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Royal Fast Food Business Plan

Royal Fast Food
Business Plan
Muhammad Haris Niaz
Executive summary
Food is always the success. Tasty food attracts people which in turn attract more people. The
Royal Fast food, (“the Company”) Aims to provide a quality and healthy food to there
customers. We have targeted students, professionals and families. Initially we start as a small
business and have plan to further expand our business in the future as mobile restaurant has a
great potential market and growth opportunities.
Royal Fast food is a great place to eat, combining an exciting atmosphere with excellent,
interesting food. The mission is not only to have great tasting food, but have efficient and
friendly service because customer satisfaction is supreme. We want to be the restaurant choice
for all families and singles, young and old, male or female. Employee welfare will be equally
important to our success. Everyone will be treated fairly and with the utmost respect. We want
our employees to feel a part of the success of Royal Fast food’s Restaurant. Happy employees
make happy guests.
The service will be relaxed, very friendly and correct. We have the best people available for our
day to day operation, and thereby retaining the friendliest most efficient staff possible. Our
management team is comprised of individuals whose backgrounds consist of well experience in
food, restaurant and hotel, catering, management, finance, marketing.
Most important to us is our financial success and we believe this will be achieved by offering
high-quality service and excellent food with an interesting twist. We have created financial
projections based on our experience and knowledge of the area. With a start-up cost of €10000
we can generate sales over € 180,000 by the end of year one, and a profit of around €65,000.
We will combine menu variety, atmosphere, ambiance, special theme nights and a friendly staff
to create a sense of 'place' in order to reach our goal of overall value in the
dining/entertainment experience. We want fair profits for the owners, and a rewarding place to
work for the employees.
Description Of Venture
Fast Food business is an Innovative concept of introducing Pakistani taste for Norway but as per
international market it is a growing and established business. Food is always been a success.
Quality and tasty food attracts people like flowers attract bees. Royal Fast Food is going to start
as a small business which will be later on expanded as there is a great growth opportunity.
Studying the culture and society we have build a perfect delicious menu by employing best staff
and looking after not only the business but the staff and the customers also. Quality utensils
and assets are our strength of which the productivity is increased by fresh and healthy
ingredients of cooking.
Fast food Restaurant "Royal Fast food"
A fast food is venue that sells quality food. Royal Fast Food aims to cater events
(carnivals, construction sites, sporting events etc.) where potential customers gather, and
places of regular work or study – college campuses, office complexes, industrial parks, auto
repair shops, movie sets, military bases, etc. – where potential customers require regular meals
or snacks. Royal Fast Food dining as a popular phenomenon has caught on in several U.S. cities
including District of Columbia, New York, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Saint
Louis, and Tampa and we implement the same concept of Fast food in Norway .
Product Line
Our restaurant provides variety of food which includes
French fries
fried chicken
Chicken nuggets
Chicken sandwich
Onion ring
Fish and chips
Chicken roast
Chicken wings
Chicken Popeye
Chicken shawarma
Chicken Steaks
Cheese fries
Wrap chicken
Chicken meat Balls
Chicken paratha
Chicken double
We also provide starters to our customers.
Services include
served hot
freshly cooked
Moving on events like concerts, sports events etc.
special offers on Eids and holidays
Special orders like picnics, trips on weekends.
Dine-in on the roof and upper portion on double-decker for families and couples.
Size of Business:
We will start from a small business then expand our business with more Branches in near
future. As it is a new market, it has a large potential to grow and with 3-4 years competition is
expected in the market.
We aim to achieve goals by exceeding the needs and expectations of our customers through
continuous improvements in quality, productivity, and new product offers while also achieving
an acceptable return on investment.
As a small business leader, you establish goals and business objectives to ensure your company
accomplishes what it needs to accomplish to remain a going concern.
1. Sales Volume Growth
Sales objectives provide your sales force an incentive to achieve an increased sales volume,
which can mean increased profits
2. Profit Maximization
Steadily increasing profits are dependent on the consistent generation of revenue and the
careful management of expenses incurred to manufacture a product or provide a service.
3. Improved Product Quality
Customers' needs and expectations require that you provide them products of high quality
4. Increased Productivity
Your ability to utilize your available resources to produce goods and services and earn a profit
determines the financial performance of your company.
5. Stay Close To Your Customer
Fulfill the needs, satisfaction and desire of the customer to create the customer relationship.
6. Listen To the Experts
Listening to experts for the advice and techniques to increase sales and capture the rest
7. Take Care of Your Staff
Our staff is our first priority we always try to keep them happy in any case. If our staff is happy
they will keep our customer happy. As our staff is like our family.
"Provide the quality product to our valuable customers and to capture market share in our
industry and make sure to give customers low prices with best value."
“To deliver customers with quality products at the affordable price they can ever afford.”
Royal fast food – “Buy rich save Big”
Our vision tells the market – our employees, customers, consumers and the communities where we
make and sell our products – what we care about. It captures the importance of health and wellness,
but it also embodies all the ways we can eat and live better, such as the enjoyment of a dessert, the
convenience of a microwave meal, the safety and value of our products and the services and solutions
we provide.
Analysis of Competitors:
Many fast food choice proposals would enable consumers to choose among different fast foods
meals according to their taste and preferences. No one compromises on health, and when
health is concerned then the best thing is preferable whether it's expensive or cheap. Providing
the right combination of meals and food items keeping in mind the pricing factor as well. We
will provide the best combination and package to our customers so that more and more
customers are attractive to our business, and should be satisfied in the best possible way in
order to create a loyal customer. If this would not be done then our customers would shift to
our indirect competitors. The most important competitive edge that our business have is that
currently there is now FEW fast food in NORWAY. so more customers will be attracted to our
business as we are going to provide the best quality and environment.
SWOT analysis
1.Strength: Royal Fast food has many direct and indirect competitor in potential market. The most
important competitive edge that our business is the new entrant in the market that is the competitive edge
for us . Royal Fast Food is totally a new innovation in Norway, so more customers will be attracted to
our business as we are going to provide the best quality and environment. It is also our strength. Food
attracts people who attract more people. We being first an innovative can enjoy spotlight. Our main
strength is our product line basically we target the age group of 10 years to 80 years age
segment customer. Our products are specially design for all the customers interms of quality,
taste and healthiness of food.
2.Weaknesses: As described earlier that so far we have not many and major weaknesses. As we are new
entrant so somehow it is our weakness but we have also a plans to cover it up. Contingency planning for
any future occurrence of problem is also done in new business.
3.Opportunities: Fast food in Norway but as we forecasted it as a growing business so a lot of
opportunities of starting a new business are also arising. As it is one of our aim to serve you the best in
the possible shortest time so growth opportunities also are there. we can expand our operations further on
with the success and popularity of Fast food restaurants we can target more areas through market
4.Technologies: Technology is very important factor now days. Moreover to fill up the storage food we
have the best quality electric appliances which include refrigerators, micro waved ovens etc. advanced
baking stoves, deep frying machines are also installed. We have also done our advertisement through
electronically media. Adds on social websites like face book, twitter are being displayed. We also take
online orders.
There are no such direct competitor but,
There are various fast foods in NORWAY which would be our indirect competitors; for example:
Burger Kings
Mac Donald’s
Assessment of Risk:
Every new venture will be faced with some potential hazards, given the particular industry and
competitive environment. It is important that the entrepreneur make an assessment of risk in
the following manner:
Evaluate weakness of business:
Royal Fast food is basically a Fast food restaurant. There is always an element of risk starting a
new business as the success and failure of any business is unknown at its initial stage. But as
there is no direct competitor of Royal Fast food in the potential market so overall the effect of
new entrant is not very large.
PEST analysis is as following
1. Political: in order to run our business smoothly our need to be politically aware. We
have followed all the rules and also have the license of everything so that there will be
no query in the future. Royal Fast food will first registered and after that start
operationalize. Political stability Is the key to success for a new business, strong lobbing
is good for business.
2. Economical: all the meals available at Royal Fast food are economical, healthy and
according to the taste of local. To serve the best in the minimum possible time is what
we seek for. So economically we have covered the major aspects as well. Food Food
business is less expensive as the brick and roof restaurants costs are higher.
3. Social: we know the taste of Pakistani’s. Pakistan is an Islamic country and we know
what is haram and halal. Culture reflects the taste of people. As totally the culture is
Islamic so we make only halal food. Different items are available for people of different
age. For e.g. junk food for young people, ice creams for children’s and for professionals..
The Market
The expected market for Roayl Fast Food is:
100 %
We target every segment of the market because our is for all and our main aim is to serve all
with our quality products and services.
Mode of Marketing
1. Free Gifts
2. Discounted Prices
3. Joint Promotions
4. Vouchers and Coupons
5. Social Media Contests and Giveaways.
6. Buy One, Get One Free
7. Customer Loyalty Programs
8. Broachers and banners
Objectives and Goals of Marketing Plan
Short Term
In the first 6 months of our new fast food startup, we expect every individual to know about
Royal Fast food. For Royal Fast food to have a good year in its start it needs to have an excellent
amount of hype creates and that is the short term goal. In this time period publicity will mainly
be with updates on the news and billboard .
Long Term
In the long term we expect every individual to be associated with Royal Fast food, those who
have visited should want nothing more to go back and those who haven’t should make Royal
Fast food their first priority to visit and should have the taste of your mind.
Action Plan
Royal Fast food will be positioned as the perfect taste and comfortable environment spot for
anybody needing a break and the the taste of their mind and experience one ‘needs’ to
encounter in their life. The atmosphere will be marketing is set-back and casual thus the perfect
place one can relax at but keeping in mind class and elegance which will raise its standards.
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We believe that the best approach to advertising is to think of it in terms of media and which
media will be most effective in reaching our target market. Then we’re to make decisions about
how much of our annual advertising budget we're going to spend on each medium.
The advertising strategies will be :
Our website
Android app
Social media
Direct Mail
E Brochures & Newsletter
Online Advertising
Media Advertising
Place Advertising
An extreme hype is going to be created especially when the Royal Fast food is nearly finished
decorating and our Royal Fast food restaurant is set up with all our staff.. A minimum of €5000
is to be spent or marketing. Promotion will take place in the form of:
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Print Ads
• Newspaper publicity
• Brochure mailing
• Bill boards
• University events
• Prizes (coupens)
• Internet
• facebook
• Andriod app
• Radio
• Instagram
Starting of Operations:
All the above promotion techniques will be on going at once; brochures will be delivered door
to door across Norway , advertisements across the internet will take place, YouTube and
television will be used to video ads and contests such as a business plan competition will be
held and sponsored to award free promotional coupons and deals at Royal Fast food.
Two years after commencement of operations:
Advertisements will still continue at the same pace but brochure distribution will be halted
unless a new feature is added to the Royal Fast Food.
Financial plan
Forecasted Sales Statements are as under:
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Forecasted Sales of Three years
Forcasted Sales
# of Days Open per Week
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
# of Days
Weekend & Holidays
Average Sales
Weekend & Holidays
Monthly x 12
Weekend & Holidays
€ 10,000
€ 5,000
€ 15,000
€ 8,000
€ 20,000
€ 10,000
€ 120,000
€ 60,000
€ 180,000
€ 96,000
€ 240,000
€ 120,000
€ 180,000
€ 276,000
€ 360,000
€ 493
€ 756
€ 986
Total Revenue
Total Sales
Average Sales per Day
Sales Mix %
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Forecasted and Profit and Loss Statement:
Forecasted Profit And loss Statement For the 3 years
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
€ 360,000
Total Revenue
€ 360,000
Food (Per month)
Beverage (Per month)
Food (Anually)
Beverage (Anually)
Total Cost of Goods Sold
€ 108,000
Less Gross Profit
€ 252,000
Staff Salary ( Anually)
Kitchen ( Anually)
Repair Maintanance ( Anually)
Utilities ( Anually)
Rent ( Anually)
Marketing Expense
Total Operating Expense
Net Income
Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Goods Sold
Operating Expense (Anually)
€ 190,000
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