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Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
1. According to psychologist Carol Dweck "motivation is often more important
than initial ability in determining our success." Do you agree? Why?
Motivation, in my opinion, is often more important than initial ability in determining
long-term success. Many creative geniuses were, in fact, ordinary people who
became incredibly motivated. By motivation, I don't just mean a desire to succeed;
I also mean a desire to learn, a desire to take on new challenges, and the ability
to overcome challenges.
2. To what do you compare motivation to make its facilitating function in
learning concrete? Come up with metaphors. (An example of a metaphor is
“teaching is lighting a torch...) Show this by completing this: Motivation
For me, motivation is like a fuel that could help achieve the strong desire to do
something. It makes you more willing to work hard and serve as your driving force
to keep doing what you want to do.
3. Surf the Internet on telic and paratelic motivational modes of Michael Apter.
How do these relate to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?
Psychologist Michael Apter's studies of motivation led him to describe what he
called the "telic" (from Greek telos or "goal") and "paratelic" motivational modes,
or states. In the telic state, a person is motivated primarily by a particular goal or
objective--such as earning payment for work done. In the paratelic mode, a
person is motivated primarily by the activity itself--intrinsic motivation.
4. Read on biographies of great men and women. Find out how they became
great. Report on one biography in class. Narrate that part of the biography
that you like most.
Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun and missionary who devoted her
life to serving the poor and destitute around the world. She spent many years in
Calcutta, India where she founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious
congregation devoted to helping those in great need. In 1979, Mother Teresa was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and became a symbol of charitable, selfless work.
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
In 2016, Mother Teresa was canonised by the Roman Catholic Church as Saint
Teresa. And from the biography that I read about her the part that I like the most
is, “Mother Teresa never sought to convert those of another faith. Those in her
hospices were given the religious rites appropriate to their faith. However, she had
a very firm Catholic faith and took a strict line on abortion, the death penalty and
divorce – even if her position was unpopular. Her whole life was influenced by her
faith and religion, even though at times she confessed she didn’t feel the presence
of God.” and “Over the last two decades of her life, Mother Teresa suffered various
health problems, but nothing could dissuade her from fulfilling her mission of
serving the poor and needy. Until her very last illness she was active in travelling
around the world to the different branches of The Missionaries of Charity.” Because
I really find it inspirational, because despite of the pain and circumstance she have,
she still has the courage to go on and help the people around her.
5. "Potential performance is a product of ability and motivation." What does
this mean? Do you agree? Explain your answer.
Potential performance is a product of ability and motivation. When teachers
ask about motivation, they want to know what causes a student to act in a particular
way. Yes, I am agree. Potential performance is both a product of ability and
motivation. Motivation is our inner drive which causes us to do something and
persevere at something, it energizes us and give us strength. Our ability refers to
what we can do and motivation what we will do. Combining these two will drive
anyone to have a potential performance. When we have ability to do something
and of course have the courage to achieve it, we become eager and when it
becomes so intense, we persist on working on it through thick and thin until its
completion creating a potential performance.
6. "The higher the extrinsic motivation, the lower the intrinsic motivation and
vice versa. Do you agree?
For me, yes. Because there is one motivation that will drive us more it’s either
extrinsic or intrinsic.
Eric Jensen, noted author and educational consultant in the area of brainbased learning, states: If the learner is doing the task to get the reward, it will
be understood on some level, that the task is inherently undesirable. Forget
the use of rewards ... Make school meaningful, relevant and fun. Then you
won't. have to bribe students. (Eric Jensen) Do you agree?
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
For me, Eric Jensen was right. We, as teachers must still a love for learning
to our students not just by always giving them rewards because it might also have
some adverse effect to students like they will probably get addicted on having
rewards wherein the students will no longer study without them, they will always
expect an exchange for what they are going to do, they will be more focus on the
price instead of what the lesson really mean, and it will look like that rewards are
given to control, manipulate and bribe the students. That’s why as teacher we must
learn to cultivate to our learners a genuine love for leaning or encourage them to
be intrinsically motivated.
7. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Give an example for
The main difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is
that intrinsic motivation comes from within, and extrinsic motivation comes from
outside. While both types of motivation are important, they have different effects
on how you work.
Extrinsic Motivation is when a person becomes motivated by someone or
something outside him/her. For example, rewards, praises or word of
encouragement, fear of failing grades or having a high grades. Intrinsic Motivation
comes from within the person himself/herself. For example, high self-efficacy and
competence, interest, and goals.
8. Justify the role that extrinsic motivation plays in the development of
intrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation arises from
outside. When you're intrinsically motivated, you engage in an activity solely
because you enjoy it and get personal satisfaction from it. When you're extrinsically
motivated, you do something in order to gain an external reward.
Just like my personal experience where all of my motivations started from
extrinsic motivation where at first, I do not have the interest to have high grades or
even to be included in the class ranking until my mother push me and give me a
lot of encouragement to exert effort and to do my best on my studies. Also, I
remember whenever I go to a certain competition, before the competition my coach
always makes a deal for me that if ever I win the competition I will be rewarded
and that motivates me more. Therefore, we may begin employing extrinsic
motivation at the start especially if the person doesn’t have interest yet or have the
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
passion to do anything will fade away and eventually the person will become
intrinsically motivated wherein s/he will do this particular thing not just because
someone ask him/her to do it but s/he also wants it, s/he realize that it is the right
thing to do and sometimes it become his/her personal goal as well.
You learned that intrinsic motivation is far better than extrinsic motivation. By all
means then, let us help develop intrinsic motivation in our students.
Here are some quotations. Read and explain each of them. Do you agree or disagree?
"Quality does not come by accident. It is a product of intention
"Success comes only to people who work for it."
"Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price for their dreams to
come true.
"Success is that old ABC-ability, breaks and courage.'
Charles Luckman
"Sweat plus sacrifice equals success".
Charles O. Finley
1. To which are quality, success and happiness attributed? Do you agree? Why
or why not?
Happiness is what most of us wants in life that’s why it is usually an attribute
of an individual whereas success can be attributed to an individual or to a group.
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
The quality is depending on the effort we give or on how we work for it. Happiness
is a goal that many people aspire to. Most people also have a strong desire to be
successful in life and they tend to believe that through this success they will
automatically become happier. Therefore, I am agree.
2. Based on the quotations, are success and quality traced to factors within or
outside a person's control?
I think it is both within and outside the person’s control. We as person, when
become motivated to do something, we start working for it which within our control,
we become so eager that we persist on working on it until we fully achieve it
however there are times or circumstances that occurs which is outside our control
or the things on which we cannot avoid. So, success and quality are both traced
to factors within and outside a person’s control.
3. What is the effect on one's motivation if success or quality is attributed to
something within a person's control? To something outside a person's
Humans seek to understand the reasons for why things happen and an
attribution is the reason we give for a particular outcome. We may also make an
attribution to the behaviour we see in people or teams around us. One of the
category of attribution theory are the internal and external factor. An internal factor
is seen as being within our control and an external factor as outside of our control.
These factors combined mean that a success or a failure can be attributed to either
ability or effort, or task difficulty or luck.
Success is what we all dream of whether it because of our own control or
because of external or outside factor. And I think if success or quality is attributed
with something within a person’s control it will affect the person selfefficacy,
him/her pride, and a sense of competence which he/she can be proud/dismay of
depending the negativity or the positivity of attribution and he/she can able to use
it in different way or form. While if it attributed on something outside a person’s
control, I think it will affect the relationship between the two – within and the
4. Does a goal or dream have something to do with a person's motivation?
Explain your answer.
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
Goals are the stepping stones toward your dreams so in order to achieve
them, you need motivation to keep you chugging along towards them. Motivation
is an important life skill. The reason it’s important is because every person on this
earth is unique and has a purpose. To steward your purpose well, you have to be
motivated to work towards your goals which helps your dreams become a reality.
Not1 just for your sake, but the sake of others as well.Spo defineitely, goal or
dream have something to do with one’s motivation. Without motivation, you can’t
achieve anything. There are no goal posts to aim for and no purpose to strive
Motivation is an important life skill and I believe without motivation we
cannot achieve anything- a goal or dream. Therefore, goal or dream have
something to do with person’s motivation, because motivation will become our
inner drive to do something and persevere at something, it will energize us and
give us strength to put us toward an action. We have to be motivated to work
towards our goals which helps our dreams becomes reality.
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
Here are comments from students regarding their school performance. Find out the
factors to which these students attribute their performance.
"How can I ever perform? I have a very low IQ. All brothers and sisters are as
dumb as I am.
"I dropped out of my classes because of my failing grades. Kasi my napabarkada
"Johann is lucky. His parents are very supportive. He has no problem with money.
Plus he is really intelligent because his parents are also intelligent."
"How can you be encouraged to study? Our teachers are of the terror type. They
demand so much yet they do not teach well. We don't understand what they are
teaching. Worse, there are no books. "How can I be motivated to study when what
my parents want me to be is not what I want to be."
"I have to perform in class. My parents and teachers expect me to perform. All my
brothers and sisters are performing. Nakakahiya naman kung 'di ako
magperform." .
Go over the comments one by one to be able to do the following:
Based on the comments, to which is poor /good performance
attributed? What are factors within and without the control of the student?
From the comments, poor/good performance was attributed to both internal
and external causes. Internal cause like own IQ, status, choices are factors
within the control of the student and external factors like teachers methods of
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
teaching and other’s intelligent and status are factors without the control of
What is the effect on one's motivation if success or quality is
attributed to something within a person's control? To something outside a
person's control?
Success is what we all dream of whether it because of our own control or
because of external or outside factor. And I think if success or quality is attributed
with something within a person’s control it will affect the person selfefficacy,
him/her pride, and a sense of competence which he/she can be proud/dismay of
depending the negativity or the positivity of attribution and he/she can able to use
it in different way or form. While if it attributed on something outside a person’s
control, I think it will affect the relationship between the two – within and the
Do you agree with the comments? Explain your answer.
I am partly agree with the comments, because there are instances that our
reason is really the best reason however there are times that we sometimes have
false attribution wherein some of what we believe the reasons are not really the
cause. We have things that within our control that we can be able to change in a
way that it would benefit ourselves. For example, if we attributing our failure
because our friend influences us in bad way, we as the person have the choice
and it is within our control if we will be get affected by it.
Is there an instance where performance is traced to feelings of selfcompetence? Point it out.
Beliefs of personal competence also help determine the outcomes one
expects. Individuals who are confident anticipate successful outcomes where they
would result to a good performance. Students confident in their writing capabilities
anticipate high marks on writing assignments and expect the quality of their work
to reap academic benefits. Conversely, students who doubt their writing ability
envision low marks before they even begin to write. The expected results of these
imagined performances will be differently envisioned: academic success and
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
greater options for the former, academic failure and curtailed possibilities for the
For me, there are instance where performance is traced to feelings of selfcompetence. Sometimes in our life whenever we experience success and failures,
we think that it was because of our own competence. We succeed because it was
the result of our own ability, skills and capability to do the task and that is what we
believe or we failed and we think that it because we are not competent enough to
do this certain performance.
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
Construct a True-False type of test to evaluate the first objective of
this Module then exchange tests with your learning partner for you to
answer. Discuss your answers and scores with your learning partner.
True or False. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
it is wrong.
 Extrinsic motivation is more beneficial than intrinsic motivation because in
extrinsic motivation, the students get more satisfaction they feel.
 If you attribute your poor performance to what you have inherited from
your parents, then you are attributing the cause of your performance to
something unstable.
 Motivation tends to increase when students attribute failure to lack of effort
because effort can be controlled.
 Self-efficacy is the belief that one has the necessary capabilities to
perform a task, fulfil role expectations, or meet a challenging situation
 As a motivational tool, goal setting is effective when the following major
elements are present: 1) goal acceptance, 2) specificity, 3) challenge, 4)
performance monitoring, and 5) performance feedback.
Between learning goal and performance goal, with which type do you
identify yourself? Explain your answer.
I Identify my goals as learning goal, because as a learner and as a future
educator as well I tend to focus on what is being learned, including of having a
desire to acquire additional knowledge, understand new things or master new skills
which is obviously the aim of learning goal rather than performance goal which
pertains to the desire to look good and receive favorable judgements from others
or else look bad and receive unfavorable judgements. Personally speaking, I’m
kind of person who doesn’t craves attention instead I prefer to just focus on what I
ought to do and set aside what would others think of me or say about me.
A performance goal, as the name implies, frames the instructions so that an
employee’s focus is on task performance (e.g. attain 20 percent market share by
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
the end of the next fiscal year). The search for information to attain the goal is
neither mentioned nor implied because knowledge and skills are considered a
given for tasks that require primarily choice, effort, or persistence. Similarly, a
learning goal frames the instructions in terms of knowledge or skill acquisition (e.g.
discover three effective strategies to increase market share). A learning goal draws
attention away from the end result to the discovery of effective task processes.
Once an employee has the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the task, a
specific performance goal should be set to direct attention to the exertion of effort
and persistence required to achieve it.
In short, learning goals help people progress to the point where
performance-outcome goals increase one’s effectiveness. The focus of a learning
goal is to increase one’s knowledge (ability); the focus of a performance goal is to
increase one’s motivation to implement that knowledge.
To what factors do great men and women attribute their success? Is it
to personal factors like ability and effort or to situational factors such as
difficulty of the task and impact of luck?
The Attribution theory explains that we attribute our successes or failures or
other events to several factors. In psychology, researchers found that we attribute
the success of other men to their internal abilities, while we attribute the success
of other women to external factors such as good luck. And, conversely, we
attribute men’s failures to bad luck and women’s failures to lack of skill and ability.
So basically, today’s successful women leaders are considered by the rest of us
to be in some way “lucky” to have gotten to where they are.
As a woman myself, I believe that this discourse of “luck” needs to
disappear from how we, as women, think of our own and others success. We
need to attribute our own successes to our own abilities and be proud of our welldeserved accomplishments. And we need to attribute other women’s successes
to their abilities and well-deserved accomplishments.
"Success has many fathers; failure or defeat is an orphan." How does
this general behavior relate to self-esteem?
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
This saying implies some real-situation specifically when something goes well
or someone succeeds, you will find a number of people want to take credit as the
“fathers” who have been part of the success. However, when something or someone
fails, nobody wants to admit the cause of failure believing that they are not
responsible with it and with no responsible father of the failure, the failure becomes
an “orphan”. I think this will relate to self-esteem on how you as a person describes
yourself and also on how you take charge of yourselves. Therefore, a person with
self-esteem usually have the courage of taking responsibility in many respects, they
take responsibility for their feelings, actions and lives. It also means that a person
take responsibility on the consequences of their choices and actions both negative
and positive rather than blaming or denying it.
5. Do attributions always reflect the true state of affairs? Or can we have something
like false attributions? Explain your answer.
In our life, attribution is something we all do every day. It concerned with
how we as individuals interpret events and how this relates our thinking and
behaviour. And for me, there are instances that our attribution does not reflect to
the true state of affairs and can therefore has a false attribution. For example, you
take a science exam and you got a low score then you might blame the teacher
and completely denying the fact that you did not study well for your exams. There
are instances in our life that we neglect the reason that has more weigh that the
other. We sometimes tend to accept the external factor than internal factor
because we do not have the courage to accept and take the credit. We started to
have biases and error which I believe become a false attribution.
6. How does Maslow's need theory compare with Glasser's choice theory and that
of Alderfer's E-R-G need theory? Do research on these.
Maslow’s need theory, Glasser’s choice theory and that of
Alderfer’s E-R-G need theory, all are seek to explain human motivation
and how it affects behavior. All are rooted in the idea that there are basic
needs that drive people to do certain things and to behave in certain ways.
Another similarity is that both theories have a hierarchical framework, with
primitive needs at the bottom, and more refined needs at the top.
 Maslow’s theory
It explains that an individual is motivated according to the level of
needs, and he will progress depending on how well these needs are
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
addressed at each level. Needs at a basic level include security, social
needs, psychological needs and favorable working conditions. For
instance, in one workplace the needs are addressed by ensuring there is
security at the workplace and workers are friendly and security. They
should also allow bathroom breaks and refreshment breaks and
reasonable working hours to avoid extreme exhaustion. Needs at a higher
level such as self-actualization and self-esteem can be handled by
providing challenging projects and offering rewards such as promotions
and benefits.
 Alderfer’s E-R-G need theory
Alderfer’s theory only has three levels: existence, relatedness, and
growth. Under existence, people have the basic need for survival and
shelter. In an employment context, this need is met by earning money to
pay for food and housing. Relatedness refers to the need to form social
interactions with other people, including work peers and supervisors. The
third need is growth, which refers to the desire people have to build selfconfidence and self-worth through achievement. In employment terms,
people can achieve growth by learning new skills and earning promotions
that increase personal satisfaction.
 Glasser’s choice theory
Choice theory posits behaviours we choose are central to our
existence. Our behaviour (Choices) are driven by five genetically driven
needs: survival, love and belonging, freedom, fun, and power. Choice
Theory maintains that we are internally motivated (to try and fulfil our
'wants' and 'needs') and that our behaviour is 'total' and made up of four
(interconnecting) 'components' of acting, thinking, feelings and
physiology. We have to come up with a needsatisfying environment. To
motivate our students for learning, we should satisfy their needs to
belong, their need to have power by being competent, the need to have
a free choice, and the need to enjoy learning and have fun.
One of the primary differences between these theories is that
Maslow’s theory has five ascending levels, the ERG theory only has three
levels and Choice theory has 5 levels or needs. In fact, in the ERG theory,
existence equates to Maslow’s first two levels of physical and security
needs, relatedness equates to Maslow’s next two levels of social needs
and ego needs, and growth equates to Maslow’s final level of selfactualization.
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
Another difference is that Maslow believes each need is fulfilled
one at a time in ascending order, whereas Alderfer believes that more
than one need can be fulfilled at the same time. In other words, Maslow’s
theory is that everyone’s needs progress through the specific five-level
pyramid structure, whereas the ERG theory and choice theory is that
people satisfy their needs in different ways at different levels
Authors warn us to avoid simple attributions, meaning not to attribute
success or failure just to one factor only. Why so?
I think it because we need to weigh things out first and look for
different angles or perspective especially on instances that there is
another factor that is more suitable than the other. For example, your
classmates got a perfect score during the quiz and you attributed it to luck
and disregard the fact that your classmates have an excellent study habits
which is also another factor and reason why he got a perfect score.
Why do people tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their
failures to external causes?
In a public context, knowing other’s results and results being
known by others, may easily trigger comparison behavior. So, Individuals
tend to attribute their failure to external factors more than to internal
factors in order to preserve their self-esteem. In a private context, without
the knowledge of their peers’ results and without being known by others,
comparisons will not be salient, and individuals may analyze the reasons
for their failure in more selfeffacing and reflective ways. Therefore, they
may tend to attribute failure more to internal factors than they do in public
Surf the Internet on the expectancy model of motivation. Find out how this
relates to the other theories on motivation such as self-efficacy theory.
The Expectancy Theory of Motivation is best described as a process
theory. The idea with this theory is that people are motivated to do something
because they think their actions will lead to their desired outcome. Expectancy
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
theory is classified as a process theory of motivation because it emphasizes
individual perceptions of the environment and subsequent interactions arising as
a consequence of personal expectations. And I think it relates to other theories
on motivation such as self-efficacy theory as it also emphasizes the relation
between people’s needs and the efforts they make.
Research on teacher qualities that increase motivation to learn.
It is virtually impossible to increase student motivation to learn if teachers
show disinterest or boredom in regards to a certain topic or subject.
Personal Teaching Efficacy: a teacher's belief that he or she can cause all
students to learn regardless of their prior knowledge.
Model responsibility, effort, and interest in the topics you're teaching.
Self-fulfilling prophecy: a phenomenon that occurs when a person's performance
results from and/or confirms beliefs about his or her capabilities
Caring: a teacher's empathy and investment in the protection and development
of young people
Maintain appropriately high expectations for all students
Demonstrate caring and commitment to your students by spending time
outside of class with them.
Emotional support: teachers interact with those who have higher expectations
than those of whom less is expected.
Teacher effort and demands: give higher achieves more thorough
explanations, more enthusiastic instruction, require more complete
answers and ask more follow-up questions.
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
Caring makes the student a real person, not a number.
How to communicate that you care about a student:
-learn students' names quickly and use their first name when addressing
- greet them each day warmly and acknowledge them as an individual
-make eye contact, smile, lean toward them while talking, and demonstrate
relaxed body language.
- use "we" and "our" when speaking of class activities and assignments
- spend time wiht students
demonstrate respect for students as individuals
Questioning: teachers call on percieved high achievers more so than those
percieved to be lower achievers.
Caring teacher's help meet a student's need for belonging, a level of
Maslow's heirarchy, which can allow students to then move on to other
levels in the heirarchy.
Feedback and evalutation: teachers give more praise to students thought
ot be of higher levels of achievemet and criticize them less.
Source: https://prezi.com/9yphur4q2ocw/teacher-characteristicspersonalqualities-that-increase-motivation-to-learn/
There are many testimonies from people with very humble beginnings who
grew up in deprived environments (so their lower - order needs were not satisfied
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
according to Maslow's theory) but ended up as achievers. Do these prove that
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is not always true? Explain your answer.
No. There are certain elements that we can influence and others that we cannot. Hard
labor alone will not bring laurels to the individuals at the bottom of the pyramid, indeed,
but that doesn’t mean that they haven’t acquired basic needs. We must feel safe and
sound, with our basic survival needs met: shelter, food, clothing, medical care and
protection from harm before taking another step. These key elements made us feel
extreme emotion to strive hard and move on into another journey of life
Read the following research findings then reflect on your very own experiences.
Young children often want to gain teachers' approval to be motivated while
the older ones are typically more interested in gaining the approval of peers.
(Juvonen and Weiner, 1993 quoted by Ormrod, 2004).
...Students often become less intrinsically motivated as they progress
through the school years. (Harter, 1992 quoted by Ormrod, p.507) Learning goals
may go by the wayside as performance goals become more prevalent and as a
result, students will begin to exhibit preference for easy rather than challenging
tasks. (Harter, 1992; Igoe and Sullivan, 1991 quoted by Ormrod, 2004).
Increasingly, students will value activities that will have usefulness for them
in their personal and professional lives, and subjects that are not directly applicable
will decrease in popularity. (Wigfield, 1994 quoted by Ormrod, 2004).
...Elementary students tend to attribute their successes to effort and hard
By adolescence, however, students attribute success and failure more to
an ability that is fairly stable and uncontrollable. Effort becomes a sign of low
ability... (Nicholls, 1990; Paris & Cunningham, 1996 quoted by Ormrod, 2004).
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
There are different motivational patterns for students belonging to ethnic
communities. Students from Asian-American families may feel more pressured to
perform well in school...
... Students' cultural background can influence their attributions... For
instance, students of Asian background are more likely to attribute academic
achievement to unstable factors like effort and attribute appropriate or
inappropriate behaviors to temporary situational factors than students brought up
in mainstream Western culture. (Lillard, 1997; Peak, 1993 quoted by Ormrod,
...Females are more likely than males to have a high need for affiliation.
(Block, 1983 quoted by Ormrod, p.508). Females are also more concerned about
doing well in school. They work harder on assignments, earn higher grades and
are more likely to graduate from high school. (Halpern, 1992; McCall, 1994 quoted
. by Ormrod, 2004)
We typically find more boys than girls among our "underachieving" students.
Students from low-income families are among those most likely to be at risk
of failing and dropping out of school. A pattern of failure may start quite early for
many lower-income students especially if they have not had the early experiences
upon which school learning often builds.
. Students with special educational needs show the greatest diversity in
motivation. Some students who are gifted may have high intrinsic motivation to
learn classroom subject matter, yet they may become easily bored if class activities
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General Santos City
Bachelor of Secondary Education Department
don't challenge their abilities. (Friedel, 1993; Turnbull et al, 1999 quoted by
Ormrod, 2004).
Students with specific or general academic difficulties (e.g. those with
learning disabilities, those with mental retardation) may show signs of learned
helplessness with regard to classroom tasks, especially if their past efforts have
been repeatedly met with failure. (Deshler & Schumaker, 1988; Jacobsen, Lowery,
& DuCette, 1986; Seligman, 1975)
Students who have difficulty getting along with their classmates (e.g. those
with emotional and behavioral disorders) may inappropriately attribute their social
failures to factors beyond their control. (Hewrad, 1996 quoted by Ormrod, 2004).
What are the implications of these research findings to facilitating learning? To be
sure that no research finding is missed, do this with the help of a Table like the one
given below. Feel free to add more rows.
Research Finding
Learning Implication
seek In order to be motivated, to strive harder in
so many ways, and achieve goals we ever
wanted; we usually consider what people
might see or think.
Over time, students change There are factors that influenced our
their direction.
decisions and actions, so as our goals we
settled down.
Effort plus hard work often Hard works often paid off. We tend to vent
leads to success.
frustrations to reach the pinnacle of
Learning amidst diversity.
Learning doesn’t delimit anyone. It is a
foundation of camaraderie, no matter who
you are and how unique you could be.
Gender Domination.
I, indeed, observed that girls usually
dominate on the aspect of education. They
truly dedicate heart and soul to the
essence of a successful woman.
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Educational History
Due to the reality we are opened to;
financial capabilities, and economic status
we discreet poison on thyselves that we
can no longer rise. On the other hand, to
some, this circumstances served as a
motivation to strive harder and be better in
the future
emotional Our needs usually neglected due to how
we comprehend problems and take
actions unto it. We must always
remember, keep deeply into mind how
special we are on our own uniqueness and
Differentiate and describe your motivational strategy between/among:
students of different ages
boys and girls
the economically-disadvantaged and the affluent
students belonging to indigenous peoples' (IP) groups and those not belonging to
Every now and then, we all have difficulties pulling ourselves into gear. It is, however, our
obligation as teachers to instill as much drive in our students as possible. It will be difficult
on certain days. Others will appear to do it naturally. The key is that we must strive
towards it every day to the best of our abilities. When we do so, we are assisting in the
development of interested, motivated students.
1. Students of different ages
At this talk, student enthusiasm to learn will vary depending on the suitability of the
technique in their current age. For example, young learners are quickly distracted and
have a short attention span. I can use variety principles as well as a learner-centered
approach in this situation. Video lessons, online games, interactive classroom exercises,
and workbooks are all good ways to keep students engaged in the topic. It's also critical
to inject originality into every piece of content, such as by embellishing photographs or
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their favorite anime character in a way that draws their attention to me. The more involved
my class is, the less likely they are to find anything they shouldn't be doing. Furthermore,
because this age group is more likely to like playing, I may take advantage of this by using
it to help them learn. On the other hand, we have a group of adolescent learners for whom
our motivation will be tailored to their needs. When I consider Erick Erikson's idea, this
age might be described as a preparation for more mature roles and responsibilities. They
begin to battle for role uncertainty, autonomy, and competence. These three factors, in
my opinion, will be the finest sources of motivation because they are related and will
benefit them in their future lives. Here, I'll teach them about themselves and create
opportunities for growth. Every day, remind them to try their best and teach them how to
deal with change. Maintain a close contact with them so that I can assist them by making
the greatest suggestions for their decisions.
2. Boys and girls
When compared to people in the same or similar line of business who are not socially
disadvantaged, an economically disadvantaged person's ability to compete in business
has been hurt due to a lack of money and credit opportunities. As a prospective mentor,
we must keep track of students' development, provide opportunities for career
assessments, aid with goal-setting, provide stress management and coping skills
resources, and provide academic intervention to minimize disturbance. In addition, when
making a decision in class, we can use value-based leadership. It requires allowing
learners to participate in decision-making on an equal footing.
3. The economically-disadvantaged and the affluent
When compared to those in the same or similar line of business who are not socially
disadvantaged, an economically disadvantaged individual's capacity to compete in
business has been harmed due to diminished capital and credit prospects. We as a future
mentor, must track student progress, provide opportunities for career assessments, assist
in goal planning, offer resources on stress management and coping skills and provide
academic intervention to avoid commotion. Furthermore, we can apply value based
leadership when making a decision in class. It entails giving the learners an opportunity
for equal participation in decision making.
4. Students belonging to indigenous peoples' (IP) groups and those not belonging to one
Indigenous children and adults can exercise and enjoy their economic, social, and cultural
rights with the help of appropriate education. It also improves their ability to exercise civil
rights, allowing them to have a greater say in political policy decisions that affect their
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human rights. Indigenous peoples must be given the opportunity to speak for themselves.
Inviting local Indigenous knowledge keepers into your classroom is a great way to form
new and lasting bonds. Recognizing the student's desire to connect with the content or
how it is being taught is also important. Providing opportunity for pupils to engage in
cultural activities. The diverse Aboriginal ways of knowing and learning are honored.
Recognize students as people when you are there for them.
Name: Alexis Denielle Z. Silva
Subject: CPE104 Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
Section and Schedule: N14.2 / 2:30-4:00 PM TFr
1. "The quality of teacher-student relationships is the key to all other aspects of
classroom management", says recognized expert in classroom management,
Robert Marzano: Do the teacher's affective traits have something to do with that
quality teacher-student relationships? Explain your answer.
Yes. One of the purest and most inspiring partnerships is that between a dedicated
instructor and a willing student. Early in the year, a teacher must acquire the trust of his
or her students. A vibrant classroom content with dynamic, interesting learning
possibilities is a trustworthy classroom with mutual respect Teachers that build positive
relationships with their pupils create more conducive learning environments and
address the developmental, emotional, and academic requirements of their students.
2. Using an advance organizer, list down behavioral traits of parents who are
supportive of children's studies.
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Traits of
Parents who
are supportive
of children's
Providing a
range of
Setting Limits
Being a Role
3. Give adjectives that describe the classroom climate that is conducive for
learning, Write the antonym for each adjective.
Positive –
o imperfect.
o imprecise.
o yielding.
o disadvantageous.
o doubtful.
o negative.
o unhelpful.
o unsure.
Organized –
o Jumble
o Disorganized
Outgoing –
Confident –
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o Indifferent
o Heartless
4. In your own words, give the conditions that give rise to a classroom climate that
is conducive for learning.
Classroom climate refers to the prevailing mood, attitudes, standards, and tone that you
and your students feel when they are in your classroom.
1) Develop and reinforce classroom rules and norms that clearly support safe and
respectful behavior. Having classroom rules helps you create a predictable, safe
learning environment for your students. Rules give your students clear boundaries
and opportunities to practice self-regulation and make good choices. When
students feel safe and respected both emotionally and physically, they are able to
focus better on learning.
2) Promote positive peer relationships. You want to create an environment where
your students support and are kind to one another. Some ways you can do this
Notice and reinforce casual positive interactions between students on a
daily basis.
Deliberately plan relationship-building activities and games that encourage
positive interactions. These can be long-term projects, or short and simple
games designed for students to get to know each other better.
Pay attention to the social dynamics of your classroom. Do some students
have trouble making friends? Do some students have trouble getting along
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with others? Who has a lot of friends? Who has few friends? Interviewing
your students one-on-one can help you identify students that have stronger
or weaker social connections. This can inform your seating arrangements,
guide your grouping and pairing decisions, and assist you in helping
students form new networks of friends.
Have class meetings. Class meetings provide a safe environment in which
students can discuss with you and each other topics that are important to
them. You and your students can get to know each other better and build
relationships through open discussions on subjects like: Following Rules,
How to Get Help, Including Others at Recess, Solving Playground
Problems, etc. This helps create a positive classroom climate built on trust
and respect.
3) Nurture positive relationships with all students. You need to let your students
know that you not only care about their progress in the classroom, you also care
about them as human beings. Some ways you can do this are:
Greet your students by name every time they walk in the door. This lets
them know that you notice and care that they are there.
Use warm, inclusive behaviors with your face, body, and words each day.
Smile! Ask, “How are you feeling?” Look at your students. Notice and
reinforce their positive behaviors with encouraging words.
Ask your students personal questions that will help you get to know them
and what’s happening in their lives outside of school. “How was your soccer
game last night?” “Is your grandma feeling better?”
Notice changes in students’ physical and emotional behaviors. Changes
may indicate a student is in need of additional emotional support. Provide
or find support for that student as needed.
Spend and keep track of individual time with each one of your students over
a set duration (such as each month).
5. Describe a classroom atmosphere by means of simile or metaphor.
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A classroom is a swimming pool in which the swimmers are expected to swim
lengths without moving their bodies. (the “lengths” are courses; the swimmers
are students who are not allowed to control how they learn)
6. Describe a favorable classroom climate by way a haiku
Safety, relationships, inclusion and respect
these are the word that you need to digest
In order to have the students do their best.
7. Give adjectives that describe the classroom climate that is conducive for
learning, Write the antonym for each adjective.
Positive –
o imperfect.
o imprecise.
o yielding.
o disadvantageous.
o doubtful.
o negative.
o unhelpful.
o unsure.
Organized –
o Jumble
o Disorganized
Outgoing –
Confident –
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o Indefinite
o Pessimistic
o Unconfident
o Indifferent
o Heartless
In your own words, give the conditions that give rise to a classroom climate
that is conducive for learning.
Effective teachers look for every available opportunity to increase student learning.
The classroom environment is a teaching resource that should not be ignored. Students
and teachers spend the majority of their day in school classrooms, and it’s your
responsibility to foster an environment and atmosphere that enhance learning.
Developing a classroom environment conducive to learning is a process that entails
staging the physical space, getting the students to cooperate, creating a communal
environment, and finally maintaining a positive classroom climate and culture.
9. Is a quiet classroom necessarily favorable for learning?
Yes, lowering noise levels in classrooms improves learning. Silence in a classroom is
the time when students understand a subject or bring out the meaning of the lesson
taught. This helps them to think deeply and broadly. Besides thinking, it also allows them
to remember the lesson thoroughly and express their own ideas without any distractions.
10. Research on wall color/s that is/are most conducive for learning, considering
varied developmental stages of learners?
Colors in the classroom environment that should maximize information retention,
stimulate participation, and will boost active learning. Classrooms are encouraged
to be bright and colorful, often featured student work, inspiring quote s, and soft
lighting. Blue is considered to be the most desirable color for learning along
with red, yellow, orange and green.
11. Research on outcomes-based teaching and assessment. Is the practice of OBE
(Outcomes-Based) facilitative of assessment?
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OBE and the learning process Outcomes-based education is a flexible,
empowerment orientated approach to learning It aims at equipping learners with the
knowledge, competence and orientation needed for success in their future professions.
When OBE was phased in, educators' roles in the classroom had to change.
According to Mason (1999), educators need to change their way of teaching, from
transmission model to mediational and facilitative role.
12. Research on best classroom assessment practices.
Learner Centered
Informs students of important learning outcomes
Identifies strengths and weaknesses
Monitors growth and progress
Feedback guides improvement and next steps
Improves Learning Outcomes
Targets are clear and aligned with instruction
Learning outcomes are attainable and measurable
Alignment between standards, instruction, and assessment are evident
Informs Teaching and Learning
Diagnoses students’ thinking and understanding
Guides next steps for teachers and students
Informs and improves instructional practices
Reliable use of data and valid reporting authenticates learning
Embedded in Learning
Multiple assessments are included throughout instruction
Methods and expectations are clearly communicated
Engages students through questioning and inquiry
Source: https://www.assessmentnetwork.net/blog/epic-demic-assessment-afterthe-interlude/toolbox/best-practice/classroom-assessment/
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List 3 things that you should do to make assessment increase student's motivation
1. Create Student-Centered Classroom Assessments
For many students who struggle with motivation, giving them more ownership and
opportunity to offer their own opinions can be helpful. Take advantage of this fact, and
work to make your assessments more student-driven. For instance, if your assessment
involves a writing assignment, start by having each student or groups of students analyze
both an excellent writing assignment and a poor one. Then, instead of telling them
yourself, ask your students to identify what makes the good example strong and the poor
example weak. This encourages them to practice analytical skills and form arguments
rather than simply taking in and repeating back information. It also helps your students
prepare for their own future writing assignments in an active manner.
2. Tap into Intrinsic Motivation
Interest and motivation go hand in hand. So, when creating your classroom exams, try to
make questions as relevant to your students’ personal interests as possible. Brainstorm
things that your students care about and get excited about – the topics that they discuss
in casual conversations with their classmates and friends. Maybe this includes box-office
movie hits, popular singers, favorite sports teams, or the latest tech trends. Integrate
these topics into your lessons and eventual assessments to pique your students’ interest
and get them to engage with the underlying concepts and material.
3. Give Students a Say
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Letting your students make some decisions about their assessments is a great way to
give them more ownership over their learning – and reap the motivational benefits that
can provide. Consider giving your students some choice in the format that they are
assessed in, and switch up the format you use to accommodate different strategies.
List 3 things that you should NEVER do to make assessment non-threatening.
Surprising students with assessments, either with the timing of them (pop quiz) or
with the material on the test itself.
Testing students on material that was not significant during the unit unless you are
scaffolding and using the assessment as a way to reinforce previous learning.
Deducting points for things that are irrelevant to content learning (i.e., not putting
their name on the top of the paper correctly, turning in the paper late, incorrect
formatting, messy handwriting, etc).