CHECKS AND MEASUREMENTS Memo ISO - GPS Specification GD & T CA R Edition 2018 NO T Foreword CONTENTS - Memo ISO-GPS Specification GD & T Generalities In order to ensure continuous improvements to industrial products and help to establish a general and rigourous communications system for industrial operators, the standardisation way framework relating to the “Geometric Product Specifications” (GPS) aims to provide increasingly advanced tools of expressing functional requirements in a more and more effective manner, and to share the results of the verification processes. The GPS system provides a means of communication whereby designers, production engineers, qualitician, inspectors and metrologists can exchange information on the allowable geometries of manufactured parts it is done on the basis of specifications (dimensional, geometric and surface texture) indicated on a drawing and/or an associated technical document. The associated graphic and symbolic “language” uses the syntax and semantics defined in GPS standards. National, European and international standards in the field are prepared and applied by National standardisation committees: ; these committees establish National positions for international (ISO/TC213) and European (CEN/TC 290 with UNM secretariat) works. Participation in standardization works allows operators to plan ahead for changes to standards and influence their content, rather than just following instructions. Managed by UNM in France, BSI in UK, DIN in Germany, DS in danemark, SAS in Sweden, … 4 6 8 10 14 16 Conformity Principles behind the declaration of conformity (unless a specific customer / supplier agreement applies) ISO 14253-1 18 Dimensional specification ISO 14405 Linear dimensional specifications 20 Angular dimensional specifications 26 Geometrical specifications Introduction ISO 1101:2017 Generality and toleranced features 30 Tolerance zone 32 Geometrical specifications Datums ISO 5459: 2011 Geometrical tolerance indicator: ISO 1101 34 Datums and datum system 36 Datum system and common datums 38 Restricted datums and datum targets 40 Examples and meaning (second part) 3 Generalities BACK TO CONTENTS Why do we need GPS? Geometrical product specifications (GPS) can be used to describe the authorised limits of deviations for the characteristics of a surface texture, dimension, form, orientation and/or location, which can be observed on products. They are defined by drawing indication. Surface Cartesian system From a nominal point of view: – a cylinder has a size: its diameter - it is a feature of size (2D or 3D); – a cylinder has no length (independently to the two limiting planes) and represents a cylindrical surface. Translation along its axis (z) or the rotation around the axis (w) cannot be blocked - they are the invariance degrees of the cylinder. The following can be limited: – o ne or two translations defined as perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder; – a nd/or one or two rotations defined around axes which are perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder; – form deviations; – and/or surface texture parameters; – and/or dimensional deviations. Part Ro Cartesian system …as the real feature will be imperfect. Note: Degrees of freedom are given in reference (x, y, z) relating to the surface and not the CAD (x0 ,y0, z0) used to draw the part; but from a real point of view, these degrees of Cartesian systems relate to a datum or a datum system. Important: do not mix up datums and cartesian systems (cf. ISO 5459) 4 5 BACK TO CONTENTS Generalities Default principles (no specific indications) ISO 8015 (principle of amended feature) Independency principe Rigidity principle Each GPS (dimensional, geometrical and surface texture) must be individually satisfied (independently from the other GPS) unless indicated to the contrary. By default, a part is considered as rigid and insensitive to external factors (gravity, assembly force, etc.), unless standard ISO 10579 - NR is referred to. Definition principle Reference condition Principle Requirements which are not specified on the drawing cannot be mandatory (referred to). Only the general and individual GPS specification are mandatory. By default, all GPS apply to the reference conditions. By default, this refers to the normal reference temperature defined as 20 °C (standard ISO 1) and the total absence of contaminating features. All other applicable conditions must be defined on the drawing (e.g.: hygrometry). Feature principle A part must be considered as comprising a given number of simple limited features, generally based on “natural“ borders. By default, all GPS specification relating to a feature or a relationship between features apply to the complete feature (or) ; and each GPS specification only applies to one single feature or one single relationship between features. The United Feature (UF) unifies different portions they can be considered together as a single feature. 6 Responsibility principle a) The correlation between the function, the specification and specification uncertainty (interpretability) is the responsibility of the party who defined the specifications (Customer) related to the intended function. b) Unless specifically agreed otherwise, measuring uncertainty is the responsibility of the party providing proof of conformity or non-conformity with specifications (see ISO 14253-1). Measuring uncertainty quantifies the accuracy of the agreement between the verification operator and the specification operator (cf. ISO 17450-2). 7 BACK TO CONTENTS GPS specifications are requirements describing a condition (upper specification limit USL and/or lower specification limit LSL) applicable to characteristics (geometrical, dimensional or surface texture), and translated into a symbolic language on the drawing in order to express: Generalities GPS specification Generalities - ISO 17450 -1 Ideal representation of the part without imperfections: nominal model LSL ≤ Characteristic ≤ USL or LSL ≤ Characteristic or Characteristic ≤ USL A condition can apply: – to a specific dimension or geometrical feature - individual tolerance. or – to all geometrical features or dimensions, with the exception of those affected by individual tolerances - general tolerance, e.g. by indicating ISO 2768-mK*. GPS specifications are indicated in link with the nominal model (on the definition drawing or on the specification digital mockup specified). Representation exagerating the imperfections on the workpiece Each characteristic is defined using a set of geometrical operations, considering both the nominal model (ideal expectation) and the actual produced geometry of the obtained workpiece. * General tolerancing standard for machined parts: the first lower case letter indicates a level of dimensional tolerances and the second upper case letter indicates the level of geometrical tolerances. 8 The meaning of the GPS, and therefore the definition of the characteristic, is associated with the manufactured part (represented using a non-ideal model of the part, also known as a “skin model“). 9 BACK TO CONTENTS Generalities Geometrical feature ISO 17450 -1 By considering the feature principle (ISO 8015), it is important to consider a different relationship with the feature (this is a geometrical entity and not a technological entity) and to not mix up the ideal view (nominal feature) with reality, from with the GPS process is done. Extracted integral feature Plane 1 Cylinder 1 Plane 2 Cylinder 2 Extracted derived feature Plane 3 3D Representation of the real workpiece (skin model) with exaggerated imperfections Nominal 3D model of the part Extracted integral feature Extracted derived feature 2D Representation of the real workpiece (skin model) with exaggerated imperfections 2D Nominal model of the part 10 11 BACK TO CONTENTS Generalities Geometrical feature ISO 17450 -1 1 – Different point of views must be taken into consideration in the specification and verification process, introducing specific qualifiers, to complement the word “feature”. Nominal Real Extracted Associated Feature represented in the drawing workpiece Observed feature Ideal feature – established from the real workpiece or the extracted feature Integral feature Feature Derived feature 2 – It can be useful for a given feature to distinguish (e.g. a cylinder): - its median feature (eg its axis) as known as its skeleton or derived feature and - its skin (e.g. its surface) as known as integral feature. 12 13 BACK TO CONTENTS Generalities Integration of the complete or restricted feature ISO 1101 / ISO 14405 -1 By default, dimensional, geometrical or surface texture characteristics must be evaluated for the complete feature considered. When a restriction of the feature must be considered, then it shall be indicated, for example as follows. 14 15 BACK TO CONTENTS Generalities Three families of GPS specifications ISO 14405 / ISO 1101 / ISO 1302 & 25178-1 Family Example of indications Illustration Dimensional specifications (see ISO 14405) The characteristic observed is a size. FILTERING Surface texture specifications (see ISO 1302 for 2D et 25178-1 for 3D) The characteristic observed depends on deviations detected between a part of the geometrical feature to which one or more filters have been applied and a theoretical feature. Geometrical specifications (see ISO 1101) The observed characteristic is a “deviation” between a geometrical feature related to the real workpiece and one perfect feature using the nominal property of the part. 16 17 BACK TO CONTENTS Principles behind the declaration of conformity (unless a specific customer / supplier agreement applies) ISO 14253-1 USL LSL USL DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY By default, the conformity is declared by the party delivering the manufactured product, which is responsible for estimating measurement uncertainty. Conformity Ideal view: check all parts and zero measurement uncertainty LSL View 1 View 2 LSL USL U* U* U* U* LSL USL To declare conformity, the result: – with uncertainty, mustLSL be within the specificationUSL limits (view 1); – without uncertainty, must be within a restricted zone with reference to specification limits (view 2). *Factoring in a 5% risk of taking the wrong decision. LSL: lower specification limit USL: upper specification limit Note: A measurement result (R) should always be defined with its measurement uncertainty: R ± U DECLARATION OF NON-CONFORMITY By default, the non-conformity is declared by the party receiving the manufactured product, which is responsible for estimating measurement uncertainty. Keys U* View 1 U* Zone considered as: LSL Conform USL View 2 Non-conform Uncertain zone to be considered as: Observed Result (with or without measurement uncertainty) U* Conform Non-conform R without U R with ± U 18 U* U* U* U* U* LSL USL LSL USL To declare non-conformity, the result: – with uncertainty, must be outside of the specification limits (view 1); – without uncertainty, must be within an extended zone with reference to the specification limits (view 2). *Factoring in a 5% risk of taking the wrong decision. If the application of the principle of declaring conformity and nonconformity is not mandatory, the replacement rule must be defined between customer and supplier. 19 BACK TO CONTENTS Linear dimensional specifications ISO 14405-1 Linear A Linear dimensional specification only applies to a feature of size (e.g.: diameter of a cylinder, distance between two parallel opposed planes, diameter of a sphere). The construction of local dimensions of type “two points size” is defined in ISO 17450-3. Modifiers can be used to modify the characteristic(s) to be evaluate For this indication with the envelope requirement, it is important to check that all local two points sizes are observed within the interval [9.9; 10.1] and that the outer material envelope defined by a perfect cylinder with the maximum material diameter (10.1) is not exceeded (i.e. that the part must fit in a “GO“ gauge). 20 21 Dimensional Unless a specific general indication or individual indication exists, a linear dimensional specification exclusively applies to the local two points size of a geometrical feature. BACK TO CONTENTS Linear dimensional specifications ISO 14405-1 Examples of modifiers defining various size characteristics for a considered feature LP LS Dimensional GG GX GN 8SA 6 SN Value LP LP LP Local Two points size (1) LP LP LP LS LS LS Local sphere size (1’) LS LS LS GG GG GG GG Least square/Gaussian (2) GG GG GX Global GX GX Maximum inscribed (3) (section, portion, GX GX complete) GX GN GN Minimum circumscribed (4) GN GN GN GC GN SA Minimax/Chebitchev (5) SA SA SA Average value (6) SD SA SN Statistics SN Minimum value (7) GC SN GC GC SN SM SN SX Maximum value (8) SX SD SX SD SD SX Mid-range Value SQ SX SR SR Median value (X50%) SM SR SM SM SR Range of values (9) SR SQ SQ SQ Standard deviation of values 0,2 GN GN ACS ACS SR SR 0,2 0,2 GN ACS SR 0,2 GN ACS SR GN ACS SR Other indications can0,2 be used 0,2 GNto define ACSrestrictions SR applicable to a fixed SX 9 SR No. of local size 0,2 GN ACS SR or sliding zone: ALS (any longiditunal section), ACS (any cross section), “/XXX“ (over a slided restricted length), SCS (specific cross section), etc. 22 23 7 BACK TO CONTENTS Linear dimensional specifications ISO 14405 -1 & 2 Examples of modifiers defining various size characteristics for a considered feature. The diameter of the minimum circumscribed cylinder shall be less than 10.2 and the diameter of the maximum inscribed shall be more than 9.9. Dimensional All two points sizes must be between 9.8 and 10.2 and their range must be less than 0.15. The common minimum circumscribed diameter to both cylindrical surfaces must be less than 10.1 and all two points size diameters must be upper than 9.9. The diameter of the minimum circumscribed circle in a specific cross section 2 mm from the upper face must be between 9.9 and 10.1 (SCS precises that the theoretical exact dimension 2 mm applies to the dimensional specifications). The diameter of the maximum inscribed cylinder of the borehole shall be between 9.9 mm and 10.1 mm, the diameter of the minimum circumscribed cylinder shall be equal to 13 mm and the range of the local thickness defined between two points at any position and defined in any logitudinal symmetry plane passing through the specified reference B (“axis” of the borehole) shall be at least equal to 0.1 mm. 24 25 BACK TO CONTENTS Angular dimensional specifications ISO 14405-3 Angular dimensional specifications only apply to a dimensional entity/feature with an angular size (example: angle of a cone, angle of a prism). The angular dimensional characteristics by default corresponding to application of modifier . Dimensional Characteristic: local angle (1) between two co-planar lines (2). These straight lines are associated with minmax objective function (chebitchev) and constrained external material tangents material outer tangents to the integral extracted lines (3) defined by the intersection between the integral surfaces and a plane (intersecting) (4) passing through the axis (5) of the associated cylinder (6) (maximum inner diameter at the inner hole). Characteristic: local angle (1) between two co-planar lines (2). These straight lines are associated with minmax objective function and constrained external material tangents material outer tangents to the integral extracted lines (3) defined by the intersection between the integral surfaces and a plane (4) (implicitly intersecting) perpendicular to the intersection straight line (5) for the two associated planes (6) (with the least square criterion). 26 27 BACK TO CONTENTS Angular dimensional specification: modifiers: ISO 14405 -3 Statistical 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 28 8 6 7 9 Number of global angular size Other additional indications can be used (example: CT, SCS, A ↔ B) modifying the meaning of the specification. 29 Dimensional Global (section, portion, complete) 3: intersecting plane Value Local LP LP LP LC LP LS LC Two-point size (1) LC LS LS Local sphere size (1’) LG LS GG LG LG GG GG GG GG GX GG GG Least square / gaussian (4) GX GX GC GX GN GC Minimax / Chebitchev (5) GC GN GN SA GN SA SA SA SA SA SN Average value (6) SA SN GC GC SN SN Minimum value (7) SN GC SN SX Maximum value (8) SN SX SD SD SX SX Mid-range Value SX SD SX SD Median value (X50%) SX SR SM SM SD SD Range of values (9) SR SM SR SM SR SQ SQ SM Standard deviation of values SM SQ GN SR ACS SR SR SR GN GN ACS ACS SR SR SQ GN SQ ACS SR SQ 0,1 BACK TO CONTENTS Generality Toleranced features A geometrical specification defined a tolerance zone representing a portion of the space bounded perfect geometry, which must contain the toleranced feature, to define conformity. The tolerance zone can be constrained in terms of orientation, and location from datums. The datums are established from datum features. It can also be expressed as a condition (tolerance) on a characteristic established between geometric features: the toleranced feature and the reference feature (median feature of the tolerance zone). Indication of the requirement Real workpiece 0,1 Meaning 4 1 2 3 1 – Toleranced feature 5 – Reference feature 2 – Datum feature 6 – Local geometric deviation 3 – Datum 7 – Observed characteristic 6 7 5 1 2 4 – Tolerance zone 3 Characteristics & condition 2.Max(|di|) ≤ 0,1 Tolerance zone the extracted integral feature corresponding to the designated nominal feature The toleranced feature is ➋ Leader line aligned with a dimension line Workpiece the extracted derived feature (“extracted axis”) 30 31 Introduction ISO 1101:2017 ➊ Leader line not aligned with a dimension line Geometrical specifications The type of toleranced feature (derived or integral) depends on the position of the leader line compared to dimension line. BACK TO CONTENTS Tolerance zone Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the median feature of the tolerance zone has the nominal shape of the toleranced feature. The geometry of the tolerance zone is defined as the space limited by two lines or surfaces equidistant from the median feature, where the distance between the two lines or surfaces is equal to the tolerance value. 1 – Median feature (of 3) 2 – Equidistant features (from 1) 3 – Tolerance zone (bounded by 2) Datums Constraint of the tolerance zone No No Yes Orientation (angle) Yes Orientation and location (angle + distance) Form symbol Orientation symbol If the symbol ∅ or S∅ precedes the tolerance value in the second compartment of the tolerance frame, then the tolerance zone corresponds to the space within a cylinder or a sphere respectively, with a diameter corresponding to the tolerance value. 1 – Median feature 2 – Tolerance zone The orientation and location of the tolerance zone may be constrained by datums (the type of constraints depending on the symbol of the characteristic). If the toleranced feature is an “extracted axis” (which is nominally straight), and if the symbol ∅ does not appear in front of the tolerance value, the tolerance zone corresponds to the space between two opposite parallel planes for the tolerance. In this case, the width of the tolerance zone is in the direction of the leader line (the degrees of freedom for orientation are not constrained by the datum(s)). 32 *No datum required for a pattern of n features, but indicated with CZ or CZR else with CZ or CZR or SZ when the datum system does not lock all degrees of freedom of tolerance zones. Run-out symbol Orientation or location (angle / distance) Yes 33 Introduction ISO 1101:2017 * Geometrical specifications Location symbol BACK TO CONTENTS Geometrical tolerance indicator: ISO 1101 A geometrical specification is expressed on the diagram with a tolerance indicator, a, (tolerance frame) and a leader line, b, designating a geometrical feature from which the toleranced feature shall be extracted. The tolerance indicator can be supplemented by adjacent indications in zone C, (indicate, for example: 2x or A ↔ B), and in zone D, to provide indications using an intersection plane, orientation plane, collection plane or direction feature indicators, or the SIMi indicator, for simultaneous requirements (since i is an optional number). The tolerance indicator is broken down from left to right in two to three sections: - The symbol section (a1) presenting the geometrical characteristics - The zone section, specificity of the feature and the characteristic (a2) C - The datum section (a3) describing the datum system(s) if required G Section a2 can present multiple possible modifiers, as presented below Shape Width and range Comb. Specified offset Toleranced Constraint Associated feature Filter Type feature Nesting index 0,05 ∅ S∅ 0.02-0.05 0.05/75x30° CZ SZ UZ+0.2 UZ+0.2:-0.3 34 OZ G C G C Association X N N T A X X Material Constraint condition state Characteristic G Derived N feature G G Parameter T T P A A M P P L F G NX Objective function NX T C XT A G E P M M I V L L 0.8 C C C G G G TA P X N VA S -250 >< … 0.8-250 N N N AP 27 M … X X X P 32-5 ML T T T ML A A A LF Constraint T Q F 35 F F Datums ISO 5459: 2011 Tolerance zone C feature and characteristic N Geometrical specifications A few modifiers in section a2, zone, C C BACK TO CONTENTS Datums and datum system A datum is established from a datum feature (1), identified on the drawing with an indicator triangle: – attached to a dimension line (directly or indirectly), if the feature is a feature of size (e.g.: datum feature C and F); – not attached to a dimension line, if the feature is not a feature of size (e.g.: A, B or E). An ideal feature (2) (associated feature) will be fitted to this datum feature with or without constraints. To define the datum, only situation features (4) for the associated feature will be retained, i.e. a collection comprising a plane (PL), and /or a straight line (SL) and /or a point (PT) allowing to locate and orientate an ideal feature in space. If a datum consists of at least two situation features (point, straight line, and/or plane), then it is possible to only use one or two from the list, using the modifiers ([PL], [SL] or [PT]). These datums are used to constrain the orientation or the location of the tolerance zone, or even define other features such as intersection or orientation planes. a) b) The indicator triangle D indicates the datum feature (1). The primary datum D corresponds to the set (4) of a straight line [SL] and a point [PT]. The primary datum D followed by [SL] only corresponds to the straight line. 1: datum feature 2: associated feature A datum locks all degrees of freedom it can constrain (orientation and position: angle and distance). The modifier >< shall be indicated to constrain only the orientations and let free the possible location constraints. 3: gauge plane 4: datum (D) 5: datum (B) B >< 6: tolerance zone of specification b) B Common datum B-C Datum system B C 36 For specification a), it shall use the gauge plane (3) ([SL]+[PT] of D are considered). For specification b), it shall not to use the gauge plane (3) (only [SL] of D is considered). 37 Datums ISO 5459: 2011 Single datum Geometrical specifications The datums are identified by the tolerance frame via: BACK TO CONTENTS Datum system and common datums A common datum (e.g.: B-C) is established from at least 2 datum features without an order of priority in the order of association (simultaneous associations), with orientation and location constraints between the associated features. A datum system is defined by an ordered collection of single or common datums, defining a priority in the association (introducing orientation constraints only for the following datums) in the order defined in the tolerance frame. The feature associated with the secondary datum feature is only constrained in terms of orientation from the primary datum. The tertiary datum will also be constrained by the primary and then the secondary datum. Association constraints relating to the size of an associated feature or orientation and location constraints between situation features of associated features depend on the indications of the tolerance frame. Association constraints relating to the size of an associated feature or orientation and location constraints between situation features of associated features depend on the indications given in the tolerance frame. Median plane Intersecting straight line Primary plane Intersecting straight line (1) tangent plane associated with the real surface; (2) associated tangent plane constrained to 90° compared to 1; (4) tangent planes simultaneously associated with an orientation constrained at 90°; (3) associated cylinder, with its axis constrained to be parallel to 1. 38 C B B A Primary plane Intersecting straight line Primary plane Projection of the cylinder axis The above examples define the common datums or datum system as a collection of a plane [PL] (5) and a straight line [SL] (6). A common datum or a datum system corresponds to the collection of situation features which cannot lead to the maximum to a set of a plane [PL], a straight line [SL], and a point [PT]. In these examples, this set is a plane (5) and a straight line (6). 39 Datums ISO 5459: 2011 B C Geometrical specifications B-C BACK TO CONTENTS Restricted datums features and partial datum targets If the datum feature is only partially considered, then a restriction must be defined: – directly on the surface, or – via datum targets, or – moveable datum target (in the direction of the mobility indicator). 40 41 Datums ISO 5459: 2011 Note: The interface between the contact feature (CF) and the part gives datum targets datums which are nominally portions of surfaces, lines or points. The modifier [DV] can be used to release the fixed distance used by default to establish a common datum. Geometrical specifications The datums are defined by associating a feature with perfect shape (associated feature), which has the nominal geometry of the datum feature by default, unless the modifier [CF] is used, in which case the geometry is described on the drawing. CHECKS AND MEASUREMENTS Memo Examples and meaning CA R Edition 2018 NO T CONTENTS - Examples and meaning Types of geometrical specifications REMINDER “Constraint” The term “constraint” is used if a feature is associated for orientation or positioning purposes. The notion of requirement will sometimes be used instead of constraint to simplify understanding. Straightness 4 Flatness 6 Roundness 8 Cylindricity 10 Profile of line 12 Profile of surface 14 Profile of line – profile of surface constrained in orientation only 16 CZ/SZ Parallelism – Perpendicularity – Angularity Position 20 Position with CZ or SZ Coaxiality – Concentricity The standard refers to an “offset profile”, considering that the offset is applied at every point of the feature considered, depending on the direction of the normal vectors. 22 24 Symmetry “Offset profile” 18 with CZ/SZ 26 Circular run-out 28 Total run-out 30 Modifiers Maximum material – Least material – Reciprocity 32 Free state (of restrained condition) A 36 Projected tolerance 38 AM L R M L RF F ACZ P P A , Combined zone , C CZ CUZ A A VA , Modifier A C Collection plane C a b C A +a A PPP CZR and SIM , Modifier P SZ/CZ/CZR , Sequence b B P P a b Undefined aedge + b b Edge of undefined shape 42 44 Intersection plane – Orientation plane A B C +a 40 UZ Czone – Offset zone , Asymmetric C AAA A MMMLL LRRR M L R FFF F CZ CZ A CZ CZ UZ L UZ RUZ M A 46 48 50 52 UZ L R M F F CZ CZ UZ UZ 54 Glossary 56 +a Memob ISO-GPS Specification GD & T (first part) 3 BACK TO CONTENTS Type of geometrical specifications MEANING EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 1 2 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Straightness 3 TYPE SPECIFICATIONS 5 4 Toleranced feature (1: integral feature): any extracted integral line, intersection between the real specified surface (3) and a plane (4) passing through the axis (5) of the associated feature. Tolerance zone (2): Space between two parallel straight lines at a distance of 0.3 mm and co-planar to the intersection plane (4), and adjusting to the toleranced feature with no external constraint. TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral (line) Derived (line) USABLE MODIFIER 1 2 3 EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A M L R F CZ UZ Toleranced feature (1: derived feature): Extracted axis (1) of the real specified surface (3). Tolerance zone (2): Space within a cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 mm and adjusting to the toleranced feature with no external constraint. A 4 M L R 5 BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE MEANING Type of geometrical specifications ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Flatness TYPE SPECIFICATIONS The toleranced feature is the portion (3) of the extracted integral surface (1) defined by the intersection with a cylinder (2) with a radius 9 mm. The tolerance zone is the space between two parallel planes at a distance of 0.03 mm, with no external constraint (no datum). TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral (surface) Derived (surface) USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A A M M LL R R FF CZ CZ UZ UZ The toleranced feature is the extracted integral surface at the base of the counterbore (2). The tolerance zone is the space between two parallel planes at a distance of 0.03 mm (1), with no external constraint (no datum). A 6 M L F R 7 BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE MEANING Type of geometrical specifications ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Roundness TYPE SPECIFICATIONS TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral (line) Derived In the case of non-cylindrical or spherical revolute surfaces, the direction feature shall be indicated USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS The toleranced feature (1) is any extracted integral line corresponding to the intersection between the extracted integral surface (3) and a plane (4) perpendicular to the axis of the associated cone (5). The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two co-planar and concentric circles at a distance of 0.05 mm (the diameter varies for each section). A A M M LL R R FF CZ CZ UZ UZ In the case of a cylindrical and spherical surface, the direction feature shall not be indicated. A 8 M L R 9 BACK TO CONTENTS MEANING The toleranced feature (1) is a defined portion of complete extracted integral surface starting 8 mm from the collar, on an extend of 80 mm. The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two portions of co-axial cylinders at a radial distance of 0.05 mm and with a length of 20 mm moving along the toleranced feature, and adjusted to this feature with no external constraint. GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Cylindricity TYPE SPECIFICATIONS TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral (surface) Derived USABLE MODIFIER The toleranced feature (1) is the complete extracted integral surface. EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A A M M LL R R FF CZ CZ UZ UZ The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two co-axial cylinders at a radial distance of 0.05 mm and adjusted to the toleranced feature with no external constraint. A 10 M L R 11 Type of geometrical specifications EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE MEANING Type of geometrical specifications ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Profile of line The toleranced feature (1) is any extracted integral line partitionned from the outline (unified feature of the outline). The tolerance zone (2) corresponds to the space between two co-planar profile lines (3) at a distance of 0.04 defined as equidistant from a feature with the same dimensions as the nominal profile line (4), whose dimensions have been defined by the theoretical exact dimensions. TYPE SPECIFICATIONS TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral line Derived line USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A M L R F Note: the theoretical exact dimensions are given CZof the model). by the CAD model (digital make-up UZ 12 The toleranced feature (1) is any extracted integral line considered in any intersection plane (5) parallel to the specified datum plane C. The tolerance zone (2) corresponds to the space between two co-planar profile lines (3) (intersection plane) at a distance of 0.06 defined as equidistant from a feature with the same dimensions as the nominal profile line (4), according to the digital definition of the model. 13 A BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE MEANING Type of geometrical specifications ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Profile of surface TYPE SPECIFICATIONS The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface. The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two cones (3) at a distance of 0.04 defined as equidistant from the nominal surface profile (4) (30° cone angle), which is constrained with reference to the datum system (B/A); i.e. the zone axis must be perpendicular to the datum plane B and co-axial to the datum A (constrained itself perpendicular to datum B). TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral surface Derived surface USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A M L F CZ UZ 14 R The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface. The tolerance zone (2) corresponds to the space between two profile surfaces (3) at a distance of 0.05 defined as equidistant from a feature with the same dimensions as the nominal profile surface (a sphere with a diameter of 20 in this case). 15 A BACK TO CONTENTS 3 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Type of geometrical specifications MEANING EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 2 Symbols: Profile of line 1 4 5 Profile of surface The toleranced feature (1) is any extracted integral line from the outline (unified feature of outline). The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two co-planar profile lines (3) at a distance of 0.04 defined as equidistant from a feature with the nominal shape (sized to the theoretical exact dimensions), constrained only orientated at an angle of 105° from datum M (5). TYPE SPECIFICATIONS TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived 1 2 USABLE MODIFIER 5 4 EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A A M M LL R R FF CZ CZ UZ UZ 16 A 3 The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface. The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two cones (3) at a distance of 0.04 defined as equidistant from the nominal surface profile (4) (30° cone angle), which must be only constrained orientated perpendicular to the single datum B (5). 17 BACK TO CONTENTS Type of geometrical specifications MEANING EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbols: Parallelism Perpendicularity a) Angularity TYPE SPECIFICATIONS c) TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived b) (nominally a plane or straight line) The toleranced feature is for: – a) the extracted integral surface (of the inclined face): 1a; – b) the extracted integral surface (of the rear face): 1b; – c) the extracted derived feature (extracted axis of the hole, see ISO 17450-3): 1c. USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A M L F CZ UZ 18 R The tolerance zone is the space included in for: – a) and b) between planes at a distance of 0.3 mm (3a) and 0.1 mm (3b) respectively; – c) a cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 mm (3c); which must be: – a) at an angle of 115° – b) parallel – c) perpendicular at the single datum A (2) (material external tangent plan). 19 BACK TO CONTENTS MEANING EXAMPLE Type of geometrical specifications ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: a) Position TYPE SPECIFICATIONS The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral feature (1a: side face, 1b: bottom face). “The” tolerance zone is the space between the 2 parallel planes at a distance of: - a): 0.4 mm (3a); - b): 0.1 mm (3b). whose median feature must be: - a): located at 42 mm from the datum A (2); - b): constrained, from the A/B/C datum system, perpendicular to A and C and at a distance of 30 mm from the specified datum B (2’) which must be constrained perpendicular to the datum A. b) TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived USABLE MODIFIER B 18 A EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS 25 ±0,07 E R12,5 A M L R F 2,5 12 H12 CZ a) 0,2 A UZ 0,6 A B b) The toleranced feature is the extracted axis of the hole (see ISO 17450-3). The tolerance zone (1) is the space in a cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 for a) and 0.6 for b), whose median feature must be located for: – a) and b) at 2.5 mm from the datum A (2) a) (median plane for the two opposing faces); – b) at 18 mm from the datum B constrained perpendicular to A (for a) and with no distance constraint from B. A 20 M L R 21 ISO 1101:2017 and ISO 5458 : 2018 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Type of geometrical CZ/SZ specifications BACK TO CONTENTS MEANING EXAMPLE CZ/SZ CZ ou SZ Position avec CZ/SZ avec CZ/SZ TYPE SPECIFICATIONS The toleranced feature (1) is the group of 4 extracted axes. nx nx TOLERANCED FEATURE Note: ISO 5458:2018 now uses the location symbol to stipulate when the specification applies to several features and that the datum system does not fully constrain the tolerance zone to indicate modifier SZ or CZ or CZR. The tolerance zone (2) is the group (combined zone) of 4 individual tolerance zones (space within a cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 mm), which must be positioned with respect to each other, regardless of other features. Integral Derived For a) For b) USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS a) b) A M L F CZ UZ 22 A R For a): with the modifier SZ, each of the 4 extracted axes considered separatly (1’), is required to be part of a tolerance zone (2’), which must be positioned exclusively from to the datum A (3) (axis of the maximum inner diameter of the cylinder). For b): with the modifier CZ, all extracted axes (1), considered together (combined), must be positioned with respect to each other and with respect to the datum A (3). 23 BACK TO CONTENTS Type of geometrical specifications MEANING EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 3 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Coaxiality Concentricity TYPE SPECIFICATIONS For any cross section defined, (1) in this case, as a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder (3) associated with the datum feature B, the toleranced feature is the centre of the associated circle according to the least squares (see ISO 17450-3) at the extracted integral line in each cross section. The tolerance zone (2) is the space within a circle with a diameter of 0.2 mm, which must be concentric around the specified datum B established in each section by the centre of the maximum inscribed circle. TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A M L R F CZ UZ The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted axis of the cone. The tolerance zone (2) is within a cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 mm, which must be co-axial to the datum B (3). A 24 M L R 25 BACK TO CONTENTS MEANING Type of geometrical specifications EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: a) Symmetry The toleranced feature is for: a: the extracted median surface (1a); b: the set of the two extracted axes (for holes) (1b). The tolerance zone is the space included in for: a: between two planes at a distance of 0.1 mm (2a); b: in a common cylinder with a diameter 0.2 mm (2b). The tolerance zone must be symmetrical around the datum A (3) for a) & b) and perpendicular to datum B for b) only. TYPE SPECIFICATIONS b) TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral (not prohibited) Derived USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A M L R F CZ UZ The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted median surface (from the groove). The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two planes at a distance of 0.2 mm, where the median feature (3) is constrained from to the datum system A/B/C; perpendicular to the upper tangent plane A and symmetric to the datums B & C, which are the axes of the maximum inscribed cylinders of the cylinders constrained to be perpendicular to the datum A. A 26 M L R 27 BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE MEANING Type of geometrical specifications ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: The toleranced feature (3) is any extracted line established by a cylinder (2) co-axial to the datum K (1) (taken individually). The tolerance zone (4) is the space between two circles with the same radius (as cylinder 2) and equidistant by 0.1 mm, which must be perpendicular to the datum D (1). Circular run-out (simple) TYPE SPECIFICATIONS TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived USABLE MODIFIER The toleranced feature (3) is any extracted line for an intersection plane (2) perpendicular to the common specified datum A-B (1) (taken individually). The tolerance zone (4) is the space between two concentric circles at a distance of 0.1 mm in the intersection plane (2), which must be co-axial to the datum A-B (1). EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A A M M LL R R FF CZ CZ UZ UZ The toleranced feature (3) is any extracted line for a 2 angle cone co-axial to the datum C (1) (taken individually). The tolerance zone (4) is the space between two parallel circles at a distance of 0.1 mm, which must have their centers on the datum C (1). A 28 M L R 29 BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE MEANING Type of geometrical specifications ISO 1101: 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol: Total run-out TYPE SPECIFICATIONS The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface. The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two cylinders equidistant by 0.1 mm, which must be co-axial to the common datum A-B (3). TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A A M M LL R R FF CZ CZ UZ UZ The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface. The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two planes at a distance of 0.1 mm, which must be perpendicular at the datum D (3). A 30 M L R 31 BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE ISO 2692 : 2014 MEANING See note MODIFIER Maximum material Reciprocity Breaks with the independency principle by creating a link with the dimensional specifications. Without the maximum material modifier, a part of the conformance zone (4) cannot be used to allow the part to be assembled. A M L A M L A M L TOLERANCED FEATURE modify the nature of toleranced feature from derived to integral Note: with the maximum material, if the diameter of the toleranced feature is greater than the maximum material dimension (12 mm) (for a borehole), then the geometrical tolerance allocated to the extracted axis will depend on the dimensions of the feature (see dynamic diagram, no longer used since end-2006). See note Note: reciprocity applies as a complement to the other two modifiers & The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface (with the maximum material, the toleranced feature is no longer the derived feature). The tolerance zone (2) is the space outside of the cylinder with a diameter of 11.8 mm (12 - 0.2), which must be perpendicular to the datum C (3). F R F CZ R UZ CZ R UZ F CZ Without the least material modifier, part of the tolerance zone (4) cannotUZ be used to allow the part to fulfil its expected role. 32 The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface (with the least material, the toleranced feature is no longer the derived feature). The tolerance zone (2) is the space within a cylinder with a diameter of 12.38 mm (12.18 + 0.2), which must be perpendicular to the specified datum C (3). Note: with the least material, if the diameter of the toleranced feature is less than the least material dimension (12.18 mm) (for a borehole), then the geometrical tolerance allocated to the extracted axis will depend on the dimensions of the feature (see dynamic diagram, no longer used since end-2006). 33 Modifier Least material BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE ISO 2692 : 2014 MEANING MODIFIER Least material Reciprocity Breaks with the independency principle: by creating a link with the dimensional specifications. The maximum material modifier can be used to define a tolerance zone; a part of the tolerance zone cannot be used to allow the part to be assembled. A M L A M L TOLERANCED FEATURE modify the derived toleranced feature to an integral Note: the dimensions of the feature must always be within the tolerance interval. A M L Note: reciprocity applies as a complement to the other two modifiers (M or L). & The toleranced feature (1) is the combination of two extracted integral surfaces (1a + 1b). The tolerance zone (2) is the space in two cylinders with diameters of 24.15 mm (2a) and 11.95 mm (2b), which shall be co-axial (gauge consisting of a staged “GO” type cylinder). F F R F CZ R UZ CZ R UZ CZ The principle of reciprocity allows any aspect UZ not used for geometrical principles to be transferred to dimensional features. This modifier can be used to establish equivalences with 0 or 0 , but with a narrower dimensional tolerance. 34 The toleranced feature (1) is the combination of two extracted integral surfaces (1a + 1b). The tolerance zone (2) is the space in two cylinders with diameters of 24.15 mm (2a) and 11.95 mm (2b), which must be co-axial (gauge consisting of a staged “GO” type cylinder). Futhermore, the reciprocity modifier transforms the upper or lower tolerance limit of the dimensional specification, by integrating the tolerance of the geometrical specification associated with the least or maximum material modifier (the upper tolerance becomes 24,15 : 24,05 +0,1 in this case). 35 Modifier Maximum material BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE ISO 10579: 2017 MEANING MODIFIER Free state can be used to remove a constraint condition, for the specifications in question, when the rigidity principle does not apply and if only the effect of gravity force is considered. ISO 10579-NR Constraint condition: part placed under a load of 10 daN on a flat surface, in the direction of gravity. If the standard ISO 10579-NR is referred to, any specifications are defined for the constrained condition, unless the modifier is mentioned in dimensional or geometrical specifications, in which case the specifications are defined without using the “free state” (without restrained condition). A M L R F CZ UZ Technical specifications ISO/TS17863 introduces mobility into assemblies. Verification condition no. 1 applies with part 1 considered as fixed (FP) A and to part 2 considered as moveable (MP), while maintaining the orientation M L R of the assembly in the direction of gravity no.1. F CZ Verification condition no. 2 applies with moveable part 1 (MP) and fixed UZ part 2 (FP), while maintaining the orientation of the assembly in the direction of gravity no.2. TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived 1 = FP 1 - MP 2 , G1 2 = FP 2 - MP 1 , G2 36 37 Modifier Free state (no restrained condition) BACK TO CONTENTS M L F ISO 1101: 2017 CZ UZ R EXAMPLE MEANING MODIFIER Projected tolerance CZ UZ The toleranced feature (1) is: - the extension, over a length of 8 mm from the datum plane (3a), of the axis (6) of the cylinder associated with the extracted integral surface, in portion of the axis (6) between the planes (3a & 4). The tolerance zone (2) is the space within a cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 mm constrained to be perpendicular to the primary datum (3a) and positioned 22 mm from the secondary datum (3b) (itself constrained to be perpendicular to the primary datum). The indication of the tertiary datum C followed by modifier , indicates that the tertiary datum (3c) is constructed from the unconstrained portion (7) of the associated feature (5) (the aim is not to associate the extracted integral surface, but to the extend of its associated feature). TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived Note: the theoretical exact dimensions are given by the CAD model (digital make-up of the model). 38 39 A M L R F CZ UZ Modifier F A M L R Can be used to consider the extension (“projection”) of a geometrical feature over a given length BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 MEANING MODIFIER Common zone Combined zone Breaks with the independency principle between several tolerance zones by integrating constraints between the zones in terms of simultaneous orientation and position, to create a “pattern”. Note: this is a special case: the tolerance zone, by definition, comprises two co-axial cylinders with the same diameter, which is equivalent, in this case, to one cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 mm. A M L R F CZ UZ The toleranced feature (1) is the combination of two portions of extracted integral surfaces (1a + 1b). The tolerance zone (2) is the combination of 4 zones included between 2 planes at a distance of 0.2 mm and mutually constrained in terms of orientation (90° or 0°) and position (30 and 50 mm). TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived Note: the constraint between these 4 individual tolerance zones is applied by the modifier CZ, which breaks with the independency principle for these specifications. 40 41 Modifier The toleranced feature (1) is the combination of two extracted axes (1a + 1b). The combined tolerance zone (2) is the space within a cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 mm, whose axis shall be perpendicular to the datum plane (3). BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 A M L TOLERANCED FEATURE The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface (real surface of the sphere). The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two profile surfaces at a distance of 0.2 defined as equidistant from a feature (4) offset towards the internal material (“– ”) by 0.5 mm with respect to the nominal shape of the feature (3) (a sphere with a radius of 20 in this case). A Integral Derived M L R F CZ UZ Variable offset zone (with reference to the nominal definition) a) b) Can be used to offset (+ or –) the nominal shape of an undefined value. TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral Derived b) T he modifier “OZ” has not yet been standardized; its introduction is planned when revising standards ISO 1660 and ISO 1101. 42 The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface (actual surface of the sphere). The tolerance zone (2) is the space between two surfaces at a distance of 0.2 mm for (a) and 0.05 mm for (b) and equidistant from a sphere: – a) with a fixed radius of 19.5 mm; – b) with a variable radius. 43 Modifier A Can be used to offset (+ or –) the nominal shape of a specified value. CZ UZ R CZ UZ F Asymmetric zone (with reference to the nominal definition) R F M L MODIFIER MEANING BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE MEANING Type de spécifications géométriques ISO 1101 : 2017 GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTIC Symbol : Surface profile The toleranced feature (1) is the extracted integral surface. The tolerance zone (2) is the space contained between two surfaces defined as equidistant from a feature (6) having the nominal shape (a cone) with its angle (3) considered as variable (VA) and constrained by the datum system B/A : coaxial to B(4) and located from A(5) at 20 mm by its gauge plane (defined by a diameter of 38 mm). The angular dimensional specification qualifies the global angle of the conical surface with the minimax criteria (Chebyshev) independently of the form deviation of the cone. TYPE SPECIFICATIONS TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral ( line/surface ) dérived USABLE MODIFIER EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS A A M M LL RR FF CZ CZ UZ UZ 44 A Without the VA modifier, the angle (3) of the reference feature, for evaluation, median feature of the tolerance zone) is fixed. The geometrical specification takes into account the effect s of the dimensional variation and the form variations and the orientation/location variation with the datum system. 45 Modifier VA Line profile BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE ISO 1101: 2017 MEANING INDICATION Intersection plane ou Can be used to define a line-type toleranced feature, the intersection between the integral surface and an oriented plane (not positioned). TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral line Derived point or line a) The toleranced feature is an extracted integral line (1a or 1b) corresponding to the intersection between the extracted integral surface and an intersection plane (5a or 5b) constructed using the datum C (4). The tolerance zone (2a or 2b) is the space between two straight lines co-planar with the intersection plane (5a or 5b) distant from the tolerance and which must be: – a: parallel to the datum plane A (3); – b: inclined from datum plane A (3) at a specified angle. Since 2017, the LE (line element) indication is no longer authorized. Orientation plane ou Can be used to orientate a flat tolerance zone, applicable to a derived tolerance feature. a) b) The toleranced feature is the extracted axis (1). The tolerance zone (2a or 2b) is the space between two parallel planes and which must be parallel with the datum A (3) and: – a: perpendicular to the datum plane B (4); – b: parallel to the datum plane B (4). TOLERANCE ZONE 2 planes // oriented 2 straight lines // oriented 46 47 Modifier b) BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE ISO 1101 : 2017 MEANING INDICATION TOLERANCED FEATURE Integral surface or line Derived line or point Accurate theoretical dimensions see CAD model No. CETIM5.0 Note: this symbol requires the use of modifier SZ, UF or CZ. The toleranced feature is the collection of extracted integral surfaces 1a) to 1d), not including 1e), which is nominally parallel to the collection plane. The tolerance zone is a combined zone, i.e. a collection of 4 tolerance zones (2a), 2b, 2c and 2d, positionally and orientationally constrained in respect of each other (CZ) (the dimensions defining the shapes of the features and the constraints are defined using the CAD model). INDICATION All, everywhere (for the entire part) Accurate theoretical dimensions see CAD model No. CETIM5.0 Note: this symbol requires the use of modifier SZ, UF or CZ. 48 The toleranced feature is the collection of all integral surfaces extracted from the part 1a) to 1e). The tolerance zone is a combined zone, i.e. a collection of 5 toleranced zones, 2a to 2e, positionally and orientationally constrained in respect of each other (CZ), the dimensions defining the shapes and the constraints are defined by the CAD model, defining a conformity volume limited by equidistant minimum and maximum borders of the theoretical model. 49 Indication All around (in a given direction defined by a collection plane) BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE MEANING CZR and SIM ISO 5458 : 2018 MODIFIER CZ/SZ/CZR CZ/SZ/ CZR TOLERANCED FEATURE All possibilities SIMi Modifier used to orientationally and positionally constrain the tolerance zones from the specifications related to the same SIM label (example SIM1) CZF For specifications a) and b), the toleranced feature is the collection of extracted integral surfaces 1a). Tolerance zones 2a) or 2b) are the collection of 2 tolerance zones, i.e. the area between two planes and respective distances of 0.05mm and 0.15 mm. The two tolerance zones 2a and 2b respectively are only orientationally constrained in respect of each other (CZR (since the distance between the two zones (2a) is variable), and orientationally and positionally (CZ) (since a distance of 10 mm was imposed between zones 2b) Note: the label number allocated to the SIM modifier can be omitted if there is only one grouping level. For the specifications c), the SIM modifier imposes a position constraint relative to all their tolerance zones: – The toleranced feature is the collection of all extracted integral surfaces 1a) and 1b). The toleranced zone is the collection of 4 tolerance areas, since 2c1 and 2c2 are 0.25 mm and 2c3 and 2c2 are 0.5 mm constrained orientationally and positionally in respect of each other (SIM). 50 51 Modifier CZR Combined zone with constrained orientation only EXAMPLE ISO 5458 : 2018 SZ/CZ/CZR BACK TO CONTENTS MEANING a MODIFIER b Modifier sequence SZ/CZ/CZR Consideration for the repetition of features (example between groups of groups of features) For the specification a) and b), there are four independent groups (SZ). Each group is managed by a combined zone (CZ), composed of 2 cylindrical zones positionally constrained in respect of each other. For specification a), there is no external constraint provided by a datum. However, for specification b) the combined zones are additionally constrained positionally in relation to datum B at 20 mm. Séquence TOLERANCED FEATURE All possibilities c Note 1: here there are four groups A, each composed of two B features. d Note 2: the order of the sequence SZ, CZ, CZR resumes the order above of the specification. As such, in the specification – a) and b) the A groups are considered independently from one another (SZ) and in the A group the B features are not considered to be independent (CZ). – c) and d) the A groups are not considered to be independent from one another (CZ) and naturally in the A groups the B features are not considered to be independent (CZ). 52 For the specification c) and d), there are four groups constrained positionally and orientationally in relation to one another (1st CZ) (3x0° and 3x30 mm). Each group is initially managed by a combined zone (2nd CZ) composed of two cylindrical zones constrained positionally between them. For specification c), there is no external constraint provided by a datum. However, for specification d), the combined zones are additionally constrained positionally in relation to the datum system B B|A at 20 mm and 24 mm respectively. 53 BACK TO CONTENTS EXAMPLE ISO 13715 : 2014 MEANING The Nominal shape of the edge is not indicated (defined) on the drawing, but an edge may exist on the workpiece. The extracted edge must be part of a zone. INDICATION Edge of undefined shape a b The “+” sign authorises more material The zones are not defined precisely in the standard, therefore we have given our widest possible interpretation. The “–” sign authorises less material a b No “vertical” overshooting is authorised (tolerances indicated above the symbol). No “horizontal” overshooting is authorised (tolerances indicated next to the symbol). 54 55 Edge of undefined shape a b BACK TO CONTENTS GLOSSARY GLOSSARY GPS: Geometrical Product Specifications Invariance class: one of seven groups of geometrical features with the same invariance degrees : planar, cylindrical, spherical, revolute, prismatic, helicoidal or complex. Constraint: the term “constraint” is used to establish an associated feature to orientate or locate it. The notion of requirement will sometimes be used instead of constraint to simplify understanding. Dimension line: representation of a dimension on a drawing. Degree of invariance: translation or rotation motion leaving the feature unchanged (considered complete). Single features: geometrical features which cannot be broken down into other features with less degrees of invariance. Toleranced feature: geometrical feature to which a GPS specification is applied. 56 Feature of size: single or composite geometrical feature with having a size considered as variable. Specification uncertainty: “interpretability” of a specification. Correlation uncertainty: imperfection of the correlation between a functional need and a set of specifications. Offset profile: the standard refers to an “offset profile”, considering that the offset is applied at every point of the feature considered, depending on the direction of the normal vector. Tolerance zone: authorised variation area for a toleranced feature having its degrees of freedom constrained or not from datums or datum systems. Datum: collection of a plane, straight line and / or point used to lock one or more degrees of freedom defined from an associated feature*. *Note: a datum is the situation features of an associated feature established from an extracted integral feature. 57 NO T CA R BACK TO CONTENTS Avec le soutien de : Author: Rénald Vincent, Cetim ISO TC 213 / WG 2 and WG 14 convener ISO 5459, ISO 14405-1, ISO 5458… project leader © CENTRE TECHNIQUE DES INDUSTRIES MÉCANIQUES (CETIM), 2018 TECHNICAL CENTER FOR MECHANICAL INDUSTRY ISBN: 978-2-36894-158-4 “This publication may not be reproduced or represented, in part or in whole, by any means, without the permission of CETIM. This would represent a counterfeit. Only reproductions which are strictly reserved for the private use of the copier and not intended for collective use and, furthermore, analyses and short quotations justified by the scientific or informative nature of the target publication, are authorised” (French Code of intellectual property, articles L. 122-5 and L. 335-2). Cover photo credit: Cetim, Ch. Barret Printing: Calligraphy, Châteaubourg 10-31-1614 58 ISO - GPS memo Examples and meanings Edition 2018 “The GPS provides a means of communication whereby designers, production engineers, quality experts, inspectors and metrologists can exchange information on the allowable geometries of workpieces manufactured on the basis of specifications... indicated on a drawing... The associated graphic and symbolic “language” uses the syntax and semantics defined in GPS standards”. This document, which is in the diffusion of GPS system contribute , is intended as a practical resource, a summary of GPS standards on tolerancing, aiming to provide new contributions to the main features contained in the basic tolerancing and dimensioning standards released since the publication of the first Memo. N° Cetim : 4C17 1806–054 ISBN: 978-2-36894-158-4 Centre technique des industries mécaniques 52, avenue Félix-Louat, CS 80067 60304 Senlis Cedex