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Supplement Guide: Vitamins, Minerals & Health

Supplement guide
DISCLAIMER: This PDF does not provide medical advice. No
content on this PDF file is intended to substitute for professional
medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
The agricultural revolution that happened not so long ago, has led
over the years to a dramatic decrease of the nutritional value that
most foods have.
The soil has been depleted of nutrients for short term profit and also
most plants have become hybrids which results in an even further
decrease of the nutritional value.
So unfortunately, unless you’ve been eating organic foods over the
years, you’re probably deficient in vital vitamins and minerals.
We all were. This is why the proper targeted supplementation can
reverse so many health problems for a lot of people.
Now here are two definitions about supplements.
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Ignore these definitions. Think about supplements as synthetic tools
(therefore you should never over consume supplements but focus on
the minimum effective dose) in order to meet your micronutrient
needs and fix certain deficiencies.
You use a tool only if it’s useful based on the
circumstances that are present.
In this guide, you will learn to think about supplements as tools and
learn to recognise which tool is the right one based on the
circumstance that’s present at that time.
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For example, let’s say that you have to spend 10 hours in the sun on
a certain day.
Then, based on this particular circumstance, vitamin C or even ALA
and magnesium, can be very powerful tools in order for you not to
experience any negative effects from the hormetic effects of the sun.
If you go out to drink one night, then electrolytes and B vitamins
might even be mandatory in order for you to replace the electrolytes
and B vitamins you lost from drinking.
So let’s start by mentioning what can deplete your
vitamins and minerals and which ones.
1. Stimulants: Electrolytes , B1, B2, B5 , Vitamin C
2. Statins: CoQ10, D (maybe also vitamin A and E)
3. Alcohol: B vitamins, electrolytes
4. Birth control: Literally everything. Stop taking it. It’s
worse than statins.
5. Chemotherapy drugs: B vitamins, vitamin C , magnesium
6. Antipsychotics and antidepressants: B vitamins , vitamin K
and D
7. Metformin: B vitamins, magnesium
8. Steroids: B vitamins , vitamin C and D
9. Antibiotics: B vitamins , Vitamin K and D
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10. Stress: Electrolytes, B1, B2, B3, B9, Vitamin C, taurine,
Copper, Vitamin A
11. Excessive sun exposure: Electrolytes, Vitamin C
There is no safe supplement by the way.
In 2013, a Long Island doctor noticed that his patients were
showing symptoms normally associated with anabolic steroid use,
such as liver damage, blood clots, muscle pain, masculine features
appearing in women, and even testicular shrinkage and
gynecomastia (breast tissue development) in men.
These patients had all gone to the same chiropractor, who
prescribed Healthy Life Chemistry vitamins by Purity First to each
of them.
Now this scenario will be quite unlikely if you stick to what we
mention in this guide, but i’m mentioning this since a lot of people
in the health industry treat supplements as something mandatory
instead of tools based on specific circumstances (what we’re
proposing here).
There are also safe supplements and unsafe supplements.
Here is what you should pay attention to.
1. Never, ever, fucking ever, supplement with Vitamin A, betta
carrotene and B6.
Every single one of these vitamins can cause severe liver damage.
I made a mistake, i shouldn’t have written it “can” cause, but it
“will” cause.
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So avoid every synthetic form of these vitamins unless your doctor
tells you otherwise.
This also means to avoid energy drinks which are filled with toxic
synthetic vitamins and a lot of them even contain pretty high doses
of them.
2. Never supplement multivitamins or vitamin
Most of these products are laced with cancerous filler materials.
3. Never use supplements that have artificial sweeteners
and flavorings.
They also use cancerous filler materials in them.
4. Never use non single ingredient testosterone/hormone
Most of them use poor quality herbs and are focused on the wrong
For example, some testosterone boosters will indeed increase your
testosterone. But they will do this by blocking DHT which will lead
to many health issues down the road.
5. No collagen supplements.
Most of the animals that the collagen is sourced from are extremely
mistreated and fed a poor diet which leads to their marrow being
almost a poison if not a poison.
6. Say no to 99.99999% of protein powders.
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Most of them contain a lot of allergens and even heavy metals.
The only protein powders that’s relatively safe to consume are
organic egg protein powder and grass fed proteins such as
centanarius (expensive).
You don’t need protein powders though.
7. No pre workouts and ED “supplements”.
They raise nitric oxide which leads to severe metabolic damage.
You can check this yourselves by seeing how thin the skin of people
you regularly use pre workout is.
8. No BCAAs.
Most have heavy metals in them and some very shady forms of
9. No melatonin supplements unless you’re fighting a
Synthetic melatonin can even trigger autoimmune diseases.
10. No fish oils and omega 3 supplements.
Fatty acids in fish oil supplements are oxidized.
11. No iron supplements.
If you struggle with low levels of iron, then besides including organs
and oysters in your diet, start supplementing with vitamin C.
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Relatively safe supplements
1. Brewer’s yeast.
This is probably my favorite supplement.
Brewer's yeast is made from a one-celled fungus called
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is used to make beer.
It has been grown and used as a nutritional supplement for years. It
is a rich source of B vitamins(*) and minerals such as selenium.
(*)The B-complex vitamins in brewer's yeast include B1 (thiamine),
B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine),
B9 (folic acid), and H or B7 (biotin).
These vitamins help break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins,
which provide the body with energy.
They also support the nervous system, help maintain the muscles
used for digestion, and keep skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver
Thiamine (B1) is also one of the most effective pre workout
supplements there is, it is also involved in iron regulation and helps
the body excrete any excess.
Best time to consume brewer’s yeast?
Anytime as long as it is 5-7 hours before your bedtime.
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2. Magnesium glycinate and threonate (expensive and
unnecessary for most people but worth mentioning)
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body
and it’s something most people are deficient in.
During digestion, three primary digestive enzymes turn food into
nutrients that can be absorbed and assimilated by the body and
magnesium plays a role in numerous enzyme systems throughout
the body.
Magnesium directs excessive calcium outside the cell, promoting
relaxation in the stressed areas.
Magnesium also lowers SHBG levels and therefore it can increase
free testosterone.
Magnesium and brewer’s yeast are the first supplements you should
The best kind of magnesium is probably magnesium threonate(*)
BUT it is very expensive and since every form of magnesium tends
to go to a specific tissue (for example glycinate has a preference for
muscle tissue) it is in fact better to use different chelates as well
from time to time.
(*)Magnesium threonate is one of the best GABA inducers available
out there.
Best time to consume magnesium?
Any time is a good time.
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3. Thiamine (B1)
We already mentioned B vitamins in brewer’s yeast, but
unfortunately brewer’s yeast is pretty low on thiamine (B1) an
absolutely crucial vitamin most people are deficient in.
Vitamin B1 enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy and this
is one of the reasons why diabetics massively benefit from thiamine
supplementation a lot of times.
Thiamine is essential for glucose metabolism, and plays a key role
in nerve, muscle, and heart function.
Thiamine can help conditions such as:
canker sores
glaucoma and other vision problems
cerebellar syndrome, a type of brain damage
cervical cancer
diabetic pain
heart disease
kidney disease in patients with diabetes type 2
motion sickness
a weakened immune system.
Note: Do not supplement with thiamine for more than 3-5 weeks.
Best time to consume thiamine?
With the pre workout meal.
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4. Niacin
Niacin is another B vitamin which is called vitamin B3.
Niacin is used from the body in order to break down fats and
protein, converting food into energy and cellular metabolism.
Niacin works with enzymes to metabolize food calories and absorb
nutrients which are spread throughout the organs and muscles of
the body, providing them with continual energy.
It is water-soluble, so our bodies do not store it, which also means
that your body can excrete excess amounts of the vitamin through
urine if they are not needed.
Niacin has an essential role in cell signaling and DNA repair.
Niacin also boosts hydration in the skin and a cell's ability to retain
water and it may help prevent certain types of skin cancer as well, as
studies found that participants who took niacin twice a day had
reduced rates of nonmelanoma skin cancer compared to the control
The brain also requires niacin (NAD and NADP) to get energy and
function properly.
Important note: Start with a very small dose (50-100mg), do not
supplement with non flush niacin, do not exceed 200 mg, always
take niacin with food and do not supplement with niacin for more
than 3-4 weeks straight.
Best times to consume niacin?
In the morning with breakfast.
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5. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all
body tissues.
Not only that but it’s extremely important for our endocrine system.
Vitamin C is a precursor to:
1.Collagen synthesis
2.Cholesterol synthesis
3.Bile acid synthesis and even helps iron homeostasis.
Vitamin C can help the body form HDL, improve blood pressure,
reduce blood uric acid, improve testosterone levels, reduce cancer
risk, improve cellular hydration, treat lead toxicity, heal wounds,
improve vision loss, and prevent strokes.
Best times to consume Vitamin C?
A) In the morning with breakfast since stress hormones are released
when we sleep which as we said lead the adrenal glands to dumb
vitamin C.
B) Post workout (for the same reason).
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6. Taurine
Taurine has important functions in the heart and brain and it helps
support nerve growth.
The main roles of taurine in your body are:
● maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance in your
● forming bile salts, which play an important role in digestion
● regulating minerals such as calcium within your cells
● supporting the general function of your central nervous system
and eyes
● regulating immune system health and antioxidant function
Performance wise, taurine showed in athletes:
● increased oxygen uptake by the body
● increased time to fatigue
● reduced muscle damage
● improved recovery times
● improved strength and power
Best time to consume taurine?
It depends on the individual.
Some people benefit from A.M supplementation and some from late
But since taurine can give you an energy boost, i suggest trying it
first in the A.M hours in case you consider supplementing with it.
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8. NAC and ALA
Both of these are powerful antioxidants and should only be used
under circumstances of stress (*) in order to help the body replenish
glutathione (an antioxidant that is used by the liver in order to detox
our bodies).
(*)Drinking alcohol, too much sun exposure, ex addicts etc.
I personally prefer and recommend ALA between these 2.
ALA stands for Alpha-Lipoic-Acid and is an organic compound in
the body that acts as an antioxidant, is present in mitochondria and
helps enzymes turn nutrients into energy.
Ala can in general help you with :
1.Lowering CRP levels
2.High blood sugar
3.Oxidative stress
4.High LDL
5.High triglycerides
6.Protect the brain and CNS
7.Detoxify mercury from the brain
8.Reduce iron in tissues
Best times to consume ALA or NAC? A.M. Definitely A.M.
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9. Boron
The element boron is a trace mineral and found in deposits in the
earth's crust and sea water.
Boron is typically used to increase free testosterone but it will also
help your body in many more biological processes since it helps
recycle electrolytes.
Besides these, boron: a) enhances steroid hormones that prevent
calcium loss and bone demineralization, b) regulates vitamin D, c)
displaces fluoride from the glands, and d) lowers the calcification of
the soft tissue.
Best time to consume boron?
5-7 hours before your bedtime and with a meal since it requires an
insulin spike in order to be absorbed.
10. Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba (or maidenhair) is a tree native to China that has
been grown for thousands of years for a variety of uses.
Because it’s the only surviving member of an ancient order of plants,
it’s sometimes referred to as a living fossil.
While its leaves and seeds are often used in traditional Chinese
medicine, modern research primarily focuses on ginkgo extract,
which is made from the leaves.
It contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids, which are
compounds known for their strong antioxidant effect.
It also works amazingly against depression and stress while not
having the side effects of herbs such as ashwagandha.
Best time to consume ginkgo? A.M
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11. Shilajit
Shilajit is a black resin found mostly in rocks of the Himalayan
mountains of India and Tibet and takes centuries to form.
The primary component of shilajit is an antioxidant called fulvic
Researchers think that the fulvic acid in shilajit may stop the
abnormal buildup of tau protein and reduce inflammation,
potentially improving Alzheimer’s symptoms .
It can also help heart diseases, low HDL, blood sugar, testosterone
and sperm count.
Best time to consume shilajit? A.M
12. Activated charcoal
Activated charcoal is effective at binding all kinds of toxins,
endotoxins, dead bacteria and even xenoestrogenic substances and
assuring their safe elimination.
Best time to take?
First of all, activated charcoal is a very short term tool.
Second of all, you can take it any time you want but never 3-4 hour
before or after taking magnesium.
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13.Vitamin D + MK7
Vitamin D is technically a hormone.
The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency vary from extreme fatigue ,
high blood pressure, mood swings , bone loss , insulin resistance ,
dry skin and low testosterone.
Vitamin D3 is best created when UV light from the sun hits your
That should be your main source of vitamin D3 and animal products
your main source of vitamin K2.
But since a lot of people have gut issues which prevent the vitamin
D from being properly absorbed and utilized, short term
supplementation might be beneficial in some cases.
Just make sure to a) use a liquid form and b) eat your weekly oysters
and beef liver in order to prevent any possible overload.
Do not hesitate to supplement short term, vitamin D can help :
1.Prevent autoimmune diseases
2.Prevent muscle waste
3. Reverse (some) steroid driven hair loss
4.Treat depression
5. Help treat insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
6. Help treat low testosterone
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7. Help calcium absorption
8.Support the immune system
9.Fight allergies
10. Improve Crohn's disease, MS, rheumatoid arthritis , dry skin,
acne and asthma
Best time to take?
The supplements that a lot of people consider safe such as zinc,
weren’t mentioned due to the facts a) that most manufacturers
produce very bad products and b) should be used only in very
specific scenarios and most people don’t need them.
Now about pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA, most
manufacturers are God awful and you should do your own research
on them since they can in fact help a lot of people.
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In a nutshell
0. Focus on your nutrition first.
0. Learn which leads to micronutrient deficiencies and
which ones (pages 3-4).
1. Supplements are tools and should be treated as such.
2. Learn which supplements to avoid.
3. Learn which supplements are relatively safe.
4. Most people just need a 1-3 month targeted
supplementation and only use supplements once in a
while after that.
5. Always take a 1 day break from supplements each
week and a 2-4 week one every 20-45 days.
6. Always consume Nature’s (multi)vitamins aka:
1. Liver
2. Shellfish
3. Bee pollen
4. Meat
5. Fish
6. Egg yolks
7. Raw milk
8. Fruit
9. Acerola berry powder
Ⓒ Helios_Movement LLC
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