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Shashtyamsha: A Unique Study in Vedic Astrology

A Unique Study of Shashtyamsha
A shashtyamsha chart is an important component of the sixteen vargas or divisional
charts mentioned of by the sage Parashara. This particular chart has a peculiar
significance in Vedic astrology. Through an analysis of this chart, it is possible to elucidate
the trails of a native more comprehensively. The Shashti, as we would like to call it is the
sixtieth division of a rashi or sign.
This makes this chart highly specific to a native. Parashara indicates that through the
Shashti, certain details about health and disease, success and failure, profession,
calamities, miseries and social status, etc., are more clearly and easily discernible. What is
a Shashti? One Shashti consists of 30 Kalas or seconds. Thus one degree (or Amsha)
consists of two Shashtis. What is required here is to refer to the cusp of the lagna or
ascendant, and find out the serial number of the Shashti wherein the lagna falls,
considering that each degree of the lagna indicates two Shashtis.
One simply has to double the degree of the cusp of the lagna to find the serial number of
the Shashti out of a possible maximum of 60 in any given sign (each sign has thirty
degrees, equivalent to sixty Shashtis). Let us see the example of a native whose cusp of
the lagna is 3s4°56'. We ignore the signs. The degrees are doubled. This shows that the
lagna has already completed nine Shashtis (upto 4°30') and falls in the tenth Shashti.
According to the sage Parashara (refer to our commentary on the Brihat Parashara Hora
Shastra, Chapter 101, Shloka 35-43), a person born in the tenth Shashti will have
inclination to the engaged in Vedic rituals, Vedic learning.
Vedangas, Sanskrit language and literature, and similar other field. The key word
supplied by the sage is 'Yajnika'. This was found true in the case of the native referred to.
He belongs to a traditional Brahmin family, having knowledge of the Vedas, performed
rituals for a long time, and is an astrologer. Key words for the Shashtis : In his magnum
opus called the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, sage Parashara given us sixty key words
in connection with the Shashti (sixty) amshas. These key words give us important clues in
These key words (vide BPHS, Chapter 101, Shlokas 35-43), and their implied meanings
according to our limited understanding, are given below :
1. Adhyaapaka of the Vedas : Teacher preacher, a coach, an instructor, having knowledge
of the Vedas and related subjects, a Sanskrit scholar, a knower of rituals.
2. Sevaka : Servile, a servant, a paid employee, one who waits upon a superior.
3. Shaastra-Paathakar : A lecturer or professor, a scholar, having special knowledge of any
subject, one immersed in the study of scriptures.
4. Ashwa-Saadee : A trainer of horses, a pilot, a driver, a dispatch-rider, controller of wild
or domestic animals, a charioteer.
5. Ibha - Saadee : A trainer or rider of elephants. Note that the word 'Ibha' means an
elephant while 'Ashwa' (vide supra) means a horse.
6. Lipi- Tatpara : Adept in writing a author, a typist, a personal assistant a record keeper,
a reporter, a script writer, an architect.
7. Manduraa Bandhaka : The word 'Manduraa' means a stable for horses. Hence, some
one connected with stables or horses, a rider, traffic controller, organizer or games, the
race course.
8. Natya : An actor, an art director, a stage performer, a showman, a model, a singer or a
musician, a playwright or a dramatist.
9. Deshika : Astrologer, fortune teller an analyst, the leader of a team, a director,
propounder of a hypothesis.
10. Yaajnika : A Pundit, a family priest or purohit, one performing rituals convener of
religious or spiritual activities.
11. Guru : A preceptor, a religious leader, founder of a new religion, of a high status in a
given field of learning.
12. Daana-Sheela : Given to charities, working in charitable institutions, a social worker,
one who renders material help to the needy.
13. Trinaka : Careless, above all worldly desires, a lover of perfumes, dealing with herbs, a
14. Graamanee : A prominent person, the head of an organisation, respected due to his
stature, head of a village or a hamlet, having the authority to punish or condone someone.
15. Vyasanaadhipa : Immersed in bad habits, one who destroys, working in a calamity
preventing department, authorised to demolish, negative thoughts.
16. Aaraama Karni : A florist, a horiculturist, an agriculturist, a botanist, having
knowledge of the forests, gardens, herbs and jungle produce, an authority concerned with
public conveniences.
17. Pushpa Vikraya - Tatpara : Engaged in selling flowers, a gardener, an interior
18. Raaja- Kaarya-Rata : Busy in carrying out the bidding of the king, government servant,
working on behalf of the state (an ambassador).
19. Senaa-Lataa-pushpa-Phala Krayee : Military and paramilitary forces, police, security
personnel dealing in vines, fruits and flowers.
20. Nritya-Geeta Kushala : Adept in dance and music, a singer or a dancer.
21. Taamboola - Phala Vikrayee : dealing with betel leaves, fruits and herbs , a chemist.
22. Nishiddha Vikraya - Kara : Illegal business, dealing in prohibited objects, criminal
approach profession.
23. Graamaanaam-Adhikaarakrita : Headman of a village, a block officer, a district officer,
a man of respect in his own village or group of villages.
24. Vandee: Detained or imprisoned a blind follower, a worker in a political party, one
25. Deshika : Same as serial no. 9 vide supra.
26. Praajna : Highly educated, learned intelligent, a scholar. 27. Dhoopaka : A blender of
perfumes or scents, one who makes incense sticks.
28. Aushadha-Patu : One having knowledge of herbs and medicines a physician, a doctor,
a chemist.
29. Kaayastha-Bahu-Roopa : Clever in disguise, a mask maker, a supplier of dresses to
drama artists, humorous, adept in make-up.
30. Bhaaraka : One who carries a load, a coolie, a labourer, a transporter, a driver, a
leader amongst workers.
31. Bhaanda - Vikrayee : Seller of utensils, a potter, a maker of bottles.
32. Krishi-Krit : A farmer, an agriculturist, a land lord, the seller or producer of cereals,
one working on the field.
33. Vanik ; A businessman, a shopkeeper.
34. Dhaatu-Kaaree : A metallurgist dealing in metals, a goldsmith, a blacksmith, related to
a steel plant.
35. Charma- Kaaree : A dermatologist, running a massage clinic or a beauty saloon, a
cobbler, one dealing with leather and leather goods or with animal skins.
36. Karshaka : An agriculturist, one who deals with tractors.
37. Shaastraadhikaaree : high knowledge of shaastras or scriptures, a learned person,
scholarly, a specialist.
38. Vijnaanee : Knower of the essence of a subject, a scientist.
39. Tejaswee : Brilliant, dashing, adventurous, dictating his own terms.
40. Ranjaka : Artist, painter, entertainer, an actor, a colour blender, a designer.
41. Vanik : Same as serial no. 33, vide supra.
42. Veda-Vedaanga-Vit : One with a good knowledge of the Vedas and other allied
43. Shaastrajna : An authority on a subject.
44. Bandi Paathaka : Same as serial no. 24, vide supra.
45. Graamanee : See serial no. 14, vide supra.
46. Adhikaaree : An officer, a superior authority an overlord.
47. Ganaka : An accountant, a chartered accountant, an astrologer, an analyst, one
involved in data collection or in statistics.
48. Danda- Kaaraka : A magistrate, a judge, a commissioner, authorized to impose a
penalty or punishment.
49. Maaraka : A killer, a butcher, working in graveyards, a funeral officer, an army man,
one executing a death sentence.
50. Eendhanaahaari : One who sells fuel, a wood seller, one dealing in inflammable
51. Phala -Moolaadi-Vikrayee : one dealing in vegetables, fruits, grass, plant produce and
the like.
52. Shaanta-Krit: One responsible for law and order, a controller, a pacifier, one who
ensures peace and tranquility.
53. Swaranakaaree : A goldsmith, jeweller, a trend setter in fashions.
54. Krishi-Krit : Same as serial no. 36 vide supra.
55. Pala - Vikrayee : A meat seller, one who supplies packed foods, moter or hotel
56. Yaajaka : Same as serial no. 10 vide supra.
57. Adhyaapaka : Same as serial no. 1 vide supra.
58. Adhyaksha : Leader of a party head of an institution, an administrator, one in
59. Pratigraha - Para : Charity, arranging funds and donations, one who himself uses
funds raised for charity.
60. Phali : Successful, fruitful, a dealer in fruits, a fortune teller.
If must be noted that the meanings of the various key words as given above are the
implied and not the literal, meanings. The readers may be able to expand these further.
Method of Counting : Counting may progress in a direct manner or in a reverse manner,
without consideration of the rashi falling in the lagna. Sage Prashara mentions the words ;
Karama' and 'Vyutkrama' to indicate the counting in the direct as well as the indirect
manner. That is consider the keyword in the shashti in the direct as well as the reverse
This would give us two choices in each case, one from the direct manner and the other
from the reverse manner. One of these would be the most appropriate for the native.
Some guidance may be taken from the planetary disposition in the natal chart to match he
actual Shashti. Shashti and a native's Profession : Here are a few examples of how the
Shashti falling in the lagna indicates he vocation of the native. 1. A native born on April 4,
1962 at 5:30AM in Pune, India, has Meena (Pisces) rising at 1°19'. It gives us the third
Shashti. The third Shashti in the direct order is Shastra paathaka'. Counting in the reverse
order, the third Shashti is 'Adhyaksha' which means a man in authority or an
The native holds the post of a magistrate in Delhi. The reverse counting is more
appropriate here. 2. A famous Hindi poet, known for his 'Kundaliya' verse, was born on
September 19, 1906, at 00.05 hrs at Hathras in UP. His lagna was Mithuna (Gemini)
15°30'. This gives us the 32rd Shashti. The 32rd Shashti counting in the reverse order
gives us the keyword 'Kaayastha-Bahuroopa'. 3. Here is an example of a man born on
June 28, 1921, at 13:19 hrs, at Warangal. The lagna is kanya (Virgo) 28°49' giving us the
58th Shashti. The key word 'Adhyaksha' Justifies his position as a former Prime Minister
of India. 4. Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, a former Prime Minister of India, was born on August 20,
1944, at 8.11 hrs (war time), at Bombay (India). He had Simha (Leo) lagna 14°36', giving
us the 30th Shashti. The keyword here is 'Bhaaraka'.
The native was an airlines pilot before he joined politics. 5. A famous doctor, an MD in
medicine, was born on September 27, 1939, at 6.30 hrs, near Meerut. His lagna was
Kanya (Virgo) 13°48'. This gives us the 28th Shashti where the keyword is ' AushadhaPatu', i.e., one skilled in the knowledge of medicine. Clues About Miseries : A
consideration of the Shashti may give clues about a native's miseries. Here is the case of
an army man born on July 7, 1916, at 17.11 hrs at Shamli. The lagna was Vrishchika
(Scorpio) 22°38' giving us the 46th Shashti. Considering the reverse order, the key word is
'Vysanaadhipa', indicating invitation to miseries.
The native fled from the army illegally and was punished for it. Rectification of Birth Time
: We have used the Shashtyamsha for rectification of birth time. Here is an example of a
Sanskrit professor whose chart showed the lagna to be Kanya (Virgo) 20°23'. This gave
him the 41st Shashti. In the direct order, the key word is 'Vanik', indicating a
businessman. In the reverse order, the key word is 'Nritya-Geeta-Kushala', adept in dance
and music. According to our personal knowledge, neither of the above reading applied to
him. We gave him the lagna at Kanya 20°38', giving him the 42nd Shashti with the key
word ' Veda-Vedanga-Vit. This justifies his profession. He was a noted scholar of
He was born at night in a village in Bihar and we suspected that his time of birth would
not have been recorded too accurately. We rectified his time of birth, giving him a time of
birth of 15:51 hours, for his date of birth as February 12,1923, and place of birth as
Darbhanga. We have given successful predictions to him based on his rectified chart.
Status of the Native : In the chart of Bill Clinton, the lagna is Kanya (Virgo) 7°56'. This
gives us 16th Shashti. We get the key word 'Graamanee' when we count in the reverse
order. This indicates his stature as a leader. Shashti and the Ruling Deity : Each of the
sixty Shashtis has its own ruling deity which too has a significance in predictive astrology.
These ruling deities indicate the benevolent and malevolent natures of the various
Shashtis. The important areas to be taken into consideration include: 1. The lagna. 2. The
navamsha lagna. 3. The lagna nakshatra lord. 4. The Moon. 5. The rashi lord (i.e. the lord
of the natal Moon sign). One must consider whether the above key planets fall in the
benefic or malefic Shashtis. If the above mentioned grahas fall in benefic Shashtis (with
benevolent deities as their lords), the native has a generally favourable destiny. They also
indicate wealth, health, longevity and prosperity.
When they fall in Shashtis ruled by malefic deities, the results are adverse. Planets placed
in favourable Shashtis, according to sage Parashara, nullify adverse effects otherwise
indicated by their location in a chart. Similarly, those planets placed in unfavourable or
Krura Shashtis nullify the benefic effects otherwise indicated by their placement in the
horoscope. The mouth and tail of Bhadraa : During each Tithi, the first five Ghatis
(equivalent to approximately two hours) of the respective Prahara' as mentioned above
coincides with the mouth of Bhadraa.
Thus, the first five Ghatis of the first Prahara on Chaturdashi would be the mouth of
Bhadraa, as would be the first five Ghatis of the second Prahara on an Ashtami, and so on.
The time coinciding with the mouth of Bhadraa is inauspicious as far as any good or
desirable deeds are concerned. The last three Ghatis (equivalent to approximately one
hour and twelve minutes) of the specified Praharas in different Tithis indicate the tail of
Bhadraa, as follows: Tithi Prahara 1. Chaturthi (4th) 8th 2. Ashtami (8th) 1st 3. Ekadashi
(11th) 6th 4. Poornima (15th) 3rd 5. Triteeya (3rd) 7th 6. Saptami (7th) 2nd 7. Dashami
(10th) 5th 8. Chaturdashi (14th) 4th The period coinciding with the tail of Bhadraa is
acceptable for undertaking auspicious deeds.
Bhadraa and Rashis When Mesha (Aries), Vrisha (Taurus), Mithuna (Gemini) and
Vrishchika (Scorpio) rashis are operating, the Bhadraa resides in the Swarga-loka (the
heaven). During the operation of Kanya (Virgo), Tula (Libra), Dhanu (Sagittarius) and
Makara(Capricorn) rashis, the Bhadraa resides in the Paataala-loka (the underworld).
During the operation of Karka (Cancer), Simha (Leo), Kumbha (Aquarius) and
meena(pisces) rashis, it resides in the mrityu-loka (the world of mortals, the earth). The
Bhadraa residing in the Mrityu-loka is considered to be more destructive.