CSC SPEL Form 1, April 2012 CERTIFICATION OF NO PENDING CASE/ NON-CONVICTION OF ANY OFFENSE This is to certify that I, ___________________________________________, (complete name of applicant) Filipino citizen, of legal age, ______________________________, and a resident of (civil status) _____________________________________________________, have no pending (complete address) administrative and/or criminal case before any court/authorized body. I, further, certify that I have never been found guilty/convicted of any administrative offense and/or crime. I am executing this Certification in support of my application with the Civil Service Commission Regional Office No. _________ / Central Office for the grant of ___________________________ Eligibility. I understand that any misrepresentation (type of eligibility applied for) as to the truth of the foregoing shall cause the disapproval of my application and/or outright revocation of the eligibility granted without prejudice to the filing of administrative and/or criminal case/s against me. Done this _______________ day of _____________________, 20________. ________________________________________ Signature over full printed name of applicant Left Thumbprint /ERPO/PSD/MLGR/LQC/GPL/masfm.041112.b Right Thumbprint