Uploaded by Damian Olivas

Business Planning Assignment

Assignment 8
(20 points)
Assignment 8: Business Planning
Save this file in your course folder, and name it with Assignment, the section number, and your first
initial and last name. For example, Jessie Robinson's assignment for Section 1 would be named
Type the answers to the assignment questions below. Use complete sentences unless the question
says otherwise. You will have more than one day to complete an assignment. At the end of each day,
be sure to save your progress.
Review Lesson 4 of the Course Overview for instructions about turning in your assignments.
Assignment Questions
In Section 8, you learned about business planning. Now, you'll apply what you learned.
1. Describe two trends that you've noticed (either demographic, invention/technology,
lifestyle, or style/entertainment) and explain how each one might generate a small business
opportunity. (1-6 sentences. 4.0 points)
2. Make a list of at least 5 business ideas that interest you. Then explain which one you
think is the best opportunity for you. Give at least 3 reasons why this opportunity is better
for you than the others. (2-6 sentences. 3.0 points)
3. Visit the Web site for a well-known company, and find the section that states its mission.
What is the company's mission? How does the mission relate to the type of products the
company sells? Did anything surprise you about the mission? Why or why not? TIP: If the
company's Web site doesn't describe its mission, choose a different company. (1-5
sentences. 3.0 points)
4. Visit the Web site for a different well-known company, and find the section that lists the
company's values. What are the company's values? How do they relate to the products the
company sells? Did anything surprise you about the company's values? Why or why not?
TIP: If the company's Web site doesn't describe its values, choose a different company. (15 sentences. 3.0 points)
5. Do a SWOT analysis for the business idea you chose in question 2 above. Describe at
least 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses, 2 opportunities, and 2 threats for that company idea. (1-8
sentences. 4.0 points)
6. Make a list of at least 3 people you would want to give copies of your business plan to,
and explain why you chose each of those people. (1-5 sentences. 3.0 points)
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