F O R P E R S O N A L U S E O N LY ES 101 Laboratory Orientation 08 September 2022 JETRO L. NAVARRO University of the Philippines Diliman Institute of Civil Engineering ES 101 MECHANICS OF PARTICLES AND RIGID BODIES Today, we will have • Introduction of Laboratory Coaches • Introduction to ES 101 • Introduction of Laboratory Students • Introduction to Engineering Mechanics • Message to Classmates • ES 101 Tips • Class Photo Sir Jet JETRO L. NAVARRO Teaching Associate Sir Travis MATTHEW TRAVIS M. ALCANTARA Faculty-in-charge ES 101 • a basic course in engineering mechanics taken by students in all undergraduate engineering disciplines as a prerequisite to major courses • science crosses over to engineering • 4-unit course: 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of computational laboratory • Personalized System of Learning Reference Beer, F. P. (2013). Vector mechanics for engineers. New York: McGraw-Hill. https://tinyurl.com/ES101book Course Pack • • • • Course Guide Activity Guides Study Guides UVLé Forum Course Outline A. Body At Rest or In Uniform Motion? MECHANICS OF PARTICLES B. Concurrent Forces and Their Force Diagram C. Statics of Particle D. Kinematics of Particle E. Vector Methods for Dynamics of Particle F. Dynamics of Particle G. Centroid and Gyradius of Shapes MECHANICS OF RIGID BODIES H. Non-Concurrent Forces and Their Force Diagram I. Statics of Rigid Body J. Planar Kinematics of Rigid Body K. Vector Methods for Planar Dynamics of Rigid Body L. Dynamics of Rigid Body The Learning Flowchart of an ES 101 Student SOLVER Approach • SKETCH diagrams that you think will be useful in solving the problem • OUTLINE the sequence of solution strategy and steps • LIST the knowns and unknowns • VALUATE i.e. solve the problem • EVALUATE if the valuation results make sense • REFLECT on the part of the problem-solving that presented any difficulty • Sample of an Outstanding Handwritten Problem Solution BEST PRACTICES • Box your final answer • Follow the sigfig rules in ES 101 • Don’t forget to Evaluate and Reflect! Important Dates 1 November 2022 – All Saint’s Day 23 November 2022 – Deadline for Dropping Study Schedule • Recommended StudyModule Schedule Module Opens Closes Module/ Activity 07-Sep-22 08-Sep-22 Orientation 12-Sep-22 30-Sep-22 A, G* 19-Sep-22 7-Oct-22 B 26-Sep-22 14-Oct-22 C 19-Sep-22 21-Oct-22 D 26-Sep-22 11-Nov-22 E 3-Oct-22 18-Nov-22 F 30 November 2022 – Bonifacio Day 8 December 2022 – Feast of Immaculate Conception 25 December 2022 – Christmas Day 30 December 2022 – Rizal Day 1 January 2022 – New Year’s Day 12-Sep-22 25-Nov-22 G 24-Oct-22 28-Oct-22 Reading Break 3-Oct-22 2-Dec-22 H 10-Oct-22 9-Dec-22 I 10-Oct-22 16-Dec-22 J 17-Oct-22 6-Jan-23 K 19 January 2023 – Deadline for Grade Submission 17-Oct-22 11-Jan-23 L 19-Dec-22 02-Jan-23 Christmas Break Study Schedule Gantt Chart Please Remember • SQ Mastery level: module is 80% or better • Maximum number of SQ attempts: 5 • minimum time interval between SQs: 4 hours • No INC Grade • You shall undertake the ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PLEDGE at the start of the course and every summative assessment attempt • Grading System Average of the Summative Assessment Scores for the 12 modules Final Grade [92,100] 1 [88,92] 1.25 [84,88] 1.5 [80,84] 1.75 [76,80] 2 [72,76] 2.25 [68,72] 2.5 [64,68] 2.75 [60,64] 3 Failure to complete* all 12 modules 5.0 Violation of the academic integrity pledge 5.0 Where can I help you? Shepherding you towards course completion • HPS Follow-up • Reporting UVLé glitches • Consultations for Summative Quizzes • Endorsement of Summative Quiz Appeals • Checking of Learning Logs • Sounding board for your concerns Is ES 101 Unoable? #UnoCutie • Definitely! First Semester 2021 - 2022 1.0 – 62.5 % 1.25 – 16.67% 1.5 – 6.25% DRP – 14. 58% 1 1.25 1.5 DRP Tell Us • Your Name • Your Nickname • Your Degree Program • Your Zodiac Sign • What adjective starting with the first letter of your first name describes you best? • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Mechanics • The study of forces and its effects Engineering Mechanics • Is both a foundation and framework for many fields of engineering Why Study Engineering Mechanics? • To develop the capacity to predict the effects of force and motion while carrying out the creative design functions of engineering • To able to visualize physical configurations in terms of real materials, actual constraints, and practical limitations Engineering Mechanics • deals with the behavior of a body when the body is at rest or in motion Statics • Study of the force components on a particle that is in equilibrium (either at rest or moving uniformly in a straight line) Dynamics Kinematics Geometry of Motion • Study of the distance and time of motion of a particle, without direct regard for the force components (yet) Kinetics Forces and Motion • Study of the motion of, and the force components on, a particle that is acted upon by non-zero resultant force ENGINEERING MECHANICS Fluid Mechanics (ES 15) Solid Mechanics (CE 18) Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (ES 102) Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies (ES 101) Statics (*ES 11) Kinetics Dynamics (*ES 12) Kinematics Particle System of Particles Rigid Body • a point mass or a material point • two or more bodies are represented by particles and dealt with together • distance between any of its points remains unchanged under the action of forces • if the dimensions of a body can be ignored while studying its equilibrium or motion, it may be treated as a particle ’ First Law of Motion (Inertia) • When a particle is at rest or moving uniformly in a straight line, then the particle is in equilibrium. • ∴ resultant force on the particle is zero. Σ𝑭 = 0 • If the resultant force on a particle is zero, the particle will remain at rest or continue to move in a straight line. • Basis of Statics Second Law of Motion (Force) • When a particle is accelerated, then the resultant force on it is non-zero and proportional to the acceleration by a factor equal to the mass. Σ𝑭 = 𝑚𝒂 Third Law of Motion (Interaction) • When two particles interact, then the action and reaction forces have the same magnitude, same line of action, and opposite senses. Dimensional Homogeneity • Each term must be expressed in the same unit Significant Figures • Determines the accuracy of the number • For our final answers, we use 4 significant figures if the answer starts with "1", 3 significant figures otherwise. Rounding Off Numbers • Determines accuracy of the result a chain can never be stronger that its weakest link Review your mathematics • Trigonometry –Right Triangle Trigonometry –General Triangle 𝒅𝒚 Trigonometry 𝒅𝒙 • Geometry –Angles inside polygons –Opposite interior angles –Pythagorean Theorem • Algebra –Quadratic Equations –Simultaneous Equations • Calculus –Differentiation –Integration What would you like to say to your classmates? • Jowel: I'm excited to meet all of you, my classmates, who I will be with for this course. I hope to have an engaging experience and have some fun even though the course seems to be challenging. • Leo: Enjoy the sem and let's help each other regardless of how difficult an activity is. • Kane: I hope that all of us will give our best effort to pass the course What would you like to say to your classmates? • Lyan: I hope we'll get along well! I'm looking forward to meet you all virtually. Good luck to us! • Ivs: I hope that we can bond in spite all of this setup. HAHAHAHHA • Cristelle: Sana kayanin natin ito mga dude pare chong bro 😭 • Jhon: I hope learning will be fun • Alex: Hello, classmates! Good luck satin sana makapasa tayong lahat sa ES 101 huhu. What would you like to say to your classmates? • Nestor: Please be nice. • Rapha: Kakayanin natin yan! • Niño: KAYANG KAYA NATIN TOH! • Estelle: Goodluck to us ig • Kenneth: Good luck to all of us. • Sheem: Goodluck! What would you like to say to your classmates? • Vivi: Lets have fun :D • Gerd: Good luck saten sana pasado tayo in under 5 attempts. • Tim: I do hope that the class that I am in would get through together in this course, and individually, in each of their courses. Good luck to us all! • Kiara: may we learn to appreciate and love physics as the wonder that it really is 🙏 What would you like to say to your classmates? • Tristan: I hope we can enjoy this course and learn simultaneously • Gerd: Kaya natin 'to (i hope) • Micah: hi everyone! kaya natin 'to!! • Elaine: Wishing that everything goes well on everyone's end and hoping that this school year will be good to us. Fighting ka-isko and iska! 🥰 What would you like to say to your classmates? • Charlene: Have a great semester! :DD • Therese: Good luck! Kaya natin to! • The rest are either hellos or N/A What would you like to say to your classmates? • Cecil: Hello! I'm Cecillia, pwede niyo rin tawaging Cecil. Unlike the song Oh Cecilia, I don't break hearts, but I can shake your confidence <3 • Gew: I hope that amidst the somewhat difficult and demanding nature of this course, we can all still put a smile in our faces every once in a while and get a chance to pause and be proud of ourselves with our efforts (like celebrate the small wins of accomplishing a module/assessment even if we found it hard and took a lot of time in completing). Good luck to us! What would you like to say to your classmates? • Mark: Let's all help each other! #NoStudentLeftBehind • Elrene: Good luck and stay safe. • Jaime: lets have a good term (?) • Aubrey: manifesting na makapasa tayong lahat sa ES 101 <3 What would you like to say to your classmates? • Mai: Can't wait to meet and take this course with you guys! :))) • Alya: Hello guys laban lang huhu • Dan/Danah: Hello! Looking forward to meet all of you! Sana po hindi kayo masusungit :( • Jacky: I hope we all finish this course strong. What would you like to say to your classmates? • Vhon: I hope that we will all get along well and finish the course with flying colors-passing grade. Hehe. • Gil: Best of luck to us. Fighting! • Chelly: Hi! Looking forward to meeting with you in class and studying with all of you. Hoping that we can all get along. • Nicole: Padayon! We will get through this! Class Photo!