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National Junior Honor Society Officer Application Form

National Junior Honor Society Officer Application
Complete the following information about your desire and abilities to serve as an officer of the National Honor Society.
Answer each item as completely as possible (incomplete applications will not be reviewed); please only use the space
provided. Completed applications are due to Dr. by Monday, February 26th. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE
ACCEPTED. Elections will take place in the March 6th meeting. Please keep a copy of your complete application to
help you prepare a short (2-3 minute) speech before the elections take place.
Name :______________________________________________________________________
Please consider me for the following position (Check only one):
_____ President
_____ Public Relation Chair
_____ Vice President
_____ Historian
_____ Secretary
______ Parliamentarian
List all school and community clubs/organizations that you are currently involved in or plan to take part in during the
2018-2019 school year:
List any offices held or other specific duties you are responsible for in these organizations:
Please base your answers to the following questions on the office you are seeking.
Why do you want to serve as an officer in the National Honor Society?
What talents and abilities do you possess that would benefit the National Honor Society?
Share your vision for the BASIS MESA Chapter of the National Honor Society for the 2018-2019 school year and
describe how you would contribute to that vision.
Being a National Honor Society officer is a greater commitment than being an active chapter member. Your
attendance is expected at all meetings and activities unless you are absent from school or, have made responsible
arrangements with the adviser prior to the meeting or activity. Additional meetings that consist of only officers are
also held monthly. You will be expected to carry out your responsibilities to the best of your abilities and without
constant reminders.
I am willing to serve as a National Honor Society officer for the 2018-2019 school year.
Student Signature
I will support my child in their responsibilities as a National Honor Society officer for the 2018-2019 school year.
Parent Signature
Summary of the Duties and Responsibilities of Chapter Officers
The President presides at the meetings; initiates activities and sees that they are carried out; appoints committees and sees that they function;
lends continuity to the Chapter; and makes certain that the jobs are distributed among as many of the members as possible. It is also the duty of
the President to oversee the completion of individual service projects. They, along with the Vice President and the Society Advisor, support the
members as they see through their individual service projects and offer assistance when needed. The President should be aware of the
importance of teamwork, able to take the initiative to lead and see things through, and that the distinction of being elected President is an
honor not to be treated lightly. They must possess strong leadership qualities and are service oriented.
Vice President
The Vice President presides in the absence of the President. This officer confers with the President and Society Advisor often and should be kept
informed and involved in the activities. They are the officer that members go to for guidance and direction as the member works through their
individual service project. The Vice President keeps the President and Society Advisor informed on members’ ISP progress.
The Vice president, with the Society Advisor, may also assume the duties of (co)program chair of the induction ceremony. This requires inviting
speakers and making other necessary arrangements (i.e. refreshments, decorations), and seeing that the ceremony is in good order. As a
committed chapter officer, the Vice President can chair particular committees as needed and provide leadership for independent service
projects and activities.
The Secretary keeps the minutes of the meetings, both of the business transacted and of the programs and activities. They send out
announcements of future meetings and the minutes of previous meetings. They work closely with the Public Relations Chair so that the
community stays well informed on the members’ and the Society’s achievements.
Other duties of this officer include corresponding, along with the Chapter Advisor, with the Central Office by sending in the names of new
members and reporting activities, being responsible for local speakers, acting as host or hostess at Chapter programs, and possibly serving as
chair for a particular activity or project. Through the Secretary’s duties, they assist the other officers in their duties.
It is essential to maintain a permanent record of the Chapter's members and activities. Clippings, rosters, programs, correspondence, etc., to be
kept in the Chapter’s Historical Account binder. In years to come, when members now on the scene have gone, these permanent records will
become increasingly valuable. These materials should never be kept at a member's home but in the care of the Chapter Advisor or in a
permanent location at school.
All service hours are turned into the Historian, and it is their duty to update the Society Advisor on member’s progress. They assist members in
calculating their service hours and help to ensure their success as a Society member. A chapter Historian, working closely with the Chapter
Advisor, is elected to handle this important work.
Public Relations Chair
A strong Honors Society should be as visible as possible. The Public Relations officer is assigned the responsibility of keeping the news media
(i.e. the school paper, the school newsletter, etc.) informed of programs, speakers, awards, and honors involving the local Honor Society
chapter. This person should work closely with the Historian, Secretary, school's newspaper, and yearbook staff. It is always important to keep
the Head of School and other school and/or district administrators in the loop. The Public Relations Chair also makes certain that fliers and
banners are posted and that announcements concerning chapter events are made in a timely fashion. They, with the direction of the Society
Advisor, organize members’ volunteer opportunities as they arise. The Public Relations Chair is an important position made for the outgoing
member who wants to see the Society succeed in the public’s eye.
The Parliamentarian should work with the advisor to establish guidelines for proper meeting conduct and behavior, ensure that order is
maintained and procedures are correctly followed at all meetings, be proficient with parliamentary procedures (Robert’s Rules of Order), rule
on all questions of parliamentary conduct at chapter meetings, speak at the induction ceremony, set an example of scholarship, leadership,
character and service for others to follow.
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