Uploaded by Malika Nurkhanova

Аурулар мен сырқаттар: оқу құралы

Objective: Students will be
able to identify common
ailments and illnesses and
understand how to prevent
and treat them.
• The student is able to correctly use new vocabulary related to
ailments and illnesses in their written or spoken responses.
• The student demonstrates an understanding of key concepts
related to ailments and illnesses, such as the symptoms, causes,
and prevention methods for different conditions.
• The student is able to communicate their understanding of
ailments and illnesses effectively, using clear and concise language
in their written or spoken responses.
1.A sore throat – тамақ ауруы, больное горло
2.A stomach ache – іш ауруы, боль в животе
3.A cough – жөтел, кашель
4.A headache – бас ауруы, головная боль
5.A cold – суық тию, простуда
6.A temperature – дене қызуы, температура
7.A rash – дене бөртпесі, сыпь
8.an earache – құлақ ауруы, боль в ухе
A cough
A rash
A headache
A temperature
A stomachache
An earache
Make a dialogue
Follow the link and do the task. You have to match
the picture to the phrases.