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Flaws of Democracy: Populism, Corruption, and More

Reason of its failing It is an accepted fact that liberal democracy is the worst possible political system—except for all others. This list doesn’t aim to advocate tyranny, but to review the flaws and failures of the democratic process.We are not perfect—and neither are our governments, since they are made by humans too. It is most advisable to be skeptical, even of democracy itself. After all, even Thomas Jefferson was wary of the “tyranny of the masses”. Populism
Democracy is frequently criticised for ultimately turning into a popularity contest. Who is right isn't determined by polls; rather, it's determined by who is most eager to speak what the public wants to hear. As a result, a lot of political candidates turn to populism and pursue policies that prioritise short-term gratification over long-term advancement. Populist leaders prioritise feeling over logic and "common sense" above more academic knowledge, which frequently results in terrible ideas that will be upheld with the tenacity of a mule whether they are right or wrong.
This is not a particular shortcoming of democracy; in fact, it can be argued that democracy tends to be less corruptible than other systems because it allows for the removal of officials. The possibility of machine politics, a type of political organisation where the bosses distribute prizes in exchange for the vote, however, also favours a very particular type of corruption. Providing someone money in return for their vote or giving them a job in the office of the politician in charge of the machine are two straightforward ways to do it. The earmarking of federal funding for particular districts or states allows Representatives and Senators to vote in favour of the initiatives those monies support. This is a milder variant of machine politics, often known as "clientelism."
Tribal Mentality
In a democracy, tribal mentality is very dangerous, because it will make you vote “for your team” instead of voting according to issues. That means that whoever leads “your team” can rest assured that they have your vote, and instead of focusing on your interests, they can proceed to deal with their own. Unfair legislation can be passed if there are vocal groups in the majority (by oppressing the minority) or in the minorities (by entitling them to privileges that the majority can’t enjoy).
Short-termism is built in to democracy
Politicians are only in power for a short period of time. They are aware that they will reap the short-term rewards if they overspend, overtax, print, or borrow more money. The long-term consequences, however, are experienced by their successors, who may even be their political rivals. Unfortunately, they have the same negative motivation to put off solving the problem.
Therefore, politicians act more like careless tenants than like conscientious proprietors. Our democratic leaders have damaged the economy, wasted our freedom, disregarded our security, compromised our independence, devalued our currency, undermined our borders, and depleted public funds. They either don't care or are incapable of making responsible decisions. They ignore issues, downplay them, try to pay them off with more money, or provide even worse solutions.
Democracy is not about minority rights
It is often thought that the protection of minorities is a basic principle of democracy. This is incorrect, for democracy is about majority rights. The basic principle of democracy is that the majority decides. However, the majority may grant certain rights (or often privileges) to minorities, but this is subject to fads, not morality. Minority groups that are vocal, intimidating or aggressive can secure more rights or privileges, sometimes even to the detriment of the rights of the majority.
For example, smokers enjoyed much freedom, but nowadays they are not even allowed to smoke in private bars where everybody agrees to smoke. Historically gays enjoyed little protection, nowadays Christian bakers had better not refuse to bake cakes for their weddings. Small business owners and entrepreneurs on the other hand have always been a minority and must therefore suffer the ever increasing regulatory burden and tax burden. Individual liberty, not democracy, is about minority rights, because the individual is the smallest minority.