Mohamed Issa, PhD (Uppsala, Sweden) Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics Head of Pharmacy Practice Department (PPD) Faculty of Pharmacy, Beirut Arab University (BAU) Medication Errors: Despensing Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Medication Management (use) System Prescribing Monitoring Transcribing Administering Dispensing Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Bates, et al. JAMA. 1995 Major Areas for Medication Errors Medication Errors Reporting Program US Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Medication Management (use) System Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Prescribing Process: The 5 Rights Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Dispensing Errors: Top 3 • Dispensing incorrect medication, dosage strength, or dosage form • Dosage miscalculations • Failure to identify drug interactions or contraindications Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Dispensing Errors: Classification • • • • Commission/omission Mechanical/Judgmental Slip/Mistake Potential/Actual Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Dispensing Errors: Classification Commission/Omission • Dispensing the wrong drug or dose would be an error of commission. • Failure to counsel a patient or screen for drug interactions would be considered an error of omission. Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Dispensing Errors: Classification Mechanical/Judgmental • Mechanical errors are those which occur during the preparation and processing of a prescription. • Judgmental errors, on the other hand, are those involving patient counseling, screening, or monitoring. Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Dispensing Errors: Classification Slip/Mistake • Slips are often caused by distraction. An error related to reliance on automatic behavior, after a distraction has occurred or poor system design, would be considered a slip. • An error due to conscious deliberation, perhaps because of a lack of knowledge, would be considered a mistake. For example, a mistake may occur if a pharmacist does not know that there are 2 strengths of Prozac® available. Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Dispensing Errors: Classification Potential/Actual • Potential errors are those which are detected and corrected prior to the administration of the medication. • Actual errors are those which actually reach the patient. Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Dispensing Errors: Common Causes • Work environment: Workload Distractions Work area • Use of outdated or incorrect references Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Combating Dispensing Errors: Strategies (1) Improve Work Load • Ensure adequate staffing levels • Eliminate dispensing time limits (quotas) Examples of limiting workload: Dispense ≤150 prescriptions per pharmacist per day Require meal and rest breaks every 2–3 hours Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Combating Dispensing Errors: Strategies (2) Control distractions • Prohibit distractions during critical prescription-filling functions • Centralized filling operations • Train support staff to answer the phone Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Combating Dispensing Errors: Strategies (3) Improve working area • Separate by route of administration • Reduce Clutter Ensure adequate space Store products with label facing forward • Enhance lighting and control noise (TV, radio) Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Combating Dispensing Errors: Strategies (4) Maintain a well-designed drug storage • Label facing forward • Separate by route of administration Agents for external use not stored with oral medications • Mark and/or isolate high-alert drugs • Separate sound-alike/look-alike drugs Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Combating Dispensing Errors: Strategies (5) Adopt good dispensing practices • Assess prescriptions for: Clarity: illegible handwriting, nonstandard abbreviations, missing information Drug interactions and allergies Appropriateness of medications and dosage: Highlight unusual dosage form or strength • Ensure independent double checks Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Combating Dispensing Errors: Strategies (6) Adopt useful technologies (pharmacy management software) • Pharmacy management software • Automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs) • Limitations? Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Pharmacy Informatics Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Pharmacy Informatics • The scientific field that focuses on medication-related data and knowledge within the continuum of healthcare systems Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Pharmacy Informatics: Technologies? • • • • • • • • • Automated Dispensing Cabinets Bedside Bar Coding Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMARs) E-Prescribing Inventory Management Systems Robotic IV Automation Smart Pumps Telepharmacy Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) Pharmacy informaticist? • All pharmacists use informatics to some degree. • Pharmacy informaticists apply medication management expertise to the design and development of disciplinespecific systems and software. Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) THANK YOU Mohamed Issa, PhD (2022) ! Mohamed Issa, PhD 2018