ASSOSAUNIVERSITY (ASU) Engineering COLLEGE(EC) Department of SURVEYING Engineering (DSE) INTRODUCTION TO A SEMINAR PAPER Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo informatics.) Presentation out lines •What is a Seminar? •What is purpose Seminar? •What is the benefit of seminar? •Why seminar paper is written for? •What is a research seminar? FROM DIFERENT SOURCES INTRODUCTION TO SEMINAR What is a Seminar? A seminar is a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to participate. 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo informatics.) 3 This is often accomplished through an ongoing Socratic dialogue with a seminar leader or instructor, or through a more formal presentation of research. Normally, participants must not be beginners in the field under discussion. The idea behind the seminar system is to familiarize students more extensively with the methodology of their chosen subject and also to allow them to interact with examples of the practical problems that always occur during research work. It is essentially a place where assigned readings are discussed, questions can be raised and debates can be conducted. It is relatively informal, at least compared to the lecture system of academic instruction. • What is purpose Seminar? • A seminar may have several purposes or just one purpose. For instance, a seminar may be for the purpose of education, such as a lecture, where the participants engage in the discussion of an academic subject for the aim of gaining a better insight into the subject • What does seminar course mean? • Seminars small classes typically driven by discussion and other forms of active learning and in which students often take on teaching roles and responsibilities offer tremendous opportunities for students and educators to make learning experiential, meaningful, and lasting. • What are the types of seminar? What is the benefit of seminar? • Attending a seminar has numerous benefits, including improving communication skills, gaining expert knowledge, networking with others and renewing motivation and confidence. What is the difference between a course and a seminar? • As nouns the difference between seminar and course is that; • seminar is a class held for advanced studies in which students meet regularly to discuss original research, under the guidance of a professor • while course is a sequence of events What does First Year Seminar mean? • The first year seminar courses are special courses for first year students to enhance their academic and social integration into college. The course is designed to help first year students adjust to the university, develop a better understanding of the learning process, and acquire essential academic survival skills. • A seminar paper is the written analysis of a particular topic specified in the seminar. It has to fulfill all requirements for a scientific article: the ideal seminar paper resembles a journal article. Any research paper is a means of communication between the researcher and the academic community. What are the best procedure and format for writing a seminar paper? • Answer to this question • The procedure and format for writing a seminar paper are in many ways similar to those for writing a research paper. • Thus, you need to identify a study area, go through the current literature on it, identify gaps that you could develop into a research problem, come up with a research question, formulate a hypothesis, develop the methodology, conduct the study, evaluate the results, and finally, form a conclusion based on the results. • However, in certain ways, preparing for and writing a seminar papers are different from that for a research paper. • The key factor is that of the audience, and you will need to keep this in mind when preparing your paper. • Why seminar paper is written for? • A seminar paper is written for an audience that is especially interested in the broad area of your study. So, in your paper, be sure to include examples, illustrations, discussion topics, and other such content points that will be of special relevance to the audience. • A seminar paper is written for the purpose of presentation. While you may choose to read from your paper, it is better to have a visual aid such as a PowerPoint presentation. • A visual presentation can help bring alive the topic and also make the presentation engaging. The presentation needs to include the key points from the paper. • A seminar paper is written to be engaging /atractive. Whether you choose to have a visual presentation or not, the paper should be written in an interesting style. • Thus, it should have an introduction that immediately arouses the audience’s curiosity and interest, and the rest of the paper (or presentation) should maintain that interest. In the discussion section, you can include questions to take up with the audience at the end, thus increasing the level of engagement. A seminar paper is written under the close guidance of your professor. For the reasons outlined above, your professor is usually closely involved in a seminar paper. It is best to check and run through all the key milestones and aspects of the paper from research question, hypothesis, discussion points to the format of the paper and presentation with your professor. Which is also why each seminar paper is likely to be different from the other? So, while you may refer to the broad structure of a research paper, you may make changes to it based on discussions with your professor. To answer your specific questions, rather than chapters, it is better to structure a seminar paper by sections (such as Introduction, Methodology, Results, and so on). The length of the paper could roughly be anywhere between 12-20 pages. However, your university might have some guidelines about this, so it's best to go with the prescribed length. For the presentation, go with a thumb rule of 2 minutes per slide. Thus, if you have 1 hour, you should have at least 30 content slides ready. However, the number can go up or down depending on how much text you incorporate in each slide. The best way is to start with 30 and then practice at home keeping a record of the time. This will help you understand whether you need more slides or less. Here are some resources to help you with planning, preparing, and presenting your paper What is a research seminar? • Research seminars help students refine their skills of research, text processing, searching scholarly information and presenting their work. • Research seminars help students develop research skills and prepare for writing the term paper and Master's thesis. The sooner you can check these tasks off your seminar planning list, the better! 1. Establish your goals and objectives. Write down your seminar's purpose. ... 2. Put together a rough budget. Set your ticket prices. ... 3. Select a date. ... 4. Choose a location, venue, and vendors. ... 5. Research speakers. ... 6. Start your sponsor search. How long should a seminar last? • About two hours typically about two hours, though some are longer. • CHAPTER I. INTODUCTION HOW TO WRITE A SEMINAR PAPER DEFINITION (WHAT IS RESEARCH SEMINAR?) • What is Seminar? 1. Meeting on specialized subject: a single session or short, often one-day meeting devoted to presentations on and discussion of a specialized topic, usually at an advanced or professional level. Example: A seminar on the industrial applications of GIS & RS technologies 2. Specialized educational class: a course of specialized graduate or undergraduate study under faculty supervision, in which ideas, approaches, and advances are regularly shared among participants Examples: 1. A seminar on the generalization of PURPOSE OF SEMINAR 2. A seminar on the quality of education in higher education institutions. 3. Meeting of students and academic supervisor: a meeting of university or college students for study or discussion with an academic supervisor, or the group that participates in it. Example. A seminar on the applications of hand GPS in cadastral surveying • What is research seminar? • What is seminar paper? 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo informatics.) 12 Definition (Cont…d) • A seminar paper is a work of original research that presents a specific thesis and is presented to a group of interested peers, usually in an academic setting. • For example, it might serve as your cumulative assignment in a university course. • Although seminar papers have specific purposes and guidelines in some places, such as law school, the general process and format is the same. • The steps below will guide you through the research and writing process of how to write a seminar paper and provide tips for developing a well-received paper. 1/12/2023 13 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo informatics.) Characteristics of Seminar Where happen? • Academic institution – less formal than formal class • Commercial and Professional organization • held at a hotel meeting space or within an office conference room Nature & Functions of seminar? • small groups recurring usually held for groups of 5-10 - 50 • Apart from workshops seminars are geared more toward learning about a particular topic or related subtopics. • regular meetings focusing each time on some particular subject, • Sometimes referred as “conference” where given information or training about a specific 1/12/2023 14 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo informatics.) Points to be considered about seminar (cont…d) • A place where assigned readings are discussed, questions can be raised and debates can be conducted. • Socratic dialogue with a seminar leader or instructor, or through a more formal presentation of research • business seminar focus on personal development and business strategies. 1/12/2023 15 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo informatics ) • In academia everyone present is requested to participate • In some countries revolve around term papers, exams, presentations, and several other assignments. • Large lecture by known thinker (Europe), research talks • In some countries university class that includes a term paper or project, Seminar in Academic World • Sometimes an event planner is called on to execute a seminar in an academic setting. Less formal than a class lecture, a seminar allows for small groups to meet and discuss academic topics or required reading, as well as set goals for research and continuing investigation. • For example: a school district that is revamping/give new and improved form its science curriculum, might hold a seminar for its science teachers to address the new standards and practices. 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 17 • Workshops, involve a group of people tackling a specific project, such as strategic planning. Those attending are expected to contribute • Business seminars appeal to entrepreneurs or small business owners. • They share success stories and strategies, as well as information about marketing, licensing and franchising, or other concerns. • An example of one of these seminars might be a gathering focused on marketing through social media. Attendees would learn best practices for promoting their businesses through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. • Seminars for personnel devt. are designed for the training and enrichment of employees. 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 18 COURSE OBJECTIVE The student is expected to learn how to design, prepare & edit seminar papers, write according to internationally accepted writing style based on know how obtained during research methodology course. After successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: • review, design and organize seminar/scientific ideas, • develop critical thinking & comment on research thoughts, papers, thesis • Select appropriate topics, draft seminar papers according to set international standards. • The Supervisors Responsibility? 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 19 BASIC POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SELLECTION OF PROJECT/RESEARCH TOPICS (ABCD’s to be understood first) B) Basic Knowledge of research methods A) Knowledge of your World/Country/ Environment/People/ & their Challenges D) Selection of Appropriate Research Problem/Topic C) Identification of subject of interest & ability 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 20 TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE 2.1. Scientific Knowledge 2.2. Technical/Engineering Knowledge 2.3. Common Sense Knowledge 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 21 BASIC POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED (cont….d) (Relations b/n Science, Engineering & Technology) 1. Science seeks to understand the natural world, and often needs new tools to help discover the answers. Science Engineering 2. Engineers use scientific discoveries to design products and processes that meet society’s needs. Technology 3. Technologies (products and processes) are the result of engineer’s designs. They are created by technicians to solve societal needs and wants. 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 22 BASIC POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED (cont….d) (Steps of the Engineering Design Process) Step 1 Identify the Need or Problem Step 2 Research the Need or Problem Step 8 Redesign Step 7 Communicate the Solution(s) Step 3 Develop Possible Solution(s) Step 6 Test and Evaluate the Solution(s) 1/12/2023 Step 4 Select the Best Possible Solution(s) Step 5 Construct a Prototype Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 23 THE RESEARCH PROCESS IN GENERAL 1. INITIATE What do I really need to find out? 6. ASSESS 2. LOCATE What did I learn from this process? How do I find the information? RESEARCH PROCESS 5. PRESENT 3. SELECT How can I communicate my research? What information is relevant and reliable? 4. ORGANIZE How can I use this information? 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 24 BASIC POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED (cont….d) (Quality Criteria of Research/Seminar/Thesis /Dissertation) 1. Novelty/Anew or unfamiliar thing: The results are new, not known before 2. Relevance: Problem is important, worth knowing , Study is made with appropriate methods. References are up-to-date and related to the subject of the study 3. Design of study Problem statement is clear, Selection of methods is justified and clear, Results presented clearly (others can repeat the study). 4. Quality of results, significance Results are clear and serve the purpose of the study, Research problem is solved, Results have significance, provide improvement, Conclusions are based on facts only. 1/12/2023 Compiled & presented by Abeje Asefa (MSc Geo 25 The End THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !