Student: ___________________ Class: _________ Subject: ________Math_________ CATEGORY Mathematical Concepts 7-6 Explanation shows complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the addition or subtraction problem(s). 5-4 Explanation shows substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the addition or subtraction problem(s). 3-2 Explanation shows some understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the addition or subtraction problem(s). 1 Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the addition or subtraction problem(s) OR is not written. Mathematical Reasoning Uses complex and refined mathematical reasoning to solve the problem(s). Uses effective mathematical reasoning to solve the problem(s). Some evidence of mathematical reasoning to solve the problem(s). Little evidence of mathematical reasoning to solve the problem(s). Mathematical Errors 90-100% of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors. Almost all (85-89%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors. Most (75-84%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors. More than 75% of the steps and solutions have mathematical errors. Neatness and Organization The work is presented in a neat, clear, organized fashion that is easy to read. The work is presented in a neat and organized fashion that is usually easy to read. The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times. The work appears sloppy and unorganized. It is hard to know what information goes together. Diagrams and Sketches Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and greatly add to the reader\’s understanding of the procedure(s). Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and easy to understand. Diagrams and/or sketches are somewhat difficult to understand. Diagrams and/or sketches are difficult to understand or are not used. Completion All problems are completed. All but one of the problems are completed. All but two of the problems are completed. Several of the problems are not completed. Mathematical Terminology and Notation Correct terminology and notation are always used, making it easy to understand what was done. Correct terminology and notation are usually used, making it fairly easy to understand what was done. Correct terminology and notation are used, but it is sometimes not easy to understand what was done. There is little use, or a lot of inappropriate use, of terminology and notation. Strategy/Procedures Typically, uses an efficient and effective strategy to solve the problem(s). Typically, uses an effective strategy to solve the problem(s). Sometimes uses an effective strategy to solve problems, but does not do it consistently. Rarely uses an effective strategy to solve problems. Teacher Comments: TOTAL Points Student: ___________________ Class: _________ Subject: _____English Language/Reading_______ Criteria Points 7-6 5-4 3-2 1 Assignment Completeness All items attempted 9/10 of items attempted. At least 1/2 of the items attempted. Less than 1/2 of all items attempted. ____ Accuracy All items are correct. 9/10 of items are correct. Between 1/2 and 9/10 of items are correct. Less than 1/2 of all items are correct. ____ Shows substantial understanding of the problem, ideas, and processes. Response shows some understanding of the problem. Response shows a complete lack of understanding for the problem. ____ Does not meet the requirements of the problem. 4 ____ Writing is not legible in places. Writing is not legible. ____ Total----> ____ Demonstrated Knowledge Requirements Legibility Shows complete understanding of the questions, mathematical ideas, and processes. Goes beyond the requirements of the problem. Legible handwriting, typing, or printing .. Meets the requirements of the problem. Marginally legible handwriting, typing, or printing. Teacher Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Student: ___________________ Class: _________ Subject: _____English Language _______ CATEGORY Grammar & Spelling (Conventions) 7-6 Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5-4 Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 3-2 Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 1 Writer makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Penmanship (Conventions) Paper is neatly written or typed with no distracting corrections. The writing is generally readable, but the reader has to exert quite a bit of effort to figure out some of the words. Many words are unreadable OR there are several distracting corrections. Capitalization & Punctuation (Conventions) Writer makes no errors in capitalization or punctuation, so the paper is exceptionally easy to read. Paper is neatly written or typed with 1 or 2 distracting corrections (e.g.,dark crossouts; bumpy white-out, words written over). Writer makes 1 or 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation, but the paper is still easy to read. Writer makes a few errors in capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader\'s attention and interrupt the flow. Writer makes several errors in capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader\'s attention and greatly interrupt the flow. Sentence Structure (Sentence Fluency) Sentence Structure (Sentence Fluency) All sentences are wellconstructed with varied structure. Most sentences are wellconstructed with varied structure. Most sentences are wellconstructed but have a similar structure. Sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling. All sentences are wellconstructed with varied structure. Most sentences are wellconstructed with varied structure. Most sentences are wellconstructed but have a similar structure. Sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling. Teacher comments: Total Points Student: ___________________ Class: _________ Subject: _____Reading_______ CATEGORY Focus on story/article 7-6 Student is focused in the story. There\'s no looking around or flipping through the pages. 5-4 Student seems to be enjoying and moving through the story, but takes some short breaks. 3-2 Student seems to be reading the story, but doesn't seem to be very interested. Takes a few short breaks. 1 Pretends to read the story. Mostly looks around or fiddles with things. Tries to understand Stops reading when it doesn't make sense and reads parts again. Looks up words s/he doesn't know. Student knows the title of the story as well as the names and descriptions of the important characters. Can tell approximately when and where the story happened. Student accurately describes what has happened in the story and tries to predict \"what will happen next.\" Stops reading when it doesn't make sense and tries to use strategies to get through the tricky spots or to figure out new words. Student knows the names and descriptions of the important characters and where the story takes place. Stops reading when it doesn't make sense and asks for assistance. Gives up entirely OR plows on without trying to understand the story. Student knows the names OR descriptions of the important characters in the story. Student has trouble naming and describing the characters in the story. Student accurately describes what has happened in the story. Student accurately describes most of what happened in the story. Student has difficulty retelling the story. Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story and points out some pictures or words to support his interpretation without being asked. Paper is neatly written or typed with no distracting corrections. Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story, but does not provide support for the interpretation unless asked. Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story, but does NOT provide good support for the interpretation, even when asked The writing is generally readable, but the reader has to exert quite a bit of effort to figure out some of the words. Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Student cannot describe how different characters might have felt at different points in the story. Understands story elements Thinks about the story/article Thinks about the characters Penmanship Grammar & Spelling (Conventions) Teacher comments: Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Paper is neatly written or typed with 1 or 2 distracting corrections (e.g.,dark cross-outs; bumpy white-out, words written over). Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Many words are unreadable OR there are several distracting corrections. Writer makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Total Points Student: ___________________ Class: _________ Subject: CATEGORY Calígrafa (Convenciones) 7-6 El texto está claramente escrito sin ninguna corrección que llame la atención. Gramática y Ortografía (Convenciones) El estudiante no comete errores de gramática u ortografía que distraigan al lector del contenido. Todas las oraciones están bien construidas y tienen una estructura variada. _____Español_______ 5-4 El texto está claramente escrito con 1 ó 2 correcciones que llaman la atención (por ejemplo, tachaduras, manchones de corrección blancos, palabras escritas sobre otras). El estudiante comete de 1-2 errores de gramática u ortografía lo que distrae al lector del contenido. 3-2 La escritura en general es legible, pero el lector tiene que esforzarse un poco para comprender algunas palabras. 1 Muchas palabras son difíciles de leer o hay varias correcciones que llaman la atención. El estudiante comete de 3-4 errores de gramática u ortografía que distraen al lector del contenido. La mayoría de las oraciones están bien construidas, pero tienen una estructura similar. Uso de Mayúsculas y Puntuación (Convenciones) El estudiante no comete errores en el uso de mayúsculas o en la Puntuación, por lo que el trabajo es excepcionalmente fácil de leer. El estudiante comete 1 ó 2 errores en el uso de mayúsculas o en la Puntuación, pero el trabajo todavía es fácil de leer. El estudiante comete pocos errores en el uso de mayúsculas y/o en la Puntuación lo que llama la atención del lector e interrumpe el flujo de información. El estudiante comete más de 4 errores de gramática u ortografía que distraen al lector del contenido. A las oraciones les falta estructura y parecen estar incompletas o no tener sentido. El estudiante comete varios errores en el uso de mayúsculas y/o en la Puntuación lo que llama la atención e interrumpe en gran medida el flujo de información. Gramática y Ortografía (Convenciones) El estudiante no comete errores de gramática u ortografía que distraigan al lector del contenido. El estudiante comete de 1-2 errores de gramática u ortografía lo que distrae al lector del contenido. El estudiante comete de 3-4 errores de gramática u ortografía que distraen al lector del contenido. El estudiante comete más de 4 errores de gramática u ortografía que distraen al lector del contenido. Estructura de la Oración (Fluidez de la Oración) Todas las oraciones están bien construidas y tienen una estructura variada. La mayoría de las oraciones están bien construidas y tienen una estructura variada. La mayoría de las oraciones están bien construidas, pero tienen una estructura similar. Uso de Mayúsculas y Puntuación (Convenciones) El estudiante no comete errores en el uso de mayúsculas o en la puntuación, por lo que el trabajo es excepcionalmente fácil de leer. El estudiante comete 1 ó 2 errores en el uso de mayúsculas o en la puntuación, pero el trabajo todavía es fácil de leer. El estudiante comete pocos errores en el uso de mayúsculas y/o en la puntuación lo que llama la atención del lector e interrumpe el flujo de información. A las oraciones les falta estructura y parecen estar incompletas o no tener sentido. El estudiante comete varios errores en el uso de mayúsculas y/o en la puntuación lo que llama la atención e interrumpe en gran medida el flujo de información. Estructura de la Oración (Fluidez de la Oración) La mayoría de las oraciones están bien construidas y tienen una estructura variada. Comentarios del Docente: Total Points Student: ___________________ Class: _________ Subject: _____Science_______ CATEGORY Quality of Work 7-6 Provides work of the highest quality. 5-4 Provides high quality work. 3-2 Provides work that occasionally needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality. 1 Provides work that usually needs to be checked/redone by others to ensure quality. Problem-solving Actively looks for solutions to problems. Refines solutions. Does not suggest or refine solutions but is willing to try out solutions suggested by others. Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems. Focus on the task Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very self-directed. Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done Knowledge Gained Student can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the workshop and processes used to solve the workshop. Student can accurately answer about 75% of questions related to facts in the workshop and processes used to create the workshop. Student appears to have insufficient knowledge about the facts or processes used in the workshop. Content Accuracy At least 7 accurate facts are displayed on the workshop. 3-4 accurate facts are displayed on the workshop. Less than 3 accurate facts are displayed on the workshop. Grammar There are no grammatical mistakes on the development of the workshop. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the poster. Student can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the workshop and processes used to create the workshop. 5-6 accurate facts are displayed on the workshop. There are 3 grammatical mistakes on the development of the workshop. There are 3 errors in capitalization or punctuation. There are 4 grammatical mistakes on the development of the workshop. There are more than 5 grammatical mistakes on the development of the workshop. There are 4 errors in capitalization or punctuation. There are more than 5 errors in capitalization or punctuation. Mechanics Teacher comments: Points