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Recycling Essay Proposal

Joe Stafford-Veale
October 25
Essay Proposal
Topic: Recycling
Research Question: How was recycling first introduced into society and how did it evolve and
become so significant?
Werrett, Simon. "Recycling in Early Modern Science." The British Journal for the History of Science 46,
no. 4 (January 2013): 627-46.
Siu, Helen F. "Recycling Tradition: Culture, History, and Political Economy in the Chrysanthemum
Festivals of South China." Comparative Studies in Society and History 32, no. 4 (January 1990): 76594.
Berg, Anne. ‘’ The Nazi rag-pickers and their wine: the politics of waste and recycling in Nazi
Germany.’’ Journal of Social History, no. 4 (November 2015) :446-472.
Goodship, Vannessa. “Plastic Recycling.” Science Progress 90, no. 4 (October 2007): 245–68
(So sorry for the late submission! I accidently handed this into another class!)