Matthew Weshner Assignment 7 Write an assembly program to create a calculator that repeatedly takes a basic math operator (+, -, *, /), and two numbers all from user input, and have it print the result of the mathematical operation. The mathematical operations should be wrapped inside of procedures. The two input numbers should be passed to the procedure either using registers or stack (your choice), the return result should be returned and printed in the caller procedure. The program should stop when user enters e Note : You need to submit the source code and output ; Calculator ; ; 11/06/2020 .586 .MODEL FLAT INCLUDE io.h ; header file for input/output .STACK 4096 .DATA num1 num2 prompt1 pNum1 pNum2 result string sum DWORD ? DWORD ? BYTE "Enter the mathmatical operator (+, -, *, /)", 0 BYTE "Enter first number", 0 BYTE "Enter second number", 0 BYTE "Result is", 0 BYTE 40 DUP (?) BYTE 11 DUP (?), 0 .CODE _MainProc PROC startLoop: input prompt1, string, 2 character ;get user input and take only the first cmp string, '+' ;compare user input to '+' je addition ; i f u s e r i n p u t w a s ' + ' t h e n j u m p t o a d d i t i o n cmp je string, '-' ;see above subtraction cmp je string, '*' multiply This study source was downloaded by 100000854915659 from on 10-22-2022 13:00:32 GMT -05:00 Matthew Weshner cmp je string, '/' divide cmp je string, 'e' endLoop ;allows the user to end the program by entering 'e' ;if no valid option is entered, loop back to the startLoop start jmp addition: input atod mov pNum1, string, 40 ;prompt the user for the first number string num1, eax ;store first number as num1 input atod mov pNum2, string, 40 string num2, eax mov eax, num1 mov add dtoa ebx, num2 eax, ebx sum, eax jmp subtraction : input atod mov display ;load num1 and num2 into registers to prepare for math ;adding num1 to num2 ;store results as sum ;jump to display, where the program displays the result pNum1, string, 40 string num1, eax input atod mov pNum2, string, 40 string num2, eax mov mov sub dtoa eax, ebx, eax, sum, jmp display num1 num2 ebx eax ;same code as addition except subtraction multiply: input atod mov pNum1, string, 40 string num1, eax input atod mov pNum2, string, 40 string num2, eax mov mov mul dtoa eax, num1 ebx, num2 ebx sum, eax jmp display divide: input ;prompt for second number ;same code as addition except multiplication pNum1, string, 40 This study source was downloaded by 100000854915659 from on 10-22-2022 13:00:32 GMT -05:00 Matthew Weshner atod mov string num1, eax input atod mov pNum2, string, 40 string num2, eax mov mov ebx, num1 eax, num2 cdq idiv dtoa ebx sum, eax jmp display display: output jmp endLoop: mov ret ;convert double to quad because im using the big register ;signed division for negative numbers result, sum ;output the result of math startLoop eax, 0 _MainProc ENDP END ; end of source code This study source was downloaded by 100000854915659 from on 10-22-2022 13:00:32 GMT -05:00 Matthew Weshner This study source was downloaded by 100000854915659 from on 10-22-2022 13:00:32 GMT -05:00 Powered by TCPDF (