Code of Mechanical Engineering Ethics in the Philippines Code of Mechanical Engineering Ethics in the Philippines Pursuant to Section 9 of Commonwealth Act No. 294, as amended, otherwise nown as the Mechanical Engineering !aw, this Code of Mechanical Engineering Ethics is here"# adopted "# the $oard of Mechanical Engineering as part of the %ules and %egulations go&erning the practice of Mechanical Engineering. GENERAL PRINCIPLES %ule '. (he mechanical engineer shall, in the practice of his profession, "e go&erned "# the )olden %ule, the ideals of ser&ice to man and his en&ironment, and the indispensa"ilit# of unwa&ering pu"lic confidence in his professional competence, integrit# and humanit#. %ule 2. (he mechanical engineer shall maintain the proper pride for his profession, o"ser&e the standards of professional practice, safeguard the dignit#, welfare, and reputation of his colleagues in the professions, and fulfill his duties and o"ligations as a citi*en of the %epu"lic of the Philippines. %ule +. (he mechanical engineer shall update and enhance constantl# his professional nowledge and sills through assiduous research and stud#, and meaningful participation in continuing education programs and seminars conducted or authori*ed "# the Philippine Societ# of Mechanical Engineers or educational institutions super&ised "# the State. %ule 4. (he ethical principle go&erning the mechanical engineer applies euall# to partnerships, firms and entities organi*ed and e-isting for the practice of mechanical engineering. RELATIONS WITH THE STATE %ule . (he mechanical engineer shall honor and respect the supreme authorit# of the State, the %ule of !aw, the primac# of the general welfare, the fundamental rights of persons, and the o"ligations and pri&ileges of citi*ens recogni*ed and guaranteed "# the Constitution of the Philippines. %ule /. 0e shall cooperate full# with the State in the pursuit of national de&elopment plans and programs, the in&iola"ilit# of national securit#, the promotion of peace, and the pre&ention and1or prosecution of unust, criminal or unlawful acts and omissions. %ule 3. 0e shall "e read# to render the ser&ices needed for the adeuate and orderl# de&elopment of the resources of the countr#, and to offer his mechanical de&ices and in&entions essential or necessar# for national defense. %ule . 5n a national emergenc#, he shall offer his professional nowledge, sill and e-perience in the ser&ice of the State. RELATIONS WITH THE COMMNIT! %ule 9. (he mechanical engineer shall "e well6informed of the latest technological progress in his own line of wor. 0e shall encourage and reuire the use, or application of standard mechanical euipment, machiner#, or processes for safet#, econom# and efficienc#. %ule '7. 8hene&er he designs a mechanical euipment, machiner# or process, or prepares the la#out of a proect, he must appl# an adeuate factor of safet#, and pro&ide for the necessar# leewa# for proper operating and maintenance conditions. %ule ''. 8hen he disco&ers fault# or unsafe de&ices, euipment, or machiner# in an# place, wor or plant, he shall without dela#, gi&e notice thereof to the proper authorit#, pu"lic or pri&ate, for the immediate and effecti&e correction, regardless of whether or not he is responsi"le for said place, wor or plant. RELATIONS WITH LA"OR %ule '2. (he mechanical engineer shall recogni*e la"or as one of the maor resources of our countr#. 0e must acnowledge that a woring man is not a mechanical ro"ot "ut a human "eing. %ule '+. 0e shall "e familiar with the State policies on !a"or and Social ustice, as well as la"or and social legislation and shall o"ser&e faithfull# these policies and laws in his dealings with la"or in general, and with his wormen in particular. %ule '4. 0e shall stri&e to impro&e the sills of his wormen, pa# them a fair li&ing wage, and instruct them on how to pre&ent accidents in their place of wor. RELATIONS WITH CLIENTS AN# EMPLO!ERS %ule '. (he mechanical engineer shall o"ser&e punctualit# in his appointments, perform honestl# and in good faith his contractual o"ligation and his duties and o"ligations to his client or emplo#er, and o"ser&e fair dealing in his relations with his clients and emplo#ers. %ule '/. 0e shall treat with confidentialit# an# information o"tained "# him as to the "usiness affairs and technical methods or processes of a client or emplo#er. %ule '3. 0e shall inform his client or emplo#er of his "usiness connections, interests, or affiliations which ma# influence his udgment, or impair the ualit# or character of his ser&ices. %ule '. (he mechanical engineer is entitled to a ust and fair compensation for his ser&ices. 5n the computation of such compensation, the period of time consumed, his nowledge, sill, e-perience, and reputation, and the depreciation of instruments and materials used, shall "e considered and accorded such weight as is ust and reasona"le. %ule '9. 0e shall accept compensation, financial or otherwise, for his ser&ices from his client or emplo#er onl#. 0e ma# agree to, or recei&e compensation from an# other source onl# with the full nowledge and consent of all parties concerned. %ule 27. (he mechanical engineer shall "e completel# a"o&e suspicion or reproach in his relation with his clients or emplo#ers, a&oiding the remotest reference or relation to an# secret or uestiona"le agreement on commissions or other financial considerations promised "# or recei&ed from an# person or entit# other than his client or emplo#er. RELATIONS WITH COLLEAGES AN# ASSOCIATES %ule 2'. (o thane own self "e true and thou cannot "e false to an# man 6 e-presses the dut# which a mechanical engineer owes to himself and to others. %ule 22. (he mechanical engineer shall use onl# fair means to gain professional ad&ancement. 5n the pursuit thereof he shall not inure the wor or emplo#ment opportunities of others or use an# improper or uestiona"le method of soliciting emplo#ment or clientele. %ule 2+. 0e shall refrain from association with, or allowing the use of his name "#, an# person or entit# of uestiona"le reputation. %ule 24. 0e shall pro&ide the opportunit# and the means to impro&e and ad&ance the nowledge, sills, and e-perience of his colleagues and associates. %ule 2. 0e shall define clearl# the line of authorit# and scope of responsi"ilit# of his associates and assistants. :rders, or the recall thereof, shall "e issued through proper channels. %ule 2/. 0e shall "e recepti&e to new ideas and suggestions from others, and read# to recogni*e, encourage, and accredit the authors thereof. Suggestions from colleagues and associates shall "e gi&en more careful attention. %ule 23. 0e shall use tact and discretion in dealing with his colleagues and associates, "ut not at the sacrifice of firmness. 0e shall wor out difficult pro"lems with courage and serenit#. %ule 2. Careful selection of understudies shall "e a guiding principle, and preference shall "e gi&en to those with adeuate engineering education. %ule 29. 0e shall not e-pect others to face danger that he himself will not face. 0e shall o"ser&e at all times safet# reuirements for the protection of all concerned. %ule +7. (he mechanical engineer shall acti&el# support the dul# accredited association with the end in &iew of enhancing the practice of the profession and discharging his pu"lic responsi"ilities as professional. PENAL PRO$ISIONS %ule +'. ;iolation of an# pro&ision of this code, which causes damage or inur# to another, shall "e punisha"le "# a fine of not more than (wo hundred Pesos <P277.77=, or an imprisonment for not more than <2=months, or "oth, at the discretion of the Court. %ule +2. ;iolation of an# pro&ision of this Code shall liewise constitute unethical, unprofessional and dishonora"le conduct, and shall "e dealt with under the pro&isions of Sec. 42 of the Mechanical Engineering Act, %.A. No. 49. E%%ECTI$IT! %ule ++. (his Code shall tae effect after appro&al "# the Professional %egulation Commission and after fifteen <'= da#s following its pu"lication in the :fficial )a*ette. $oard of Mechanical Engineering <S5)NE>= AN(:N5: %:. 0E%%E%A Chairman ?%ANC5SC: ). !@S:C Mem"er >:NA(: . A%AM50AN Mem"er Attested toB CA%!:S ). A!ME!:% Secretar#, %egulator# $oards Appro&edB Professional %egulator# Commission 0E%M:)ENES P. P:$%E Commissioner MA%5AN: A. MEN>5E(A Associate Commissioner A!?:NS: ). A$A> Associate Commissioner