Results of Proficiency Test Gasoline (ASTM specification) February 2014 Organised by: Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, the Netherlands Author: Correctors: Report: ing. L.Dijkstra dr. R.G. Visser & ing. L. Sweere iis14B01ASTM April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 — empty page --- page 2 of 67 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4 2 SET UP ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 ACCREDITATION ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 PROTOCOL ............................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT ........................................................................................................... 4 2.4 SAMPLES .................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.5 STABILITY OF THE SAMPLES ................................................................................................................ 6 2.6 ANALYSES ................................................................................................................................................ 6 3 RESULTS................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 STATISTICS .............................................................................................................................................. 6 3.2 GRAPHICS ................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 Z-SCORES ................................................................................................................................................ 7 4 EVALUATION ............................................................................................................................................ 8 4.1 EVALUATION PER TEST ......................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR THE GROUP OF LABORATORIES ...................................... 12 4.3 COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF FEBRUARY 2014 WITH PREVIOUS PTS .......................... 13 Appendices: 1. Data, statistical results and graphic results............................................................................................ 14 2. z-Scores distillation ASTM D86 .............................................................................................................. 64 3. Number of participants per country ....................................................................................................... 66 4. Abbreviations and literature .................................................................................................................... 67 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 3 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 1 Spijkenisse, April 2014 INTRODUCTION Since 1995, the Institute organizes a proficiency scheme for Gasoline. During the annual proficiency testing program 2013/2014, it was decided to continue the round robin for the analysis of Gasoline in accordance with the most recent version of the specification ASTM D4814. In this interlaboratory study 134 laboratories in 65 different countries have participated. See appendix 3 for the number of participants per country. In this report, the results of the gasoline 2014 proficiency test are presented and discussed. This report is also electronically available through the iis internet site 2 SET UP The Institute for Interlaboratory Studies (iis) in Spijkenisse, the Netherlands, was the organiser of this proficiency test. Sample analyses for fit-for-use and homogeneity testing were subcontracted. In this proficiency test, the participants received, depending on their registration, 2*1 litre bottle euro 95 Gasoline (labelled #14009) and/or 1*1 litre bottle (± 750 mL filled) euro 95 Gasoline (labelled #14010) for DVPE only. Participants were requested to report rounded and unrounded results. The unrounded results were preferably used for statistical evaluation. 2.1 ACCREDITATION The Institute for Interlaboratory Studies in Spijkenisse, the Netherlands, is accredited in agreement with ISO/IEC 17043:2010 (R007), since January 2000, by the Dutch Accreditation Council (Raad voor Accreditatie). This ensures strict adherence to protocols for sample preparation and statistical evaluation and 100% confidentially of participant’s data. Feedback from the participants on the reported data is encouraged and customer’s satisfaction is measured on regular basis by sending out questionnaires. 2.2 PROTOCOL The protocol followed in the organisation of this proficiency test was the one as described for proficiency testing in the report ‘iis Interlaboratory Studies: ‘Protocol for the Organisation, Statistics and Evaluation’ of January 2010 (iis-protocol, version 3.2). This protocol can be downloaded from the iis website 2.3 CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT All data presented in this report must be regarded as confidential and are for use by the participating companies only. Disclosure of the information in this report is only allowed by means of the entire report. Use of the contents of this report for third parties is only allowed by written permission of the Institute for Interlaboratory Studies. Disclosure of the identity of one or more of the participating companies will be done only after receipt of a written agreement of the companies involved. page 4 of 67 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 2.4 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies SAMPLES The necessary sample material, 500 litre of Gasoline Euro 95 was obtained from a local petrol station in the Netherlands in August 2013. After transferring 500 liter into a 500 liter mixing vessel and homogenisation, 142 amber glass bottles of 1 litre with approx. 800 mL were filled and labelled #14010 “for DVPE only”. The homogeneity of the subsamples #14010 was checked by determination of Dry Vapour Pressure Equivalent in accordance with ASTM D5191 on 7 stratified randomly selected samples. DVPE in psi Sample #14010-1 Sample #14010-2 Sample #14010-3 Sample #14010-4 Sample #14010-5 Sample #14010-6 Sample #14010-7 8.50 8.44 8.44 8.46 8.47 8.44 8.46 Table 1: homogeneity test results of subsamples #14010 From the remaining material in the 500L mixing vessel, 349 amber glass bottles of 1 litre were filled and labelled #14009. The homogeneity of the subsamples #14009 was checked by determination of Density @15°C in accordance with ASTM D4052 on 10 stratified randomly selected samples. Density @ 15°C in kg/m3 Sample #14009-1 Sample #14009-2 Sample #14009-3 Sample #14009-4 Sample #14009-5 Sample #14009-6 Sample #14009-7 Sample #14009-8 Sample #14009-9 Sample #14009-10 749.50 749.51 749.59 749.50 749.49 749.53 749.51 749.53 749.55 749.50 Table 2: homogeneity test results of subsamples #14009 From the above test results, the repeatabilities were calculated and compared with 0.3 times the corresponding reproducibilities in agreement with the procedure of ISO 13528, Annex B2 in the next table: r (sample #14009) r (sample #14010) reference method 0.3 x R (ref. method) Density@ 15 °C in kg/m3 DVPE in psi 0.08 ---ASTM D4052:11 0.57 ---0.059 ASTM D5191:13 0.096 Table 3: repeatabilities of subsamples #14009 and #14010 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 5 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 The calculated repeatabilities of the results of homogeneity test for Density and DVPE were less than 0.3 times the reproducibilities of the reference test methods. Therefore, homogeneity of subsamples #14009 and #14010 was assumed. To the participants, depending on their registration, 2*1 litre bottle of sample #14009 and/or 1*1 litre bottle (± 750 mL filled) of sample #14010 were sent on February 5, 2014. 2.5 STABILITY OF THE SAMPLES The stability of Gasoline, packed in the brown glass bottles, was checked. The material was found sufficiently stable for the period of the proficiency test. 2.6 ANALYSIS The participants were requested to determine API Gravity, Aromatics by FIA, Benzene, Copper Strip Corrosion, Doctor Test, Density @ 15°C, Distillation (automated or manual), Existent gum, Lead, Phosphorus, Olefins by FIA, DIPE, Ethanol, ETBE, MTBE, Iso-Butanol, IsoPropanol, TAME, t-Butanol, Methanol, Oxygen, Oxidation Stability, Total Oxygenates, Sulphur, RON and MON on sample #14009. On sample #14010, the participants were requested to determine Total Vapour Pressure and Dry Vapour Pressure (acc. ASTM D5191 and EPA). To get comparable results a detailed report form, on which the units were prescribed as well as some of the required standards and a letter of instructions were prepared and made available for download on the iis website ( A SDS and a form to confirm receipt of the samples were added to the sample package. 3 RESULTS During four weeks after sample despatch, the results of the individual laboratories were gathered. The original data are tabulated per determination in appendix 1 of this report. The laboratories are presented by their code numbers. Directly after the deadline, a reminder fax was sent to the laboratories that had not reported results at that moment. Shortly after the deadline, the available results were screened for suspect data. A result was called suspect in case the Huber Elimination Rule (a robust outlier test) found it to be an outlier. The laboratories that produced these suspect data were asked to check the results. Additional or corrected results are used for data analysis and original results are placed under 'Remarks' in the result tables in appendix 1. 3.1 STATISTICS Statistical calculations were performed as described in the report ‘iis Interlaboratory Studies: Protocol for the Organisation, Statistics and Evaluation’ of January 2010 (iis-protocol, version 3.2). For the statistical evaluation the unrounded (when available) figures were used instead of the rounded results. Results reported as ‘< ’ or ‘> ’ were not used in the statistical evaluation. page 6 of 67 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies First, the normality of the distribution of the various data sets per determination was checked by means of the Lilliefors-test a variant of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and by the calculation of skewness and kurtosis. Evaluation of the three normality indicators in combination with the visual evaluation of the graphic Kernel density plot, lead to judgement of the normality being either ‘unknown’, ‘OK’, ‘suspect’ or ‘not OK’. After removal of outliers, this check was repeated. Not all data sets proved to have a normal distribution, in which cases the statistical evaluation of the results should be used with due care. In accordance to ISO 5725 (1986 and 1994) the original results per determination were submitted subsequently to Dixon and Grubbs outlier tests. Outliers are marked by D(0.01) for the Dixon test, by G(0.01) or DG(0.01) for the Grubbs test and by R(0.01) for the Rosner General ESD test (see appendix 4, no.15). Stragglers are marked by D(0.05) for the Dixon test, by G(0.05) or DG(0.05) for the Grubbs test and by R(0.05). Both outliers and stragglers were not included in the calculations of the averages and the standard deviations. For each assigned value, the uncertainty was determined in accordance with ISO13528. Subsequently the calculated uncertainty was evaluated against the respective requirement based on the target reproducibility in accordance with ISO13528. When the uncertainty passed the evaluation, no remarks are made in the report. However, when the uncertainty failed the evaluation it is mentioned in the report and it will have consequences for the evaluation of the test results. Finally, the reproducibilities were calculated from the standard deviations by multiplying them with a factor of 2.8. 3.2 GRAPHICS In order to visualise the data against the reproducibilities from literature, Gauss plots were made, using the sorted data for one determination (see appendix 1). On the Y-axis the reported analysis results are plotted. The corresponding laboratory numbers are under the Xaxis. The straight horizontal line presents the consensus value (a trimmed mean). The four striped lines, parallel to the consensus value line, are the +3s, +2s, -2s and -3s target reproducibility limits of the selected standard. Outliers and other data, which were excluded from the calculations, are represented as a cross. Accepted data are represented as a triangle. Furthermore, Kernel Density Graphs were made. This is a method for producing a smooth density approximation to a set of data that avoids some problems associated with histograms (see appendix 4; nos.13 and 14). Also a normal Gauss curve was projected over the Kernel Density Graph. 3.3 Z-SCORES To evaluate the performance of the participating laboratories the z-scores were calculated. As it was decided to evaluate the performance of the participants in this proficiency test (PT) against the literature requirements, e.g. ASTM reproducibilities, the z-scores were calculated using a target standard deviation. This result was an evaluation independent of the spread of Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 7 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 this interlaboratory study. The target standard deviation was calculated from the literature reproducibility by division with 2.8. When a laboratory did use a test method with a reproducibility that is significantly different from the reproducibility of the reference test method used in this report, it is strongly advised to recalculate the z-score, while using the reproducibility of the actual test method used, this in order to evaluate whether the reported test result is fit-for-use. The z-scores were calculated in accordance with: z(target) = (result - average of PT) / target standard deviation The z(target) scores are listed in the result tables in appendix 1. Absolute values for z<2 are very common and absolute values for z>3 are very rare. Therefore the usual interpretation of z-scores is as follows: |z| < 1 good 1 < |z| < 2 satisfactory 2 < |z| < 3 questionable 3 < |z| unsatisfactory 4 EVALUATION In this proficiency test problems were encountered with the despatch of the samples. Several laboratories in Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Jordan, Malaysia, Niger, Oman, Russia, Sudan, Tanzania and U.S.A. received the samples late or not at all. From the 134 participants, 5 participants did not report any results and 24 participants did report the results after the deadline. Finally 129 laboratories did report 1930 numerical results. Observed were 73 outlying results, which is 3.8%. In proficiency studies, outlier percentages of 3% - 7.5% are quite normal. 4.1 EVALUATION PER TEST In this section, the results are discussed per sample and per test. The methods, which are used by the various laboratories, are taken into account for explaining the observed differences where possible and applicable. These methods are also in the tables together with the reported data. The abbreviations, used in these tables, are listed in appendix 4. In the iis PT reports, ASTM methods are referred to with a number (e.g. D2086) and an added designation for the year that the method was adopted or revised (e.g. D2086-08). If applicable, a designation in parentheses is added to designate the year of reapproval (e.g. D2086-08 (2013)). In the results tables of Appendix 1 only the method number and year of adoption or revision will be used. Not all data sets proved to have a normal distribution. Not normal (or suspect) distributions were found for sample #14009: Benzene, Density, Distillation Automated (70% evap and page 8 of 67 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 90% evap), Distillation Manual (IBP), Ethanol, Other Oxygenates (ETBE, IPA, MeOH), Sulphur, DVPE (acc. to EPA). In these cases, the statistical evaluation should be used with care. Remarkably a number of laboratories reported to have used EN22854 for several components. The correct method description is ISO22854 or EN-ISO-22854. ISO developed the standard ISO22854 and this standard was later adopted by the Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN) to give EN-ISO-22854. API Gravity: This determination was not problematic. Three statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in good agreement with the requirements of ASTM D4052:11. Benzene: This determination was not problematic. One statistical outlier was observed. The calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outlier is in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D3606:10. Copper strip: No problems have been observed. All participants agreed on classification 1. Density @ 15°C: This determination was problematic for a number of laboraties. Four statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in good agreement with the requirements of ASTM D4052:11. Distillation The automated mode determination was not problematic. In total ten statistical outliers were observed. The calculated reproducibilities after rejection of the statistical outliers are all in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D86:12 for the automated mode, except for 50% evaporated. The manual mode determination was not problematic. In total thirteen statistical outliers were observed. The calculated reproducibilities after rejection of the statistical outliers are all in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D86:12 for the manual mode. Doctor Test: No analytical problems have been observed, all participants agreed on the absence of Mercaptans. Existent Gum: This determination was not problematic. Two statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in good agreement with the requirements of ASTM D381:12. Olefins by FIA: This determination was not problematic. Two statistical outliers were observed. The calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D1319:10. When the ASTM D1319/EN15553 results were evaluated separately, the calculated Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 9 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 reproducibility is larger but still in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D1319:10. Remarkably 5 laboratories reported to have used a GC method. Aromatics by FIA: This determination was problematic. One statistical outlier was observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outlier is not in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D1319:10. When the ASTM D1319:10/EN15553 results were evaluated separately, the calculated reproducibility somewhat smaller but still not in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D1319:10. Remarkably 5 laboratories reported to have used a GC method. Lead: The consensus value of the group was below the application range (2.5 – 25 mg/L) of ASTM D3237:12. Therefore, no significant conclusions were drawn. Phosphorus: The consensus value of the group was below the application range (0.20 - 40 mg/L) of ASTM D3231:13. Therefore, no significant conclusions were drawn. Oxidation stability: The majority of the laboratories agreed that the Oxidation Stability is >360 (or even >900) minutes. Ethanol: This determination was problematic for a number of laboratories. Five statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D4815:13. MTBE: This determination was problematic. Four statistical outliers were observed. The calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is not in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D4815:13. The large spread may (partly) be explained by the variety of test methods used. Sixteen laboratories reported to have used to ASTM D4815 and fourteen laboratories reported to have used to EN13132, both calculated reproducibilities are not in agreement with the respective requirements of ASTM D4815 and EN13132. Sixteen laboratories reported to have used to ISO22854, the calculated reproducibility for these test results is in agreement with the less strict requirements for ISO22854. Other Oxygenates: The concentrations of the other oxygenates were all near or below the detection limit of the method used and most of the participants reported a “less then” result. Therefore, no significant conclusions were drawn. In total five observed false positive test results were observed, two for TAME and three for ETBE. page 10 of 67 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Total Oxygenates: This determination was problematic for number of laboratories. Five statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in full agreement with the estimated requirements of ASTM D4815:13 based on reproducibilities of Ethanol and MTBE. Oxygen content: This determination was not problematic. Three statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D5599:00(2010) and D4815:13. Sulphur: This determination was problematic for number of laboratories. Seven statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in full agreement with the requirements of ASTM D5453:12. RON: This determination was not problematic. Three statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outliers is in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D2699:13a. MON: This determination was not problematic. Only one statistical outlier was observed. The calculated reproducibility after rejection of the statistical outlier is in full agreement with the requirements of ASTM D2700:13b. TVP: This determination was not problematic. Three statistical outliers were observed. However, the calculated reproducibility, after rejection of the statistical outliers, is in agreement with the requirements of ASTM D5191:13. DVPE: The conversion of the measured Total Vapour Pressure to the corresponding Dry Vapour Pressure Equivalent (DVPE) as described in ASTM D5191:13 and to the U.S. EPA guidelines (40 CFR Part 80, App. E, Method 3), showed in in total 4 statistical outliers. Both calculated reproducibilities after rejection of the statistical outliers are in agreement with the respective requirements of ASTM D5191:13 and EPA guidelines. Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 11 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 4.2 Spijkenisse, April 2014 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR THE GROUP OF LABORATORIES A comparison has been made between the reproducibility as declared by the relevant standard and the reproducibility as found for the group of participating laboratories. The average results of sample #14009 and #14010, calculated reproducibilities and reproducibilities, derived from literature standards (in casu ASTM standards) are compared in the next table. Parameter API Gravity Benzene Copper Strip 3 hrs @ 50°C Density @ 15 oC Dist. Auto. IBP 10%-evap. 50%-evap. 70%-evap. 90%-evap. FBP Dist. Man. IBP 10%-evap. 50%-evap. 70%-evap. 90%-evap. FBP Doctor Test Existent gum (washed) Olefins by FIA Aromatics by FIA Lead as Pb Phosphorus as P Oxidation Stability Ethanol MTBE Total Oxygenates Oxygen content Sulphur RON MON Unit n mean 2.8 * sd R (lit) ----% V/V ----kg/m3 ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ----mg/100mL %V/V %V/V mg/L mg/L min %V/V %V/V %M/M %M/M mg/kg --------- 61 68 109 120 91 89 91 89 88 92 29 28 27 24 25 26 68 51 58 61 44 12 57 65 64 52 60 90 62 44 57.18 0.92 1 749.6 37.0 52.4 94.8 120.5 147.3 181.9 39.1 52.5 94.5 120.0 147.8 181.8 Negative 0.65 6.5 33.2 <2.5 <0.2 >360 4.68 2.97 7.75 2.27 4.91 95.4 85.3 0.25 0.10 n.a. 0.6 4.9 1.4 2.3 1.9 2.0 6.0 4.0 2.1 3.9 3.7 4.0 4.9 n.a. 0.87 2.2 4.6 n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.47 0.33 0.57 0.20 1.90 0.8 0.9 0.49 0.17 n.a. 1.9 5.2 3.2 1.9 5.2 3.9 6.8 4.0 3.3 3.3 3.6 4.5 4.5 n.a. 2.19 2.5 3.7 n.a n.a n.a. 0.55 0.25 0.61 0.26 1.91 0.7 0.9 table 4: performance evaluation sample #14009 * results between brackets should be used with care, because the average found was below the application range Parameter Unit n mean 2.8 * sd R (lit) TVP DVPE acc. to ASTM D5191 DVPE acc. EPA psi psi psi 67 84 54 9.30 8.43 8.57 0.26 0.24 0.24 0.33 0.32 0.32 table 5: performance evaluation sample #14010 Without further statistical calculations, it can be concluded that for many tests there is a (good) compliance of the group of participants with the relevant standards. The problematic tests have been discussed in paragraph 4.1. page 12 of 67 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 4.3 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies COMPARISON OF THE PROFICIENCY TEST OF FEBRUARY 2014 WITH PREVIOUS PTS Number of rep. participants Number of results reported Statistical outliers Percentage outliers February 2014 February 2013 October 2012 February 2012 129 1930 73 3.8% 120 2048 65 3.2% 95 1709 55 3.2% 119 1962 62 3.2% Table 6: comparison with previous proficiency tests In proficiency tests, outlier percentages of 3% - 7.5% are quite normal. The performance of the determinations of the proficiency tests was compared against the requirements of the respective standards. The conclusions are given in the following table: Determination API Gravity Benzene Density @ 15°C Distillation Automated Distillation Manual Existent gum (washed) Olefins by FIA Aromatics by FIA Lead as Pb Phosphorus as P Ethanol MTBE Oxygen content Sulphur RON MON TVP DVPE February 2014 February 2013 October 2012 February 2012 ++ + ++ + + ++ + n.e. n.e. + + +/+/+/+ + ++ ++ ++ + +/++ -n.e. n.e. +/+/+/+ +/+ +/- + --+/(+) (-) + (++) n.e. + +/+ +/+/- ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + -(+) -(--) +/-+/++ ++ Table 7: comparison determinations against the standard * results between brackets do not meet the application range of the test method. The performance of the determinations against the requirements of the respective standards is listed in the above table. ++: + : +/-: - : -- : group performed much better than the standard group performed better than the standard group performance equals the standard group performed worse than the standard group performed much worse than the standard n.e.: not evaluated Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 13 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 APPENDIX 1 Determination of API Gravity on sample #14009; lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D1298 D4052 Conv. D4052 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D1298 D4052 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 Calc. normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D4052:11) page 14 of 67 value 57.2 57.2 57.22 57.24 57.2 57.24 57.20 57.2 57.2 ----57.21 ----57.17 ----56.69 57.2 52.70 ----57.10 56.99 ----57.26 ------------57.3 ----57.24 --------------------------------57.02 ----------------57.225 ----57.23 ----57.12 57.3 57.3 ----57.1 57.09 57.16 57.23 57.19 57.118 57.22 57.22 57.19 57.24 57.2 ----57.21 57.12 ----57.17 --------OK 61 3 57.180 0.0897 0.251 0.487 mark G(0.01) G(0.01) z(targ) 0.12 0.12 0.23 0.35 0.12 0.35 0.12 0.12 0.12 ----0.17 -----0.06 -----2.81 0.12 -25.75 -----0.46 -1.09 ----0.46 ------------0.69 ----0.35 ---------------------------------0.92 ----------------0.26 ----0.29 -----0.34 0.69 0.69 -----0.46 -0.52 -0.11 0.29 0.06 -0.35 0.23 0.23 0.06 0.35 0.12 ----0.17 -0.34 -----0.06 --------- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D4052 D4052 D287 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D1298 D1298 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 value --------57.10 57.26 --------57.10 ----57.32 --------57.22 56.96 57.14 57.125 ----57.24 ----57.02 ----57.29 --------------------57.2169 ------------54.17 57.19 ----56.93 --------------------56.96 57.2 57.2 ----57.36 ----57.11 ----57.2 --------------------------------57.1 --------57.3 --------------------57.18 57.217 mark G(0.01) C z(targ) ---------0.46 0.46 ---------0.46 ----0.81 --------0.23 -1.26 -0.23 -0.31 ----0.35 -----0.92 ----0.63 --------------------0.21 -------------17.30 0.06 -----1.44 ---------------------1.26 0.12 0.12 ----1.04 -----0.40 ----0.12 ---------------------------------0.46 --------0.69 --------------------0.00 0.21 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 0 228 56 56.5 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 57 57.5 6 Kernel Density 5 4 3 2 1 58 page 15 of 67 1657 1161 1854 511 541 273 1340 1066 253 1254 922 312 140 158 463 657 445 1201 868 862 132 2130 1423 974 194 1724 1634 1631 963 159 169 120 225 171 150 52 1501 912 671 2129 996 217 631 1215 1231 994 495 753 1677 1833 1109 1059 562 237 603 1297 343 238 1613 1213 1543 224 1498 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Lab 2130 first reported: 46.510 57.8 57.6 57.4 57.2 57 56.8 56.6 56.4 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Benzene on sample #14009; results in %V/V lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method INH-14 D3606 D3606 D3606 D3606 D3606 D3606 D3606 D3606 D5580 ISO22854 value 0.97 0.85 0.969 0.9618 0.89 0.907 0.892 0.88 0.96 --------------------------------------------------------0.85 --------0.92 0.94 0.95 0.82 0.9 ----0.93 ------------0.825 ----------------0.95 0.91 0.916 ----0.94 ------------------------0.93 ----0.936 0.941 0.94 --------------------------------0.94 0.92 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D3606:10) suspect 68 1 0.924 0.0354 0.099 0.170 D5986 D6839 EN22854 ISO22854 EN238 EN238 EN238 EN238 D6839 IP429 EN238 D6839 D5580 D6729 D5580 D5580 page 16 of 67 mark z(targ) 0.76 -1.22 0.74 0.62 -0.56 -0.28 -0.53 -0.72 0.59 ---------------------------------------------------------1.22 ---------0.07 0.26 0.43 -1.71 -0.40 ----0.10 -------------1.63 ----------------0.43 -0.23 -0.13 ----0.26 ------------------------0.10 ----0.20 0.28 0.26 --------------------------------0.26 -0.07 lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method EN12177 ISO22854 EN22854 INH-M3 ISO22854 D3606 in house EN22854 D3606 D3606 D3606 D5580 D3606 IP429 ISO12177 EN238 EN12177 EN238 INH-101 EN12177 D3606 ISO22854 EN12177 EN12177 in house D6839 ISO22854 D6729 EN12177 D3606 EN22854 ISO22854 ISO22854 EN22854 D3606 EN22854 EN12177 EN13132 D3606 IP425 D6730 D6730 value ----0.95 0.94 0.93 0.90 0.94 0.953 0.93 0.92 0.904 ----0.93 0.862 ----0.955 0.9 0.854 0.9754 ----0.9 0.969 ----------------0.94 3.6 0.903 0.944 ------------------------0.92 0.93 1.0 0.901 0.96 0.94 ----0.9590 ----0.856 0.92 ----0.95 ------------0.94 ----0.93 0.93 0.94 0.93 0.94 ----0.95 ------------0.896 0.93 0.925 0.951 mark G(0.01) z(targ) ----0.43 0.26 0.10 -0.40 0.26 0.48 0.10 -0.07 -0.33 ----0.10 -1.02 ----0.51 -0.40 -1.15 0.85 -----0.40 0.74 ----------------0.26 44.04 -0.35 0.33 -------------------------0.07 0.10 1.25 -0.38 0.59 0.26 ----0.58 -----1.12 -0.07 ----0.43 ------------0.26 ----0.10 0.10 0.26 0.10 0.26 ----0.43 -------------0.46 0.10 0.02 0.44 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 0 0.5 0.7 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 14 0.9 1.1 16 Kernel Density 12 10 8 6 4 2 1.3 page 17 of 67 1423 1602 1259 52 1340 132 140 1613 171 1654 1231 1109 2130 1854 1724 323 1026 445 1450 862 1849 1811 1776 1631 1397 1059 1081 868 312 1006 495 753 1951 1833 1810 1807 1564 1201 1126 657 1066 336 2129 1677 1556 1016 311 1161 463 447 158 1167 1428 1603 1299 1237 1080 334 1948 159 150 169 1213 1667 1254 256 120 343 333 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 1 0.8 0.7 0.6 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies page 18 of 67 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Determination of Copper strip 3hrs/50°C on sample #14009; lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 value 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A ----1A 1A 1A 1A ----1A 1B 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A --------1A 1 1A --------1A 1A ------------1A 1A 1A ----1 1A 1A --------1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A ----1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D130:12) n.a 109 n.a 1 n.a n.a n.a D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM mark z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D130 ISO2160 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 ISO2160 ISO2160 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 ISO2160 D130 D130 ISO2160 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 ISO2160 D130 D130 ISO2160 ISO2160 D130 ISO2160 in house D130 ISO2160 D130 ISO2160 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 D130 value 1A 1B 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A ----1 1A 1A 1A 1A ----1A ----1A 1 1A 1A 1A 1A 1B 1A 1A 1.0 1A 1A ------------1A 1B ----1A 1 1A 1A 1A 1A 1 1A 1A 1A ----1A ----1A ----1A 1A 1B ----1A --------1 1A ----1A ------------1A 1 1A 1A mark z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 19 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Density @ 15°C on sample #14009; results in kg/m3 lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 ISO12185 D4052 D4052 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 ISO12185 D4052 D4052 IP365 ISO12185 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D1298 D4052 value 749.7 749.6 749.56 749.6 749.5 749.4 749.6 749.5 749.6 ----749.6 749.6 749.3 749.5 751.65 749.7 749.6 ----749.5 750.5 ----749.4 749.3 749.5 749.2 749.4 749.6 749.5 749.3 749.3 749.6 749.7 749.8 749.7 749.7 749.83 749.85 749.6 ----749.48 749.8 749.5 749.6 749.53 749.5 749.5 749.54 749.6 ----750.0 749.52 749.8 749.5 749.7 749.5 749.53 749.56 749.59 749.5 749.5 ----749.6 749.9 749.73 749.8 749.8 ----- normality suspect n 120 outliers 4 mean (n) 749.63 (n) 0.217 R(calc.) 0.61 R(D4052:11) 1.91 First reported Lab 1109: 0.7496 page 20 of 67 mark G(0.01) G(0.05) C C z(targ) 0.11 -0.04 -0.10 -0.04 -0.18 -0.33 -0.04 -0.18 -0.04 -----0.04 -0.04 -0.48 -0.18 2.96 0.11 -0.04 -----0.18 1.28 -----0.33 -0.48 -0.18 -0.62 -0.33 -0.04 -0.18 -0.48 -0.48 -0.04 0.11 0.25 0.11 0.11 0.30 0.33 -0.04 -----0.21 0.25 -0.18 -0.04 -0.14 -0.18 -0.18 -0.13 -0.04 ----0.55 -0.16 0.25 -0.18 0.11 -0.18 -0.14 -0.10 -0.05 -0.18 -0.18 -----0.04 0.40 0.15 0.25 0.25 ----- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 ISO12185 D4052 ISO12185 D4052 ISO12185 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 ISO12185 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D1298 ISO12185 D4052 D1298 D4052 D4052 D4052 ISO12185 ISO12185 D4052 ISO12185 in house D4052 D4052 D4052 ISO12185 D4052 ISO3675 D4052 D4052 D4052 ISO3675 D4052 ISO12185 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 D4052 ISO12185 ISO12185 D4052 D4052 D1298 D4052 D4052 value 749.79 749.9 749.5 749.6 749.5 749.6 749.6 749.76 749.4 749.6 750.1 749.5 750.13 749.93 749.93 749.4 749.52 750.1 749.9 749.8 749.5 750.17 750.2 751.1 749.4 749.2 749.8 749.6 749.89 ----749.8 749.6 753.0 750.2 749.7 749.78 749.6 749.60 749.72 750.1 749.5 749.639 749.735 749.0 749.0 749.5 ----749.66 749.4 749.4 749.8 749.5 749.8 749.7 749.6 749.9 749.7 749.528 ----749.4 749.6 749.6 749.6 749.7 749.6 749.5 749.6 mark C C G(0.01) C G(0.01) C C C C z(targ) 0.24 0.40 -0.18 -0.04 -0.18 -0.04 -0.04 0.20 -0.33 -0.04 0.69 -0.18 0.74 0.45 0.45 -0.33 -0.16 0.69 0.40 0.25 -0.18 0.80 0.84 2.16 -0.33 -0.62 0.25 -0.04 0.39 ----0.25 -0.04 4.94 0.84 0.11 0.23 -0.04 -0.04 0.14 0.69 -0.18 0.02 0.16 -0.92 -0.92 -0.18 ----0.05 -0.33 -0.33 0.25 -0.18 0.25 0.11 -0.04 0.40 0.11 -0.14 -----0.33 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 0.11 -0.04 -0.18 -0.04 Probably unit error Lab 603: reported: 0.74952 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies First reported Lab 1543: 5750.2 Probably unit error Lab 912, reported: 0.74959 First reported Lab 1564: 0.7496 Probably unit error Lab 1026, reported: 0.7499 First reported Lab 1783: 0.7498 Probably unit error Lab 1423, reported: 0.7498 First reported Lab 1951: 0.74961 754 753 752 751 750 749 748 747 2.5 Kernel Density 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 748 749 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 750 751 752 page 21 of 67 224 238 1348 1213 562 1259 1215 994 1297 343 1783 1498 996 1299 444 1017 995 1126 1948 1807 52 225 338 1724 2130 1938 1936 1602 1501 1167 353 311 1081 159 171 140 194 228 868 511 463 1254 2129 1677 1340 753 1080 657 312 495 256 963 237 1854 1730 273 1237 253 323 254 258 1657 746 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Distillation ASTM D86 (automated) on sample #14009; results in °C lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 method D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86 D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A ISO3405-A D86-A IP123-A ISO3405-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A ISO3405-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A ISO3405 page 22 of 67 IBP 35.1 35.6 36.9 38.6 34.9 38.3 38.2 36.8 40.4 ----34.77 37.9 36.4 ------------------------------------39.0 ----40.4 37.6 36.2 38.9 37.9 36.8 34.9 35.5 36.2 ----36.8 36.1 ----38.4 ----38.7 39.6 37.8 34.2 36.5 37.80 35.3 ------------42.4 --------39.2 ----38.6 37.8 37.2 --------33.8 ----37.7 ------------38.4 ----40.6 36.0 38.0 35.0 ----37.2 37.7 38.0 39.3 mark 10% eva 51.5 52.1 52.7 53.8 52.4 52.9 52.7 52.9 C 52.9 ----52.11 53.7 52.3 ------------------------------------53.0 ----53.4 53.0 52.5 52.0 52.2 52.4 51.2 51.6 52.8 ----53.1 52.0 ----51.7 ----52.0 55.9 52.8 52.3 52.1 52.05 51.9 ------------52.7 --------52.3 ----52.3 52.0 52.9 --------51.7 ----51.9 ------------52.1 ----52.8 51.9 51.6 53.1 ----52.4 51.9 52.1 52.5 mark C G(0.01) 50% eva 94.3 94.8 95.5 96.4 94.8 94.3 95.7 95.3 95.6 ----94.17 96.4 94.3 ------------------------------------97.0 ----96.4 93.8 94.4 95.0 94.3 94.9 95.8 95.3 95.7 ----95.2 95.3 ----95.0 ----96.4 95.2 93.9 95.1 95.1 94.95 93.5 ------------95.0 --------95.3 ----90.4 94.3 95.2 --------94.0 ----94.5 ------------95.8 ----93.8 93.6 94.4 96.5 ----94.5 94.6 94.8 93.1 mark C G(0.01) 70% eva 120.5 120.3 121.3 121.0 120.6 108.15 121.6 121.1 120.7 ----120.27 122.8 120.5 --------------------------------------------122.4 120.8 119.9 120.8 120.7 120.0 120.3 120.9 120.9 ----120.8 121.5 ----120.3 ----121.7 118.6 120.3 120.7 120.9 120.10 119.8 ------------120.1 --------121.2 ----117.9 120.1 121.3 --------119.4 ----120.6 ------------121.0 ----120.1 120.1 120.2 122.0 ----120.9 120.3 121.0 119.8 mark G(0.01) C G(0.05) 90% eva 147.1 147.0 147.9 147.5 147.2 146.6 147.8 148.5 147.5 ----147.16 151.2 147.0 ------------------------------------150.0 ----150.7 147.2 147.2 147.5 147.4 146.8 146.9 146.5 147.6 ----147.3 148.1 ----147.5 ----150.1 145.9 147.4 147.6 148.1 147.35 146.6 ------------148.7 --------147.7 ----146.0 146.8 148.0 --------146.3 ----147.7 ------------147.3 ----146.7 146.7 147.1 149.2 ----146.9 146.9 148.7 147.2 mark C R(0.01) R(0.05) R(0.05) R(0.05) FBP mark 181.2 179.2 185.1 183.1 180.6 184.0 182.7 184.9 182.4 C ----179.64 181.2 179.7 ------------------------------------183.0 ----184.0 178.6 183.2 182.0 183.5 182.5 182.3 180.7 182.2 ----179.4 179.8 ----181.5 ----182.4 184.8 C 180.2 183.4 185.7 182.60 181.3 ------------184.7 --------186.7 ----176.4 180.7 183.4 --------181.1 ----183.4 ------------180.9 ----181.3 180.3 180.4 182.1 ----180.2 185.4 186.0 178.9 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 ISO3405-A D86-A ISO3405-A ISO3405-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A 38.3 ----36.2 38.0 35.95 36.1 ----35.1 34.5 35.1 35.6 35.5 ----38.0 ----36.1 38.1 ----38.0 40.0 ----34.6 ----38.9 --------34.0 39.9 38.3 36.3 34.3 37.6 34.5 37.4 35.2 ----39.3 ----36.3 ----35.5 ----35.9 36.8 ----36.0 37.5 36.1 35.5 ----36.4 37.7 40.0 37.6 34.6 35.7 35.3 36.1 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D86A:12) OK 91 0 37.02 1.762 4.93 5.25 D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A ISO3405-A D86-A D86-A D86-A ISO3405-A D86-A ISO3405-A in house-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A ISO3405-A ISO3405-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A D86-A Institute for Interlaboratory Studies C 52.1 ----53.0 52.3 52.84 52.7 ----52.2 52.6 52.6 52.2 52.9 ----52.1 ----52.5 52.4 ----52.4 52.5 ----52.5 ----54.3 --------52.0 52.5 52.2 52.0 53.0 52.4 51.8 53.2 52.6 ----52.2 ----52.3 ----51.6 ----52.0 51.6 52.5 52.2 52.7 53.1 53.1 ----51.5 52.7 53.3 53.2 52.8 52.1 52.1 50.4 OK 89 3 52.41 0.514 1.44 3.20 C G(0.05) G(0.05) 93.0 ----94.9 94.2 94.92 95.0 ----95.2 93.4 95.1 94.0 95.4 ----94.1 ----94.4 95.2 ----95.4 94.2 ----94.8 ----94.4 --------95.1 95.4 95.0 94.1 96.3 94.8 93.9 94.2 95.2 ----93.9 ----94.6 ----94.1 ----93.5 93.9 95.5 94.4 94.8 95.7 95.6 ----94.2 94.0 94.3 94.1 94.8 94.8 95.4 93.1 OK 91 1 94.79 0.818 2.29 1.88 C 119.7 ----120.7 120.2 120.93 121.1 ----121.1 118.8 120.9 120.1 120.0 ----119.9 ----120.2 120.5 ----120.8 119.5 ----120.8 ----120.5 --------120.9 120.2 120.1 120.0 121.8 120.5 120.0 120.7 120.5 ----119.4 ----120.1 ----120.2 ----119.7 120.4 121.2 120.3 120.7 121 121.1 ----120.7 119.9 120.3 120.6 121.0 121.0 121.1 119.0 suspect 89 2 120.54 0.694 1.94 5.23 C 146.4 ----147.4 147.7 147.58 147.65 ----148.0 145.0 147.6 147.7 147.0 ----148.9 ----147.1 146.6 ----147.4 146.4 ----147.7 ----147.3 --------147.6 147.7 147.5 147.2 149.4 147.8 147.3 147.7 146.0 ----146.5 ----146.8 ----147.0 ----147.0 147.5 146.8 147.1 147.7 147.3 147.6 ----146.7 146.6 147.1 147.2 148.7 147.7 147.1 145.5 suspect 88 4 147.29 0.731 2.05 3.93 C 179.1 ----179.8 179.5 181.75 179.15 ----180.1 181.9 180.7 181.9 181.8 ----181.6 ----178.3 C 182.4 ----185.3 180.5 ----180.0 ----181.5 --------182.6 185.7 181.2 180.9 179.1 184.6 180.2 182.5 181.9 ----177.7 ----182.7 ----182.6 ----182.5 181.6 187.6 183.6 182.0 184.3 184.9 ----182.0 182.1 180.1 180.6 180.2 183.3 182.2 185.9 OK 92 0 181.94 2.134 5.97 6.78 first reported results: Lab 171: IBP 104.7 ºF, 10% eva 127.9 ºF, 50% eva 205.0 ºF, 70% eva 249.8 ºF , 90% eva 298.4 ºF , FBP 360.3 ºF Lab 444: FBP 184.8 Lab 1395: IBP 35.9, 10% eva 51.9, 50% eva 92.8, 70% eva 119.6, 90% eva 147.2, FBP 175.1 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 23 of 67 1259 2130 444 753 1657 963 1167 1450 335 1677 495 158 1397 1936 1026 1017 1854 862 333 1724 1807 1109 1081 334 120 217 1340 1740 1776 52 1059 1395 1810 1937 2129 194 273 150 311 1161 1603 1938 1006 338 1531 1634 1833 485 445 323 1201 1428 353 312 140 171 1602 1783 1215 447 336 1297 1556 1849 1231 657 974 1213 1299 1498 1564 1654 1811 1951 159 1631 132 868 1254 340 463 169 562 1126 1948 1348 1066 1613 254 431 258 212 158 753 444 1259 2130 963 1677 1450 1167 1776 495 1161 311 1348 1936 333 1340 1603 1634 1017 862 562 485 1026 1299 1602 1724 1059 1213 1395 1564 1740 194 120 445 353 1109 334 1810 1937 1783 52 217 1397 1531 1631 1657 150 974 1938 447 171 323 1201 1654 1811 1854 312 273 338 1428 1498 335 1081 336 463 1297 1556 1215 1126 140 1006 1833 1948 1951 169 1231 1254 1849 2129 657 1807 868 132 340 159 431 1613 1066 258 212 753 1167 1161 2130 1259 495 1776 1026 1017 273 445 1634 1677 1783 963 1299 1936 1348 1603 1740 1938 194 1213 1450 1654 1854 158 52 323 862 217 1937 311 1059 1395 1531 1810 1081 974 1109 1724 120 150 1126 1498 1631 1811 1948 1951 333 1201 1215 485 353 562 312 1231 1602 463 447 1297 1556 444 868 338 1254 1397 1657 335 657 169 340 1340 1428 1564 2129 132 1807 171 1849 159 336 1833 334 1006 1613 431 258 140 212 1066 254 2130 334 52 1854 335 1059 1740 1783 353 963 1634 974 1026 1109 495 312 431 340 862 1556 1603 1776 485 463 120 1006 1126 1167 1348 1951 2129 194 323 1254 1299 1602 1677 1810 657 447 217 753 1213 1724 1081 150 333 1397 1428 1631 311 1161 1395 1450 1498 1564 1807 1259 1297 1657 159 132 562 1231 1811 1936 336 1017 445 1948 1215 868 169 171 158 1340 254 273 1201 1613 338 1066 1833 1849 1654 1938 1937 258 212 140 1531 444 963 1556 447 1613 1259 1634 1498 1948 194 150 334 1066 52 1254 1297 1657 495 2129 335 1340 1740 1849 120 1299 1951 1776 1215 1026 1810 340 1231 1395 1833 2130 336 311 1201 1603 1724 217 1854 463 169 338 333 1783 132 868 1081 1654 1811 273 1631 1938 974 1109 1936 862 445 485 212 323 1059 1126 1213 1348 1428 1397 159 158 1167 1602 353 1006 140 753 431 312 1531 254 657 1161 1677 444 1564 1450 1937 258 171 1017 562 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 45 43 58 97 128 126 154 IBP 41 35 31 27 10% evaporated 54 52 50 48 46 98 50% evaporated 93 70% evaporated 124 118 90% evaporated page 24 of 67 Spijkenisse, April 2014 0.25 0.2 Kernel Density 39 37 0.15 33 0.1 29 0.05 0 27 48 92 0.1 91 0 88 116 0.2 114 0.1 112 0 115 152 0.6 150 0.5 148 0.4 146 0.3 144 0.2 142 0.1 140 0 142 32 90 117 144 37 0.8 50 52 92 119 146 148 42 54 94 96 121 150 47 0.9 56 Kernel Density 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 56 98 123 152 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 58 0.6 0.5 Kernel Density 96 95 0.4 94 0.3 0.2 100 0.7 0.6 Kernel Density 122 0.5 120 0.4 0.3 125 0.7 Kernel Density 154 753 1677 1395 273 1161 1167 1613 1231 120 338 1213 194 217 340 1201 1498 1254 1937 445 1081 1634 1948 1026 1059 1450 150 1938 335 862 1297 1006 1603 963 212 52 1602 495 1017 353 1531 1348 1783 1215 1340 1259 1299 1657 312 1811 1854 1066 1936 336 2129 334 431 171 1397 333 1654 1776 485 1556 1740 159 1724 254 140 311 1951 868 447 974 323 1810 258 158 1833 1631 562 444 169 1849 132 1428 1109 463 1564 2130 1126 657 1807 Spijkenisse, April 2014 195 FBP 190 175 170 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 0.18 0.2 0.16 0.1 185 0.12 180 0.08 Kernel Density 0.14 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 170 175 180 185 190 page 25 of 67 195 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Distillation ASTM D86 (Manual) on sample #14009; results in °C lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 method D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M page 26 of 67 IBP mark 10% eva --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40.0 54.0 39.88 52.58 39.5 51.5 37.0 52.7 39.1 51.6 39.0 51.8 40.0 52.4 38.0 53.0 36.0 51.7 --------39.0 52.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39.5 52.5 39.0 53.0 ------------------------37.5 51.5 ----------------------------------------39.0 53.0 39 53 ------------------------39.5 50.8 38.6 52.0 38.5 52.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mark 50% eva ----------------------------------------------------96.0 91.52 93.0 89.4 95.3 93.6 94.5 95.0 92.0 ----95.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------95.0 96.0 ------------94.5 --------------------97.0 94 ------------94.9 94.6 96.0 --------------------------------------------- mark G(0.05) 70% eva ----------------------------------------------------120.0 117.45 118.5 115.4 121.3 119.6 122.5 ----118.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------120.0 121.0 ------------119.0 --------------------122.0 122 ------------119.8 119.8 120.5 --------------------------------------------- mark DG(0.05) 90% eva ----------------------------------------------------148.0 142.70 147.0 142.2 148.4 145.6 147.7 148.0 145.7 ----149.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.0 149.0 ------------147.0 --------------------149.0 149 ------------148.6 147.4 149.5 --------------------------------------------- mark DG(0.05) DG(0.05) FBP mark ----------------------------------------------------183.0 180.51 183.0 180.0 184.6 C 180.0 180.4 182.0 180.0 ----180.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------181.5 180.0 ------------182.0 --------------------180.0 180 ------------181.0 181.0 181.5 --------------------------------------------- Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M D86-M ISO3405-M ISO3405-M D86-M normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D86M:12) Institute for Interlaboratory Studies ----41.0 ----------------41.0 ----35.0 ------------39 ----40 --------40.00 ----------------37.47 ----41 39.5 ------------------------------------40.6 --------------------40.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----52.5 ----------------53.2 ----52.0 ------------53 ----46 --------54.00 ----------------51.95 ----53 52.5 ------------------------------------52.7 --------------------53.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Susp 29 0 39.07 1.432 4.01 4.05 OK 28 1 52.46 0.744 2.08 3.27 R(0.05) ----91.0 ----------------95.0 ----93.0 ------------94 ----88 --------95.00 ----------------94.40 ----95 95.5 ------------------------------------94.9 --------------------94.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------OK 27 2 94.45 1.395 3.91 3.30 G(0.05) ----115 ----------------120.0 ----118.0 ------------119 ----112 --------119.00 ----------------119.91 ----119 121.0 ------------------------------------121.0 --------------------120.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------OK 24 3 119.95 1.325 3.71 3.57 C,DG(0.05) G(0.01) ----141.0 ----------------146.8 ----146.0 ------------146 ----140 --------145.00 ----------------147.04 ----151 148.0 ------------------------------------149.1 --------------------148.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------OK 25 4 147.75 1.419 3.97 4.54 DG(0.05) DG(0.05) ----164.0 C,G(0.01) ----------------186.0 ----181.0 ------------172 G(0.01) ----181 --------183.00 ----------------183.72 ----190 G(0.01) 184.5 ------------------------------------183.3 --------------------183.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------OK 26 3 181.79 1.732 4.85 4.53 First reported results: Lab 230: 186.9 Lab 1186:70% eva 115, FBP 164 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 27 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 46 Spijkenisse, April 2014 0.4 IBP 44 42 0.3 40 0.25 38 0.2 36 0.15 1543 1237 1186 1667 1746 1423 221 1385 238 224 994 1546 225 511 230 237 1347 922 912 256 541 995 996 252 631 0 228 30 1501 0.05 253 0.1 32 1259 34 58 28 1423 221 1237 1746 1543 1347 912 252 541 922 1667 228 224 1546 1186 511 256 237 238 0 1259 46 996 0.1 995 48 1501 0.2 253 50 230 0.3 631 52 225 0.4 994 54 1385 0.5 44 912 996 221 541 256 1546 230 1543 1423 1237 511 922 237 225 252 0 1667 0.05 86 994 88 995 0.1 631 90 238 0.15 1501 92 1746 0.2 1347 94 1259 0.25 253 96 224 0.3 1186 48 49 54 59 Kernel Density 98 228 43 0.35 50% evaporated 1385 38 Kernel Density 56 126 33 0.6 10% evaporated 100 Kernel Density 0.35 85 90 95 100 0.35 70% evaporated Kernel Density 124 0.3 122 0.25 120 0.2 118 0.15 116 0.1 114 154 238 922 912 230 1667 1546 541 1746 996 1237 511 221 995 1501 994 237 1543 1423 1347 631 225 1259 253 224 228 0 1186 0.05 110 1385 112 110 115 120 125 130 0.3 90% evaporated 152 105 Kernel Density 0.25 150 0.2 148 0.15 146 144 0.1 142 0.05 140 0 page 28 of 67 1543 996 1667 922 912 256 541 994 230 1746 1546 511 221 252 238 995 1501 631 225 1237 1347 1259 253 237 1423 224 228 1186 1385 138 135 140 145 150 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 155 Spijkenisse, April 2014 190 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 0.25 FBP 188 Kernel Density 0.2 186 184 0.15 182 0.1 180 178 0.05 176 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 1543 230 1237 1546 1501 1746 1667 225 1423 221 631 252 996 511 1385 995 1259 994 224 238 922 237 541 912 256 253 228 1347 1186 174 0 174 179 184 189 194 page 29 of 67 199 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies page 30 of 67 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Determination of Doctor Test on sample #14009; lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 value neg neg neg ----neg neg neg ----neg ----neg ----neg --------neg ----neg neg neg neg ----neg neg neg neg neg neg neg ------------------------neg --------------------neg neg neg ----neg ----neg ----------------neg --------neg neg neg neg neg ----neg neg neg neg ----neg normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D4952:12) n.a. 68 n.a. negative n.a. n.a. n.a. D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 IP30 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 IP30 IP30 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM mark z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 IP30 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 in house IP30 D4952 D4952 D4952 IP30 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 D4952 IP30 IP30 IP30 value ----neg neg neg ----neg neg ----------------neg neg ------------neg neg --------neg ----------------neg ----neg ------------neg ------------neg --------neg neg neg --------neg ----neg ----neg ----neg neg neg ------------neg neg neg ----neg ----------------neg neg neg mark reported: -ve page 31 of 67 z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Existent Gum (washed) on sample #14009; results in mg/100mL lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 ISO6246 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D381:12) first reported Lab 1564: 33 page 32 of 67 value <1 <0.5 <0.5 ----<0.5 --------0.5 0.5 ----1.4 ----0.5 --------1.0 --------0.5 ----0.8 <0.1 ----0.8 1.1 0.8 <0.5 <0.5 0.5 ------------------------<1 0.3 <1 ------------<0.5 0.7 <0.5 ----<1 0.32 ----------------1.0 2.0 <0.5 0.5 0.4 <0.5 <0.5 0.60 0.50 ----0.5 0.59 --------0.5 ----- mark G(0.01) z(targ) -----------------------------0.19 -0.19 ----0.96 -----0.19 --------0.45 ---------0.19 ----0.20 --------0.20 0.58 0.20 ---------0.19 -----------------------------0.44 --------------------0.07 -------------0.42 ----------------0.45 1.73 -----0.19 -0.31 ---------0.06 -0.19 -----0.19 -0.07 ---------0.19 ----- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D381 ISO6246 D381 D381 D381 ISO6246 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 ISO6246 D381 ISO6246 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 ISO6246 D381 D381 ISO6246 D381 in house D381 ISO6246 D381 ISO6246 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 ISO6246 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 D381 value <0.5 <0.5 0.2 --------0.5 <0.5 ----0.8 0.2 ----<0.5 <0.5 ----<0.5 ----<0.5 0.5 ----0.2 0.2 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.2 1.0 ----0.4 --------0.5 0.5 ------------<1 1 ----1.2 <0.5 1.0 --------1.0 1.2 <0.5 ----1.1 --------1.0 --------<0.5 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.54 ----0.4 ------------0.2 22 <1 1 mark C G(0.01) z(targ) ---------0.57 ---------0.19 --------0.20 -0.57 -----------------------------0.19 -----0.57 -0.57 -0.06 0.20 -0.06 -0.57 0.45 -----0.31 ---------0.19 -0.19 ----------------0.45 ----0.71 ----0.45 --------0.45 0.71 --------0.58 --------0.45 -------------0.31 -0.31 0.45 -0.14 -----0.31 -------------0.57 27.3 ----0.45 OK 51 2 0.646 0.3119 0.873 2.188 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 0 -1.5 -0.5 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 0.5 1.5 2.5 1.4 1.2 Kernel Density 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 3.5 page 33 of 67 1951 657 194 1667 1603 1724 258 2130 1833 1746 1657 1631 1564 1397 225 631 1348 1161 273 252 256 447 1385 1347 922 994 1849 1501 1498 1259 169 753 1081 323 974 171 1006 963 237 217 1854 1811 1810 1428 862 511 343 1948 1395 1340 1299 1167 1059 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 4.5 5 3.5 4 2.5 3 1.5 2 0.5 1 0 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Olefins by FIA on sample #14009; results in %V/V lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 ISO22854 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D6730 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D1319:10) first reported Lab 273: 9.7 page 34 of 67 value ----5.6 7.03 ----8.0 7.1 5.8 7.7 17.8 ----6.84 ----------------6.6 --------7.45 --------3.68 ------------6.7 5.5 6.1 6.9 4.8 ------------------------5.85 ----------------5.20 5.5 7.6 ----7.5 --------------------5.33 7.5 --------6.51 6.96 6.095 6.48 --------7.16 ------------7.19 ----OK 58 2 6.55 0.796 2.23 2.53 mark G(0.01) G(0.05) C C z(targ) -----1.05 0.53 ----1.61 0.61 -0.83 1.27 12.44 ----0.32 ----------------0.06 --------1.00 ---------3.17 ------------0.17 -1.16 -0.50 0.39 -1.93 -------------------------0.77 -----------------1.49 -1.16 1.16 ----1.05 ---------------------1.35 1.05 ---------0.04 0.46 -0.50 -0.08 --------0.68 ------------0.71 ----- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D1319 D6729 D1319 value mark 5.20 5.8 7.4 C ----INH-M3 6.80 ISO22854 7.15 D1319 4.48 C in house 7.20 EN22854 6.79 ISO22854 6.65 --------D1319 4.93 ------------D1319 6.78 D1319 6.8 --------D1319 6.82 ----------------D1319 6.3 ----EN15553 6.9 ----------------------------ISO22854 6.98 D1319 7.5 EN15553 6.0 ----D6839 6.01 D1319 6.51 --------D1319 6.64 ----D1319 5.2 ----D1319 6.41 ------------ISO22854 6.9 ----------------D1319 7.22 EN15553 6.80 ----D1319 7.00 ------------D1319 6.68 IP566 7.04 D1319 6.8 D1319 7.1 Only D1319/IP156 data/ EN15553 OK 47 1 6.43 0.942 2.64 2.50 z(targ) -1.49 -0.83 0.94 ----0.28 0.67 -2.29 0.72 0.27 0.11 ---------1.79 ------------0.26 0.28 --------0.30 -----------------0.27 ----0.39 ----------------------------0.48 1.05 -0.61 -----0.59 -0.04 --------0.10 -----1.49 -----0.15 ------------0.39 ----------------0.74 0.28 ----0.50 ------------0.15 0.54 0.28 0.61 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies first reported Lab 445:32.65 first reported Lab 1059: 10.9 first reported Lab 1109: 32.08 12 10 8 6 4 2 0.6 Kernel Density 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 10 15 20 page 35 of 67 171 150 169 463 657 1564 495 237 1059 1833 1126 974 1006 1081 158 2130 132 1951 1854 868 1556 1776 323 1428 194 1340 2129 1849 1259 1080 273 1161 1254 1948 1167 225 1657 862 1631 922 1724 312 1397 912 1613 343 1602 159 1026 120 311 447 631 445 1677 1017 333 1213 253 1109 0 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Aromatics by FIA on sample #14009; results in %V/V lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 ISO22854 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D1319 D6730 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D1319:10) first reported Lab 445: 5.20 page 36 of 67 value ----34.0 32.72 ----35.4 31.0 33.2 33.6 23.6 ----34.58 ----------------35.5 --------33.4 --------35.30 ----34.6 ----37.8 33.7 33.1 31.7 32.9 ------------------------31.65 ----------------32.65 32.4 33.7 ----30.6 --------------------31.50 37.1 --------33.60 35.73 36.105 33.42 --------32.58 ------------32.19 ----OK 61 1 33.18 1.626 4.55 3.70 mark G(0.01) C z(targ) ----0.62 -0.35 ----1.68 -1.65 0.02 0.32 -7.25 ----1.06 ----------------1.76 --------0.17 --------1.60 ----1.07 ----3.50 0.39 -0.06 -1.12 -0.21 -------------------------1.16 -----------------0.40 -0.59 0.39 -----1.95 ---------------------1.27 2.97 --------0.32 1.93 2.21 0.18 ---------0.45 -------------0.75 ----- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D1319 D6729 D1319 value 34.72 32.8 34.8 ----INH-M3 31.10 ISO22854 31.69 D1319 32.08 in house 31.47 EN22854 31.53 ISO22854 31.32 --------D1319 33.12 ----D5580 31.96 ----D1319 34.58 D1319 34.5 --------D1319 31.875 ----------------D1319 34.5 ----EN15553 34.1 ----------------------------ISO22854 31.24 D1319 31.4 EN15553 32.7 ----D6839 31.88 D1319 32.22 --------D1319 35.15 ----D1319 32.1 ----D1319 32.29 ------------ISO22854 31.8 ----------------D1319 32.56 EN15553 34.78 ----D1319 31.74 ------------D1319 31.91 IP566 31.15 D1319 35.4 D1319 33.8 Only D1319 data/EN15553 OK 48 1 33.59 1.589 4.45 3.70 mark C C C z(targ) 1.17 -0.29 1.23 -----1.57 -1.13 -0.83 -1.29 -1.25 -1.41 ---------0.05 -----0.92 ----1.06 1.00 ---------0.99 ----------------1.00 ----0.70 -----------------------------1.47 -1.35 -0.36 -----0.98 -0.73 --------1.49 -----0.82 -----0.67 -------------1.04 -----------------0.47 1.21 -----1.09 -------------0.96 -1.54 1.68 0.47 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies first reported Lab 1059: 35.7 first reported Lab 1109: 4.48 first reported Lab 1677: 62.7 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 0.3 Kernel Density 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 10 20 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 30 40 50 page 37 of 67 273 657 912 868 225 150 2129 253 1657 1059 1849 256 1017 194 1254 1397 1259 120 1428 311 2130 463 169 862 922 237 159 312 333 1213 132 1026 445 1602 974 447 1833 1724 1631 1006 1677 1109 1231 1948 1613 1340 1776 323 1854 343 1081 631 1161 1126 1564 1167 1556 1951 158 1080 495 171 25 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies page 38 of 67 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Determination of Lead as Pb on sample #14009; results in mg/L lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 EN237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 UOP952 D3237 D3237 D3237 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D3237:12) value <2.5 ----<0.010 ----<2.6 ------------<2.5 --------------------------------<2.5 ------------------------------------<2.5 <2.5 ----------------------------<2.5 --------------------<2.5 <2.5 ----0.5 0.0113 <2.5 ----<2.5 ----<2.5 <2.5 ----2.8 <2.5 <2.5 --------------------------------<2.5 ----n.a 44 n.a <2.5 n.a n.a n.a Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM mark unit error?,rep. 0.0028 z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D3237 EN13723 D3237 D5059 D3237 EN237 EN237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 D3237 EN237 D3237 D3237 EN13723 EN237 D3237 D3237 EN237 D3237 EN237 EN237 D3237 EN237 EN237 EN237 D3237 D3237 IP352 value ----<1 <1.0 <2.5 ----<2.5 <2.5 ----<5 <2.5 1.3 <1 <2.5 ------------<2.5 <2.5 ----<2.5 0.3462 n.d. <1 --------<4 ----<2.5 ------------0.42 ----------------<1 <1 ----<2.5 <3.0 ----<2.5 --------<2.5 ----<3.0 --------------------------------<3.0 <2.5 --------------------0.7 ----0.148 <2 mark unit error?,rep: <0.001 unit error?,rep: <0.001 z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- application range: 2.5 – 25 mg/L page 39 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Phosphorus as P on sample #14009; results in mg/L lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D3231 D3231 D3231 D3231 D3231 D3231 D3231 D3231 D3231 D3231 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D3231:13) page 40 of 67 value <0.2 ----<0.2 ----<0.1 ------------<2.0 ----<0.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------<0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<0.2 ----<0.05 0.05 <0.20 ----------------------------------------n.a 12 n.a <0.20 n.a n.a n.a mark z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method D3231 D3231 in house D3231 D3231 value ------------------------0.04 ----------------<1 ----------------------------------------------------<5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------<0.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------<0.2 ----- mark z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- application range: 0.2- 40 mg/L Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Determination of Oxidation Stability on sample #14009; results in minutes lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 D525 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D525:12a) Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM value >900 ---->1258 ---->900 ------------>240 ---->900 -------------------->900 ---->900 ---->900 -------->900 -------->900 >900 +900 ------------>900 -------->960 >900 ---------------->900 >900 >360 ---->900 >900 >900 ------------>900 >900 -------->900 >900 ---->900 >360 ----600 ------------>900 ----- mark z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method ISO7536 D525 ISO7536 D525 D525 D525 D525 ISO7536 D525 D525 D525 D525 ISO7536 D525 ISO7536 D525 ISO7536 in house D525 D525 ISO7536 D525 D525 ISO7536 D525 D525 D525 D525 value -------->360 ------------>2400 ---->900 -------->900 >780 ------------>900 -------->900 >360 >360 >480 >360 >900 -------->900 ------------>900 ------------>900 >500 >900 >1000 >900 >900 ---->360 ---------------->900 -------------------->380 -------->900 795 ------------------------>900 >900 >900 mark z(targ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- n.a 57 n.a >360 n.a n.a n.a page 41 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Ethanol on sample #14009; results in %V/V lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method INH-14 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D4815 D4815 D6839 EN22854 ISO22854 EN13132 EN116 EN1601 EN1601 EN1601 EN13132 D4815 EN13132 D6839 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 ISO22854 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D4815:13) first reported Lab 343: 2.87 page 42 of 67 value 5.02 4.67 4.64 4.58 4.32 4.85 4.69 4.78 4.76 --------------------------------------------------------------------4.84 4.71 4.80 4.6 4.59 4.7 4.8 --------4.70 3.55 ----------------4.88 ----4.63 ----4.72 --------------------4.75 4.53 --------4.664 4.60 ----------------4.17 ------------4.91 4.67 mark C,R(0.01) z(targ) 1.72 -0.04 -0.20 -0.50 -1.81 0.87 0.06 0.51 0.41 --------------------------------------------------------------------0.81 0.16 0.61 -0.40 -0.45 0.11 0.61 --------0.11 -5.70 ----------------1.02 -----0.25 ----0.21 --------------------0.36 -0.75 ---------0.07 -0.40 -----------------2.57 ------------1.17 -0.04 lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method EN13132 ISO22854 EN22854 INH-M3 ISO22854 D6839 in house EN13132 EN13132 ISO22854 D4815 D4815 D4815 ISO13132 ISO22854 EN22854 D4815 D4815 D4815 EN13132 INH-101 EN13132 D4815 ISO22854 EN13132 EN13132 in house D6839 ISO22854 EN13132 EN22854 ISO22854 ISO22854 EN22854 D4815 EN22854 EN13132 EN13132 D4815 IP566 D6730 D6730 value ----4.5 4.73 4.55 4.64 4.61 4.75 4.69 4.5 4.94 ----4.70 4.71 ----4.87 ----4.504 4.88 ----4.93 3.73 4.027 4.54 3.775 ----4.8 6.80 4.64 4.34 ------------------------4.86 4.3 4.8 4.200 4.81 4.71 ----------------4.68 ----4.84 ------------4.66 ----4.68 4.71 4.69 4.74 4.69 ----4.78 ------------4.86 4.63 4.607 4.473 mark R(0.01) R(0.05) R(0.01) R(0.01) C z(targ) -----0.90 0.26 -0.65 -0.20 -0.35 0.36 0.06 -0.90 1.32 ----0.11 0.16 ----0.97 -----0.88 1.02 ----1.27 -4.79 -3.29 -0.70 -4.57 ----0.61 10.72 -0.20 -1.71 ------------------------0.92 -1.91 0.61 -2.42 0.66 0.16 ----------------0.01 ----0.81 -------------0.09 ----0.01 0.16 0.06 0.31 0.06 ----0.51 ------------0.92 -0.25 -0.36 -1.04 suspect 65 5 4.679 0.1683 0.471 0.554 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 343 0 3 4 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 5 6 3 2.5 Kernel Density 2 1.5 1 0.5 7 page 43 of 67 1423 52 1167 1299 1006 1259 445 1231 1948 1556 158 1724 311 1613 1602 1397 336 323 1854 169 171 631 1109 1833 1059 495 1810 1631 1213 312 1201 335 340 1849 1811 159 1126 1807 1677 1016 120 862 1776 1428 132 1080 1951 463 1081 2129 868 333 334 140 1066 1348 657 1254 1161 1026 2130 1450 150 1564 1603 974 1347 1385 1340 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies first reported Lab 1948: 5.43 6.5 7 5.5 6 4.5 5 3.5 4 2.5 3 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of MTBE on sample #14009; results in %V/V lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method INH-14 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D4815 D6839 EN22854 ISO22854 EN13132 EN116 EN1601 EN1601 EN1601 EN13132 D4815 EN13132 D6839 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 ISO22854 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D4815:13) first reported Lab 343: 2.42 page 44 of 67 value 0 2.82 3.09 2.49 2.92 2.88 2.94 ----3.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------2.90 2.96 2.99 3.0 2.95 3.0 3.0 --------3.13 2.7 ----------------2.92 ----2.98 ----3.00 --------------------3.38 2.93 --------2.934 3.13 ----------------2.89 ------------2.95 2.97 OK 64 4 2.969 0.1161 0.325 0.249 mark G(0.01) G(0.05) C C DG(0.05) z(targ) -33.41 -1.68 1.36 -5.39 -0.55 -1.00 -0.33 ----0.91 ---------------------------------------------------------------------0.78 -0.10 0.24 0.35 -0.21 0.35 0.35 --------1.81 -3.03 -----------------0.55 ----0.12 ----0.35 --------------------4.63 -0.44 ---------0.39 1.81 -----------------0.89 -------------0.21 0.01 lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method EN13132 ISO22854 EN22854 INH-M3 ISO22854 D6839 in house EN13132 EN13132 ISO22854 D4815 D4815 D4815 ISO13132 ISO22854 EN22854 D4815 D4815 D4815 EN13132 EN13132 D4815 ISO22854 EN13132 EN13132 in house D6839 ISO22854 EN13132 EN22854 ISO22854 ISO22854 EN22854 D4815 EN22854 EN13132 EN13132 D4815 IP566 D6730 D6730 Only D4815 OK 16 1 2.986 0.1015 0.284 0.250 value mark z(targ) --------3.1 1.47 2.89 -0.89 2.86 -1.23 2.89 -0.89 3.02 0.57 3.04 0.80 3.02 0.57 2.8 -1.90 3.03 0.69 --------2.87 -1.11 2.94 -0.33 --------2.86 -1.23 --------2.868 -1.14 2.99 0.24 --------3.02 0.57 3.16 2.15 3.130 1.81 3.12 1.70 3.119 1.69 --------2.9 -0.78 --------2.94 -0.33 2.893 -0.86 ------------------------------------------------2.99 0.24 2.9 -0.78 3.2 2.60 2.680 -3.25 3.35 DG(0.05) 4.29 2.93 -0.44 --------------------------------3.03 0.69 --------2.99 0.24 ------------------------2.93 -0.44 --------2.78 C -2.13 2.91 -0.66 3.09 1.36 3.08 1.25 3.15 2.04 --------2.96 -0.10 ------------------------2.95 -0.21 3.31 3.84 2.785 -2.07 2.859 -1.24 Only EN13132 Only ISO22854 OK OK 14 16 0 0 2.977 2.959 0.1309 0.0910 0.366 0.255 0.300 0.426 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 52 0 2 2.5 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 3.5 3 3.5 4 Kernel Density 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 4 page 45 of 67 631 1613 1951 1602 1340 1849 1347 868 340 1348 1385 1026 1811 132 1833 171 1109 1677 1167 1299 1126 1081 335 495 336 333 1724 1556 1259 323 463 1016 1854 312 1948 334 1006 1428 1213 159 862 1776 1631 657 445 150 1810 1564 1397 311 1450 1059 1080 974 158 1201 1254 1231 1066 2130 120 1161 2129 1807 343 1603 140 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies first reported Lab 445: 3.31 first reported Lab 1807: <0.1 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of other oxygenates on sample #14009; results in %V/V lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 method INH-14 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D4815 D6839 EN22854 ISO22854 EN116 EN1601 D4815 EN13132 D6839 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 ISO22854 ISO22854 EN22854 INH-M3 D6839 page 46 of 67 DIPE 0 <0.01 <0.10 0.0 <0.1 0.04 --------<0.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------0.05 0.06 <0.10 ----<0.17 ----------------<0.17 --------------------<0.2 ----<0.2 ----<0.1 ------------------------<0.2 --------<0.01 <0.2 --------------------------------n.d. <0.1 --------0.05 0.05 0.06 ----<0.1 --------- ETBE 0 <0.01 <0.10 0.0 <0.1 <0.01 --------<0.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------<0.10 <0.01 <0.10 <0.17 <0.17 ----<0.17 --------<0.17 <0.5 ----------------<0.2 ----<0.2 ----<0.1 ------------------------<0.2 --------<0.01 <0.2 --------------------------------n.d. <0.10 ----<0.1 <0.20 <0.01 0.00 0.00 <0.1 --------- i-BuOH 0 <0.01 <0.10 0.0 <0.1 <0.01 --------<0.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------<0.10 <0.01 <0.10 ----<0.17 ----------------<0.17 <0.5 ----------------<0.2 ----<0.2 ----<0.1 ------------------------<0.2 --------<0.01 <0.2 ------------------------------------0.03 ----<0.1 <0.20 0.04 --------0.04 --------- IPA 0 <0.01 <0.10 0.0 <0.1 <0.01 --------<0.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------<0.10 <0.01 <0.10 ----<0.17 ----------------<0.17 <0.5 ----------------<0.2 ------------<0.1 ------------------------<0.2 --------0.01 <0.2 ------------------------------------<0.10 ----<0.1 0.05 <0.01 --------<0.1 --------- MeOH 0 <0.01 <0.10 0.0 <0.1 <0.01 --------<0.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------<0.10 <0.01 <0.10 <0.17 <0.17 ----------------<0.17 <0.5 ----------------<0.2 ----<0.2 ----<0.1 ------------------------<0.2 --------<0.01 <0.2 --------------------------------n.d. <0.10 ----<0.1 <0.20 <0.01 ----0.00 <0.1 ----0.2 TAME 0.02 <0.01 <0.10 0.0 <0.1 <0.01 --------<0.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------0.03 0.03 <0.10 ----<0.17 ----------------<0.17 <0.5 ----------------<0.2 ----<0.2 ----<0.1 ------------------------<0.2 --------0.03 <0.2 ----------------0.53 ------------n.d. ------------0.03 <0.01 0.03 ----0.03 ----0.46 t-BuOH 0 <0.01 <0.10 0.0 <0.1 <0.01 --------<0.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------<0.10 <0.01 <0.10 ----<0.17 ----------------<0.17 <0.5 ----------------<0.2 ----<0.2 ----<0.1 ------------------------<0.2 --------<0.01 <0.2 --------------------------------n.d. <0.10 ----<0.1 <0.20 <0.01 --------<0.1 --------- Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies D4815 IP566 D6730 D6730 --------0.05 ----------------<0.20 ----------------0.046 <0.1 0.058 ----------------<0.2 ----------------------------------------0.0 --------------------<0.01 --------------------<0.10 ------------0.06 ------------<0.01 ------------0.027 <0.1 <0.01 <0.1 <0.1 ----0.03 <0.2 ------------<0.20 --------<0.01 ----0.150 0.26 0.202 ----0.3 ----<0.17 ------------------------------------<0.1 ----0.0 --------------------<0.01 --------------------<0.10 ----<0.1 0.05 0 ------------<0.01 ------------<0.01 <0.1 <0.01 <0.1 <0.1 ----0.04 <0.2 ------------<0.20 --------0.04 ----0.074 <0.1 0.051 ------------<0.17 <0.2 --------------------------------<0.1 ----0.0 --------------------<0.01 --------------------<0.10 ----<0.1 ----0 ------------<0.01 ------------<0.01 <0.1 <0.01 <0.1 <0.1 ----<0.01 <0.2 ------------<0.20 ----------------0.037 <0.1 0 ------------<0.17 <0.2 --------------------------------<0.1 ----0.0 --------------------<0.01 --------------------<0.10 ----<0.1 ----0 ------------<0.01 ------------<0.01 <0.1 <0.01 <0.1 0.13 ----<0.01 <0.2 ----0.00 ----<0.20 --------<0.01 ----n.d. <0.1 0 ------------<0.17 <0.2 --------------------------------<0.1 0.0018 0.0 --------------------<0.01 --------------------<0.10 ----<0.1 ----0 ------------<0.01 ------------0.21 <0.1 <0.01 <0.1 --------0.07 ----------------<0.20 --------<0.01 0.03 0.040 <0.1 0.091 ----------------<0.2 --------------------------------<0.1 ----0.0 --------------------0.03 --------------------<0.10 ------------0.03 ------------<0.01 ------------0.051 <0.1 0.024 <0.1 0.08 ----<0.01 <0.2 ------------<0.20 ------------0.04 0.020 <0.1 0.014 ------------<0.17 <0.2 --------------------------------<0.1 ----0.0 --------------------0.01 --------------------0.04 ------------0.03 ------------0.04 ------------0.040 <0.1 <0.01 <0.1 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D4815:13) OK 14 0 0.039 0.0231 0.065 (0.048) suspect 12 0 0.083 0.1137 0.318 (0.054) OK 11 0 0.029 0.0252 0.071 (0.039) suspect 8 0 0.012 0.0200 0.056 (0.022) suspect 11 0 0.049 0.0862 0.241 (0.059) not OK 17 2 0.033 0.0218 0.061 (0.055) OK 12 0 0.026 0.0237 0.066 (0.017) ISO22854 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 D6839 EN13132 ISO22854 D4815 EN13132 underlined and Italic test results: Lab 1348, Lab 1385, Lab 1397 false positive? Bold and underlined test results: statistical outliers acc. to Grubbs/Dixon/Rosner outlier test for TAME lab 974 and lab 1161. Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 47 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Total Oxygenates on sample #14009; results in %V/V lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method INH-14 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D4815 D4815 D6839 EN22854 ISO22854 EN13132 EN116 EN1601 EN13132 D4815 EN13132 D6839 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 value 5.04 7.50 7.73 0.0 7.24 7.82 7.63 4.78 7.81 --------------------------------------------------------------------7.85 7.81 7.78 7.6 7.54 ----7.8 ------------6.26 ----------------8.19 ----7.61 ----7.72 --------------------8.13 7.46 --------7.598 7.83 ----------------7.59 ------------2.30 ----- normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) OK 52 5 7.753 0.2043 0.572 R(D4815:13) 0.608 mark G(0.01) G(0.01) G(0.01) C,G(0.01) G(0.01) z(targ) -12.50 -1.16 -0.10 -35.73 -2.36 0.31 -0.57 -13.70 0.26 --------------------------------------------------------------------0.45 0.26 0.13 -0.70 -0.98 ----0.22 -------------6.88 ----------------2.02 -----0.66 -----0.15 --------------------1.74 -1.35 ---------0.71 0.36 -----------------0.75 -------------25.13 ----- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method EN13132 ISO22854 EN22854 INH-M3 D6839 in house EN13132 ISO22854 D4815 D4815 D4815 ISO13132 ISO22854 D4815 D4815 D4815 ISO22854 EN13132 D6839 EN13132 EN22854 ISO22854 ISO22854 EN22854 D4815 EN22854 EN13132 EN13132 D4815 EN13132 D6730 D6730 value ----7.6 7.75 7.52 7.69 ----7.85 7.79 7.96 --------7.76 7.65 ----7.72 ----7.372 7.87 ----8.00 ----7.653 7.95 7.8 --------------------------------------------7.85 ----8.0 ----8.21 --------------------7.82 ----7.90 ------------7.63 ----7.54 7.74 7.9 7.90 7.98 ----7.78 ------------7.93 7.97 7.416 7.4 mark C C z(targ) -----0.70 -0.01 -1.07 -0.29 ----0.45 0.17 0.96 --------0.03 -0.47 -----0.15 -----1.75 0.54 ----1.14 -----0.46 0.91 0.22 --------------------------------------------0.45 ----1.14 ----2.11 --------------------0.31 ----0.68 -------------0.57 -----0.98 -0.06 0.68 0.68 1.05 ----0.13 ------------0.82 1.00 -1.55 -1.63 (R(EtOH) + R(MTBE)) page 48 of 67 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies first reported Lab 343: 5.31 first reported Lab 1807: 7.32 first reported Lab 1948: 8.82 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 2.5 Kernel Density 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 4 5 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 6 7 8 9 page 49 of 67 445 1613 631 1602 1299 1849 1951 1161 1348 1948 1833 1811 1724 1259 1556 311 1109 868 158 1677 312 171 336 1385 1126 323 1854 1201 1059 132 1810 495 1231 1080 1347 1213 159 1776 463 333 1026 862 974 334 1807 120 1066 657 2129 2130 150 1254 52 343 169 140 1006 6.5 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Oxygen Content on sample #14009; results in %M/M lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D5599 D6839 EN22854 ISO22854 EN13132 EN116 EN1601 EN1601 EN1601 EN13132 D4815 EN13132 D6839 D4815 D5599 D4815 D4815 D4815 D4815 ISO22854 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D5599:00) first reported Lab 343: 1.5 page 50 of 67 value ----2.23 2.3 2.0 2.12 2.3 2.26 ----2.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------2.33 2.29 2.30 2.23 2.22 2.28 2.30 --------2.33 1.80 ----------------2.29 ----2.24 ----2.3 --------------------2.36 2.19 --------2.25 2.27 ----------------2.14 ------------2.30 2.28 OK 60 3 2.268 0.0717 0.201 0.257 mark G(0.05) C,G(0.01) z(targ) -----0.42 0.35 -2.93 -1.62 0.35 -0.09 -----0.74 --------------------------------------------------------------------0.67 0.24 0.35 -0.42 -0.53 0.13 0.35 --------0.67 -5.11 ----------------0.24 -----0.31 ----0.35 --------------------1.00 -0.85 ---------0.20 0.02 -----------------1.40 ------------0.35 0.13 lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method EN13132 ISO22854 EN22854 INH-M3 D6839 in house EN13132 EN13132 D5599 D4815 D4815 D5599 ISO22854 EN22854 D5599 D4815 D4815 EN13132 EN13132 D5599 ISO22854 EN13132 EN13132 D6839 EN13132 EN22854 ISO22854 ISO22854 EN22854 D5599 EN22854 EN13132 D5599 D5599 Calc. D6730 D6730 value ----2.28 2.29 2.21 2.25 ----2.31 2.29 2.3 2.437 ----2.28 2.26 ------------2.21 2.3403 ----2.37 1.97 2.140 2.19 2.07 ----2.34 ----2.28 2.122 ------------------------2.33 2.12 2.26 ----2.39 --------------------2.30 ----2.34 ------------2.26 ----2.24 2.29 2.29 2.31 2.32 ----2.30 ------------2.37 2.32 2.204 2.17 mark G(0.05) C C z(targ) ----0.13 0.24 -0.64 -0.20 ----0.46 0.24 0.35 1.84 ----0.13 -0.09 -------------0.64 0.79 ----1.11 -3.25 -1.40 -0.85 -2.16 ----0.78 ----0.13 -1.60 ------------------------0.67 -1.62 -0.09 ----1.33 --------------------0.35 ----0.78 -------------0.09 -----0.31 0.24 0.24 0.46 0.57 ----0.35 ------------1.11 0.57 -0.70 -1.07 Compare R(D4815:13) = 0.255 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 343 0 1.5 2 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 2.5 7 6 Kernel Density 5 4 3 2 1 3 page 51 of 67 1167 1613 1948 1299 631 1259 1724 1397 1556 340 311 1951 1849 1833 1109 1854 1677 1161 336 158 323 1006 132 495 1811 1810 1126 445 1059 312 1428 1201 1016 1026 335 868 1776 1602 1213 159 1080 862 1807 463 333 120 334 1254 1066 2129 171 1348 657 2130 1347 974 1450 1564 150 1385 140 1340 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies first reported Lab 1807: 2.14 first reported Lab 1948: 2.58 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of Sulphur on sample #14009; results in mg/kg lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D5453 D2622 D2622 D2622 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D4294 D4294 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 ISO20846 D5453 D5453 ISO20846 ISO20846 ISO20846 EN20846 IP531 D5453 D5453 EN13132 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D5453:12) page 52 of 67 value 4.6 4.5 4.60 5.2 4.8 3.6 3.99 2.8 2.3 ----4.871 ----4.67 ------------------------------------<20 <17 4.89 6.9 4.5 4.8 4.4 5.5 5.4 4.96 4.0 ----4.1 ----4.31 8.50 --------2.48 5.96 ----4.47 ----3.77 5.76 --------7.49 ----5.62 5.0 5.3 ----4.52 5.2 4.38 3.80 5.2 --------4.5 4.5 4.81 4.1 ----- mark R(0.01) R(0.01) R(0.01) R(0.01) C,R(0.01) z(targ) -0.45 -0.59 -0.45 0.43 -0.15 -1.91 -1.34 -3.08 -3.82 -----0.05 -----0.34 ---------------------------------------------0.02 2.92 -0.59 -0.15 -0.74 0.87 0.73 0.08 -1.33 -----1.18 -----0.87 5.27 ---------3.55 1.55 -----0.64 -----1.66 1.25 --------3.79 ----1.05 0.14 0.58 -----0.56 0.43 -0.77 -1.62 0.43 ---------0.59 -0.59 -0.14 -1.18 ----- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method ISO20846 ISO20846 ISO20846 D5453 ISO20846 D7039 ISO20846 ISO20846 ISO20846 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 ISO20884 ISO20846 D4294 D5453 D5453 D5453 EN20846 D5453 D5453 D5453 ISO20846 ISO20846 ISO20846 ISO20846 D5453 in house D5453 D5453 ISO20846 EN20846 D5453 D5453 D5453 ISO20846 ISO20846 D5453 ISO20846 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 D5453 ISO20846 EN20846 ISO20846 D5453 D5453 IP497 D5453 D5453 value 4.99 4.6 4.3 ----4.5 5.5 5.6 4.70 5.95 4.6 4.77 5.19 4.21 ----4.26 4.7 4.56 4.59 5.05 4.6 4.6842 <100 ----125 4.1 4.25 ----5.1 6.4 ----3.559 4.45 3.904 ----5.56 5.44 5 4.64 6.14 5.70 4.6 4.19 4.94 6.0 ----4.64 ----4.52 5.58 5.47 4.3 5.13 ----4.6 4.5 4.80 4.75 4.35 ----5.8 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.76 4.0 4.75 6.17 mark R(0.01) R(0.01) z(targ) 0.12 -0.45 -0.89 -----0.59 0.87 1.02 -0.30 1.53 -0.45 -0.20 0.42 -1.02 -----0.95 -0.30 -0.51 -0.46 0.21 -0.45 -0.32 --------175.99 -1.18 -0.96 ----0.29 2.19 -----1.97 -0.67 -1.47 ----0.96 0.78 0.14 -0.39 1.81 1.16 -0.45 -1.05 0.05 1.60 -----0.39 -----0.56 0.99 0.83 -0.89 0.33 -----0.45 -0.59 -0.15 -0.23 -0.81 ----1.31 0.14 0.14 0.43 1.25 -1.33 -0.23 1.85 not OK 90 7 4.905 0.6802 1.905 1.911 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 171 444 169 1498 158 495 922 1531 159 336 1951 1006 338 1395 1634 1213 1397 1231 1059 1746 343 1849 912 323 1501 463 311 995 1080 120 994 1810 862 1724 1254 1259 52 1026 132 1167 1299 1631 1807 1602 1677 217 1340 1126 1237 1833 2129 1186 150 312 1811 996 194 258 1654 335 1017 657 1564 1936 1937 1297 1428 1776 1201 963 140 868 1938 671 334 1556 1740 333 1081 1546 1730 1109 631 1613 511 1948 1854 1161 445 1657 1603 2130 1450 273 562 353 1385 Spijkenisse, April 2014 0 0 2 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Institute for Interlaboratory Studies first reported Lab 444: 60.19 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.7 0.6 Kernel Density 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 4 6 8 10 page 53 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of RON on sample #14009; lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 ISO5164 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D2699:13a) page 54 of 67 value 95.3 95.3 95.6 ----95.25 ----95.3 96.50 95.4 ------------------------------------93.4 ----95.3 ------------------------95.42 ----------------------------95.48 ----------------95.29 95.3 95.6 95.92 ----95.1 ----95.0 ----95.95 ----95.3 95.2 ----95.61 95.3 95.3 --------94.8 ----95.8 ----96.6 ----95.4 ----- mark G(0.01) G(0.01) G(0.05) z(targ) -0.25 -0.25 0.95 -----0.45 -----0.25 4.55 0.15 -------------------------------------7.85 -----0.25 ------------------------0.23 ----------------------------0.47 -----------------0.29 -0.25 0.95 2.23 -----1.05 -----1.45 ----2.35 -----0.25 -0.65 ----0.99 -0.25 -0.25 ---------2.25 ----1.75 ----4.95 ----0.15 ----- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method ISO5164 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 ISO5164 ISO5264 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 INH-101 D2699 D2699 ISO5164 D2699 D2699 ISO5164 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 ISO5164 ISO5164 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 D2699 value ----95.2 95.7 95.2 ----95.6 95.2 ----95.4 95.46 95.35 95.5 95.3 ----95.6 ----95.32 95.31 ----95.4 95.44 95.29 95.3 95.06 --------96.10 95.6 95.20 95.0 95.63 95.37 ------------95.6 95.0 --------95.10 ------------95.0 ----95.5 ----------------95.5 95.8 ----------------95.4 95.5 95.60 ----------------94.9 95.2 94.98 94.7 mark z(targ) -----0.65 1.35 -0.65 ----0.95 -0.65 ----0.15 0.39 -0.05 0.55 -0.25 ----0.95 -----0.17 -0.21 ----0.15 0.31 -0.29 -0.25 -1.21 --------2.95 0.95 -0.65 -1.45 1.07 0.03 ------------0.95 -1.45 ---------1.05 -------------1.45 ----0.55 ----------------0.55 1.75 ----------------0.15 0.55 0.95 -----------------1.85 -0.65 -1.53 -2.65 OK 62 3 95.36 0.270 0.76 0.70 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 237 0 92 93 94 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 1.4 95 96 97 1.6 Kernel Density 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 98 page 55 of 67 995 169 1423 562 463 1776 974 1059 1498 753 1851 1556 1428 1231 132 1081 447 1849 1746 1677 1201 340 1167 1340 312 1833 1299 1161 171 1006 1501 1186 1254 1259 1348 1213 862 52 445 120 252 868 159 631 1347 444 150 1951 1450 1109 1026 657 1066 1613 495 1385 1657 1564 1484 541 2129 1948 963 2130 Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 97 96.5 96 95.5 95 94.5 94 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of MON on sample #14009; lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 method D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 ISO5163 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D2700:13b) first reported Lab 444: 84.0 page 56 of 67 value 85.2 85.0 85.1 ----85.35 ----85.2 85.46 85.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------85.05 ----------------------------85.11 ----------------85.0 85.0 85.5 85.82 ----85.0 --------------------85.29 85.2 ----85.49 85.1 ----------------------------85.9 ------------- mark C z(targ) -0.22 -0.84 -0.53 ----0.25 -----0.22 0.59 -0.84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------0.69 -----------------------------0.50 -----------------0.84 -0.84 0.71 1.71 -----0.84 --------------------0.06 -0.22 ----0.68 -0.53 ----------------------------1.96 ------------- lab 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 method ISO5163 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 ISO5163 ISO5263 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 INH-101 D2700 D2700 ISO5163 D2700 D2700 ISO5163 ISO5163 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 D2700 value ----85.8 85.1 85.4 ----85.5 85.1 ----84.7 85.82 ----85.1 --------84.75 ----85.77 84.96 ----85.5 85.34 --------------------90.50 85.3 ------------85.14 ------------85.1 85.0 --------------------------------85.2 --------------------85.4 ----------------86 85.5 --------------------85.4 85.4 84.46 85.4 mark R(0.05) z(targ) ----1.65 -0.53 0.40 ----0.71 -0.53 -----1.78 1.71 -----0.53 ---------1.62 ----1.55 -0.97 ----0.71 0.22 --------------------16.27 0.09 -------------0.41 -------------0.53 -0.84 ---------------------------------0.22 --------------------0.40 ----------------2.27 0.71 --------------------0.40 0.40 -2.52 0.40 OK 44 1 85.27 0.324 0.91 0.90 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies 87 86.5 86 85.5 85 84.5 84 Kernel Density 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 82 84 86 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 88 90 92 page 57 of 67 1423 995 1.4 1833 463 1167 1026 1254 1849 447 1299 753 1081 169 2130 1951 1948 1776 150 1066 1340 631 1428 1677 52 657 159 340 1501 1556 1201 1109 862 1059 132 312 171 1564 445 444 120 495 1259 1231 1161 2129 83.5 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of TVP on sample #14010; results in psi lab 52 53 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 225 228 230 237 238 256 258 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 350 353 370 431 445 447 463 485 495 557 562 631 657 862 868 970 974 1006 1017 1026 1059 1081 1109 1161 1167 1201 1231 1254 1259 1299 1340 1395 1428 1501 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 method D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 EN13016-1 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 EN13016-1 EN13016-1 in house D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 page 58 of 67 value 9.32 ----9.22 9.34 9.28 9.23 9.30 9.33 9.25 9.31 ----9.42 ----9.180 9.3114 9.24 ----9.27 9.209 9.31 9.25 9.25 9.2 9.269 ----9.32 9.27 9.3 ----9.48 9.338 9.210 --------9.512 9.41 9.340 ----9.33 ----9.49 9.348 9.35 9.32 9.31 ----9.28 ----9.326 ----9.387 ----9.28 9.164 8.44 9.36 ----9.115 9.30 9.1374 8.3832 9.19 ----9.241 9.355 9.25 ----9.283 9.051 9.268 ----9.255 ----8.50 9.384 9.39 mark C C C,G(0.01) G(0.01) G(0.01) z(targ) 0.17 -----0.67 0.34 -0.16 -0.59 0.00 0.26 -0.42 0.09 ----1.02 -----1.01 0.10 -0.50 -----0.25 -0.77 0.09 -0.42 -0.42 -0.84 -0.26 ----0.17 -0.25 0.00 ----1.53 0.33 -0.76 --------1.81 0.94 0.34 ----0.26 ----1.62 0.41 0.43 0.17 0.09 -----0.16 ----0.23 ----0.74 -----0.16 -1.15 -7.30 0.51 -----1.57 0.00 -1.38 -7.78 -0.93 -----0.50 0.47 -0.42 -----0.14 -2.11 -0.27 -----0.38 -----6.79 0.72 0.77 remarks first reported: 61.0 reported 64.9 kPa; iis converted kPa to psi reported 58.2 kPa; iis converted kPa to psi Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 1724 1730 1740 1776 1783 1789 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1951 2129 2130 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies IP394 IP394 D5191 D5191 9.35 --------9.21 9.239 ----9.42 9.17 9.23 9.55 9.377 --------9.38 9.28 ----9.391 9.380 9.25 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D5191:13) OK 67 3 9.299 0.0917 0.257 0.330 EN13016 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 ISO13016-1 EN13016-1 EN13016-1 0.43 ---------0.76 -0.51 ----1.02 -1.10 -0.59 2.13 0.66 --------0.68 -0.16 ----0.78 0.68 -0.42 C first reported:9.87 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 9 8.9 Kernel Density 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 8 8.5 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 9 9.5 10 page 59 of 67 445 562 5 1833 343 194 447 1807 1951 1677 1059 1667 2129 1936 1849 1201 1546 657 631 1724 463 132 350 495 159 52 862 1017 336 230 171 311 868 338 1259 158 1602 974 1937 140 1109 337 256 334 1613 1634 312 2130 323 1556 169 237 1501 150 1783 120 1811 353 258 1776 333 228 1395 1810 1161 1299 1254 1603 1657 1167 1340 8.8 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of DVPE (acc. to ASTM D5191) on sample #14010; results in psi lab 52 53 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 225 228 230 237 238 256 258 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 350 353 370 431 445 447 463 485 495 557 562 631 657 862 868 970 974 1006 1017 1026 1059 1081 1109 1161 1167 1201 1231 1254 1259 1299 1340 1395 1428 1501 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 method D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 EN13016-1 EN13016-1 EN13016 EN13016-1 in house D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 page 60 of 67 value 8.44 8.59 8.35 8.47 8.41 8.36 8.4265 8.455 8.38 8.44 ----8.54 ----8.311 8.4375 8.37 8.478 8.43 8.456 8.44 8.38 8.38 8.3 8.40 8.38 8.45 8.398 8.5 8.395 8.60 8.463 8.340 ----8.412189 8.628 8.53 8.465 8.441 8.45 ----8.609 8.473 8.47 8.45 8.44 ----8.41 8.43 8.452 8.41 8.510 8.4 8.41 8.294 ----8.54 8.48 8.248 8.43 8.2672 7.542 8.32 8.34 8.370 8.480 8.38 8.34 8.410 8.180 8.391 8.485 8.383 8.383 7.65 8.499 8.52 mark C C C G(0.01) G(0.01) z(targ) 0.07 1.38 -0.71 0.33 -0.19 -0.63 -0.05 0.20 -0.45 0.07 ----0.94 -----1.05 0.05 -0.54 0.40 -0.02 0.21 0.07 -0.45 -0.45 -1.15 -0.28 -0.45 0.16 -0.30 0.60 -0.32 1.47 0.27 -0.80 -----0.17 1.71 0.86 0.29 0.08 0.16 ----1.55 0.36 0.33 0.16 0.07 -----0.19 -0.02 0.18 -0.19 0.68 -0.28 -0.19 -1.20 ----0.94 0.42 -1.60 -0.02 -1.44 -7.77 -0.98 -0.80 -0.54 0.42 -0.45 -0.80 -0.19 -2.20 -0.36 0.46 -0.43 -0.43 -6.82 0.59 0.77 remarks first reported: 58.3 reported 58.8 kPa; iis converted kPa to psi reported 58.5 kPa; iis converted kPa to psi Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 1724 1730 1740 1776 1783 1789 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1951 2129 2130 IP394 EN13016-1 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies D5191 EN13016-1 EN13016-1 D5191 IP394 D5191 D5191 8.48 8.470 ----8.34 8.368 ----8.54 8.30 8.36 8.65 8.500 ----8.57 8.50 8.41 8.485 8.514 8.504 8.38 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D5191:13) OK 84 2 8.432 0.0852 0.239 0.321 EN13016 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 ISO13016-1 C 0.42 0.33 -----0.80 -0.56 ----0.94 -1.15 -0.63 1.90 0.60 ----1.21 0.60 -0.19 0.46 0.72 0.63 -0.45 first reported: 8.98 9 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8 1340 1657 1603 1254 1299 1161 333 1810 228 1395 353 1428 1564 1776 120 150 1811 1783 237 1501 323 169 335 312 1556 2130 1634 1654 1613 340 337 334 1081 140 974 1026 1109 1602 1937 431 158 256 1006 1259 230 311 171 868 52 485 336 495 862 1017 159 258 350 463 657 132 1730 631 238 1231 1546 1724 1631 1938 1667 338 1849 1936 2129 1059 1951 1677 447 194 1201 1807 1854 53 343 562 445 1833 7.8 5 Kernel Density 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 7 7.5 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 8 8.5 9 page 61 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 Determination of DVPE (acc. to EPA) on sample #14010; results in psi lab 52 53 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 225 228 230 237 238 256 258 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 350 353 370 431 445 447 463 485 495 557 562 631 657 862 868 970 974 1006 1017 1026 1059 1081 1109 1161 1167 1201 1231 1254 1259 1299 1340 1395 1428 1501 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 method D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 D5191 D5191 EN13016-1 D5191 page 62 of 67 value 8.56 ----8.46 8.59 8.53 8.48 ----8.573 8.50 8.56 ----8.66 ----8.429 8.5547 8.49 ------------8.56 8.50 8.49 8.4 8.51 ----8.56 8.515 8.6 ----8.72 8.580 8.458 --------8.830 ----8.582 ----8.57 ----8.725 8.589 8.58 8.56 8.56 ----8.53 ----8.569 ----8.627 ----8.61 --------8.66 ----8.367 8.54 ----7.743 --------8.487 8.596 ----------------8.514 ----8.501 ----7.78 8.624 8.63 mark C G(0.01) G(0.01) z(targ) -0.05 -----0.92 0.21 -0.31 -0.75 ----0.06 -0.57 -0.05 ----0.82 -----1.19 -0.10 -0.66 -------------0.05 -0.57 -0.66 -1.44 -0.48 -----0.05 -0.44 0.30 ----1.34 0.12 -0.94 --------2.30 ----0.14 ----0.04 ----1.38 0.20 0.12 -0.05 -0.05 -----0.31 ----0.03 ----0.53 ----0.38 --------0.82 -----1.73 -0.22 -----7.15 ---------0.68 0.26 -----------------0.45 -----0.56 -----6.83 0.51 0.56 remarks first reported: 59.1 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 1724 1730 1740 1776 1783 1789 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1951 2129 2130 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies IP394 IP394 D5191 D5191 8.59 --------8.45 --------------------8.78 8.617 ----8.68 8.62 8.53 ----8.631 8.620 8.50 normality n outliers mean (n) (n) R(calc.) R(D5191:13) suspect 54 2 8.566 0.0873 0.244 0.322 D5191 D5191 ISO13016-1 D5191 EN13016-1 EN13016-1 0.21 ---------1.01 --------------------1.86 0.45 ----0.99 0.47 -0.31 ----0.57 0.47 -0.57 C first reported: 9.08 9 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 Kernel Density 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 7.5 8 Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM 8.5 9 page 63 of 67 445 562 5 1833 343 1854 194 1201 1951 1677 1059 1667 2129 1936 1849 338 1109 1546 132 1724 631 463 657 350 159 495 868 1017 862 52 336 171 311 230 1259 974 1937 140 337 334 1613 1634 312 2130 169 237 323 150 1501 120 353 228 1776 333 1254 1657 1340 8.1 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 APPENDIX 2 z-scores distillation ASTM D86 (automated and manual mode) lab 52 120 132 140 150 158 159 169 171 193 194 212 217 221 224 225 228 230 237 238 252 253 254 256 258 273 311 312 323 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 343 353 370 431 444 445 447 463 485 495 511 541 557 562 603 631 657 671 753 862 868 912 922 963 970 974 994 995 996 1006 1016 1017 1026 1059 1066 1080 1081 IBP -1.03 -0.76 -0.07 0.84 -1.13 0.68 0.63 -0.12 1.80 -----1.20 0.47 -0.33 ------------------------------------1.05 ----1.80 0.31 -0.44 1.00 0.47 -0.12 -1.13 -0.81 -0.44 -----0.12 -0.49 ----0.73 ----0.89 1.37 0.41 -1.51 -0.28 0.41 -0.92 ------------2.87 --------1.16 ----0.84 0.41 0.09 ---------1.72 ----0.36 ------------0.73 ----1.91 -0.55 0.52 -1.08 ----0.09 page 64 of 67 Automated mode 10%eva 50%eva 70%eva -0.80 -0.72 -0.02 -0.27 0.02 -0.13 0.25 1.06 0.41 1.21 2.40 0.25 -0.01 0.02 0.03 0.43 -0.72 -6.64 0.25 1.36 0.57 0.43 0.77 0.30 0.43 1.21 0.08 -------------0.27 -0.92 -0.15 1.13 2.40 1.21 -0.10 -0.72 -0.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.51 3.30 ----------------0.86 2.40 1.00 0.51 -1.47 0.14 0.08 -0.58 -0.34 -0.36 0.32 0.14 -0.19 -0.72 0.08 -0.01 0.17 -0.29 -1.06 1.51 -0.13 -0.71 0.77 0.19 0.34 1.36 0.19 ------------0.60 0.62 0.14 -0.36 0.77 0.51 -------------0.62 0.32 -0.13 -------------0.36 2.40 0.62 3.05 0.62 -1.04 0.34 -1.32 -0.13 -0.10 0.47 0.08 -0.27 0.47 0.19 -0.32 0.24 -0.24 -0.45 -1.92 -0.40 ------------------------------------0.25 0.32 -0.24 -------------------------0.10 0.77 0.35 -------------0.10 -6.53 -1.42 -0.36 -0.72 -0.24 0.43 0.62 0.41 -------------------------0.62 -1.17 -0.61 -------------0.45 -0.43 0.03 -------------------------------------0.27 1.51 0.25 ------------0.34 -1.47 -0.24 -0.45 -1.77 -0.24 -0.71 -0.58 -0.18 0.60 2.55 0.78 -------------0.01 -0.43 0.19 90%eva -0.14 -0.21 0.43 0.15 -0.07 -0.49 0.36 0.86 0.15 -----0.09 2.78 -0.21 ------------------------------------1.93 ----2.43 -0.07 -0.07 0.15 0.08 -0.35 -0.28 -0.56 0.22 ----0.01 0.58 ----0.15 ----2.00 -0.99 0.08 0.22 0.58 0.04 -0.49 ------------1.00 --------0.29 -----0.92 -0.35 0.50 ---------0.71 ----0.29 ------------0.01 -----0.42 -0.42 -0.14 1.36 -----0.28 FBP -0.31 -1.13 1.30 0.48 -0.55 0.85 0.31 1.22 0.19 -----0.95 -0.31 -0.93 ------------------------------------0.44 ----0.85 -1.38 0.52 0.02 0.64 0.23 0.15 -0.51 0.11 -----1.05 -0.88 -----0.18 ----0.19 1.18 -0.72 0.60 1.55 0.27 -0.27 ------------1.14 --------1.97 -----2.29 -0.51 0.60 ---------0.35 ----0.60 -------------0.43 -----0.27 -0.68 -0.64 0.07 -----0.72 IBP ----------------------------------------------------0.64 0.56 0.29 -1.44 0.02 -0.05 0.64 -0.74 -2.13 -----0.05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.29 -0.05 -------------1.09 ---------------------0.05 -0.05 ------------0.29 -0.33 -0.40 --------------------------------- 10%eva ----------------------------------------------------1.32 0.10 -0.82 0.20 -0.74 -0.57 -0.05 0.46 -0.65 -----0.40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.03 0.46 -------------0.82 --------------------0.46 0.46 -------------1.42 -0.40 -0.40 --------------------------------- Manual mode 50%eva 70%eva --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.31 0.04 -2.49 -1.96 -1.23 -1.14 -4.29 -3.57 0.72 1.06 -0.72 -0.28 0.04 2.00 0.47 -----2.08 -1.53 --------0.89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.47 0.04 1.31 0.82 ------------------------0.04 -0.75 ----------------------------------------2.16 1.60 -0.38 1.60 ------------------------0.38 -0.12 0.13 -0.12 1.31 0.43 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 90%eva ----------------------------------------------------0.15 -3.12 -0.46 -3.42 0.40 -1.33 -0.03 0.15 -1.27 ----0.77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.15 0.77 -------------0.46 --------------------0.77 0.77 ------------0.52 -0.22 1.08 --------------------------------- FBP ----------------------------------------------------0.75 -0.79 0.75 -1.11 1.74 -1.11 -0.86 0.13 -1.11 -----1.11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.18 -1.11 ------------0.13 ---------------------1.11 -1.11 -------------0.49 -0.49 -0.18 --------------------------------- Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 1109 1126 1161 1167 1186 1201 1213 1215 1231 1237 1254 1259 1297 1299 1340 1347 1348 1385 1395 1397 1423 1428 1450 1484 1498 1501 1531 1543 1546 1556 1564 1602 1603 1613 1631 1634 1654 1657 1667 1677 1720 1724 1730 1740 1746 1776 1783 1807 1810 1811 1833 1849 1851 1854 1936 1937 1938 1948 1951 2129 2130 0.36 0.52 1.21 0.68 -----0.44 0.52 -0.57 -0.49 -----1.03 -1.35 -1.03 -0.76 -0.81 ----0.52 -----0.49 0.57 ----0.52 1.59 -----1.29 ----1.00 ---------1.61 1.53 0.68 -0.39 -1.45 0.31 -1.35 0.20 -0.97 ----1.21 -----0.39 -----0.81 -----0.60 -0.12 -----0.55 0.25 -0.49 -0.81 -----0.33 0.36 1.59 0.31 -1.29 -0.71 -0.92 -0.49 -0.45 -0.27 0.08 -0.27 ----0.51 -0.10 0.37 0.25 -----0.19 0.16 0.16 -0.19 0.43 -----0.27 ----0.08 -0.01 -----0.01 0.08 ----0.08 ----1.65 ---------0.36 0.08 -0.19 -0.36 0.51 -0.01 -0.54 0.69 0.16 -----0.19 -----0.10 -----0.71 -----0.36 -0.71 0.08 -0.19 0.25 0.60 0.60 -----0.80 0.25 0.78 0.69 0.34 -0.27 -0.27 -1.76 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies -0.28 0.02 -2.51 -2.66 ----0.17 -0.87 0.20 0.32 ----0.62 -2.06 0.47 -1.17 0.91 -----1.02 -----0.58 0.62 ----0.91 -0.87 ----0.02 -----0.58 --------0.47 0.91 0.32 -1.02 2.25 0.02 -1.32 -0.87 0.62 -----1.32 -----0.28 -----1.02 -----1.92 -1.32 1.06 -0.58 0.02 1.36 1.21 -----0.87 -1.17 -0.72 -1.02 0.02 0.02 0.91 -2.51 -0.13 0.25 -0.40 -0.45 ----0.08 -0.18 0.21 0.30 ----0.30 -0.93 0.19 -0.24 -0.29 -----0.34 -----0.18 -0.02 ----0.14 -0.56 ----0.14 -----0.02 --------0.19 -0.18 -0.24 -0.29 0.67 -0.02 -0.29 0.08 -0.02 -----0.61 -----0.24 -----0.18 -----0.45 -0.08 0.35 -0.13 0.08 0.25 0.30 ----0.08 -0.34 -0.13 0.03 0.25 0.25 0.30 -0.83 -0.28 1.00 -0.07 -0.63 ----0.08 0.29 0.21 0.26 ----0.50 -1.63 0.22 0.29 -0.21 ----1.14 -----0.14 -0.49 ----0.08 -0.63 ----0.29 ----0.01 --------0.22 0.29 0.15 -0.07 1.50 0.36 0.01 0.29 -0.92 -----0.56 -----0.35 -----0.21 -----0.21 0.15 -0.35 -0.14 0.29 0.01 0.22 -----0.42 -0.49 -0.14 -0.07 1.00 0.29 -0.14 -1.27 1.43 1.68 -1.26 -1.17 -----0.88 -1.01 -0.08 -1.15 -----0.76 -0.02 -0.51 -0.02 -0.06 -----0.14 -----1.50 0.19 ----1.39 -0.60 -----0.80 -----0.18 --------0.27 1.55 -0.31 -0.43 -1.17 1.10 -0.72 0.23 -0.02 -----1.75 ----0.31 ----0.27 ----0.23 -0.14 2.34 0.68 0.02 0.97 1.22 ----0.02 0.07 -0.76 -0.55 -0.72 0.56 0.11 1.63 ----------------1.33 ----------------1.33 -----2.82 -------------0.05 ----0.64 --------0.64 -----------------1.11 ----1.33 0.29 ------------------------------------1.06 --------------------0.99 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------0.03 ----------------0.63 -----0.40 ------------0.46 -----5.53 --------1.32 -----------------0.44 ----0.46 0.03 ------------------------------------0.20 --------------------0.46 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------2.93 ----------------0.47 -----1.23 -------------0.38 -----5.48 --------0.47 -----------------0.04 ----0.47 0.89 ------------------------------------0.38 ---------------------0.38 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------3.88 ----------------0.04 -----1.53 -------------0.75 -----6.23 ---------0.75 -----------------0.03 -----0.75 0.82 ------------------------------------0.82 --------------------0.43 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------4.16 -----------------0.59 -----1.08 -------------1.08 -----4.78 ---------1.70 -----------------0.44 ----2.00 0.15 ------------------------------------0.83 --------------------0.15 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------11.00 ----------------2.60 -----0.49 -------------6.05 -----0.49 --------0.75 ----------------1.19 ----5.08 1.68 ------------------------------------0.93 --------------------1.06 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Z-scores underlined and bold belong to the statistical outliers acc. to Grubbs/Dixon/Rosner outlier test. Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 65 of 67 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies Spijkenisse, April 2014 APPENDIX 3 Number of participants per country 1 lab in 2 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 2 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 3 labs in 2 lab in 2 labs in 3 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 2 labs in 2 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 7 labs in 1 lab in 2 labs in 6 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 2 labs in 1 lab in 3 labs in 2 labs in 2 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 8 labs in 1 lab in 3 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 2 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 1 lab in 2 labs in 1 lab in 6 labs in 2 labs in 3 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 2 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 12 labs in 1 lab in 1 lab in 6 labs in 10 labs in 1 lab in page 66 of 67 ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BELGIUM BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA BRAZIL BULGARIA CANADA CHILE CHINA, People's Republic COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CZECH REPUBLIC DJIBOUTI ESTONIA FRANCE GEORGIA GERMANY GREECE GUAM GUINEA REPUBLIC HUNGARY INDIA IRELAND ISRAEL JORDAN KENYA LATVIA LEBANON LITHUANIA MALAYSIA MAURITIUS MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE NETHERLANDS NIGER NIGERIA OMAN PAKISTAN PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL RUSSIAN FEDERATION SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SINGAPORE SLOVENIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SUDAN SWEDEN TAIWAN TANZANIA THAILAND TOGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VIETNAM Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM Spijkenisse, April 2014 Institute for Interlaboratory Studies APPENDIX 4 Abbreviations: C = final result after checking of first reported suspect result D(0.01) = outlier in Dixon’s outlier test D(0.05) = straggler in Dixon’s outlier test G(0.01) = outlier in Grubbs’ outlier test G(0.05) = straggler in Grubbs’ outlier test DG(0.01) = outlier in Double Grubbs’ outlier test DG(0.05) = straggler in Double Grubbs’ outlier test R(0.01) = outlier in Rosner outlier test R(0.05) = straggler in Rosner outlier test E = error in calculations W = result withdrawn on request of participant ex = excluded from calculations n.a. = not applicable n.d. = not detected fr. = first reported SDS = Safety Data Sheet Literature: 1 iis Interlaboratory Studies, Protocol for the Organisation, Statistics & Evaluation, January 2010 2 ASTM E178-02 3 ASTM E1301-03 4 ISO13528-05 4 ISO 5725-86 5 ISO 5725, parts 1-6, 1994 6 M. Thompson and R. Wood, J. AOAC Int, 76, 926, (1993) 7 W.J. Youden and E.H. Steiner, Statistical Manual of the AOAC, (1975) 8 IP 367/96 9 DIN 38402 T41/42 10 P.L. Davies, Fr. Z. Anal. Chem, 331, 513, (1988) 11 J.N. Miller, Analyst, 118, 455, (1993) 12 Analytical Methods Committee Technical brief, No4 January 2001. 13 The Royal Society of Chemistry 2002, Analyst 2002, 127 page 1359-1364, P.J. Lowthian and 14 H. Verplaetse and M. Lacourt, Accred Qual Assur (2006) 11:521-52216 15 Bernard Rosner, Percentage Points for a Generalized ESD Many-Outlier Procedure, M. Thompson (see Technometrics, 25(2), pp. 165-172, (1983) Gasoline: iis14B01ASTM page 67 of 67