Uploaded by Herald Mandeoya

Desiderata Reading Log: Vocabulary, Summary, & Impression

NAME: Herald P. Mandeoya Jr.
Reading Log
Title: Desiderata
Author:Max Ehrmann
URL: https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html
Vocabulary / Words
1. placidly
2. dull
3. vexatious
4. feign
5. cynical
6. aridity
7. disenchantment
8. perennial
9. wholesome
10. strive
1. in a calm and peaceful way
2. lacking interest or excitement
3. causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry
4. pretend to be affected by a feeling, state, or injury
5. having a sneering disbelief in sincerity
6. dryness or the state of being very dry
7. a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously
respected or admired
8. lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time
9. conducive to or promoting moral well-being.
10. make great efforts to achieve or obtain something
Sentences: (The new vocabulary / words must be in bold.)
1. Edgar placidly gave himself up to the police.
2. Your attitude is so dull and boring.
3. Your friends are so loud and vexatious.
4. Salvie feign that she has a fever just so she could go home early.
5. Rolly is always cynical when it comes to love.
6. The trees in the park are in the state of aridity because the weather is so hot.
7. The growing feeling of disenchantment when saw your past girlfriend with her new boyfriend.
8. Bacteria is perennial because it is the first living organism that existed.
9. Amy is having a wholesome picnic with her family at the park.
10.Mary thinks she must strive and study harder because she became a scholar.
Summary of the poem: (20 sentences or more) - Main Idea and Supporting Details
Desiderata is a 46 line poem about the ups and downs of life.The poem inspire people to keep doing what makes
them happy. The poem says that we always need to be calm and collected in the midst of life struggles. That even
person have their own story even the dull and the arrogant. It also reminds us to never compare ourself to anyone
because everyone has different goals and plans. Keep interested in your own career to become more successful and
become the best version of yourself. Also to be cautious of your business affairs because not everyone is trustworthy as
you think. Some people likes to act nice to you only when they need something from you. Once they have done/got
what they need, they’ll leave and forget that you even existed. Do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Always think
positive no matter how bad your situation is. Be gentle to yourself no need to overdo yourself to whatever you are
doing. Take your time to do your task thoroughly and nicely. You have a right to be here don’t let anybody tell you
otherwise. You have a purpose and keep doing what you do best. Be at peace with God. The more you get close to
him, the more he can help you. Our world might be not perfect, but its still a beautiful world. The key for a better future
is in our hands. Be cheerful and always strive to be happy.
What do you think about the poem(impression)?
-The poem is great, Max Ehrmann did a really great job. The poem is so realistic so that’s
inspire us to keep striving in the midst of struggling in life. It shows the ups and downs of
encourages us to keep living and keep that what we do best, that we have a purpose and
reason. As long as you’re happy and not hurting anyone on what you’re doing, keep doing
because at the end of the day all you have is yourself.
why its so relateable. It
living but the poem
everything happends for a
what makes you happy