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SGV Internship Journal: Accountancy Student Experience

Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DATE: August 30, 2022
DATE: August 31,2022
Today is my first day of being an SGV NLIP
Intern. A dream come true indeed. I woke
up very early because I’m afraid to be late. I
signed in at around 7:45 and entered the
virtual room right away. I was shocked to see
that the total interns across the Philippines
is 350. I couldn’t help but to be fascinated
because thousands have applied and I am
one of the lucky 350 interns that got
accepted. They started the program by
welcoming us in the SGV followed by
introducing us to the internship guidelines.
The SGV also tapped the IT teams to orient
us about the laptop and the other tools that
we need as we continue our internship for
the next few months. After it, we had our
lunch. I guess the morning was just all about
orientation. On the afternoon, I was inspired
by the talk of a Partner in Charge as she gave
an SGV Purpose Talk. I’m amazed on her
dedication and commitment to the SGV
because she stayed in the firm for a long
time now. She also made me contemplate
my wants, my purpose my dreams and I
realized a lot of things after her talk. After
the inspiring session, we had our interactive
activity where interns have the chance of
getting to know each other. I met several
interns across the Philippines including but
not limited to Xavier University, University of
the Philippines Diliman, Ateneo de Davao,
University of the East and University of Sto.
Tomas. The 1st day overall is just a relaxing
day for us and was created to enhance our
social skills.
Day 2 of being an SGV NLIP Intern and the
feeling is still surreal. Imagine having your
internship in one of the biggest accounting
firms in the world? That’s an ultimately
dream come true. I woke up a bit early today
because I’m quite excited for our session.
We started by listening to a lecture about
Independence, Code of Ethics and Integrity.
I learned new things and concepts from
them which I never heard from my
undergraduate. After the session, we had a
short break. The lecture on Data Privacy was
then followed. It was all about how to
protect the information you have especially
when using internet. I think it is very relevant
nowadays since the cyberhackers remain at
large despite the measures that have
imposed to counter them. We had our lunch
break after and came back to the virtual
room by 1:30 PM. The first session on the
afternoon was about Leadership Talk. It
talked about the traits of a good leader, and
some testimonies from a Partner in Charge.
It was inspiring because it made me realized
a lot of things especially that I have been a
student leader since my elementary years.
After the talk, we had a short break and then
there was a recruitment activities
promotion. They showcased the possible
work or opportunities that we will be
encountering once we enter SGV. After it, we
had a session about Building Your
Exceptional SGV Experience. Although the
whole day was just about talks, I still enjoyed
and learned a lot.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DATE: September 06, 2022
DATE: September 07, 2022
I was very anxious today. Today is the start
of the Audit Simulation for Batch 2. I heard
some hearsays from Batch 1 and it was scary
because most of their experiences include
being lost and made them question their
capabilities. I was scared the whole time.
When I already met my groupmates, I was
kinda pressured because they came from
prominent universities like Ateneo de Davao,
University of the East Caloocan, University of
St. Lasalle in Bacolod and Technological
Institute of the Philippines. I was thinking
that I might get left behind since I am not
confident. Good thing, our facilitator who is
an Associate was very accommodating. He
taught us the correct answer and called our
name so that we can participate all. The
morning works was just light but when the
afternoon session came, I was already
trembling. Like, I felt like I was lost because
we navigated through the EY Canvas and I
don’t have any idea how to utilize it. Not to
mention the slow internet I had. Despite the
difficulties I encountered, I was still able to
participate. I learned some audit procedures
in Cash and Cash Equivalents. I also shared
some of my inputs though I’m not quite
confident about it. Overall, It was an
exhausting process because for me, it was
time constraint and some tasks were difficult
to comprehend. I think it’s normal to
struggle since it’s my first time to apply what
I have learned in my undergrad. Thankfully,
the facilitator is understanding and gave us
an assurance that It’s okay to get lost in the
first day of audit simulation.
It’s Day 2 of Audit Simulation and here I am
very sleepy. I didn’t have had enough sleep
because I studied the exercises we’ve done
yesterday. I also went to our Mural to get a
grasp of the activities we will be doing today.
I’m scared of being left behind so I studied
the activities ahead. We started the day with
another exercise about audit procedures.
We were tasked to communicate with the
client so we learned how to write an email
and how to ask or request audit documents
from them. The tasks were easy for me since
it's just about composing the right words.
But then when afternoon session came, I had
to conquer another battle. We navigated
again in the EY Canvas and perform another
audit procedures. It felt like being in the
Canvas is a traumatic experience because I
was really struggling but thankfully as I went
through, I learned how to navigate it
gradually. After the exhausting session, we
had our social activities. It’s a breather for
me. We had an activity where we tried to
identify our personality through a game. It
was fun and enjoyable because throughout
the session, you would really know yourself
more. It made me also contemplate my
doings, my dreams, my wants and needs. I
was also fascinated with the personality
game because I met some interns who have
the same personality as I do have. Overall,
this day is a mixed of emotions- scared,
insecure, pressured, delighted and fun.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DATE: September 08, 2022
DATE: September 09, 2022
Finally! Today is the last day of Audit
Simulation! But it doesn’t mean that it’s the
last day, we will be given light workloads. It’s
the other way around. We performed threeway correlation using General Ledger
Analyzer. Navigating the GLA is easy for me,
the hard task is how you analyze the data
given as there are several data we need to
consider before we come up with an
analysis. Good thing, our facilitator guided us
throughout the process and gave us his own
analysis. After it, we come up our own
analysis and the facilitator told us we did it
Today is the last day of the week 2. For me,
this day was refreshing because the activities
consist only of a series of webinar so I
considered it a rest day for us. Even though
it was all about webinars, the whole day was
insightful. Prior to the webinar proper, we
were brought to another EY tool which is the
Udemy where we can take courses with
certificates. On this day, we watched the
course “Work from Home: Where to Start
and How to Succeed”. I finished the course
within 1hour and 30 minutes and got my
certificate. After taking the course, we went
back to the virtual classroom and the
webinar proper started. We listened first to
the SGV’s Sustainability and Sustainability
reporting. They also presented us their
overview of Climate change and
Sustainability services where I learned about
their client’s Corporate Social Responsibility
on the environment. There was also a
Question and Answer Session where interns
were given the chance to voice out their
queries. After the Q&A, we had a lunch break
then proceeded to afternoon’s webinar
which tackled about the Overview of SGV
Forensics and integrity services. I was
interested on the Forensics services of SGV
and I was thinking of applying on that service
line. After the session, we have given the
opportunity to listen to one of the high
ranking official of LinkedIn. He gave us advice
on how to rock our LinkedIn profile. Overall,
this whole week was a fruitful experience
and I am beyond grateful for the opportunity
of being an SGV NLIP intern.
On the afternoon part, we were taught how
to archive in audit process. I was quite
confused because there were unfamiliar
terms but eventually, I was able to grasp the
concept and process. Honestly speaking, the
3-day Audit Simulation felt like a year. It was
exhausting because the activities were very
procedural and time constraints since we
were only given a short period of time to
comprehend and finish the activity. But
then, it was insightful and full of knowledge
since all the information presented was
totally new to me. I’d be honest, there are
times when I am having a hard time
processing the information but I love how
the facilitator tends to us so we can cope. It
was a mixed emotion of excitement, anxiety,
and motivation. Overall, Audit Simulation is
a good avenue to practice our analytical skills
as an accountant.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DATE: September 12, 2022
DATE: September 13,2022
Today is the first day of SGV NLIP Week 3 and
I’d be honest, I haven’t still move on from
the Audit Simulation last week. It was a hell
week for me but I guess it’s normal to
struggle since this is our first time to be
exposed on the real life setting of auditing
services. New week, new day, new task.
Today we had our first case study and that’s
about Financial Assurance and Advisory
Services. Prior to the case study, the
facilitators gave us an overview of the FAAS,
the SGV’s solution offerings and procedures.
We were also taught how to conduct an
interview with the client, what are the Dos
and Don’ts etc. When we were assigned to
our breakout rooms, I was a bit anxious
because I was thinking that this might be
another Audit Simulation thingy. Good thing
it was not that hard since this time there’s a
lot of us so we have more inputs compare
last week. I shared my ideas thankfully my
teammates considered it. When we
presented our case study, everyone’s
nervous but I think it’s normal. We managed
to survive and with that I was relieved.
Moreover, this is my first time to attend a
case study competition and I thank the SGV
for giving me the opportunity to give my
I consider this day as a relaxed day since it’s
just all about lectures and Udemy course. In
the morning, we were welcome by the Tax
Leader of SGV followed by a lecture on the
basic concepts on Income Tax. I’m already
familiar with the terms since I have already
taken the subject during the 2nd year so I was
able to follow through the discussion. Next is
the talk on Basic Concepts of VAT. It was a
lengthy discussion since we started from
1PM to 4:30 PM solely on VAT. I think they
were just preparing us through giving a
refresher course since I heard that we will
have another case study tomorrow about
tax. As usual, anxiety kicked in but I just
assure myself that I can do it. The last part of
the activity this day is the self-paced video
which is about Rebuilding One’s Career
Journey: Preparing for an Interview from
Udemy course. I finished the course and got
a certificate. I learned a lot from the course
and realized that I really need to let go those
anxieties since it will never help me and will
only add some burden. Now, I’m preparing
myself for tomorrow’s event and praying
that I can contribute ideas to my
groupmates. Hopefully.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 10
DATE: September 14, 2022
DATE: September 15, 2022
I survived! Thankfully the case study was not
that difficult like what I expected. It was just
about solving the Corporate Income Tax and
VAT. They gave us enough time to figure out
the answer and gave us the answer key.
Although we weren’t able to get all the
questions correctly, I’m still grateful because
I learned a lot especially when the facilitator
presented us the answers and explained the
details. But I’ll be lying if I told you that I
didn’t struggle. There were a lot of numbers
and figures so I’m kinda confused as to what
should and what should I not include on our
computations. Despite the odds, I managed
to survive. After the Tax Case Study, the
whole afternoon session was all about
webinars. We had a series of talk. The first
one is Rebuilding One’s Career Journey:
Becoming One’s Self Best. Next is the
rebuilding One’s Personal Brand and finally
Rebuilding One’s Career Journey: Preparing
for an Interview. My key take-away on these
lectures is that it revolves on one single
TRUST ON MYSELF. That no one can help me
but myself. That I need to strive, improve the
parts where I am weak, and to create an
impact especially when I present myself
before the public. It was a productive day
indeed. Now, I’m preparing for another
battle tomorrow which is another round of
Case Study.
I am writing this journal now at 1:00 AM.
Imagine I have a presentation tomorrow at
8AM yet I am still here. Here’s the reason
Today is another round of Case study and it’s
about Consulting. Prior to the case study
proper, we were welcome by SGV Consulting
Leader. After that, a lecture was given about
Accountants as Transformational Leader. It
was just an easy task to do, we just sat and
listen before the speaker. Here comes the
exciting part. We were assigned to our
respective breakout rooms. They gave us the
topic that we need to study. It was a hard
task so we decided to have a working lunch.
We worked on our case study until
afternoon because the presentation will be
tomorrow and it’s a competition so we really
need to do our best. Dissecting the study
itself is already a tedious work, what more
on giving solutions and recommendation.
The facilitator gave us the whole afternoon
to work our case. I thought six hours is
enough but I was wrong. Look at me now, it’s
1 AM and I am still facing my laptop because
my assigned task is not yet finished. And I am
writing my script because I will be one of the
presenters for tomorrow. Good luck to me.
This case study is so exhausting but I enjoyed
working with my teammates because it
enhances our analytical and critical thinking
skills. I just hope that we can present and
defend our case study tomorrow.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 11
DATE: September 16, 2022
TGIF. Thank God It’s Friday. Whoa! That was
a nerve-wracking day. Today is the defense
of our case study and I was one of the
presenters. I managed to do my part
successfully and I thank God for that. We
managed to defend our case study, though
there were some questions from the panel
but I think we answered it. There were
outstanding teams so they were given the
awards. Although we are not included on
those roosters, I’m still grateful because I
learned a lot and I know that we did our best.
Imagine we literally burned the midnight oil
last night just to finish our case study. My
compliments to those winning teams
because I know they deserved it. After the
awarding, we had our webinar about
Introduction to Security: How Hacks Happen
and How defenders deal with them. I learned
a lot and the topic is so relatable since I
indulge most of my time on the internet.
After the lecture, another topic was also
discussed which is Building resilience into
our system through Chaos Engineering. The
topic was a bit technical but it’s fine because
I learned new things I never imagined to
learn. Thanks to SGV.
they are eloquent, smart, and responsible. I
could say that one of my favorite activities
on this week is the consulting case study
because I was able to represent my team as
one of the speakers. It’s a hard thing to pull
off as I am surrounded by a pool of
competitive students but I managed to do it
because I really stood up and believed in
myself. I also loved how SGV plotted the
series of activities since it was not only about
case studies but also a series of lectures that
are for me very informative and engaging.
I’m still in my third week as an SGV NLIP
intern but I have already learned a lot of
information and gained experiences that are
beneficial to me as an aspiring accountant.
This week was actually a lot more tiring than
the previous once since we experienced
sleepless night just to finish the output for
our case study especially the Consulting Case
Study. Despite the struggles, I think it was
worth it because I learned a lot of things. I
learned how to conduct actual case studies
because I haven’t experienced doing one in
my undergraduate studies so far. I met
various accountancy students across the
Philippines and all I can say is that
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 12
DAY 13
DATE: September 19, 2022
DATE: September 20, 2022
Another week. Another task. But that’s okay.
Despite how exhausting the process is, I
need to prevail because I want this and I
came here to learn. Today I attended the
lecture on Overview of SGV FSO Consulting
Services. I participated in FSO-CS case study
and provided inputs to my teammates. I
would say that this day is kind of relaxed
because the case is a bit easy for me. Though
I encountered difficulties, but I think it was
manageable. Thanks to my teammates
because they were very friendly and
approachable. Prior to the case study
proper, we had lectures on Introduction to
Credit Risk , Credit Risk Analytics and
Expected Credit Loss. I learned a lot in these
sessions because there are unfamiliar topics
and I think if COVID didn’t happen, I might
learn them from undergraduate. After the
lectures, the facilitator gave us the case
study for the service line. The case study was
divided into 3 workstreams. I was assigned
on the 3rd workstream. We worked on that
case study for hours and after we
consolidated the works with our subgroups,
we submitted the case to the facilitators. For
me the workload is not that heavy, thanks to
my teammates because
they were
participative and provided their inputs.
To put in a metaphorical experience, this day
was an uphill battle I had to fight. It made me
question my capabilities again as today we
had our SAT Case Study. I was lost most of
the time and for me, among the case studies
this was the most difficult one. Perhaps, the
reason why I was struggling at that time was
because it’s time constraint and several
things need to be done within just a day.
Everything happened so fast. I was so
overwhelmed because there are only few of
us in the team as some of my groupmates
had other thing to do so they excused their
selves. Imagine, we were given four tasks
and we need to finish each in just an hour,
not to mention that we need to dissect first
the case and then come up with a solution
and PowerPoint presentation. I had some
complain because the learning process is
somehow not effectively delivered since we
worry too much on the time. Overall, I think
it’s worthwhile because throughout the
tedious process, I learned and even
represented my team during the debriefing.
I discussed our works before the facilitator
and other 349 interns so the pressure is
really kicking in. But that was one of my
proudest moments as an intern because I
didn’t prepare for it, I just automatically
volunteered to present because somehow, I
felt the urge to speak and present. I thank
God for the provision, for giving me the
strength to survive all the case studies given.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 14
DAY 15
DATE: September 21, 2022
DATE: September 22, 2022
Today is the last day of the Part 1 of our
internship. We have no case studies
anymore so that idea kept me enthusiastic.
This day, I completed a course and earned a
certificate in Udemy “Critical Thinking
Strategies for Better Decisions”. I love taking
Udemy courses because it always gives me a
lot of realizations and contemplations. After
that, I attended a lecture on General
Philippine Economic Overview where the
speaker is our facilitator yesterday. After the
lecture, we had our break then we
proceeded to the Service Line Deployment
briefing. I just found out that I was assigned
to the Assurance SL, Market Group 3 under
Transportation and Goods. I also met my
colleagues under the Market Group 3.
Although, I’m quite disappointed because I
was yearning for the Tax SL since Day 1 and
that’s what I applied for. But still, I will just
accept my fate. Everything happens for a
reason and maybe I am really destined to be
an assurance intern. I’m starting to get
anxious since I am confident in terms of my
foundation in Auditing. I just hope that I can
manage to survive until my last day as an
intern. I know I’m in the right hands, knowing
SGV, they will provide me the exceptional
experience while helping businesses
especially here in the Philippines to realized
their full potential. As we end the Part 1, I
can’t still believe that I made it to my dream
company. Being here and surviving the Part
1 is already a blessing. Now I am preparing
for the part 2 and I am excited to learn the
procedures of SGV Assurance SL. May the
force be with me!
New day. New part. New work. Today
commenced the part 2 of SGV NLIP
Internship and me as an Assurance Intern. I
received an email that my Senior Manager is
Ms. Ana Christina Fernandez under ALSBaguio Cluster. In our MG, there were only
two of us who are under ALS Baguio and
she’s from Xavier University-Ateneo de
Cagayan. Good thing she’s a Bisaya so I have
no problem in communicating plus she’s
very friendly and we shared the same
interests. However, on the later part, she
told me that she was reassigned to other
cluster because her senior told her that they
won’t be needing interns. So, I was left alone
in my cluster. I volunteered to message my
senior. I waited for 3 hours before I received
a reply from her. She told me that she wasn’t
aware that they have interns. She welcomed
me and gave me my first assignment but
instructed that I may start the assignment
tomorrow since she need to call me first
tomorrow so that she can give the
instructions properly. I bid my goodbye to
her. I find her very kind and accommodating.
I think that’s already a sign that I should not
worry too much since I’m in the right person.
I’m prepping for tomorrow right now and
hopefully I can catch up the instructions
easily to make my work easily done. I
consider this week as a productive one and I
welcome a new journey ahead- Assurance
Intern under Market Group 3, ALS-Baguio
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 16
DATE: September 23, 2022
I received my official first task today which is
Task Allocation in EY Canvas,. Ma’am Ana
called me and introduced herself. So did I.
She shared her screen and navigated
through the portal. I think it was just an easy
task though it’s a tedious process because
there were around five hundred tasks that I
need to allocate like in Scope and Strategy,
Accounts, and the Conclusion. I learned that
in every engagement, there’s need to be at
least five staff which comprises of Preparer,
Detailed Reviewer and General Reviewer.
Normally, the preparer would be the Staff
and the Associates, while the Detailed
Reviewer can be the Senior Associates or
Senior Manager. And the General Reviewer
is the Partner-In-Charge. Ma’am Ana invited
me to my first engagement and I completed
first the independence form. I learned that
the company that we are currently auditing
is an international company and it has
branches in USA and France. Since the task is
tedious, she told me that in case I may not
be able to finish the task allocation which I
think is possible, I can continue it by
Monday. I cannot render an overtime work
since our talent team told us that overtime is
not allowed on the interns so we need to
time out by 5:30 PM. I bid goodbye to Maam
Ana and told her that I will continue my task
next week. She didn’t reply, maybe she’s
very busy so I didn’t wait for her response
anymore and closed the laptop. Thank God
It’s Friday. I can now relax and prepare
myself for another week because I know as I
move forward, tasks will be getting harder.
Thankful to the SGV for this exceptional
experience and I’m already looking forward
to work with them after I graduate to fulfill
my dreams and help in enabling the
businesses in the Philippines.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 17
DAY 18
DATE: September 26, 2022
DATE: September 27,2022
Today marks the 5th week of my internship
and I’m in awe that I made it despite the
difficulties I faced for the last 4 weeks. I just
continued the task allocation that Ms. Ana
gave me. I target to finish it tomorrow if not
today so I can move on to another task.
While doing my task, I encountered
unfamiliar terms, good thing EY has a tool
called Atlas where we can search for words
to give us enlightenment and idea. For me,
it’s better to internalize the process while
performing the task so that you can
appreciate it.
Today, I finally finished my task in EY Canvas,
I asked my senior manager Ms. Ana
Fernandez for another task she can give. I
waited for few hours. While waiting, I went
to Udemy to navigate courses so I watch
some videos. When she replies, she invited
me to another engagement which is Loreal
Philippines and introduced me to Ms. Katrina
Naa. Ms. Kat gave me the task which is again
the task allocation. This kind of task for me is
an easy task since it’s more like of an
administrative task but it will usually take
most of my time because it has more than
500 unassigned tasks. But the work is
fulfilling because I get to know the needed
test of controls and how the scope and
strategy forms the planning phase of an
audit and contains key planning flows. I
encountered some terms today which have
been already discussed in my undergraduate
so it’s more of putting an application on the
concepts I’ve learned. Ms. Kat told me that I
can work at my own pace, there’s no need to
rush since it’s not urgent at all. So every time
I encountered unfamiliar words, I would go
to Atlas to search for it. I just finished what I
can try to finish and time out at 5:30 PM.
Nothing much happened today since Ms.
Ana is so busy as indicated on her status on
the Microsoft Teams. I just bid my goodbye
after I time out at 5:30 PM and did not wait
for her response since I l know she seldom
reply if she’s busy. I will just continue my task
tomorrow since I’m near to finish it.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 19
DAY 20
DATE: September 28, 2022
DATE: September 29, 2022
Today I indulge myself on the task
allocation under the engagement with
L’oreal Philippines. I had to clean up
some tasks in the EY Canvas because
although they were already allocated
prior to my arrival, some staffs assigned
to it have resigned so I need to delete
their names and replace with the new
one. It took me 8 hours to finally finish it,
I even had my working lunch because I
wanted to finish it right away so I can
relax before a new task will be given.
Nothing much happened today since Ms.
Ana said that she will just reach out to me
once there will be another task she can
give. On the other hand, Ms. Kat asked me
if I am already familiar with the client
portal of EY Canvas. I told her that it was
introduced to us during Audit Simulation
but we didn’t much dig deeper since it’s
just a quick show off.
The tasks are just repetitive so I am
confident that by the end of this
internship, I’m already expert on it.
Hopefully, a new different task will be
given to me so I can explore more of the
EY Canvas.
She added that she might be giving a task
next week to me with regards in
populating audit requests in the client
portal of EY Canvas. Since I have much
spare time today, I went to EY Udemy and
took some courses. I also went to EY Atlas
to search for unfamiliar terms. I logged
out at 5:30 PM and bid goodbyes to my
senior associates and manager.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 21
DAY 22
DATE: September 30, 2022
DATE: October 3, 2022
TGIF. Thank God It’s Friday. What a
productive week! Today Ms. Ana gave me a
task which is to recheck a client financial
statement and copy it to the excel. I find the
task easy since I just verified the accuracy of
the FS and transferred it to another
software. Other than that, I also visited
Udemy to find courses.
Another week. Another task. I learned
something new today. First, I was
introduced to the client portal or
collaboration of EY Canvas. It’s a feature
of the website where the audit team can
ask client to send the documents needed
for the audit procedures. For me, it’s my
favorite part of the EY Canvas because I
get to know the documents that are very
essential in the procedures plus I also get
to know the people or contact person of
the engagement I belong in. For this
week, I sent request to Loreal Philippines
and it’s satisfying because from being a
consumer of their product to being part
of the engagement team that audit their
operation so it’s like a whole new level of
experience. Prior to performing the task,
Ms. Kat called for a video conference so
she can share her screen. I find it very
because I grasped the
instructions clearly. She sent me an email
of the list of documents that I need to
request. I finished the task within a day.
To sum up my week, I finally met some of my
Senior Associates and officially begun
performing auditing task. I would say the
task allocation is an easy task since it’s more
like of an administrative task but it took most
of my time because it has more than 500
unassigned tasks. But the work is fulfilling
because I get to know the needed test of
controls and how the scope and strategy
forms the planning phase of an audit and
contains key planning flows. I encountered
some terms on this week which have been
already discussed in my undergraduate so
it’s more of putting an application on the
concepts I’ve learned. Apart from that, I’m
always excited to hear the voices of my
senior manager and associates because it
felt like whenever they talk to me and
entrusted me a task, I belong to the audit
team. I’m forever grateful to the SGV for the
opportunity to have this exceptional
I am looking forward next week because a
new task will be given to me that is different
from task allocation. I really want to explore
the tools of EY but I understand that my
position as an intern will not guarantee that
my wish will come true since there is a policy
that an intern should only be given task with
approval of the client.
After it, I asked Ms. Ana and Ms. Kat if
they have another task to give but Ms. Kat
said that as of the moment, there’s none.
Meanwhile Ms. Ana told me that she will
call me tomorrow as she will give another
task and it’s a different task from task
allocation and client portal requests. I
logged out at around 5:30 PM then bid my
goodbye to them.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 23
DAY 24
DATE: October 4, 2022
DATE: October 5, 2022
Today, Ms. Ana and I had a video call
conference. She introduced me to
Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) audit compliance. I
was kind of nervous because when I saw
the excel file where I will be working with,
it has a lot of sheets, columns and rows.
Good thing, Ms. Ana was very patient and
supportive because she always answers
my questions whenever I am confused
and lost. Additionally, performing the SOX
audit compliance is refreshing because I
only learned this on my undergraduate
and its entirely concept, but now I’m
applying it in real life situations. The
primary purpose of SOX compliance audit
is the verification of the company’s
financial statements. It’s a tedious work
but I am grateful that Ms. Ana entrusted
me this task.
Nothing much happened today since I just
continued the SOX. I asked some question
and clarifications to Ms. Ana. I thank her
because she was so accommodating and
answer quickly.
I failed to finish it today because I
overlooked some excel sheet so I had to
repeat the process in some parts. I also
learned some excel shortcuts while doing
the SOX. I browsed in the YouTube and
found very helpful shortcuts that could
really helped staffs to make work faster
and time efficient.
I timed out past 6PM because I focused so
much on the task to the point that I forgot
that it’s already time.
It’s a long task to do so I expect to finish it
within two days at most. I have so many
questions since it’s my first time to do
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 25
DAY 26
DATE: October 6, 2022
DATE: October 7, 2022
Today, I finally finished the SOX Audit
Compliance of one client. Ms. Ana told
me that I was fast because normally, it
would take 3-5 days to finish it. All this
time, I thought I was behind the due date.
Anyway, she gave me another SOX task
for another client.
THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY! I’m down on my
last task today which is just a continuation
of the SOX for another client. Luckily, I
was able to finish it so I’m now relaxed
before a new week starts.
I thought when performing SOX, the
process is just the same regardless of the
client. But I was wrong. It actually varies
and is case-to-case basis. This time, it’s a
bit more complicated. Thankfully Ms. Ana
was there all along, she even called me to
answer my queries properly since it’s
hard if it’s only through messenger.
I target to finish this task tomorrow. I was
drained this day because I had a lot of
excel sheets to open and my laptop is a bit
slow. Maybe it needs update on the
My realization this week is that working in
an audit firm is really exhausting. There’s
a lot of workloads to be given and if
you’re just a newbie you would really
struggle. But with the right company, with
the sufficient supervisions and passion to
finish the work, it will really make the
burden more bearable.
I thank Ms. Kat and Ms. Ana for this week
for their relentless service especially in
making sure that I understand the
process. I know my questions could
somehow disturbed them since they have
other things to do but they were so
accommodating enough to attend my
This week is indeed a very productive
week. I can relax for the weekend and
prepare myself for the next week.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 27
DAY 28
DATE: October 10, 2022
DATE: October 11,2022
Today marks the start of my 7th week of
my internship and I’m in awe that I made
it despite the difficulties I faced for the
last 6 weeks. I was invited to another
engagement; Ms. Ana told me to allocate
task. When I check the unassigned tasks, I
found that it has 300 plus so I
immediately started the allocation.
Today, I finally finished my task in EY
Canvas which is the task allocation. After
the task allocation, Ms. Ana requested me
to contact an Associate for another task.
She introduced me to Ms. Kim so Ms. Kim
called me and told me to populate
request in the client portal of EY Canvas.
While doing my task, I encountered
unfamiliar terms, good thing EY has a tool
called Atlas where we can search for
words to give us enlightenment and idea.
For me, it’s better to internalize the
process while performing the task so that
you can appreciate it.
I didn’t finish the task today so I will
continue it tomorrow. Other than the task
allocation, nothing much happened today
since Ms. Ana is so busy as indicated on
her status on the Microsoft Teams. I just
bid my goodbye after I time out at 5:30
PM and did not wait for her response
since I l know she seldom reply if she’s
The task was easy so I finished it within an
hour. Since I still have some spare time, I
visited EY Udemy as usual to take a course
and EY Atlas.
Nothing much happened today since I
finished the task ahead of due date. This
is what I like when I’m done with the work
earlier because I have more time to relax
and study some of my books while
waiting for another task.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 29
DAY 30
DATE: October 12, 2022
DATE: October 13, 2022
Nothing much happened today except
that I venture into Udemy. I was able to
finish 3 courses though I wasn’t able to
get a certificate because I skipped some
of the quizzes. I asked Ms Ana if there’s an
available task for me. She didn’t reply but
maybe because she’s on the field work as
indicated on her status.
Today, Ms. Kat contacted me through a
video conference. She told me to
populate a request in the client portal. It
was an easy task for me so I finished doing
such within the day.
I reviewed some of my former
engagements and scanned in their Scope
and Strategy. I familiarize myself on the
task that needs to be done under scope
and strategy. I also went to Accounts. For
me, Accounts is the most exhausting work
because it consists of more than 200 tasks
and it’s the staff who will be tired since
normally, they are the preparer.
I noticed that this week is not that busy
week for me since most of my seniors are
out of office for the field work. So in my
spare time I utilized it to navigate through
Udemy and Atlas. Sometimes I reviewed
the tasks in EY Canvas to grasp what I’m
doing recently.
I closed my laptop early then went on a
nap because I had a headache.
I logged out at 5:30 PM. I just wish I have
new task to keep myself busy.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 31
DAY 32
DATE: October 14, 2022
DATE: October 17, 2022
TGIF. Thank God It’s Friday. Ms. Ana is still
unreachable so I only stand by the whole
day. To sum up my week, I finished two
major varied tasks specifically populating
request in the client portal and allocating
task in EY Canvas with different clients. I
think I’ve already mastered the
procedures because since the start of
service line deployment, these tasks are
repetitive to me. The only difference is
that this time, I am not only assigning task
or populating request but I scanned it as
well to the EY atlas to further understand
what I am assigning. There are still
unfamiliar terms and I am quite confused
because it's too technical but since I have
this passion to learn more and to
internalize what I am doing; I am doing
my best to comprehend and not just only
do my task for the sake of requirements. I
really appreciate my senior manager,
senior and associates because all of them
are very accommodating despite their
hectic schedule no withstanding the field
work, they had to do. Some of my tasks
this week were done ahead of time so I
had my spare time and in that free time, I
scanned through Udemy and browsed
courses that are helpful in keeping myself
sane amidst the workloads given.
Today marks the first day of my 8th week
as an SGV Intern. Another week. Another
task. Another learning I yearn to. Finally,
Ms. Ana replied to me and apologized for
being unresponsive last week. She told
me that she was out of the office because
of the field work. She gave me a task
which is to allocate task again on a
different client. This time, I checked the
unassigned task and it’s only 100 plus. But
when I checked the other accounts, I
found out that there are assigned tasks
who’s preparer are those staffs who
resigned already and got promoted. So I
need to delete all of those. Deleting task
is actually more tedious than assigning
since I had to go one by one while
assigning is I can just select multiple.
I didn’t finish the allocation because
deleting the previous assigned staffs
already entails a lot of time. I bid goodbye
to Ms. Ana and told her that I will finish it
tomorrow morning.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 33
DAY 34
DATE: October 18, 2022
DATE: October 19, 2022
Today, I received a notification from the
talent team reminding us that tomorrow
will be our Catch-Up Session. Since I have
pending task, I finished it within the day
and informed Ms. Ana that I will not be
available tomorrow since we have an
Today, we are free from deployment
duties because it’s our Catch-up Session
with Talent. I call it a breather because
I’ve been really busy with the tasks and
it’s like most of my days were allocated on
facing my laptop, so when the talent team
sent us an invite to the Microsoft Teams,
I was delighted. I appreciate SGV on
creating a space where we can share our
experiences and voice out our unheard
stories. I learned also that there are
interns who have the same tasks as I do
have. I was fascinated by the different
stories of the interns when they shared
their experiences and indeed it’s a nice
thing that we were able to saw each other
again since the end of phase one. The
Talent Team also announced that our
culmination event will be moved on
November 21 from November 11. They
told us that we will need to sign up a form
where we will indicate which modality we
will be attending, it’s either online or
face-to-face. My colleagues in MSU-Main
have been wanting to attend the
culmination face-to-face. We are so
excited upon announcing not until they
disclosed that it will not give a guarantee
that once an intern will choose face-toface, they will be automatically given a
slot because talent team still need to
ensure that there will be enough space
for the interns especially when there’s
COVID-19 lurking around. We’re a bit
dismayed but hoping we can make it in
Makati next month.
Last week, me and my colleagues in the
MG3 decided to have a conference to
share our experience so far as an intern
and how are we holding up. The stories
that we shared were consolidated by
Alvon as he will be representing our
Market Group for tomorrow’s event.
Since I finished my task, I went on an
afternoon nap as my headache have been
become severe these past few days. I
made sure that I have no pending task
anymore so that I won’t miss it.
I logged out at 5:30 PM and took my
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 35
DAY 36
DATE: October 20, 2022
DATE: October 21, 2022
Back to deployment. Today, I had a video
call conference with Ms. Ana. She
introduced me to another task with a new
client. But still a task allocation. I was
wondering why they never gave me a task
like vouching, or roll forward. Then I
found out that most of my engagements
have reporting date on year-end. So
probably the busiest days would be on
December- April.
THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY! I’m down on my
last task today which is just a continuation
of task allocation for a real estate client.
Luckily, I was able to finish it so I’m now
relaxed before a new week starts.
The client I was assigned to is from
different market group. It’s a real estate
business. As usual, I deleted those staffs
who resigned and got promoted. I’m
halfway of the task before I logged out. I
will just continue doing it tomorrow.
As usual, I went to my go-to website when
I’m free- Udemy and Atlas.I’m really
amazed at how EY created its system. This
day, I also signed up for my modality for
the culmination. Hopefully, I will be
approved to attend physically. I’m so
excited to the point that I’ve been
checking the prices of plane tickets from
Butuan to Manila. But I can’t booked yet
since I have to wait their confirmation. I
just hope that they will release it
immediately so that we can book right
away and get a cheaper tickets.
Though my week is not that heavy and
tasks were repetitive, I’m still grateful to
be part of SGV NLIP Internship program. I
consider it as my biggest plot twist this
To sum up this week, had a breather in this
week because apart from the usual service
line deployment, we had our catch-up
session organized by the talent team.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 37
DAY 38
DATE: October 24, 2022
DATE: October 25,2022
Today marks the start of my 9th week of
my internship. Surprisingly, we are now
down to the last four weeks of our
internship. How time flies so fast! I
remember I was struggling on the part 1
of this internship program but now look
at me, I’m almost there.
I finished my task in EY Canvas which is
the task allocation. A new staff from
another Market Group also approached
me and gave me a task on populating
audit request in client portal. Usually,
when having this kind of task, it’s easy but
this one is kind of complicated because
the staff gave me a long list of requests
and I had to separate it depending on its
category. I also need to be careful on the
indexing. Since I’m quite confused, I
asked her if I can initiate a call so that I my
queries will be clarified. She granted my
request and guided me throughout the EY
There’s nothing new in this day except
that I have a new engagement with a new
client. Although it’s a different client, but
the usual task that was given to me is still
the task that I have done this day which is
the Task Allocation in EY Canvas. In my
spare time, I watched Udemy courses
about mental health and keeping myself
sane despite the pressure from work,
family and friends.
I’m still waiting on the confirmation of our
culmination program. May the Lord grant
our prayers because I really want to visit
SGV in Makati City.
After the call, I immediately started doing
the task. I wasn’t able to finish it within
the day because there’s many request
plus the EY Canvas had some glitches so I
had to restart the laptop and check if
there’s some update.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 39
DAY 40
DATE: October 26, 2022
DATE: October 27, 2022
It’s Wednesday today and we’re halfway of
the 9th week as an SGV Intern. I just
continued populating the request in the
client portal. I saved those request in draft as
my senior told me to don’t send it yet since
they have to recheck it before sending. I
finished the task almost 3 in the afternoon.
It’s almost end of the week and I can’t
wait to for weekend to come since it’s
going to be a long weekend because of
the All-Saints Day and Special Nonworking Holiday on 31st. I also learned
that MSU Main will have an academic
break for next week so overall they will
Unfortunately, it doesn’t apply to us since
we are doing our internship. I’m very
burned out these past few days, I just lost
that spark. Maybe I was just so tired since
I’ve been on my room the whole time. It’s
been raining hard these past few days and
I can’t get out as I might get catch a cold.
Since I have 2 hours remaining, I visited again
the EY atlas because I was confused on some
requested documents. Good thing I found it
there. I could really say that there’s a huge
gap between those who graduated without
COVID and us who’s classes were disrupted
because of COVID. How I wish I can bounce
back and catch up with all the topics we
missed because of the pandemic.
I just message Ms. Ana and asked for
another task. She replied and told me to
stand by as they are still figuring out on
the previous engagements. I just did my
requirements and watch courses in
Udemy then signed out at 5:30 PM.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 41
DAY 42
DATE: October 28, 2022
DATE: November 2, 2022
TGIF. Thank God It’s Friday. And it’s a long
weekend! I planned to get out of town to
recalibrate my enthusiasm. Since I have
no task assigned to me, I just cleaned up
my laptop, deleted old and unnecessary
We’re back after a long weekend! Time
flies so fast. We’re now on our 10th week
and finally we’re now down to our last
three weeks. I’m starting to get that
mixed emotion- happy because we’re
near in the finish line but sad because I
will no longer be an SGV Intern.
I also reviewed my previous works. When
I went to EY Canvas, I sneaked in to the
documents given by the clients. I think it’s
not illegal as long as I won’t disclose it. I
was really shocked at how profitable
those clients were. It’s really true that a
company can have a million worth of net
profit in a one-year operation.
To sum up this week, I answered calls or
even initiated calls with my senior to ask
some clarifications about the excel file
they have given. Sometimes, I would say
that I’m kind of hesitant to ask more
questions because I might be disturbing
their work since I learned that it’s already
a busy season but thankfully, they have
been constantly accommodating and
even encouraged me to ask more
questions. They even told me that they
appreciate how observant I am and really
looked even into the smallest details.
Overall, the tasks are just the same but I
believed that navigating through the EY
Canvas is a constant learning process.
I am still looking forward for the
culmination but the Talent Team haven’t
yet confirmed our slot. Anyway, today ,
another Senior approached me from
different market group and assigned me a
task of populating audit request in client
portal. Although this is just the same task
I usually do, but this is one is kind of tricky
because it’s a long list of requests and I
need to be very careful in the indexing
since it included yearend and interim.
I think I will be allocating lots of time for
this because the interim is different from
yearend. The Senior told me that it’s okay
not to rush so I can properly perform my
role. I like her because she’s funny and
approachable. She’s a Bisaya and Waray
as her hometown is Leyte. I told her that
I’m having a hard time since power
interruption is very frequent because of
the bad weather. She just told me she
experienced it too in her hometown.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 43
DAY 44
DATE: November 3, 2022
DATE: November 4, 2022
Today, I just continued doing the
populating of the client portal. I have
many questions, good thing the senior
answered my questions immediately. She
also shared some of her life stories. I am
so comfortable with her because she has
this aura that is very joyful. I wish to meet
her though there’s a zero-low possibility
that it will happen.
Thank God It’s Friday! I finished the task
finally. My senior told me that she will
check it then update me next week if
there’s changes since I saved it for the
mean time as draft.
I indulge my 8hours in doing the task. I
even almost forgot taking my lunch, good
thing my landlord asked me if I have
already eaten a meal. I was really busy
today but it’s totally fine. To be honest, I
want myself busy than being just relax.
I also received my requested total
rendered hours from talent team. I’m
trying to monitor my hours so that I will
know how many hours do I need to
render to reach 450 hours.
As usual, I’m not yet finished on the task
because again as I said, it’s a tedious
assignment. I will continue it tomorrow.
It took me almost a week to finish
because I was very careful since it’s
collaborating with the client and even
though I am just an intern, I always make
sure that my work is done professionally.
Thankfully, the senior Ms. Jovie Ann
guided me all throughout the process and
answered my clarifications immediately
so it helped me to finish the task within
the week. I also learned that the indexing
is not universal and it varies from one
engagement to another depending on the
preferences of the audit team. I believed
I did well this week and it’s not possible
without the help of my seniors for
extending their relentless efforts to guide
Although this week only consisted of 3
days but I’m happy because I’m
productive and learned something new.
With that being said, I deserve to treat
myself so I will buy an ice cream later. It’s
cold because of the weather but who
cares, it’s my comfort food.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 45
DAY 46
DATE: November 7, 2022
DATE: November 8,2022
It’s the start of the 11th week and I am
looking forward for this week. I don’t
know but my spark to work is kicking in.
Maybe I was right, sometimes I really
need to take a break and have a breather
so I can bounce back.
Finally! I was given the chance to do
vouching. After I finished the first that Ms.
Nelin has gave me, she asked me if
already experienced vouching. I told her
that I haven’t and I’ve been wishing that I
could do it. She told me I will be doing it.
I am so happy. I was very excited because
it’s my first time and I have been really
looking forward to do this. I am
immensely grateful because Ms. Nelin
entrusted me this task and she guided me
all throughout the process.
Another senior was introduced to me and
that’s Ms. Nelin, another senior from
different market group. She approached
me to do first the allocating of tasks in
excel. As far as I could remember, it has
more than 500 rows so it’s a bit tedious
but I enjoyed it because I learned some
excel shortcuts to complete my task way
faster. Every day is indeed a learning
process, that’s the good thing about SGV
because you are given the chance to
navigate and learn by yourself.
She’s also kind and very cheerful, I love
the vibe she’s giving in and she asked
updates from me from time to time.
I really thought at first that I will just be
working in one market group but I was
fascinated because I learned that my
client now is under Market Group 1 and I
am from Market Group 3.
When I opened the excel file, I was really
shocked because it has 500 rows and 50
columns. But I don’t have any regrets
because I want to experience this. Apart
from that, there are so many supporting
documents that I need to check which will
I will also be using on the vouching. I
expected this though so I set a deadline
on myself that I should finish this task
before this week ends. I trusted myself
that I can do this.
I didn’t finish the task because it’s long so
she told me to just signed out and finish it
by tomorrow.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 47
DAY 48
DATE: November 9, 2022
DATE: November 10, 2022
It’s Wednesday today and we’re halfway of
the 11th week as an SGV Intern. I’m still
working on the vouching. As of the moment,
I am quite enjoying it because I love filling in
data in excel. I know it’s a bit weird but, in
this way, I can somehow feel that I am
already working in SGV.
Today is Thursday and It’s almost end of
the week. I’m finalizing on the vouching
task. I told Ms. Nelin that I will submit it
tomorrow as I have to review everything
first to make sure that I didn’t miss or
overlook anything.
I have clarifications regarding on the
supporting documents and Ms. Nelin was
always there to guide me. She’s been so
patient and I thank her for that.
I planned to overtime but she won’t allow
me since it’s against the policy that interns
should not work overtime. So, I just told her
that I will continue the work tomorrow. I bid
goodbye to her and she did also.
I continued cross-checking the supporting
documents. I’m working on two
engagements that’s why it’s a long
process. It’s tiring but I can feel the sense
of fulfilment. It gives me that feeling of
already working in SGV.
Ms. Ana contacted me and asked if I have
pending works, so I told her that I have
one. She said she’ll be needing my help
after I finished vouching prolly next week.
I like being busy especially that my
internship now is nearing to its end.
I finished vouching today but I will just
send the file tomorrow early morning to
Ms. Nelin.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 49
DAY 50
DATE: November 11, 2022
DATE: November 14, 2022
TGIF. Thank God It’s Friday. It’s Friday so
it’s the last day of this week. I submitted
the file to Ms. Nelin. I asked if there’s
anything more I can help but she told me
that she’ll just update me.
It’s Week 12 and we’re now down to the
last 2 weeks of being an intern. I’m quite
emotional because I will be soon bidding
my goodbye to SGV.
After that, Ms. Ana assigned me to
allocate task in EY Canvas and she asked
another senior Ms. Kreziah to guide me. It
was just easy because Ms. Kreziah already
started the task allocation so I was just
the one who finished and review it.
In my spare time, I went to EY Atlas
because it’s where I can search for terms
and concepts that are quite confusing to
me. I really appreciate the EY tools, it’s
useful and has helped me significantly in
building my SGV experience.
Happy Weekend!
Starting off the week, I was assigned to
allocate task again and populate request
in client portal of EY Canvas. I learned
some new terms because this time the
audit requests is different from the
previous request I had. I utilized the EY
atlas to further internalize the process
and the terminology. I believed that when
I go to EY Atlas every time I have my task,
it made the work easier because I know
what I am doing and I feel confident.
I also booked my ticket to Manila as I will
be attending the culmination face-to-face
in Makati. Thankfully, the talent team
allowed us to go there even though our
modality in the internship is virtual. I’m
excited because I will finally see the SGV
office and my co-interns from other
Additionally, I finished my task quickly
because I already mastered the process.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 51
DAY 52
DATE: November 15, 2022
DATE: November 16, 2022
Today, another task was given to me. I
populated audit request in the client
portal. It was just a short list so I finished
the task within an hour. After it, I also
watched Udemy courses to make this day
more productive and insightful. I watched
conquering insecurities and building selfconfidence. I appreciate the tools of
EY/SGV because it encompasses
everything, from the technical aspect of
the work to caring oneself.
I noticed that my workload is lighter
compare to previous days but my seniors
and associates has constantly kept in
touch and asked my current works. They
told me that they’ve been really busy
since they were catching a deadline and
they can’t give those tasks to us because
it needs approval from the client and if
they will ask, it will take time so they
preferred to do it themselves.
Since I have lighter loads today, I
searched for a place to stay in Manila. I
will be joining with my co-interns in MSUMain. Luckily, we found a nice place in
Mandaluyong and it’s very accessible
because right in front of the
condominium is the Boni MRT Station.
We’re prepping up everything and I can’t
wait to visit SGV soon.
To make this day productive, I went to
Atlas to read some standards as part of
my review for Auditing Theory which is a
subject in CPALE. I also went to Udemy
and watch videos to uplift my selfesteem.
It's Wednesday and I’m counting days
before I depart from Butuan to Manila.
Since I still have remaining time, I listed all
the things I need to bring so I won’t miss
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 53
DAY 54
DATE: November 17, 2022
DATE: November 18, 2022
Today, Ms. Ana contacted me and gave
me a task which is to populate audit
request in the client portal. She’s out of
the office for those past few days because
of field work so we rarely have
Thank God It’s Friday! We are now down
to the last week of SGV NLIP Internship
program and I’m now getting more
emotional. I can’t believe I made it. I was
really scared before but who would’ve
thought that I made it.
I finished right away the task so I can have
more time to navigate to other EY tools
since I enjoyed doing so a lot. I can say
that going to different tools of EY is like a
learning process. Everyday you’ll get to
discover new things, review some
concepts which were already tackled in
undergraduate. I will definitely miss this
SGV laptop despite its heavy weight. LOL
Today, Ms. Nelin contacted me for
another vouching. I told her that I will just
have an overtime work maybe tomorrow
Saturday since I won’t be available on
Monday because of the whole day
culmination program. She said that it’s
fine but she won’t force me and that I can
still submit it on Tuesday, after my
culmination. I started working on the
vouching on another company. I said to
myself that I can’t finish it within the day
so I just decided to close my laptop and
signed out at 5:30 PM.
I’m now preparing my things, packing on
my luggage as I will be departing on
Sunday early morning. My co-interns
from MSU- Main will be departing at
Laguindingan Airport and I will be here in
Butuan City. So, we will just meet at NAIA
3 Sunday.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 55
DAY 56
DATE: November 21, 2022
DATE: November 22, 2022
Today is the big day! I’m now here in
Metro Manila and we just had our
culmination program at STI Holdings in
Makati City. I met a lot of familiar faces
from webinars, audit simulation and case
studies. I also met the talent team and
they are all pretty and handsome.
We are now down to the last two days of
internship. Though we already had our
culmination program yesterday, we still
need to render 2 days to reach the
minimum required hours of MSU
Department of Accountancy which is 450
I would share that we almost missed the
opening part of culmination because we
had a difficulty of booking a Grab taxi. So,
we decided to take instead the MRT from
Boni Station to Ayala. Imagine, I’m
wearing a high heel sandal and we walked
3 kilometers from Ayala station to SGV.
My feet really hurt. Thankfully when we
arrived at the venue, the program hasn’t
started yet as they were waiting from
other interns who were caught in the
middle of the traffic. Seven of us from
MSU-Main made it physically to the
culmination day and it’s nice to see their
We just stayed in the condominium here
in Mandaluyong to finish our pending
tasks. As for me, Since I have still pending
work in vouching, I finished it within the
day and submitted to my senior Ms.
Nelin. They told me that they are grateful
to have me as part of their engagement
I appreciate the program flow of the
talent team and I enjoyed it. We all had a
good time because of the games they
prepared for us. I was also surprise when
they offered us all a direct employment,
it’s a one in a lifetime opportunity where
you don’t need to undergo screening
process at all.
That was the last task I rendered and then
I prepared my goodbye and thanksgiving
message to all the Associates, Staff,
Seniors and Manager I worked with. I will
send it hopefully tomorrow.
I can’t help but get emotional since 24
hours from now I will be ending officially
my internship. It has been a tough
journey but SGV made me tougher to
conquer everything.
The culmination program ended happily
and the feeling is still surreal to be part of
the SGV NLIP Internship program.
Republic of the Philippines
Marawi City
DAY 57
DATE: November 23, 2022
Finally, it’s my last day here in SGV and it
still felt surreal to have SGV as my
internship company. Since my first year in
college, I’ve always been looking forward
to do my internship in this firm but as I
traverse on my journey, I felt insecure
because I was struggling with my
academics and I think that I am not
enough and not deserving to be here. But
then SGV proved me wrong because they
made me realize that I can always bounce
back despite the adversities, conquer my
insecurities and bring out the best in me.
With that, I am forever grateful to be
I will carry those lessons I learned from
them for me to be more equipped as I go
on. Who knows I might be back again and
start a new journey, but not alone
anymore because I am with them.
This has been Ivy Marie Mangadlao, from
Market Group 3 ALS cluster now signing
Today, I sent my goodbye and
thanksgiving message to my senior
especially to Ms. Ana Fernandez, to my
Senior Associates Ms. Kat, Ms. Jovie, Ms.
Kim , Ms. Nelin, among others. They told
me that they wish to see me soon in SGV
and say good luck as I continue my
journey in becoming a CPA.
This might be the last time that I will be
writing my journal and will soon close this
book , but I will continue writing my story
as I embark again back to my CPA journey.
The SGV has been a great help and I will
forever be indebted to them for giving me
this once in a lifetime opportunity.
I couldn’t help but to be emotional
because I made friends with people from
different walks of life, I got exposed to
company I never imagined to be part of
their engagement team even if I’m just an