emporary affected Loan’ to National severely of Those people proposed created the and in shelters QUE STiON PRACTiCE QUESTiON PRACTiCE Examne the gure on the right, which shows the location of 5,741 rainfall-triggered landslides from 2007–2013, in blue a) Descrbe the global distribution of landslides. b) [2] Suggest two social factors that can increase a person’s vulnerability to ear thquakes. c) [2 + 2] Using an example, explan two negative impacts of a volcanic eruption. [2 + 2] Essay Examne the role of technology in increasing the resilience of places that are susceptible to geophysical hazards. [10] how do i approac tese questons? a) 2 marks are available for this question and therefore two separate points are required. b) When social factors are discussed in Geography, they relate to health and education primarily. You should state two factors that are distinct from each other and then you explain each of them, making a clear link to increasing risk . You may want to also include an example at the end of each point. c) Four marks are awarded for two separate points, with development of these points. Bear in mind that there are short-, medium- and long-term eects. Avoid discussing positive eects, such as fertile soil, as this is irrelevant to the question. Ensure that you refer to an example, as stated in the question. As the command term is “explain”, the two impacts stated must be developed to show how people and places were aected negatively. Essay The use of technology has helped places to increase their resilience to a range of geophysical hazards and this involves both primary and secondary hazards. You will have studied a range of examples in the nal par t of this unit for dierent geophysical hazards. The command term is “examine” which means that you should discuss an assumption that technology is increasing resilience in places by perhaps ndings issues. Key concepts such as “possibility” and “power ” could be discussed as well as spatial interaction since geophysical events can cover large areas and information can be shared between places. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER a) at Landslides the edge of Philippines, tends plate west to be found boundaries coast of the along with USA, a linear large and in patterns such concentration the as in the UK. Mars 2/2 b) T he education of people in an area can help people cope when an earthquake strikes. T his is because people will have been trained in how to escaping protect a themselves and also where to evacuate to when building. T herefore places where people have not been educated in this area are at a greater risk and are more vulnerable. Government ensure that buildings. warnings funding people Mexico from have into early warning information City is Mexico’s an to example Pacic be of systems able a to place will evacuate that from receives early coastline. The rst point is valid and is developed but the second point, while including accurate knowledge, refers to an economic factor rather than a social factor. Mars 2/4 63 D OPTION D: G E O P H YS I C A L HAZ ARDS c) ▲ Appropriate ▲ 1 mark: example relevant effect T he detail for the people of the people living with some another Guatemala. and de A Fuego caused primary working close effect to the signicant was the volcano loss effects of and life 100 to to people with Villages people people mark: Volcán were buried in ash and mud which covered houses, example and ▲ 1 of the died. accurate eruption relevant had also to needing live in rescuing shelters in from the these days and houses weeks and after 4 ,000 the effect eruption took place. detail 2 marks for the two negative eects given and 2 fur ther marks for the development of these points. Mars 4/4 Essay Examne the role of technology in increasing the resilience of places that are susceptible to geophysical hazards. T echnology ▲ Knowledge demonstrated movement should also advances effects of essay should be dened introduction to show valid will able point has to an the in an people area Pacic knowledge about T echnology risk from and can there the use have causes and hardware geophysical been and hazards. be volcanoes different ways and in earthquakes. which T his technology helps in places in order that people and property when at to NOAA Ocean event strikes, react risk. an In has the more order to will place. introduction quickly warn installed which takes a and be people system transmit of of technology able about 39 to evacuate incoming buoys information across when a is created. T he information is transmitted to a T sunami technology Warning ▲ Further this type detail of provided technology the media. are issued risk ▲ Connects with the question and about the with categories (proactive, such as enables along at least 3 in Alaska, people hours moveable increasing the west coast strategy tsunami point T his that Another ▲ A valid Center , to and evacuate alerts an are area sent as the out via warnings for ensures alert is items the of that a before can the be resilience the is tsunami moved, for a reaches therefore place, such land. T his reducing as major the cities USA. more reactive proactive strategy) is than reactive (the constructing knowledge for strategies buildings that can withstand major seismic waves. T here are reactive) different 64 the years relation tsunami to the earthquake tsunamis, provided can resilience sur vive helped from ▲ Evidence reduce hazards discuss increase When and and 20 knowledge are ▲ Clear try hazards. last in to the to the increasing geophysical Geophysical term in in be included ▼ This developed many software ▼ Mass has techniques for making buildings more resilient: QUE STiON deep foundations, dampers, and a reinforced structure. ▲ Knowledge An example of T ransamerica that is prone pyramid which been building to and building major its prevents 101 inside the during the Mexico in building is has San deep one in to of are Finally, building 52 fee t tallest which counteract which collapsing. world’s T aiwan, constructed T he sunk from the foundations Francisco, earthquakes. earthquake. City in building building an that foundations constructed T aipei in a the the with can is is a the looks like a have swing of Mayor up to the the 5ft building building concre te and ▲ Three steel which provides a rigid framework for the their buildings design resilience. the since People them during When media from will a volcanic to alert ash or different Kileaua warn in more area not an construction than and will 1 technique working feel collapse more and in techniques is these secure there is needed no ensure buildings need to that and ▲ Links the question these evacuate eruption that T his levels of Hawaii is takes live place, near the something development erupted in volcano that and 2018 technology it about happens was when is in used used the the threat countries when television via was Mount used to ▲ Appropriate technology has been used in order that places are able to ▼ Limited and become levels to example people. Overall, T hese examples information in to knowing accurate earthquake. people lava. further living surrounding buildings at have appropriate building. with T hese resilient underground buildings, reinforced about construction city Dampers swaying T orre PRACTiCE more resilient measures of have prior been development. to and during implemented in a geophysical places at event. the detail point for being this example made is quite simplistic different This response is much stronger for ear thquakes than volcanoes, and there is a lack of balance. Examples are included throughout with some detail provided although more detail would ensure that the response obtained a higher mark . Mars 7/10 65 LEISURE, E This optional between AND unit examines increasing the economic S P O RT relationship development Yo sold be able to sow: and the ✔ evolving tastes for leisure and touristic TO U R I S M how human leisure Places are human utilize examined attributes, these The unit and the in and attributes assesses the terms also as a role of how their of physical governments route for of a rural ✔ how into development. corporations festival and a in physical sites of sporting give rise to and human factors shape places leisure; tourism, the varying power of different countries to large-scale participate international processes activities; and can ✔ impacts development activities. in global tourism and sport; event. ✔ future possibilities participation in, for management tourism and sport of, at and varying scales. E . 1 C H A N G I N G L E I S U R E PAT T E R N S Yo sold be able to sow ow ma developmet • Lesre – time free from the processes ve rse to lesre actvtes: demands of work when a person can enjoy hobbies or spor ts. ✔ The growth different and changing geographic and purpose of leisure developmental time for societies in contexts; • Torsm – when people travel to a place that is outside their ✔ home environment for no more The categorization and sporting The link of touristic activities (cost, activities (cost, popularity , duration, destination) site); than one year in duration for ✔ between economic development and participation in reasons such as leisure and leisure activities; business. ✔ Detailed examples participation stages ✔ Factors of two illustrate or more recent changes societies at in contrasting development; affecting including for to personal afuence, participation gender, stage in in sports lifecycle, and tourism, personality , place of residence. Te rowt ad ca prpose of lesre tme for socetes dfferet eorapc ad developmetal cotex ts A two-day people a paid time weekend only had holiday that one was day system employers introduced off was a in week. In introduced. legally provide in China 2008, The in 1995—previously , this changed amount China is one again of paid of the and holiday lowest in the Cotet lk world compared to countries with a similar or higher level of economic The growth of megacities in China development. is explored in unit 1.2, and the resulting social and environmental In the stresses are looked at in of China, option G.3. they 66 UK, a country workers work five with receive days per a GDP at least week. per 28 capita days four paid times annual larger leave than per that year if E .1 Leisure activities have evolved in China. As cities have C h A nging LEiSuRE PAT T E R n S grown Cocept lk into megacities, environmental industry has there has stresses grown as been and as an a people increase result try to of in this escape a range the of social outdoor urban and leisure PROCESSES: Socio-economic and political change bring societal areas. developments which will increase The growth of technology has meant that young people now spend access for people to par ticipate several hours each week participating in online gaming. The growth in activities relating to leisure of the middle class in China means that people have the money to and tourism. Conversely, these travel outside of the cities and to purchase technology . Some traditional dynamic processes may also leisure activities remain popular—elderly people in China play group reduce access for par ticular games such as Mahjong. groups and produce differences within and between countries. Te cateorzato of torstc actvtes (cost, drato, destato) ad spor t actvtes Cotet lk (cost, poplarty, ste) The growth of the “new global The cost of touristic and sporting activities varies according to middle class” is examined in following: unit 3.1. • Mode of transport • Accommodation • Duration • Distance • The of stay travelled activities from place undertaken at of the origin to the destination destination Test yorself • The equipment needed for a sporting activity . E.1 Sest how economic Some as sports historical will more connections organizations example, be and cricket popular to players in a sport than others, could connected Commonwealth to and factors influence a sport in the a factors may either increase or such number country , of decrease a person’s involvement in leisure activities. for countries. [3+3] E.2 Descrbe the relationship between GDP per person and number of hours worked as Te lk bet wee ecoomc developmet ad shown in figure E.1.1. [3] par tcpato lesre actvtes As countries participation time and a develop in economically , leisure greater activities amount of it due is to likely an disposable that there increase in will paid be greater holiday income. When describing information in a There are a range of other economic factors such as a person’s char t, it is sometimes necessary salary , the cost of living or the financial stability in a place, for to describe how trends or example. relationships can experience AT IP AC 950 subtle changes. The previous India Mexico Malawi 900 China question demonstrates this, USA REP Indonesia 850 since while the relationship is Brazil DE KROW 800 generally negative, the negativity Russia SRU OH 750 in the relationship is much 700 clearer at higher levels of GDP . 650 South Africa Spain LAUNNA 600 Fre E.1.1. Italy UK 550 Hours worked vs GDP per capita France (as a fraction of GDP per capita) 500 1/64 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 Source of data: American Economic Review GDP (AS A FRACTION OF US GDP PER PER CAPITA CAPITA ) 2016, 106(9): 2426–2457 67 E OPTION E: LEISURE, TO U R I S M Case In SPOR T study: recent that a AND years people wider have Recent range given activities the now of rise and unhealthy in are changes UK, the the gym participation introduction spending electronic to in more devices popularity membership lifestyles have been and of of leisure the new time also UK technology at increased movie have in home. internet streaming increased highlighted by For the has bandwidth services. as meant example, issues Healthy linked to media. Factors affect persoal par tcpato spor ts ad torsm, cld afflece, eder, stae lfecycle, Test yorself persoalty, place of resdece E.3 Otle two reasons why As already discussed, affluence influences a person’s involvement in people’s par ticipation in leisure leisure, and this also applies to a person’s ability to engage in tourism. activities has increased in two In the USA, children from low-income backgrounds are far less active societies at contrasting stages of than development. those from higher-income backgrounds according to the Aspen [2+2] Institute’s do not Sports tend disposable with An example should be included for each reason and for the shor t response questions, an example would help to ensure that the credited. gender gender recent have a description or explanation are in also in less to the the influence have as Parks for in low-income children. people are Due not to able areas having to less engage golf. which certain been sports a education of some as ban sports sports they are changes males. on (PE) outside leisure young such countries same females their sports removed physical activities participate played more in. often by other. there Arabia programme. affluent may some years, allow during in than access Saudi part Society organized equipment-based Traditionally one and have income, A person’s In additional marks for extending to In females lessons. school to It such July in is take that 2017, public hoped part in females the government schools that can this taking change sporting will activities time. Cotet lk Personality Policies devised to improve gender equality are outlined in unit 1.3. person to is participate ability a will who to risk-taker in travel person’s influence a rock due country a person’s might be travel climbing. A person’s to of their access residence or destination. interested to in location may transportation nationality For visiting may example, places in influence networks. affect their In a order their addition, ability Test yorself to E.4 Dsts between leisure and tourism. [2] E.5 Exame three factors that determine levels of par ticipation in spor ting activities. [3+3] travel the to example, in travelling In another countries most sections tourist or 2018 to the the the US to restrictions for citizens government young countries and population movement certain implemented such elderly that on from have as Iran people the restrictions or on For people Sudan. represent most between countries. time for the demographic leisure and activities. Socio-economic different in due restrictions USA from countries of country , visa levels leisure and and of political processes development tourism which are taking affect the place in countries participation of at people activities. A definition of tourism is given at the beginning of this chapter, but there are various different definitions. For example, having to stay overnight in a place is a definition from one source but it is not par t of the definition from the United Nations World Tourism Organization. 68 For the answer to E.5, it is possible to discuss par ticipation at a local, national or an international scale. The first par t of this unit enables you to have knowledge for all three scales. Therefore, a range of different factors can be explained. E.2 E . 2 TO u R i S M A n D A n D TO u R i S M AnD S P O R T n AT i O n A L SPOR T AT AT ThE T h E LO C A L AnD n AT i O n A L SC ALE L O C A L S C A L E Yo sold be able to sow ow pyscal ad ma • Prmary torstc resorces factors sape places to stes of lesre: the human and physical ✔ Human and and urban physical tourism factors explaining hotspots, secondary touristic Variations in including the the growth role of of resources that attract people to rural primary visit a place. For example, the and historical architecture (human) resources; or the climate (physical) of a ✔ sphere of inuence for different kinds of sporting and place. Note that not all human touristic facility , including neighbourhood parks and gyms, city resources are developed for stadiums and national parks; tourism purposes. ✔ Factors affecting the geography of a national sports league, • Secodary torstc resorces including the location of its hierarchy of teams and the distribution the human resources that are of supporters; developed for tourism such as ✔ Case study of one national sports the provision of accommodation league; or transpor tation infrastructure. ✔ Large-scale temporary sporting, sites of musical, leisure cultural and their or religious associated festivals costs and as benets; • Torsm otspot – a place or an attraction that receives a high ✔ Case study of one festival in a rural location, its site factors and level of visitor interest. geographic impacts. • Spere of flece – the area from which people are drawn in order to visit a spor ting facility or hma ad pyscal factors expla te rowt of rral touristic attraction. ad rba torsm otspots, cld te role of prmary • herarcy – a structure that, ad secodary torstc resorces in this context, represents the The growth factors, and such then a rural as value secondary tourism site of tend to to such as enable focus (primary touristic hotspots outstanding factor, resources) hotspots cultural a human (secondary areas, of sites to that such could beauty building people on initially natural the resource), resources often be of visit the have as the the a involves (primary road site. unique Eiffel tour physical ranking of spor ting teams at a national scale. network In urban historical Tower guides resource) at in and Paris, each and Test yorself site. E.6 “Most spor ting facilities tend to be located near the centre of a city.” Dscss this statement. Varatos spere of flece for dfferet kds of [10] spor t ad torstc faclty, cld eborood parks ad yms, cty stadms ad atoal parks There each from that is of a which is quite whereas from wide them a sporting afield. following are is, sporting a will common attraction of have people further tourist range will in sphere be a drawn place stadium In the factors further that will to as the and influence may such general, facilities of that place. have a tourist (SOI), a people unique will determine be the is A sporting small velodrome more attractions which SOI will and of as attract a gym) people well-known a to and area facility (such prepared SOI the travel. a The place: Question E.6 provides an oppor tunity to offer different perspectives depending on the spor t and the city that is discussed. Responses will either agree or disagree. There are • The size of the facility • The transportation many possible approaches to links this question and the candidate’s • Advertising • Networks argument and conclusion are likely to depend on the examples (museums or art galleries could be part of a network chosen for discussion. allowing access to many different places). 69 E OPTION E: LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Factors affect te eorapy of a atoal spor ts Cocept lk PL ACES: Places that contain leae, cld te locato of ts erarcy of teams ad te dstrbto of sppor ters tourism and spor ting facilities Case study: The football league in England and Wales attract people from varying distances and this can be due to a number of physical and human factors. The amount of people visiting places or using facilities will subsequently alter the character of such places which may, in turn, influence the popularity among visitors and users, such as becoming less appealing due to overcrowding. Football and is there the is a most non-professional 57 of leagues players Above which and will Premier Again, Figure in be is sporting the League Wales from shows 2, also and the of in the or System, and there the and are majority Football Championship leagues. The well-known this Wales non-professionals. English the and professional Championship, many play location 1 the these England for leagues amateurs called in Above League within League play includes Wales the be in structure National tiers league also which or pastime league will a professional. League teams leagues there of In divisions these from E.2.1 teams. 84 level, consists teams teams and this popular well-established League league, players there football is in these the teams. league. teams in the English Football League. Key The Premier The Championship League 1 League 2 League N the Welsh–English border Isle Fre E.2.1. of Man Location of teams in the English Football League and Premier League for the 2017/2018 football season Test yorself E.7 Descrbe the distribution of teams in the English Championship league. [3] E.8 Expla why the map is not effective in showing the distribution of teams. [1+1] E.9 Sest how the data could be presented in a more effective way. [1+1] The term sporting on 70 TV . “supporter” venue to can watch refer the to team people or actually alternatively travelling watching to the the match E.2 A number support, local of factors such as affect the community , cost for a of person’s travel or choice the TO u R i S M about link which between AnD team the SPOR T they club and AT ThE LO C A L AnD n AT i O n A L SC ALE will the example. Test yorself E.10 Referring to a national spor ts league you have studied, sest the The example provided in this factors that have determined the locations of its teams. [3+3] chapter is football, but a range of different spor ting leagues can be explained for this question. Lare-scale spor t , mscal, cltral or relos festvals as temporary stes of lesre ad ter assocated costs ad beefts Festivals for a can example short and period they can Carnival, Festival, As with with Case The in food, such exist as in an different urban rural aspects and afternoon both and to clothing or for settings settings of religion. an (for (for a location’s Festivals extended example, example, culture, can last for weekend, Notting Burning Hill Man Nevada). any large-scale event, there are costs and benefits associated festivals. study: Bonnaroo Music Tennessee, attracts early June. the shuttle There buses a and USA, The site reach centre are Music 60 of is the Arts a Arts via or is a southeast car its farm or by festival Nashville. when during using airport, USA four-day of people 700-acre site Festival, Festival 75,000 Nashville each and miles approximately Festivalgoers from dedicated London) Bonnaroo rural and be music, and it is the It held rest shuttle hotels held began each of the buses in the in in 2002 year year. which city run run day . number of geographic impacts associated with the festival: • A road a approaching bridge people cannot are the handle worried site the that is going heavy this will to have traffic to be visiting encourage upgraded the more site. traffic since Local in the local area. • Crimes year, • The mainly heat well • have as and The festival and state The for supplying such festival as on via the people have been arrested each caused heat some at the festival as exhaustion. approximately the fatalities money US spent $51 by million to attendees the and local the tax organizers. reinforces with and drugs. have contributes economies levied America committed, humidity illnesses revenue • been the Nashville cultural history of music in this part of Test yorself nearby . E.11 idetfy the primary and • The Bonnaroo Works Fund was set up in 2009 which supports secondary tourist resources for local and national organizations in the arts, education and the Bonnaroo Music and Ar ts environmental sustainability . About US$7 million had been Festival. donated to various organizations by [4] 2017. 71 E OPTION E . 3 E: LEISURE, TO U R I S M TO u R i S M AND A n D SPOR T S P O R T i n T E R n AT i O n A L AT T h E S C A L E Yo sold be able to sow te vary power of dfferet • nce torsm – a specific cotres to par tcpate lobal torsm ad spor t: tourism product that is tailored to meet the needs of a par ticular ✔ Niche national audience/market segment such including as heritage tourism or movie tourism; tourism adventure strategies tourism, with movie a global location sphere tourism of inuence, and heritage location tourism. ✔ The • TnC – a transnational role of including corporation or company that TNCs the in costs expanding and international benets of TNC tourism involvement destinations, for different stakeholders; operates in a number of different ✔ Costs and benets of tourism as a national development strategy , countries. including ✔ Political, economic economic international World ✔ Cup Case and and sporting sociocultural cultural events, effects; factors affecting including the the hosting Olympics and of football events; study of international costs and benets for one country hosting an event. nce atoal torsm stratees wt a lobal spere Cocept lk of flece, cld ad vetre torsm, move POWER: Involvement in locato torsm ad ertae torsm tourism can provide a pathway to economic development. Niche Mainstream tourism products, in as well as niche attractions, product can attract a significant number products of visitors and ensure the example, tourism mind. Due can products to this extend can offer scaling are unique outside a designed aspect, of with the national once-in-a-lifetime Mount a very sphere of specific market influence boundaries. experience for this Adventure for some, tourism for Everest. countries become more powerful Movie location tourism exists around the world as people venture to economically. Any changes to visit the place where their favourite movie was made or a particular global tourism markets can have a scene was filmed. The greater the popularity of the film, the wider detrimental impact upon countries the SOI will be. For example, New York City has been home to many also, such as a global recession. memorable Heritage films tourism such can as King Kong represent a and wide Superman. range of historic and cultural Test yorself aspects E.12 Otle what is meant by heritage tourism. of a significant [3] example, place. People buildings the or Forbidden will travel where City a in long distances well-known event to visit took areas place, with for Beijing. E.13 State an example of heritage tourism. [1] Te role of TnCs expad teratoal torsm destatos, cld te costs ad beefts of TnC volvemet for dfferet stakeolders A number of international can 72 have a transnational tourism, range of and costs corporations their and (TNCs) presence benefits for in a are involved country different and in destination stakeholders. E.3 Case The to study: Gambia boost along on T ourism a its sent to first TNCs The in of affordable in turn • arrive in the it a • costs Jobs • of are Gender TNC • to • The than or AT ThE i n T E R n AT i O n A L SC ALE country . Its economy are It aims destinations is based experiences the money accommodate a that 90% of is all can more a Norwegian hotels were built by countries. often include the Ving, on be air for expensive, travel tourists power and to in so by creating accommodation, visit the Gambia, controlling the flow of country . involvement people are jobs in is: involved in tourism-related foreign-owned hotels than hotels. with tends to a are: low be skilled salary lower in and they are seasonal; foreign-owned hotels hotels; positions tend to be held by Europeans Gambians; percentage hotels, the country hotels was point domestic-owned Management rather Gambia involvement equality coast. (the in tourism remittances large easier more low-skilled compared presence the significant into are domestic-owned The and that that lot them TNC there on European Employment—42,000 activities; land Africa deals visitors of TNC international remittances From to make benefit a Twenty other travel gives SPOR T foreign. 1960s. holiday international key or from operators which The to air of and Gambia). the arriving has out-migration, the TNC cost tour of domestic company , strip AnD Gambia developing agriculture amount back the Africa via 10-kilometre visitors, The West GDP tourism, large in in TO u R i S M of locally-sourced sometimes only food is low in foreign-owned 5%. Costs ad beefts of torsm as a atoal developmet stratey, cld ecoomc ad sococltral effects The contribution increased from Economic to effects support tourism the taxes example, that 6.8% tourism in 1998 include job agriculture in order Barbados in to makes to 8.5% creation industry . help raise to in GDP on the continent of Africa 2017. and the Countries funds and sourcing will of often reduce local food introduce debt, for 2018. Test yorself Sociocultural international effects understanding. equality with by include visitors and Countries launching women running a the locals such range and exchange thus as of of cultural furthering Tanzania have female-driven directing tour traits between intercultural improved tourism gender enterprises E.14 Using an example that you have studied, expla a strategy to develop tourism at a national scale. [2+2] companies. 73 E OPTION E: LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T Poltcal, ecoomc ad cltral factors affect te ost of teratoal spor t evets, cld te Olympcs ad football World Cp evets There are forward several to Olympics, host such of can strategy Case The a new as creation be study: Delhi reasons why international the prestige sporting for Delhi countries sporting of hosting venues, an adjoining regenerating urban Commonwealth Commonwealth choose events Games put the event themselves World and facilities job and Cup or creation. the The infrastructure areas. Games, in to like 2010 2010 provided the following benefits: • A new • • terminal The Metro and city 4,000 Roads • Air • Around The • were was 4,000 as jobs • people bus Workers the • The sports • were connections they but airport. between the airport that are powered by compressed Corruption paths were introduced. introduced. created. to in are was 8,000 many the from were facilities irregularities, cycle forcibly Almost service they and were were brought money because with international follows: displaced, no the introduced improved, infrastructure. those were norms were 200,000 at (CNG). quality costs expanded, buses gas • opened centre. new natural was was city not and used in to travel such as 16 projects order sustain there did unsafe and for 4 of there hours. not receive conditions. have for some since was Bihar in revenue were for Bawana time post-Games officials way live worked enough with make built as states generating some were to reluctant centre poor uncovered, and flats were promised were not displaced deteriorated their upkeep. containing taken to court. For questions about costs and • Taxes were increased in to the city’s budget after benefits, the acronym SEEP will spending on the Games. The original cost of the Games was be useful: address the Social, estimated at US$270m but this increased to US$4.1 billion. Economic, Environmental and Political effects (this also applies The success to causes). Bear in mind that of causes and effects occur at citizens different of from growth stakeholders a in leisure such as and TNCs, tourism national is linked to the government power and the place. different scales. Also, benefits and problems can change over Test yorself time, such as the shor t-term benefits versus the long-term E.15 Sest reasons why a country’s gross national income (GNI) costs of a spor ting event. increases before and during a major spor ting event. 74 [3+3] E.4 E . 4 M A n A g i n g S P O R T M A n A ging TO u R i S M F O R T h E TO u R i S M AnD SPOR T FOR ThE FuTuRE A n D F u T u R E Yo sold be able to sow examples of ftre possbltes Carry capacty – the for maaemet of, ad par tcpato , torsm ad maximum number of people that spor t at vary scales: may visit a tourist destination ✔ The consequences and urban capacity of tourism and unsustainable hotspots, possible touristic including management the growth concept options to in of at the same time without rural causing destruction of the carrying increase physical, economic or socio- site cultural environment and an resilience; unacceptable decrease in the ✔ The concept of sustainable tourism, including the growth of quality of visitors’ satisfaction. ecotourism; Reslece – the ability for ✔ One case study of sustainable tourism in one low-income a destination to overcome country; problems due to unsustainable ✔ Factors use of inuencing social future media, international international tourism, security and including diaspora greater growth; growth in tourism numbers (and other factors such as security concerns). ✔ The growing importance of political and cultural inuences Sstaable torsm – tourism on international sport participation, including international that takes full account of its agreements, inclusion via changing gender roles and the growing current and future economic, importance of the Paralympics. social and environmental impacts, and addresses the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host Te coseqeces of sstaable torstc rowt communities. rral ad rba torsm otspots, cld te cocept of carry capacty ad possble maaemet Daspora – the dispersion of people from a country to a range optos to crease ste reslece of other countries. Unsustainable touristic environmental numbers in growth consequences hotspots can can for result a in have economic, destination. economic social Excessive losses as a and visitor place gains a Cocept lk bad reputation problems and the as and local people people environment can do not begin to suffer want to resent due to go the there. There can overcrowding noise and visual be that social occurs, POSSiBiLiTiES: As places become more popular from tourism, and pollution. the possibilities for economic development become a reality, it Case study: T ourism in Barcelona is often necessary for alternative Barcelona has growth the felt some of these impacts in recent years due to a tourism products to be developed in number of tourists visiting the city , which is the 20th to ensure that there is economic, most visited city in the world. social and environmental Local people Airbnb, of and renting rents have Tourism 10,000 and In a 2014. the introduced • Zone This 1: has was from No HUT more buying created around in in Plan order permits tourist in applications properties 81 amount the pressures of properties has with such appeared sole on Housing in 2005 sustainability. as purpose locals Used to just throughout as for under the city 2016. for to via economic The graffiti attacked Urban passed via rooms dramatically . grew Special and been Anti-tourist bus was homes have out. increased tourist (PEUAT) out people them (HUTs) in 2015, rent Tourist manage four rental Accommodation tourism. different licences or Plan Restrictions were zones: hotel licences will be granted. 75 E OPTION E: LEISURE, TO U R I S M • AND Zone Test yorself as 2: Situated Zone one E.16 Study the following image SPOR T 1 in next terms establishment of to Zone new closes, 1, this licences a new area for has the same restrictions accommodation, licence may be although if issued. from Barcelona and detfy the • Zone 3: There is less impact from tourist accommodation in this possible consequences from zone, tourism. therefore 387 new licences will be granted when licences [2] expire in other zones, and within certain parameters. E.17 Evalate the strategies • Zone 4: These are areas where no tourist rentals are permitted. designed to manage tourism in one named urban area. [10] Fre E.4.1 Tourist market in Barcelona In question E.17, there is a wide range of suitable answers, such as Barcelona or Venice. Note that the command term here is “evaluate”, so if your response is descriptive you will be credited with a low-level mark . You should explain the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies that have been implemented. Te cocept of sstaable torsm, cld te rowt of ecotorsm The term “sustainable “ecotourism”. need and to be tourism” However, aware protection of of. by destination also is are Ecotourism biodiversity . comprehensive but there ensuring often intertwined distinctions is concerned Sustainable not economic only and with between with tourism the is environmental sociocultural terms them such that as you conservation more sustainability in a sustainability . Test yorself E.18 Defe the term “ecotourism” and state an example from a place that you have studied. [2+1] E.19 Descrbe the main characteristics of sustainable tourism. [3] E.20 Dsts between sustainable tourism and ecotourism. [2] E.21 Aalyse two ways in which ecotourism is a sustainable industry. Case study: Wilderness that in [2+2] has Sustainable Safaris had national a company families funded provides 76 of such on in as the eight medical is in a sustainable since which Africa. in to that nine is area In makes tourism 1995. home Revenue an agriculture. cooperative assistance Zimbabwe country schools subsistence women’s in Hwange, elephants supports rely a Zimbabwe presence parks concentration in tourism It provides to the addition, jewelry villages. the safaris highest generated where company by the majority of Wilderness and a clinic has that E.4 Wildlife is elephants cost The of at sustained (surface least company Wilderness, 12 boreholes water of has via limited) are and dug to provide Wilderness has water covered TO u R i S M AnD SPOR T FOR ThE FuTuRE for the them. also which is that M A n A ging created runs a scheme weekly called Children environmental groups in in the order to Test yorself educate primary-school students about ecological value. E.22 Sest how the Some of the provides also energy been tracking company’s for involved of the camps lighting in a use and only for campaign renewable purifying to prohibit energy water. the which Wilderness illegal hunting advantages of sustainable has and tourism may outweigh any disadvantages. [6] pangolin. Factors flec ftre teratoal torsm, cld reater se of socal meda, teratoal secrty ad daspora rowt Try to revise three to five Technology tourism a range is continually experiences. of different secondary touristic changing Social media applications resources how is while are people plan advertising reviews updated on their international destinations of primary websites contain specific detail about and such details for each case study if possible. Your answers must via that par ticular example of as sustainable tourism. A good rule TripAdvisor. of thumb is that your response In terms of to impact security , the threat of conflict and terrorism is expected should not be so general that it tourism in the future. However, in some parts of the world could apply to any sustainable there has been a reduction in conflict. Colombia, for example, is tourism destination or package. developing controlled of by travellers result as ecotourism of the the has rebel been USA’s in parts group, of FARC. restricted ban on the in people country On some the that other countries, travelling from were previously hand, for the movement example, certain as countries a such Iran. Diaspora revenue that growth in some between from has US$250 Jamaicans been identified countries. For million returning to as an example, and the area in US$300 for 2017, increasing Jamaica million is tourism announced generated annually island. Te row mpor tace of poltcal ad cltral fleces o teratoal spor t par tcpato, cld teratoal areemets, clso va ca eder roles ad te row mpor tace of te Paralympcs Stereotypes by about the Women in gender (IOC) Sport the the More athletes Furthermore, were 1.84 Rio There a In in is in Olympic gaining people in Rio viewing billion sport. are 2016 been of and gender, Equality both One of in are to to to by as (there (for but Olympic that a issues female 2020. more were four people 9.9% years example, 4.11 years alongside address ensure 50% London 2004, Project society increasing Athens recent understanding International aim is participating compared for the Review reaches in greater which importance also altered a objective Games figures viewers have sports terms Gender Commission, Paralympics event. female for in roles equality has inequality participation The traditional gender Paralympics. Committee of and increased billion visit more earlier). there viewers 2016). are possibilities environmental adequate for increasing sustainability management the in equality leisure positive and impact and economic, tourism, may not social although be and without realized. 77 E OPTION E: LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND SPOR T QuESTiOn PRACTiCE The table shows the world’s 15 most visited cities in 2017. Table E.4.1. City The 15 most visited cities in the world, 2017 Visitors City (millions) Visitors City (millions) Bangkok 20.2 Tokyo London 20 Paris 16.1 Visitors (millions) 12.5 Istanbul 9.24 Seoul 12.44 Barcelona 8.9 New York City 12.4 Amsterdam 8.7 Dubai 16 Kuala Lumpur 12.1 Milan 8.4 Singapore 13.45 Hong Kong 9.25 Osaka 7.9 Source of data: Mastercard Global Destination Cities Index (2017) a) ) Determine the range of values for visitor numbers in 2017. [1] ) State the median value of visitor numbers in 2017. [1] b) Otle one way in which high visitor numbers may impact negatively on local communities. c) Using an example, expla one strength and one weakness of ecotourism for local communities. [2] [3 + 3] Essay Examine ways in which tourism can aect a country’s development. [10] how do i approac tese qestos? a) ) A quick calculation is required for this question and it is recommended that you show your working. You should also include the unit of measurement (in this case, millions of visitors). ) This is quick question wor th only 1 mark . No sentence is required, simply state the median value (remember that the median is the middle number). b) This question is wor th 2 marks, so be prepared to be quite specic about the negative impact, or alternatively include an example. Ideally, you should include both. c) You should structure your answer to this question as two separate paragraphs, for the strength and weakness respectively. These two points will require development, and you should refer to an example in your answer. Essay This is quite an “open” question in which you can discuss a range of eects due to the development of tourism such as economic, social and environmental consequences. These consequences could come from dierent tourism sectors, such as mass tourism or sustainable tourism, and there are both costs and benets from tourism. Remember that the command term is “examine”, so an assumption that tourism can only be beneficial (or the opposite) must be challenged in your response. Key concepts such as place could be discussed as well as scale since you will have studied tourism as a national development strategy. With this in mind, you could discuss the national benets from such a strategy, such as the contribution to GDP , as well as the local disadvantages, such as locals only being employed in unskilled jobs. You could also take a temporal approach by examining how tourism can aect a place over time. You may have studied the Butler model, which demonstrates how costs and benets can occur as a destination develops and how these perspectives may dier depending on the stakeholder involved (for example, a local environment group versus a hotel owner). 78 QuE STiOn PRACTiCE S AMPLE STuDEnT AnS WER a) i) 20.2 – 7 .9 = 12.3 million visitors. Mark 1/1 ii) 20.2 – 7 .9 = 12.3 million visitors. Incorrect, since the range between the 1st and 15th value has been stated again. New York City with 12.4 million is the median value (8th consecutive value out of 15). Marks 0/1 b) High numbers of visitors can negatively impact on local ▲ Negative communities on a city’s due to streets. the T his congestion is seen in and cities overcrowding such as of Barcelona ▲ Example developed and Vienna consuming jobs or and for going it means people to that travel it to is more places arduous within the impact given tourists and time city for given and point further their shopping. Marks 2/2 ▼ There c) One strength for local communities is that for environment they are not being sustainable Monteverde A is negative cloud for forest impact from damaged the in future. Costa by T his the tourists, has is been in valid relevant thus seen this widespread T he are minimized growth development amount create of jobs many of for in order mass-market the indirect local development (although is a included) the is that there is a lack of in an area since to protect tourism community the will and reason development visitor third numbers of point Rica. ecotourism economic lack example ▼ A valid more a their is given. needed to Further get the mark environment. create these a larger will in turn jobs. Marks 4/6 Essay Examine ways in which tourism can aect a country’s development. ▲ Knowledge T he term ‘development’ is often used to describe a with economic country’s T ourism their development social is development, when normal although people home but decide not for it can such to as visit longer also be health a applied and 1 year . to a valid shown here denition the education. destination than is country’s away Some from ▲ Another valid denition countries 79 E OPTION E: LEISURE, TO U R I S M AND with ▲ Appropriate SPOR T unique historical ▲ Provides statement a clear which increase thesis provides for provide examples would to improve inux an outline such as a beach or a GDP have with the an resources inux of available tourists. to be able to Alternatively, of tourists can exceed a place’s carrying capacity. be discussed the I agree and disagree with the statement since there are of as well as benets. which structure Greece has modern ▲ Clear resources evaluation costs the building their T herefore, ▼ Could touristic a an foundation primary terminology seen tremendous history. Mass benets tourism has from tourism developed in the during its country and point it is a very popular destination for many Europeans. In 1950, ▲ Provides evidence of tourism 33,000 growth which applies to the 2017 . a ▲ Relevant example with tourists visited Greece which increased to 27 million by question some Greece recession and other suffered for 6 an years. European economic It was collapse helped countries but with in 2008 and assistance tourism helped it suffered from the recover IMF and detail it contributed 30% ▲ A nal with the sentence thesis that of all approximately employment 25% of connected Greece’s to GDP tourism. with almost T herefore Greece is connects statement and an example of a country that experienced economic development question ▼ No point beginning made of this at the paragraph from tourism, more to help the Maldives, Greece and with of economic to as 16% and of recognize well local as and it then used tourism once economically. has receives jobs that since are a GDP per almost capita 75% supported explanation is there are tourism restaurants contribute gure almost half that by of its GDP tourism. It from is tourism important and workers to jobs will supermarkets supported. money indirect the All of supported spend which these government jobs their be can tourists money means will which by that taxed then in other and be will spent on of improving the social benets and 80 which all employment social but benets explanation ▲ Example develop recession structure of ▲ Example further a which T he would suffered education. development of the Maldives such as health QuE STiOn T here can be a cost though as a destination can ▲ Discussion experience of costs benets—therefore signicant from social tourism and problems Ibiza is whilst a great earning example increased for this. revenue However , costs increase is such in famous over the (this people for its 30 since was overcrowded crime last problems as clubs years. local banned who during were in the and beaches, tourism the 2018 looking are for drugs there renting though) congestion season. illegal Economically, people trafc so somewhere out has also rooms is an appropriate example an Ibiza ▲ Evidence for social ▲ Evidence for economic ▲ Connects with costs increased been and apartments increased live. as there and addition, trade have rents to In well answer evaluation ▲ An are as the PRACTiCE T herefore for costs local social and the thesis statement economic T his problems essay has examining T his essay can shown tourism only be the the result costs growth somewhat in and of benets Greece, agrees tourism with the the development. from tourism Maldives and by Ibiza. statement. A very shor t conclusion is present, which could be more detailed by reecting on the key points of the essay. The response demonstrates that dierent places have varying experiences from tourism and examples from a range of countries at dierent levels of development show the student’s breadth of knowledge. Fur ther knowledge could be included about the growth of tourism in each destination but the presence of evaluation ensures that the response will be credited with a mark from 7 upwards. Fur ther explanation and some minor improvements to the structure of the essay would increase the mark awarded and the carry capacity of places could be explicitly mentioned in the main body of the essay. Finally, more connections with the key concepts, such as the power of dierent stakeholders within the development and evolution of a tourism strategy, would improve the response. Marks 8/10 81 F This theme health. FOOD examines Economic the geography development is of often food AND and You should be able to show: accompanied ✔ by changes in diet and in disease H E A LT H pattern. ways of measuring between neither Food food food and and intake health health nor are are health closely is easy related. influenced by to in food and health places; measure. The provision gender, TNCs ✔ of how physical changes and and governments. ✔ the in ✔ power future and M E A S U R I N G F O O D and food incidence inuence F. 1 disparities However, of human and spread different over diets possibilities improved A N D processes production and of for to disease; stakeholders and lead consumption, in relation to health; sustainable agriculture heath. H E A LT H You should be able to show ways of measuring disparities • Food security – food security for a population exists when all its in food and health bet ween places: people, at all times, have access ✔ Global patterns in food/nutrition indicators, including the food to sufficient, safe and nutritious security index, the hunger index, calories per person/capita, food to meet their dietary needs indicators of malnutrition; and food preferences for an active ✔ The nutrition transition, and associated regional variations of food and healthy life. consumption and nutrition choices; • Nutrition transition – the change in diet that is associated ✔ Global life with a population becoming access wealthier (shifting from low and income to middle income) and patterns expectancy to in health (HALE), sanitation and indicators, infant the including mortality, ratio health-adjusted maternal between mortality, doctors/physicians people; consuming more meat and dairy ✔ The epidemiological transition, the diseases continuum (diseases products. of poverty aging • Epidemiology – the study of to diseases population for of afuence), disease and the implications of a global burden. diseases. • Epidemiological transition – Global patterns in food/nutrition indicators the shift in the major diseases experienced as a population moves from being poorer to wealthier. For example, a decrease in infectious diseases There the are data Index, many uses although malnutrition inequalities terms that they and are are in access quite to food subjective, comprised of many and such nutrition. as the elements Some Global related of Hunger to mortality . but an increase in degenerative The Food Security Index measures the affordability , availability and diseases. quality The of of food. Global three child Hunger main components mortality undernutrition 82 Index (as (GHI) (but measured (stunting and is a four by the composite indicator, indicators). under-5 wasting) and These mortality consisting include rate), inadequate child access tofood. F .1 Prevalence of hunger food supply, child nutrition wasting), 100 on being child based mortality (stunting a scale ME A S URING FO OD AND H E A LT H on and and 0–100, worst. Greater or equal to 50 35.0–49.9 20.0–34.9 10.0–19.9 Less than 10.0 Insufficient significant Insufficient Not data, concern data calculated Figure F .1.1. GHI, by severity, 2017 Test yourself Access to person per and food can day , height/age or also by be measured indicators compared with of by the number malnutrition national of such calories as per weight/age F .1 Describe the global variations or in the GHI. [3] statistics. The nutrition transition, and associated regional variations of food consumption and nutrition choices You are not expected to know the The dietary qualitative higher and energy saturated from changes fat that characterize quantitative density intake diet with (mainly carbohydrates, changes in “nutrition diet. increased from dietary the animal fibre, fruit There fat and is a shift added sources), and transition” and include towards sugar, reduced a greater intake vegetables. names of all countries, so don’t worry if you cannot identify a par ticular country. However, you are expected to know all of the continents and you can refer to a country’s place in a par ticular continent (e.g. nor th, south, 40 Figure F .1.2. Percentage of total coastal, central, etc). energy from fat and saturated fatty 30 acids Source of data: World Health Organization % 20 Content link Relate this information to the 10 trends in food consumption explored in unit 3.1. 0 Low Lower income Upper High middle middle income income income Test yourself Key F .2 Define the term “nutrition Energy from total Energy from saturated fat fatty transition”. acids [1] Global patterns in health indicators You will not be expected to Health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) produce exact calculations HALE is an measures of sex-specific number based of on measure indicator both of age- mortality expected the of and overall into of a life life and of single of in a a health population. data, statistic. equivalent experience of health sex-specific data, years average quantity the to of HALE years population. quality and age- combines and in full HALE is in the exam, but you will be expected to manipulate the indicates lived Thus, It the health, a data (estimate/work out a rough change/rate of change) to achieve full marks. life. 83 F OPTION F: FO OD AND H E A LT H • The social burden of ill health is higher for The social burden of ill health is highest women than for men. Concept link • among those in “early” old PL ACES: Places at different stages age, not among the very elderly . of development have unique • characteristics in terms of the Higher socio-economic expectancy health of their citizens. Spatial and a status lower confers burden of ill a dual advantage—longer life health. patterns can be established Infant globally to connect places with mortality rate similarities, such as levels of The infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths in children malnutrition or obesity. Indicators under the age of 1 per 1,000 live births. It is an age-specific mortality that measure the health of people rate, that is, so more it is comparing the death rates among the same ages, and are varied, and there is a transition is useful than the crude death rate. over time in places as a range of factors affect a person’s access to Maternal mortality rates healthcare and education. The maternal deaths by per 100,000 pregnancy MMR with Access Due the to to are live its rate (MMR) births from management. 2,000 deaths per is the any In annual cause 2016, 100,000 number related South live to of or Sudan female aggravated had the highest births. sanitation a combination of access rural access or over provision without Test yourself mortality and to of population facilities, to the sanitation urban improved growth number has disparities: sanitation of increased over 80% facilities and people since of the slow in progress 1990. In urban compared with sub-Saharan to Africa addition, population 51% in rural there has areas. F .3 Explain why the infant mor tality rate is a useful indicator Global of development. variations in access to doctors/physicians [2] Access to doctors varies from one doctor per 100,000 people in Burundi F .4 Suggest why the number and one doctor per 50,000 people in Mozambique to one doctor per 280 of doctors per person is not a people in Hungary and Iceland. There is also a disparity in the facilities reliable measure of the quality available of health care systems. in hospitals and clinics. [2] The epidemiological transition, the diseases continuum and the implications of a global aging population for disease burden The epidemiological largely infectious, degenerative there has HICs and due to and 35%. Aging Of in been a a rise the total people decline in global 60 in to disease the diseases infectious degenerative disease aged refers non-communicable. cardiovascular and the and transition communicable In the in those last diseases diseases. (CVD) shift to The in mortality that two are centuries, many of proportion increased to from largely today’s of between deaths 10% burden burden years of and disease, older. 23% This is attributable accounts for to about disorders 50% of burden in the Content link health burden in high-income countries and 20% of the The challenges associated with low- and middle-income countries. The leading contributors to disease aging populations are looked at in burden in older people unit 1.3. over) 84 and cancer (15%). are CVD (over 30% in people aged 60 years and F .2 F. 2 F O O D SYST E M S A N D FO OD S YS T E M S S P R E A D AND O F SPRE AD OF DISE A SE S D I S E A S E S You should be able to show how physical and human • Systems – a simplified way processes lead to changes in food production and of looking at a feature (such as consumption, and incidence and spread of disease: farming), by breaking it down into inputs (factors), processes and ✔ The merits of a systems approach (inputs, stores, transfers, products. outputs) to compare production, and energy relative efciency and sustainability in water footprints different in food • Water footprints – a measure places; of the use of water by humans ✔ The physical and human processes that can lead to variations in or nations and/or the amount food consumption; needed to grow or manufacture ✔ The importance of diffusion (including expansion, relocation) in the and the of diseases, spread of adoption/acquisition, agricultural products such as meat. innovations, • Diffusion – the way in which also in spread and the role of geographic a feature (such as a disease) factors (including physical, economic and political barriers) in the spreads. rate ✔ of diffusion; Geographic impacts factors water-borne ✔ contributing (demographic One to the incidence, socio-economic) of diffusion and vector-borne and diseases; detailed detailed and example example of a of a vector-borne water-borne disease and one disease. The merits of a systems approach to compare energy efficiency and water footprints in food production, and relative sustainability in different places A system by is a breaking simplified it down way into of looking inputs at (factors a complex that affect feature, the system), Table F .2.1. Energy eciency their relative size (stores), processes (the activities that lead to the ratios for selected farming systems production of food) and outputs (products of the system). (input:output of energy input) Energy The efficiency energy into a the contrasts but efficiency system system, the ratios ratio compared inputs with are may with very intensive returns is be a measure the low outputs. but farming of the where relatively the In amount a energy traditional outputs the of are inputs 1:65 Hunter-gatherers 1:7.8 Cereal farm 1:1.9 Dairy farm 1:0.38 Greenhouse lettuces 1:0.002 inputs agroforestry relatively may Agroforestry be high. quite This high low. Source of data: Adapted from Tivy, J., Agricultural ecology, 1990, Longman Water The footprints projected products is resources. water in food increase likely to in put Large-scale footprints production than the production further and pressure commercial small-scale on farming consumption the world’s systems subsistence tend farming of animal freshwater to have higher systems. 3 The water footprint of meat from beef cattle (15,400 m per tonne) 3 is much larger than the footprint of meat from sheep (10,400 m per Test yourself 3 tonne) or chicken (4,300 m per tonne). F .5 Suggest why the energy Per tonne footprint Global water feed of product, than animal per for products generally have a larger water crops. Most animals. efficiency ratio for agroforestry is higher than for dairy farms. production year. the animal of requires this water about (98%) 2,422 is billion used in the cubic metres production of of [2] F .6 Explain why the water footprint for animals is higher than for crops. [2] 85 F OPTION F: FO OD AND H E A LT H The physical and human processes that can lead to variations in food consumption Income and level of education influence food choice. Diet may vary Content link depending on the availability food. low-income of income to purchase more healthy The effect of income on the For a family , price plays a larger role than taste and consumption of food and other quality in deciding whether the food will be purchased. The variety of resources is looked at in unit 3.1. foods carried in neighbourhood shops may also influence diet. The impor tance of diffusion in the spread of agricultural innovations, the spread of diseases, and the role of geographic factors in the rate of diffusion Diffusion The innovations introduction number of financial to of other security , Be sure to study diagrams the more people accept the are agricultural very more people technique information personality of the few to the adopter and and an often will the a the a proximity innovation. cost (figure take upon innovations, and adopt innovation change depends regarding people widespread, adopt reluctant new Figure F .2.1. new Initially becomes increasingly to a including adopters. information some of factors is reduced, F.2.1). long As However, time, if at all, technique. The diusion of innovations carefully, and work out what they show before you begin 100 an answer. In figure F.2.1 the blue line shows the number % of adopters at any given time 75 erahs whereas the red line refers to the cumulative number of people tekraM 50 that have adopted an innovation over time. 25 Test yourself 0 F .7 Suggest reasons why some people are reluctant to adopt an innovation. Innovators Early Early Late Laggards 2.5% Adopters Majority Majority 16% 13.5% 34% 34% [2] Types There • • of disease are diffusion several types of Expansion diffusion source diffuses and Relocation into new occurs diffusion: when outwards diffusion areas, disease occurs leaving into its expanding new when behind the the disease has a areas. spreading origin or the disease source of moves the disease. • Contagious the • direct Hierarchical through • diffusion contact an Network is ordered diffusion or the spread individuals diffusion transportation 86 of occurs sequence occurs social of with when of an a a networks. or disease disease through infected. phenomenon classes when infectious those spreads places. spreads via F .2 FO OD S YS T E M S AND SPRE AD OF DISE A SE S Geographic factors contributing to the incidence, diffusion Concept link and impacts (demographic and socio-economic) of PROCESSES: Changes to the vector-borne and water-borne diseases processes of food production and A number impacts (an of of geographic diseases insect/a such factors as vector-borne lead cholera to (a the incidence, water-borne spread disease) consumption take place at a range and and malaria of different scales. Production, for example, can be affected by disease). the access to shipping routes Water-borne disease: Cholera during geopolitical tension, or the availability of new technology Each year there are between 1.3 million and 4.0 Most of million cases of cholera, that increases agricultural yields. and 21,000–143,000 deaths worldwide. those infected can be These processes operate within successfully treated with oral rehydration solution. a system, and the water-food- Cholera water is an acute diarrheal contaminated with the infection caused bacterium by Vibrio ingestion of food or cholerae. energy nexus is par t of this system. The spread of different forms of disease is possible due to Cholera transmission is closely linked to inadequate access to clean geographic processes such as the water and sanitation facilities. Typical at-risk areas include slums and movement of people, or the lack of refugee camps, where minimum requirements for clean water and vaccines in a place. sanitation The and are not long-term universal Actions solution access targeting implementation and hygiene sanitation being to for cholera safe adapted good control drinking environmental of (WASH) and met. hygiene to economic adequate include sustainable ensure practices in and conditions long-term solutions lies water to the use the water, of development sanitation. safe populations sanitation water, most at basic risk of cholera. Vector-borne disease: Malaria life-threatening is a transmitted to mosquitoes. In 2016 in and reduce DR in malaria Figure F .2.2. through an the and estimated Africa for billion disease preventable were funding US$2.7 is deaths. Nigeria Total people It there 445,000 Malaria caused bites parasites infected that are female Anopheles curable. 216 accounted of by million for 90% of cases of malaria malaria cases and deaths (40% Congo). malaria 2016. control V ector and control elimination is the main reached way to an estimated prevent and transmission. The global distribution of malaria Key Malaria occurs Malaria occurs not transmission in Malaria is transmission throughout some parts transmission known to occur Source of data: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 87 F OPTION F: FO OD AND H E A LT H Two forms indoor of vector residual control—insecticide-treated spraying (IRS)—are spraying with effective in mosquito a wide nets range and of circumstances. Indoor residual reduce malaria of houses in transmission. targeted areas insecticides Its are potential is is a powerful realized way when to at rapidly least 80% sprayed. Test yourself F .8 Outline the ways in which diseasess may be spread. [5] F .9 (a) Describe the distribution of malaria as shown in figure F.2.2. [3] (b) Explain two reasons for the distribution that you have described. [2+2] F .10 Compare the main conditions required for the development of cholera with the main conditions required for the development of malaria. F. 3 S TA K E H O L D E R S I N F O O D A N D [2+2] H E A LT H You should be able to show the power of different • Famine – the UN definition of a famine states that 20% of stakeholders in relation to influence over diets and health: the population must have fewer ✔ The roles of international organizations (such as the World Food than 2,100 kilocalories of food Programme, Food and Nations World Agriculture Organization of the United available per day; more than and Health Organization), governments and NGOs 30% of children must be acutely in combating food insecurity and disease; malnourished; and two deaths ✔ The inuence of TNCs (agribusinesses and the media) in shaping per day in every 10,000 people food consumption habits; (or four deaths per day in every 10,000 children) must be being ✔ caused by lack of food. Gender roles related to food production/acquisition ✔ Factors power ✔ affecting of One the case country the media study or and and severity and of of access the health, disparities famine, to issues including in including international affecting food health; a governance, the aid; famine-stricken area. The roles of international organizations, governments and NGOs in combating food insecurity and disease Be careful about using the term Combating food insecurity “famine”. It has a very precise meaning. Many places lack Many stakeholders contribute to achieving food security: food security but do not have • The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), whose main aims a famine. include • The World focuses • • on National to eradication Food food of it, of hunger, Programme assistance governments A number access 88 the NGOs such as help (WFP) for may to food the aims to poorest subsidize deliver Operation insecurity and food food Hunger to in end and malnutrition; global most hunger. It vulnerable; production; those South with insufficient Africa. F .3 Combating The Health health There are other Vaccines financing that was brand was 70 and Malaria (WHO) For was is immunization Sans Frontières the in 1971 and the run Nobel by its the in (GA VI) part of Global 2002. the UN Fund The provides AND H E A LT H that deals to Fight Global AIDS, Alliance international coverage. (MSF—Doctors to humanitarianism awarded example, launched Immunizations founded of owned Organization initiatives. and for Médecins FO OD issues. Tuberculosis for IN disease World with S TA K E H O L D E R S provide emergency independent Peace staff. Prize In in 2015 Without it of Borders) medical aid governments. 1999, is a provided is an and MSF, worldwide medical NGO a new which movement aid in over countries. • MSF (in • • treated 5,883 Bangladesh) them aged They also They treated (SGBV) they between between saw 5 4,680 377 between only people treat a for September and of survivors 2017 measles of and fraction in the and Cox’s April Bazar 2018, district most of 14. cases August diphtheria of sexual April all in that and period. gender-based 2018. However, violence MSF believe cases. The influence of TNCs (agribusinesses and the media) Concept link in shaping food consumption habits POWER: When there are issues The nutrition starchy but transition staples there is also energy-dense, and to harmful in include a LICs more tendency towards non-traditional fatty acids, leads fruit and foods are to a and an change increase which poor in in diet vegetables, are in away meat intake often and of high connected with the healthcare from and diets of people, it normally dairy , processed, in sugar, salt involves a significant section of the global population, covering an area of a country, continent or micronutrients. a socio-economic/demographic Multinational retailers have followed multinational food group within society. To tackle manufacturers, soft-drink companies and fast-food chains into food these problems, it can often and drink sectors in virtually all countries; they have introduced involve a range of different the types of supply-chain management previously seen only in the stakeholders, each with different developed world. levels of power, but each with a The move seen as towards demand labour-force processed There In has Latin relative and fast been food to have is a staples some that prices the early packaged and soft marketing, for of to of was and urbanization demand for LICs and may be fresh often 50%–60% of the lives of those that struggle to female get access to good and to convenience and firms and food at LICs. sales. convenience vegetables. and targeted MICs retail foods Modern supermarkets children, to foods. (and foods convenience relative supermarket 40% in of processed fruit drink vested interest in safeguarding combat disease. supermarkets of MICs supermarkets price Western stages in out. packaged food a deliver the and diets incomes, led eating reduce evidence in and fast-food the have expansion preference some particularly Growing supermarkets traditional reduced Brazil, rapid sophisticated encourage There a food systems manufacturers, employ driven. Western-style participation America, Modern more cheaper to fresh penetration than in Test yourself stores) produce, in a country . traditional F .11 Explain how TNCs influence In global food consumption. [4] outlets. 89 F OPTION F: FO OD AND H E A LT H Gender roles related to food and health Gender, food security In and low-income women and security grow in out their most Women often Gender and and as in about unpaid of the of and Eritrea, guaranteeing usually food Rural and a the While rearing for small carry diet, products. food-producing sub-Saharan involved men also diverse marketable and rural food responsible women ensures provide Asia workers are which half in communities. protein. can South-East Ethiopia roles and most processing, losses as women provides represent workforce crops, preparing food such different households which minimizes play field and livestock, countries, men mainly growing Figure F .3.1. nutrition in Africa, subsistence but farming. health A woman prepares injera bread in Chencha, Ethiopia Life be expectancy partly lifestyle and for because than retire at women men women. a later are is generally more likely However, age, and more that may higher to have men than a work hasten for more men. full-time their This may “self-destructive” death. than women, Nevertheless, Content link women in LICs have low expectancy very physical jobs, which may explain, in part, the Unit 5.1 examines ways of life compared with HICs. Poverty and diseases are also promoting gender equality in likely to play an important part. the workplace. Table F .3.1. Rank Highest and lowest life expectancies: male and female (2015–20) Highest female Years Rank Highest male life life expectancy Years expectancy 1 Monaco 93.6 1 Monaco 85.6 2 Hong Kong 87.4 2= Hong Kong 81.7 3 Japan 87.3 2= Iceland 81.7 4 Singapore 86.7 4 Switzerland 81.6 Italy 86.0 5 Israel, Italy 81.3 Test yourself F .12 Study table F.3.1. 5 (a) Describe the main Lowest female life Lowest male life differences in life expectancy for expectancy expectancy the countries with the highest 1 Swaziland 47.7 1 Swaziland 49.5 2 Lesotho 50.2 2 Lesotho 50.3 3 Sierra Leone 52.7 3 Cen. African Rep. 51.1 4 Chad 53.6 4 Chad 51.4 5 Cote d’Ivoire 53.8 5 Sierra Leone 51.5 and lowest life expectancies for females and males. [2+2] (b) Suggest reasons for the differences that you have identified. [3] Source of data: The Economist, Pocket world in gures (2017) Factors affecting the severity of famine There are rainfall or many may overgrazing pressure the or increased —civil Case In It 90 war main 2017, disrupts in first A lack farming, in Sudan time was the declared 2011 that to lead to and in UN reduction a to East, state had of may to aid. in food could likely Sudan Middle be is access South the facilities factor unreliable Deforestation population a affordability storage in the Increased could main transport and and/or shortages. unemployment) proper famine Africa since as low food Decreasing However, a tenure (such of and degradation. land person. causing Famine South the soil entitlement waste. factor study: was per Prolonged shortages secure famine. food famine. cause of land of water may food of to lack of in outbreaks the a amount decrease causes lead or lead lead be a to to political Civil recent in war was years. 2017 of used famine the by term. the UN. Afurther F .4 1.1 million Some people 250,000 children malnutrition. Three at a other Nearly 2013, are over escape work at risk pay F. 4 of risk 25% ethnic to said to under 6 be the million famine”. of of killings. for age of “emergency” 5 The suffer relied Somalia Sudan’s People an Between starvation. South in people countries—Nigeria, “credible people were on and the factor flee from food H E A LT H that “severe aid they cannot FO OD SECURITY AND S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y share fled harvest acute” during countries, have AND situation. Yemen—were four population who FUTURE said 20 is to be million war. their their 2018. Since homes crops to or Test yourself F .13 Define the term famine. [2] food. F U T U R E H E A LT H S E C U R I T Y A N D A N D F O O D S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y You should be able to show examples of future possibilities • Epidemic – a fast-spreading for sustainable agriculture and improved health: ✔ Possible ✔ solutions One case to study food of insecurity , attempts to including tackle food waste outbreak of a disease. reduction; • Pandemic – a global epidemic. • In vitro meat – Cultured or insecurity; synthetic meat produced in a ✔ Advantages and disadvantages of contemporary approaches laboratory from stem cells rather to food production, including genetically modied organisms than from an animal that has (GMOs), vertical farming and in vitro meat; ever lived. ✔ The merits including means ✔ of of prevention social and Managing pandemics, prior and of treatment marginalization infection local and global scientic in issues, managing government disease, priorities, intervention; including the awareness, epidemiology international of the action disease, and the role media; ✔ One case learned study for of a contemporary pandemic pandemic management in the and the lessons future. Possible solutions to food insecurity Case study: Food Achieving insecurity scarcity , the hazards and household in need security Bangladesh to increase climate and food change. individual is in Bangladesh affected production Food levels. by of security international nutritional remains Bangladesh has an trade, food, issue made land natural at national, significant Despite progress being made to progress in improving food security by increasing production of rice find solutions to food security, using irrigation and high-yielding varieties. Increased emphasis on rice not everyone will benefit. It has necessitated has also increased imports of other foods. The government is good practice to identify invested in storage facilities for rice, and cold-storage facilities those who will not benefit from for meat, fish, eggs and potatoes. The transport infrastructure has improved food security, as well been upgraded to enable faster and better distribution of food, as those who will. including imports. Ad vantages and disad vantages of contemporary Test yourself approaches to food production F .14 Explain how it is possible to The advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified achieve food security. organisms There are become [4] (GMOs) many more advantages predictable, related and food to GMOs. quality For can be example, food improved by supplies the 91 F OPTION F: FO OD AND H E A LT H introduction of more vitamins. GMOs can be modified to last longer Concept link POSSIBILITIES: Environmental and social sustainability refers to and may and vaccines even herbicides have medical designed and into pesticides, benefits the as (increased food). genetic There nutrients, may resistance be is less proteins need designed to into use the GMO. the improvements to the natural However, GMOs may cause antibiotic resistance. Crops that are landscape such that future genetically modified may produce seeds that are genetically modified. generations have access to the It is possible for genes to get into wild species—a number of weed similar or improved levels of species are known to be resistant to the herbicide atrazine. GMOs are nutrition as the current generation. heavily controlled by TNCs, and independent research regarding their With rising populations and impacts is generally not allowed. increased consumerism, plus the impact of global climate change, Vertical farming innovative food production techniques are needed to increase V ertical by production such that providing as adequate nutrition is possible. day farming and many reduces This also requires efficient allows night, vertical air as it farms pollution crops uses are and to be LED grown lighting. found in emissions throughout It reduces high-rise of CO . the buildings It uses year, transport in and costs cities. minimal This water, as 2 distribution strategies, and thus water food there are a range of different stakeholders involved in the food use can be controlled organically—no damage the and pesticides recycled. are V ertical needed as farming there are also no grows pests to crops. production process. However, sector. pollinate There vertical The is the a In vitro In vitro means in San on that occurs lead to increases naturally . reliance This could pollination plants farming “Plenty” farming of great irrigation. V ertical cost This there mainly in loss are for in jobs are the costs cuts, urban in no lighting, power HICs of there increases technology , if a as the transport insects of heating the and crops areas, to production. for could die. example Francisco. meat meat (IVM) already exists but is very expensive. It refers to Test yourself meat F .15 Describe the advantages ethical [2+2] F .16 Outline the main advantages of genetically modified food. is potentially and disadvantages of in vitro food. that [3] meat more and perceived of in a laboratory environmentally disease-free production contribute out grown to as type systems local and of that global unnatural, rather friendly farming are than energy- less and a and On IVM offers to other and a friendly , conventional water-intensive the tasty farm. animal-welfare compared pollution. potentially on hand, likely to and IVM put is farmers business. The merits of prevention and treatment in managing disease Preventative will reduce healthy of the diet cancer, Curative stroke. and lost risk to are economy , of many Figure F .4.1. Regular exercise is an 92 care. The difficult is the benefits and poor money may be This or may to and from excess lifestyles people to that having reduce the a risk to treat expensive cancers, than heart disease preventative and health care hospitalization. of preventing diseases—treatment, costs are major burdens to the families. poor or range drinking health-care and policies strokes. required lengthy world’s choices. and more businesses information, eective preventative treatment disease. much involve adopting smoking treatment is means attacks productivity Many of not heart This may There treatment are access socially at to increased health risk of facilities marginalized, and disease. for may Many adequate have to lack health make QUE STION The the provision UK’s case in of health-care National the USA. Health services Service, However, not or may it be may everyone public, be can for private, afford PRACTICE example, as is largely the private health-care. Managing pandemics Pandemics to manage are global and they epidemics. may Their involve new large scale diseases or makes them relatively difficult unknown ones. Following the government Containment exposed to to were closed, to speedy Case The a the of likely condition school response as The number figure key potential such study: a in West of and a given over and not the Nigerian social radio. did only had in not been if they media Markets the it who isolated and banned. pandemic, officials America and broadcasts were 2015, campaign. Everyone monitored, were become in health Ebola. Television health Africa public ending lessons to and Although happen West were schools Africa due but in Europe. pandemic worldwide double major to found North people Ebola massive Gatherings diabetes to and a was people. and had areas of symptoms. reassure Ebola the virus the used other was the developed the outbreak established by 2035. cause of with diabetes Diabetes blindness, is a is around chronic, kidney 422 million, Test yourself lifelong failure, heart attacks, F .17 Explain why a pandemic stroke and lower limb amputation. The disease reduces both a person’s could trigger a global quality of life and life expectancy . recession. Four diet major trials (reducing activity can have fat delay demonstrated intake), or preventing prevent type II that lifestyle obesity diabetes and changes involving increasing among people physical at [3] F .18 Define the factors that led to the successful containment of the Ebola virus. [2] highrisk. QUESTION PRACTICE The following diagram shows factors aecting food insecurity. No Inadequate access to finance nutrition No access Social Social factor to markets factor X Y Food insecurity a) Identify what social factors X and Y could be. [2] b) i) Outline why two named groups of people experience food insecurity. [2 + 2] ii) Explain two ways in which improved food security can be achieved. [2 + 2] 93 F OPTION F: FO OD AND H E A LT H Essays Either: Examine the impact of one vector-borne disease. [10] Or: Examine the nutrition transition that occurs as countries develop. [10] How do I approach these questions? a) 1 mark is awarded for each valid suggestion, with a maximum of 2 marks. b) i) You need to outline two dierent population groups that are at risk of food insecurity, and give some detail for each one. Describe the conditions that mean they have limited food supply—it is not good enough to say that they have “no food”; you should think of dierent reasons why their food supply is limited. ii) This asks for ways in which food security can be achieved. Each of the reasons should be developed or demonstrated using an example. Essays For these essays, the command term is examine. This means that you should discuss the underlying assumptions and interrelationships of the issues presented in the question. For the rst essay, you should consider a number of impacts of a named vector-borne disease on people and societies, and relate these to the four key concepts (places, processes, power and possibilities). For the second essay, you should examine how people's diet changes as they transition from LIC to MIC to HIC. Remember to refer to specic examples, and some critical thinking and evaluation should be present in your answer. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER a) to Other walk social long factors affecting distances to ge t food water security and include rewood and having poor education. Marks 2/2 b) i) One people ▲ 1 population living in group Syria. experiencing T his is because food there insecurity is a civil is war going mark on there group ▲ 1 mark ▲ 1 mark—very is simple, and food supplies experiencing because there is a food are disrupted. insecurity famine there, are and Another people in farmers population Sudan. are T his unable to but produce many crops. acceptable Marks 4/4 ▲ 1 mark ii) One crops. ▲ 1 way In of vitro producing farming more also food helps is through produce the much use food of GM from a mark single stem cell. Neither point developed. Marks 2/4 Essays Either: Examine the impact of one vector-borne disease. Malaria ▲ Identies a valid is a life-threatening disease of humans caused by the vector-borne disease plasmodium 94 parasite and transmitted to people via the bite of QUE STION the female Anopheles mosquito. In 2015, around 100 countries ▲ Good and territories billion people malaria. among had – ongoing almost However , half between populations at malaria the world’s 2000 risk transmission. (the and rate population 2015, of new – About are malaria cases) at by detail 3.2 risk of incidence fell ▲ Evaluative cent globally. populations at At risk the fell same by time, 60 per malaria cent death globally rates among a trend in all age ▲ Identies and groups the and global by 65 malaria per cent among burden. In children 2015 the under region ve. gives cent of malaria cases and 90 per cent of malaria direct cost medication, of malaria doctors’ fees to individual and households preventative opening the nets, which help to reduce measures transmission. scene paragraph well and incidence/death identies rate includes such as ▲ Death the bed area deaths. changing T he worst-affected support suffered ▲ Good per the some Sub- —sets 88 comment 37 ▲ Shows per PRACTICE Infected rst has para. been covered Economic in costs now individuals covered are unable to the attacks. work, which can reduce family incomes during ▲ Demographic Some population contracting groups malaria, are and at considerably developing severe higher risk disease, than others. ▲ Social T hese include women and infants, patients children with under HIV/AIDS, ve as years well as of age, pregnant the “at mobile populations and travellers. costs—identies risk” some of population non -immune ▼ Not migrants, focus of Children backed up with real-life with examples severe malaria symptoms: metabolic frequently severe develop anaemia, acidosis, or one or respiratory cerebral more of distress the in following relation to malaria. The rst paragraph was full of detail but thereafter it becomes quite generic. A named, located example (such as Nigeria or DR Congo) would be good to show the changes/impacts in a real-life situation. Marks 7/10 Or: Examine the nutrition transition that occurs as countries develop. As is income an increases increase and a in low-income change in countries food (LICs), consumption ▲ Sound there patterns. ▲ Good People in LICs generally carbohydrates, of meat LIC, and people dairy derive carbohydrates countries while (HICs) per 11 their food contribution negligible. 80 and the derive cent per of cent generally In of energy fats is Bangladesh, their from derive small nutritional fats. most People of mainly for their and energy description from example, in denition that an ▲ Real-life example from high-income food energy 95 F OPTION F: FO OD AND H E A LT H from carbohydrates from meat and ▲ Very clear good and and Denmark, and dairy. for fat, T he with a average instance, substantial consumer derives 45–50 in per contribution the US, cent of France their food introduction— sets the energy scene from carbohydrates and 40 per cent from fats. Studies of human nutrition have shown that worldwide a nutrition transition is taking place, in which people are shifting ▲ True for towards more afuent food consumption patterns. T he nutrition modern civilizations—some would say transition began in developed countries 300 years ago. It coincided there were earlier NTs with great economic growth. For LICs, a small increase in income may lead to a large increase in calorie intake, while for HICs increases in income may not lead to an increase in calorie intake. Food ▼ Should LIC and state MICs. increasing that this HICs is have substantially consumption not since the 1970s are consistently are mainly prices, it would of these be of good with reasons, to (both still develop some and other point, a kind of HICs HICs, the and in protein LICs, lower by and main in than higher but in content). their HICs. income sociocultural also play meat to have dietary cereals, intake an in a Growth rates consumption T he per levels transition capita – preferences, but in per diet is food refrigeration, role. while changes since mainly increased. increasing part of the 1970s vegetable Animal reducing/replacing health-related, comparison—it interesting the it oil protein and, to intake population for have various been a smaller has seems reasons the to been be (ethical, LICs the environmental diet has and diversied economic). since the 1970s. Intake of would details for cereals, including rice, as well as vegetable oil, sugar , meat and societies dairy is periods of and ▲ Good with conclusion—brings points together and has a higher cereal cereals T here main since reverse- In particular much concerns interested be substantially examples stabilizing: ▲ Sound energy higher individual extent, in in inuenced reduction transition increased but In ▲ Good has been capita range capita the 1970s. ▼ Good per for is a also has exceeds strong staple compared intake foods. of In to 1970s, stagnated the positive consumption share in and LICs, protein dairy, even in more declined. recent T heir share HICs. relationship animal although between and sh a and level of negative pulses are income relationship driving the brief increases evaluative now in total protein availability per capita. Sugar intake comment is in also stabilizing. LICs is exception slowly of T hese numbers evolving in the seem to direction suggest of the that HICs, the diet with the sugar . Good overall account—apar t from the examples in the opening paragraph, most of the suppor t relates to HICs/LICs. Marks 8/10 96 URBAN G According to population the lives E N V I R O N M E N TS UN, in much urban of the world’s environments. You should be able to show: These ✔ areas are constantly evolving as people enter the characteristics places, leave. This creates economically , and national people who opportunities socially and in these populations infrastructure for and local for ✔ how the economic bring change the varying relation of, ✔ and over to urban future power of urban activities; demographic time to urban processes systems; the VA R I E T Y O F of experience possibilities U R B A N different of, stakeholders and in management stresses; management T H E economic places. ✔ G . 1 distribution and challenges environmentally governments, live and and and of for urban the sustainable systems. E N V I R O N M E N T S You should be able to show the characteristics • Site – the actual land on which and distribution of urban places, populations a settlement or an urban area and economic actiities: was established. ✔ Characteristics hierarchy (planned ✔ Factors of of or places, including (including site, megacities) function, and land growth use, process spontaneous); affecting commercial, proximity urban settlement to the a central activities that take place in an urban area. pattern industrial), • Function – the main economic of urban including business economic physical district activities factors, (CBD) and land (retail, values, planning; • Depriation – people and groups that experience a lower standard of living than the majority of people living in an ✔ Factors affecting the pattern of residential areas within urban areas, urban environment. including physical factors, land values, ethnicity and planning; • Informal housing – residential ✔ The incidence of poverty , deprivation and informal activity areas that have been built (housing and industry) in urban areas at varying stages of illegally by residents. development. • Informal sector – people who work in the informal sector do Characteristics of urban places not declare their income and pay no tax on it. This is also known as When considering the original sites of settlements, the presence of the black economy, the shadow flat land would have allowed for the straightforward construction economy or the grey economy. of buildings, drinking and and for the proximity irrigating to water would provide a supply for crops. Concept link PL ACES: Urban environments evolve, and towns and cities develop an identity as a whole along with the areas within them. Economic and social processes take place and the physical geography of a locality will also enable change. 97 G OPTION G: URBAN E N V I R O N M E N TS The location of a settlement would subsequently give a village, town Test yourself or G.1 State an alternative name for informal housing. city a function. agricultural For produce example, from a market nearby rural town areas could could develop be where bought and sold. [1] A settlement can G.2 Describe the location where land town informal housing is normally recreational found in a LIC. [2] use in a land regulations also how may it be is multifunctional or city uses dictate not be can also existing how in and vary , many land is to it can with over industrial, urban be evolve time. residential environments. used in an The urban and Planning area and used. G.3 Suggest two reasons why the housing has been built in the location you described above. Urban or [2+2] it growth can be can be planned spontaneous (such developments). Thus established evolve. and as urban new (for example, private places are or illegal public unique and settlements) housing dynamic as they are Factors affecting the pattern of urban economic actiities (retail, commercial, industrial) Secondary are (manufacturing) located in amount of a and value, (CBD), the in areas. theory and consumers the bars will the to tertiary closer cost of tend all tertiary Secondary compared higher restaurants and urban land and to the be have you activities get the Service located to to closer this economic will economic land. access (services) require activities. central to the via a All larger land business industries area activities such CBD as public has district as offices, workers and private transportation. Factors affecting the pattern of residential areas within urban areas Residential areas establishment decided by the CBD than of based local will on demolished can be government), some As in the people an with location and country . urban migrate to The area urban be the and the more possible planning owned of and public anyway) of edge-of-city value being of the more public public will environments, the to the is set the rather reduce the land. blocks may be houses. (provided by the vary . For example, housing can exist housing desirable closer upwards the can to housing restrictions apartment housing relation and building price example, in formal expensive since purchase For of detached/single-family privately the is above location blocks, not of mentioned The land that place. housing same of might terms take both and the Land replaced public parts in can of apartment (which and been housing. cost for costs Redevelopment cities the used outwards inner-city already authorities. be development Housing have informal can than also vary , in with others. diversity of places Test yourself increases. Some areas may have a higher concentration of people from G.4 Suggest three reasons why a particular ethnic background due to the existence of familiar cultural different ethnic groups are often traits or cheap rent prices. concentrated in different par ts of cities. [3+3] In summary , types 98 in an a range urban of area. processes creates patterns of different housing G. 2 G . 2 C H A N G I N G U R B A N C H A NGING URBAN S YS T E M S S Y S T E M S You should be able to show how economic and • Centripetal – movement demographic processes bring change oer time towards an urban area. to urban systems: • Centrifugal – movement away ✔ Urbanization, movements, natural increase including and centripetal rural–urban migration population in from an urban area. industrializing • Gentrification – a general term cities, and inner-city gentrication in post-industrial cities; for the arrival of wealthier people ✔ Centrifugal population movements, including suburbanization and counter-urbanization; in an existing urban district, a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in ✔ Urban system growth including infrastructure improvements the district’s character and culture. over time, such as transport, sanitation, water, waste disposal and • Post-industrial city – a city telecommunications; whose economy has shifted ✔ Case study of infrastructure growth over time in one city; from producing goods and ✔ The causes of urban and demographic deindustrialization and its economic, social consequences. products to one that mainly offers services. • Deindustrialization – the process of social and economic Urbanization, natural increase and centripetal change which is due to the reduction in industrial capacity population moements or the activities of a country’s Urbanization has taken place over time; both middle-income countries manufacturing and heavy industry. (MICs) and low-income countries (LICs) have experienced significant • Urbanization – an increase in urban growth in population over recent decades. Rural-to-urban the propor tion of people living migration, a centripetal movement, has increased the amount of people in towns and cities compared to living in urban areas. Migrants may then have children once they are rural areas. settled in the increase (the increase the urban area, difference thus the between processes crude of birth migration and death and natural rates) can • Counter-urbanization – a population. movement of people away from urban areas to rural areas and Gentrification is a process that has been increasingly highlighted in smaller settlements. many towns significant and and cities, as sometimes wealthier people controversial move into economic an and area social creating effects. Content link Connect this information with the Centrifugal population moements population changes described Centrifugal population movements are the opposite of centripetal in unit 1. movements processes as such people as move away suburbanization from and the centre of urban areas via counter-urbanization. Test yourself G.5 Identify one type of Urban system growth centripetal movement. Urban areas should be acknowledged as systems, and as such [1] they G.6 Discuss the process of have inputs, processes and outputs. The inputs, for example, could be gentrification. the in-migration people such the as via urban of in and people. and and people to or processes within with need for might transportation. management cope a challenges The private the sustainability environment increase issues public rubbish, level of to an of urban change reduce different the the Outputs outputs system. within the be level can can The the of movement be G.7 Explain why cities in some waste parts of the world have higher determine ability system, for such pollution, can [6] of an as an rates of population growth than others. [2+2] create stakeholders. 99 G OPTION G: URBAN E N V I R O N M E N TS Case study: Infrastructure growth over time in São Paulo, Brazil Concept link São Paulo is a city within the state of São Paulo and it is one of the PROCESS: Movement takes largest cities in the world. In 2018 the population of the metropolitan place to and from, and within, a urban area was estimated to be 21,730,000. While the total fertility town or city. These processes rate (TFR) is below replacement level (1.69), the city has grown due to require a response from city previously higher fertility rates and rural-to-urban migration which authorities in order to ensure began in the mid-19th century . that services are managed. In addition to these processes, The other changes connected with Congestion industry, and the process of travelling industrial decline, results in a the range of consequences that ownership. city has city’s had is in a issues major and road with issue around networks transport, which the city . have With not sanitation increases one grown the car at and for the water. urban stress every same for two pace those people, as car require attention from political W ater is sourced from outside the city . This system has been described organizations at a local and as inefficient due to leaks which mean that additional water has to be national level. sourced recent from elsewhere drought population led and to to meet 12-hour reservoirs the needs water fell to of cut-offs very low residents. for many levels. In of Both addition, the the city’s state of São Test yourself Paulo G.8 Analyse the environmental consequences from city growth and rivers, the city reservoirs Tietê and the Each citizen have and struggled coastal Pinheiros, are to treat waters. in the Two top 10 sewage, of São most and waste Paulo’s polluted has main rivers entered rivers, in the Brazil. relating to solid waste in São Paulo. produces approximately 1.1 kg of waste per day and most [4] of this waste (catadores) is deposited travel around in the landfills. city to Teams collect of garbage waste that collectors can be recycled. The causes of urban deindustrialization and its economic, social and demographic consequences As already arriving change. of The Economic are then no loss create no So also The a in of evolve. their if only into constant city (HICs) the the area and could to area the flux also seen in a of people subject the secondary or their to demise industry city can have place, employment they The as do an loss lost of area of to have there the income that Crime and living mills can they and search industry old which that have feel in people and find not people families. leave number take of employees depression, people in are have of loss former opportunities. as will reduction a a consequences. urban themselves causing of relocation include poverty such renovation converted process places 100 be not be may of with areas deindustrialization, retraining support Alternatively , could jobs increase, employment. or the demographic cycle or dynamic countries and industry , problems, longer may are industrial cities and a skillset will in consequences create health unrest there of social cities and high-income alternative required can in industry economic, can leaving, Cities heavy MICs. discussed, and of social new jobs, there. and factories apartments. deindustrialization creates a range of consequences as G. 3 G . 3 U R B A N URBAN E N v I R O N M E N TA L E N V I R O N M E N TA L S O C I A L AND SOCIAL S T R E SS E S A N D S T R E S S E S You should be able to show the arying power of • Albedo – the amount of dierent stakeholders in relation to the experience of, and management of, urban stresses: incoming solar energy reflected back into the atmosphere by the Ear th's surface. ✔ Urban microclimate modication and management, including the urban heat island effect, and air pollution patterns and its management; • Microclimate – the distinctive climate of a small-scale area, ✔ Case study of air pollution in one city and its varying impact such as a garden, park , valley or on people; par t of a city. ✔ Trafc congestion patterns, trends and impacts; • Urban heat island – an urban ✔ Case study of one affected city and the management response; area where the temperatures are higher than the rural areas ✔ Contested land-use changes, including slum clearances, urban surrounding it. redevelopment and the depletion of green space; • Slum clearance – the ✔ Detailed contrasting examples of two affected neighbourhoods demolition of slums, sometimes and their populations; accompanied by the rehousing ✔ Managing cycle of the impacts deprivation of and urban social geographic deprivation, patterns of including the crime; of the inhabitants, to improve living conditions and the environment of an inner city. • Cycle of depriation – The Urban microclimate modification and management persistence of pover ty and An urban microclimate is an urban area that has a climate that is different other forms of socio-economic to the surrounding rural area. T owns and cities are often warmer than disadvantage through their surrounding areas due to the urban heat island effect, as tall generations via a sequence of buildings and dark surfaces retain heat from solar radiation. There will events. also be which layout more rainfall as water vapour can of buildings in there is a greater condense. relation to amount Wind speeds prevailing of dust vary winds. particles more The due large upon to the number of Concept link vehicles and increase the when there higher frequencies amount is less of of pollution vegetation to congestion compared filter the to in urban rural areas areas, will also POWER: Every person living in an especially urban environment contributes to air. the social and environmental well- being of that place. For example, Test yourself the collective will of residents, Figure G.3.1. Urban heat island prole industry, and city authorities have the power to try and control 92 91 stress to maintain and improve )F°( 90 the quality of life. As cities change, 89 pmeT it is necessary to re-evaluate 88 the choices that these different 87 stakeholders make. For example, 86 85 fur ther reducing the amount and type of vehicles on the place’s road network . Urban Rural Suburban Commercial Residential Residential Suburban Downtown Park Residential G.9 Define the term albedo. [2] G.10 Use figure G.3.1 to describe how the temperature changes between the rural area and the suburban residential area. [3] 101 G OPTION G: URBAN E N V I R O N M E N TS G.11 Choosing either rural, downtown or urban residential, justify how human activities can either increase or decrease the effects of an urban Ensure that data or quantification heat island. [2+2] is included when describing G.12 Apar t from temperature, justify how human activities can modify the char ts or diagrams. The inclusion microclimate of an area. of data will not necessarily earn [3+3] you a mark , but it will often be necessary in order to gain Air pollution is much higher in urban areas than in rural areas, but the total marks available for a cities have differing levels of air pollution, for example, Mexico City question. compared to emissions Vancouver. and from Various industry . pollutants PM and 2.5 10 micrometres into the World of air respectively) bloodstream, Health is an causing Organization annual can average, states in be present (particle from matter vehicle 2.5 and 10 get into breathing but can PM that a problems 20 some person’s lungs and micrograms cities the and lung per average pass cancer. cubic PM The metre is over 10 300 micrograms Case The 594 study: city of PM , Air per cubic metre. pollution Onitshain which is in Onitsha, Nigeriahas one of the an Nigeria annual highest in the pollution world. reading This is a of result of 10 emissions cement). such as from Dust PM . vehicles storms There as that is well as occur currently in from the industry region limited (mining, also evidence manufacturing generate about finer the particles impact on 2.5 people’s cause of health, but premature it is anticipated death in that Onitsha in air the pollution coming will be a major years. Traffic congestion patterns, trends and impacts Case study: Mexico has City has contributed The physical from the Traffic Several in plagued the plus of driving the into in by Mexico traffic environmental those which the management introduction avoid been to geography vehicles “bowl” congestion and industry is located, strategies have congestion and prevailing from city city by social winds to the been providing for stress ensure north surrounded Metrobus-dedicated the City of decades that that the by lane, efficient to the city this there. emissions remain in volcanoes. implemented, bus and exists such as encourage public the people to transportation. Test yourself Figure G.3.2. Transpor t emissions in kilograms per capita vs population density (people per hectare) 700 tropsnart 600 Marseilles 500 Johannesburg 400 rep Kuala Lumpur 300 gk( snoissime )atipac morf Atlanta Frankfurt Mexico City laudividnI Paris 200 Harare Cape Town Cairo Curitiba São Los 100 Berlin Angeles Paulo Shanghai Singapore Seoul Bogotã Mumbai Tokyo Delhi Santiago 0 0 50 100 Population 150 density 200 (people per 250 300 350 hectare) Source of data: World Bank (2009) 102 G.13 Describe the relationship between population density and air pollution from transpor t. [2] G.14 Compare and contrast the air quality in two cities of your choice. [6] G. 3 URBAN E N v I R O N M E N TA L AND SOCIAL S T R E SS E S Contested land-use changes Slum can clearance relate housing city in to public cities be in In private study: and been use golf Case In are of has in to the a the are have new space new one often and the term or the land redeveloped Redevelopment housing does “slum” 19th-century demolished built been but will not by the has into can been new often provide Sydney developments “in-fill” site of and has sites local playing wetlands relocate this be at loss the to in residential such the and plans park a in golf been replaced by between the campaign fields, order with private cycle to course met a within city’s groups tracks, build to the protests access 10,000 park, which since only , Mumbai living of the are no on the single- plan many local 350 for people the would feet, homes constructed people level. are not will currently In provision currently be which development the is of square ground Huts in the Dharavi slum Dharavi slum whereas that Figure G.3.3. part the new the industry the As current The upwards, is in measuring some informal of controversy . those that there in redevelopment building Therefore the all is residents. homes the of about also home than addition, for if LICs, dilapidated illegally HICs green Redevelopment Dharavi’s live LICs been constructed Cove attracted smaller involve be course, public study: entitled by in and and course. redevelopment, is of playgrounds Mumbai, slum in HICs LICs developments. example, protesting space multi-use Slums 75% will Cook There green in have housing for almost 2030 community homes. both Slums they Depletion boundaries. have in homes. Sydney , 2011 HICs. since controversial, Case place settlements developed. and affordable is takes illegal authorities sold be to of space present. happy with plans. Managing the impacts of urban social depriation Urban and at In environments social varying many differences levels break for of countries, responsibility to are the of example, exist, local of which with with significant some inequality . residents Economic marginalized in cities development. trying cycle areas and to national improve poverty . is one of In the the governments the quality borough most of of deprived have life in these Newham parts the of in the areas and Test yourself London, city , the G.15 Choosing a par ticular council created a team that identified people living in low-quality stakeholder, discuss how they housing, such as in garden sheds that had been converted. A strategy have the power/responsibility to called Workplace was also developed in which people were able to resolve a social or environmental attend training courses paid for by the local authority which resulted in stress in urban areas. those The people power changing finding of work developers land use when as and a result of their politicians developing can urban new be [1+4] skills. very influential in areas. 103 G OPTION G . 4 G: URBAN E N V I R O N M E N TS B U I L D I N G S Y S T E M S S U S TA I N A B L E F O R T H E U R B A N F U T U R E You should be able to show examples of future possibilities • Resilient city design – a for the sustainable management of urban systems: city that has been designed to absorb future shocks and ✔ Urban growth stresses to its social, economic patterns and technical systems and urban and projections trends population of for 2050, rural–urban sizes and including regional/continental migration, as well as changing structures; infrastructures so that it can ✔ Resilient city design, including strategies to manage escalating maintain essentially the same climatic and geopolitical risks to urban areas; functions, structures, systems ✔ and identity. • Geopolitical risk – the risk ✔ from a government or an Two Eco-city detailed design, examples including to illustrate strategies to possible manage strategies; the urban ecological footprint; organization in one country ✔ Two detailed examples to illustrate possible environmental influencing an urban area’s strategies; policies in another country. ✔ Smart city design and the use of new technology to run city • Urban ecological footprint – the services and systems, including purpose-built settlements and theoretical measurement of the retrotting technology to older settlements. amount of land and water that an urban population requires to produce the resources it Urban growth projections for 2050 consumes and to absorb its waste under prevailing technology. Each year, report the which United details Nations current produces and future its World Population demographic trends Prospects based on • Smar t city design – the past and current data. A greater number of the world’s population is effective integration of physical, now living in urban areas. In 2018 the UN reported that 70% of the digital and human systems in world’s projected population in 2050 (10 billion) will be living in urban the built environment to deliver areas. a sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future for its citizens. • Retrofitting – the directed Test yourself alteration of the fabric, form or Figure G.4.1. Past and future urban and rural populations: Nor th America, systems that comprise urban Europe and Oceania (data from 2014) environments to improve energy, North America Europe Oceania water and waste efficiencies. 100 90 noitroporP examines changing amounts of noitalupop connects with unit 1, since it fo This section of the syllabus )%( latot Content link 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 people living in urban areas. The 0 units 1–3 (paper 2) and units 4–6 (paper 3) is perfectly valid in order to develop your Key: 2014 exam responses for paper 1 Source of data: Depar tment of Economic and Social Aairs, United Nations (2014) options. 104 0502 0302 0102 0991 0791 0591 0502 0302 0102 0991 0791 0591 0502 0302 0102 0991 0791 0591 inclusion of content from G. 4 BUILDING S U S TA I N A B L E URBAN S YS T E M S FOR THE FUTURE Concept link G.16 Define the term urbanization. [1] POSSIBILITIES: Towns and G.17 Using figure G.4.1, identify the continent with the highest propor tion cities are being retrofitted in of people living in urban areas in 2014. [1] order to respond to climatic and G.18 Identify the continent with the projected lowest rate of urbanization geopolitical risks, while new urban between 1950 and 2050. [1] environments are being planned and designed to ensure that G.19 Describe the projected change in the propor tion of people living in urban areas in Asia between 1950 and 2050. [3] environmental sustainability is achieved. Resilient city design The UN areas reported that flooding, are these from and in in the Barrier city a In have reclaimed to Geopolitical that are exists on as of city state built to to or as and the were to located climate plans in in such place as to of and flooding Sea. areas can Singapore which be from Managed filled Rhine and three flooding contain with it sunken water. protects The the sea. 3 be at can tropical surges, 4 to storms, and metres to such to involve cities, between Syria governments least also spread cities, to storm if hard any above sea land is level metres. connections European that River against from have to North public the must can to vulnerable vulnerable areas places spread city on is level cities relating need Rotterdam some the that urban cultural have is protect it disasters concrete from previous well national made in world’s risks. from positioned nearby refugees Jordan, allowed surge risks in rise the Cities strategies: construction a historical 2011, a been for compared is storm Singapore, walls is of natural Netherlands, ground Maeslant from to 90% cyclones. sea-level rivers the that climate-related from these voids and environmental Rotterdam, rivers 2016 vulnerable drought withstand Possible in conflict. especially places. For neighbouring as Cologne, accommodate Instability when there example, countries, which this puts since such as pressure diaspora. Eco-city design In general, there has been an increase in environmental awareness and Content link cities are striving to implement city designs in order to become more Environmental sustainability in environmentally sustainable. This is beneficial to the urban ecological societies is discussed fur ther in footprint as outputs are recycled. unit 3.3. Smart and city city systems can cyber There be is a Milan, (“vertical trees square dust a more mobility , range of of a city Italy . and a metres is a the of for that famous of other which two in order Many is energy , Milan has different city services aspects such of as been a Figure G.4.2. A shaded street in Masdar City, a planned eco-city project in the UAE urban and apartment absorbs run etc. areas. Oregon implemented examples, vegetation to introduced, improving strategies: consists forest manner. technology renewable strategy of range of new possibilities One forest”), technology efficient when environmental Greening 800 in incorporates affected defence, Possible by design Bosco blocks equating carbon V erticale that to contain 20,000 dioxide and particles. 105 G OPTION G: URBAN E N V I R O N M E N TS Portland, green 10% Oregon, initiatives of the energy in and by by public the been a creating population significantly network, has city pioneer 188 miles commutes via transportation aims to be amongst of cycle bicycle. with powered an US cities paths, It has in and also extensive completely developing almost invested bus by and tram renewable 2050. Since the ecological footprint Test yourself is calculated using several G.20 Define the term urban ecological footprint. [2] different variables, there are a number of different answers to question G.21. A good approach G.21 Analyse how the urban ecological footprint can increase or decrease. [3+3] would be to discuss land and water for one par t of the answer QUESTION PRACTICE and then to discuss the way in which waste is managed for the Examine gure 6.3.3, on page 103, which shows the Dharavi slum in the city of Mumbai. second par t of the answer. a) Identify two pieces of evidence showing that this is an informal residential area, other than the poor quality of housing. b) [1 + 1] Using an example of a city you have studied, outline If question G.21 was in the two reasons why cer tain ethnic groups tend to be located in middle of the structured specic places. [2 + 2] questions, then it would be a c) Explain two processes that are responsible for population good oppor tunity to include growth in megacities. [2 + 2] an example that you have studied. Marks are available for Essays developing descriptions and Either: Using examples, examine the varied eects of human explanations via extension, and activity on urban microclimates. [10] for the inclusion of examples. Or: Examine the similarities and dierences in patterns of urban The Brazilian city of Curitiba deprivation for two or more cities you have studied. [10] would be an ideal example of a city that implemented various measures to reduce its urban How do I approach these questions? a) ecological footprint. The question states that you are not permitted to discuss the construction of the dwellings. Therefore you should write about other aspects of how the place has developed in your answer. b) You should have studied an example that demonstrates why dierent groups tend to locate in cer tain areas of an urban settlement. Consider a range of social reasons in your answer. c) Fur ther explanation is needed for this question and you must recall the fundamental reasons why population in any place increases or decreases. First essay choice: This essay requires an understanding of the dierent climatic variables. So there is plenty of oppor tunity to include a wide range of appropriate terminology which will increase your mark for knowledge and understanding. Your introduction should dene the term “urban microclimate”, and you should be aware that human activity does not always have a negative impact on urban microclimates. 106 QUE STION PRACTICE Second essay choice: The question requires information about the distribution of deprivation in dierent cities, so this must be discussed in the answer. Evaluation is expected, so consider how the location of deprivation is either similar or dierent in cities in countries at dierent levels of development. The introduction should dene impor tant terms in the question, such as deprivation and development, while the main body of the essay should explain the causes behind the development of these areas of deprivation. You should contextualize the level of deprivation in relation to the socio-economic status of each city and consider what the characteristics of these places are that classify them as deprived. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER a) T here is a lack of infrastructure present such as ofcial roads ▲ Two the and it is for pavements. haphazard Also, in the development nature and does has not not follow be a planned urban pieces gure of evidence from given since plan, example. Marks 2/2 b) Most cities will have areas where certain ethnic groups tend to ▲ 1 reside in an area. Amsterdam Zuidoost is area of mark—valid within that contains because the Suriname. cost In Amsterdam, other people same a high of rent was addition, they from cultural Surinamese concentration may very when prefer Suriname traits food may such as of cheap people to live seen, Moksi when move in because be people an there such from area is as moved from Suriname that more being the and area city Suriname people from city Amsterdam able to mark for a valid reason to ▲ Another contains chance ▲ 1 that valid reason given the purchase Meti. Two distinct and developed reasons have been provided by using a place- specic example. Marks 4/4 ▼ 2 c) Population increases or decreases due to changes to a city’s or marks—the decrease answer. fertility rate. More children will mean more people and vice reason is due to the death rate. If more people are Population natural latter second this change the population. and should increase in the changes migration due also be and the discussed with dying reference then natural discussed versa. to T he is to in-migration and out- migration Marks 2/4 107 G OPTION G: URBAN E N V I R O N M E N TS Essays Either: Using examples, examine the varied eects of human activity on urban microclimates. Human of ▲ Appropriate an urban in urban microclimate. environments T he different cause human the formation activities in knowledge urban ▲ Appropriate activities terminology environments polluting T he industries construction matter lead to of the have and different transport buildings urban heat and effects lead the island on to the the release effect. climate. creation of T he of Heavy smog. particulate construction ▲ The introduction shows of knowledge a and foundation it for buildings air quality and T he knowledge T hese urban higher rural by different a heat areas terminology can to then raising act as 60% is also and roads. of cloud will the V enturi to create the unique the areas. formation island and industry which of solar insolation used areas. in In the effect Many of is by caused human the release particulate matter as it the rainfall. temperatures urban are nuclei area surrounded result T his increase increased urban in will an is T his activities. atmosphere. of which temperature. condensation it, tarmac urban human the trap raise T his solar absorbed present but paragraph causes of so it can the released this central then solar be albedo of meaning mainly more will the be Recently made that this lowers insolation, cities buildings means the combine is lower into infrastructure modern ▲ A focused a possibility temperature. discusses causing allows cloud In to many coverage the the the temperature. buildings inner construction of water addition, raising due in city of areas, buildings terminology and ▲ Explanation patterns, urban transport around coverage concrete the different as by effect in have matter the Humans and of such condense cloud island that variety particulate ▲ Appropriate effects experienced temperature activities ▲ Appropriate wind wind microclimate ▲ Shows disrupts discussing effect. temperature, also provides has at glass night, by is the concrete solar slightly reected high as the the in contains increases more many albedo. during cloud absorbs insolation increasing district that as more changed insolation trapped area that business of the the coverage T his day, causing that temperature temperatures to increase during the day. Many different human increase activities escapes 108 result from in the release residential of heat buildings. into the atmosphere as heat QUE STION T he effect of human activities on the urban microclimate is so ▼ Only one included great two that in degrees cities above such that Human activities creation of as of London the affect average surrounding the photochemical the urban smog temperature rural to the other vehicles. T he smog affects the through emissions the from cars climate as it can cloud condensation photochemical smog can react other can cause with nuclei has had increasing a chemicals big in effect the cloud on the coverage. repeats clarication, what has been and said above T his temperature atmosphere. needs act it as been detail is ▼ This and has limited area. microclimate due example with PRACTICE Nitrous as it oxides ▲ Knowledge of ozone, ozone depletion meaning that as more they catalyse solar the insolation photodissociation can reach the ▲ More urban area, increasing the temperature. Human activity also and relevant examples affects winds patterns in urban environments, leading knowledge understanding although no provided to ▼ There should be a new a the V enturi effect. In cities, the normal route for wind is blocked paragraph discusses by in different buildings refracted is buildings, more so increasing around the disordered the sides and wind of is wind channelled speed. buildings chaotic in through However , meaning cities. T his effect since the speed next and section direction gaps wind that here wind is the also ▲ A second example included although in The is again, limited wind causes wind detail. some response relevant includes knowledge and understanding speed to be three nicknamed Human an higher these but activities can transport, on cause some urban areas, in for buildings urban areas wind varies in the eventually temperatures, in as seen in Chicago, city”. different they welcomed they of effect affect higher windy activities activities be “the important extent, times result the in climate urban and different effects a T he and areas and more in a T he effect they comfortable T he different having while others. have different to precipitation. cities providing signicant industry microclimate. of speed and of may climate, impact of ▲ The this microclimate can exacerbate issues such as with the Paris the conclusion content However, heatwave of 2003 where 2,000 people died from heat-related T okyo urban in 2018 environment industries expand the the CBD or where on but release over the people climate alter of 50 is slightly, died. T he changing, such photochemical as the impact of however , high the some summarizes response. of these relevant issues examples and of the earlier in could the have been included response as albedo of smog. This is a very good response which addresses a range of dierent factors that can be inuenced by human activity. There is description and explanation with brief examples present. The structure could be improved slightly by having a greater focus for each paragraph. Evaluation could be been included by discussing how human activities have reduced the amount of pollution or temperature in cities. This would have increased the mark . Marks 8/10 109 G OPTION G: URBAN E N V I R O N M E N TS Or: Examine the similarities and dierences in patterns of urban deprivation for two or more cities you have studied. Deprivation quality issues will of or a have can life due low life some deprivation ▲ The very introduction good important level of contains with dened, of thesis statement structure with the and to the to be and sweeping including HDI. the both LICs LICs people of is plenty paragraph deprivation of for and evidence the the in location ▼ It people low being with levels. high and health unequal, levels of Development refers of a city or country or the level of T he statement is somewhat correct in that cities at development levels will have areas that are deprived, of these Lagos, will London differ . and T his will be demonstrated by Paris. and MICs, areas that are deprived tend to be located the often outskirts by rural of to cities. urban Illegal settlements migrants who are established, construct their own the on In Lagos, live, is city. stilts to the located T he land avoid shanty where is the town the land swampy water . of T he Makoko meets and the many children where water of that the live 250,000 on the homes there edge are tend built to drop of characteristics out of school via shing at a young age in order to try and bring in money deprivation In for with areas, income example homes. the parts of and quite ▲ Appropriate of other level Urban contain development location towards ▲ There that low statement MICs this or low discussed In when of a evidence discussing a lack experiencing examples but ▼ Quite a people expectancy. parts economic different listed to as a their clear dened a knowledge terminology be is the actually extreme US$1.90 poverty a day fact, ▲ Connects a with the they are removed by as water clean the there is under a lack constant government. and of No electricity government threat basic and of their ser vices most investment. homes are residents being provided live such below the threshold extreme statement, and thesis poverty deprivation is line of located $3 on a the day. T his outskirts example of a demonstrates city, on land that (and well-structured water) that is undesirable. paragraph In ▼ Refers could be to location more although explicit in London, and fully connect with the of the Makoko, poorest it districts exists in the is called inner-city T ower Hamle ts rather than order the to unlike one outer-city. It is the most deprived part of London with essay statement just less than 50% unemployment ▲ Detail example is provided for rate children of 8%. living Here in though poverty there is and an government this investment status 110 of of which the attempts residents of to improve T ower the Hamle ts. socio-economic QUE STION It should is be different noted to that the London. In denition Lagos it is of poverty absolute used in poverty, Lagos living ▼ This on less than $3 a day whereas in London, the level of poverty gure is median poverty in only the is income. both T his cities, location the of means type poverty of in that when poverty both is comparing different. cities areas but the that both cities have levels of inequality and that there are level paragraph explanation which explanation of where Finally people there is a are more deprived similarity than between the other parts pattern of of the cities in outskirts. MICs Paris and has a LICs in terms number of of ‘sink deprivation estates’ two of the the outskirts most of the expensive city. real T he centre estate in of the Paris world deprivation being which are on the thesis point made contains whilst the contain government-provided accommodation that is in poor housing condition. or People marginalized and forgotten about by the rented these evidence cities with patterns different of deprivation levels of are provided for deprivation estates evidence of deprivation government. be more information summary, example sink could In the located ▼ The feel to some private on linked statement ▲ Some estates the cities ▲ Appropriate on extends difference city. ▲ Clear in the includes clear between areas demonstrated not ▲ This is is of T herefore different, inaccurate is ▲ Knowledge UK ’s PRACTICE different and similar detailed—this could relate to any city in development. ▼ The brief conclusion and the is points very that have been Apar t from the inaccurate reference to the extreme pover ty level, this essay made in each paragraph should be contains a high level of knowledge and each paragraph contains explanations included linked to the thesis statement and question. Evaluation is present since similarities and dierences are justied via the well-chosen examples. Some paragraphs contain more explanation than other paragraphs whilst the conclusion is very brief, which prevents the response from receiving full marks. Marks 9/10 111 CHANGING 1 This key core theme global dynamics, P O P U L AT I O N provides issues of climate our change consumption. Four issues: power, There places, are positive a key background time, such and concepts of to the Y sd b ab t sw: population ✔ how ✔ the influence and change these as well ones. It is necessary to accept processes these possibilities. affect the the causes, and to seek between places; solutions of population people and change and how places; that there are population possibilities and responsibility power for varies as ✔ negative population resource processes aspects as and over the decision-making process. manage issues. 1 . 1 P O P U L AT I O N A N D D EV E L O P M E N T E C O N O M I C PAT T E R N S Y sd b ab t sw w ppat • Ppat dsty – the vas bt w pacs: number of people living in a given area, usually expressed ✔ as people per square kilometre. Physical global and human factors affecting population distribution at the scale; It is calculated by dividing the ✔ Global patterns and classication of economic development: population of a region by its area. ✔ Low-income countries; ✔ Middle-income ✔ High-income • Ppat dstbt – the location of people within an countries and emerging economies; area. Population is unevenly countries; distributed for a number of reasons. Factors that attract people include mineral resources, temperate climate, the availability ✔ Population scale, distribution including patterns and and voluntary megacity economic internal development migration, at the national core–periphery growth; of water and fer tile, flat land. ✔ Two detailed and contrasting examples of uneven population Factors that repel people include distribution. dense vegetation, limited accessibility and political or religious oppression. Pysca ad ma facts affctg ppat • Vtay ta mgat – dstbt at t gba sca refers to the movement of Population distribution and density refer to where people live and population away from their home, how many live in a given area. They are both affected by a number of from one part of a country to physical and human factors. another. It occurs when people are free to move where they choose. • C–ppy – a more- Ctt k developed par t (core) of a Physical factors affecting population distribution and density are discussed country or the world, and a less- in options A.3, B.3 and C.1. developed par t (periphery) of a country or the world. • Mgacty – a city with more than 10 million inhabitants. 112 PAT T e r n S D e V e lo P M e n T e C onoMiC AnD P o P u l AT i o n 1 .1 ] 3[ ] 2[ .1.1.1 erugiF ni nwohs ytisned noitalupop hgih fo snoiger eht rof snosaer tsggS 2.1 000,000,1 42–1 rednU 94–52 99–05 rep 002 fo ciporT ciporT rotauqE fo stnatibahnI dna 991–001 1 .1.1.1 gF .ytisned noitalupop dna noitubirtsid noitalupop neewteb sgtsD 1.1 – qs revo mk ytisned noitalupop dlroW 000,000,5 000,000,5 nabrU revO – 000,000,01 000,000,01 noitalupop nrocirpaC recnaC fsy tsT Population varies between pacs. The distribution of population is influenced by physical factors in the first instance, and increasingly by human factors. 113 1 U NI T 1: C H A NGING P O P U L AT I O N Gba patts ad cassfcat f cmc dvpmt Ccpt k PlACeS: Places have similarities and differences in terms of their population distribution and economic development. Underlying each of these, there are a range of Equator physical and human factors that ensure each process is dynamic and there is an interrelationship between these two factors. Not only are High income (US$12,476 and over) there internal interactions occurring between places within a country, Upper-middle income (US$4,036–US$12,475) Lower-middle income (US$1,026–US$4,035) Low income (US$1,025 and under) but also between countries due to No data regional and global processes. Fg 1.1.2. The World Bank economic classification of countries Tst ysf 1.3 Dscb the distribution of (a) high-income countries, and (b) low-income countries as When describing patterns, try to structure your answers so that you show shown in figure 1.1.2. [2+2] the main features and anomalies (exceptions), and suppor t your answers with examples. So for this question you would actually name countries that are anomalies, for example. It is easy to talk about rich Ppat dstbt ad cmc dvpmt and poor countries. However, at t ata sca the World Bank uses a four- fold classification to illustrate Megacity growth in the Greater Bay Area, China the diversity of economic Megacity clusters will deliver China’s future economic growth, and the development within countries: most productive will be the Greater Bay Area, which combines the nine high income, upper-middle cities of the Pearl River Delta with the Special Administrative Regions income, lower-middle income of Hong Kong and Macau. The Area accounts for just 1% of China’s and low income. land the mass, country’s accounts Ctt k contains 40% by for nearly exports 22% of and 70 million 12% China’s of its people GDP . high-tech and The exports produces Guangdong and this 37% of province could rise to 2025. Connect this information with the The growth of and income inequalities, megacities can lead to urban sprawl, slum development role of powerful organizations and which can cause social and political tension. global groups in helping countries In addition, air quality and water quality is poor, and much of the develop, discussed in unit 4.1. Pearl River Delta has been degraded. Large cities without affordable Unit 4.2 discusses how global housing and efficient public transport can push the poor to live far networks and flows can also from jobs and markets, forcing them to choose between long and affect this development. expensive The Pearl due to a commutes River large development major or Delta amount of attraction the for living has of Free in slums developed cheap migrants into labour, Economic ready in an Zone to which a large they sea Shenzhen. escape few rights. manufacturing excellent at have rural port, It has poverty region and the been for a the Ctt k prospects of better-paid work in urban areas. However, many migrants The effect of free trade zones lack the right to education and healthcare in urban areas, and they (F TZs) on global interactions is remain relatively discussed in unit 4.3. have 114 rights. impoverished compared to those urbanites who 1 .1 Migration come is from also affecting money sent rural back areas. Most (remittances) of the from P o P u l AT i o n wealth migrants in rural AnD e C onoMiC D e V e lo P M e n T PAT T e r n S areas working in Key urban areas. 0–199 metres N Core–periphery 200–399 metres 400–999 metres over patterns 500 1,000 or metres more people Portsmouth Young, males for Change ambitious migrate better to employment prospects Increase in between periphery local less purchasing power force new employment existing opportunities activity Fg 1.1.4. market; labour for in Smaller labour force—aging in attraction and age of Decrease gap core in structure core of area Decline and local in services economic A model of labour migration and core–periphery inequalities Roseau Capital investment attracted to Lack core in of investment periphery 0 5 km Fg 1.1.3. Increased gap between core Decelerated periphery in investment returns on distribution in Dominica growth potential or and Population and decline of periphery investment Fg 1.1.5. A model of investment and core–periphery inequalities Tst ysf Uneven population distribution: China 1.4 Dscb the distribution of population on the island of China’s population is concentrated in the eastern part of the country , Dominica. especially in coastal of of the the Gobi of rest Desert), the The uneven the steep is the lower reaches characterized slopes of the by of desert Himalayas river (for and valleys. example, the dry to population for allow distribution geography . rain-fed for [2] Much the 1.5 Sggst reasons for the grasslands distribution of population in Dominica. physical provide steep country and north-west. country’s can zones much in Only a China small agriculture—most agriculture. In results primarily proportion of the addition, land the of is the too coastal from [3] the country dry and or too river Tst ysf locations are the more favoured sites for trade and commerce. 1.6 Sggst why some cities Uneven The population distribution parts of the population whereas core distribution: of South large Africa’s economic densities areas of of South the 1,000 develop into megacities. population regions, over Africa such as people Northern per Cape is very Gauteng square Province uneven. Some province, 1.7 ot the advantages have and disadvantages of megacity kilometre, have growth. densities [3] [3+3] of 1.8 Using the data on the Greater under five found in people/per square kilometre. High population densities are Bay Area megacity growth and areas where there are good mineral resources, such as gold figures 1.1.4 and 1.1.5, xpa and diamonds, good farming potential, and good trading potential, how megacities can lead to such as Durban and Cape Town. core–periphery inequalities in a In general, west. This the population partly reflects decreases the from distribution the of south-east rainfall in to the South north- Africa: country or region. [2+2] the 1.9 Using an atlas, sggst how lowest densities are found in the most arid areas and in parts of the physical and human factors have mountain regions. influenced the distribution of population in China. [3+3] 115 1 U NI T 1 . 2 1: C H A NGING P O P U L AT I O N C H A N G I N G P O P U L AT I O N S A N D P L A C E S Y sd b ab t xam pcsss f ppat • nata cas – the growth cag ad t ffct pp ad pacs: in population as a result of bir th rates exceeding death rates. ✔ Population including change natural and demographic increase, fertility transition rate, life over time, expectancy , population • Tta f tty at – the structure and dependency ratios; average number of children born to a woman if she lives to the end ✔ Detailed examples of two or more contrasting countries; of her child-bearing years. ✔ The consequences of megacity growth for individuals and societies; • lf xpctacy – the average ✔ One case study of a contemporary megacity experiencing rapid number of years to be lived by a growth; group of people born in the same year. Life expectancy at bir th is ✔ also a measure of overall quality The causes and consequences of forced migration and internal displacement; of life in a country. ✔ Detailed examples of two or more forced movements, • Ppat stct – the to include environmental and political push factors, and composition or make-up of consequences for people and places. the population, for example, age, sex, occupation, race, ethnicity, religion, class. The most Ppat cag ad dmgapc tast commonly used indicators are age and sex, and these are shown Tab 1.2.1. Population characteristics for China and Ethiopia using a population pyramid. China Ethiopia 12.3 36.5 • Dpdcy at – a measure Bir th rate (‰) of the non-workers divided by Death rate (‰) 7.8 7.7 Population aged 0–15 years (%) 17.2 43.5 the workers. It is commonly expressed as the population Population aged 16–65 years (%) 72.0 53.6 population aged 65 and over (the Population aged over 65 years (%) 10.8 2.9 retired) divided by the population Dependency ratio (%) 38.8 86.6 aged 0–15 (the children) and the aged 16–64 (the workers). Source of data: Adapted from CIA World Factbook • Dmgapc tast – The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) suggests that changes in changes in bir th and death rates birth and death rates happen in five stages: over time; both rates change from high to low. 1. High birth rate, 2. Birth rate stays 3. Birth rate starts 4. Birth rate is 5. The fluctuating but high death rate. • Fcd mgat – migration high, death rate starts to fall. that occurs due to war, religious to fall, death rate continues falling. persecution, famine, slavery, politics or natural disasters, low, death rate is low. creating refugees and internally birth rate is low and the death rate increases. displaced people. Tab 1.2.2. Bir th and death rate for Bangladesh, 1901–2018 Period Birth rate (per thousand) Death rate (per thousand) 1901–11 53.8 45.6 1911–21 52.9 47.3 1921–31 50.4 41.7 1931–41 52.7 37.8 1941–51 49.4 40.7 1951–61 51.3 29.7 1961–74 48.3 19.4 1971–80 47.0 17.2 Tst ysf 1.10 Df the terms “bir th rate” and “death rate”. [1+1] 1.11 Cmpa the demographic characteristics of Ethiopia with those of China. [2+2] 1.12 Sggst why population growth varies between China and Ethiopia. 116 [2] 1.2 Period Birth rate (per thousand) Death rate (per thousand) 1986 38.9 11.9 1989 – 11.4 1994 27.8 8.6 1998 19.9 4.8 2011 22.9 5.7 2018 18.8 5.4 C h A nGinG P o P u l AT i o n S AnD Pl A C e S Ccpt k Dashes indicate no data is available ProCeSSeS: Economic, Source of data: UN Commission on Population and Development and CIA World Factbook environmental, political and social processes create change within a country’s population Tst ysf by influencing fer tility, deaths 1.13 (a) Using table 1.2.2, dtm the natural increase for Bangladesh and migration. Changes occur for the period 1901 to 2018. [1] in rural and urban areas and the (b) idtfy the period when natural increase was greatest. [1] interactions between these places create fur ther changes, such as (c) Dscb the trends in natural increase in Bangladesh between the forced movement of people 1901 and 2018. [2] from one place to another. The 1.14 Daw an appropriate char t to show the changes in the bir th rate and process of internal displacement death rate for Bangladesh for the period 1901–2018. [3] 1.15 Dscb the main changes you have shown. [3] of people can be linked to environmental and political change, and this migration can 1.16 T wat x tt does Bangladesh follow the Demographic Transition subsequently create pressure Model (DTM)? [3] elsewhere within a country. T csqcs f mgacty gwt f dvdas ad scts Case study: Greater A contemporary Bay megacity experiencing rapid growth—the Area Ctt k China has completed building a 55 km bridge connecting the former The factors affecting the economic European colonies of Hong Kong and Macau with the city of Zhuhai. activities of urban environments It was designed by the Chinese government to connect these two semi- as megacities are discussed autonomous regions more closely to the mainland, both economically and fur ther in option G.1. politically . Kong into Beijing’s urban The China’s Greater than with some Indonesia 2025. world”, 2017. Bay to busiest and international The Greater large-scale Hong lost any Area to of of the Area and all area plans to of by and Hong element nine in neighbouring Guangzhou. nearly 70 million larger trillion of the goods in private The world’s Kong, thriving cities. promote that autonomy . crucial with containing China. opportunities, claim a links economy Hong three is Macau which Australia, billion area link, Shenzhen US$2.8 driven three in of “workshop ports—in residents freedoms as area’s Shenzhen—and business Kong other airports Bay the an rail network, and economy , such The more has rail Kong covers double is billion megacities US$670 is container Guangzhou the trillion nearly than Hong countries economy US$11 high-speed Mexico. Guangdong Bay new project US$1.5 G20 enterprise 10 vast including a a integrate exporting Its Greater to and predicted by addition, plan areas, people is In but they Critics many have argue Fg 1.2.1. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge took over 15 years to build and cost nearly US$20 billion 117 1 U NI T 1: C H A NGING P O P U L AT I O N that one of the creation of an most visible signs of Beijing’s political intentions is the Tst ysf in 1.17 Stat one advantage and West additional Kowloon, Hong border crossing facility in the new rail station Kong. two disadvantages of high population density. [1+2] GREATER BAY GUANGDONG AREA Dongguan 1.18 Sggst why the Greater Bay Area continues to attract many migrants. [3] Guangzhou 1.19 ot the potential Huizhou Foshan impacts of megacity growth for individuals and societies. [3] Zhaoqing 4 Jiangmen Shenzhen Remember to read the question 3 2 carefully, and then answer it. HONG KONG 1 Sometimes, as here, you are asked to give different numbers Macau of advantages/disadvantages or social/economic/environmental Zhongshan reasons. In question 1.17, you will only receive credit for one 1 Hong 2 High 3 Shenzhen-Zhongshan 4 Humen South China Kong-Zhuhai-Macau speed rail bridge link advantage, but you are expected Sea bridge* to give two disadvantages. Pearl River bridge Zhuhai *Due 50 Tst ysf to be completed in 2023 km Fg 1.2.2. The Greater Bay Area megacity region 1.20 ot the main areas of the world in which there are T cass ad csqcs f fcd mgat ad displacements due to conflict ta dspacmt and violence. [3] Causes civil of war, forced causes climate and change Democratic internally of war tribal and of Africa failure, livestock conflict some and the resulting influence on cultural diversity and identity is discussed fur ther in unit 5.2. 118 7 and have armed In 2016, 550 up and drought, include tribal conflict. hurricanes, global (DRC) mainly food forces Kivu. years of insecurity forced due to many over due fighting armed South has In and and conflicts between have led contrast, drought and million violence to in have many the led malnutrition. people heavy 2.2 to to become “taxation” by the years IDPs, Horn to In crop addition, IDPs, and non-state al-Shabaab. evacuated lost of Congo (IDPs), Ethiopia), have displacement terrorism eruptions. and displaced people. 90% and deaths, flooding people to been of flooding, country’s Kivu violence group million were (Somalia internal rise Inter-communal the North of people disaster. in include Republic and and the volcanic displaced groups especially The displacement of populations uprising, Environmental The Ctt k movement political in the Also ahead their homes Yangtze in that of half a Basin nearly Hurricane lives, were River year, Matthew, million destroyed in 10% in China of while people the in were worst displaced Cuba’s over population Haiti around displaced affected areas. and 1.3 1 . 3 C H A L L E N G E S A N D C h A ll e nGe S AnD oP Por T u ni T ie S O P P O R T U N I T I E S Y sd b ab t assss ppat pssbts ad • Sx at – the ratio of males to pw v t dcs-makg pcss: females in a population or cohor t ✔ Global and and regional/continental trends in family size, sex (age group). ratios aging/greying; • Agg ppat – a situation ✔ Policies associated with managing population change, focusing on: in many HICs where the average age of the population ✔ Policies related ✔ Pro-natalist ✔ Gender to aging societies; is increasing. It occurs when or anti-natalist bir th rates fall and the number policies; of elderly people increases. equality policies and anti-trafcking policies; Countries with older populations ✔ The demographic could be dividend considered a and resource the ways when in which population contemplating (a high percentage aged 65 and possible over) need to invest more in the futures; health sector and in pensions. This may create problems if the ✔ One case study of a country beneting from a demographic workforce is small or reducing. dividend. • P-atast pcs – population policies that Gba ad ga/ctta tds famy sz, encourage families to have more children, for example longer sx ats ad agg maternity/paternity leave, The highest fertility rates (more than five children per woman) are increased child allowance. found two Central children most the in rapid rate per West woman) decline fell However, and from in the about globally , Africa, are found fertility seven fertility whereas in rate the rates in are the North has lowest America been 1950s to rates in North around declining and the than Europe. Africa, three around (fewer in The where the 2010s. • At-atast pcs – population policies that encourage families to have fewer children, for example forced world. abor tions, sterilization. As a result of the falling fertility rates, family size around the world • Gd qaty – treating is generally decreasing. Reasons for this include more working males and females the same. women, longer of the high working of hours, contraception individualistic cost having marital and/or the children, the breakdown, desire for a high cost greater more of housing, availability materialistic • Taffckg – taking people and against their will and forcing lifestyle. them into occupations they do not wish to do. Sex ratios men vary (274.0) women India (84.5) are and for across considerably for every found western every Russia, 100 across Asia. 100 parts women. the In Low eastern the world. Relatively Middle contrast, women. of around East high and Europe of ratios has men and UAE North Mauritius ratios The to has of men Africa, the most to China, fewest women the are • Dmgapc dvdd – the benefits that come from men a very large propor tion of the found population being in the adult age range, and a reduced propor tion Japan. of young and/or elderly. Pcs asscatd wt maagg ppat cag Policies related According • between aged • to by aging the 2015 over 2020 to 60 the societies World and 2050, years will number children aged by 80% Health under of 5 the Organization: proportion double people from aged of 12% over the to 60 world’s population 24% years Tst ysf will outnumber years 1.21 Sggst reasons for variations in gender differences around the world. • 2050, income of older people will be living in low- and [3] middle- countries. 119 1 U NI T 1: C H A NGING P O P U L AT I O N With a aging, growing other life there risk of is a gradual disease, changes, such decrease and as in ultimately retirement, physical death. and mental However, relocation to more capacity , there are appropriate A common misconception is that housing, and the death of partners, friends and relatives. aging populations are a drain on societies. Some aging populations Policies to deal with aging societies must therefore: can be a drain, but many are well• commit to • align • develop • provide healthy aging, that is, improve the health of the elderly off and provide valuable social and economic services such as health systems with the needs of the older population childcare and charity work, and systems to deal with long-term care they may spend a lot on travel and recreation. However, increase raising pensions these the the and things burden age of financial require on a assistance. great taxpayers, for deal of funding example, which increased may taxes and/or retirement. When describing data from Pro-natalist and anti-natalist policies a graph or table, look for the Pro-natalist policies are designed to encourage families attempt reduce to have more maximum and minimum values children, while anti-natalist policies to the birth rate. and any trends, and point Singapore has had both anti-natalist policies and pro-natalist policies. out exceptions (anomalies). Remember to use the data In (manipulate it or transform it) 1960, 1.5 by Singapore 1985, and had has a total fertility remained low rate since of over 5.5. This fell to under then. rather than just copying it. Anti-natalist policies • creation of • increased • promotion • increased • use • free the in Singapore Family Planning (1972–87) and included: Population Board Tst ysf access to family planning clinics 1.22 ot the oppor tunities of sterilization programmes and constraints of having (a) an aging population, and (b) a youthful population. [3+3] Ccpt k PoSSiBiliTieS AnD PoWer: of the or to media education However, three access from more low-cost to and 1987, promote low-cost contraception smaller healthcare pro-natalist children if they families policies could for smaller families. encouraged afford families to have to. A country’s population will be • The Family • Child Planning and Population Board was abolished. influenced by political decisions benefits were increased, especially for those with higher that focus on different demographic academic qualifications. sections in a country. For example, policies such as implementing pro- • Maternity leave • There • Sterilization • State-sponsored was increased. natalist and anti-natalist policies, was government-sponsored childcare. or ensuring that an emerging youthful working population will find employment opportunities, may and abortion dating were discouraged. agencies were established. help to manage change and help Overall, there were slight increases in the fertility rate when these a country develop in a sustainable measures were introduced but they were short-lived. Some businesses manner. Governments can be were against the increased maternity leave, and some individuals felt effective in creating change, such their “free choice” was being eroded. as China’s One Child Policy, although there are many other governments in Gender equality policies other countries that have struggled to influence their citizens with regard According to the UN: to natalism. Contemporary issues • in Sub-Saharan Africa and Western Asia girls face barriers to such as human trafficking not only entering primary and secondary schools relate to the power of authorities • women in North Africa account for less than 20% of jobs in the non- within a country’s borders, but also agricultural sector cross-border cooperation in order to manage the illegal movement. • on average, globally . 120 women in the labour market earn 24% less than men 1.3 C h A ll e nGe S AnD oP Por T u ni T ie S Ctt k Unit 5.1 discusses UN policies for empowering women and indexes for measuring gender equality in more detail. Key –25 0 to to 0 25 25 to 50 50 to 75 Proportion men of working compared to women. Fg 1.3.1. Inequalities in employment (the dierence between the propor tion of men and women working) Source of data: International Labour Organization The UN Sustainable • end all forms • eliminate • recognize • give of Development discrimination Goals (SDG) against aim women to: and Tst ysf girls everywhere 1.23 idtfy the region(s) where inequality in employment is all forms of violence against women and girls greatest. and value all forms of unpaid care and domestic [2] work 1.24 evaat the type of women control natural of equal land rights and to economic property , resources, financial services, ownership inheritance map shown in Figure 1.3.1 and (choropleth—density shading) and and its scale as a means resources. of showing variations in Anti-trafcking Human and policies trafficking hopes. It is Tab 1.3.1. a is employment. a crime global that strips people of their rights, [3] dignity problem. Modern-day slavery: victims and prots by region Developed Latin Central and economies America Southern and the EU and the Europe and Caribbean the CIS Africa Middle Asia- East Pacic Victims 1.5 m 1.8 m 1.6 m 3.7 m 600,000 11.7 m Cost (US$) $44.9 bn $12 bn $18 bn $13 bn $8.5 bn $52 bn Cost per victim $34,800 $7,500 $12,900 $3,900 $15,000 $5000 Ctt k Unit 4.2 discusses illegal flows, Source of data: International Labour Organization (2014) such as human trafficking, There are a number of organizations and charities raising awareness of fur ther. human The trafficking. Blue Heart awareness attempts of to encourages Campaign the impact produce people (www.unodc.org/blueheart/) of action to wear trafficking to stop the and the trafficking. Blue Heart to need To to fight raise show raises it; it also awareness, solidarity with it Tst ysf the 1.25 Dscb the number of victims of trafficking. (The Blue Heart is a symbol for the sadness of victims and profits by geographic those trafficked and the cold-heartedness of the traffickers.) region, based on the data in The in United Persons, Nations V oluntary Especially Women Trust and Fund for Children Victims was of created Trafficking in 2010 as table 1.3.1. [3] an 1.26 Briefly xpa the reasons integral part of a global effort to address trafficking in persons. The for the use of the Blue Hear t as a Trust Fund provides humanitarian, legal and financial aid to victims symbol of trafficking. of trafficking. exploited by It supports NGOs that help people who have [2] been trafficking. 121 1 U NI T 1: C H A NGING P O P U L AT I O N T dmgapc dvdd Case study: Demographic dividend in Kenya The command term “analyse” in a question would require you to Kenya’s bring out the essential elements level of a structure or feature. When has referring to this case study, you Kenya’s fertility (2.1), but resulted in it rate fell is rapid population still by relatively over 50% population increased high between growth almost and is 1978 and a fourfold above and the 2014. youthful between replacement High age fertility structure. 1969 and 2014. would need to consider Kenya’s Access to family planning is projected to increase from just over 50% in total fer tility rate (for example, is 2014 to 70% by 2030. it high/low, falling/rising, above/ below replacement level?). Kenya falls can expect below population and CMR girls The main decline, the result in if access of of a are rates to dividend and the may be more demographic of ratio workers insufficient could lead to social tensions. employment, and jobs Many that to Having greater the people could a the birth adults to fall as and in the the is that there children larger revenue and is have to elderly . for the to having leave families should country . too and the being country separated. QueSTion PrACTiCe On the right, a Lorenz curve shows the inequality in the distribution of population in China. 100 a) Using the Lorenz curve: 90 ) stat the propor tion of people living on the most densely 80 populated 10% of the land area in China [1] 70 and stat the propor tion of people living on the least densely 40 b) % [1] fo 50 populated 10% of the land area in China. dnal 60 ) Sggst two physical factors that can lead to uneven population 30 distribution. [2 + 2] 20 c) Using an example that you have studied, xpa the impact of 10 internal migration on the source regions. [4] 10 Essay 20 30 % 40 of 50 60 70 80 90 100 population “Of all the possible challenges facing dierent countries, demographic issues are of greatest concern.” T wat x tt do you agree with this statement? [10] hw d i appac ts qsts? a) This question requires you to read o the graph. ) The reading for the most densely populated area should be straightforward. ) The reading for the least densely populated area requires some data manipulation. To read o the Lorenz curve for the least densely populated 10% of the land, this must be taken away from 100% (that is, take the reading for 90% of the area, and then the value for the percentage of population living on 90% of the land must be taken away from 100% of the population). 122 of an the workforce workforce, may IMR value underemployment lead rate the realized. dividend for if of increases, widely unemployment, and occur expected relative decreases. output to proportion contraception becomes economic there and search Birth proportion greater adults political in the level school dependency However, many at advantage in Thus, demographic increases. remaining increase a replacement Que STion b) PrACTiCe You are asked to suggest (identify) two physical factors and to suggest how they aect distribution. One mark will be awarded for the identication of a valid physical factor and another mark for fur ther development/ exemplication. The explanation will need to be developed (more detailed and/or have a suppor ting example) in order to get the second mark . There is no credit for the identication/explanation of any human factors. c) In this question the impacts have to be related to the source (where the migrants come from). No credit is given for impacts on the destination. Each of the impacts needs to be developed for full marks, that is, a more detailed explanation of the impacts in the source area. Essay A well-structured answer is needed for this extended response question. Half of your essay should be an examination of either aging populations (Stage 5 of the demographic transition model, DTM) or youthful populations, and the consequences related to their respective populations. Problems may relate to health, education or the cost of services needed, while oppor tunities may be economic and/or social. The other half of your essay should counter the argument in the question, potentially by covering other challenges to countries such as migration and climate change. Your essay should include appropriate terminology, located examples and suppor ting facts and gures. S AMPle STuDenT AnS Wer a) i) 53% Mak 1/1 ii) 2% Mak 1/1 b) Relief affects mountainous because steep it is population are less difcult distribution likely to to build allow as areas human that are habitation. infrastructure and farm T his crops is ▲ Valid development point ▲ Valid development point on slopes. Distance to the distribution easier coast as transport is people another are (ports) more and factor likely leisure affecting to live on population the coast due to (beaches). Two valid reasons with some development. Maks 4/4 c) T he have impacts been both remittances on the good from region and the bad. family migrants On that the good migrated have come side, many and ▲ Valid point ▲ Valid point from receive sometimes the ▼ Two neither migrants might themselves On the leave to causing other hand, nd ser vices return jobs. become to some the job villages T his to build a house to fewer due to ▲ First from depopulation jobs the in lack the of long use, T his means that regions get although in detail as point ▲ Development point many term such negative as as post ▼ Two have ofces. points for growth. suffer leads redundant village valid developed valid been points – developed could better poorer . Although the points were not developed there is sucient detail to gain full marks. Maks 4/4 123 1 U NI T 1: C H A NGING P O P U L AT I O N Essay “Of all the possible challenges facing dierent countries, demographic issues are of greatest concern.” T wat x tt do you agree with this statement? T here are many demographic, ▲ Clear the introduction—suggests likely structure of the Often the challenges social, in different economic, challenges are a countries. political mixture of and more T hese include environmental. than one e.g. too essay many people (economic (e.g. in megacities) challenge) which in can turn lead leads to to unemployment poverty (social challenge). ▲ Valid challenge and nominal For many countries with an ageing population e.g. Japan or support China, there accepted ▲ Further are some problems one with million a shrinking Syrian workforce. migrants in order Germany to make up development/ exemplication ▲ Generic challenges of an the short-fall an ageing of its declining population can be workforce. the high Other cost of problems pensions related and to health ageing care, and the need for sheltered accommodation for the elderly. population ▲ Generic youthful ▲ Some challenges of a Equally, there on places, school development and such as rates of Niger clinics, for not youthful enough jobs populations and so on. – pressure Many LICs, the and Mali, have youthful populations but high unemployment. support other countries, demographic of the problems challenges. For do not people necessarily living in stem low-lying from islands, counter-argument rising ▲ Valid problems population In ▲ Start are point—climate change of sea levels, freshwater increasing sources are a storms bigger and contamination concern e.g. in Kiribati. refugees For others, and ▲ Second 124 valid point e.g. falling in food Sudan yields and are a South more Sudan, pressing desertication concern. Que STion T his has an impact on population, although arguably has been ▲ Population caused by increased population pressure on the Y emen, Saudi the the major Arabia. blockade T he of concerns air strikes Y emen’s ports are civil war (bombings) are major and by as a potential cause environment. and In PrACTiCe the war Saudi concerns, with Arabia and impact up to and 12 ▲ Another valid example—good details million people In other rich In the are at risk countries, of star vation. other concerns may be more pressing. ▲ Contemporary UK, the Brexit negotiations have created example—good major point uncertainty future. regarding Moreover , nationals, whose it is the countries’ creating future in the economic uncertainty UK is in and for political non -UK question. For countries ▲ Demographic such as China, trade wars economic challenges. pollution and a T he with the country declining labour USA has are other force, causing challenges, although the such latter challenge as could ▲ Another contemporary challenge—identies be partially So, overall, necessarily people the are solved speeding demographic the greatest affected quality by of life by for up rural-urban challenges challenge other are in all challenges, migration. important countries. so there is but of Brexit major challenges in a number of China not Nevertheless, an impact on people. Good account—focused on the question; has good suppor ting evidence. Critical thinking/evaluation is implied but not explicit. Maks 9/10 125 G LO B A L 2 C L I M AT E — VULNERABILIT Y AND RESILIENCE Four key power, concepts processes influence and these issues: possibilities. places, There are Yo od e ae to ow: positive ✔ aspects of change, as well as negative ones. It how natural global necessary to seek to accept solutions responsibility and manage the for the causes, ✔ issues. how ✔ energy the that C L I M AT E O F effects there are of global and climate affect and change environmental possibilities change making C A U S E S processes the balance; societies climate T H E human and places, 2 . 1 and is power for on systems; responding over the to decision- process. G L O B A L C H A N G E Yo od e ae to ow ow natra and an • Aedo – the amount of procee affect te goa energy aance: incoming solar energy reflected back into the atmosphere by the ✔ Ear th’s surface. • Antropogenc – human-related The atmospheric and energy ✔ Changes ✔ The in system, including the natural greenhouse effect balance; the global energy balance, and the role of feedback loops; processes and/or impacts. enhanced greenhouse effect and international variations in • Energy aance – the balance greenhouse gas sources and emissions, in relation to economic between incoming shor t-wave development, globalization and trade. radiation and outgoing shor t- wave and long-wave radiation. • Enanced greenoe Te atoperc yte effect – the increasing amount of greenhouses gases in the The natural greenhouse effect and the enhanced greenhouse effect (global warming) atmosphere, as a result of The natural greenhouse effect is the process by which certain gases human activities, and their (greenhouse gases) allow short-wave radiation from the Sun to pass impact on atmospheric systems through the atmosphere but trap an increasing proportion of outgoing including global warming. long-wave • Goa warng – the increase of in temperatures around the it the world that has been noticed planet since the 1960s, and in However, par ticular since the 1980s. 100°C, atmosphere. there on the radiation would that is be The the Earth. greenhouse no life on almost the same daytime whereas Moon from by are Earth. night they −18°C effect For on may leads is thing, a from the be radiation good example, distance temperatures about This the Moon −150°C. compared the with as Average about is the reach a for Moon Sun may to warming without an airless Earth. as high as temperatures 15°C on Earth. The • Greenoe effect – also Earth’s atmosphere therefore raises temperatures by about 33°C. called the natural greenhouse effect, this is the process by There are which cer tain gases (water about 95% vapour, carbon dioxide, methane greenhouse warming 126 a number of effect. are of greenhouse greenhouse gases However, carbon dioxide, by the gases. Water volume gases methane and mainly and vapour for accounts about implicated 50% in of for the global chlorofluorocarbons. 2 .1 Carbon dioxide (CO ) levels have risen from about 315 parts per ThE C AusE s OF GlO b A l C l i m AT E C h A NGE million 2 and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)) (ppm) in 1950 to over 400 ppm in 2015, and are expected to reach allow shor t-wave radiation from 600 ppm by 2050. The increase is due to human activities: burning fossil the Sun to pass through the fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and land-use changes such as deforestation. atmosphere and heat up the Deforestation of the tropical rainforest is a double blow , since it not only Ear th, but trap a propor tion of increases atmospheric CO levels but it also removes the trees that convert 2 long-wave radiation from the CO into oxygen. Carbon dioxide accounts for about 20% of the greenhouse 2 Ear th. This radiation leads to a effect but an increased proportion of the enhanced greenhouse effect. warming of the atmosphere. Methane is the second-largest contributor to global warming, and • Feedack – the ways that its presence in the atmosphere is increasing at a rate of 1% per changes in an environment may annum. It is estimated that cattle convert up to 10% of the food they be accelerated or modified by the eat into methane and emit 100 million tonnes of methane into the processes operating in a system. atmosphere important methane each year. sources: paddy annually , permafrost will Natural while, melt fields as and wetland emit global release and up to paddy 150 warming vast fields million increases, quantities of are other tonnes bogs of • Potve feedack – changes trapped in methane. in a system that lead to greater deviation from the original condition (also known as The enhanced greenhouse effect is the impact of increasing levels of cumulative causation or a greenhouses gases in the atmosphere as global as a result of human activities. It vicious circle). is often the referred changes habitats from by and in the the changes the to global patterns incidence in the enhanced warming. of Earth’s of Global rainfall drought, greenhouse and floods atmosphere, climate change refers temperature, and believed storms, to be sea to level, resulting caused mainly effect. • Negatve feedack – changes in a system that occur and lead to other changes, but eventually the whole system stabilizes. The increase in the world’s greenhouse gases is linked trade and globalization. As industrialization has to industrialization, increased, so too has Tet yoref atmospheric CO . Many LICs and NICs are actively industrializing and 2 adopting a consumer culture. Industrial potential to add to atmospheric CO activity among the NICs . Nevertheless, the per-capita has the emissions 2.1 According to figure 2.1.1, deterne the amount of the 2 in HICs are responsible for much of the growth in atmospheric CO incoming solar radiation that is 2 absorbed by the Ear th’s surface. [1] Cange n te goa energy aance 2.2 Otne the ways in which Space 23 7 solar radiation differs from the 49 9 Outgoing Ear th’s radiation. 12 Radiation [2] Incoming Radiation 100 2.3 Copare the incoming sources Emitted by Emitted clouds Emitted directly to of energy in the atmosphere with by space atmosphere Reflected the outgoing energy sources. by [2] clouds 2.4 Expan two processes Absorbed by atmosphere in which global energy is 19 104 Absorbed by atmosphere balanced. Atmosphere [2+2] 4 Absorbed by clouds Latent Emitted by atmosphere Reflected (Water Heat Vapor changing liquid by to ice) Do not confuse the ozone layer surface with the greenhouse effect— Sensible Heat (Rising air they are very different. The currents) Emitted by surface ozone layer protects the Ear th Land, Ocean 47 Radiation Absorbed by Surface 98 24 5 Radiation Emitted from Surface 116 from harmful ultraviolet radiation whereas the greenhouse effect Fgre 2.1.1. The Ear th’s energy balance is responsible for raising the temperature on Ear th and making life possible. (Ozone is a minor greenhouse gas, but its Be very clear about the difference between the natural greenhouse effect contribution to the greenhouse (which is a good thing and vital for life) and the enhanced greenhouse effect is very small.) effect (which is related to human activities and is not so good for everyone). 127 2 U NI T 2: GLO B A L C L I M AT E — V U L N E R A B I L I T Y Solar radiation There have caused AND R E S ILIE NC E variations been changes many in the variations Earth’s in solar climate radiation, over the and these geological have past. Tet yoref However, 2.5 Dtng between the recent natural greenhouse effect and been the enhanced greenhouse effect. [2] the measured 1960s. activity volcanic dimming reduces some of in the impact of the enhanced In and radiation 2.6 Briefly expan how global variations warming. 1991, in Since by global reaching activity , radiation 1970s, satellites. addition, and solar the Solar there has warming. the such as the activity been no However, Earth’s human-caused have not fluctuations surface eruption has some of be Mt significant solar been of between the put global to in in have since sunspot variation down Pinatubo causing radiation declining correlation can pollution, been in in solar periodic the Philippines dimming. greenhouse effect/global Feedback warming. loops [2] Tae 2.1.1. Many students get confused Some albedo values for terrestrial surfaces Surface Albedo (%) Water (Sun’s angle over 40°) 2–4 Water (Sun’s angle less than 40°) 6–80 about positive and negative Fresh snow 75–90 feedback . The terms do not mean Old snow 40–70 Dry sand 35–45 good or bad. Positive feedback means that the feature continues Dark , wet soil 5–15 Dry concrete 17–27 Black road surface 5–10 Grass 20–30 to change, whereas negative feedback means that it stops changing, that is, it adapts to a new circumstance. Deciduous forest 10–20 Coniferous forest 5–15 Crops 15–25 Tundra 15–20 Temperature Source of data: Adapted from Barry, R. and Chorley, R., Increases Atmosphere, weather and climate, Routledge (1998) Increases Carbon and dioxide methane Permafrost released Tet yoref into thaw atmosphere 2.7 Briefly expan how albedo changes may change lead to changes in the energy balance. [2] Increases 2.8 sgget how the release of methane can lead to feedback loops Fgre 2.1.2. A positive feedback associated with changes in the global energy balance. [2] mechanism involving methane and enhancing climate change Te enanced greenoe effect and nternatona varaton n greenoe ga orce and Content nk eon The impact of global climate In 1990, total CO change on extreme environments emissions were about 22 billion produced most of the CO is discussed in option C.4. emissions, about by produced 2016 up Tet yoref the from CO , North about 2 America, billion Asia-Pacific 25% Europe in 1990. and with tonnes, region China Eurasia’s about and produced alone output 6 the billion rest almost produced had of Europe billion tonnes. Asia half fallen to and tonnes, emissions are likely to change over the period between now and [2] North America had remained steady overall. China was 10 By emissions, billion 6 only similar. global around 2 and of about 2.9 sgget how greenhouse gas 128 8 2 followed 2040. tonnes. 2 Eurasia tonnes billion of tonnes, 2.2 2 . 2 T H E ThE C O N S E Q U E N C E S C L I M AT E CONsEquENCE s O F OF GlO b A l C l i m AT E C h A NGE G L O B A L C H A N G E Yo od e ae to ow te effect of goa cate • sat water ntron – the cange on pace, ocete and envronenta yte: contamination of groundwater ✔ Climate change ✔ Impacts of hazards, and climate the hydrosphere, change migration and on people ocean atmosphere and transport places, and biosphere; including health by seawater. • boe – a large-scale naturally occurring ecosystem, routes. identifiable on a global or regional scale. Cate cange and te ydropere, atopere • Ecoyte er vce – the and opere products and services provided by ecosystems, such as climate Water stored in ice and oceans, and changing sea levels regulation, flood regulation, oxygen, food, timber and water. Europe’s glaciers lost around 25% of their mass between 2006 and 2014. • Ecoogca treod – the • Sea levels • There are expected to rise by one metre by 2100. point at which there is an has been a 13.3% decrease in Arctic sea ice each decade since 1980. • By of abrupt change in an ecosystem proper ties or quality. 2040, summer Canada and sea ice is likely to be limited to the northern coasts Greenland. • Reence – the ability of a population or a human or natural system to absorb • By 2080, arctic summer sea ice • By 2100, arctic temperatures is expected to disappear completely . change without having to make a industrial will be as high as 7°C above pre- fundamental change. levels. • Treod (or tppng pont) – the critical level at which change Carbon stored in ice, oceans and the biosphere is irreversible. Glaciers store carbon derived from primary production on the • Vneraty – the degree glacier and deposition of materials such as soot or by-products of the to which a human or natural combustion of fossil fuels. Measurements in Greenland and Antarctica system is susceptible to, and suggest that the amount of organic carbon lost from glaciers will increase unable to cope with, the adverse by 50% between 2015 and 2050. That equates to roughly half of the total impacts of climate change. amount of carbon Permafrost carbon frozen carbon is carried contains released form. If could vast either by Mississippi amounts as permafrost be the released carbon of into the carbon. dioxide continues River to When or melt, to as ocean by each permafrost methane, some atmosphere the 190 year. melts, stored in gigatonnes of Content nk Changes in sea levels are also 2200. discussed in option B.2. Methane ocean from acidification. dioxide with released emissions seawater to seafloor Currently are about absorbed make it permafrost more by 25% the acidic. could of contribute human-produced oceans. This also Carbon change carbon dioxide affects to reacts many marine organisms. Carbon dioxide (CO ) and 2 Incidence and severity of extreme weather events including methane (CH drought ) have dissimilar 4 names, but both contain carbon, Trends towards extreme climate change are likely to increase. This and both are greenhouse gases. includes the the meandering freshwater the weakening NAD could behaviour from Scandinavia land by the of Greenland’s between reduce of 9 2009 and North the ice stream. sheet 2010. temperatures jet Atlantic the UK, (NAD) Increased caused A complete in Drift a 30% and flows of slowdown switch-off Greenland, of the Iceland of NAD and °C. 129 2 U NI T 2: GLO B A L C L I M AT E — V U L N E R A B I L I T Y Due to higher AND R E S ILIE NC E temperatures, there may be an increase in cyclone activity Concept nk (including Pl ACEs: All places will be more hurricanes). frequent and Increased intense storm evaporation activity , may potentially particularly in lead coastal to areas. affected by global climate Wildfires have become more common in high latitudes. As firefighting change, with some places in remote areas is difficult, many of these fires burn for months, adding experiencing benefits, and others carbon to the atmosphere. will be negatively impacted. The natural and human worlds Spatial changes in biomes, habitats and animal migration patterns are changing, and places at varying levels of development will suffer contrasting impacts. For example, some places may suffer environmental degradation and populations will relocate to another place, while others may Tropical and led forests frequency to the are of Amazon Although beginning droughts. rainforest Indonesia’s rainforest, forest the grow forests fires on to In back and emitting forests there die 2005 are emit carbon-rich due 2010, more only to of increased severe carbon 20–25% massive the two than the amounts it size of severity droughts absorbed. of the carbon as Amazon many of peat. experience rising food prices due Climate change can affect where species live, their food supply and the to a reduction in the agricultural timing of biological events. Projected climate change may increase the yield in their country, or perhaps extinction of species in sensitive areas. Climate change may affect elsewhere in the world. the capacity of ecosystems droughts are and to Warming may latitudes. As warm, are may such as projected The impact food web. decline in of fish to in that species higher affect 50% sea as fires, ecosystems fewer have places in migrated altitudes can ice the by into As habitat up rivers coldwater coldwater their pass in eaten species. replacing The of or intrusion some are salmon. are arctic have saltwater change such conditions. species and climate algae fish around Reductions the rise, adversely lose and species warmer species trout to as Many levels water events, Mountain and force sea warm species Fgre 2.2.1. refuge. latitudes freshwater extreme vulnerable, take higher survive floods. especially which to to species by through Arctic lead 2080. the to zooplankton, a and Global climate change is leading to the in turn by cod. Cod are an important food source for drying of many soils seals, Agricultural crop which yields, are limit of fed on by cultivation polar and bears. soil erosion Content nk Future possibilities in sustainable • In food production are discussed in to option F.4. • areas, • a In decrease The limits and Russia to 130 some conditions. the of crop of millet to possibility Soil erosion, of the and cultivation due size yields will sub-Saharan of land Sahara move degradation and to areas by further and during due warmer increase temperatures agriculture Desert an sorghum may rising reduce Africa, in of in increasing 20th North tundra, will lead century . America which growing desertification the drier 40–80%. north the and 1.5–2.0°C has will lead seasons. increased the 2.2 ThE CONsEquENCE s OF GlO b A l C l i m AT E C h A NGE ipact of cate cange on peope and pace, ncdng eat azard, graton and ocean tranpor t rote It is a common misconception that Certain population groups are more vulnerable to climate change. only the poor will be affected by These include the poor, young, elderly and sick, and people living in climate change. Although certain vulnerable areas. Low-lying coastal areas are at risk from a variety of groups are more vulnerable to threats such as flooding, saltwater intrusion and storm surges. Cities climate change (for example, are also vulnerable due to the large concentrations of people there. poor, indigenous populations and Cities increase microclimates the risk and the infrastructure, schemes, of heat-island including transport heatwaves and to effect. drainage power due and supply the Many sewer formation cities of have systems, urban an flood refugees), many middle- and aging high-income people will also be protection systems. affected. Food prices will rise, food scarcity will increase, insurance premiums will increase, and the Indigenous populations are vulnerable for many reasons. They: likelihood of water shortages will • rely on the natural environment for food and cultural practices, as also increase. well as in for income • live isolated and/or low-income • have high rates of uninsured • have high rates of existing communities individuals health risks compared to other groups. Try to get across the complexity of the impact of climate change on Content nk human health. For example, people’s health will not only be affected by Managing climate change in the spread of diseases such as malaria, but many people will be affected by severe dehydration due to prolonged drought, and fatigue due to high urban environments is discussed in option G.4. temperatures, which may lead to an increase in illness (morbidity) and death rates (mor tality). Diseases rise. order to Around rely on faster, but such This a is as malaria because the 60 million glacial there is people meltwater likely long-term to all increase large-scale locations, been saltwater of the such forced intrusion in the for be decrease a already become more need common as temperatures temperatures above 20°C in breed. Considering some will mosquitoes an as Indus their increase the as to the the Pacific leave into their the of above, number of Brahmaputra supply . in sources information in and water With short-term water island planners of are Kiribati, due to flow basins melting of water, disappear. climate-change homes river glaciers anticipating refugees. some rising sea In people levels have and freshwater. Tet yoref Transport Arctic Not routes, Canada, only facilitate would oil such may this as open the north-west up, allow as for well as passage the year-round seas from to the transport, it the USA to north may of Siberia. also 2.10 Expan how climate change may affect (a) agriculture and () ecosystems. [3+3] exploration. 131 2 U NI T 2 . 3 2: GLO B A L C L I M AT E — V U L N E R A B I L I T Y R E S P O N D I N G C L I M AT E T O AND R E S ILIE NC E G L O B A L C H A N G E Yo od e ae to ow exape of pote for • Adaptaton – initiatives and repondng to cate cange and power over te measures to reduce the decon-akng proce: vulnerability of human and natural systems to climate change. ✔ Disparities including • mtgaton – attempts to reduce (age, the causes of climate change. ✔ • Rk – the probability of a in exposure variations gender and Government-led climate hazard event causing harmful in to climate-change people’s location, risk and wealth, education) and risk adaptation and mitigation vulnerability , social differences perception; strategies for global change; consequences (expected losses ✔ Civil society and corporate strategies to address global climate in terms of death, injuries, change. proper ty damage, economy and environment). Dparte n expore to cate-cange • Geoengneerng – schemes designed to tackle the effects rk and vneraty of climate change directly, There usually by removing CO are many disparities in exposure to climate change, such as by from 2 location, wealth, gender, London’s exposure age, education and risk perception. the air or limiting the amount of sunlight reaching the planet’s to climate-change risk and vulnerability surface (also known as climate London engineering). is droughts, already vulnerable heatwaves and to very extreme cold weather, weather. It is namely likely floods, that in a • stakeoder – a person, warming world, London will experience warmer, wetter winters and community and/or an hotter, drier summers. V ery cold winters will still occur, although they organization that has an interest will become less frequent. Sea level will continue to rise for centuries. in something, For example, stakeholders in climate change London might include farmers, oil from companies, residents in low- events. lying coastal areas and so on. over Tet yoref is the vulnerable North Some 1.25 15% million of key of flooding. is flooding of the to lives more increase for in on a the sources: Thames floodplain. 480,000 links, due to Although tidal and That properties schools future water. many from than (transport demand from flooding city people, likely increased to river infrastructure Drought and Sea, and means and a hospitals) decreased there flooding heavy were rainfall that great are at summer deal risk rainfall droughts in 2003 2.11 Using examples, briefly and 2006, and floods in 2000 and 2002, London was able to deal with them. expan how vulnerability varies with (a) location, () wealth, Climate change and Cape T own (c) gender, (d) age, (e) education and (f) risk perception. Cape [2+2+2+2+2+2] dry Town years, and the would June is running dam levels authorities have 2018 left out of were around heavy rains of water. usable preparing 4 million refilled By water to January were shut off residents Cape 2018, down to residential reliant Town’s following 17% dam on to of three capacity supplies. standpipes. 43% capacity , This In and Tet yoref Day Zero was put back until sometime in 2019. 2.12 sgget why London is Given vulnerable to flooding. the huge disparities in South African society , there is plenty [2] of scope for resentment. Some are sharing tips on how to wash in a 2.13 sgget why Cape Town is bucket running out of water. reuse the contents. Farms and hotels have halved water [2] use. Others 2.14 Otne the measures that city’s have been taken to reduce water Thus, consumption in Cape Town. first 132 and [3] are exceeding authorities, water major emptying usage city in the is the still 50 litres per supermarket too high developed and day shelves Cape world recommended that of Town runs bottled may out of by the water. become water. the 2.3 South Africa’s weather services have told politicians that their RE sPONDiNG TO GlO b A l C l i m AT E C h A NGE models 2.15 Briefly expan the terms no longer work and their long-term climate-change predictions have “desalination” and “cost-benefit arrived 10 years early . analysis”. Investments that would have failed cost-benefit analyses 10 years [2+2] ago— 2.16 Otne one advantage and expensive desalination plants in Cape T own’s case—now look essential. one disadvantage of desalination for Cape Town. [2+2] Governent-ed adaptaton and tgaton tratege 2.17 Briefly expan why London for goa cate cange should be better able to adapt to climate change than Cape Mitigation strategies for global climate change Town. Mitigation Many of refers these to are attempts shown in to reduce table the causes of climate [2] change. 2.3.1. Tet yoref National and international methods Individual methods • • Use public transpor t • Use locally produced foods • Use energy-ecient products • Turn o appliances when not in use • Reduce heating by insulating buildings • Use double- or triple-glazed windows • Turn o taps when not in use • Walk more or ride a bicycle • Use less heating/air-conditioning 2.18 Defne the terms (a) carbonControl the amount of atmospheric offset schemes, () geopollution engineering, (c) carbon capture • Geoengineering and (d) ocean fer tilization. • Develop carbon-capture schemes [1+1+1+1] • Develop renewable energy sources • Set limits on carbon emissions • Ocean fer tilization • Carbon-trading schemes • Carbon-oset schemes • Tet yoref 2.19 identfy the likely adaptation strategies that may Introduce carbon taxes be used for (a) sea-level rise, and Tae 2.3.1. Government-led Adaptation () famine/food shor tages. [2+2] Methods of climate change mitigation adaptation refers to strategies initiatives for and global climate measures to change reduce the • Cv ocety – any vulnerability of human and natural systems to climate change. organization or movement that There ways are of many problems adapting to related them. Some to of climate these change, are shown and in many table possible works between the household, the private sector and the state 2.3.2. to negotiate matters of public concern. Civil societies include Climate-change risks Potential adaptation strategies • Flooding • Early-warning systems • Disease • Emergency shelters • Sea-level rise • New forms of agriculture • Contaminated water • Genetic engineering/high-yielding varieties of crops (HYVs) • Dehydration • Irrigation • Drought • Sea walls • Famine/food shor tages • Mosquito nets • Over-heating • Desalination • Migration non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups, trade unions, academic institutions and faith-based organizations. Try to keep up to date. Changes Tae 2.3.2. Risks of climate change and possible adaptation strategies in government can have a significant impact on climate- Cv ocety and corporate tratege change policy, for example. In to addre cate cange 2017, the US president, Donald Trump, signed deals to increase WWF Australia production of fossil fuels, Australia is vulnerable and low-lying. and fires. One in The six change Extreme Great species threatening are to weather Barrier is shellfish also climate each Reef threatened as an well as change. events has with coral. increasing Most have suffered led its to from extinction. Water of cities floods, coral Ocean shortages are coastal droughts and Xi Jinping, indicated that China would like the world to increase bleaching. acidification whereas the Chinese president, is agricultural production and use of clean energy. problem. 133 2 U NI T 2: GLO B A L C L I M AT E — V U L N E R A B I L I T Y As a civil society , AND WWF R E S ILIE NC E Australia is committed to: Content nk • limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by the The success of civil societies end of the century in raising awareness of environmental risks is explored • achieving net-zero achieving 100% carbon pollution in Australia before 2050 fur ther in unit 6.3. • 100% renewable renewable electricity energy before in Australia before 2050, including 2035. Tet yoref 2.20 Evaate the role of civil societies in the fight against climate change. [5] quEsTiON PRACTiCE a) Study the following gure, which shows changes in atmospheric CO and mean surface temperature since 1880. 2 0.6 400 380 0 Temp. OC –0.3 300 erutarepmeT 2 320 ylamona )mpp( 340 )C°( 0.3 360 CO 2 –0.6 280 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 Years ) Etate the increase in atmospheric CO (ppm) between 1960 and 2015. [1] 2 ) Etate the change in temperature between 1960 and 2015. [1] ) Draw a labelled diagram to show the main features of the greenhouse eect. [4] c) ) sgget one reason why predictions for global climate change vary. [2] ) Expan one natural cause of climate change. [2] Essay “Climate change impacts will be greatest for places with a high population density.” To wat ex tent do you agree with t statement? [10] how do i approac tee eton? a) ) A calculation is required—the 1960 value is approximately 300 ppm and the 2015 value is approximately 390 ppm. A value between 80 and 100 ppm would be accepted. ) This requires manipulation of the temperature anomalies—from between 0.0–0.1°C in 1960 to just under 0.6°C in 2015, so approximately 0.6°C (0.5–0.6°C accepted). ) This requires a labelled diagram that explains how the greenhouse eect works. c) Par t (i) asks you to suggest reasons. You do not necessarily need to know the exact reasons, but you should be able to come up with some logical ideas, for example, about spatial scales, temporal scales, the role of feedback , the complexity of the issue. Par t (ii) asks you to outline reasons. You should give a brief explanation of how climate change can be caused by natural processes, for example, volcanic activity, dust storms, variations in solar output and so on. Essay As the command term is to wat ex tent, your answer should provide suppor ting arguments and counterarguments for the statement given in the question. Essay questions in papers 2 and 3 are also synoptic, which means you will need information from across dierent units to answer the question. For example, you might want to draw on your knowledge 134 quE sTiON PRACTiCE of densely populated areas near coastlines (unit 1) to suppor t the argument. However, you could counter the argument by describing how climate change impacts will also depend on latitude, and by discussing non-human impacts of climate change (unit 2). s AmPlE sTuDENT ANs WER a) i) 300 ppm to 395 ppm , so an increase of 95 ppm of CO 2 mark 1/1 ii) 0.6°C mark 1/1 b) Marks gained for references to “shor t-wave solar radiation”; “radiation trapped due to greenhouse gases”; “long-wave radiation”; and “re-emitted into atmosphere”. mark 4/4 c) i) Certain disasters, much the things for inuence example climate the volcanoes. will change global It is until climate difcult after the to such as predict event has natural how happened. ▼ More For example the Iceland volcano reduced solar radiation into By Earth, making Ano ther is due to the reason the climate why fact lo ts how much of of climate things change inuence the can vary climate of ▼ Ocean pressure an area such as ocean circulation and air pressure, and constantly climate changing conditions and so it is hard to predict circulation not and developed air enough these to are needed—data? cooler? coo ler . predictions that detail the future explain climate how they affect global change accurately. One factor and poor choice of suppor t material—it had very limited impact on global climate. The eruption of Mt Pinatubo would have been better as suppor t. mark 1/2 135 2 U NI T 2: GLO B A L C L I M AT E — V U L N E R A B I L I T Y AND R E S ILIE NC E ii) Solar aring is a natural cause of climate change which involves an increase in radiation received from the Sun, therefore changing the climate. Sun spots are the opposite of solar aring which is when dark patches appear on the surface of the Sun. Only one natural cause explained. Sun spots not developed enough. mark 1/2 Essay “Climate change impacts will be greatest for places with a high population density.” To wat ex tent do you agree with this statement? Climate ▲ Valid point issues of around ▲ Good exemplication of a number of factors impacts of global inuencing relief change our the age. of the However , world. (height one Its above most its impacts important impacts vary sea-level), are with environmental not evenly population proximity to the spread density, oceans (coastal the locations) climate is and level of wealth (poverty – being able to plan for change climate ▲ Summary point ▲ Valid point and example change) number of Climate change lying rise as dependents. could countries, in sea well level such would as It demographic is a complex potentially as over have 10% e.g. age, health, issue. Bangladesh. ood factors a huge For of impact example, the a country on low- 1-metre and affect ▲ Good development of point 9% of the waters ▲ Impacts change on of a global rich country Estuary a national scale to and and built much point—the (afford) adaptation on of and the in the South UK ’s East, coastal and the Severn Estuary. cities. T hese Globally, areas there contain are many many sites that to climate change e.g. New Y ork (which was Superstorm land the less city these is Sandy than built cities 5m on have in above land the 2012), sea Shanghai level, reclaimed potential to be and from (which T okyo, the affected, sea. where However , they also ability climate change have the resources to adapt to climate change. London has the schemes T hames is Barrier raising storm 136 Mersey important by although cope the vulnerable affected is to London levels global megacities ▲ Valid affect sea development—changes are from would Rising climate large ▲ Good population. its to sea surges. protect walls it against and tidal building a ooding new and barrier to New deal Y ork with quE sTiON ▲ Start Not everywhere vulnerable to to construct so rising sea Populations vulnerable. is sea in Small level defences living In lucky. of but a do not 40% of city are is the areas, In poorest making addition to live them and However , the (by river they banks, canals vulnerable are seawater) dengue impact to especially ooding, contamination malaria close to vulnerable and the counterargument ▲ Valid point ▲ Valid point—vulnerability at largest over below sea level, and T his of has migrations, forest humans, the Overall, in areas as it is climate of high rises had res region not drainage ooding. to spread ▲ Good detail ▲ Good detail—range freshwater of diseases such as change varies especially in true a since major etc. but say population have impact on relatively generally to 2000 that has a density. In the little low climate been in ice the of areas climate hazards cover , impact population change some will cases it counterargument Arctic, animal ▲ Valid point ▲ Valid point— on density. be greatest may natural with a lack of resources to cope with change, such as in the slums of impacts on the environment be summarises the argument impacts of spatially. ▲ Conclusion so, of populations fever . temperature 10°C. support particularly ▲ Another T he and strength. slum and of are resources and cities the Kiribati, the size low-lying about e.g. have sufcient slums Jakarta, islands PRACTiCE Jakarta, but spatially and shows (places) and that due it varies to wealth (power) other areas impacts of low may be greater population on density, the natural such as in environment the in Arctic. Good account—focused. Lots of valid suppor t. Covers both sides of the argument, and has a conclusion that shows variations in place and power. mark 9/10 137 G LO B A L 3 RESOURCE CONSUMPTION AND S EC U R I T Y This unit examines expansion of the how population world’s middle growth class have and the Yo sho be be to show: affected ✔ consumption of resources (for example, how global resource energy of and water, food) food Nevertheless, world’s to and there resources the point energy are where security possibilities sustainably , there in such are some to as and the circular availability ✔ manage how pressure security the of processes affect consumption; on resources affects the future places; resource that there are possibilities for managing economy . resources sustainably decision-making 3 . 1 and issues regions. ✔ stewardship development water, G L O B A L T R E N D S I N and power over the process. C O N S U M P T I O N Yo sho be be to show how gob eveopmet • Biocpcity – the land and processes ffect resorce vibiity cosmptio: water to provide resources for humanity. ✔ Global and reduction, regional/continental including the growth progress of the towards “new poverty global middle class”; • Ecoogic footprit – the hypothetical area of land ✔ required by a society, a group or Measuring national trends and in global resource consumption, ecological including individual, footprints; an individual to fulfill all of their ✔ An overview of global patterns and trends in the availability and resource needs and assimilate consumption of: all of their waste. It is measured in global hectares (gha). ✔ Water, including embedded water in food and manufactured goods; • Embee (vir t) wter – the amount of water used in ✔ Land/food, the production and transpor t to including changing diets in middle-income countries; market of goods. ✔ Energy , including the relative and changing importance of • Hyrocrbos – chemical hydrocarbons, nuclear power, renewables and new sources of compounds consisting of carbon modern energy . and hydrogen, such as oil and natural gas. • Gree wter – the rainfall that is stored in the soil and Gob regio/cotiet progress towrs pover ty rectio, icig the growth of the evaporates from it; the main “ew gob mie css” source of water for natural ecosystems, and for rainfed agriculture, which produces 60% of the world’s food. One of the (MDGs) and of was 2015. US$1.25 a In a people US$4 the successes global 1990 day; by 2015 as day—almost for 18% of it 50% was middle tripled of the millennium reduction around classified accounted 138 main of in extreme people around 14%. class—that between people in in LICs poverty LICs In is, 1900 in development between on contrast, living and 1900 lived on 2015. and goals less the at number least This nearly 2000 than population 50% in 2015. 3 .1 The growth of the “new global middle GlO B a l TREndS In COnS uMPTIOn class” • Be wter – renewable According to the World Bank (2016): surface water runoff and • Low-income capita of economies US$1,045 or are less defined in as those with a GNI per groundwater recharge; the main source for human withdrawals 2014. and the traditional focus of water • Middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of resource management. US$1,046–US$12,735. • Grey wter – waste water • Lower-middle-income economies have an income of that has been produced in US$1,046–US$4,124. homes and offices. It may • Upper middle-income countries have income come from sinks, showers, of baths, dishwashers, washing US$4,125–US$12,735. machines, etc., but it does not • High-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of contain fecal material. US$12,736 • or more. Lower-middle-income and are per separated at a GNI upper-middle-income capita of economies US$4,125. Tbe 3.1.1. Size of the middle class, 2009–2030 (millions of people and global share) 2009 2020 2030 Test yorsef (Millions) (%) (Millions) (%) (Millions) (%) Nor th America 338 18 333 10 322 7 Europe 664 36 703 22 680 14 Central and South America 181 10 251 8 313 6 Asia-Pacific 525 28 1740 54 3228 66 Sub-Saharan Africa 32 2 57 2 107 2 Middle East and Nor th Africa 105 6 165 5 234 5 World 1845 100 3249 100 4884 100 3.1 Compre the relative distribution of middle-class population between 2009 and 2030. [3+3] Source of data: Kharas, H., The emerging middle class in developing countries, World Bank (2011) Middle Class 100% Test yorsef noitalupop 90% 3.2 Ietify the type of scale 80% used in figure 3.1.1, and state 70% why it has been used. [1+2] fo 60% tnecrep 3.3 Otie the changes in 50% projected annual income 40% evitalumuC in China, as indicated in Key 30% 2009 figure 3.1.1. [2+2+2] 20% 2020 10% 2030 0% 100 1,000 US$2/ 10,000 US$5/ day 100,000 US$10/ day US$100/ day day Cocept ik Annual income (2005 PPPS, log scale) PROCESSES: The rise of the Figre 3.1.1. Changes in annual income in China, 2009–2030 new global middle class can be attributed to a number of Mesrig tres i resorce cosmptio geographical processes that have As individuals and countries become wealthier, their consumption of enabled people to escape from resources increases. This includes food, water, energy and consumer pover ty and to join a segment of goods, for example. Changes in diet, with increasing consumption the global demographic. This is of meat and dairy products, have an impact on the amount of water increasing the ecological footprint and energy used in agriculture. One way of examining resource due to rising consumption. consumption is to look at ecological footprints. 139 3 U NI T 3: GLO B A L RE SOUR CE CONS UMPTION Ecological The of it and footprint water consumes ecological and grounds, On supply productivity forest if left to land, its the a its ecological or under of six to area and built-up absorb of amount resources technology . The grazing land, carbon. represents cropland, land). much the the cropland, biocapacity (including of produce prevailing things: nation’s assets and also measurement requires forest state grounds carbon use land, city , can theoretical waste the ecological hectares—globally average the population built-up fishing our is tracks side, of a absorb unharvested, especially Both that footprint fishing the SECURITY footprints ecological land AND the grazing These areas, waste we the land, especially generate, emissions. footprint and comparable, biocapacity are standardized expressed hectares in with global world productivity . Test yorsef 3.4 describe the main characteristics of the countries Rk Cotry EFP 1 United Arab Emirates 10.68 2 Qatar 10.51 with the highest ecological Tbe 3.1.2. Countries with the highest ecological footprint (EFP) footprints. [2] 3.5 Otie the main Rk Cotry EFP 187 Timor-Leste 0.49 188 Eritrea 0.48 characteristics of the countries with the lowest ecological footprints. [2] Tbe 3.1.3. Countries with the lowest ecological footprints Brceo Ciro (4.52 gh) (2.85 gh) Food 33.3% 35.0% Housing 4.7% 13.9% Personal transpor tation 20.6% 12.2% Goods 13.3% 9.4% Test yorsef 3.6 Sty table 3.1.4. Using an appropriate data presentation technique, plot the urban ecological footprints for Barcelona and Cairo. Compre Services 3.9% 8.9% Government 6.1% 7.2% Infrastructure investment (houses, bridges, roads, factories) 18.1% 13.3% the main differences between the two footprints. [2+3] 3.7 Sggest why Barcelona has a higher biocapacity Tbe 3.1.4. Composition (%) of ecological footprints for Barcelona and Cairo than Cairo. [2] 3.8 Briefly expi two reasons a over view of gob ptters tres i why the overall ecological the vibiity cosmptio of wter, footprints in urban areas are /foo eergy higher than in rural areas. [2+2] Patterns and trends in the availability and consumption of water 3.9 Ietify, and jstify, one component of the ecological Annual footprint that may be smaller in annual urban areas compared to rural has areas. by water availability is highest in Asia. Asia also has the highest 3 [1+2] the consumption, next Europe. highest Both rates, consumption rates. and trends around water Africa consumption Patterns at in the km availability and while 1,350 South Oceania per and America has availability the and year. North consumption, have much lowest America followed smaller availability consumption of and food Cotet ik Economic development is normally accompanied by improvements Factors affecting water in a country’s food supply . Increasing urbanization will also have availability are explored fur ther in consequences for the dietary patterns and lifestyles of individuals, option A.3. not 140 all of which will be positive. Changes in diets are referred to 3 .1 as be the “nutrition accelerating, transition”. especially The in the pace of these low-income changes and seems GlO B a l TREndS In COnS uMPTIOn to middle-income countries. The dietary both changes quantitative include shifts density diet in the with a structure intake, dietary and Diets evolve interactions. traditions, factors all time, Income, of role reduced reduced over as characterize qualitative greater saturated-fat fibre, that and diet fat intakes being prices, the for fruit the “nutrition changes. and complex influenced individual well as geographical, interact in a complex added vegetable by transition” adverse towards and of The a higher sugars energy- in foods, carbohydrates many factors preferences to include changes greater and intakes. environmental, manner dietary shape and and complex beliefs, social dietary and cultural economic assessmet tip consumption Remember that in IB Geography, patterns. the term “region” refers to a The world has made consumption per accompanied by from and staples, to person. as oils. produce and vegetables. and intense The significant such vegetable water significant roots So and and water growth in structural However, meat progress this food comes at are a and a more shift to it group of countries, such as the has in requires does to become been diet livestock price—it than likely food consumption towards products shortages increasing changes tubers, dairy in country. products far more produce more Middle East, rather than par t of a away grain Test yorsef frequent Study table 3.1.5. as the demand for meat and dairy products increases. 3.10 determie the region with Tbe 3.1.5. Global and regional per capita food consumption (kcal per capita per day) (i) the greatest calorie intake and (ii) the lowest calorie intake in 2015. Regio Yer 2015 Yer 2030 World 2,940 3,050 Developing countries 2,850 2,980 Near East and Nor th Africa 3,090 3,170 Sub-Saharan Africa 2,360 2,540 Latin America and the Caribbean 2,980 3,140 East Asia 3,060 3,190 [1+1] 3.11 Ietify the regions predicted to experience the highest (i) absolute and (ii) relative increase in calorie intake a between 2015 and 2030. South Asia 2,700 2,900 Industrialized countries 3,440 3,500 Transition countries 3,060 3,180 [1+1] assessmet tip When asked to describe a graph or identify changes, data should a Excludes South Africa be quantified rather than just Source of data: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (2002) copied, otherwise full marks will Patterns and trends in the availability and consumption of not be awarded. energy 14,000 Key 13,000 Test yorsef Coal 12,000 11,000 Hydroelectricity Nuclear energy 10,000 Natural gas 9,000 Oil 5,000 3,000 noilliM 4,000 sennot 6,000 fo 7,000 lio 8,000 tnelaviuqe Renewables Look at figure 3.1.2. 3.12 Expi the scale “million tonnes of oil equivalent” (mtoe). [2] 3.13 Ietify the type of graph that is being used, and expi briefly why it is appropriate for 2,000 this data. [1+2] 1,000 0 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 3.14 describe the main changes 16 in the consumption of energy Years resources between 1991 and Figre 3.1.2. World consumption of energy resources, 1991–2016 2016. [3] Source of data: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2017 141 3 U NI T 3: GLO B A L RE SOUR CE CONS UMPTION Overall barrels largest global per but despite of 1991 there of energy 1991, world Nuclear it New sources Biofuels plants are that sugarcane new a an into initiative O F R E S O U R C E in for less is day amount around from then fell of of mtoe by South amount 500 Fukushima-Daichii modern whereas of and fossil energy 6%). By 2016. and and oil the out of The Central North produced. world’s a global 2016, less total than nuclear. around 2011 nuclear gas source. fossil fuels years ago. some fuels. integrate greenhouse but the small came per and million Europe/Eurasia in than (which 2006 millions to in East 65 (possibly disaster in Japan). energy ethanol, to relatively mtoe the of today , additive reducing to modern died falls around barrels Middle increase consumption peaked type grown animals as of a from million the relative accounted reaction 90 in absolute 8,000 increased over was provides energy energy reflecting to were an approximately 5% or production in America, In SECURITY increase America, energy . I M PA C T S day relative Nuclear 3 . 2 oil AND cars In biofuel into C H A N G I N G made can United its by are made from decades, there 2016, emissions are For They run plants Brazil on and has pure Airlines energy from turned ethanol announced supply in the a hope of 60%. T R E N D S I N C O N S U M P T I O N Yo sho be be to show how pressre o resorces • Recover – capture some ffects the ftre secrity of pces: value (for example in an energy-from-waste plant or ✔ as a nutrient, such as compost). The water–food–energy “nexus” and how its complex interactions affect: • Recyce – use in a different ✔ National water security , ✔ National food ✔ National energy including access to safe water; way (may involve “downcycling”). security , including food availability; • Rece – use less resource security , including energy pathways and to meet the need (also called geopolitical issues; “minimization”). • Remove – eliminate demand ✔ The implications energy altogether (also called of global climate change for the water–food– nexus; “prevention” or “conservation”). ✔ The disposal international • Re-sorce – change materials and recycling ows of of consumer items, including waste. or sources (for example, using low-carbon electricity to meet demand). • Resorce stewrship – a concept that humans can use resources in a way that is sustainable. • Retr – put back in an environmentally benign way. This may require treatment or containment. The wter–foo–eergy “exs” The water–food–energy these the three food land use (such production (HEP), water influence other lighting, produce and as may salinization). for 142 economic sector food water influences by transport, altering Food quality the water and (such for In as etc. In return, biofuels, influences impact stocks. Food hydroelectric quality food power developments energy and use between eutrophication, energy requires sector and fish example, turn, temperature, production as interrelationships production water such the infrastructure energy , processing, sources, to example, W ater cooling/cleaning. purposes. energy on refers For versa. irrigation), W ater water sectors. vice impact for nexus and for machinery , production help to may availability reduce may the 3.2 negative impacts of burning fossil fuels, for I M Pa C TS example, OF by C H a nGInG acting TREndS In RE SOuR CE COnS uMPTIOn as • Rese – reintroduce into the carbon sinks. By promoting one type of development over another, same method as before. the if water water available is used developments sector may three is food developments (irrigation), The is central increasing due changes in to is on that the sustainable rising and reduced. potential shows impacts to diet the nexus unintentional nexus urbanization, food reduced. have food–energy all for is for for Similarly , energy other sectors. development. population, economic • Eergy secrity – having developments increasing in The one water– Demand wealth, for rapid growth. access to sufficient, clean, reliable and affordable energy sources for cooking, heating, lighting, communications and productive uses. • Foo secrity – having a National water security sufficient amount of good-quality Despite the recognition approaches to water of water–food–energy management in many nexus areas linkages, treat the current three food. sectors • nexs – the interrelationship, independently . That is the case in the Southern African Development interdependence and Community (SADC), where a lack of cooperation and coordination has interactions between water, food hampered developments in the water sector. Moreover, many of the river and energy. basins are transboundary (have parts of their river system in different • Wter secrity – continuing countries) which makes coordination more difficult. Most of the dams access to safe drinking water in the region were built for a single purpose although some, such as the and sanitation. Kariba There Dam is region an uneven proportion access Even 25% in around With and of annual the consumption in is the richest models demand 2080 for availability be in to A large in to 75% there of the are to areas Zambia), their in the clean from for water. region, water. decrease water Up purposes. Although rural southern water of SADC. year. exist. for country a multiple Zimbabwe, pay access forecast by in 59% In to the per not lives and have in for infrastructure does limited. lack rain the region adapted water of population people will of mm Zimbabwe rainfall increasing energy , the water Africa, climate being Congo, households million addition, in safe now 650 DR around South 5 in 67% to than SADC’s example, around 20% it of are distribution less supplies redistribute and Zambia, receives plentiful (for in of In about Africa. agriculture domestic squeezed. Figre 3.2.1. National food Human pressure on water resources in security the Eastern Cape, Republic of South Africa Within is the SADC cultivated, Only 3.5% but this the region’s of vulnerability 2015–16, of over agriculture region, the 40 only sustains contributes the arable region million around to some is the of insecurity . of land 60% irrigated, became 17% of livelihood land food people 6% the food of and During the this the insecure. regional GDP . population. increases drought the of Nevertheless, Despite Cocept ik the Pl aCES: Some places are more importance of agriculture in the region and its consumption of 76% secure than others in terms of of the region’s water resources, the current agricultural performance their access to food, energy and is insufficient to ensure regional food security and economic growth. water. The resources could be Reasons for the low growth include low investment, regular droughts, sourced within the country’s lack of credit and poor farming practices. In addition, climate change borders, or alternatively they can is causing increased rainfall variability and reductions in crop yields. As be secured from other places. more water is needed for energy developments or domestic/industrial The spatial interaction between uses, there may be increased pressure on the agricultural sector ’s supply countries and their ability to trade of water. The area is likely to experience more food shortages, and enables the latter. reductions National The food energy SADC which in despite its growing population. security faces were availability energy originally insecurities. constructed Some for the dams, such purpose of as Kariba, hydroelectric 143 3 U NI T 3: GLO B A L RE SOUR CE CONS UMPTION production, water has are supply , large 15 HEP , how been DR the biomass Congo, remains and desertification the for basins on the the pressure among totals safe mining relatively which could source rural biomass of if not energy , population has led to be is Zambia electricity , activities. have the as the capacity 24% access large-scale for guaranteed. funds. only have There developed not urban SADC unexploited. countries and aquaculture, to However, of to the total electricity . deforestation and region. is increasing growth, to and produce requires the will careful three that due has to led more on food urbanization, to and management, sectors. impact frequent industrialization power blackouts in However, energy energy under coordination the predicted production, food increasing and water cooperation decline in production rainfall and access to water. Countries in remaining the oil Middle reserves. East This control gives Oil policies of Middle Eastern political advantage—countries countries are discussed fur ther friendly terms in unit 4.1. region for help • maintain • involve the with their • to and for region. scarcity On provide between with main of energy economic The Cotet ik in are Mozambique the Over-dependence Demand that river region 5% to transport cooperation whole population diversified resources transboundary supply SECURITY ecotourism, energy although Angola, and AND oil ensure other increase hand, the Middle want supply stability political Middle energy that the that 50% it. oil of East may the an world’s economic have Countries to that stay and on depend on the to: political good the those need about links East in in the with Middle the economic situation conservation is also or East Middle East cooperation. an incentive develop for alternative rich countries forms of energy . The impictios of gob cimte chge for the wter–foo–eergy exs Climate many change productivity , will for in will frequency impact on some also of food, influence Attempts the to on in areas and the methods irrigation and Increased therefore areas and of may in others. is and supplies. an reduce increase change shocks, energy nexus. may to of use may The create adaptation groundwater may increase Climate change desalination energy it it it. Water The will Moreover, impact on in supplies demand expected these nexus agricultural to increase have due one an to their part will also production new demands climate seawater, would have also of water such very require impact biofuels for change, are an as energy extra on and resources. the use of pumping and resources. climate change creates critical challenges for water, energy The consequences of global and food, with increasing temperature, reducing snowpack and climate change are discussed changing precipitation, as well as ecosystem processes at regional in unit 2.2. scales. 144 In the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta and drip intensive. Cotet ik Global have two. climate power water–food–energy areas interdependence, other water–food–energy Some other and the some change. water limit hydroelectric In climate-related interconnections an influence ways. whereas diminish energy the could contrasting Central Valley 3.2 watersheds due to the in increased precipitation, services and affect production, Likely California, the as • Projected • Loss end of of regional increased water well impacts USA, as ecosystem temperature, water and fish the nexus wildlife services changes stresses energy and I M Pa C TS from and in OF are C H a nGInG In RE SOuR CE COnS uMPTIOn reduced snowpack drought. TREndS The agricultural and reduced food habitats. include: temperature snowpack, this increase with ranging 48–65% of from snow 2 to water 5°C by content 2100; loss by the Test yorsef century; 3.15 ayse how, and why, • Droughts, with more dry years and less water, which will affect global climate change may affect food and energy; the water–food–energy nexus in • More frequent flooding and fire, affecting water quality in the California. [2+2] watershed; 3.16 Otie two advantages • Rising sea levels; • Increasing • Changes and two disadvantages of global climate change for the water– energy demand; food–energy nexus. Countries Two with and secure. It costs high By 2050, from 29 water have on person, Saudi its in influenced a 97% in produces is and exports will urban have litres dates, the levels In contrast, Yemen the most has one food. of the Over food-insecure. Yemen’s food instability . increased food market. this is Yemen’s is one of 86 due have of 26 is and and consumption to be to is Saudi energy- cover very reserves. 50 pressure million, on improved food living and water, and safe water. Average in urban the up and standards country has means and of over linked have is to has that crop of its some yields. accounts The to the and Middle imports to East about double and 60% are by 2040. social water, have insecurity . cannot buy harvest food production about fruit government population, food farmers for the including income litres Arabia reduced. in political exacerbated no It the expected 15–20 some by been hunger. 40% and and country resources, have and eggs water Saudi subsidized subsidies rates areas, resources, products, million, Conflict reduces five food the been food are and 40% of at of a qat, a Yemen’s consumption. the to great heavily natural widespread cubic current Moreover, food- groundwater food-insecure crisis grown, scarcity water around imports have to Yemenis, scarce instability . drug, agricultural with water displacement they been population, and Water narcotic Yemen Its import forecast day highest million However, Population the world’s 10 to security water-, water limited dairy although its has its the of is food per Despite in and its place access Agriculture is Its growth for resource transition. vegetables. past, of economy depleted This security currently seawater. demand areas. levels is population 100–350 rural Arabia of Rapid Saudis resource different has nutrition of consumption it 2015. the of oil-based and production. day very [2+2] habitats. levels Saudi Arabia’s million Around and desalination experienced per with Yemen. relies of per species contrasting countries Arabia the in most metres and water water conflict badly water-stressed of demand between countries available per already Saudi in the person exceeds Arabia and world, per year. supply . Yemen, oil affected. 145 3 U NI T 3: GLO B A L RE SOUR CE CONS UMPTION AND SECURITY The ispos recycig of cosmer items There are many • Remove—the • Reduce • Reuse • the or used liners; to • Recover and/or from of of goods old new to clothes of their recycling demand of consumer items. altogether lifespan, tyres to reduce forms of the another used as value—compost incinerate and waste extend reuse old disposal elimination Recycle—create put of amount goods bottles Figre 3.2.2. forms use for soil same (for example cleaning waste; reuse of milk erosion product (recycled plastic bags paper), used as or bin cloths) biodegradable (burn) example collect waste for electricity use and as fertilizer heat it Recycling is • Disposal—put waste in landfill sites (natural or the result of becoming more widespread in many quarrying) or use to make artificial hills. HICs Flows of waste Increasing In general, HICs that Test yorsef between Africa (MIT) t wo negative impacts of the [2+2] are and of flow and of shipped suggests waste tonnes out of in monitors, TVs exported European and the by 2010, being (including The Research that, are waste MICs. 250,000 Asia. computers, were 3 . 3 the LICs products 3.17 Cotrst t wo positive and disposal of e-waste. to amounts EU the the and 1.3 million every tonnes year, discarded mobile waste) Environment of phones, used to Institute 258.2 of is from Agency mostly Massachusetts US internationally . electronic estimates electrical west of Technology million which only 66% recycled. R E S O U R C E S T E W A R D S H I P Yo sho be be to show exmpes of possibiities for Cocept ik mgig resorces sstiby power over the POWER and POSSIBIlITIES: ecisio-mkig process: Resource stewardship is a pathway to achieving ✔ environmental sustainability and Divergent thinking about population and resource consumption trends: involves a range of stakeholders. ✔ Pessimistic ✔ Optimistic ✔ Balanced views, including neo-Malthusian views; This complex web of vested par ties involves multi-governmental views, including Boserup; organisations such as the UN views, including resource stewardship; with their SDGs and national governments altering their mindsets and policies to engage ✔ Resource ✔ with the circular economy. People The stewardship value effective of the cycling strategies, circular of including: economy materials and as a systems approach energy; also have everyday choices to ✔ The role of the UN Sustainable Development make regarding resources. As progress environmental degradation, consumerism and population sizes all increase, the decisions made at a number of levels and scales will determine the future of the planet and its citizens. 146 made toward meeting them. Goals and for 3.3 RE SOuR CE S T E Wa R d S HIP diverget thikig bot poptio resorce • diverget thikig – finding cosmptio tres new solutions to old problems; There are many resources. Two views of the on the most relationship famous are between the views population of Thomas thinking “outside the box”. and Malthus • Circr ecoomy – an economy and Ester Boserup. that preserves natural Malthus would wrote outstrip Malthusians, The in 1798 the such reducing artificial the as use his growth Paul neo-Malthusians encourage but of of main resources—has Ehrlich have the and same contraception population growth. contraception, as he idea—that the population been Limits pessimistic and Malthus family himself considered it to updated to message, was be by Growth planning against use and reduces loss through neo- managing finite stocks and team. but as immoral capacity, optimizes resource growth a the (he renewable flows. they way of use was of • Refrbish – to restore and to make useful again. a • Recyce – refers to the vicar). Neo-Malthusians also suggest that there needs to be greater manufacturing of a used good redistribution of wealth and fairer access to resources. into another good that can be In contrast, will find that new Ester Boserup solutions to suggests overcome techniques/methods example, using irrigation and the land more fertilizers, and that, as shortages would of need arises, resources. increase intensively , using the She people used again, such as bottles, suggested paper, aluminium. However, not productivity , increasing high-yielding the for use varieties all products can be recycled. of of Coffee cups made from crops. cardboard with plastic coating cannot be recycled. • Biochemic feestock – Population Population growth growth refers to the production of renewable energy from crops Increased food Increased demand food demand such as corn, sugarcane, soyabeans and palm oil. Less Per food Improved capita agriculture Population • aerobic igestio/ productivity growth Positive Increased checks mortality ecompositio – the production Food Food per per capita falls capita of biogas and/or fer tilizer from Negative Decreased Preventive feedback crops. loop fertility checks Food Agricultural supply capital Reduction population Population in growth Test yorsef continues growth 3.18 distigish between the Malthusian and neo-Malthusian Figre 3.3.1. Malthusian (left) and Boserup (right) views on population growth views of population growth and The an neo-Malthusians overpopulated “The battle Bomb, food, 1968, to have planet. feed all water In The humanity Buccaneer energy , been Books). and land predicting Population is over” global Bomb, (Paul famine Ehrlich because resources. [2+2] pronounced: Ehrlich, The Neo-Malthusians of predicted Population a crisis of assessmet tip resources. Make sure that you answer According to the economist Amaryta Sen, famine was not caused by the question! If a question declining availability of food, but a decline in food entitlement, as a asks about neo-Malthusian result of unemployment, a lack of benefits, rising food prices, etc. For solutions to the population– example, many landless labourers in Kalahandi, India, may help to resources issue, make sure that produce rice but cannot afford to buy it. However, Stephen Devereux you provide neo-Malthusian of the International Development Institute believes that it is more than solutions rather than Malthusian an economic factor for example, political regime, natural disasters, civil ones. war, local issues The are term and all important and sustainable. looking governance, in “stewardship” environment is global after its different refers to resources, “Stewardship” the climate environment in careful way suggests and and environmental places. the a change its that that management benefits people resources for of the humanity are the and caretakers— benefit of 147 3 U NI T 3: GLO B A L RE SOUR CE CONS UMPTION humanity , rather AND than SECURITY just preserving environments for their own Test yorsef benefit. 3.19 Briefly escribe how is increased demand for food include could lead to improvements in marine agricultural productivity. very It is a concept difficult to attempts fishing that operates achieve. in reaching policies on Examples and a of global global agreements reducing on scale, things plastic and, resource as such, stewardship like climate change, pollution. [3] 3.20 Otie the contribution Resorce stewrship strtegies of academics, such as Sen and The circular economy Devereux, to the debate about population and resources. [2+2] A circular resource economy use and is one reduces that loss preserves through natural capacity , managing finite optimizes stocks and 3.21 Expi the term “resource renewable stewardship”. flows. It is an economy that restores and regenerates [2] resources, and keeps products, materials and components at their 3.22 Sggest how resource highest utility The of and value. stewardship contributes to the management of population and resources. role the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [2] The SDGs were introduced in 2015 and will run until 2030. They follow 3.23 defie “circular on economy”. from, and extend the original, Millennium Development Goals that [1] existed 3.24 Sggest how materials from are animals used for the production related of meat and milk could be used of for biochemical feedstock . between faring. the to 2000 There is gender oceans and and still 2015. much equality , many It is too poverty climate more. early around change, The to SDGs assess the how world, and desertification, are the SDGs problems acidification ambitious. [2] QuESTIOn PRaCTICE The following graph shows the size and composition of the ecological footprint for selected countries. 12 Built-up land Fishing Forest 10 Grazing Cropland Carbon rep labolg( lacigolocE seratceh tnirptoof )nosr ep 8 6 4 2 world average biocapacity 0 natsinahgfA hsedalgnaB aidnI airegiN anihC aissuR KU ASU tiawuK ) dee the term “ecological footprint”. b) Otie t wo dierences in the ecological footprint of the USA and Nigeria. [2 + 2] c) Briey expi two factors that lead to a decline in food availability. [2 + 2] 148 [2] QuE STIOn PRaCTICE Essay “By the end of the 21st century there will be too many people and not enough resources left.” To wht ex tet do you agree with this statement? [10] How o I pproch these qestios? ) This asks for a denition. It is wor th 2 marks, so you should have two specic points in your answer. b) You are required to give two dierences in the ecological footprint of the USA and Nigeria. One dierence could be the size of the ecological footprint and another could be the composition. You will need to add details. c) An explanation is required. You should identify two valid factors and then develop each one fur ther and/or give some exemplication. S aMPlE STudEnT anS WER a) T he theoretical measurement of the amount of land and water ▲ Good that to a population absorb its needs waste to produce measured in the resources global it consumes point and hectares. ▲ Valid point A good denition. Mrks 2/2 b) T he USA 5ghas per Nigeria. produces annum T his is much in the because more USA the carbon than compared USA uses Nigeria with more just does, above energy and zero in ▼ Inaccurate fossil fuel as it is a more economically developed it more has higher carbon, proportion products USA of a of are needs living. Nigeria’s Nigeria, and uses forest used more 7 of gha which is more use for Overall, at population. of the due the below 1 of T he gha. to T his high ecological USA the its and world more USA infrastructure USA ’s for use carbon. about fuel, this T he is fossil also and footprint over average has a 1 is gha valid per as the EFP is given person emits higher forest furniture. population just fuels because data country as and of therefore ▼ Not more use and T he standard bigger than gha/person ▲ Valid point ▲ Valid point in biocapacity. ▲ 1 mark Somewhat contradictory in places. Could have developed the composition of Nigeria’s EFP . Some valid points are made. Mrks 3/4 c) Physical of the there then factors physical is a the common factors drought, crops and do problem that that not in human is get factors cause 29 food cause shortages consecutive enough water Sub-Saharan food to days grow. Africa. is shortages. the climate. without T his is One If rainfall, a ▲ Denition of drought very ▲ Development 149 3 U NI T 3: GLO B A L RE SOUR CE CONS UMPTION AND SECURITY Physical factor correctly explained, and some development, e.g. location, and denition of drought. ▲ Correct human identication of A factor human example, ▲ Located factor in that Y emen can they cause import food 90% shortages of their is civil food. But war . For because of example the civil sent war , over country there was also food. but as there was a blockade T his which caused hardly any prevented famine food weapons throughout being their available. Human factor correctly identied/explained and located example – very contemporary Mrks 4/4 Essay “By the end of the 21st century there will be too many people and not enough resources left.” To wht ex tet do you agree with this statement? ▲ Starts with a statistic By to ▲ Links to relative growth the be T his end around is an than ▲ Increase as in quality quantity of of life as If at the in a will or population the main range of people wash fewer middle low billion More at income the countries countries Goals is projected present. importantly, income Development eradicated HICs. T his but may people they the it eat use car) by may be richer more more and private vehicles). (SDGs) world’s (MICs) (LICs). are to be achieved, 2030 be good and everyone news for the will be living world’s bad they news for consume resource more depletion. resources. meat water and dairy (showers, products baths, than water the poorer garden, consume more energy (more electrical goods, needed to fuel More the land, increased water and demand energy for resources consumer and will be non - introduction cover the water-food-energy resources ▲ Exemplication of goods. nexus is the concept that explains how nexus increased concepts energy water is demand has an needed T his security shows in the and use impact production HEP). 150 more 50%. 7 population use T he to be become consumer ▲ Good over from world’s issues resource clear up the problem people; ▲ Very of and Sustainable Richer regarding billion, have present MICs As ▲ Clear will century, population ‘dilemma’ ▲ Identies 11 21st people poverty ▲ Suggests the increase population well of to on produce (e.g. of one the component other food, there desalination, that future. there two. could be is For less of example, energy pumping a these problem of three if more available groundwater , with resource for QuE STIOn PRaCTICE ▲ Considers neo-Malthusian view T he neo-Malthusians, Rome, suggest outstrip will an be the a growth be in food avoided. associated with as Paul population of population increase could that such growth resources, crash. However , higher and However , supply, and has that with and the the Club potential ultimately population redistribution reduced resource Ehrlich population consumption, of of to there wealth, growth due ▲ Solutions control, to is offered this usually greater wealth. In contrast, Ester (knowledge She and believed changes in Boserup believed technology) that increasing agricultural to that nd people a solution population techniques. have At size to the resources the problems. ▲ Counter-view stimulated present, this could be ▲ Range GMOs, in -vitro meat production (stem cells) and greater use of new technologies of hydroponics. Other theories include Hardin’s ‘T ragedy of the Commons’ i.e. ▲ Goes beyond Malthusian common greed resources and suggests available a lack that to such of proper resources future as the oceans will management. can be used generations. It in be over-shed Resource a way suggests that maximises loss. It is and resource possible social use, that equity. preser ves with more T he idea natural re-use a can be circular capital and argument stewardship made ▲ Introduces environmental of normal Boserup through and sustainability vs and recycling sustainability equity economy reduces of goods, ▲ Good range of concepts and exemplication waste disposal can be reduced and the life of natural resources extended. T hus it is enough we use and not inevitable resources. resources have a high – that However , and it waste standard there of will will be take a them – living if too major the for many people shift world is in to or the reach not way 2100 all. Conclusion brings it all together—touches on ‘inevitability’ but shows that the population-resource balance could go either way. Perhaps a more in-depth account of one or more resources and their use, decline and/or alternatives could allow for greater evaluative comments. Mrks 9/10 151 POWER, 4 The study of perspective “Globalization” of Western a interactions study often culture interactions” process N ET W O R K S global than on of the a has on world, the broader Y shd e ae t sh: traits and and ✔ how global “global ✔ how different be adopted, adapted or global complex process 4 . 1 is neither resisted inevitable and inuence varies spatially; places become interconnected by interactions; by how political, nor technological and physical societies. processes The power commodities ✔ may O N LY ) domination whereas two-way cultural a (HL AND globalization. focuses suggests whereby PLACES inuence global interactions. universal. G L O B A L I N T E R A C T I O N S G L O B A L P O W E R A N D Y shd e ae t sh h ga e ad fee • Gazat – “the growing vaes satay: interdependence of countries worldwide through the ✔ increasing volume and variety Globalization indices showing how countries participate in global interactions; of cross-border transactions ✔ Global superpowers and their economic, geopolitical and cultural in goods and services and of inuence; international capital flows, and through the more rapid ✔ Powerful organizations and global groups: and widespread diffusion of ✔ G7/8, G20 and Organization for Economic Cooperation and technology” (International Development (OECD) groups; Monetary Fund). ✔ Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) • Sft e – this refers to inuence over energy policies; the positive influence that one ✔ country can have over another global lending Monetary through its culture, education, institutions, Fund (IMF) and including New the International Development Bank (NDB). enterprise, digital exper tise, engagement and government, as opposed to had e where force or coercion is used. Gazat des shg h tes a tate ga teats • See – a nation or The KOF Index of Globalization group of nations that has a leading position in international politics. The KOF Index • economic services, market • social the economic, social • well as exchanges (38% political (26% globalization—long-distance as information (36% of globalization—the people 152 covers and political dimensions of globalization: of of the the Index). flows of perceptions goods, that capital and accompany Index) spread of ideas, information, images Index) globalization—the the and diffusion of government policies and 4 .1 Glo b A l inTErAcTionS AnD Glo b A l powEr Globalization index 80+ 60–<80 40–59.9 20–39.9 No 2015 data (based 2015 on data) Fge 4.1.1. The KOF Index, 2018 (based on data for 2015) The level of globalization Switzerland which to is other to and say fell Sweden they had slightly were the the most in 2015. most Overall, globalized economic, social the Netherlands, countries and in 2015, political links When referring to a map such as figure 4.1.1, make sure that you refer to the information in the key. For example, the USA and countries. Australia both have a KOF Index From 1990 to 2007, the level of globalization increased rapidly . In 2015, of 60–<80. the level was of globalization caused by globalization. the outcome reduced The de has taxes in of press Due to to be policies of the in services on de refers to de time since and 1975. This stagnating USA in 2016 De jure social on de for has recent have facto facto de social years resulted and in De relates social number of of tourists refers embassies membership trade De and whereas to relates refers and freedom facto to duties, globalization connections. (NGOs), cross-border customs of and globalization facto to numbers globalization internet (actual/real) jure fallen—the declined. trade connections, organizations focuses has jure trade. the between potential globalization international international first referendum The services; telephone non-government globalization facto and and whereas globalization and de goods and the globalization distinguishes restrictions migration, Brexit for globalization. now but international the UK’s globalization. goods and economic isolationalist the Index (legal) exchange to The of increased, trade declining economic KOF jure decreased of political international de jure international political organizations treaties. their lesser degree placed much lower of interdependence, down the rankings larger in the countries KOF Index tend than Test ysef smaller countries. For example, the USA was in 63rd position for 4.1 Defe globalization. economic their the high EU, UK) The globalization, are the of economic, largest overall most operate level European considered economically as Singapore, financial the 29th for social social and 10th political for than countries trading political. Due interdependence (Germany , globalized and/or Netherlands and economies more globalized hubs and Italy , the tend centres, to France USA or be for within and the China. those [2] to that 4.2 Exa the advantages of using an index of globalization, such as the KOF Index. [6] 4.3 Exa the disadvantages of using an index of globalization, example, such as the KOF Index. Malta. [6] Ga sees ad the em, geta ad ta fee The USA remains strong allies and considerable universities. of huge “soft Its the world’s partners, power” economy amounts of shale main and a through has superpower. massive been its It military film helped and since has a large superiority . TV industries, 2000 by the economy , It has and You need to be able to discuss detailed examples of at least two contrasting superpowers. discovery gas. 153 4 U NI T 4: POWER, PL A C E S AND In NE TWORK S contrast, the in China greatest President 2018, China and and to has has protection Hard Hard and of hard its have spread on the The USA. the way power The In in over in 2017, the of US however, global Xi country , is partnership Pacific President, the and government tackling influence Chinese superpower Trans-Pacific change. the its largest of climate lead expanding his to concept may militarily . re-emerged climate Rim Jinping, and has a both has also vision refers a significant in to the but so deals to another Syria power. and the that it It participated annexed is its film power its in the Crimea. is is a exert good power, and through indication the ability to benefits. influence culture, one country soft museums measured in can enterprise, Cultural music, generally that education, government. industry , may strength economic it positive and countries military which through the soft too in engagement through power A country’s refers Educational as Assad power power, over expertise, the act it President trading power to that been coercion. establish Soft also of power or challenger rejected and second growth. soft force world’s consolidate Chinese Russia the refused economically managed is O N LY ) long-term Trump announced change, for (HL digital power and terms can be galleries. of higher Fge 4.1.2. The image of the education, through the quality of the university , its ability to attract Statue of Liber ty has had significant international students and its contribution to academic research cultural impact globally. This is an publishing. Enterprise refers to the attractiveness of a country’s example of the soft power of the USA business The Test ysef power ” and “soft power ”. digital world’s 4.4 Dstgsh between “hard [2] model, networked of states, human for soft high-tech The role rights, innovation power of of and relates companies. membership networks. freedom, ctet capacity component leading embassy its to tax the government and in framework. influence Engagement multilateral democracy its refers to organizations soft power of the the best- and relates to equality . pef gazats ad ga gs Cultural influences across countries are examined fur ther in G8/G7 unit 5.2. The G8 is Canada, They a meet recession. from the Without other; the group France, of periodically However, Ukraine, Russia, but, eight to G7 was industrial Japan, discuss suspended the economic G7 (or and the world Russian have countries, Russia, major the countries China, leading Italy , following Russia the without world’s leading Germany , issues and the in G8 of the as of USA. world Crimea became common countries political consisting and such annexation more G8) UK the with cannot G7. each claim to be powerhouses. G20 The G20 discuss from grouping South invites contribute 20 to Italy , Africa, the of Brazil, Japan, Turkey , guest agenda. the world’s financial Australia, several to of related Indonesia, Arabia, 154 a Argentina, India, G20 is policies Canada, Mexico, UK, major stability . to economies includes China, Republic USA and countries It the of France, Korea, EU. participate in that representatives Each G20 Germany , Russia, year Saudi the events and 4 .1 The G20 global countries trade, 66% account of world for 90% of the population global and 84% economy , of fossil 80% fuel Glo b A l inTErAcTionS AnD Glo b A l powEr of emissions. Key G20 EU Members Members invited not individually represented guests Fge 4.1.3. The G20 members map Key Founder Other members (1961) members Fge 4.1.4. OECD countries The Organisation (OECD) was G7 inner is its identify , for group analyse them. Its for formed and aims Economic in 1961, of leading discuss Co-operation and by 2017 industrial problems, and there nations. and to Development were 35 The find members. OECD potential The aims to solutions include: Test ysef • to restore • to foster confidence in markets 4.5 ote e advantage and and support new sources of growth through innovation t disadvantages of the G7 and environmentally friendly “green growth” countries. • to develop skills for people of all ages to work [1+2] productively . 4.6 Dstgsh between membership of the G7 and G20 countries. [2] 4.7 Sggest the likely characteristics of the member countries of the OECD (Figure 4.1.4). [2] 155 4 U NI T 4: POWER, PL A C E S AND NE TWORK S OPEC The (Organization role of OPEC coordinate • (HL of is and O N LY ) the Petroleum Exporting Countries) to: unify the petroleum policies of its member countries ensure • o the an stabilization efficient, of oil economic markets and in regular order to secure: supply of petroleum investing in the to consumers o o a steady a fair income return on to producers capital for those petroleum industry . OPEC is a permanent intergovernmental organization, created in cet 1960 powEr: The influence that one country can have over another by Iran, Iraq, to prominence of 1973 In recent and Kuwait, during the Saudi 1970s, Arabia with and its V enezuela. involvement OPEC in the oil rose crises 1979. country changes over time and times, escalating social unrest in many parts of North Africa space. Some countries have and the Middle East has affected both supply and demand of oil. Prices more influence than others, and were stable between 2011 and 2014, but due to oversupply , prices fell as such, are classified as global in 2014. OPEC’s influence has been further reduced by the discovery of superpowers. In addition to huge shale gas reserves in the USA. these powerful countries, multi- governmental organizations, such Global lending institutions: New Development Bank as OPEC, have global superpowers and their members can create and resolve complex situations, such as the production and availability of oil, or the lending of capital to help alleviate the effects from an economic recession. The New Development established India, is to China the in five budget BRICS is about • over • 27% Projects • South resources BRICS BRICS and 42% 20% of for is the emerging multilateral It was founded infrastructure and sustainable other countries (BRICS). first emerging has a US$100 20% bank economies—Brazil, and developing share in the in Russia, 2015. Its development economies. NDB. aim The Each annual billion. for: of of the (NDB) and Africa approximately account • Bank developing and mobilize projects of by the world’s global world’s population GDP land area. include: US$81 project million for proposed Industrial Area 100,000 to be kWh rooftop implemented in solar the photovoltaic Shanghai power Lingang (SLIA). When writing about multi- government organizations • (MGOs), try to have some US$300 million implemented for in an offshore Fujian wind Province, power project proposed to China. balance, that is, have some positive aspects as well as some International Monetary Fund (IMF) negative ones. The IMF was established in 1944 • promoting international • facilitating the with monetary expansion and the aim of: cooperation balanced growth of international trade • promoting • making resources payments 156 international stability available difficulties. to members experiencing balance of be 4.2 The IMF’s fundamental mission is to ensure the stability of Glo b A l nE Twork S AnD F lo w S the Test ysef international global to economy countries the monetary IMF and and focuses system. the giving on It does economies practical lending for of by keeping member help. debt this Unlike track countries, and the lending development reduction of 4.8 Sggest definitions for banks, the terms (a) bilateral export-led surveillance and () development. The IMF Greece, on has multilateral surveillance. 189 Ukraine their GDP . amount of members, and The Pakistan. quota finance a and that biggest Members a member its country can borrowers of the pays receive IMF include pay a determines from the IMF Portugal, quota, the and based maximum its [2+2] 4.9 Dstgsh between “capacity development” and “lending”. [2] voting 4.10 Evaate the role of power within the IMF. the NDB. 4 . 2 G L O B A L N E T W O R K S A N D [4] F L O W S Y shd e ae t sh h dffeet aes eme • remttaes – the money sent teeted y ga teats: back by a migrant to their family ✔ An overview of contemporary ✔ global trade in ✔ an ✔ international ✔ illegal materials, global networks manufactured and goods in the migrant’s country of origin. ows: and • nats – illegal drugs that services; are prohibited from general use. overview of international aid, loans and debt relief; • Taffed ee – people remittances from economic migrants; who are moved against their will; ows, such as trafcked people, counterfeit goods and ✔ Foreign Direct corporations for example, for forced labour or sexual slavery. narcotics; Investment (TNCs), and (FDI) ways and in outsourcing which this by transnational networks places and • FDi (Feg Det ivestmet) – the investment by a company into the markets; structures, equipment or ✔ Two contrasting detailed examples of TNCs and their global organizations of a foreign strategies and supply chains. country. It does not include investment in shares of companies of other countries. A ve ve f temay ga et s ad fs • Tnc (tasata Global trade in materials, manufactured goods and services at) – a company with facilities in more than one In 1990, about 50% of world trade by volume was between HICs. A country. Generally, decisionfurther 15–20% was from HICs to LICs, and up to 40% was from LICs making and research and to HICs. The volume of trade between LICs was relatively small. development take place in By 1995, the main changes that had occurred were the decline in HICs, whereas assembly and the relative importance of trade between HICs; a doubling of trade production is more likely to occur between LICs, and a relative decline in trade from HICs to LICs. in regions of low labour costs. There was power. down also Since to an 1995, about trade between trade from increasing the 30%, LICs HICs to influence proportion trade and of between China China has LICs has also of China trade risen as a between has to risen to around global HICs economic has around 10%. 20%, The • rese edmet – the gone amount of land and physical and volume of increased. resources (water, fer tile soils, minerals, e.g. oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore) that a country has within its borders. In terms about 10%, 70% and world 45%, of of trade trade by world from accounted trade trade LICs value, trade, to accounted between for between about in trade HICs for HICs 20% 1990, and about trade but HICs 10%. between China each, between between also by trade and there and By the had LICs an accounted China 2015, HICs from was HICs to a further proportion fallen HICs increase for in to of around still the value of LICs. 157 4 U NI T 4: POWER, PL A C E S AND NE TWORK S There are four main Cross-border • to another, provision of overseas country , for doctors, 2014, trade less EU of oil global Commercial 30%, than and of delivery services individual in Services service by trade another in from between services: one country countries or the country tourism, study abroad, in people—people by a supplier other in another countries working overseas, such as architects. services totalled abroad account The with provided operating accounted USA. services, a example, banks engineers, the of flying presence—services example, trade in international services consumption 5%. of airlines abroad—for presence 70% importer example, medical Presence • components accountancy Commercial • O N LY ) trade—the for Consumption • In (HL a for 10% for and about EU28 trade around about was 55% US$4.8 of the presence 75% the surplus of of cross-border natural economic world’s of trillion. total, persons output largest in the exporter and €162.9billion. Be sure to specify whether you International aid are writing about the absolute amount of aid that a country The donates (usually in US dollars) or the relative amount (as a main America main percentage of GNI). For example, the USA gives the largest amount in absolute terms, but not in appear to Russia, are the largest and go and development to are in much Australia, poor of South-East each next largest UAE in sub-Saharan less in The than donors, 2017, aid are New The 0.25% relation to countries and highest Africa, largest donating rich Zealand countries. Asia. donates donors, the of Europe, recipients although relative terms. donors and levels Eastern donors are of their GNI. less than 0.5% GNI were in Japan, North while of aid Europe the Saudi and USA and France of the would and their GNI. Arabia Japan, the UK The (1.8%) (1.26%). Test ysef International loans 4.11 Dese the main changes The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is in global trade in manufactured the goods since 1990. world’s largest development bank and hopes to eliminate poverty [4] by 2030. The International Development Association (IDA) is the largest 4.12 idetfy the main multilateral source of concessional finance (lending that offers lower characteristics of the countries interest rates and/or longer repayment periods) to boost growth and cut that were (a) the top ten World poverty . The IDA lends only to nations with a very low per capita income. Bank borrowers between For such countries, loans are interest-free and allow long repayment 1945–2015, () the top ten periods. While the IBRD provides loans and assistance to mainly middle- IBRD borrowers in 2015 and income countries, the IDA helps the world’s low-income countries. () the top ten IDA borrowers in 2015. [2+2+2] Tae 4.2.1 Top ten World Bank borrowers, 1945–2015 (US$ billion) India Tae 4.2.2 Top ten IBRD borrowers, 2015 (US$ billion) 102.1 India Brazil 58.8 China 55.8 Mexico Indonesia Tae 4.2.3 Top ten IDA borrowers, 2015 (US$ billion) 2.1 Bangladesh China 1.8 India 1.7 Colombia 1.4 Ethiopia 1.4 54.0 Egypt 1.4 Pakistan 1.3 50.5 Ukraine 1.3 Kenya 1.3 Turkey 38.0 Argentina 1.3 Nigeria 1.0 Argentina 30.8 Turkey 1.1 Tanzania 0.9 Pakistan 27.7 Morocco 1.1 Vietnam 0.8 Bangladesh 23.5 Indonesia 1.0 Myanmar 0.7 Colombia 21.7 Poland 1.0 Ghana 0.7 Source of data: World Bank 158 1.9 4.2 Debt Glo b A l nE Twork S AnD F lo w S relief ctet The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and the Multilateral Debt The SDGs are outlined in unit 5.1: Relief Initiative (MDRI) are the two main approaches to reducing debt in Development oppor tunities. poor countries. from the must The Some programme undertake MDRI also sustainable 36 countries (Figure economic helps 4.2.1). and T o social countries development eligible goals for qualify reform make debt for to progress relief debt try have relief, and towards graduated countries reduce poverty . achieving the (SDGs). Test ysef 4.13 Dese the distribution of HIPC countries, as shown on figure 4.2.1. [3] 4.14 Exa the advantages of debt relief. [2+2] Fge 4.2.1. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs), shaded in green Remember that not all International remittances from economic migrants remittances flow from HICs Remittances billion in in 2017. increased 2002, and Although crisis/recession, increase. of Since money to then there the 1998, LICs from almost increased was a recovery dip was remittances and MICs zero 1990 rapidly in to quick, and been overseas a to around about 2008–09, have than in US$450 following are transferred from oil-rich financial continued important development to LICs and MICs—some billion the remittances more US$100 to countries to HICs and some from MICs to HICs. transfer aid. Test ysef 4.15 (a) Sggest reasons why India, China, the Philippines and Mexico were the top remittance receivers of 2017. [2+2+2] () In some countries, remittances account for a very high propor tion of GDP . These include the Kyrgyz Republic, Tonga, Tajikistan, Haiti, Honduras and Moldova. ote reasons why remittances should form such a high propor tion of GDP in these countries. Illegal flows There are many forms of illegal [2+2+2] flows, such as trafficked people and narcotics. Trafficking Drugs there 106 and were people over countries. 60% of region. Most highest 63,000 share a crime Report victims are can in of on a global stated of that scale. trafficking, from domestic or international, although less occurs victims relatively inbound come richer within from the people UN 2012 data Office and than same The 30% poorer from other by About are inter- geographical Middle on 2014 provided international. relatively countries. trafficked The between be trafficking Frequently , exploited is 2016 Trafficking victims regional. are of Crime sub- countries East has and the regions. 159 4 U NI T 4: POWER, PL A C E S AND NE TWORK S Drug trafficking manufacture, drug total (HL trade is global is a O N LY ) major distribution estimated global and to be trade sale of worth involving illegal more the cultivation, substances. than US$300 The global billion, or 1% of trade. Feg Det ivestmet (FDi) ad tsg y tasata ats (Tncs) A transnational a large cities, with located is in the of in LICs (TNC) countries. research concentrated FDI corporation number and growth and is an Generally , development areas of organization TNC (R&D) HICs, and that operates headquarters and are in in HIC decision-making assembly and production MICs. investment by a TNC into the structures, equipment or cet organizations pl AcES: The dynamic flow of goods, capital and services depends on the role of for the raw materials rising governments and corporations in facilitating the transfer of these items. Places can become more attractive over time for FDI, which boosts the power of corporations and can also bring possibilities of investor foreign and skilled are foreign cheap and increased earnings. security and agricultural perceived country . investing unemployment between there a of in foreign the unskilled may lead products to as well-paying labour. exports, many the of foreign workers a number include However, country , workers. of are These investing volumes However, There abroad. For the jobs are country migrate to to lead may an cheaper to increased recipient increased benefits it and the of access country , employment poorly reducing urban paid, its areas gap and have little production in search of of the jobs. to a place in terms of economic development. The majority of the The T ata Group global flows are legal, but illegal The Tata Group comprises over 100 companies, encompassing cars and goods and services are also par t consulting, software and steel, tea and coffee, transport and power, of a global network . chemicals and hotels. software company . 10 world. in the hotel group. company . branded Tata the revenues its Tata in revenue Apple Inc. Global in over group 2015 India’s Resorts is the and Services largest is the (TCS) is Asia’s steelmaker Palaces country’s Beverages 80 countries earned and comes is US$900 received and Hotels Power is is largest world’s India’s private and largest number biggest luxury electricity second-largest maker of 45 from 7 and trillion billion employs rupees, rupees outside in or about US$108 profits. 600,000 billion, Nearly 60 people. in per cent of India. Inc. Apple over Consultancy Steel tea. operates Overall, Taj Tata Tata Tata one the billion much ethical of in richest 2018. criticism issues in on corporations However, account of the in the Apple human world, supply rights valued chain and at has environmental China. Test ysef 4.16 Briefly exa three reasons why companies such as the Tata Group and Apple [2+2+2] the over manufacture 230 Code safe Inc. invest in other countries. For of countries Conduct, working fairly and wherever 160 of the Apple conditions, ethically , they iPhone, Apple worldwide—349 and make states treat use that of has them “suppliers workers with or perform 785 China. are suppliers In its required dignity environmentally products some in and services for to provide respect, responsible in Supplier act practices Apple”. 4.3 4 . 3 H U M A N O N HuMAn A N D G L O B A L AnD p H YS i c A l inFluEncE S P H Y S I C A L on Glo b A l inTErAcTionS I N F L U E N C E S I N T E R A C T I O N S Y shd e ae t sh h ta, tehga ad • Fee tade ze (F T Z) – a hysa esses fee ga teats: relatively small-scale special ✔ Political factors that affect global economic zone in which interactions: goods may be impor ted and ✔ multi-governmental organizations (MGOs) and free trade manufactured and re-expor ted zones (FTZs); without customs duty (tax). ✔ economic migration Our “shrinking controls and rules; They are often located close to por ts, airpor ts and/or national ✔ world” and the forces driving technological boundaries to take advantage of innovation: location for trade. ✔ changing global data ow ✔ transport developments ✔ patterns patterns and trends; • Mt-gvemet over time; gazat (MGo) – an organization consisting of and trends in communication infrastructure and use; several sovereign states. ✔ The inuence ✔ natural ✔ the of the physical resource potentially varying environment on global interactions: availability; limiting effect of geographic isolation, at scales. pta fats that affet ga teats Multi-governmental Until relatively organizations recently , the (MGOs) world was becoming more connected. cet There were many advantages of this for investors, TNCs and nations, procESSES: Human and physical including: factors determine the level of • greater access to • access to new • access to sources • the raw materials and natural resources interaction between places. These factors include government markets policy, the availability of raw of cheap and/or skilled labour materials and the technological ability efficiency , to achieve greater competitive productivity advantage or cost through increased infrastructure which change over reduction. time and facilitate the interactions between places. Conversely, However, since 2010, there has been a rise in nationalism (for example, these factors can present the UK’s “Brexit” vote), protectionism (for example, President Trump’s challenges which may result in the policies in the USA), an increase in tariffs (the USA and China) and a implementation of new measures, stepping back from global interactions (for example, the Trans-Pacific such as the restriction the Partnership). freedom of movement of people, The Trans-Pacific Comprehensive Partnership agreement In 2018, and UK (TPP) Progressive (CPTPP). and the Partnership This represents expressed is an been Agreement now 13.4% has the of interest for world’s global in replaced by the third-largest gross joining capital and information, or the Trans-Pacific domestic CPTPP (as development of energy production trade which may reduce the level of product. did the interaction between countries. USA). 161 4 U NI T 4: POWER, PL A C E S AND NE TWORK S (HL O N LY ) Test ysef 4.17 ote the advantages and disadvantages of multi- governmental organizations, such as the CPTPP . [3+3] 4.18 State why the UK’s interest in joining the CPTPP is considered strange by many politicians. [2] Fge 4.3.1. Signatories to the CPTPP , in green Free trade zones A free trade goods may customs and/or trade. and duty (tax). is Originally but a type and They free trade facilities often to services, special economic located take zones for increasingly financial of manufactured are boundaries distribution software, (FTZ) imported national operations, Test ysef zone be offered to of ports, the research on and in service airports for storage and re-export industries back-office which without location warehousing, trans-shipment focus zone re-exported close advantage trade, they and including operations. 4.19 Briefly exa one advantage and one disadvantage An of free trade zones. 300 [2+2] export ha, goods in zone specializes EPZs Economic Illegal processing that must migration in be exported, controls immigration to (EPZ) is a small manufacturing the and area, for whereas in usually export. an In FTZ less than China, there is 70% no of quota. rules USA refers to foreign nationals voluntarily Keep referring back to the residing in the country in violation of US immigration and nationality question so that you make laws. Illegal immigration carries a civil penalty . Punishment can sure your answer is relevant include fines, imprisonment and deportation. and gains as many marks as It possible. is the estimated Around ctet that there are around 12 million illegal immigrants in USA. about 7 5.5 million million migrants crossed the have over-stayed border their visas whereas illegally . Connect this information with the Illegal migration over the US–Mexico border is concentrated aspects of migration discussed in around big border cities such as El Paso in Texas and San Diego in units 1.1 and 1.2. California, patrols. illegal Test ysef 4.20 Aayse reasons why some In countries attempt to control along migration. (1,100 [3+3] Stricter have the the of wall new to instead Congress Mexican km) the US extensive enforcement immigration, 2007, for which be of border the border pushing approved border, with fencing. In the a completed—and for US to in into calling enhanced has failed more for paid for more Donald by to remote approximately President be and cities flow plan funds 2017, fencing border curb regions. fencing 700 miles Trump called Mexico. o “shg d” ad the fes dvg tehga vat Changing The the data development internet, interact, 162 global flow and e-mail and expansion and communicate patterns of trends innovative smartphones, and share. has technology , changed Individuals and the including ways people businesses buy , 4.3 sell and communicate information, Some to barriers restrict the are to internet referred restrict that data increased is the concerned data cross-border With data, countries placed can or via the In day . The flow trade of However, flows, p H YS i c A l transfer data, inFluEncE S on Glo b A l inTErAcTionS of and agreements, considerable data AnD flows. free borders. create on data flows. crosses restrictions as about such flows to every HuMAn global governments unnecessary obstacles trade Information about data flows have to barriers global may trade. becomes obsolete very quickly. It is a good idea to gather information throughout your IB course, so that you may show suffer. how it changes over time. About one-eighth e-commerce, digitized. such as over the and from 190 the mailing are more is time It to and coaches a long 1840, and time passenger and 700 in over to best was travel jets mph. it reach are at and in the international are of to its its business market to beyond audience. networks, small centre goods streaming reach global digital already virtual expanded increased a comparatively refers Thus, sense average 10 between could travel the at time the one places them. just to from that physical ships files companies participating a services Netflix streaming, and by exchange music allow out number global of users. of time “travel” between the MP3 market among carried traded when platforms are is networks. to a world’s online Singapore suggests travel trade instantaneous games, to convergence” required together—not 1500 and the the local countries developments decreasing. needed of goods example, DVDs small digital “Time–space the For Digital a Europe world’s half online concentrated USA, T ransport of global allows apps, countries. Although The about software. constraints flows the Digitization e-books, services, model and of are but For ways place in the mph. for This places. By which another getting closer time example, speed in to between horse-drawn meant the it took 1960s, speeds of between needed to travel 500 between faraway places Fge 4.3.2. Developments in was much reduced. Finally , in the modern era, information can be sent container ships have had a major around the world by the internet in a matter of seconds. impact on economic geography The size 1960s. foot of The container largest equivalent transported, unit transported. the Panama 12,000 a certain and the Patterns potential for Electronic But many shift most from of size are Some seas Ocean in is a are Straits good over that the some so too of 14-fold that more of few canals it can shallow Malacca since 19,000 cost relatively Moreover, pass. pass—the are reduces there over now advantages ships. TEUs goods ports may the be per that be too ships allow linking (twenty- can transport allow to the Test ysef can small— of boats up to above Indian Ocean 4.21 idetfy the main winners and losers as a result of (a) changing data flows and () transport developments. [1+1] example. communication communication advancing progress infrastructure technologies towards and (ICTs) economic use offer and increased social objectives. commerce (e-commerce) developing offline these are widened and development ships being trends Information increased is to Pacific The larger However, these to size and the Canal TEUs has container units). and accommodate ships to countries online economies trade. buy is growing remain Less goods in all relatively than and 5% of services parts of the unprepared the world. for population the in online. 163 4 U NI T 4: POWER, PL A C E S AND NE TWORK S (HL O N LY ) Data available Percent of 0% Least Developed Developing countries countries, No data total 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% (LDCs) excluding LDCs Test ysef Transition economies Developed economies 4.22 Using figure 4.3.3, exame the extent to which digitization enabled equal access to the benefits of globalization. Fge 4.3.3. Share of countries having data on ICT use by businesses, by [8] development group, 2003–2016 The digital and emerging economy intelligence, are already is bringing technologies the Internet disrupting new such of as Things, economies risks along advanced cloud and with opportunities, robotics, computing artificial and 3D printing societies. The fee f the hysa evmet ga teats Natural resource Natural availability resource availability is another important determinant of ctet physical Resource availability connects with resource security, which is discussed in unit 3.2. trade balances. absolute of Since and of The the India, Guyana Mali, areas as to pay the highest of Sudan also of markets export or and some of have few such as net China, poor trade (which been remarkable resource of resources China, the least Sub-Saharan in suppliers exceptions. the USA countries, like Saudi amount African are mainly Arabia, of large India, natural countries, such as Botswana. can be costs to pay physical materials. USA, with that Kenya a proportion their to are countries, to countries countries) geographic transport have 15 There and effect correlation resource-rich Canada, Countries to high exporters number world may net a of Countries limiting tariffs the up Namibia increased either countries were a markets. substantial of markets. Russia, include from has importers, Australia. have access to net Mauritania, Isolation 10% it resource-rich with potentially as made global such and is Latvia, countries resources The to most were or countries, Brazil 1990, numbers materials Some patterns, a isolation, major and are get for its the For oil which may example, to use varying limiting times landlocked goods. at the of factor. may also Peripheral reduce have South coast. another scales to pay Sudan has Landlocked country’s air space. Access of to market agriculture markets and and international are also long been industry labour. America–Japan) there has and This scale. and occurs For and theme at a local geography , cores in and location scale there (mostly local in considered example, periphery national a have is a as well global and in as at core Sub-Saharan models relation a to regional (EU–North Africa), but peripheries. QuESTion prAcTicE a) Aayse how the global influence of dierent superpower states has changed over time. [12] ) Exame reasons why it is hard to measure the real size of dierent global flows (such as migration or trade). [16] 164 QuE STion prAcTicE H d i aah these qests? a) The command term is “analyse”: break down the subject of the question in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. In this case, you should show how superpowers have changed, and why they have changed. To achieve the most marks you should provide examples to back up the points you make. The focus should be on changing superpowers: which countries, when did they become superpowers, and what made them a superpower. Good answers are likely to say why some superpowers have declined. ) The command term is “examine”: consider an argument or a concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue. In this question you should exame the characteristics of dierent global flows and the resulting attempts to measure the extent of these flows. S AMplE STuDEnT AnS wEr ▲ Correct a) A superpower is a country that is able to inuence policy on denition, valid point a ▲ Further development—another geographical USA and, inuence on increasingly, the in rest of China. the world, as Superpowers seen, for example, generally have a in the valid point large ▼ Correct population, land area, economy and access to resources. Superpowers point general—would grow and decline nineteenth – the century UK and was rst a superpower half of the during twentieth the second century. half of However , the as colonies took their independence after the Second World War, declined as a was for a the have been the in always the been Afghanistan of world’s the Soviet only Union superpower . in 1991, However , the the to able has to achieve not been its goals entirely – military successful, the USA has ▲ A valid of isolationist and that and the USA under inward-looking, President and that T rump the has It has also of USA is losing back case economically, argued that the is rivalling growth of the directly description UK as a of the superpower dates gain that of or more credit detail here its could China, been the become status. growth tie question the contemporary give some isolationist T he and many ▲ Good superpower would refer involvement ▼ Some argue growth USA would critics its question decline not for good—should superpower . break-up time with the study Following very better its to UK be support ▼ Reasons former but can the European detail point— on the US’s position USA. Union, ▼ Changing nature of superpowers a group left the of 28 EU), countries has also (at been the time described of writing, as a the UK superpower , has but Since between 1992 China’s member countries economic growth reduce has its been but not explicit internal ▼ Needs differences implied not cohesion. question to to refer make back it to the relevant substantial. ▲ Focus on changing China is now a major trading partner with the USA, Japan, superpowers—the South Korea and the EU. However , President T rump a trade war with China. China’s of China has ▼ Could threatened growth economic give data or more structure detail remains different employed in to that agriculture, of the 29% USA in – it has around manufacturing 28% and 43% in ▲ Good shows ser vices, compared with 2%, 23% and 75% respectively in China However , its is the PPP is world’s leading $16,600 manufacturing compared with contrast data which between China the and USA. supporting the the USA country. $59,500 of the USA. 165 4 U NI T ▲ Shows some 4: POWER, PL A C E S contrast AND T he is ▲ Denition of soft NE TWORK S USA the ability without power power ▲ Develops idea of soft power such also ▲ This is a good and section political to as aid and more their and the some China approach USA is areas, is eg doing soft taking the than individuals, coercion. culture, human political rights. programmes, countries values example, T he such the Friends, power ” and nations achieve and soft foreign USA distribution as “Soft communities Many For China. of has policies favours American led to the inuences hand, that or power ” investment. Americanization ▲ A balanced “soft change and TV O N LY ) force through lms on has using democracy cultural (HL USA has other not cultures been at and the languages. front of On leading the other actions to showing better power, lead the of in but on tackle environmental issues such as climate change. T he Chinese that climate President Xi Jinping has vowed to protect the Paris Agreement, change which aims to limit climate change and fossil fuel emissions. Overall, a very good essay. Makes many good points with suppor t. However, it could refer back to the question more directly. Mas 9/12 b) ▲ Identies KOF T here ows. Index are One economic distance ideas, many of these and points about complexity global of ▲ Pragmatic point to traded criticise making the data an volumes point about size of that are less against globalized may as the be to to the all of of the just highly of of the EY ows, how data economy, some as capital show long- spread such smuggling. choice a the global social, includes trade, T hese not people it indices informal explain are complex readily remittances, Although its indices, complex it is it is situation with available. of the more globalized ‘trafc’ relatively ▲ Contemporary issues—all valid in the and are countries, small Sweden, small. has countries be more the EU global era of In with countries whose contrast, been than trading ows replaced and for are large the large e.g. volume of global large countries such internal small countries, decreasing in protectionism, with For which or for individuals within e.g. so size/distance anti-migration example, re-shoring, self-centred ows bloc. nationalism. certain isolated have economic resource and may distances many and FDI Russia within current policies and and larger Moreover , 166 on Netherlands USA countries exemplication ideas. examines ser vices, Other of some include ▲ Good and which scale most ows countries the the example, and addition, cross-border Singapore, ▲ Valid KOF For show openness and from goods are some of In at to index, people. look attempt that Moreover , globalized data KOF try capital and be. that ows. goods, Index can e.g. illegally the technology ows available easy of information exchange is political ows Globalisation ▲ Valid indices some in them, America off-shoring many are First cases, choosing and to Brexit. QuE STion Many nancial ows are difcult to measure. T hese prAcTicE include ▲ Valid point—ows made by remittances. Some money is sent directly from migrants to individuals their families, wealthy and people so have is not been recorded. lodging In other money in instances, offshore some accounts to ▼ Going avoid paying tax. Other individuals may set up companies with which T here and they are paid, so as to avoid many illegal ows, counterfeit goods. T hese difcult great to measure length scope. and get It can not be highly linked to a money including are believed are illegal detected. or richer problem, organized to be they domestic trafcked worldwide to as and paying system. to and laundering, of people Counterfeit trade in illicit people, go trade and a are is are of drugs involves cultivation, points ▲ Some detail is also has corruption. manufacture, a a been T he too sales Over 500 2012 were of and 2014 . mainly Southern 2012 prole most of found 2014 up in were trafcking victims Africa, 42 the per trafcking are shares of still the were from Middle cent trafcked victims larger of example, Some detected detected make ows For Europe. and the drugs. different of discovered detected domestically. victims women, total and has Since changed. children number of Africa Western victims and rather in 2004 . In 2014 , children accounted for ▲ Supporting per are victims, trafcked for and men forced 21 per labour cent. has T he also share of increased. between 2004 , the men now than they cent victims About labour , So detected and overall, ows way we because Moreover , and out we illegal the of can these see there are they 2012 that are and so it be is 2014 nearly very many of Global were them, and ows trafcked two-thirds difcult different political operates. may and victims, comparing ows, world although between to and sized 4 some are still very but no size who in for 10 forced no a detailed indication of account but size global hidden. some changes of men. measure countries, economic are were account of ▼ Again, victims statistic and indication detected of answering Although victims 28 terms question ▼ Detailed did in than between Sub-Saharan East much distribution denitions and here global often goods ▲ Valid ▼ A bit ow course at trafcking counterfeit drugs but has goods and off avoidance narcotics participants of tax tax. large-scale Most distribution T he be T rafcking country. much those international. their so slightly into in legal the important changing. Generally a clear and focused answer. Some valid points with exemplication, but also some information included not directly related to the question. Mas 10/16 167 H U M A N D EV E LO P M E N T 5 AND (HL This unit looks development at different and aspects inequalities. It of DIVERSIT Y O N LY ) human examines You should be able to show: ways ✔ in which human development can be ways of supporting the processes of human improved. development; Differences in to be which in culture culture cultural are considered, changes. change and In some global as are cases, ways ✔ resistance interactions how and can observed. ✔ the global varying resist 5 . 1 D EV E L O P M E N T interactions changes or to bring cultural inuences places; power accept of local places and actors to change. O P P O R T U N I T I E S You should be able to show ways of suppor ting the • Gender – the array of socially constructed roles and relationships, personality traits, processes of human development: ✔ attitudes, behaviours, values, The multidimensional measure process of human development and ways to it: relative power and influence that ✔ UN Sustainable ✔ Validity Development Goals (SDGs) criteria; society ascribes to the two sexes and reliability of development indicators and indices, on a differential basis. including the Human Development Index (HDI) and Gender • Sex – the biological Inequality Index (GII); characteristics that define ✔ Empowering ✔ Detailed women and indigenous or minority groups; humans as female or male. illustrative examples of afrmative action to close the • Gender equality – the concept development gap; that all human beings, both women and men, are free to ✔ The importance of social entrepreneurship approaches for human development: develop their personal abilities and make choices without the ✔ The work of ✔ Alternative ✔ TNC micronance organizations and their networks; limitations set by stereotypes, trading networks such as fair trade; rigid gender roles or prejudices. corporate social responsibility frameworks and global • Gender equity – means that agreements. women and men are treated fairly according to their respective needs. • Empowerment – means that women and men can take control The multidimensional process of human development and ways to measure it of their lives, set their own UN Sustainable Development Goals criteria agendas, gain skills, increase self- confidence, solve problems and Goal 1: Eradicate Goal 2: End poverty and promote prosperity in a changing world develop self-reliance. • Sustainable development goals promote hunger, sustainable achieve food food security and improved nutrition, and production (SDGs) – a set of goals developed Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and promote well-being for all at all ages by the United Nations to end pover ty, promote peace and to protect the planet. learning Goal 168 5: opportunities Achieve and for gender equitable education and promote lifelong all equality and empower all women and girls 5 .1 Goal 6: Ensure sanitation for availability and sustainable management of water D E V E LO P M E N T OP POR T U NI T IE S and Content link all The 17 SDGs relate to many Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern aspects of the IB Geography energy for all Course, for example, oceans Goal full 8: Promote and sustained, productive inclusive employment and and sustainable decent work economic for growth, all (goal 14), deser ts (goal 15), urban environments (goal 11), food and health (goal 2) and freshwater Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable (goal 6). Some are related industrialization, and foster innovation indirectly, such as tourism Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries (goal 16). Goal and 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient sustainable Goal 12: Ensure sustainable Goal 13: Take Goal 14: Conserve urgent action consumption to combat and climate production change patterns and its impacts Test yourself and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine 5.1 Suggest a definition for the resources for sustainable development terms “inclusive” (SDG 4, 8, 9, 11, Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial 16), “foster ” (SDG 9) and LDCs ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and SIDS (SDG 9, 10). and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity [1+1+1] loss 5.2 Identify the environmental Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable issues covered by the SDGs. development, provide access to justice for all, and build [2] effective, 5.3 Describe ways in which accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels gender inequalities remain Goal 17: Global Partnership Validity The Strengthen and the for reliability Human means It implementation Sustainable of includes Index three • Longevity (life • Education index—mean and revitalize the a problem. [4] Development development Development development. of indicators (HDI) basic is a and indices composite components of measure human of development: expectancy) years of schooling or expected years of schooling • Standard of purchasing The United holistic head. Nations than (GNI composite living—income single was adjusted to local cost of living, that is, power. has encouraged indicators previously index so that the such known the as as use Gross gross importance of of the HDI National national any one as it is Income product.) factor is more (GNI) It is per a reduced. Concept link PROCESSES: Composite, multidimensional indices are regarded as the most appropriate methods of measuring the success of direct and indirect human development processes. Key Very high High Medium Low Try to have some data for the HDI Data unavailable of contrasting countries, that is, include examples of HICs, MICs Figure 5.1.1. The Human Development Index, 2017 (based on 2015 and and LICs. 2016 data) 169 5 U NI T 5: HUMAN D E V E LO P M E N T AND DI VERSIT Y T able 5.1.1. (HL O N LY ) Human Development Index for the United Arab Emirates, 2015 Test yourself HDI Life Expected Mean years Gross national GNI per (value) expectancy years of of schooling income (GNI) capita rank at bir th schooling per capita PPP* minus HDI (years) (years) (US$) rank 77.1 13.3 69,200 35 5.4 Describe the distribution of the global pattern of HDI. [3] 5.5 Examine on the composition of the HDI for the United Arab Emirates. 0.840 9.5 [6] *PPP = power purchasing parity Source of data: Human Development Repor t (2016) The Gender three • Inequality aspects of • human Reproductive adolescent Gender birth and secondary Economic T able 5.1.2. HDI gender inequalities in by maternal mortality ratio and rates seats males held aged measured by women, over 25 through and years the with the proportion proportion some of of adult experience of school status—as and females measured aged 15 by and labour force participation by over. The components of the gender inequality for selected countries Country GII GII Rank 42 measures measured empowerment—as females males (GII) development: health—as parliamentary • Index United Arab Maternal Adolescent bir th Share of Population with Labour force mor tality ratio rate (bir ths per seats in at least some par ticipation (deaths per 1,0 0 0 women parliament secondary education rate (% ages 10 0,0 0 0 live aged 15–19) (%) held by (% ages 25 and older) 15 and older) bir ths) women Value Rank Female Male Female Male 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2005–15 2005–15 2015 2015 0.232 46 6 29.7 22.5 77.4 64.5 41.9 91.6 0.695 157 856 133.5 14.9 1.7 9.9 64.0 Emirates 186 187 Chad Niger 0.695 157 553 202.4 13.3 3.6 8.4 79.3 89.4 40.2 Source of data: Human Development Repor t (2016) Empowering women Test yourself UN Women (full title: the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality 5.6 Chad and Niger have the and the Empowerment of Women) has seven principles: world’s highest gender inequality 1. index. Compare the nature of Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality gender inequality in these two 2. countries. Treat all women and men fairly at work—respect and support [2+2+2] human rights and nondiscrimination 5.7 Using table 5.1.2, outline the 3. Ensure the health, safety and well-being of all women and men main features of the UAE’s gender workers inequality index. [5] 4. Promote education, training and professional development for women 5. Implement practices enterprise that development, empower supply chain and marketing women Make sure you have some 6. Promote equality 7. Measure and through community initiatives and advocacy hard data (facts and figures) publicly report on progress to achieve gender to discuss the need for the equality . empowerment of women. The following lists outline some of the inequalities today . Women • 170 at risk: Women represent 70% of the world’s poor. facing women 5 .1 • In is • the developing less An than the percentage of land owned by OP POR T U NI T IE S women 2%. estimated and world, D E V E LO P M E N T 72% of the world’s 33 million refugees are women children. Violence against women: Test yourself • The most globally common is form physical of violence violence experienced inflicted by an by women intimate 5.8 Outline ways in which partner. women are disadvantaged relative to men. Women and the business [6] case: 5.9 Suggest two ways in which • In Asia, the gender equality gap in employment rates for women gender inequality could be cost US$47 billion annually through lost productivity—about 45% of reduced. women Women • remained and About outside workplace compared to 19% of [2+2] men. education: two-thirds world’s the adult of the estimated population) who 776 lack million basic adults literacy (or skills 16% are of the women. Make sure that you read the question carefully. Question Empowering women in Colombia 5.8 asks you for “ways” (plural) During the armed conflicts in Colombia (mid-1960s to 2013), women and Question 5.9 asks you for became mobilized and they have influenced new laws and policies. “two ways”. So, in both par ts you Colombia now has more women in decision-making positions than need to provide two (or more) ever before: by 2011, 32% of cabinet members were women, up from examples. just 12% exceeds in 1998. that increased of boys’, from Empowering Girls’ 30% enrolment and in women’s 1990 indigenous in to peoples secondary participation nearly or and 43% minority in in tertiary the education labour force 2017. groups When answering questions that The Millennium working in improve their boost their around 15% are to of in 20 health, globe, poor. worse influence affect countries There Largely and around the are (MDG) world their constituting health Goals preserve livelihoods. the its Development 5% marginalized than the participate general in to help cultures, some just Achievement 370 of and protect isolated, and their rights are economic ask you to “suggest” or “explain”, and people population indigenous and is people indigenous world’s population, political indigenous million the Fund much but people less processes able you should always try to use examples in your answers as suppor t for the point that you make, and/or develop the explanation with cause–effect type comments. that them. Content link In Panama, for development It provided and project financial improved Minority example, local groups minority groups for the and a UN established Ngäbe-Buglé technical leaders’ may in the also include country (for sustainable T erritory support planning a and to the to restore immigrants, the land communities administrative example, rural refugees rights. involved, and people are discussed in unit 6.3. skills. Rohingya Effor ts to empower Aboriginal ethnic people in Test yourself Myanmar), who also experience discrimination and inequalities. 5.10 Suggest how the needs for indigenous people differ The impor tance of social entrepreneurship approaches for from those of non-indigenous people. human development [4] 5.11 Outline ways in which Microfinance indigenous people are In 1983, to allow The Muhammad idea the has However, who the in is not spread a across Andhra their the Grameen For for and developing example, Pradesh blamed back the microbusinesses downside. were pay launched establish India’s lenders could to since there microcredit when poor Yunus an a increase in improve Bangladesh their lives. disadvantaged relative to non-indigenous people. [2+2] world. big province Bank expansion caused in a suicides of crisis by in 2010, farmers loans. 171 5 U NI T 5: HUMAN D E V E LO P M E N T Part AND of large the but problem scale. 20–40%, still Typical cheaper is (HL that microfinance annual than the O N LY ) percentage traditional is very interest local hard rates to provide are in moneylender the or on a region of pawnbroker expensive. Alternative Fair DI VERSIT Y trade trading can economically companies be Table 5.1.3. defined and take networks such as as trade fair that environmentally responsibility for trade attempts to responsible. the wider be It is impact socially , trade of in their which business. Fair trade pros and cons Pros Cons It pays higher wages to its workers. There is a limited customer base for fair trade products. It considers worker safety. There are fewer fair trade products to Don’t confuse fair trade and choose from than non-fair trade products. free trade. Fair trade tries to There is no discrimination. Fair trade costs may increase due to be socially, economically and administrative costs. environmentally responsible It tries to eliminate the need for child Most large buyers are not attracted to the labour. fair trade model. Organic methods are often used to produce The demand for fair trade products reduces fair trade products. in times of recession. whereas free trade allows trade between two countries and can be quite exploitative. TNC corporate Corporate when social business business makes behaviour Adverse For and good could example, sewing forced a a “Six To achieve Cents football, and for 1990s an Nike appear community the agreements in environmental) of performance Socially loyalty and 1950s, welfare. corporation. customer the significance irresponsible and reduced environmental sales. impacts reputation. Nike its article Hour” abuse. to global identified conditions allowing an and began (and any declining the for of social for social Following system supply in about activists Nike its on sense result (CSR) context throughout overtime extensive the frameworks academics corporation’s workers. heading in and reporting publicity globalization the responsibility business damage exploit responsibility leaders decisions Improving may social monitoring targeted published and became Nike was suppliers a picture in in Life of a synonymous gradually and anti- to abuse magazine Pakistani with adopted remedying by LICs an slave and with boy wages, expensive factory and conditions chain. effective CSR, companies should address the following areas: Test yourself 5.12 Outline one advantage • Ways to minimize percentage • Ways to minimize salary • Ways to provide of employee turnover; and one disadvantage of microfinance. inequalities; [2+2] daycare services for employees with young 5.13 Describe one advantage children; and one disadvantage of fair trade. [2+2] • Ways to promote provide a flexible work–life working hours or working hours that balance; 5.14 Briefly explain the advantages of corporate social responsibility (CSR). 172 • Ways to improve • Ways to ensure the female:male ratio in managerial roles; [3] human rights are observed by suppliers. in t 5.2 The UN’s agency to International that deals international opportunities the ILO labour labour for include 5 . 2 with all. Organization problems, standards, It North Labour has 187 Korea social the especially protection members. and is specialist those and Countries not in C H A NGING IDENTITIE S AND C U LT U R E S UN relation work belonging to Eritrea. C H A N G I N G I D E N T I T I E S A N D C U LT U R E S You should be able to show how global interactions bring • Culture – a system of shared cultural influences and changes to places: meanings used by people who belong to the same community, ✔ The global spectrum of cultural traits, ethnicities and identities, and group or nation, to help them ways in which the spectrum of diversity is widening or narrowing interpret and make sense of the at different scales; world. These systems of meanings ✔ The effects of global interactions on cultural diversity in different places: include language, religion, custom ✔ the diffusion of cultural traits, ✔ glocalization of branded ✔ cultural and cultural and tradition, as well as ideas imperialism; about “place”. commodities, and cultural hybridity; • Cultural diffusion – the spread landscape changes in the built environment; of cultural ideas, from their place ✔ How diasporas global ✔ and Case inuence local study cultural diversity and identity at both of a of origin to other regions, groups or nations. scales; global diaspora population and its cultures. • Cultural imperialism – the practice of promoting the culture, values or language of one nation The global spectrum of cultural traits, in another, less-powerful one. ethnicities and identities • Diaspora – the forced or voluntary dispersal of any Culture gives people a sense of community and belonging. Until population sharing a common recently , cultures had been considered spatially bounded, although racial, ethnic or cultural identity, the rise (and fall) of some empires led to a two-way spread of after leaving their settled territory certain cultural traits (sport and food, for example). Contemporary and migrating to new areas. globalization and has led to ties between distant and disparate places, ideas symbols. • Glocalization – the adaptation of a product or service to the Advances in information technology during the 20th century have locality or culture for which it is enabled cultural symbols (such as music, images and text) to flow marketed. around to a the new culture, Such the world “global around symbols world, culture is Current ways the scale • the rise • the idea before. culture” such culture that they Some based as on argue the have become shaped this diffusion McDonald’s have that and new led Western Coca-Cola. widespread a of has global around • Homogenization – the process by which features become increasingly similar or uniform. consumer globalization differs from cultures of the past in many as: • music, Western ever debated. cultural such consumer the hotly than commodities of but faster of of cultural TNCs in exchanges the culture (it is not a industries one-way (for process) example, film, TV) rise of the Test yourself business culture. 5.15 Explain why some cities would choose to be similar to Globalization has led to the mixing, or hybridization, of culture rather other cities. than cultural may be many a imperialism. powerful Westernization/Americanization process, but it can be (and has been) of [6] culture rejected in places. 173 5 U NI T 5: HUMAN D E V E LO P M E N T AND DI VERSIT Y (HL O N LY ) The effects of global interactions on cultural diversity in different places Culture the of represents same the world. custom • and These native • a The UK be of over the Until produced boundaries, music early and could be for people make language, more from sense religion, and with television to million Bengali. consumption music domestic 100 (Chinese), English languages. industry , subjected than corporations popular 1990s, that them Mandarin Russian world distribution primarily and have Arabic, global help include English, T ransnational the to “place”. languages global the about dominant geography . meanings use meanings Hindi, the dominating Television: to one of include production, particular and of shared nation ideas These Portuguese, influence • A number become Music: and of or systems speakers. Spanish, systems group tradition, Language: has the community , of have artists music a have powerful from the USA market. programmes audiences rigorous within tended national governmental control. The diffusion New cultural technologies, mean speed that of between the the factors that have Global cultural is as and the cultural internet becoming and economies and traits, such world transport migration, Figure 5.2.1. of imperialism and more communications, and cultures, power of changed the global satellite the lives in The increasing growth financial everyday communications, interconnected. of increased interactions international markets recent are among the decades. This McDonalds imperialism today has resulted from economic forces, restaurant in Dubai is an example of for example, when the dominant culture (usually the USA) captures cultural globalization markets for over popular • the its Language: this number of may is of into are more and to to 6,000 account, is in by global close if to many influence Below languages 2100. as a are in first of 1 billion. English fields, control examples. world, Although the total speakers is but becoming the USA. language, second-language important is the and some the English influence spoken speakers, gains countries. 3,000 the widely English thereby other around due communication the of reduce language Mandarin taken culture There figure world Test yourself commodities the are medium including internet. 5.16 Describe the trend in (a) global languages and (b) global media since the 1970s. • [2+2] 5.17 Briefly explain how National complexes. global entertainment most the Cultural For merging which and are Disney , of In TV Spanish branded hybridity there the “spanglish”. and of example, origin. systems Around 20 are to 30 media from the News being large superseded TNCs industry , USA. mainly These Corporation, by dominate from include Universal global the the giants West, such Studios as and BBC. Glocalization 174 of Time-Warner, [2+2] media media and and why these trends have happened. Media: US the is a states inserted language one that use merging and of in are “code close in and every to the the seven the switching”, haphazardly cultural previously phenomenon Spanish Roughly stations are is commodities, into hybridity separate USA that English US language residents US–Mexico that is, is of border, words English cultural involves and sentences, to traits. the produce Latino some radio phrases and in vice versa. 5.2 Another food. Tex-Mex which the to example had 1870s, a Texas and it Cultural The of they of nachos, evolve changes development Grande and a started rice America’s sour Later, and the oldest in cattle serving and menu”. fajitas valley large of AND C U LT U R E S Tex-Mex Texas, industry . chili cream Mexican breakfast regional IDENTITIE S con or In carne grated migrants in taco. cuisine, today . in uniform as the Rio beans, “Mexican described to landscape evolution the the women added tortillas, been in is population Hispanic began continues hybridity developed Later so has cultural Mexican group developed Tex-Mex and was large Americans. cheese, of a of C H A NGING the built urban environment landscapes is the result of a variety as television- factors: • improvements and in communications internet-based technology , so technology , that people such in one city are Concept link aware PLACES: There are different of opportunities and trends in other cities processes that can diffuse culture • increased international migration and the spread of ideas from one place to another. Places and tend to resist, adopt or adapt to the cultures introduction of new traits, which • time–space convergence, which allows faster interactions between subsequently retains the cultural places makeup of a place, alters it or • the • desire of global Starbucks to reach improvements of • a global • Many urban today look of many are to very activities materials All and urban to be that or landscape of Google perhaps completely changes the and living and aspirations to be part activity , culture (art, media, sport and activity cities. towers estates as countries are and TNCs cheap vital Many centres, feature parks outsource labour, markets. a science open raw cities have markets supermarkets. have something unique. less Urban globalized different more Apple, identity. different Tall shopping areas more are access potential something W esternized in as centres political globalized to of urban smart similar. out-of-town have and such markets economic Industrial pedestrianized and of landscapes cities. (TNCs) standards create increasingly their of activities) attempts new network globalization leisure in brands from globalized. Bandar Seri one For in common. All areas might that be another than example, Begawan, are less expected the those urban Brunei, is Figure 5.2.2. dominated by a mosque. A large proportion of people live in The urban landscape Bandar ’s of Kampong Ayer, Bandar Seri “water village”, yet even there evidence of W estern culture can be found. Begawan’s “water village” How diasporas influence cultural diversity and identity at both global and local scales Remember, in your discussion The term diaspora concentrated in refers one to place. any dispersal Examples of a population formerly of cities, that no two cities are include: the same. Every city is unique in cer tain aspects, although there • professional and business diasporas; for instance, Samsung are cer tain aspects that may be Electronics’ UK division was originally based in New Walden, and similar. as a result many South Koreans moved to this area. 175 5 U NI T 5: HUMAN D E V E LO P M E N T • AND DI VERSIT Y cultural descent British diasporas, from people or to may from fill as the Caribbean movement to the encouraged shortages bring other O N LY ) such government countries Diasporas the (HL their in the culture population UK of after migrants World immigration of War from African II. The Commonwealth workforce. with groups, them. and so Some may cultures marry may be mixed, hybridized. Test yourself Case study: The Chinese diaspora 5.18 Describe ways in which Approximately 40 million people of Chinese origin live in sizeable the built environment is numbers in at least 20 countries. Large concentrations are found in becoming more similar Singapore around the world. (2.6 million), Indonesia (7.6 million), Malaysia (6.2 million), [5] Thailand (7 million) and the USA (3.4 million). Historically , Chinese 5.19 Briefly explain why the built migration began in the 10th century with the expansion of maritime environment is becoming more trade. similar around the world. During of colonialism, large numbers of Chinese moved [4] into Singapore With L O C A L and globalization, reasons 5 . 3 periods has Mauritius—the Chinese latter migration encouraged for by professional the and French. business increased. R E S P O N S E S T O G L O B A L I N T E R A C T I O N S You should be able to show the varying power of local • Civil society – any organization places and actors to resist or accept change: or movement that works in the area between the household, ✔ Local and civil society resistance to global interactions: the private sector and the state ✔ rejection of globalized production, including campaigns against to negotiate matters of public TNCs and in favour of local sourcing of food and goods by citizens; concern. Civil societies include ✔ rise of anti-immigration non-governmental organizations movements; (NGOs), community groups, trade ✔ Geopolitical constraints on global interactions: unions, academic institutions and ✔ government participate and in militia global controls on personal freedoms faith-based organizations. to interactions; • Resource nationalism – when ✔ national trade resource restrictions, including protectionism a country decides to take all or and par t of one or a number of natural nationalism; resources under state ownership. ✔ The role of civil participating campaigning in society global for in promoting interactions, internet international-mindedness including social media use and • Protectionism – any economic and policy that limits trade between freedom; countries in order to protect trade ✔ Two detailed examples of places where restricted freedoms in the home country. have been challenged. Local and civil society resistance to global interactions Rejection of According • Six globalized to Greenpeace, Factory egg Figure 5.3.1. Woodstock , UK 176 Farmers’ market in • TNCs control corporations—Monsanto, BASF—control • production farms now production Four 75% of the 55% of corporations—ADM, control more than 75% of DuPont, world account and for of food Dow, pesticides 72% pork global Syngenta, poultry Cargill grain production. Bayer and market. production Bunge, the global production, worldwide. and Dreyfus— trade. They 43% of 5.3 overwhelmingly local Those and of farmers who sales food fresher at favour for the the improves example, local Local and food stress that miles it and for like that it improves has and increases soy TO GLO B A L INTERACTIONS on smaller has vets a market consumer provides a and fodder, corn RE SPONSE S crops. also economy , demand crops native production farming increased of production producer, reduces the commodity expense local production. food, force LO C A L understanding consumers carbon farm with footprint. multiplier and access effect, It for equipment. Test yourself The rise of anti-immigration movements 5.20 Outline the advantages There are many reasons for the rise of anti-immigration groups. of mass-produced food. The main concerns perceived threats education and of over health environmental growth. themselves from If ghettos. the Other spread of In may Some society migrants opposed competition care. issues population society . those are infectious a jobs, certain to the notably as a include are in into into of LICs result 5.21 Describe the main housing, and of characteristics of the NICs, farmers’ market shown rapid groups isolate mainstream society , increased [4] the cost immigrant integrate assimilate concerns and concern that to immigration cases, refuse unable perceived be argue and for some also to they crime [3] 5.22 Outline the disadvantages may rates in figure 5.3.1. form and of reliance of farmers’ markets. [3] diseases. Key Pro-migration Germany Anti-migration 29% 66% United Kingdom United States 37% 52% 41% 51% Spain 46% 47% 52% 45% France 52% 24% Poland Greece 19% Italy 19% Test yourself 70% 69% 5.23 Suggest reasons for the differences in views concerning Figure 5.3.2. Popular views of immigrants in selected countries immigrants into the countries Source of data: Pew Research Center (2014) shown in figure 5.3.2. [3] Geopolitical constraints on global interactions Government to and participate Myanmar ’s against 2017. the in Over and government 650,000 of increasingly the and used minorities, persecution Human Health in a to a freedoms its large-scale population (out of escape Despite the leader, repressive to and girls a last some that by a in total mass Aung laws of San to ethnic cleansing Rakhine 1 of State million) killings, election the Suu control in fled sexual the Content link to violence, National Kyi, campaign August The displacement of the Rohingya League for government journalists and critics people is related to the aspects of forced migration discussed in unit 1.2. nearly Christians 90% especially the John in the Hopkins Association from and Hindus face Buddhist. north of Myanmar. School of Public Thailand, Myanmar into 7500 forced women marriages in years. Western on Muslims, Women’s trafficked five Myanmar is problem, report Kachin been the Meanwhile, is joint the have over criticized a including country trafficking According China personal government/military . Religious and Rohingya abuses. (NLD) on began Muslim Bangladesh other Democracy has controls interactions Rohingya neighbouring arson militia global its governments human rights that had record previously now see it as a land of 177 5 U NI T 5: HUMAN D E V E LO P M E N T AND DI VERSIT Y opportunity are largely (CSOs), in are was Myanmar CSOs contemporary changes in reform. through who Myanmar Try to keep up to date with and have (HL the now appear Investors NLD less under O N LY ) rather able military to be experienced a have to increased, than raise civil major under brain society international dictatorship. reducing and The the drain dealings organizations support than opportunities new in their NLD recent when for CSOs government. years. protectionism. National trade restrictions, including protectionism and resource nationalism Much protectionism is actually Protectionism refers to any economic policy that limits trade between carried out by HICs. countries in order to protect trade in the home country . Test yourself 5.24 Outline the characteristics of the countries with the highest level of protectionism. [3] 5.25 Describe the distribution of countries with a low level of protectionism. [3] Key 1–10 5.26 Examine the “arguments” 11–30 for and against protectionism. 31–100 101–200 [12] 201–300 301–400 5.27 Suggest reasons for the 401–800 Over growth of nationalism since 2008. 800 [4] Figure 5.3.3. Number of protectionist measures taken by dierent countries, 2008–2016 Source of data: Global Trade Aler t Resource nationalism Resource its natural resources country and the place. first receive they Not nationalism any more may a state involved main revenue the when under TNC The lack is country ownership. in the advantage from the equipment, decides It to take affects development for the host development technology both of the country of or all the is or the to of host resource that resource. finance part they in can However, develop it fully , Free Partly Free and so may not benefit as much as they might do. Where a TNC has 35% 29% been it is involved likely decides of to to money the development large nationalize in disappear. in make research The host profits. the and and of the resource, the development the resource However, TNC rely if the TNC only on may to each in host the first spend see place, government its large amounts investment other. The role of civil society in promoting international Not mindedness and par ticipation in global interactions Assessed Free 12% 24% According to Freedom House, the internet is a crucial medium through Key which people can express themselves and share ideas. It is also an FREE increasingly PARTLY rights NOT activists tool mobilize through and which advocate for democracy political, and social human and economic FREE reform. NOT important FREE Some authoritarian states have devised ways to filter, monitor, ASSESSED obstruct Figure 5.3.4. and/or manipulate the openness of the internet. Freedom of the Places where restricted freedoms have been challenged: The Arab Spring internet in the world 178 The Arab and civil Spring wars relates that to spread the range through of demonstrations, countries in the protests, Middle East riots and QUE STION North Africa after 2010. Most of the revolutions and protests PRACTICE were Concept link over by 2012, exception. in the although By Arab the September Spring that ongoing 2016, had conflict Tunisia become a was in Syria the only is an important country involved POWER: Global interactions can be rejected by governments and democracy . their citizens in order to preserve Numerous factors lay behind the Arab Spring: dissatisfaction national culture and protect with governments, dictatorships, corruption, economic decline, domestic industry and resources. unemployment, inequalities in wealth, food shortages and escalating Global recession and political food prices. Widespread access to social media networks made the Arab conflict are two examples where Spring possible in countries such as T unisia and Egypt, whereas in Y emen power is exerted via the closing and Libya people communicated through the traditional forms of media. of physical borders in order to A number of determined reasons change have in been some put areas forward but not to explain others. They what safeguard domestic interests. has Alternatively, the power of public include: protest (such as when there is an • strong civil societies—countries with strong civil societies, such as upwelling of support for greater Tunisia, were more successful because they were able to transform freedom) can be an agent of change the country the degree after political change and encourage governments to • and the BBC violence • social more Places The The by where Aung the has and with freedoms coverage, the military greater support have for access the been where such was to Al as Jazeera Egypt, enact change. mass suppressed social media were protests. challenged: Myanmar are one of the the world’s Myanmar preventing health considerable authoritarian Suu countries widespread government mobilize 2014, been of San to of In thus decades censorship—in provided restricted Rohingya citizenship. There state media—countries able Rohingya groups, of Kyi of the most care and political military persecuted government for change rule National aid to the League minorities, expelled the in Rohingya. Myanmar, democratic for without humanitarian from election Democracy party the of in Test yourself November 2015, and her swearing in as president in March 2016. 5.28 Describe the variations In the elections, over 6,000 candidates represented more than in free access to the internet 90 political parties. However, 75 candidates were disqualified for according to figure 5.3.4. failing to meet citizenship or residence criteria, including all of [3] the 5.29 Using examples, explain Rohingya candidates and most Muslims. how social media can influence Despite publicity , discriminated the Rohingya continue to be restricted and social development. [8] against. QUESTION PRACTICE a) b) Analyse the global and local cultural inuence of diaspora populations. [12] Examine how constraints on global interactions have been challenged in one or more named countries. [16] How do I approach these questions? a) The command term is analyse. Therefore, you should break down the question to bring out the essential elements or structure. In this case, you should show how diaspora populations have inuenced culture on a global and local scale. To reach the top level, you should have examples to back up the points you make. The focus should be on a diaspora population: which countries have they gone to, and what aspects of their culture have they brought with them. b) The command term is “examine”: consider an argument or a concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue. In this question you may examine the constraints that are imposed on people, and how these constraints are being challenged, in one or more named countries. Good answers are likely to show the nature of the constraints and how they are being challenged. They may show how the constraints and the challenges have changed over time. They may refer to the unequal power that dierent players have. 179 5 U NI T 5: HUMAN D E V E LO P M E N T AND DI VERSIT Y (HL O N LY ) S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER ▲ Introduction—good Focuses on global a) detail. T here (2.5 than focus T he 80% to population awareness of Korean and Korean explain global the the raise inuence on appeal via and Korean detail YouTube. image the global ▼ A bit of Hallyu more USA in found (2.4 and 27 Korea’s arts in just million) three and Information countries. “national through (Korean pop of its Good Korea. countries Japan (0.45 - China million). Its Ser vice main (KOCIS) aim is to runs 32 enhance brand” by promoting Korean these cultural centres. T he spread wave) music) has through been accelerated artists such as through Psy’s K -pop Gangnam success/ Style music video (the rst to reach one billion views on coverage and needed culture Girls Generation SNSD. Gangnam Style literature, art apart has from music —e.g. food, that upheld group. cultures being practices, beliefs, values and about to a greater or lesser extent by members of Psy’s Many “integration”. point different on traditions cultures of scale culture ▲ General outside culture Each Korean are Culture and Y ouT ube), of these centres (Korean spreading, living a of of Koreans culture. scale ▲ Evidence million support heritage Helps of million), cultural attempting diaspora seven rather diaspora ▲ But over scale About ▼ Government are into western T his that refers of the governments to encourage incorporating nation. T he the minorities nation is seen idea and as of their having different accepted in a foreign its own culture that minorities own ethnic must accept and live by, whilst in south- country retaining T here ▲ Good local-scale ▲ Good facilities of example—good description for Koreans of cultural and London Korean in this of the for Korean location, and of Malden’s in New New local is a town has one of outside the of most South densely Korea. po pulated T here are areas around (of which about po pulation are of working 600 are 20,000. for South from North Many of Korean Korea) those Malden 20 has Korean karaoke here is bar . part good rail living companies. Korean places of worship, restaurants/cafes, T he reason for the nursery sho ps, schoo ls, supermarke t concentration of and Koreans historic and part accessibility. New Malden has to both connection site Electronics for had the its with central Embassy UK of London. South headquarters It Korea there. was and T hus, also the Samsung Korean scale culture and at can a be local particularly seen to scale, large have even an in number a of inuence country Korean at that a global does no t scale, have a diaspora. Very good answer – better on a local than a global scale. Good place detail. Explains the reasons for their location in New Malden. Marks 10/12 b) ▲ Introduction themes identies T here are many constraints on global interactions such four as the rise national 180 out growth conclusion—refers and Malden the community its Malden original ▲ Good New cultures. others a global impacts. residents Koreans a explanation that 10,000 about location local religious detail New ▲ Valid also and example west ▲ Located are their in anti-immigration trade restrictions. groups, T hese are pro tectionism happening in and many QUE STION parts a of the major T here jobs, In impact are groups global reasons including some the cost cases, may growth. 2017 , US of be HICs a for the rise perceived in LICs, that and are having anti-immigration threats LICs and as a certain and of over education concern, socie ty and interactions. housing, argue from mainstream the no tably also Some themselves In including on many and issues world, compe tition and MICs, result health to care. environmental of rapid immigrant refuse for po pulation groups integrate iso late into socie ty. President Donald Trump prevented migrants ▲ One constraint developed. from seven, USA, mainly although his Muslim, decision countries was from overturned entering by a Good courts. He reiterated his intention of number having a identied and detail the of ▼ However, US PRACTICE wall built how the nothing constraint about has been challenged be tween reason due to the for USA the and UK Mexico vo ting to anti-immigration to reduce leave the sympathy migration. Euro pean amongst Part Union many of the was British peo ple. T rade restrictions are a form of restrictions place an home goods more competitive. trade restrictions consumers, T rade LICs. increase have 70% policies in of the response Most may on OECD trade the global 2015, the USA a as traded and well, have goods lead as to to to make argue less that choice for industrialize. they often countries. imposed economic trade would country between nations to most economists help criticized reduces 20 charge inefciency they been Protectionism 2008, additional although barriers protectionism: affect Since restrictive trade slowdown. ▲ Second For example, in imposed a 256% tariff on and constraint developed. identied Again, good detail present Chinese a steel meeting of and the protectionism by the to and US 522% G7 imposition response a in cut of tariff June trade tariffs tariffs on 2018 cold-rolled issued barriers, against against it a pledge was the Although to ght immediately USA Canada’s steel. by steel followed Canada, and in aluminium ▼ Some industries. Organizations such as the IMF and the World reference “challenge”, Organisation very T he slowly Arab try and S pring riots and civil East and North protests Syria were is country an to mediate often it refers wars Africa over by in the after range 2010. for of the By S pring any but countries of the lacks detail move in protests, the Middle revolutions ongoing September to they but response. demonstrations, Most although Arab restrictions through exception. the trade years spread 2012, important involved takes to that over to T rade become conict 2016, a the and in only democracy 181 5 U NI T 5: HUMAN D E V E LO P M E N T AND was ▲ Identies constraints North a in Africa challenge the to Middle with good DI VERSIT Y T unisia. Numerous East and dissatisfaction media such with decline, and networks as T unisia Following S pring the was instability mixed succeeded and the where of with A the • Arab • and of the less • the For some, whereas Arab there Winter , has Y emen forms associated decline. in possible in traditional before, as in T he a Arab been wealth, access in of of to social Libya, people media. the Arab violence, S pring greater food countries and with wave T unisia reasons for to social led to by in collapse of more state put areas successful of and law has freedom Egypt. and the than widespread countries such and as not with country government forward but to thus had compared For social others, order , others. those coverage, as such and as was Syria, has include: societies because such they Al Jazeera Egypt, mass suppressed, where there in was reporting; mobilize with support greater for the access to social media were protests the challenge of • support of the national military—in Egypt and T unisia, the Spring military whereas civil ▼ However, the prevents use of supported in Libya the and protesters Syria the in removing military the have government, contributed to war; bullet detailed evaluation • the mobilization of the middle class—countries with a strong, synthesis vocal middle countries ▼ Very brief challenges focus of conclusion have this not class with a were weak more or likely limited to see middle political change than class. and been a major T hus there are many constraints on global interactions, and there essay have been numerous challenges to overcome these constraints. Good on the Arab Spring as a way in which constraints on global interactions have been challenged—but elsewhere the constraints are described, but not the challenges. For a higher mark , there should be a wider range of applied knowledge being synthesized. For example, there could be more mention of physical constraints on interactions and attempts to overcome these using mobile phones and ICT. Marks 9/16 182 in change; where military Libya civil political what T hey without countries the explain strong after censorship—in provided the to been some media—countries able a have transform BBC to has societies—countries were television more and corruption, Widespread S pring changes economic success degree contrast points and reasons civil able violence the S pring: Libya. T unisia and of the inequalities prices. Arab Egypt, so-called S pring strong were Arab food the through restrictions number as the made and and determined success/failure Arab dictatorships, unemployment, protest success. the Syria detailed the failed the ▲ More behind the challenge it lay governments, escalating communicated challenge—where factors detail shortages development O N LY ) the economic ▲ Some (HL G LO B A L 6 This and unit some and the of the threats political and to individuals You should be able to show: economic ✔ sovereignty of states. It also analyses how technological and the environmental impacts of new such which civil and social as agribusiness. society risks of raises global It considers awareness ways about and processes economic risks for global and societies; in ✔ economic how global risks interactions. ✔ new for and global 6 . 1 globalizing geopolitical individuals flows, and transboundary create pollution, AND RESILIENCE (HL ONLY) examines businesses, RISKS G E O P O L I T I C A L A N D interactions particular emerging create places and environmental people; possibilities for managing risks. E C O N O M I C R I S K S You should be able to show how technological and • Cybercrime – criminal activity globalizing processes create new geopolitical and using the internet/computers/ economic risks for individuals and societies: computing. ✔ • Drone – unmanned aerial Threats to individuals and businesses: vehicle (UAV). ✔ hacking, identity theft personal freedoms; political, economic and the implications of surveillance for • Profit repatriation – the return of a company’s foreign-earned ✔ and physical risks to global supply chain profits or financial assets to that ows; company’s home country. ✔ New and emerging threats to the political and economic • 3D printing (or additive sovereignty of states: manufacturing) – the creation ✔ prot repatriation and tax avoidance by TNCs and wealthy of a physical object from a digital model by laying down a sequence individuals; of layers. ✔ disruptive technological innovations, such as drones and 3D printing; ✔ The correlation between increased globalization and renewed nationalism/tribalization; ✔ Two detailed examples to illustrate geopolitical tension/ conict. Threats to individuals and businesses Hacking A major hacking number of in a ransomware disrupted, malware, “event” National attack. resulted named worldwide occurred Health in More nearly WannaCry , ransomware in Service than 7,000 the UK (NHS) in May trusts one-third of trusts appointments spread to more 2017, were than left in being 150 when a vulnerable the UK were cancelled. countries in The a outbreak. 183 6 U NI T 6: GLO B A L RISK S AND R E S ILIE NC E As digital (HL O N LY ) technologies are increasingly embedded in everyday objects Concept link (the PROCESSES: Individuals, so-called hackers companies and governments are to Internet monitor surveillance is of and Things) affect required to there is increased operations. maintain This potential may mean for that increased security . at risk of the use of technology disrupting personal and economic Identity theft data. This disruption can Identity crime is a generic term to describe a range of crimes from jeopardize a person’s identity and complete life theft to credit card theft and subsequent fraud. Identity financial security, as well as the theft is the acquisition of identity-related data through “phishing”, economic wellbeing of a country. data breach/theft, only creates deception and accidental loss. Technology not Hacking is one such process criminal opportunities, it also creates ways of detecting using technology, which may be them. Contactless payment schemes have increased the potential instigated by an individual or by for identity crime, as payment can be made with a simple tap of a government. Tensions between the card. nation-states (and nations) often arise as a result of these disruptive, technological processes. 1 BILLION PERSONAL in RECORDS 2014 + LEAKED alone 15.4 IDENTITY ON THE Study figure 6.1.1. in 2016 RISE 10.2 Test yourself million THEFT million in 2007 19 30 VICTIMS OF ID THEFT 6.1 Describe the trend in identity every Hours theft in the USA between 2007 and 2016. minute [2] COST 6.2 Determine the number of AND on TIME average TO per RESOLVE victim victims of identity theft and the cost/time to resolve identity theft issues. [1] Figure 6.1.1. Implications Mass part to Identity theft in the USA of surveillance surveillance of a, wire-tapping that mass rights and and violate on enabling Convention the ever than files USA should right to are It media But a exposed The with a The an entire, and Council enshrined suggests powers of in GCHQ of the a significant interceptions Europe threat that incompatible or email fundamental also are on CCTV to stated human European the British (Government with the European Rights. allow people governments UK. spying from privacy wide-ranging social freedoms hacking. Rights. Snowden, interfere continues. the of range Headquarters) which and practice can practices before. from Edward secret 184 and personal computer Human ever before 2013, the on internet freely It Human Communications The the surveillance Convention laws is population. for and former the debate human people are communicate more commercial US of concerning for analyst, massive how the far sake more surveillance organizations. intelligence existence rights to under leaked surveillance the of than In top by government national security 6 .1 Political, economic and physical risks to global supply chain GE OPOLI T IC A L AND E C ONOMIC RISK S flows Economic risks Explanation Asset price rises in a major Unsustainably overpriced assets such as commodities, economy housing and shares in a major economy or region Failure/shor tfall of critical Failure to adequately invest in, upgrade and/or infrastructure secure infrastructure networks (for example, energy, transpor tation and communications) High structural unemployment A sustained high level of unemployment or or underemployment underutilization of the productive capacity of the employed population Illicit trade (for example, illicit Large-scale activities outside the legal framework that nancial ows, tax evasion, undermine social interactions, regional or international human tracking and collaboration, and global growth organized crime) Severe energy price shock Signicant energy price increases or decreases that (increase or decrease) place fur ther economic pressures on highly energy- dependent industries and consumers Environmental risks Extreme weather events (for Cause major proper ty, infrastructure and/or example, oods and storms) environmental damage as well as loss of human life Major biodiversity loss and Result in irreversible consequences for the ecosystem collapse environment and severely depleted resources for (terrestrial or marine) humanity as well as industries Major natural disasters Cause major proper ty, infrastructure and/or (for example, ear thquake, environmental damage as well as loss of human life tsunami, volcanic eruption, geomagnetic storms) Human-made environmental Failure to prevent major human-made damage and damage and disasters (for disasters, including environmental crime, causing example, oil spills and harm to human lives and health, infrastructure, radioactive contamination) proper ty, economic activity and the environment Political risks Failure of national governance Inability to govern a nation of geopolitical impor tance as a result of weak rule of law, corruption or political deadlock Failure of regional or global Inability of regional or global institutions to resolve governance issues of economic, geopolitical or environmental impor tance Interstate conict with A bilateral or multilateral dispute between states that regional consequences escalates into economic (for example, trade/currency wars, resource nationalization), military, cyber, societal or other conict Large-scale terrorist attacks Weapons of mass destruction Individuals or non-state groups with political or Try to add examples to each of religious goals that successfully inict large-scale the risks shown in table 6.1.1 human or material damage (star t by thinking of your home The deployment of nuclear, chemical, biological and radiological technologies and materials, creating international crises and the potential for signicant destruction of proper ty and infrastructure Table 6.1.1. country), so that you can use them as “detailed locational suppor t” in an essay on risks to global supply chain flows. Political, economic and physical risks to global supply chain ows 185 6 U NI T 6: GLO B A L RISK S AND R E S ILIE NC E (HL O N LY ) New and emerging threats to the political and economic Test yourself sovereignty of states 6.3 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of global supply chains. Profit repatriation and tax avoidance by TNCs and wealthy individuals [3+3] According to the US Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) the USA’s 6.4 Explain how the main largest companies hold nearly US$2.5 trillion of accumulated profits environmental risks can affect in global supply chains. offshore accounts to avoid paying tax. The money is held in over [2+2+2] 10,000 tax havens including Bermuda, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. PIRG estimates US$100 It has have would amount In largest 2017, a revealed Facebook of to in Many own way wealthy Disruptive Drones used number privacy . the war war. drones of paying In zone to Across being paid Tax the the used dirty For of it of the complex Apple, to their Many trusts. famous Although victimless. to charities genuine, or UA Vs and drones operators are being Drones and are It health but or it set can it results care, up their also to be long do Drones distances not can be example, agriculture; remote they be a can also low that commonplace cost in medication, cause aware of the drones and them especially on for aircraft, risk. enter can fly board. precision and the much remote track detect drone In to change, consumer to can medicines become delivering from purposes, hazards low will be deaths them. They environmental with can environments. pilot deliver a from threat on humans. use have invasion civilian groups that chemical drones an therefore commercial can Compared relatively and qualified for generally They cause inhospitable a monitor monitor explosives. likely used can terrorist farmers areas, criminals, in require are work. also to They short) disconnected used, can need nations for dangerous is also by duty schools, advantage is GDP Papers” their profits. not dangerous it a they Arabia). used offshore one is as have environments for the “Paradise and tax Drones countries other for operation future, more items rural and areas. Drones could have a positive impact on farming Disruptive 3D technological printing (or manufacture such 186 very example, killing. However, Figure 6.1.2. the companies. the overseas, to Saudi TNCs, support 500 of profits maximize money vehicles, drones world, by or is on developments. be situations, act as through innovations: the their all equivalent avoidance may back structures, to out Fortune tax. aerial military is and and finance Ds—dull, where hold Companies donate this disadvantages. desensitized in less individuals Some three Such legal. also 400 paid known wealthy tax. missing Switzerland efficiently are technological the of are not which infrastructural (unmanned for than the paying having avoiding did billion, unethical. and charities. of of is nearly companies documents affairs is from they (larger actors it welfare if operate governments social of and these pay Google, to legal, if government taxes US$717 avoid and US in leaked tax shareholders be to to country set musicians the year that, had the structures may a calculated would 19th that million as a innovations: additive range plastics, of wood, 3D printing manufacturing) products paper, using resin a and enables 3D producers printer glass. 3D and to raw technology materials can 6 .1 manufacture to be for tested. storage goods However, of large opportunities technology . is the homes in made developed, has is cut formulated However, suited also are the use due designers is 3D the environmental reduces and who in world’s of creates are 3D with a first Project skilled damage. arm It needed for the E C ONOMIC RISK S designs need many familiar printing with the technology (bioprinting). printers. lack time high. materials, organs the robotic are the breakthroughs of to costs raw skilled main Netherlands and to be the up when for city to have Milestone bricklayers. The 3D nozzle amount 3D may variety card habitable was The printer that process that ejects for energy , also a was used specially they they emissions. and materials bank so may are expensive. printing, disease raw purposes: is toxic during heart of readers of printing generate illnesses, a criminal create large compounds respiratory to a runs. printers organic used and use production especially also of human printers volatile weapons of huge small linked slow , a set-up reduces AND cement. plastic, may the part, and 3D for emit been highly with costs the which amounts of the in essentially uses for One manufacture Eindhoven quickly , GE OPOLI T IC A L and be They these cancer. are to better mainly may have 3D used. used It printers 3D printers produce machines. The correlation bet ween increased globalization and renewed nationalism The opposite widespread considered people to tension/conflict: Nationalism is fundamentally , a EU (for and Radical and out in that policies euro, of Economic (though these 2018, US same T rump looking which the It to it is becoming previously to their are had been However, nation often of state TNCs rather compared with the EU is angry groups free do a do largely or on among think is extend to national as seen within leave political based attitudes not among referendum criticism have nationalism trade not a about wider on US$130 of plans best this to the groups. Islamophobia sections that they that the beyond of US US$400 USA are of losing economic a rage at the China for and knock-on 25% imports. billion of billion all wars tariffs by imposing President worth US countries trade effect. responded worth US$500 and policy view) impose China billion over in known amount tariffs import the with imports. similar further is agree announced Chinese on USA’s the on is, EU growing, self-interest nationalist A common that and imports Kingdom's Economic T rump tariffs national the populations. who of their are Europe and cooperation feelings multiculturalism suggests worth in Europe continent, close populist draws foreign announced China defend in Contemporary nationalistic United with some nationalism extremely economy . President Currently , from and which globalization. prosperous right-wing destructive billion then and right-wings are level Rising populism and theory there US$50 for tension/conflict: mutually the of struggle trade Geopolitical are rise globalized free now reappearance. wishing right-wing a are from competitors, Nevertheless, example, the a peaceful anti-immigration. society on a governments EU), In making framework governments. the Europe, winners world global nationalism, and countries. Geopolitical by main the from is America the around them other provides globalization North among from protect than of in of imports. goods, worth of goods China. 187 6 U NI T 6: GLO B A L RISK S AND R E S ILIE NC E (HL O N LY ) Chinese investment in the with investment in China US vulnerable to the Chinese China. Moreover, China. Any the country USA would from the either be USA is impacts that over imposing Global as US$165 US$625 affect goods would inflation to any billion, billion. restrictions would supplies affected, country . of around on more the Thus, US than likely the USA is investment just supply country would compared the chain that in USA and in China imports or goods result. Test yourself 6.5 Using examples, analyse the problems associated with tax 6 . 2 avoidance by TNCs and wealthy individuals. [6] 6.6 Using an example, explain the rise of nationalism. [6] E N V I R O N M E N TA L R I S K S You should be able to show how global interactions create • Transboundary pollution (TBP) – pollution that originates in environmental risks for par ticular places and people: one country but affects another ✔ Transboundary pollution (TBP) affecting a large area/more than country. one country; ✔ TBP • Carbon footprint – a measure case study including the consequences and possible of how much carbon is used to responses; produce, store, transpor t and sell goods to consumers. ✔ Environmental • Agribusiness – large-scale, ✔ localized ✔ carbon impacts pollution, of global ows including at varying impacts along scales: shipping lanes; commercial, intensive farming. ✔ footprints Environmental ✔ polluting ✔ food for issues global linked with manufacturing production ows systems the of food, global goods shift of and people; industry: industries; for global agribusiness. Transboundary pollution Case study: Chernobyl disaster, April 1986 Although it is recommended The Chernobyl disaster was the explosion of a nuclear reactor in that your case studies come Ukraine in 1986. A combination of design flaws and human error from within your own lifetime, contributed to the Chernobyl disaster. First, there were design sometimes the best examples drawbacks with the reactor. Second, human error due to poor are a little older. Although supervision led to unstable operations. there have been examples of transboundary pollution that Radionuclides, have occurred in more recent released years, this example has a very distribution clear spatial variation in its Europe. impact, and it is still having an the into of This normally the contained atmosphere airborne led to contamination the of for within nearly radionuclides contamination the ten resulted of reactor days. soil, core, were Widespread across plants most and of western animals, and foodstuffs. impact on those who live in Firefighters fought the fire at very close quarters. All of the firefighters the area. received 200 serious cases of emerging; of throat areas order contain to time isolate it. the found of the the there in The has those There were health been who a 31 effects sharp lived in deaths of the and disaster increase the over most in the are still number contaminated accident. exposed However, container, doses. burns. example, cancers to in radiation for the In gaps 188 at radiation due to reactor, the although a “sarcophagus” difficult these are working regularly (coffin) conditions, monitored was built there for are radiation. 6.2 Everybody the of from evacuation, 15 cm was measures within removed, later contaminated land rivers Kiev the km of the decontamination were and 30 and found being all to work of washed 140 was began. buildings be reservoir, reactor had limited evacuated. All to soil be to a away , and radionuclides dykes and dams were Test yourself These To RISK S After depth cleaned. effectiveness. E N V I R O N M E N TA L 6.7 Describe how the hazards prevent seeping the into associated with the Chernobyl explosion varied spatially. [4] built. Environmental impacts of global flows at varying scales Localized pollution, Shipping is a including growing sector atmospheric pollutants. emissions sulfur of impacts but one Shipping dioxide (SO along ) of shipping the makes and a least lanes regulated significant oxides of sources contribution nitrogen (NO 2 PM and PM 2.5 10 (particulate to and to x matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 and 10 micrometres Shipping PM ), of respectively). lanes concentration 3 Micrograms/m 0.0–0.05 0.05–0.09 0.10–0.19 0.20–0.49 0.50–0.99 1.0 and over Figure 6.2.1. Shipping pollution and the world’s main shipping routes T able 6.2.1. Area Propor tion of annual emissions produced from shipping Year NO SO x PM 2 PM 2.5 10 Europe 2009 23% 16% 7.9% 5.5% UK 2011 45% 40% 21% 15% UK 2020 73% 14% 21% 15% Source of data: Depar tment for Environment, Food and Rural Aairs, UK Shipping Maritime content of uses of sulfur marine unlike lived of other of black Carbon has oil. almost set a There carbon only carbon are emissions. areas to black well-mixed deposition add fuel emissions the higher engines exclusively . global are cap clear of The 4.5% benefits International for the from sulfur the reduction emissions. Emissions shipping diesel Organization the of of the footprint According embodied to in production the regional, This is carbon the of the for and T rust, of of services of the larger a global emissions. in impacts nearer the can reduce the scale, However, of the Arctic environments) ice short- areas and where albedo the and carbon. and 25% which total On climate concern black goods issue. impacts snow and about big 1–2% and snow flows of a particular effect country is gases, with (ice on global Carbon goods and account warming of ships greenhouse cryosphere black direct from of services greenhouse “flow” consumption between via gases the are country international of trade. 189 6 U NI T 6: GLO B A L RISK S AND R E S ILIE NC E HICs LICs are (HL typically and O N LY ) net emerging importers economies of are embodied generally carbon net emissions, exporters of whereas CO 2 emissions. Transport the USA. is the CO largest end-use emissions from contributor transport towards exceeded 2 global billion warming tonnes as in far 2 Content link back as 2007. Transport has a significant impact in the food and drink Relate to this information to the sector because food is often transported long distances and by air. discussion of the water–food– Even produce grown and consumed within North America travels on energy nexus in unit 3.2. average 2,000 km from source to point of sale. Megajoules per tonne-km kg CO e per tonne-km 2 International shipping 0.2 0.14 Inland water 0.3 0.21 Rail 0.3 0.18 Truck 2.7 1.8 Air 10 6.8 Table 6.2.2. Energy and emissions per tonne-km (CO e is carbon emissions 2 emissions) conver ted to the equivalent CO 2 Food supply restricted options chains spatially for providing • sourcing • using • cultivating from in and accounts carrots; in during For transport food may 60% of is out of may are season be three locally: for as carbon a greenhouse. overall for locally imported requires emissions many months. emissions produced from only plant-based a such associated require from cooling, than For ten example, with times southern more Europe. refrigeration or freezing storage. emissions, Waste it There areas lower tomatoes derived contributes in the often contributes transport Cultivation (seasonally). when products tomatoes food area result transportation but growing complex. time produce local and/or products and by storage field-grown perishable long and protected for Sweden, than fresh storing storage Highly a produce harvesting often area) distant long-term Importing energy are (by higher animals, a small such as meat proportion products, such proportion of as of fruit their and their and carbon dairy goods, carbon vegetables, emissions. disposal Cooking PLANT-BASED FOOD Transportation Production and processing Waste disposal Cooking ANIMAL-BASED FOOD Transportation Production and processing Test yourself 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 6.8 Explain why shipping is Carbon emissions (millions of tonnes of CO e) 2 associated with high rates of Figure 6.2.2. Life cycle carbon emissions (millions of tonnes of CO pollution. e) for 2 [6] plant-based foods (top) and animal-based foods (bottom) in the US 6.9 Suggest why impor ting Source of data: Adapted from Green Technologies in Food Production and Processing (2012) food may have a lower environmental cost than locally produced food. [6] Carbon growth, 190 footprints rising of food incomes are and likely to increasing increase levels of due to population urbanization. 6.2 The carbon than footprint previously Sydney , clothing, that emissions. to They around 15% dioxide Researchers the entire other produces identified and over found that equivalent about Queensland and tourism 2013, is goods, carbon that e) to the chain and 3.9 Gt. University of of Cheng 2009 to 2013. 160 They gigatonnes found gas countries emissions also including souvenirs, greenhouse between They of Kung tourism, global RISK S larger beverages, from 8% flows from 4.5 times National tourism-related period, (CO food about four from and supply accommodation, cosmetics global 2009 of examined transportation, tourism thought. University University of E N V I R O N M E N TA L (Gt) from increased of suggested by carbon- that carbon 2 emissions due to from rising global tourism would increase to about 6.5 Gt by 2025 incomes. Environmental issues linked with the global shift of industry Polluting Since manufacturing the 1970s, environmental there. to home by Of number For pollutants these host offshoring countries. the these the A significant emerging standards However, industries Of many industries foreign may attract have adopted firms to move large-scale lax production polluting countries. of US firms production in emissions, attract policies example, emitted to economies between China over have to less 17% comes 20% reduced and from come their developed 36% of pollution and four less major export-orientated from the production at regulated air production. of goods for USA. all the goods imported by US manufacturing firms, the proportion Concept link produced At the the in same emerging time, economies toxic USA decreased by air rose emissions over from from 7% in 1992 to manufacturing 35% in 2016. industries in PLACES: Environmental incidents, such as the Chernobyl nuclear 50%. disaster in 1986, demonstrate US companies that contribute to offshore pollution are not violating how events that happen in one environmental laws either at home or in their host countries. They are country create transboundary taking advantage of those nations’ lower environmental and labour pollution incidents, which then have standards and letting the host countries bear the costs. negative impacts on places for a It is not just emerging HICs that economies relocate have polluting started to do industries so, too. overseas. The Chinese Some considerable amount of time. Hebei The flow of goods between Iron and Steel Company has announced plans to relocate some of places will create pollution at the the province’s steel, cement and glass production to Africa, Latin production source, when items are America, Eastern Europe and other parts of Asia. Capacity for 20 produced using non-renewable million tonnes of steel and 30 million tonnes of cement will be energy sources and using scarce moved overseas by 2023. It is building a plant capable of making 5 water supplies. The movement of million tonnes annually in South Africa, and is likely to shut mills in products along shipping routes Hebei, currently home to seven as countries outsourced of China’s most polluted cities. Just using some of the world’s largest rich their pollution to China, mainly light ships will produce more pollution manufacturing, China has got to the point in development where it than all of the vehicles in the world wants to start exporting pollution too, by building steel and other combined, thus affecting places factories in poorer countries. at a local scale. Places gain or lose industry due to market forces and Food production systems for global agribusiness this can result in benefits, such Agribusiness ecosystems around ecosystems. of single results in the the world Agribusiness crop varieties conversion is over to and highly often large degradation simplified based on of natural agricultural monoculture (the growing as a reduction in air pollution as manufacturing industry relocates elsewhere. areas). 191 6 U NI T 6: GLO B A L RISK S AND R E S ILIE NC E Pesticides are However, be toxic use of water. in It coastal intensive The have can and and or used to environmental organisms. destroy and They unwanted health can organisms. impacts. increase They surface may and pollution. (N), referred number (CAFOs substance nitrogen (sometimes of O N LY ) non-target groundwater The any they to (HL lead to to inland waters. size feedlots) NPK (P) a of The is and potassium a major the input concentrated increased. of of fertilizers of pollution “dead fertilizers fossil animal These of (K) source creation manufacture substantial has and fertilizers) eutrophication requires and phosphorus as is zones” energy fuels. feeding produce operations large amounts of Test yourself manure and significant nitrate pollution of air, water and groundwater. 6.10 Explain the global shift There of polluting manufacturing industries. [6] users. 6 . 3 L O C A L are also depletion, In A N D significant salinization western demands and USA, on decreases some G L O B A L 90% of water, in leading water water is to groundwater availability used for for other agriculture. R E S I L I E N C E You should be able to show new and emerging possibilities • Crowd-sourcing – the process of sourcing ideas, services, funding for managing global risks: or content from the public in order ✔ The success of international civil society organizations in to maximize the benefit of a large attempting to raise awareness about, and nd solutions for, group’s collective assets. environmental and social risks associated with global interactions; • Cyber security – the protection ✔ Detailed examples of one environmental and one social civil of information systems, hardware society organization action; and software from theft or damage. ✔ Strategies to build resilience: • E-passpor t – electronic passpor t containing a computer ✔ reshoring ✔ use of economic activity by TNCs; chip with details about the owner. of crowd-sourcing technologies to build resilience by • Reshoring – the relocation to government and civil society; the home country of a business’s ✔ new technologies for the management of global ows of data or company’s operations that were and people, including cybersecurity and e-passports. overseas. • Resilience – the ability to protect lives, livelihoods and infrastructure The success of international civil society organizations from destruction, and the ability to in attempting to raise awareness about, and find recover after an event. solutions for, environmental and social risks associated with global interactions Case and study: the Australia’s of the Environmental Great Barrier Great largest Barrier living organization action—WWF Reef Reef structures is a in World the Heritage world. It Area covers and an one area of over 2 344,400 km Tourism to , and the is reef one of earns the world’s Australia most some popular AU$6 tourist billion attractions. annually and Your case studies for this section provides around 69,000 jobs. must cover environmental and However, the reef is extremely vulnerable. Since 1990, it has lost social issues. You could have a around half of its coral cover; pollution has led to deadly starfish single case study that covers outbreaks; global warming has led to coral bleaching; there both aspects, or you could are even plans to expand several ports along the Great Barrier Reef provide two separate accounts, order to export coal from the Galilee Basin to India. Increasing the as here. size 192 of ports will lead to more dredging of the reef and increased in 6.3 shipping pollution. livestock for coral to and WWF from farms halt is fisheries of to (producing washed the off clarity of crown-of-thorns algal committed about and farms gets reducing leads awareness and from market) beds, explosions Australia increasing manage global seagrass population runoff to the Pollution blooms, to preserve reverse the decline reduce the impact issues key in and in some and WWF and It R E S ILIE NC E leads nitrogen dead zones. methods, initiatives Australia ecosystem GLO B A L smothers also cases conservation AND and while supporting species. species land water. starfish, and improving the the the crops LO C A L is to trying health in the Content link reef, and to of climate change on the reef. They have Management of coral reefs is called for reform of Queensland’s fishing management system, and discussed in option B.3. have encouraged people Case study: society Civil International The Aboriginal years. and thought that Australia the when Before that the the a result have has had had a farming place of no terrible an mortality urban life 69.1 for for with per faced country have them The to open a raises are to From to Territory mine of on rural the or these for and per living and with areas for in against a that issues mining is through this no and adults. infant 2010– projected 83.1 infant to years mortality compared Other social parts of the abuse. as the that the and that and in website and where supports parliament. people wanted Mirarr. Test yourself enable homelands) Mirarr company its have in and poorest courts to of them some, high births, projects with sacred in association, the race employment born infants. (known historical lands the a hunting/ people is the country . of For local 79.7 live the drug funds many resulted women in the would and by 1951. were traditional children 1000 result and of areas. with 2011–2015, 6.1 a is in people people young have For campaigned land up non-indigenous ownership titles The education men As 1850 British, It people parts urban ways. of alcohol to the compared provided return rural brought people and has of conditions for country . 45,000 have reduced. Aboriginal the limited was much between poorest lack Aboriginal diet the to around Aboriginal of expectancy . successfully awareness a in lands the respectively , births in for numbers the Aboriginal lived were living life been 60,000 number Aboriginal native uranium a in Australians. poor people Northern and populations live the organization the for traditional gain just options lower International Aboriginal they by arrived people that years 1000 include Survival it and Aboriginal 3.3 issues in has million massacres to settle unsanitary 73.7 fell environment; expectancy and first and Australia population lives one traditional to impact non-indigenous rate of their but means rates their their farmers, action—Survival inhabited occupied Australia, losing Furthermore, be British and choice opportunities 2012, of skills Aboriginal in has around population British turtle. people 1800s introduced hunter-gatherers As were a organization the quality there diseases colonists, since the “adopt” Aboriginal population However, crashed, of and to In 6.11 Evaluate the role of one international civil society organization in attempting to raise awareness about, to and find solutions for, social addition, various risks associated with global interactions. [8] publications. Strategies to build resilience Reshoring US of economic manufacturing due to reshoring. USA include the activity has TNCs experienced Companies General reshoring, by Electric including a wave that have and Ford. rising wages of resurgence, returned in their A number China, of much of production factors currency are it to the driving fluctuations 193 6 U NI T 6: GLO B A L RISK S AND R E S ILIE NC E and of the impact offshoring research or outsourced Reshored to [6] there supply supply the have share Use and (by of buy the Real-life examples always help. Many students use crowd-sourcing for raising donations for charitable events, such as running a marathon or under taking an arduous challenge. These are good, small- scale (local) examples which contrast well with some larger- scale events/examples such as Ushahidi. The and better made began to sourced directed from receive crisis at Brexit, 25% of of increased UK. The overseas EU-based This may all wants 40% benefit 170,000 Jaguar firms a is the to to in Land over the Rover EU. double the 80%. by to to around the old in it for in it of for to finances benefit developed provides and the and from the because solutions empowers new of of many interact problems. these interactions. complexity of people for global from problems bottom-up remains for crisis as one of as they approach example, During mapped and Nepal objective affected the the first online there and in of is human to of in facilitate of a safety following reports even Much of the based before criticism Haiti. rights natural/human- week 1,500 was important information. earthquake by news, lack action. most monitoring some conducted information the crisis response, the The people immediate to world. However, was people solutions such Facebook for and 2011. 2008). volunteers as has crowd-sourcing used (for messages. agencies the and needs issues overflow It facilitated find monitoring, Twitter, services, order Crowd-sourcing high-technology , often Kenya in government have elections of ideas, people. involvement created, mapping the of part the some resilience opportunities providers other text of solutions the is earthquake, information or support. positions, was in an use and from internet interdependence election elections Haiti humanitarian 194 find Nigerian or or made that employs sourcing the group interactions understanding during 2010 and of via many platform disasters firms Britain insufficient. communities and which expensive. Nissan build (for British than all from have costly items). result More anticipating engineering to a reshore locally—Nissan whereby mutual platform the EU. with replace replacements. Honda, in as to is demand production food tariffs to more British and the and currency UK sourced large necessitates Ushahidi 2015 a stakeholder reporting chain the (which products removed industry as process offers Ushahidi car public increased open-source of and the 46% UK technologies Crowd-sourcing 2008, by consumer looking being for goods proved global empowering 33% chains the of have other interactions In of society the builds High-speed different is from the such parts civil with in milk intend companies The approaches, and Indeed, places supply theft machinery during within chain looking more of Crowd-sourcing arise. be abilities each between property higher started from of around to formula have Europe, supply and problems, with to companies information people Disadvantages production, changes issues managers British time, Crowd-sourcing top-down of heavy to regarding supply crowd-sourcing collective distances furnishings), example, chain for value) government to home devaluation to include competitors claim want shipping. intellectual subject concerns their complex They on location contamination manufacturing. Britain, the over businesses chains same British and chains of the suppliers items (for supply proportion At of with of geographic and commonly after 50% effects the costs manufacturers. process European energy concerns potential suppliers their and items Europe, almost include clothing are shipping In higher expensive example, 6.12 Analyse the advantages of reshoring. ship), of O N LY ) engineering disruptions Test yourself (HL of it on they crowd- was coordination with 6.3 LO C A L AND GLO B A L R E S ILIE NC E New technologies for the management of global Concept link flows of data and people POSSIBILITIES: Organizations Cybersecurity and individuals can support movements and policies in order Cybersecurity , or computer security , is the protection of information to counter the risks presented from systems, hardware and software from theft or damage, as well as the global interactions. International protection of information on computers and related technology . The environmental organizations, such need for cybersecurity is increasing as more and more people and as Greenpeace, have local, national organizations rely on computers and the internet. and international campaigns that There is are many threats “phishing”—the such as details. are user keep ahead of government carriers. stop of the most to some internal and military common account level Common of or targets the are and and filter credit card need and out widespread, the technological risk increases. However, there is the possibility of safeguarding which different possibilities, such as deforestation new technology becomes more to airline firewalls, are designed to reduce the negative in Indonesia’s rainforest. As threats organizations, systems are common information but systems large systems most sensitive protection, computer systems of details protection prevention network One personal bank sophisticated threats. security . obtain have departments, The access more to passwords, computers becoming computer attempt names, Most to public and private interests using kinds cybersecurity or facial recognition attack. software at ports of entry, to prevent hacking and terrorism. Another One of the main issues regarding cybersecurity is that there is a lack possibility for facial recognition of international regulations or common rules to abide by . Moreover, software is its use in online banking national security may be vulnerable to attacks from another country , to prevent fraud and identity theft. making any international treaty difficult to regulate and enforce. E-passports An e-passport the owner. at airports detection may the be and as left E-passports also passports However, Since the the data, illegally . change the will are be there the more a biometrics be The difficult it, which by such the for dual is the or one possible for data faster also about checking help fingerprints, in in so person which it security to have in crime which bioinformation forge, is is on issued. improved. several citizenship). passport stolen, may country disadvantages owns as contains include personal reproduce have passport in e-passport E-passports crime. to some who would chip the determined they are person It of difficult it of clearance. contain site (unless the computer border make if a advantages some at passport They has The the associated does data not could someone to be hack with have e-passports. actual accessed into the access and to used system and data. ID Traditional text number Name information Country Place of birth E-passport Test yourself Fingerprint Personal 6.13 Using examples, analyse the bioinformation Iris pattern advantages and disadvantages of (a) cybersecurity and DNA sample (b) e-passpor ts. Figure 6.3.1. [6+6] Example of e-passpor t structure 195 6 U NI T 6: GLO B A L RISK S AND R E S ILIE NC E (HL O N LY ) QUESTION PRACTICE a) Analyse the carbon footprint of dierent global ows. [12] b) Examine reasons why the global production networks of some TNCs have changed over time. [16] How do I approach these questions? a) The command word is “analyse”, which means break down the subject of the question in order to bring out the essential elements. You will need to describe the carbon footprint of a number of ows. You may provide some comparisons in terms of size of the footprint; the direction of ows between dierent countries/regions; you may compare changes in carbon ows over time. b) “Examine” means consider an argument or a concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions or interrelationships of the issue. You will need to describe a range of risks to global supply chain ow. You may suggest reasons why global supply chain ows develop (cheap products, year-round supply, standardized products); you may examine trends in risks, such as environmental degradation, or the rise of protectionism and trade barriers. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER ▲ Good denition a) T he used ▲ Sound carbon scene setting footprint, process of and getting – to describes something the It involves for store, a measure transport of and how sell much goods carbon to is consumers. many stages, such as growing food, transporting it manufacturers, processing it into a nished product, getting consumption to a buy footprint produce, is from it ▲ Good to footprint denes to source carbon point and about supermarket, the and the consumer making a journey to goods. carbon importance of trade About 25% of greenhouse gases are embodied in goods and footprint ser vices the ▲ Good contrast opening of HICs point and about which country of “ow ” between consumption the via country of production international trade. and HICs are the LICs typically net LICs emerging CO and importers of embodied economies are carbon emissions generally net whereas exporters of emissions. 2 ▲ Good supporting data ▲ Good supporting detail T he largest are between (8%) and countries relative importance of – inter-regional China China and and involved in ows North the of embodied America Rest of footprints Asia carbon (9%), (7%). associated emissions China T he with and main Europe regions/ global ows shows trading include China, Russia, Europe and North America. Some of nations/destinations these are source destinations, In terms total ▲ Identies provides the food supporting sector of food carbon imports and local 10% America, footprints, emissions for between for whereas Europe transport many others and may fruit are Japan. account and mainly for vegetables 50% but of the less red to meat the products.T ransport carbon footprint of the is not ow the of only food. factor In fact, food harvest/storage importing produce har vesting 196 North China, and contributing contrast eg e.g. material than ▲ Good areas, and may storing result local in lower products overall for emissions many than months. QUE STION Indeed, storage accounts for 60% of the carbon emissions ▼ Less associated cooling, with carrots. refrigeration Highly or perishable freezing during food often transport Food footprints are likely to rise due to population, the growing number of increases in the middle-class people valid processes on changes dairy in diet (eg increasing proportions of meat point may ows. reasons prediction and about for of that of that has tourism. greenhouse related 2013, increased dramatically in recent gas from to 3.9 Global tourism emissions. emissions e) T he increased T his rise produces carbon by gigatonnes 4 .5Gt. footprint around (Gt) of about 15% 8% from between carbon -dioxide primarily came from of for tourism- growth. change rising are shopping expected to and food. increase Carbon to about material Some given 2009 tourist by economic footprints supporting ▲ Good details details and on tourism equivalent emissions 6.5Gt second carbon ▲ Good spending ▼ Could tourism from 2025, say for more its about the growth global due to incomes. there ser vices. carbon more important have global reasons transport, T hus, to years 2 on other products). footprint (CO that more and sector is be Good ▲ Identies One ows and/or than world’s here requires ▲ But storage. PRACTICE are a Many number of footprint people these of become of global ows many link goods wealthier , ows HICs and diets of many with ser vices change goods MICs is and and and LICs. increasing global T he as tourism increases. Overall, a number of ows have been covered. Data on carbon footprints. Some reasons for growth. Fluent account. The factors accounting for the growth in carbon footprint (for example, population growth, middle class, changes in diet) are touched on for food, but not for tourism, hence full marks are not awarded. Marks 9/12 b) T here are many reasons why the global production networks ▲ Introduces factors of some TNCs have changed over time. T hese include different affecting global types of production economic, networks political, social, environmental and technological factors, such ▲ Examples as changes the in demand and supply, and the protability of these factors given of o peration. ▲ Standard Economic factors include currency uctuations and trade gives be restrictions and the imposed USA, and by governments, between the USA e.g. and between China the (both a hint introduction to how Brexit (Britain voted to leave the imposed EU Rising require goods interest rates can cause havoc for TNCs that cheap prices. Deb t crises in countries such the link economics it at student support should really in make 2016). will EU ▼ The of which essay structured ▲ Contemporary announcement the is just between explicit—at politics the and moment implied as ▲ Economic factor 1 ▲ Economic factor 2, locational with support 197 6 U NI T 6: GLO B A L RISK S AND R E S ILIE NC E Countries ▲ Economic factor may 3 of ▲ Economic factor of ▲ Economic factor with threaten strong global raw may trade unions supply-chain reduce materials, transport 5 O N LY ) and costs demand such as oil, for a ows. unemployment/underemployment recession 4 (HL history High or may increase strikes rates more consumer of general goods. the Shortages cost of goods as rise. This paragraph has a lot of good points—it would be better if it developed some of these points in more detail, perhaps with an example or a development of how it aected global production networks. ▲ Overview ▲ Political of political factor 1 with Political factors conict, which include protectionism, trade restrictions and factors can severely restrict global production networks. named Supplies of goods from the Middle East and North Africa support were ▲ Political factor 2 with named severely annexation affected of by Crimea the from so-called Ukraine Arab led to S pring. Russia’s sanctions against support Russia by some experienced ▲ Political factor 3 with western sanctions countries. from Similarly, western countries, North which Korea has reduces the named ow of goods into and out of North Korea. support This paragraph has fewer points but reads better as it is better suppor ted. It would be good to bring in some details from events over the last few years (during the student’s time studying IB Geography). T echnological T ransport ▲ Technological factor could infrastructure affect global disruptions supply-chain are unusual but ows. ICT with is located factors very vulnerable to hacking. In 2017 Russia’s largest oil support company ▲ Good was attacked by ransomware, as was A.P . Moller- example Maersk, showed the how vulnerable ▲ Another technological shipping easy some it is company. to launch organizations T he a WannaCry global are. attack, However , ransomware and how technology can factor also increase global production networks. For example, the given growth ▲ Relevant examples of change shipping over from 4000–5000 TEUs in the to over 18,000 TEUs in 2013, has reduced the cost of time transport signicantly operations. markets to 198 containers, a 1980s technological of grow of in T he and combination China size. and the allowed of some cheaper Pacic TNCs transport Rim have to expand and enabled their emerging some TNCs QUE STION T here are global Japan many environmental production and networks. California, both factors that Earthquakes of which may are contain a disrupt major many threat in important ▲ First industries. T he tsunami shortage computer that affected Fukushima-Daiichi led to a good chips. Renesas Electronics Corp., the for largest chipmaker , specialized took about oods there. in two chips, known months Bangladesh T he 2011 supplied oods for as it to about automobile start frequently in 40% the led to world market microcontrollers. production disrupt T hailand of again. production shortages in shows up to 1,000 factories were forced to close, the of $20 billion. production factories in of In goods low-lying future, (e.g. climate food and textiles) may and the managing threats (political, global show may climate how and change, intricate networks accidental terrorist), Monsoon hard drives to economic examples environmental one part of the of impacts supporting given; very details affect submerge the but global other nature “ Brexit”). is of tricky threats threats Global interactions a task. can be can be, and of with good environmental supporting world can have effects in other factor arguments aggressive changes production Some (e.g. networks how changes ▲ Conclusion in the of areas. production be on network It ▲ Another T hus, impact networks leading change very microchips good losses the production ▲ Further after factor; information— world’s global fth environmental supporting clearly of PRACTICE is relatively simple parts. but brings the essay to a close A good description of a range of factors (technological, economic, political, environmental) aecting global supply chain ow, including suppor ting details. Could have provided more on change or contrasts between places and over time. More synthesis could be present; the answer could relate transpor t development to the rise of middle class. Marks 12/16 199 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT Why fieldwork matters Fieldwork and is is an essential compulsory referred means is to that as it moderated will by for the an Fieldwork research methods part both HL internal be learning and SL assessment marked external of IB by your geography students. (IA), It which teacher and examiner. Information and fieldwork investigation is investigation. collected your in Fieldwork to Y ou enable may the should data observations field. form adequate use own the This basis provide of interpretation from each sufficient third-party and sources because in it from information” must information important come measurements “primary analysis. Your must your IA; this is known as “secondary information”. will: However, • help you difficult • to aspects potentially when make sense of the provide answering of some the more subject useful an of IAs case external study exam material secondary referenced the will and only primary you use information should use secondary it needs to be properly sparingly—the information to back best up research. question Planning and preparing your project • provide higher research skills education or that will be useful in The employment success careful • provide an geography opportunity skills in a to be assessed non-examination in of your planning fieldwork and will depend on your preparation. your setting Choosing the right topic • contribute to your overall grade. Essential information The fieldwork and the most geographic • IA counts for 20% of the total marks at HL at must themes. be topics The related are core to the found and HL syllabus, within the extension and have 25% topic suitable very few topics that are suitable owing to their SL. global • Group work • Fieldwork • Each is allowed for data • reports are written scale. The investigation must be: collection. focused upon a clearly defined fieldwork individually . question report must be no more than 2,500 words • confined to a small area and on a local scale long. • • It must be related to a topic on the spatial—you interactions • Avoid these common errors in your based The ▼ The chosen topic has ▼ The chosen topic is ▼ The chosen ▼ The eldwork ▼ The information report greatly exceeds the 2,500 word topic not does spatial relate to the the consider area the spatial collection chosen of primary information field manageable element. time • geographical. not the the limit. • no on of IA: in ▼ should syllabus. able in allowed to fulfil terms and the the of the 2,500 area covered, word assessment the limit criteria. syllabus. Choosing the right site question is too simplistic. It is collected only from the internet. ▼ The survey whole ▼ The it area is too large and covers the • region. eldwork answer the 200 The information eldwork analysis is essential fulfils It is of the on is insufcient to • purely You that the can you local for select fieldwork following a enough scale, the survey area to in ensure descriptive. All sites times of within day but the area covered information area the and that criteria: sufficient cover the investigation in the time to be is area during are all large collected. allocated. question. • ▼ is advance accessible seasons. at all • The land is open to the public and research is of tailback, suspended permitted. You • You avoid environments that may put you may physical for fieldwork successful example, restricted to investigations surveys microclimate, waste is of particulate supplement in decibels, matter your in or the primary a survey of atmosphere. information secondary or published information but it must situations. not many levels in with dangerous Where noise the can footpath school be site, form the information undertaken; basis must comprehensive of your be report. All appropriately reference secondary credited using a system. erosion, infiltration/ground compaction and Collecting and justifying your fieldwork methods management. You must and be be able aware to of all critically the techniques evaluate each of involved them. Devising the fieldwork question The fieldwork which than should question allow descriptive for forms an a basis to the investigative approach. The research, rather question Before you start before you leave you should focused, unambiguous and answerable. it question is unlikely research is simplistic to topics perfectly be and worthy that have of the answer execution. uncertain survey site, make and sure have: marked on a map the sites where the If information the the information be • clearly collecting was collected obvious, However, outcomes are • recorded the date and • recorded the weather time of collection still conditions or any special viable. event occurring on the day that might affect the results Carrying out the fieldwork • Collecting the right information recorded interval Fieldwork must involve the the instrument, collection of technique where between or Primary quantitative, case of a include traffic or a information combination survey , photographs, may of qualitative interviews be both. data your traffic own subjective with hazards. include traffic assessment Quantitative counts, traffic the • might handling readings, the the a particular time of the advantages and technique justified the choice of survey sites and their number/frequency/location pedestrians of justified the choice of method used for perceived information delay of placed, qualitative In • and is primary disadvantages information. it information collection justified sampling might times, length • the technique used. How to display your fieldwork information When these you next report. have to Use the the processed text table in your your below fieldwork report as a guide Method Maps to information which to they display into refer. your graphs, These data maps and should not tables, be you should confined to the display end of the data. Do Don’t Include a map of the survey sites. Include a national map; it is irrelevant. Show your results at specic survey sites on this map. Include scruy, poorly drawn maps in pencil Annotate your map with brief analytical or descriptive (hand-drawn maps can be excellent—but ensure comments to add value to them. they are clear, accurate and drawn in pen). Download maps from the Internet without rst modifying or adapting them for your purpose. Graphs Wherever possible, place a series of graphs on the same page Use a monotonous series of pie char ts to for comparison. represent your data page by page. Use a variety of graphical techniques. Photos Take photographs of the eldwork techniques being carried out Include photos of your friends and teacher and annotate these to illustrate the methods. unless they are strictly relevant to the Make sure that each photograph shows the time it was taken, its investigation. location and its orientation. Sketches Generally Make sure that sketches are fully labelled/annotated and dated. Include sketches unless they are relevant. Make sure that all illustrations are properly referenced. Use a range of techniques, but make sure each is suitable. Map information wherever possible. 201 INTERN AL A SS E SS M E N T Criterion C: Quality and treatment of information Writing your repor t collected* Your the report should assessment allocation and be structured criteria the shown according below. recommended The to mark number of Marks This are given for each available: 5 marks words criterion assesses the usefulness of the data criterion. collected in your and the report. way When you present displaying this data information in your report, Criterion A : Fieldwork question refer to the following points: Marks available: 3 marks The techniques will vary you use to display your data Suggested word count: 300 words For this criterion, you should introduce question and geographic context for When writing this section, refer to the fieldwork Geography relates question syllabus theoretical for graphs, to and which section your of others) the your investigation background—what conducting the pick the tests (such diagrams, images, about as may confidence maps, matrices annotated and which would be of these field sketches. most techniques appropriate to (or display findings. your is within the geographic the location? climate, context—why Reasons geographical socio-economic aspects of that your your data written is positioned analysis logically (criterion D). study? Think Explain to they to. the reason you statistical and Ensure Give but points: Think State data, the photos following the the levels), investigation. on the include fieldwork depending could features the about annotating did follow relate an the of accepted presentation and numbering, tables, of graphs labelling and convention these aspects and is and diagrams; ensure the consistent. area. *Criterion not C It is essential that you include a map to show the does area under investigation. It is recommended that annotations you generate these yourself, by either hand drawing the assesses include word of a your count so information word count. diagrams aim to display may keep and However, be these lengthy factored into brief. them or by generating them on a computer . Criterion D: Written analysis Provide your hypotheses predictions for for your the study outcome. and add Justify your Marks available: 8 marks Suggested word count: 1,350 words predictions. For this criterion, you should demonstrate your Criterion B: Method(s) of investigation knowledge explaining Marks available: 3 marks of Suggested word count: 300 words your within This criterion requires you to explain the data data collection writing this used section, in your refer to each of your following methods written when points: In your detail such that the clearly and by other to the methods can justifications explain why the for the you methods chose the location such as Assess you and used, any weather the the other you of and/or 202 methods. the following section: of the central data, themes always relate addressed in the and geographic the context do the data help to answer the time of relevant your day , the to spatial explain patterns these and trends in your patterns. specific information, methods. photos question? any and Attempt to possibly with Ensure explain your C) any reference data are within your anomalies to points. in secondary displayed your demonstrate support your to have conditions. viability diagrams this question study; (criterion Use integrated sampling data, techniques be Refer students. Identify used: and be fieldwork Give interpreting presentation in of replicated should analysis. writing analysis fieldwork adequate C) by The When results Describe collected. methods fieldwork. the understanding data (criterion your checklist of and the written your data, sources. effectively analysis to Criterion E: Conclusion Criterion F: Evaluation Marks available: 2 marks Marks available: 3 marks Suggested word count: 200 words Suggested word count: 300 words In your conclusion, findings of following your you should fieldwork summarize investigation; the refer In to the points: There must answers the be the your a clear, concise fieldwork statement evaluation, investigation. following that primary to the data of your investigation to review you your should think about in these the your field. methods methods Assess and the of how collecting you quality could of data support for future investigations. conclusion. Consider Compare the results of the investigation initial hypotheses; it is acceptable for to state that the findings do factors of data; any of your preliminary for personal may have affected the example, bias or these factors unpredicted could external not circumstances match that the include conclusion the against validity your should evaluate data achieved your you particular, aspects: Thoroughly question. improve Refer In judgements such as the weather. or projections. Suggest study Could viable as and whole the realistic might fieldwork be ways in improved question and which in the sites the future. be improved? Suggest possible extensions to your investigation. You should represented and note by that these material assessment of the in criteria any criteria can part is not of be the report confined to one section. Repor t checklist Complete this checklist before you submit your fieldwork report. Tasks Completed The work is within the 2,500 word limit. There is a title page with the candidate name and number. There is a contents page. All the pages are numbered. All illustrations have gure numbers. All illustrations are close to the relevant text. All sources are correctly referenced. The appendix contains only raw information. The repor t has a eldwork question. All methods of information collection are fully justied. All maps have normal conventions of title, scale, nor th point and key. The analysis refers to the eldwork question and the information collected. There is a conclusion. The evaluation makes recommendations for improvements. 203 P R A CT I C E At this point, Geography exam you approach. papers, course. 1, will syllabus. 2 and Paper 3 It 3, is is have re-familiarized Additionally , now with time the to same completed by you put structure higher yourself will these E XA M have skills as level the with picked to the the up test; external students PA P E R S content some in from key this section assessment only . Answers the options techniques you to you will will these and and find are to at the of the refine practice complete papers units skills IB your examination end available of the DP at www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-support Paper 1 (SL and HL) Option A: Freshwater 1. Examine the diagram below showing the Lake Ontario drainage basin. Legend Canadian Areas Binational U.S. of Concern (AOCs) AOCs AOCs Delisted Lake U.S. AOCs Ontario Drainage Basin Cornwall St. Lawrence International River Drainage Basin St. Lawrence River border State/Provincial Massena border Tributaries Cities/ Towns N Kingston Belleville Peterborough Bay T oronto and Port Region Lake Toronto of Quinte Oshawa Hope Harbour Watertown CANADA Ontario Hamilton U.S.A. Eighteen Harbour Oswego Mile River/Harbor Creek Hamilton Rochester St Catharines Niagara Embayment Falls Syracuse Rochester Niagara Falls Niagara River Auburn 0 50 0 100 100 Miles 200 Kilometres Lake Ontario drainage basin (a) Estimate (b) Using basin (c) is Explain one (d) a width of from as processes factor reference why the the categorised how spatial With explain 204 the evidence to and an drainage map, an of one ‘open can temporal should that be at why its a widest be have protected. [1] [1] affected by factor. you point. drainage system’. erosion example wetlands basin explain [2+2] studied, [4] Either 2. Examine basin how can human cause influences create change in one part downstream of in a a drainage drainage basin. [10] Or 3. Examine plan that the importance you have of an integrated basin management studied. [10] Option B: Oceans 4. Examine Head the photo Island, (a) Identify (b) Using North two an Suggest the coastal in on which landforms diagram, question how pressures right, shows a coastline at Bald Carolina. annotated identied (c) on two (a) has different coastlines shown explain been types such as in the how photo. the [2] landform formed. of land-use [4] can create this. [2+2] Either 5. Examine the economic and ecological value of coastal margins. [10] Or 6. Evaluate ocean initiatives that have been implemented to manage pollution. [10] Option C: Ex treme Environments Coastline at Bald Head Island, Nor th 7. Study the map below. Carolina Map showing semi-arid environments in yellow (a) Describe map (b) Outline extreme (c) the distribution of semi-arid climates using above. Explain two [2] challenges for human habitation in an environment. how economic the arid environments benets. [2+2] can be utilized for [2+2] 205 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S Either 8. Examine and the extreme interrelationship between global climate change environments. [10] Or N 9. Examine extreme the conflict between environment that different you have stakeholders in one studied. [10] Option D: Geophysical hazards 10. Study the relation (a) map to Using on map left, Examine Suggest in evidence, vulnerability (b) the liquefaction the in the photo two which the shows district describe of the the level of Gisborne vulnerability in distribution New of high district. on the in Zealand. [2] left: reasons why the building strength and one in the image Legend collapsed. Liqueaction [2+2] Vulnerability Low (c) Explain one weakness for a scale that Medium measures 0 1 2 3 4 5 (km) the magnitude of an earthquake or a volcanic High eruption. [4] Liquefaction vulnerability in Gisborne, New Zealand Either Source of data: Gisborne District 11. Examine how the economic and social development of a Council place can influence geophysical hazard risks. [10] Or 12. Examine places how are planning able to cope and with pre-event strategies geophysical hazard ensure that events. [10] Option E: Leisure, spor t and tourism 13. Study the passing number chart below through of the which biggest passengers they shows airports are the in number of Thailand, designed to passengers in relation to the handle. Collapsed building in the Belice valley, Sicily MYANMAR Chiang Mai LAOS 9.4 8.0 Suvarnabhumi Don Muang THAILAND 18.5 35.2 45.0 55.9 Bangkok CAMBODIA Andaman Gulf of VIETNAM Sea Thailand Phuket Krabi 6.5 15.1 4.1 3.0 Hat Yai Airport (in 4.0 capacity millions) 2.5 Number of 2016 millions) (in The capacity of Thailand’s airpor ts and number of passengers in 2016 Source of data: Airpor ts of Thailand Pcl; Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand 206 passengers in (a) (i) State the airport with the largest amount of overcapacity . (ii) State the [1] airport with the smallest amount of overcapacity . (b) Outline can (c) be Using the one an the movements groups in which tourism congestion (people) [2] example economic, Examine [1] in managed. sustainable 14. way that social tourism influence that have you and to of a studied, low-income political affected international have environmental sports and of country . decisions the explain benets and participation sporting [2+2+2] social of different events. [10] Or 15. Examine tourism how primary touristic resources can cause the growth of hotspots. [10] Option F: Food and health 16. Study the schematic below. X Stage Receding Stage 3 famine 4 Degenerative Stage disease Reduced Starchy, low low fat, labour variety, high Increased fiber intensive fat, processed work/ shift leisure in work sugar, and fat, fruit, foods technology replace of deficiencies, weaning Obesity disease, bone in stunting Slow mortality fatness, bone problems decline Accelerated shift to life expectancy, increased increased death disability recreation, activity Reduced emerges, Extended rates fiber purposeful changes density increased sedentarianism with leisure change veg, other MCH 5 Behavioural reduced body improved health health death aging, rates period Schematic showing stages of nutrition transition (a) State two labelled (b) factors that could be included in the box ‘X’. Describe [2] what is meant by the term ‘epidemiological transition’. (c) Explain one [2] advantage • genetically • vertical • in vitro modified for each of organisms the following: (GMOs) farming meat in improving food production [2+2+2] Either 17. Examine of one the geographic vector-borne factors disease and that one caused the diffusion water-borne disease. [10] Or 18. Evaluate the strategies designed to overcome famine. [10] 207 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S Option G: Urban environments 19. Study Drivers’ time the spent chart in peak below. traffic congestion Average Hours 2017, cost $ of congestion per driver, top Total 20 0 40 60 80 to Angeles, York, San Paulo, 3 $bn 4 York 33.7 Angeles 19.2 Francisco 10.6 Brazil Francisco, Bogotá, 2 US Los São 1 Russia New New city, States US 0 Moscow, cost 100 United Los five ’000 US San Colombia London, Atlanta 7.1 Miami 6.3 Britain Atlanta, Paris, US France Britain Miami, Bangkok, US 0 1 2 3 4 Thailand London Jakarta, Washington DC, US Boston, US Istanbul, Mexico 12.2 Indonesia City, Turkey Lincoln 0.2 Manchester 0.4 Birmingham 0.8 Mexico Braintree Chicago, Medellín, 0.06 US Colombia Germany 0 Krasnodar, Seattle, St Petersburg, Rio de 2 3 4 Munich 3.1 Berlin 7.5 Hamburg 3.8 Stuttgart 1.0 Ruhrgebiet 2.4 US Russia Dallas, Zurich, 1 Russia US Switzerland Janeiro, Munich, Brazil Germany Congestion in cities, 2017 Source of data: INRIX Research (a) Compare USA and (b) Outline the cost of congestion to top 5 cities in the Britain. two [1+1] ways in which trafc congestion can be reduced. (c) With [2+2] reference explain green two to an factors example that have that you resulted have in a studied, depletion of space. [2+2] Either 20. Examine the the urban extent to ecological which an eco-city design can impact footprint. [10] Or 21. Examine cycle 208 of the links between deprivation in deindustrialization urban environments. and the [10] Paper 2 (SL and HL) Par t A Unit 1: Changing population 1. Examine for the Saudi map below, which shows the population distribution Arabia: 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 People per square kilometre Population density in Saudi Arabia Source of data: Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (a) Describe (b) Suggest a (c) low With the one population physical population reference explain two to distribution. reason for an [2] area that contains density . a [2] megacity reasons for its that you have studied, growth. [3+3] Unit 2: Global climate—vulnerability and resilience 2. Study the emissions diagram for below countries which and shows regions the carbon between dioxide 2012–2040. 45 Non-OECD History countries Projection 40 snot Rest of non-OECD Russia 35 cirtem Africa 30 Middle East noillib/dettime India 25 China 20 OECD countries 15 Rest of OECD 2 OC 10 OECD Asia OECD Europe 5 United States 0 2012 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Projected energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by country or region (2012–2040) Source of data: US Energy Information Administration (2016) 209 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S (a) (i) In 2020, estimate non-OECD dioxide (ii) and (b) (i) (ii) the global in terms of the the OECD amount of and carbon [1] country increase that is projected (non-proportional) to have between the 2015 [1] the Explain Explain countries between 2040. Dene that (c) difference emitted. Identify highest the term the operation contributes one “positive to positive climate of one climate effect change feedback positive [1] feedback loop change. and upon loop”. one people [3] negative in effect from low-income countries. [2+2] Unit 3: Global resource consumption and security 3. Study the graph below. 100% 7% 11% 90% 14% 80% 6% 24% 70% North 60% 9% America Europe Central 50% Asia 64% & South Sub-Saharan 40% America Pacific Middle East Africa & North Africa 46% 30% 20% 10% 4% 4% 6% 5% 2015 2030 0% Global middle class population, % of total Source of data: Brookings Institution (2017) (a) Identify the between (b) region 2015 Referring to Suggest how stewardship 210 that with describe strategies can will experience the largest change 2030. regions development, (c) and be [1] different the levels changes designed achieved. to of economic between achieve 2015 and 2030. [3] resource [3+3] Par t B 4. Study the infographic below: % of population over 65. % in of over overall 50s population Brazil 17% 19% 34% 24% 22% 22% 11% China 22% 24% 27% 18% 19% India 10% 15% 6% 17% 18% Japan 25% 24% 42% 44% 10% 15% 45% Russia 31% In 2050 one person in three will be over 65 34% and one person in 10 will be over 80. 36% UK 34% 36% 38% 2012 — 11% of the world’s 6.9bn are over 60 2050 — 28% of the world’s 9.0bn are over 60 US 30% 32% 34% The World’s ageing population (a) (i) Identify the increase of (ii) in (i) State the over largest the age in continent its will percentage experience of people the over smallest the age Suggest [1] the of State age (c) people 65. age (ii) experience of [1] the increase (b) will percentage 65. Identify of continent its the of 3 65 80 number in in the in of people year number ways improved. the of who will be over the who will be over the 2050. people year which [1] 2050. the infographic [1] could be [2+2+2] 211 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S Par t C Either 5. “Managing global agree population climate with change this change will will ensure decrease.” To that what the risks extent do from you statement? [10] Or 6. “Despite the impacts development To what is extent not do from global possible you climate without agree with the this change, global depletion of resources.” statement? [10] Paper 3 (HL only) Unit 4: Power, places and net works 1. (a) Explain of (b) the the global “Physical global this role of trade barriers national of legal no interactions.” governments and longer To illegal have what in movement goods. relevance extent the do you [12] in relation agree to with statement? [16] Unit 5: Human development and diversity 2. (a) Analyse a (b) global the Evaluate in the processes which affect cultural diversity at scale. the global [12] role of different processes of stakeholders human involved development. [16] Unit 6: Global risks and resilience 3. (a) Explain affects (b) “Increasing global true? 212 how the people movement and of manufacturing industry places. resilience interactions.” to To [12] global what risks extent can is only this increase statement [16] Index Key terms are in government-led bold. mitigation 3D printing 183, 186–7 hydrosphere, resources acidification adaptation climate of 133 coasts 23, agribusiness agriculture antecedent 119, 119–20 solar 191–2 in coastal of arid and areas 41–2 86 to Red movements policies aquaculture 29 119, 177 erosion coastal 35 of in arid hot desertification areas arid environments and and of USA environments arid landscape extraction present 41 43–4 rights diseases nations retreating of erosion dune of arid environments United Arab 37 extraction tourism in cold 44 coral weathering in hot, arid environments 40 core–periphery reefs 22, 23 corporate 138 130 water 28, 29 cryosphere 139 dioxide river (CO ) 22, 129 192, diffusion hybridity cultural imperialism treatment as of an flood system and mitigation with stores 3 of 8–9 typical river urbanization, landforms drug on flood 7 and 183, 9, stream characteristics radius processes drought 174 174–5 deforestation modifications of flow, and 4 erosion, transportation 173, 92–3 open flows basins of discharge river 194 173, 89 2 hydraulic 172–3 99 drones cultural 86 86–7 outputs, channel 115 2 cultural and channel risk responsibility crowd-sourcing resources disease basin of and (table) diffusion 4–5 162–4 112 social of basins impact patterns 176 38 formation 44 51 counter-urbanization 175–6 drainage 42–3 27 core–periphery development 87–8 examples 86 currents human diffusion inputs, environments diffusion convection of prevention 25 technology 45 168 87 drainage 35–6 mineral Europe 85 drainage coastal development Emirates biocapacity deposition 23–4 environments contagious on social 85 disease diurnal influences in diaspora cholera 28 coastlines and urban opportunities combating and of 103 45 importance 26 of 101 impacts 46 173, diffusion 27–8 23 communications distribution semi-arid the 35–6 features the 93 Chinese and 26–7 landscapes cold arid carbon diabetes on diasporas reefs 40 168–71 malaria physical 45 desalination 26 pressures coral 39 deprivation measures flooding strategies swamps reefs places sand hot, in 41–2 semi-arid of development 24 36 hot, and and cycle desertification 128 26–7 Beach, Sea landforms opportunities challenges blue change 24–5 challenges biotic climate 25 land-use sovereignty 120 11 agricultural biomes greenhouse and 97 managing variations management advancing environments bedload in 128 erosion environments deprivation global radiation Miami 126 deposition arid desertification management 6 hot, of 24 deprivation mangrove processes 116 landforms glacial 131 132 conflicting 126 anti-natalist tourism places variations coastlines diffusion anti-immigration and and water–food–energy management 130 moisture mineral for ratio 4 deposition 144–5 responding opportunities anthropogenic past London 24–5 84, change 101, people emissions coastal importance arid 186–7 10 challenges aquifers 183, coastal and 132–4 188, agricultural climate gas 6 population albedo 60–2 deposition 129–30 international hazards manufacturing afforestation on implications nexus change advancing aging impact 22 132 geophysical additive 28–9 oceans dependency and 133 atmosphere biosphere abiotic adaptation strategies and deposition 4 186 129 trafficking 160 174 2 carbon footprints centrifugal centripetal 188, population channel characteristics channel modifications Chernobyl cholera circular civil 189–91 population disaster, cultural movements movements 99 99 4 societies rejection 7 1986 188–9 global superpowers influence 176–7 role climate in global Town causes of changes interactions 47, atmospheric Cape cybercrime system the climate and change energy corporate 126–8 global strategies climate 129–31 disparities and cultural cultures and exposure in growth risks to to Highlands (LHWP) relief change 132–3 Water Project deforestation political water demographic demographic 99, dividend dividend transition in 116 Kenya 122 scarcity (virtual) flows risks 185 economic 186–7 9 water 138 168 indigenous groups peoples or 171 women 170–1 in Colombia 171 141–2 balance 126, efficiency national 119 and states women energy 100 of physical chain empowering energy 7 and empowering energy 159 62 11 supply empowerment 13 58, 140 183 sovereignty minority 2015 138, economic global embedded 13 Nepal, economic economic 195 195 55–6 economic threats on 175–6 demographic in 53, footprints political, their 153–4 diasporas deindustrialization of and geopolitical 192, building Lesotho balance 133–4 consequences 192, empowering dam debt society 173 126–7 global e-passports ecological cultural 183 cybersecurity 132–3 global in 178–9 126 127–8 civil of identities change built 174–5 spectrum influence production the earthquake and global 176 in earthquakes interactions economic, globalized changes 175 173 diversity April 148 133, of cultures global 87 economy landscape environment food security water–food–energy enhanced 127–8 ratios greenhouse 85 143–4 nexus effect 142–5 126–7 213 INDE X international gas ENSO 20, variations emissions (El Niño in greenhouse Southern future Oscillation) risks global impacts of global flows shift epidemics of industry (TBP) food erosion transition and management coastal 82, gender, 84 deposition glacial erosion resource changing zones 28 habitation and for extreme global climate global distribution over time to resources 46 43–7 environments and 41–3 trade famine and landscapes 88, feedback flood the Middle Pakistan Queensland, erosion and risk of prediction urbanization, on flood glacial variations in food health 82 nexus 86 142–4 of of and 35, risks plate 28, 57–9 and types movement 51–2 hazards political 55 factors on global and post-event health 82, 187–8 chain and risks flows 185 businesses political of and economic states management hazard trends adaptation hazard and (map) 60 and future 60 management management strategies strategies 62 61 131 in health indicators 83–4 diffusion human 86 69 homogenization 173 development changing and identities development diversity and cultures opportunities responses to global 168 173–6 168–73 interactions 176–9 social 186–7 risk 57–9 patterns hierarchy physical magnitude for geophysical hierarchical 183 57 60 global 29–30 individuals entrepreneurship approaches 171–3 35–6 periglacial and glacial Human Development Index (HDI) 169–70 37 features and present and glacial deposition erosion, 38–9 distribution of glacial hunger 82–3 hurricanes 22 Hurricane hydraulic 37–8 processes hydrographs diversity 174–5 177–8 natural 6–7 2012 22 4 138 6 hydrograph 152 constraints Sandy , radius hydrocarbons 39–40 129 cultural geopolitical and hazard projections local on geophysical factors of disaster 53 nationalism supply interactions effects of social geophysical 53 177–8 104, economic 39, 154 55–6 hazards movement constraints of 126–7 55 distribution global mass environments global 152, risks vulnerability 55–7 51–5 51 environments glaciers 83 consumption water–food–energy and 82, risks vulnerability factors periglacial 82–3 183–4 power pre-event challenges food/nutrition 130 60–2 54–5 past 85 transition adaptation volcanoes transport indicators nutrition and earthquakes sovereignty deforestation 174–5 measurement of to global 152–3 effect hacking 51 of threats in 187–8 how 139 relevance 164 characteristics to showing 56 and global nationalism participate 173, geographic systems landscape in (GMOs) 132 resilience areas patterns organisms hazards geopolitical 157–60 138 habitats hazard characteristics 140–1 global 170 and 170–1 systems 7 systems (GII) food 99 risk flows 152 interactions water technological 126–7 and grey 168 global 162–4 and warming countries 183–5 3 82, food risk hazard 26 modifications to geophysical 7 networks water and 178–9 and indices hard isolation political, flooding strategies 120–1, societies world globalization 9–12 164 161–2 globalization 12 quality Index geophysical to and channel 5–9 to 176–7 154–7 civil economic, threats flood 119, modified geographic 8–9 management 214 8 6–7 at futures related globalization in in attempts mitigation on 168 interactions mitigation impact at geopolitical 7 of 157–60 resistance organizations globalization and 2–5 91–2 29 Australia global 90 geopolitical mitigation food 160 127 coastal roles genetically hazard power 161–4 environment innovation 162 39 water Inequality health East, 157, flood food equity mechanisms Investment) flood flows 36 90–1 mitigation flooding and gender classification and Direct role flows society factors greenhouse geophysical Africa (Foreign fishing characteristics 90 in 2017 FDI climatic 44 172 famine 161, hydrology equality future global influences interactions shrinking 168 geophysical sustainable 46 processes and 90 global flood geoengineering 38–41 tourism nutrition 143 and physical civil glocalization gentrification 47 35–6 extreme development relief and 97 Gender and groups 91–2 2 gender 37–8 environments change technology (FTZs) scarcity gender and interactions powerful 88 technology management women access for local physical in insecurity water gender 36–7 35–8 future physical 25, 35 distribution managing (EEZs) 86 development competition 88–91 green human characteristics health and political water functions networks global 82–4 91 security basin and global and 2 environments for security systems flooding 40 interactions global geomorphology 9 diffusion global human and weathering drainage security health security food zones freshwater and 23 economic challenges trade 38 evapotranspiration expansion erosion 24 changes exclusive of environments eutrophication new food food food food freeze-thaw 26 24 erosion arid free flooding strategies landforms diseases 91–3 and production national coastal of 91 food combating 4 in 82, Bangladesh 188–91 82 epidemiological extreme and food security achieving 191–2 pollution 91 epidemiology wave health stakeholders food transboundary eustatic spread 152–7 measuring 188 189–91 hot, and sustainability environmental erosion systems 85–8 21 environmental fair food 128 characteristics influences on and hydrographs INDE X ice sheets ICTs 35, technologies) identities of identities vitro theft 184 91, infertile and in northern climate 12, basin assessment aid see niche patterns development participation leisure 36–7, sport in leisure festivals changes uneven 46 scale the in different future sport national and liquefaction drift the international at the local belts nutrient sport scale ocean and 82, lowest life expectancies 90 oceans swamps movement mass care megacities Greater types in 2018 ocean open Area, China forced forced migration controls 177 and migration migration voluntary Sea for ocean 42, migration 43 112 oceans resource margins 119–21 99 resources 119, 183, 176, 69 120 186 178 51 oceans and relocation 28–30 interactions 157, 86 159 142 192, resilience 60, 193–4 192 new technologies for 20–2 of civil strategies resource city to disposal 93 global 40 and with poverty of resource industries pollution 189 water, 102 29 191 resource 193–4 105 138 contrasting levels of 145 recycling in of consumer consumption changing trends in class trends resource and the global 138–9 stewardship land, 138–42 142–6 139–40 reduction middle 188–91 resilience Singapore consumption 9 raising 146 measuring 6 40 in of 195 104 security trends impacts 6 build design and items 93 and people 192–3 consumption countries 11 pollution the management societies awareness resilient 3 14 6 diffusion reshoring role 25–8 futures scarcity Wetlands global flows of data 29 91, on 142 remove 29 20 margins 2, 29 29 use coastal water shipping 116–17 change 142 reduce pollution 40 ocean growth 142 remittances 23–5 manufacturing 118 (map) 127 cities flows reforestation between rainfall air internal 113 142 recycle abiotic places peak physical in megacity Convention recover 20–1 28 29–30 of ground permafrost distribution transition repatriation Ramsar 28–9 biotic discharge pollution 116 and internal extraction profit pyroclastic 20–1 transfers manage peak pingos 162 displacement mineral 130 movements in density policies Rotterdam pandemics of touristic protectionism 3 patterned migration rules carbon conveyor futures management diabetes 131 anti-immigration economic and 171–2 11, animal modification 101 distribution population resource microclimate migration of 101 management microfinance primary 129 currents energy overpopulation 117–18 and 116 feedback re-source coastal overfishing 114–15, ratios 115 change post-industrial 21–2 coastal source 22, demand systems outputs 112 Bay and ocean–atmosphere 58–9 cycles oceanic value in managing 54–5 Rwankuba, 84 microclimates urban of to coastal 27–8 movement Rwanda, medical Africa population pro-natalist ocean China and positive 22 on sex 20 interactions 87–8 Niña store and strategic 24 oceans management South 51 scale 115 managing 20 21 initiatives economic national 117–18 83 interactions (CO2) resources 116 112 and 116 size, population population 22 of increasing 69–71 83–4, La a the structure consequences of currents trends mangrove as 112–15 119 South world 127 86 hurricanes importance 75–7 at 23 malaria of operation societies 72–4 and expectancy highest and at population uneven resource stewardship 72 dioxide 71 ocean and tourism 2, distribution family China resource transition margins activities 68 for tourism littoral in aging 164 consumption; tourism oceans 66–7, mass 157, 9–12 feedback impact 67–8 large-scale load trends 116 28–9, diffusion ENSO 66–8 and trends 112 distribution population 187–8 99, environments acidification leisure patterns density demographic economic life China ocean–atmosphere changing population 114–15 51 66 about economic development 187 scarcity nutrition 21–2 11 leisure and population 159 resource network 23 119–22 places consumption development organizations population resources negative 41 20, thinking resource population nationalism; 158 and 147–8 7–9 84 increase water 202–3 158 changes Niña and 133 187 extreme report loans lakes 157, opportunities 116–18 42–3 161 USA and natural 200–3 200–1 your irrigation management natural international lahars rates nationalism 97 13 international La change 112 and populations divergent mitigation narcotics 97 drainage writing Europe 132 Europe fieldwork changing 43–4 multi-government 3 (IDBM) 11, challenges population industry integrated population Basin, 46 41 informal isostatic mining (MGOs) housing internal Chile mortality 191–2 soils in flood 92 informal inputs cultures 175–6 meat industry on Galilee Australia mining mitigation 173 diasporas coalmine, Queensland, communication 162–4 spectrum influence in and 173 global identity Carmichael 129 (information food and 146–8 energy endowment 157 resource nationalism 176, resource stewardship 142, 140–2 178 146 215 INDE X circular economy divergent and resource tax 148 thinking about population consumption trends Sustainable (SDGs) retreating risks tides risks; geopolitical river landforms river processes sand dune sea risks; hazard sediment 168 sex ratio sites slum pollution city 152, power solifluction threats 35, 36, 189 of 25, of economic states 186–7 of on 74 England sporting international sport and health 88 and 148, systems NGOs and 88–9 the media) movements Milan and 99 Portland, growth in São city design 104, Paulo, 105 growth urban system 100 projections growth urbanization, 72 vertical natural for 2050 104 99 increase population and movements 99 25 53, volcanic 72–3 92 55–6 eruption Guatemala, 75 in 7, farming volcanoes vulnerability Zimbabwe the waste 75 at V olcán 2018 de Fuego, 57–8 57–9 Gambia growth water 73 in fair hotspots 75 172 trade zones 119, (FTZs) 121, 161, 162 UN national and (TBP) routes 188–91 footprints water management integrated water and environments faults Sustainable 148, Goals ecological footprint human 104 urban systems urban factors 153–4 factors urban Goals 97–8 stresses variety urban of heat urban islands of of waves modification environments source and 97–8 water scarcity on lakes and water conflict resources 11–12 2 erosion processes 24 extreme 12, 23 129–30 14 Marshes 25, women WWF of shared of wave Iraqi 101 of water 11 wave wind on 23 wetlands urban 98 101 a weather, urban 98 pattern microclimate management (SDGs) pattern areas pressures watersheds 99–100 places social activities affecting residential 193 23 Development urban and affecting economic 184 Australians systems of activities 10 internationally as 13 14 9 aquifers 97 sustainable consequences distribution (map) 168–9 plans wetlands 10 scarcity global 12 9 quality Development 12 basin (IDBM) major agricultural 51 environments on 142–4 13 drainage quality 40 101–3 cultural futures participation environmental 39 143 nexus 85 building pressures 131 4 transport environmental their security management characteristics geopolitical water water dam 157 pollution transport (SDGs) 146 140 163 arid 146 waste community 159–60 people transboundary hot, of water–food–energy trade ocean disposal flows 75–6 157–8 changing 152 load 69, 104–6 International 85 102 105–6 urban water 51 168–9 strategies tourism hotspots building influence Sustainable City international expanding in 23 superpowers suspended in tourism transverse 90 4 Aboriginal 103 Mexico 100 urbanization 68 organizations, processes economic, Survival Mumbai in deindustrialization vegetation tourism Barcelona urban surveillance 73 77 in urban global strategy future tourism 3 superpowers a in 99 tourism 89 subduction as participation sustainable glacier food roles flow tourism 67 social 105–6 centripetal tourism transportation 77 (agribusinesses subaerial of activities urban urban 76 TNCs transport governments stream touristic development national trafficking and 132 international TNCs 2010 74 in of benefits trafficked participation stakeholders resilient 116 sustainable free in international stakeholders gender Games, 70 influences stores rate of population in Brazil unsustainable 69 69 league events Sydney 103 design greening 89 69 tourism and Commonwealth hosting eco-city infrastructure international 28 political Wales in 99 Oregon influencing trade football space 102 103 76–7 influence facilities 172–3 consumption factors of Nigeria changes impacts congestion systems 160 affecting 104 66 Delhi food factors role 103 green the centrifugal responsibility 66 and niche 60 46 to of traffic 72, 160 ecotourism 37 154 sovereignty 216 costs 69 39 sovereignty sport 44, national 101, design depletion 72–3 tourism clearance spheres on fertility 23 environments power solar resources corporations) 160 categorization touristic Onitsha, land-use deprivation social Group tourism stabilization smart soft total 25 97 slope Inc. tourism 9 102 in contested managing 51–2 outsourcing 119 shipping people pollution urban facilities sex and 186 influence 4–5 4 supply semi-arid data air 40 corporate 129 secondary management 101 pollution redevelopment Apple risks 4 84 levels of the stresses air 103 (transnational 157, environmental development sanitation flows plates Tata salinization for 186–7 23 TNCs discharge innovations global thermokarst economic risks; river tectonic 24–5 104 51 see 162–4 195 142 rifting 91–2, technologies of Goals 148 coastlines retrofitting return Development urban 186 46, disruptive new 147–8 UN avoidance technology 14 40 170–1 (World Great Wildlife Barrier 192–3 Reef, Fund) Australia 133–4, O X F O R D I B P R E P A R E D GEO GR A PH Y Offering an unparalleled level of assessment suppor t at SL and HL , IB Prepared: Geography has been developed directly with the IB to provide the most up-to-date and authoritative guidance on DP assessment. Authors Garrett Nagle Anthony Gillett You can trust IB Prepared resources to: ➜ Consolidate essential knowledge and facilitate more effective exam preparation via concise summaries of course content FOR FIRST ASSESSMENT ➜ Ensure that learners fully understand assessment requirements IN 2019 with clear explanations of each component and model answers ➜ Maximize assessment potential with strategic tips, highlighted common errors and sample answers annotated with exper t advice What's on the cover? ➜ Build students’ skills and confidence using exam-style questions, Culebra Cut, Panama Canal practice papers and worked solutions and Gambao Rainforest Resor t, Panama D OPTION D: G E O P H YS I C A L Key syllabus material is explained HAZ ARDS When the different types of movement occur, they result in the Concept lnk formation PROCESSES: Geological processes alongside key definitions create geophysical events such as ear thquakes, volcanic eruptions and mass movement. The extent of the processes, in terms of the intensity, will result in a range at different scales. The spatial interaction between geological of various example, oceanic between released. when the the plate plates plate addition, in the a is These via of an rock into earthquake to eruption are the will is to and This land mass make being on are plate their Upon crust, forced friction energy oceanic will plate. or creates mountains the events. continental seismic the fold as pressure, continental hazard subducted mantle. leads formed under in of against type) occurs, compress magma creation the eventually plumes, weaknesses volcanic the converges denser plate and forced plumes mantle. surface and crust (a continental two Subsequently In surface, landforms oceanic tectonic underneath the areas influences the speed of warn against common errors the continental of different effects occurring Assessment tips offer guidance and For the formed. melts way to reaching the occur. onset and other characteristics of Figure D.1.1 shows these different types of plate movement and how the hazard. they connect within Fgure D.1.1. Assessment questions and sample student the Earth’s geophysical system: Dierent types of tectonic plate movement You should be able to describe and explain the processes that take place at convergent, Plate responses provide practice oppor tunities Plate divergent and transform plate boundaries and ensure that you include appropriate terminology. and useful feedback Asthenosphere Divergent For example, tectonic plates move apar t at convergent plate margins, such as the Nor th American plate and the Eurasian Plate Plate plates, due to convection Asthenosphere currents in the mantle. This Also available, from Oxford Convergent allows magma to rise and solidify, which means that the sea floor 978 0 19 839603 1 spreads as the plates move apar t under the Atlantic Ocean. Plate Underwater shield volcanoes Plate Asthenosphere can be formed, which may reach above the water level over time Transform due to fur ther eruptions. Note the presence of the continental rift zone in the diagram of divergent plates, Test yourself which Fgure D.1.2. shows how a continental plate is being stretched. Mass movements in the Dolomites, Italy D.1() Stte two types of volcano. [2] (b) Descrbe the differences in terms of the lava emitted from the two types of volcano that you named in par t (a). [2] 52 I B D I P L O M A P R O G R A M M E Suppor t material available at www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-suppor t ISBN web 978-0-19-843422-1 www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib 9 780198 434221