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Video 1 Candidate A - Level 3 comments
Video 1 Candidate B - Level 5 comments
Video 1 Candidate C - Level 3 comments
Video 1 Candidate D - Level 2 comments
Video 2 Candidate A - Level 2 comments
Video 2 Candidate B - Level 3 comments
Video 2 Candidate C - Level 3 comments
Video 2 Candidate D - Level 4 comments
For the 2017 samples of performance for English Language Paper 4, four videos have been provided
for teachers’ reference. In the table below is a summary of the levels assigned to candidates in each
group. Comments on the performance of the candidates are given for the first two videos only.
While the videos have been selected to illustrate the performance typical of each level, please be
reminded that the overall performance of each candidate is an aggregate of their performance in the
public examination and School Based Assessment.
Candidate / Level of Performance
Question Paper / Version
Candidate A – L3
2017 – Eng Lang Paper 4 - 1.2
Candidate B – L5
Giving money to parents?
Candidate C – L3
Candidate D – L2
Candidate A – L2
2017 – Eng Lang Paper 4 - 4.3
Candidate B – L3
Students withdrawing from society
Candidate C – L3
Candidate D – L4
Candidate A – L2
2017 – Eng Lang Paper 4 – 2.3
Candidate B – L1
Too many signals?
Candidate C – L5
Candidate D – L3
Candidate A – L4
2017 – Eng Lang Paper 4 – 5.2
Candidate B – L2
Foods to enhance your mood
Candidate C – L3
Candidate D – L1
Video 1
Level 3
Candidate A
Question Paper: 1.2 – Giving money to parents?
Pronounces sounds and words clearly
Speaks reasonably fluently although there is some hesitation when attempting more
complex language patterns
Makes use of generally accurate and appropriate language patterns
Uses some appropriate strategies to respond to others
Expresses some relevant ideas, with elaboration
Level 5
Candidate B
Question Paper: 1.2 – Giving money to parents?
Clear pronunciation and uses stress and intonation with some sophistication to enhance
Speaks fluently and naturally
Listens and responds purposefully to others
Language patterns are accurate and vocabulary is varied and appropriate
Relevant ideas are clearly expressed and developed
Level 3
Candidate C
Question Paper: 1.2 – Giving money to parents?
Speaks reasonably fluently, although weak language patterns affect communication
Attempts to express relevant ideas with elaboration
Listens and actively engages in the discussion
Uses basic language patterns and appropriate vocabulary
Level 2
Candidate D
Question Paper: 1.2 – Giving money to parents?
Fluency is limited and voice projection is weak
Expresses some relevant simple ideas
Some basic language patterns are used in brief exchanges with a small range of simple
Basic communication strategies are used to respond to others
Video 2
Level 2
Candidate A
Question Paper: 4.3 – Students withdrawing from society
Generally clear pronunciation of sounds and words but fluency is limited
Attempts to express simple relevant ideas, sometimes successfully
Some simple formulaic expressions are used to respond to others
Does not have strong control of language patterns, which affects communication
Level 3
Candidate B
Question Paper: 4.3 – Students withdrawing from society
Pronounces words well enough to be understood most of the time
Speaks reasonably fluently but hesitates when attempting more complex language patterns
without any preparation
Makes use of simple language patterns accurately with appropriate use of vocabulary
Expresses some relevant ideas clearly, with elaboration
Level 3
Candidate C
Question Paper: 4.3 – Students withdrawing from society
Pronounces most words clearly
Tries not to rely on notes and speak naturally but hesitation sometimes affects
Uses strategies to initiate and maintain interaction, sometimes effectively
Makes use of generally accurate and appropriate language patterns
Expresses a range of relevant ideas
Level 4
Candidate D
Question Paper: 4.3 – Students withdrawing from society
Pronounces most words clearly
Speaks reasonably fluently although there is some hesitation in longer utterances
Listens and engages in the discussion
Makes varied and generally appropriate use of vocabulary and language patterns
Expresses some relevant ideas, and attempts to elaborate and develop further