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Yaah! Magazine Issue 9: Wargames & Scenarios

Issue no9
may 2017
Battle for
the Airpor
ARTICLES Finnish Civil War · Conan · Hands in the Sea · The Great War
Command and Color: Ancients spinoff Scenarios Command and Colors:
Ancients · ‘65 Squad Level Battles · Stonewall’s Sword and more!
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
eZOC: Editor’s
Zone of Control
It’s Who I Am
My undergraduate degree is in psychol-
esting interview is your wasted pages.
There’s no mistaking what type of game
is hugely popular with the gaming pub-
ogy. There’s a music minor tucked in
there, but that’s another story. Within
Games. You all seem to like the sce-
lic, but you guys want wargame articles,
my major, statistics was my favorite
narios we offer. You aren’t rabid over
and I have a bit of a problem with that.
course. Although I can be a head-in-the-
them, but you don’t want us to cut them
out. By the same token, readers would
Make no mistake, I’m a wargamer’s
stuff kind of guy, I like to measure, calcu-
rather see complete games than com-
wargamer. I can grognard with the best
late, and assesses probabilities. In other
plete expansions to games that Flying
of them. I can also rip through a game
words, I love statistics. A lot of gamers
Pig has released. That’s cool by me, and
of Days of Ire, Warhammer 40K Conquest,
that I’ve met, and I’ve met A LOT of
that’s how we will proceed. Scenarios
or Posthuman in a heartbeat, thoroughly
gamers, are the same way. So, the mea-
will be offered, but so will a complete
enjoying myself. Some of the most cre-
sure, calculate, and assess part of me de-
game. But what era? The survey says
ative mechanics in conflict gaming are
cided to ask these gamers—the readers
that the #1 answer is World War II. No
coming from games like these. Bottom
of Yaah! magazine— what they want to
surprise there. The #2 answer, howev-
line? Our articles won’t change. You’ll
see in Yaah!. Here’s what they/you said.
er, might just startle you. If folks can’t
get your wargame review, perhaps even
have their WW2, they want their WW3.
five or six pages of history describing the
You don’t care about interviews. Not sure
That’s right, y’all seem to like your al-
battle portrayed in our issue’s game. But
that I understand why, but then again,
ternative history. In fact, most Yaah!
within our pages, you’ll also find words
I might. I think our interview with Jor-
readers claim that they enjoy science-
on The Others, Imperial Assault, and Riv-
dan Weisman was one of the best ar-
fiction and alternative history gaming
et Wars. It’s who we are. It’s who I am.
ticles we’ve produced in two years. Jor-
almost as much as historical contests.
dan was most gracious and thoughtful
in his responses. All this from a man,
Articles? Yepper, everyone loves our ar-
who by any account is damn busy/suc-
ticles. In fact, like Playboy, a lot of you
cessful. You see, Jordan founded FASA
claim you buy Yaah! for the articles (We
know it’s the pictures.) But what type of
etc), Whiz Kids (You’ve heard of Heroc-
articles? Here the gaming industry and
lix, right?), Harebrained Schemes, and
Yaah’s followers offer a strange conflict
was named by Seattle Business as one
of tastes. On one hand, strategy games
of the top 25 innovators in Washing-
such as Scythe and Zombicide garner a
ton state. Awesome, right? Maybe not.
combined twenty-five thousand ratings
Several readers asked me (Obviously,
on BoardGameGeek. On the other hand,
before reading the article.) who is this
Comancheria, a popular wargame from
Weisman guy? Seems that my inter-
THE major wargame publisher, gets 134.
Yaah! Magazine | 1
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
A Solitaire Scenario
Night of Man
4. Armageddon War Musing Greg Porter
’65 Squad-level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam
48. Tet Offensive Josh Harris
Games we love
49. Ben Het Norm Lunde
8. Comanchería Deborah Malmud
50. Phase Line Red Norm Lunde
14. Finnish Civil War John D. Burt
Stonewall’s Sword
20. 13 Days -The Cuban Missile Crises Nick O’neil
51. Low Hanging Fruit Hermann Luttmann
24. The Others Matt Foster
Dead Reckoning
28. The Great War Dr. Robert G. Smith LTC (RET)
52. Quarantined Mick Sullivan
34. Conan Eddie Carlson
Night of Man
42. Hands in the Sea Roger Leroux
53. Get to the Chopper! Mark H. Walker
Command and Colors Ancients
54. The 12 Battles of Arthur Chuck Turnista
Issue no.9 / may 2017
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
this issue’s game:
this issue’s game
62. Game Preface Ryan Kirk
Old School Tactical
68. Donetsk Ryan Kirk
80. Tank on Tank Mark H. Walker
Design by Ryan Kirk, Developed by Art Bennett
Art by Ilya Kudryashov
79. Waterloo Redux Peter P. Perla
Brad Smith
Guillaume Ries
Mark Walker
Yaah! Magazine | 3
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
barrel of the main gun. Captured tanks being driven by someone who had never driven one before. Dump trucks with sheet
metal used as ersatz APC’s. Pickup trucks mounting weapons
whose recoil almost tips them over. A lone fighter running up
noun: a dramatic and
catastrophic conflict
behind a T72 and tossing a grenade down the barrel of the main
Armageddon War started with a title that Mark had, but no sys-
it all day over a several-kilometer front yet the casualty total
tem. I had some thoughts about a system, but no particular set-
is negligible. Except of course for the blooper reels of self-inflicted
ting to attach it to.
injuries from badly used mortars, technicals and ATGMs.
And so it began.
When Mark outlined the area and scope he had in mind, my
first thought was to head to YouTube and start archiving Middle
East combat footage. With everyone and their cousin mounting
GoPros on their vehicles or helmets, and mobile phone cameras
catching things from unexpected angles, there was an unprecedented level of information on how the forces actually fight.
Including a lot of surprises. I saw a pistol pointed at a hostage
to make it look like just a couple people talking, while a guy
behind them with an RPG-7 lined up a shot on a BMP. I saw a
dozen militiamen forming a line, popping out from cover one a
time to shoot an ineffective burst at a distant foe and then going to the back of the line (the guy with the belt-fed weapon let
off a long macho burst from the hip). Thirty guys hiding behind
a wall and pointing their guns over the top to shoot at a group
across the street who was no doubt doing the same thing...
and calling it a close assault. An armored assault on a rebelheld apartment complex, where the tanks would pause their
shelling to let highway traffic drive by them. And if you think
about it, civilians for whom an armored assault is not sufficient
grounds to change the route of their morning commute. Ancient T-55’s being aimed by someone peering down the empty
4 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
gun (which had a round in it, ouch). Enough instances of “Allah
Akbar!” that you would think shouting it was part of the firing
procedure for a weapon. Battles where two sides are going at
This was the sort of thing that colored my thinking when
I’ve been playing tactical and strategic games since forever,
working out the stats and mechanics for Armageddon War.
and familiar with most of the resolution mechanics and ways of
It was going to be a game where you had to hit someone re-
presenting information on a counter. From the simplest “three
ally hard to put an immediate dent in them, otherwise you
numbers and a unit symbol” all the way out to a dozen or more
would have to slowly whittle them down, and if you let up,
numbers crammed onto a 3/4 inch counter or “we’ve given up
they would eventually recover their strength. A system where
on putting numbers on the counter, here’s a separate reference
a unit’s ability to cause harm was dependent on far more than
card for the unit” Can you say MBT? -Mark).
the list of equipment available to them, and where the range
of equipment would run from the 1950’s through systems
I knew I was not going to get everything for a platoon-level
that in 2017 are still only prototypes (Armageddon War is set
modern game down to 3 numbers, but I did want to streamline
in 2028).
things as much as possible. Technically, a unit is going to have
only 4 numbers on it, but it also has color coding, can have a
few graphic icons, a letter code and possibly a keyword in its
name (like “Recon”). Before that starts sounding overwhelming, here’s a counter:
Nice, clean, straightforward. One of the goals of the design and
one of the things I am happiest with is the degree to which you
do not need to reference the rules. Once you understand the
basic concepts you know how many dice you roll against any
target, your strongest and weakest attack types, long, short and
medium range, any special armor and movement characteristics and the technology/quality base of the unit as compared to
enemy units.
The other “avoid picking up the rules” part about Armageddon
War is the dice. Because of the low setup and production costs
for custom game components in China, Armageddon War uses
custom dice instead of a CRT. This is something that would
have been impractical and prohibitively costly several years
ago, but nowadays you are seeing entire games based on nothing but custom dice. All combat results in Armageddon War are
based on the symbols on the dice. These are not as complex as
Ars Victor or Star Wars: Imperial Assault, but they are most definitely not your ordinary six-siders.
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
So, the dice work in two ways. First, there are a small number of
army with a technological advantage or training advantage will
things that affect the number of dice you roll, a “dice number
be better able to utilize it. This sort of thing is represented by
modifier” or DN. The normal way of calculating the dice you roll
the small lightning bolt you see on the right side of the counter.
is just your firepower less their defense value, but special situ-
The US advanced infantry (red bolt) has a 1 level advantage over
or flanking fire or infantry
hitting unaccompanied vehicles in urban terrain can get
you more dice. And there is
a larger group of things that
affect the type of dice you
roll, a “dice quality modifier”
or DQ. Armageddon War dice
come in green, black and red,
in increasing order of inten-
ations like adding extra units
the ISIL unit, (black bolt) so
the US gets a +1DQ if attacking the ISIL unit, and the ISIL
unit gets a -1DQ if attacking
the US unit.
The other nice thing about
the custom dice is that it
let me minimize a problem
and loophole we have all exploited at one time or another
and do so in a manner that
sity, the potential for damage
you can roll. The dice number represent the theoretical poten-
does not slow down play. Your opponent’s unit has an “acted”
tial to do harm, while the dice quality represents how likely it is.
marker of some sort on it, so you drive up in the open, park and
open fire, knowing that since the target has already acted, they
A simple example: The average infantry platoon has about the
can’t do anything about it. Yes, it is a good strategy within the
same aggregate ability to do harm regardless of whose platoon
confines of the rules of that game, but as a sound tactic? Not so
it is.
It is about the same number of people, their weapons have about
Armageddon War lets the target of an attack do one of three
the same range and penetration ability, and so on. However, an
things. First, they can retreat, ceding the hex but giving the
6 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
attacker a -2DQ. You still take fire, but it is
It takes a little while to adjust to the system.
less likely to hurt you. The default option is
Knowing when to fight and when to run, work-
that you hold, taking best advantage of what-
ing to deny your opponent the chance to use-
ever cover is available. The last option is that
fully shoot back, rewarding use of good real-
you shoot back. This is a +1DQ for the attacker
world tactics, finding the best way to get a
because you are sticking your snout out where
useful level of firepower from under-trained
it can get whacked, but any shields rolled on the
and under-motivated troops, figuring out how
attacker’s dice are strikes on them, up to a maxi-
to take a position when civilians are part of the battlespace and
mum of your firepower minus their defense and cover. This re-
news crews will be broadcasting the footage before the dust has
wards playing things smart. If you shoot from cover, counter-
settled? That’s what we’re trying to do with Armageddon War.
fire is less effective. If you shoot at a unit that has an Action
status that reduces its firepower, counter-fire is less effective.
And the counter-fire is baked into the attacker’s roll, so you do
Mark’s Note. By the time you read this, Armageddon War will be on on
not need an extra combat step for it.
pre-order at www.flyingpiggames.com.
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
games we love
8 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
History in a Box
Comanchería: The Rise and Fall of the Comanche Empire has coun-
trouble was that they didn’t “feel” like the history I was read-
ters. Lots of counters. There are hundreds of counters rep-
ing about. And so I scrubbed this and went to a hybrid prototype
resenting everything from bison to settlements to horses to
that used cards and a map. I found I didn’t like that one either.
tribes, food, and four different colonial enemies. There’s also
And so I came back to my roots and drew out a simple point-to-
a beautiful mounted map. There are dice (though I still haven’t
point map and began to draft a game engine that was basically
figured out why the game comes with three of them, all dif-
an enhanced version of Navajo Wars. Gradually we refined the
Comanchería, the first thing you must
contend with are the 137 included
cards, where you begin making your
first tough decisions.
Eight different types of cultures are
represented in card packs of three
levels each. You begin the game with
a free choice of a level 1 culture card.
Only when you have level 1 of a pack
of Culture Cards can you purchase
ferent colors). But after you set up
game until it took on the form of the
published product.”
Cards give the game its historical
contours. The game has four distinct
time periods from 1700-1875, three of
50 years each and the last from 18501875. Each history card remains on the
board with game-wide effects in place
as long as that time period is operative. Dictating not only the scenario
setup but special rules for enemy ac-
level 2, and only with level 2 can you get to level 3. These cards
tions and responses as well as the victory objectives for that
offer various types of advantages and it is a strategic decision
time period, the history cards allows modeling of the likelihood
early on whether you will choose something to give you a com-
of various enemy behaviors in an unobtrusive way that is char-
bat advantage, such as “Warfare” (which modifies the rules a
acteristic of this elegant design.
bit to allow for more aggressive behavior toward enemy tribes)
or “spirituality” (giving an advantage determining ratings of
Additionally, four different Development Decks provide for
your tribal leaders). Alternatively, perhaps you’re interested in
historical events that impact play. Trade alliances, disease,
a tactical or political advantage with the cards. Those are also
treaties, the Indian Removal Act, Texas Independence, and
even the American Civil War are all represented. (In case you’re
wondering, initially the Civil War gave the Comanches a chance
It’s fitting that the first game decision is a card-based one, as
to recover and eased pressure on its borders.) Each historical
designer Joel Toppen has said “Comanchería started out as a
period also has a “Missed Opportunity” card, forcing the player
card game. You conquered tribes by conquering their “card,”
to discard any of the unused development cards they have at-
etc. Early prototypes of this were actually quite fun to play. The
tained. Trust me, that is a painful reveal!
Yaah! Magazine | 9
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
games we love
A “War Deck” adds richness to your opponents’ behavior. (I
umns work. This is by far, what I like most,” Joel Toppen says. “In
call them “opponents” because truly this game feels as if you
Navajo Wars, everything stopped and you had to work through a
are playing against various groups of enemies rather than some
flowchart process to resolve an enemy invasion. In Comanchería,
design-driven AI.) Each War Deck card can be read for one of two
the game gives a better feel of simultaneity, that things are going
pieces of information—either a basic movement direction for
on concurrent with what I’m doing as the player.”
an enemy (depending on the scenario, you are facing challenges
from the north, south, east, and west), or as a “war event.”
Does the game already sound chock full of things to do and
think about? Well wait, there’s more!
War events can be surprise attacks, enemies moving faster than
usual, the opportunity to surrender your captives to end a war
In addition to extending your territory, you also need to main-
early, or the revelation of bad intel which results in a sudden
tain your cultural independence. It seems fitting that most of
increase in strength to your enemy (as well as other things). If
the times I have lost this game, it’s because my culture has been
this sounds varied and realistic, you’re right, it is—incredibly
compromised. This, combined with the military independence
so. The 25 war cards were a late addition to the game (and as
you must also maintain, is among the many variables contrib-
such the draw pile spot for war cards is missing from the map),
uting to the success—or failure—of your thriving Comanchería,
and their inclusion was a very good decision. They add a great
your Comanche Territory. The game’s designer has appropri-
deal of richness to the gameplay.
ately put a boxed note into the scenario setup reminding you
that it is “IMPORTANT” (his emphasis) to maintain your cul-
Working in conjunction with war counters that are drawn before
ture and military prowess to at least some degree. Loss of both
a war actually breaks out, the game manages to create the sense
is catastrophic and very possible—believe me. With so much
of impending doom. You can literally see your enemies on the
else going on, it’s easy to forget to attend to the needs of your
horizon and not know exactly when they’ll be attacking, even
culture. Raiding a neighboring tribe or hunting bison is so much
though you know they will. “I really like how Enemy War Col-
more appealing.
10 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
We haven’t yet talked about the chiefs (or headmen) in the
around 20,000—twice as many as any other native peoples on
game. But what would this game be without some chiefs? There
the Southern Plains and more than Hispanics who lived in New
are two different types here. The Paraibo was a tribe elder who
Mexico and Texas. “Comanches were key players who often forced
was looked to for management and leadership of civil matters.
the would-be colonizers to compete for their military support and
The Mahimiana (sometimes referred to as a ‘war chief’) was
goodwill and navigate their initiatives and intentions,” he writes
younger and his leadership was looked to for hunts and raids.
in The Comanche Empire. Playing the Comanche, you can also see
In this game, their effectiveness is represented by a “medi-
how, as Hämäläinen has said, “the fate of indigenous cultures
cine” rating that can be controlled by the player through vari-
was not necessarily an irreversible slide toward dispossession,
ous actions during a planning
phase. (“Medicine” here is
used in the sense of superis gained over the course of a
lifetime—not in the Western
The interplay between these
leaders dictates how many
bands (or collections of warriors) you can have active at
natural and other power that
declension. As the history of
almost diametrically opposite
trajectories were possible.” In
this game, you’ll need to play
extremely well to win, but win
you can.
The Comanches were empire-builders who colonized
and displaced thousands of
any given time, as well as how effective other aspects of your
Apaches and other tribes. They fought back the Spanish north-
efforts will be. For me, the rules on managing the headmen
ern expansion and increased their empire over many decades.
were a bit convoluted and resulted in some repeated errors on
Their equestrian-based hunting way of life thrived for many
my part. This is a small knock on an otherwise well-described
years and as the player in this game in charge of managing the
rule set for this complex game.
Comanche, you have a lot to handle.
Comanchería (published by GMT in 2016, who provided a review
copy of the game for this article), is Toppen’s second game, fol-
Most wargamers focus on theme/historical period when decid-
lowing 2013’s Navajo Wars, though he is far from a newcomer
ing on a game. As a solitaire wargamer willing to learn about
to the board game world. He’s credited as developer on some
almost any historical period, for me one of the central deciding
of the most significant games of the past few years, including
factors in game purchase and enjoyment is how the AI is en-
Washington’s War, Labyrinth: The War on Terror and Labyrinth: The
acted. In this game, it’s quite simply brilliant.
Awakening, as well as the first COIN game, Andean Abyss.
With four enemies coming at you—Spain, Mexico, USA, and
His experience shows. One of the many gifts of this game is the
Texas—not to mention a variety of tribes who can become allies
connected nature of the cultural, political, and military aspects
(but not for long) or enemies, you might be wondering whether
of Comanche life, intertwined to such a degree by the game’s
there is a 20+ step procedural chart to carry out their actions.
mechanics that writing a linear description of how the game
Far from it. Hands down, Comanchería utilizes the best solo AI
works seems to diminish it.
instruction mechanic I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot.
The designer notes reference quite a few sources for the game,
Raids, wars, trading actions, encroachments, settlements, and
but highlights The Comanche Empire by Pekka Hämäläinen (Yale
even the establishment of peace are all represented by counters
University Press, 2008) as the book that most influenced the
that are assigned to one of four enemy areas. With a simple die
design. Indeed, reading this Bancroft Prize-winning history,
roll you decide which enemy will be active that turn and execute
one sees the designer’s genius in bringing to life an academic
their orders by moving down a column of counters. Other die
narrative of frontier-borderland studies.
rolls during the game randomize the columns, and a simple (re)
placement mechanic for used counters ensures that you’ll never
Taking on the role of the Comanche people as they spread their
be doing the same actions more than once in a row even if the
influence and power throughout an increasing area, you play out
same enemy is activated. With hundreds of possibilities, the
the narrative Hämäläinen has so convincingly written. It’s im-
enemy instructions are carried out by the player in a manner of
portant to bear in mind that by 1800 the Comanche numbered
minutes. It is, truly, unique and lightens what could be a big bur-
Yaah! Magazine | 11
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
games we love
den in playing this complicated a game solo. A lengthy procedure
on this would kill this game as there is little worse than spending
75% of your game time on the “other person’s” turn.
Toppen told me, “The Enemy Instruction mechanic was an innovation in Navajo Wars. Because of the increased number of
enemies the Comanche faced, and the fact that they came from
all directions, I had to modify that mechanic somewhat. Using
History Cards to help regulate which enemies are more active
in which historic periods, I refined the mechanic used in my
previous game to better suit the history of the Comanche. It
might sound strange but it’s what I like to call a “God idea.” It
just came to me and it works very well to create the effect I was
seeking.” Indeed, it does and for this player—in a game full of
excellent ideas—this is top of the list.
As you would imagine, there’s a necessary amount of abstraction in the game. Take for example, “Passage of Time,” which
can either be an optional or mandatory operation. This encompasses events that would take place over time such as creation
of new bands of warriors, development of new Rancherias (Native American villages), and the retirement or death of leaders.
Another game effect—and one that was a thorn in my side—
is the ravaged/recovery rule. Representing a partial success at
raiding an enemy tribe (but not eliminating it), ravaged counters serve several purposes. For one, they inhibit other tribes
from raiding and encroaching. “The terror that Comanche warfare inflicted often had the effect of discouraging encroachment or provoking retaliation,” Toppen says. “The absence
of a ravaged counter means that the fear of the Comanche has
waned in neighboring tribes and those tribes might decide to
test the Comanche in battle.”
That sounds great but I could never gain consistent ground
when I was playing. “Why is it so hard to get ravaged counters
to ‘stick?’” I asked him. (If a certain number of them don’t accumulate, you can’t eliminate enemy tribes.) Toppen’s answer:
“Well, some enemies proved to be more resilient than others.
The Tonkawas were still around in the 1870s while the plains
Apaches were mostly driven out of the region by the end of
the 1700s. And so yes, it represents to a degree the ability of
a raided people to recover.” That’s quite a lot to represent in
one simple token. yet Toppen has managed to do it, and do it
effectively without fiddly rules that could bog down the game.
His designer notes to Comanchería state, “When I set out to design this game, I had three goals: make the game less complex
and more approachable than Navajo Wars, make the game play
faster, and make the game ‘feel’ like Navajo Wars while representing the Comanche people and telling their story.”
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
I ask the designer if he had anything to add to those thoughts
there is one key way to figuring it out or winning.
for this article and he replied, “Comanchería is more about war
and conquest. Navajo Wars is more about survival and resiliency.
For those wondering what’s next in the “First Nations” series,
Both are good ‘stories’ to be experienced as a gamer. Both have
Toppen says that “’Red Cloud’s War’ is coming right along. It
a resource management aspect. But if the player is more inter-
will be different from my other two games in that it focuses on
ested in combat, Comanchería is more of a wargame.”
a military campaign in 1866-67 in Northern Wyoming over the
As I said, I haven’t yet played
game is far from a battle-fest.
(The rules for battle take up
less than one page in 20 pages
of rules.) You’re constantly
worried about whether or not
you should conduct a raid on
a rival tribe or conduct trade
with an ally; about whether to
Navajo Wars but to me this
course of 13 months.” Will
solitaire gamers have something new to rejoice about?
“To that I’m going to stay
silent for now and simply
tell people to wait and see.
It’s gonna be good,” Toppen
says. “I’m trying something
really new here and don’t
want to say too much at this
spend culture points to bolster your aptitude in an aspect of cultural development; about whether to send horses or tribal lead-
Solitaire or not, the next Joel Toppen design is going to be worth
ers or goods to trade out with your warriors; about when to spend
the wait. For now, gamers new to Comanchería have something
one of your precious development cards to move a Rancheria or
deep to sink their teeth into. On my end, Navajo Wars has just be-
groups of warriors for free; increase the longevity of your lead-
come a Must Buy.
ers; or conduct an extra trade action (among many other things).
There’s just so much going on here and the combat part of it feels
About the author
just that—a part of much bigger concerns.
In the real world, Deborah Malmud is a non-fiction book editor of neuroscience, psychology, and education books. She is
Each action and operation in the game and each agonizing deci-
also the voice of “Geek Gamers,” a YouTube channel devoted to
sion about what to do next feels like a piece of a puzzle. Yet this
discussion of strategy and wargames. Reach her at citygeekgam-
game plays like a game and not a simulation or puzzle where
ers@gmail.com or youtube.com/c/GeekGamers01.
Yaah! Magazine | 13
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
games we love
New game topics are very attractive to a gamer like myself; I’m
always interested in learning about new events and trying them
out- after all, how many times can you play Market Garden,
Bulge, or Gettysburg? (In my case, about once every two years.)
So I was quickly drawn to the game in Paper Wars issue 84, the
Finnish Civil War, designed by Brian Train.
Civil War in Finland?? Who knew?
Finland had been a part of the Russian Empire since 1809. When
the Russian Revolution of 1905 broke out, Finnish nationalists began rising to the surface, clamoring (and fighting) for
independence. During the First World War, these nationalists
joined with the Germans training for the day when the Russian Empire would fall apart. After the abdication of the Tsar
and the advent of the Bolsheviks into power in November 1917,
the Finns felt their time had arrived. However, not all agreed;
some felt that a socialist government, like what Russia now
had, was more to their liking and the country split apart. On one
side, the Nationalists, with Baron Gustav Mannerheim at their
head, began developing a National Army, supported by militia
known as the White Guard. Opposing them were the remnants
of the Russian Army, supported by their militia, not surprisingly known as the Red Guard. From January 1918 through May,
the two sides fought for control of the southern portion of the
country. The Whites were bolstered by the return of nationalists from the German Army, as well as additional German units,
while the Reds were weakened by the signing of the Treaty of
Brest-Litovsk, which lowered Soviet support for the Red faction
in the war. Ultimately, the Whites won out.
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
That’s the history, what about the game?
The game map is a nice, visually appealing
22” x 17” view of southern Finland, shown at
20 kilometers (12.5 miles roughly) per hex.
It stretches from Vassa in the northwest
to Petrograd in the southeast, mostly forest green with light blue lakes. The villages,
towns and cities are the primary targets connected only by railroads. There is an upper
track that allows players to follow the red
and white morale, as well as the “peace process”, which becomes very important in the game.
The main company and battalion combat units are shown in
five colors representing the five factions: White Guard, Finnish National Army (FNA), Red Guard, Soviet Red Army (SRA),
and the German Army. Units are rated for attack, defense, and
movement, with battalions back printed with lower values.
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games we love
The companies and battalions are drawn from a pool of such
from Brian, plus part of the historical discussion – the rest was
units and vary in their ratings: companies from 0 – 2 attack
inadvertently left out but is available online.
strength and battalions from 2 - 5, for example. Both sides also
have some guerrilla units- they don’t have values, so are use-
The game sequence for each weekly turn goes through event
ful only in creating some movement problems for the “other”
table, reinforcement/replacement, and operations phases,
side. Some of the units are marked for “shock”, meaning they
and ends with a recovery phase. The 2D6 events table provides
are better trained than most. If enough of these shock capable
events which can raise morale of either side, saddle one head-
units are employed in combat a special combat results table is
quarters with no supply, or impact reinforcements of move-
used. Note the word “main” up there: Brian has also included a
ment. During the event phase is also when peace negotiations
brigade level version of the game, with its own counters. More
take place, with each side rolling 2D6 and subtracting the Red
on this version later.
roll from the White roll: a positive result is added to the Peace
Track, which starts at 0. At various levels on the Peace Track,
The rulebook is embedded in the Paper Wars magazine and,
things happen, and generally, the Reds will not like it. For ex-
given that Brian had been publishing this game on his own, is
ample, at level 8, either the German 27th Jager Battalion ar-
very complete. Although you will have to flip through the rules
rives, or the White player can take six FNA companies that ar-
a lot initially (like when checking on peace negotiation events),
rive at Vassa; at 12, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is “signed” and
once you get into the game, it’s relatively straightforward –
the Red Army no longer receives reinforcements.
you’ll just have to deal with a lot of variability both at the start
of the game and later. The magazine also had players’ notes
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In the reinforcement phase, both players get several randomly
drawn companies from their faction; the number is based on
can choose any of the three multiple times. Ideally, you would
morale and is different for each side. At morale level 10 for ex-
use your three operations to: 1) railroad close to a target city/
ample, the White Player receives three FNA company points
town, 2) move adjacent, and 3) attack. Alas, the operations draw
and one White Guard militia company. The FNA points can be
is generally not “ideal.”
used in several ways. First, they can draw one company per
point randomly; they can use a point to “upgrade” one FNA on-
Combat is odds based by adjacent forces. As noted above, you
map company to a battalion (randomly drawn). Alternatively,
need a headquarters to keep from attacking at half strength
they can use a point to buy a headquarters unit, an artillery
and to have adjacent stacks of friendly units attack together.
mored train unit. Headquarters are important as they
put units in supply for combat and allow units in adjacent hexes to combine for an
attack. Artillery provides a
die roll modifier for combat.
The Red faction at morale
10 would receive one Soviet
Army company and four Red
Guard militia companies. The
unit, or (optionally) an ar-
from Brian, especially given
the large number of poorly
trained militia units in the
Guards – well done! Towns
and cities affect final combat columns and the result
in most cases is an attacker/
defender company loss. The
kicker is the BBX or Escalating Bloodbath result, where
the attacker first loses units
Reds cannot upgrade to battalions, but can purchase headquar-
with attack strength equal to the weakest defenders DEFENSE
ters, artillery, and armored trains. Since the Reds don’t start
strength, and then the defender must lose that amount of de-
with any headquarters on the map, a word to the wise Red is,
fense strength from his units. The attacker can continue doing
“buy them quickly.”
that until either he or the defender run out of units!
Both sides can also get additional replacements based on ca-
If more than half of a side’s units are shock capable, the shock
sualties from the previous turn. Attack factors are added up
table can be used for the combat, which adds the possibility of a
and cross-referenced with a side’s morale to see how many re-
Defender Panic result, which eliminates the defender and makes
placement points are returned. It’s not much, but when you’re
those units ineligible to return or be considered in the replace-
up against it and suffering a lot of losses, every replacement
ment phase.
point can be vital.
Here’s an example: Two stacks of Red units, totaling twelve atThe operations phase is another randomizer. Both Red and
tack points in three SRA and seven Red Guard militia companies,
White factions get three operations markers (less if morale is
attack the town of Picksämüki defended by eight defensive points
low.) These are drawn one at a time, with the side picked get-
of White units, including a 3-3-4 battalion of FNA, plus one FNA
ting to do an operation. There are three operations- they can
and three White Guard militia companies. Both sides have head-
either move in one of two ways, or they can perform combat
quarters and the Whites have an artillery unit. Base odds are 3-2,
with adjacent enemy units. Movement is either overland (hex
reduced by the town to 1-1. If the combat die roll is a 2, reduced
to hex with no Zones of Control here!!) or railroad mode. Over-
by the White’s artillery to 1, the result would be a loss of three
land movement is about as familiar to most gamers as any.
companies for Red and two for White, and the town would stay in
Terrain costs, but will change mid-game when the spring thaw
White’s possession. If however, the result was a bloodbath, then
arrives to make lakes and streams more difficult. Did I men-
combat resolution is a bit more complex, as follows:
tion no Zones of Control? Guerrilla movement is simply picking
The weakest defense factor in the town’s defense is a 1-1-5
them up and moving somewhere within five hexes. Stacking
militia unit. It’s lost and a single 1-1-2 Red Guard is also
depends on terrain and ranges from three units in swamps to
eliminated. Combat could stop here, but with so many
twelve in cities. Railroad movement allows a number of units
more Red Guard units available, the Reds can (and should)
continue combat results:
equal to the side’s morale to move along railroads as far as they
want as long as: 1) they stop when entering an enemy guerrilla
The next weakest defense factor belongs to a 0-2-2 White
unit’s hex, 2) a hex adjacent to a regular enemy unit IF there’s
Guard Militia. It’s eliminated, and the Red player must now
already a friendly unit there, or 3) a hex that isn’t adjacent to an
lose at least two attack factors – either by eliminating two
enemy unit. Players choose their operation for the phase and
1-1-2 Red Guard or a single 2-2-3 SRA company.
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The Red attacker can keep going. He’ll lose more units but he
FNA companies, plus 3 + 1D6 White Guards and 0-5 guerrillas.
could end up emptying the entire town of defenders and still
The red faction gets 4D6 Red Guards, up to nine SRA compa-
have units to take possession.
nies, and 0-5 Guerrillas. Thus, you could start the game with
Morale on both sides plays a major part of the civil war. You can
for their starting morale (adding 6 to the total). In short, every
gain (or lose) morale through taking (or losing) towns and cit-
game starts differently, but usually the Red faction starts with a
ies, by special events and through losses in battle. Morale can
numerical superiority, and must use it before the peace process
affect operations and reinforcement. City or town capture lets
mandates significant White reinforcement and Soviet with-
the victor decide whether to raise his own morale or drop the
drawal. As noted earlier, the only disadvantage the Red faction
enemies. Nice touch.
starts with is the dearth of headquarters, making any turn one
seven white units and 38 red units. Add that both sides roll 2D6
attacks half strength.
Variability – and thus replayability – in the game comes from
the random chit draw for operations, the blind draw of rein-
Victory is based on towns (eleven) and cities (four – all in the
forcements in which you never know exactly what you’ll be get-
Red zone initially) controlled by each faction, with each city
ting, the Peace Talk die rolls, and the random events table. If
counting as three towns. The ratio of town points provides a
that wasn’t enough, Brian adds more variability in the game’s
level of victory from marginal to smashing. Surprisingly, driv-
setup. Almost all White and Red regular, militias and guerrilla
ing an enemy’s morale to zero is not a victory condition.
forces are established with die rolls. The Whites start with three
In general, the Reds must start aggressive, while the Whites
18 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
as ?-?-2. During combat, a D6
is rolled for the attack or defense strength of the Guard
brigade, and it can change
every combat phase. So that
stout brigade that defended
with a “6” could easily attack
(or defend again) with a “1.”
Combat is a “fire” system
based on the number of attack/defense points, with the
results being no effect, a Loss,
or at higher odds, a Panic. Results are applied simultaneously. A Loss will disrupt a
regular brigade, or eliminate
a disrupted or Guard brigade.
In a panic the sufferer will
stall them to build up stronger FNA battalions. Guerrillas are
lose the number of units involved in the action.
good for the stall process as they can deploy on rail lines to
disrupt the “go anywhere” rail movement. But the Reds must
Example replay of the battle of Picksämüki: In this case an FNA
push. In one recent game, the Whites were down to their last
brigade and one White Guard (?-?) brigade with artillery are de-
three battalions and one headquarters, holding out in the town
fending against one SRA brigade and three Red Guard militia
of Jyväskylä with the Reds closing in. The Peace Track stood at 2.
(?-?) brigades. Rolling for the values of the militia brigades, the
At the beginning of the next turn, however, the Peace die rolls
attacker and defender strengths become: attacker = 4+ 3 + 1 + 5
showed White 10, Red 4, jumping the Peace Track to 8, bringing
or 13; defender 5 + 2 or 7. The Reds would fire on the 12-13 col-
in a large FNA contingent, which, in the first two White opera-
umn except for the town, which lowers it to the 9-11 column.
tions, sent a big force to capture the city of Tampere, and sud-
Their attack roll is a 7 lowered to 6 by the White artillery, which
denly, the Reds were on the defensive.
is a miss. The Whites roll on the 6-8 column and roll an 8, adding 1 for their artillery, which is a Loss. This can be taken by
Brian has also added some optional rules to add to the flavor of
eliminating one of the Red militia brigades or by “depleting”
the situation. Militia with a “0” attack factor must stay within
(aka flipping to the reduced side) the Red Army Brigade. That
a hex of the city/town/village where they start. Players that
ends the combat.
capture village/town/cities can “purge” the place, meaning no
enemy reinforcements can appear there if unoccupied (nasty,
Brian’s brigade system certainly plays faster, but we found it
but then so were most “civil” wars!) Mannerheim can be used
was also duller to play. We stayed with the company version.
as a White leader – but may resign if Germans are brought in to
Overall, we found this a fun little game that plays fast and furi-
help. I rate these options highly and recommend their use as
ously, especially the company level version. The “action” tends
soon as you’re comfortable with the game process.
to be the same each time, with the Reds pushing hard with one
For those time-challenged gamers, Brian also added a second
eye on the Peace process and the White making up for it later
version of the game- the Brigade version. Same map, same vic-
– if they survive. But how each side approaches its goals can
tory conditions, same operational segments, completely differ-
vary greatly. The variable forces at the start add to the interest,
ent units and combat system.
although the extremes of the die rolling will generally call for
an immediate “do-over.” Brian has put a lot of feel in the game,
The brigade units for FNA and SRA are now back-printed to
making this excursion into the forests and lakes of southern
show disrupted status; White and Red Guard brigades are noted
Finland highly recommended.
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
games we love
Even the most casual of gamers will know of Twilight Struggle
from GMT Games, the three-hour epic that sat atop the rankings on BoardGameGeek for many years until it was finally
toppled by Pandemic Legacy. As I write this, it still sits there at
number 3 in the charts, usurped by only two bundles of newer,
shinier cardboard, no mean feat for a game over a decade old in
a field where developments and refinements seem to happen
every other week. Twilight Struggle is a representation of the entire Cold War for two players, a card-driven game in the same
an element that makes Twilight Struggle such an immersive and
kind of mould as 1960: The Making Of The President. While almost
taut experience.
universally recognised as one of the finest games out there, its
play time and reputation have always kept it beyond the reach
The game’s two designers are beginning to make something of a
of casual gamers, and its labelling as a war game has probably
name for themselves in the gaming community. Asger Harding
driven it even further away from the lighter end of the market.
Granerud is responsible for the highly regarded cycle racing game
Flamme Rouge, while he and his co-designer Daniel Skjold Ped-
Enter 13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis, an ambitious attempt to
ersen have recently collaborated again on the recently released
provide the thrills, spills and (probably most importantly) the
Frogriders. Each of their games appears to do something differ-
tension of Twilight Struggle but all tied up in a forty five minute
ent from the last, so these two seem to be happy to tackle new
time span, lighter and easier to play but still with the kinds of
problems and ideas with each successive release and pretty much
tough and balanced decisions that have worked so well over the
everything they have put out thus far plays solidly and effectively.
years for its distant older cousin. Where Twilight Struggle encompasses the epic span of the Cold War over the latter half of
13 Days comes in a small and very portable box, but astonish-
the twentieth century, 13 Days wisely narrows its field of vision
ingly when you open it you will quickly realise that it could have
to a single episode in that ongoing standoff, namely the week
been even smaller. Make no mistake, this is a mini Twilight
and a half of the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. Paring down the
Struggle in a physical sense as well as in terms of gameplay, and
scope of the game is a wise decision, and picking this particular
that means that it is also an eminently portable reduction of
incident works well, as it enables the designers to include the
Twilight Struggle. Making the box even smaller would have re-
threat of imminent nuclear destruction in this smaller game,
sulted in losing some of the evocative photographs that adorn
20 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
the Cuban Missile Crisis and explains the decisions behind the
events on the various cards in the game. Setting up the whole
game on the table only makes the smallest of demands on players’ time and space – so far so good.
Once the game is set up, it is clear, just in case you did not know
already, that 13 Days is a card driven game, just like Twilight
Struggle, and it is through the play of these that the two players
will seek to control the various areas of the board and advance
their own aims. After seeding the board with some influence
cubes and shuffling the two card decks, players are dealt three
Agenda cards each, marking them on the board with their flags,
and select one in secret to become their agenda for that round.
Right from the start of the game players will be attempting to
work out which one of the three indicated agendas their opponent is pursuing, narrowing down the range of possibilities,
while simultaneously trying to inject as much misdirection into
their own play as they can.
Once the agendas have been selected players are dealt five Strategy cards each, and it is through the play of these for influence
or events that the similarities with Twilight Struggle are most apparent. Some of these cards belong to the player sides at each
other’s throats, the US and USSR, while others are neutral and
bear the UN designation. Any card may be played as a Command
to add or remove influence cubes from a single battleground,
but if the card bears your opponent’s affiliation then they have
the option to trigger the event on the card before you can move
any cubes. Players may also play neutral cards or those of their
own affiliation as Events rather than Commands. It needs to be
mentioned that a small number of cards went to print with in-
the outside, but it is still surprising that the decision was not
complete information on them, but a little bit of intuition and
taken to make the game fit into even smaller spaces. The board
common sense (or a visit to the internet) is all it takes to work
is small, economically but evocatively designed, and despite its
these out, and they provide only a small inconvenience rather
dimensions it still carries all the information that players will
than breaking the game. In reality, players will barely notice it
need, including the score track, while the small cubes, tokens
when they are up and running, but it is worth pointing out.
and cards are of good quality as well. There is a small rule book,
which is not only clear and full of examples, but also includes
Events have the power to alter the DEFCON track, and adding
a complete example play through of the game, always useful,
or removing more than one cube as part of a Command action
while a second booklet provides some historical background for
will do the same. This threat sits in the background of the game
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from the very start, escalated at the ever-present start of ev-
If players manage to make it to the end of round three without
ery round of the game, even the first, so players will be skirting
nuking themselves or each other, then it is time for the final
around the edge of apocalyptic disaster from the start. If any
reckoning. The cards that have been tucked underneath the
player marker is in Zone 1 at the end of a round or if all three of
board are revealed and their US and USSR cubes counted up, the
a player’s markers are in Zone 2 then a nuclear war is triggered
player with the higher total gaining two Prestige points, after
and that player immediately loses the game, and it is encourag-
which the winner is declared. Ties go to the player with the Per-
ing (in a sense) to know that it is possible for both players to
sonal Letter card, which swings back and forth during the game
lose if they are reckless enough to trigger mutual destruction.
as players use it to increase their influence.
Having the DEFCON track sitting there in the background does
just enough to place severe restrictions on what players can do
I’ll come clean and say straight out that I enjoy 13 Days very
with their cards, so they need to be balancing multiple and of-
much indeed. It is tricky for me to get longer games and war
ten conflicting demands every turn, and every attempted leap
games to the table, and it is unlikely that Twilight Struggle will
ahead means that the other
side’s trigger finger gets just
that little bit twitchier. Once
cards, one per player, are
tucked face down underneath
the board and will have an effect on the final scoring if the
game is not ended by nuclear
war before then.
each player has had four ac-
ever be played in our house,
let alone receive the multiple plays it deserves really
to shine. 13 Days is a different
proposition, however. The
game feels like a balancing
act from the very start, and,
as I have mentioned earlier,
every decision brings with it
some kind of trade off. The
trick for players is to try to
ensure that they trade off
However, it is not all about advancing your own agenda for the
slightly less than their opponent does. Those six markers on
round. Players will also be vying to secure the most influence in
the board (three for each player) will indicate where each side
three battlegrounds of world opinion – television, alliances and
might be focusing their efforts, but working out what your op-
the United Nations. After each round the player who is ahead in
ponent’s ultimate aim is for the round takes skill, a little luck,
each of these three areas secures a bonus, after which players
and some magical mind reading as well. It is all about feint and
check to see if they have managed to resolve their own personal
counter-feint, leaning this way and that, and rolling with the
agendas that will give them specific advantages. These will in-
inevitable punches.
fluence the DEFCON track as well as Prestige (which is effectively the score tracker for the game), but the simple fact that a
Being a card game it is inevitable that players are sometimes
player can never be most than 5 Prestige points ahead of their
going to find themselves on the receiving end of an unhealthy
opponent after scoring means that there is always the possibil-
dose of bad luck, but the trick is a well-designed game is to al-
ity, however slight, of being able to turn things around.
low players at least the chance to be able to mitigate the worst
of it. In 13 Days if you end up with a hand full of your opponent’s cards then you are going to need to hunker down and
enter damage limitation mode, but skilful play can still minimise the damage such a draw can do. At other rare times you
will be able to go on the offensive and it will be your opponent’s turn to try to evade your nuclear kisses – enjoy these
moments when they come.
There are a few negatives that I need to mention in the spirit
of fairness. Firstly, the box is too big and with smaller packaging its portability and economy of scale would have been
made much more apparent. Do not be put off by the notion
that 13 Days is going to be a table hog though – on the contrary, it fits nicely into a cafe game collection, especially as
the board contains pretty much all of the information players
22 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
might need. Secondly, as mentioned there are some very small
printing errors in the early edition, although these are not
game breakers and it only take a little common sense to work
out what is meant. The only other real flaw with this game – if
it can be considered a flaw – is that it is not Twilight Struggle. It
unashamedly and openly flaunts itself as a quicker playing and
streamlined alternative to that classic, so it must be considered
on that basis, and I would say it is a success, acting both as a
Twilightish Struggle for those who just cannot go without their
fix but only have an hour to spare, but also as a possible route
into the bigger game for those who are interested but lacking
the armoury to go immediately all-in. Like its bigger brother
it gets better with familiarity and playing against a similarly
skilled opponent is hugely rewarding.
As it happens, Granerud and Pedersen are going even further
this year, distilling 13 Days down to its purest essence in the
forthcoming 13 Minutes, the microgame take on Twilight Struggle. Amazingly, this will still aim to retain the feel of Twilight
Struggle, but only ten of thirteen supplied cards will played in
each game. It sounds completely mad, but here, clearly, are two
designers who think that they are on to something and given
what they have achieved with 13 Days I would not be surprised
to find 13 Minutes managing to retain the elements of its much
bigger siblings and simultaneously bringing something new to
the microgame genre, which can be disappointingly shallow.
Hardcore wargamers and those who routinely spend four or so
hours crouched over hex maps and looking up subcategories of
subcategories of rules for fun may well find 13 Days just a little
too light for their tastes, but even they should at least give it
a go, and I genuinely believe that this is a game that has the
potential to go down well with a broad range of players. Those
for whom Ticket To Ride represents the deeper end of the spectrum or for whom conflict is a complete turn-off should give it
a miss, but most gamers, especially those looking for a decent
quickish head-to-head play, would benefit from trying it out.
13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis is an impressive and polished design with much to commend it, and certainly worth a play, but
especially by devotees of Twilight Struggle.
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games we love
It’s been a long, long time since gaming with miniatures was
supporting graphics, and imaginative miniatures are all con-
the exclusive province of history buffs and assorted fans of
spiring to breathe new life - and new money - into the minis
wargaming. The number of popular medium -and large- run
gaming genre. It’s a good thing, I suppose, that a majority of
games nowadays that feature miniatures is nothing short of
contemporary minis gamers are likely handier at spelling “Ta-
amazing to many of us grognards who cut our gaming teeth
tooine” than “Austerlitz”. As long as it keeps the spice flowing,
with painstakingly recreated ranks of French voltigeurs or Ro-
it doesn’t matter that most of the current crop of minis games
man legionaries.
aren’t even remotely connected to anything historical. Uncork
enough creativity and some good games are going to result.
For confirmed addicts to the plastic crack (like me), these are
heady days. Varied themes, innovative game systems, vivid
24 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
The Others, published by CoolMiniOrNot (CMON), checks off
all the boxes required, and then some, to serve as a top-notch
The Sin player chooses one of the Sins to play. The game’s
example of the current generation of miniatures-based action
original title was The Others: 7 Sins, but the official moniker was
games. The game features a bucketful of well-sculpted minia-
chopped back to just The Others because only two of the seven
tures, generally excellent production values, and a clever game
Sins are included in the retail starter box. Kickstarter pledges
system that meshes neatly with The Others’ dark, horror-in-
got the other 5 Sins (available as expansions at retail), along
spired theme.
with a bunch of other stuff.
I call it an “action game” because the work of designer Eric
Each Sin has a different set of gameplay effects and powers, and
Lang produces gameplay that’s not quite a skirmish game, but
its own set of special monstrosities (in order of nastiness): six
not exactly an abstract tactical game, either. There’s plenty of
Abominatons, a Controller, and an Avatar. The Sin player also
shootin’ and stabbin’ and burnin’ going on, but the area-based
selects six of the more generic Acolytes (the lowest level evil
minutiae commonly found
in games that dig down into
man-to-man (or man-tothing, in this case) combat.
The over-arching structure
is a classic one-versus-many setup. One player takes
charge of the vile forces that
embody one of the Seven
Deadly Sins (everybody reading this knows what those
are, right? Right? Sure you
system avoids a lot of the
minions), which are typically
city-folk of some sort - police, firemen, doctors - with
their guts hanging out and/or
tentacles waving around.
A complete team of FAITH
operatives has seven members: a Leader, two Bruisers
(close combat specialists),
two Snipers, and two Fixers.
The FAITH players choose
three or four (depending on
the number of players) of
do). The other players - up to four of them - play individual he-
the seven heroes as their starting crew. Each hero has one or
roes comprising a team of operatives from FAITH, the Federal
more skills/abilities, and the upgrade cards that turn up during
Authority for the Interdiction of Transdimensional Horrors.
gameplay usually provide the most benefit for a specific type of
The Bad Guys are trying to pull off Bad Things to hasten the
hero. Once the FAITH starting lineup is selected, the remaining
corruption of the world; the Good Guys are trying to stop them.
heroes are set aside as the reserve; when a hero on the board
meets his/her doom, a reserve hero is brought into play. If a
hero is killed and all reserves have been exhausted, the game
The game board for each “story” (grognard translation: “sce-
ends in a victory for the Sins player.
nario”) is arranged from a set of area-based tiles representing
parts of the unfortunate city of Haven, which the ultimate gang
The game is played in Rounds. During a Round each hero gets
of Bad Guys, called The Hell Club, has made the epicenter of its
two turns, each of which allows the hero one move of 1 or 2
unholy efforts. Haven is “a large metropolis on the southern
board spaces and a single action - either fight or resolve a game
coast of England”. As a quick note: I’ve never particularly con-
effect called a “crisis”. A hero can either move first or take their
sidered Southampton the Smoldering Hellmouth of Global Evil,
action first. In the course of a turn, a hero can also take a “City
but then again I’ve also never figured out why Godzilla always
Action”, which provides one or more helpful buffs (like healing
stomps the stuffin’ out of Tokyo.
or upgrades).
When a hero activates for a turn, the Sin player can play a single
Sin card, usually causing something unpleasant to happen. After a hero has finished a turn, the Sin player can then play one
of their limited number of Reactions, which allow a monster to
move and fight. Note carefully: the various Sins critters in play
don’t get turns of their own; they only get Reactions.
It’s important to recognize the essential asymmetrical nature of gameplay, which is a big difference that sets The Others
apart from most of the rest of the fighting-with-plastic-bits
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games on the market. The game isn’t just moving and shooting
at the other dudes. In order to win, the FAITH heroes have to
accomplish mission objectives - they have to Do Stuff, not just
Kill Things. The Sin’s main goal, in simplest terms, is to mess
with the heroes. Sometimes that involves killing them (when
the opportunity arises), but it’s just as important to cause delay and aggravation, because the longer it takes to complete the
mission, the more Sin effects stack up against the heroes. Once
enough Sin effects are in play, the heroes have a hard time doing anything constructive. At which point they become a lot
easier to kill off.
Conversely, the key for the heroes is to accomplish their objectives as quickly as possible. There’s a little item called the
Apocalypse Track that basically serves to keep track of the
rounds - and also serves to list nasty new Sin effects that come
into play as the rounds marker advances. As a mission wears
on, more and more effects appear to hammer on the heroes.
The heroes can lay down some awesome hurt in combat (espe-
Because of the increasing Apocalypse effects, card plays from
cially with the right upgrades), but many times they’ll discover
the Sins player, and the typical spawning of bad guys in the
that taking the time to potshot at random bad guys is exactly
worst possible locations, the FAITH team more than has their
what the Sins player wants them to do. A tight focus on objec-
hands full. In addition to staying focused on objectives, they
tives is usually the best course of action, with the heroes piling
also have a couple of critical resources to manage. Each hero
into combat only when necessary.
has only five life points (wounds) and can take only a limited
amount of Corruption points before Bad Things have a chance
to happen to them. Those very same Corruption points, however, are used to enable some of the heroes’ most impressive
abilities - so inside each mission, each of the heroes also does
a dangerous little dance with Corruption points to balance between ultimate baddassery and abject, soul-eating failure.
There’s no shame in admitting that at least half the appeal of
these things is the quality of the miniatures and the associated
artwork in the box. It’s also worth noting, however, that a lot of
the minis games that start out on Kickstarter (like The Others)
easily populate campaign pages with appealing concept art and
promising CAD renderings, but end up delivering products that
don’t quite match their lofty ambitions.
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Apparently, even throwing in 6 more city tiles and a pair of custom dice bags wasn’t enough, because the Kickstarter version
also included expansion boxes for all 5 of the remaining Sins—
that’s 40 more than minis—plus more Sin cards.
More expansions were available in the project as optional buys.
Those included the Apocalypse Box, with 6 mega-monsters (and
two heroes); Gamma Team and Delta Team (each with 5 heroes
and 12 acolytes); the Sons of Ragnarok (7 more heroes); and Men
of FAITH (5 more heroes).
It was certainly an ambitious undertaking for a Kickstarter
game, and whether it rates as a successful project or not is no
doubt very subjective. The Others shipped about 8 months later
than the projected finish date, and some shipments (mostly for
Such is not the case with The Others. This game is absolutely
European backers) ran afoul of the container line chaos inflict-
gorgeous, and there’s a LOT of it to appreciate.
ed on worldwide shipping as a result of the Hanjin bankruptcy.
It was a daunting fulfillment challenge to begin with—more
The core box (i.e. the “retail” version) contains 47 miniatures:
than 10,000 backers pledged nearly $1.5 million—and the in-
8 heroes (because one of the seven heroes is a werewolf, with
ternational shipping delays only added to the usual problems.
both human and wolf-version minis); avatars, controllers, and
6 abominations for each of two Sins (Pride and Sloth); 24 cor-
Shipping and fulfillment issues aside, CMON has turned out an
rupted acolytes; and 5 minis for the members of the Hell Club.
entertainingly thematic, competitive game that features some
The miniatures are top-notch sculpts, amazing little works of
truly outstanding miniatures work. Gamers with an apprecia-
art in themselves, and the production quality is simply out-
tion for the horror genre who don’t have The Others near their
standing. Also, inside are some sculpted plastic markers for
table are missing a trick. And, while hard-core wargamers and
wounds, a bunch of custom dice for combat, some colored
fans of contemporary skirmish games (Imperial Assault, for
snap-on bases for the hero minis, 10 city tiles, 70 cards, and
example) both may find The Others a bit unconventional, I think
assorted punch-board dashboards, tokens, and markers.
they’ll discover that the game offers a host of enjoyable tactical challenges. It requires some attention to detail in planning
The Kickstarter Edition of The Others extends well beyond the
ways to accomplish objectives, and provides plenty of opportu-
contents of the retail version. There are 6 additional hero fig-
nities for dirty tricks as the game rolls along.
ures and two additional bad guys, with associated extra cards
and dashboards. The Kickstarter version also included the Beta
And besides, what self-respecting plastic crack addict doesn’t
Team expansion with 5 more heroes, 12 more corrupted aco-
need to have miniatures this good-looking as part of their col-
lytes, 5 city tiles, more dice, and a dozen more upgrade cards.
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For America, this is the centenary of our entry into World War
One. On 6 April 1917, America stepped out of the security of the
New World and into the trenches and the antagonisms of the
Old War, to try to help the Democratic Powers defeat Prussian
militarism. In less than one and a half years, Imperial Germany
had cracked. All the old monarchies fell by the time the war was
concluded. However new dangers arose—the threat of Bolshevism that arose out of the ashes of the collapse of the Tsarist
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regime was the most obvious. Sadly, the peace that was ham-
mered out by the victors at Versailles helped set the stage for a
TGW’s components are a very strong aspect and one bound to
rematch, as this harsh treaty only served to fuel antagonisms
disappoint and vex the player. You have the standard nice big
and unrequited desires in the states that lost—or the victor
playing map, with BIG hexes. The map is actually two-sided.
states that perceived that the Treaty of Versailles treated their
To make up different battlefields, you have the interchange-
“rightful” claims with disdain.
able tiles. I recommend this to make future set-up easier with
the tiles- the tiles that only have trench lines on them go in
While at the World Board Game Championship in August
one baggie. The tiles that have other terrain go into a differ-
2016, we saw the game The Great War (TGW) by the Plastic
ent zip-lock bag. This prevents you from getting to the end of
Soldier Company (PSC). I knew of PSC, but thought they
constructing your battlefield and needing to start flipping tiles
were a miniatures company. Although the game was fund-
over to find say the missing mine crater (as I had to do). The
ed via Kickstarter and released in 2015, at the time we saw
tiles’ artwork is first-rate and all the trench lines connect. The
TGW it was the 100th anniversary of two key battles for the
interior packaging and storage is non-existent. They could take
British Empire in World War One. Within a month’s time,
a lesson from how Academy Games packages their games with
the British fought both Jutland and began the Battle of the
that great new interior storage lid. You also have Wire markers
Somme. I read the box, saw that TGW was patterned after
that upon destruction by artillery flip over to show a crater side.
Richard Borg’s Command and Colors system, and took a gam-
You have one nice artillery marker and HQ tokens that operate
ble. The game is attractively packaged, but perhaps is a little
as the game currency. The card decks for both Command and
misleading as it shows tanks on the cover. If you are like
Battle are sturdy, and will hold up to repeated playing.
many gamers, you buy it and say, “Wait a second... There
are no tanks in this game”. However, the tanks are avail-
Then we come to the game’s biggest weakness—trying to re-
able for separate purchase in an expansion kit, and every-
move the soldiers from the HARD plastic sprue. Unless you
one needs tanks.
have sprue cutters, removal is a real pain and you will dam-
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age some units, meaning you then need to re-glue pieces that
nological leap in defensive firepower. Yet it manages to accom-
break. Unlike the soldier figures in Battle Cry, these are a hard
plish this feel for the subject in a playable fashion. It is easily
plastic. Cutting them with an X-Acto knife works, but it takes
a game a 10 to 12-year-old can play and do well at, as the game
much longer than I anticipated. It’s not a showstopper but it
forces you to think for this turn and the next.
was aggravating, a reaction a company doesn’t want with its
first foray into the board game field. As a possible replacement,
The game mechanics are simple. You set up your forces, draw
you can go and shop over at the Plastic Soldier Review, who
HQ tokens (i.e. the game currency), and your hand of Command
have an extensive listing of WWI figures. However, even with
and Combat cards. Your Command cards allow your troops to
sprue cutters I still found it a
very painful experience. If I
had been a mother who purand discovered that it was
so user-unfriendly, I would
have been livid. Poor ergonomics, a first-class failure.
The rule book is long and
decently illustrated. However, it suffers from a lack
overall structure. I’m always
cial abilities. The detailed description tells you what spe-
less than thrilled when I get
a rulebook that has no Index. Yeah, it’s a Command
chased this game for my son
shoot, move or conduct spe-
cial conditions are attached
to the card while the graphic
the card pertains to for your
choose a card that reads 2-22, meaning you can conduct
two actions per section with
troops. You can move up to
two hexes, but doing so forfeits your ability to conduct
combat. You can move one
hex and fight. You can then
play a Combat card. There are
two types of combat, Ranged
and Colors type game, which means it’s simpler. I get that, but
and Close Assault. After combat is over you collect end of turn
that’s no reason not to have a useable rule booklet. For ex-
HQ token or in lieu of that take a new Combat card. Retreats
ample, the game dice are illustrated early on, but their impact
and bonus combat are conducted if someone played a Combat
and functionality is left for you to find scattered throughout the
card that allows for a tactical response. Movement is straight
rules. Maybe you will find it. Instead, you need to go to Board-
ahead as you can’t slide off or do lateral movement here.
GameGeek (BGG) and look under the files to find something
useful there. That’s not what we expect is it? Moreover, at this
Before playing the Somme Hawthorn Ridge Mine Explosion
juncture, the company should have proactively gone up and ad-
scenario, I read up on it in Prior and Wilson’s book The Somme.
profesdressed these themselves by putting out an amended profes
I personally think it is the go-to book on the Somme. My goal
sional product. One can hope that PSC will post a set of new
was to get some sense of the historical aspects of that section
living rules, as clarity and some organization is needed in areas.
of the battlefield on that hot July day in 1916. How did it play
There is simply no real excuse for somebody in this digital age
out? What were the forces like? Did it feel close enough? Not
when it is so easy to do things the right way. (It’s not quite as easy
only did TGW pass, but in my historian’s mind, it
as you might think. -Mark)
got a solid A.
TGW gives a passing nod to the
The Great War and the Command and Col-
logistical aspects of WWI. In the
ors system are a good match. In fact,
cards, there is a shell shortage
World War One is a perfect adap-
somecard, a great reference to some
tation to this system. The game
reflects the tactical rigidity
and inability to move rapidly, with a communication
system that had not yet
caught up to the tech-
thing that happened and was a
comserious issue for all the com
batants at one juncture or
another. In fact, the shell
shortage in 1915 ensured
the Russians forever lost
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the initiative against the Germans. In England, the shell short-
the game has it right without much of a tradeoff to the histori-
age ended the real power of Lord Kitchner and brought David
cal truths.
Lloyd George to the Prime Ministership. I like the passing nod
to logistics that TGW continues with in terms of game play. The
As a variant once you’ve played a few times, try allowing side-
real impact of logistics is handled by the HQ chits. Think of HQ
ways movement. I had no trouble using this, as you often read
chits as the game’s currency that are spent for certain types of
in small unit actions how leaders would try to move to the flank
actions. To use certain cards, you must pay an activation fee.
or use the terrain to give them the best chance of achieving their
To use artillery and expand its base of fire, you spend HQ chits.
mission. Doing so gives the British a bit more flexibility when
To maximize the HQ card in the deck, a bounty of HQ chits can
I have used it. I don’t allow it for retreats as that didn’t seem
between victory and defeat.
With that card and enough
chits, you can devastate in an
assault. That card will allow
you to replicate the first day
of the Battle of the Somme
where the British Army suffered 60,000 casualties in
one day.
be the difference in one turn
right. I have also experimented with the British getting a
free artillery barrage prior to
opening movement with four
dice, with the option of adding one additional barrage for
two HQ tokens. I also have experimented with allowing the
British to count their Victory
medals for making and taking
a trench as so far (like in WWI
Artillery at first glance seems undervalued in TGW. We know
actual) they often don’t get that far. For the Somme scenario as
of the weeklong softening up barrages and the hurricane artil-
well, I give the British as their opening move card the one that
lery firestorms. So why not add more artillery to make it more
allows two actions per section. I have also experimented with al-
realistic? The problem with that is until latish (sic) 1918, planes
lowing them to do this for the first two turns with the stipula-
weren’t equipped with radios to adjust artillery fire based upon
tion that a unit that moved with the first card can’t move again.
spotted movement from the air. That type of coordination
But just when you think this is a Command and Colors-light game
wasn’t simply available to the artillery in 1918. Moreover, al-
that is sort of like the First World War, you draw the Bugles and
though artillery did cause a lot of casualties, it often failed due
Whistles card that allows you so much tactical latitude when you
to faulty fuses or simply by the shells burying themselves in
choose to play the card, allowing you order a general advance
the mud (it’s why every year we read of some poor French or
like the one at Amiens on the 8th of August, 1918. That one card
Belgian Farmer getting killed by unexploded ordnance that has
alone should sell the jaded player that the game has more depth
resurfaced). Therefore, the sense, in terms of playability, is that
than is first apparent.
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any case or tense of the word bog again. But in my mind
Well you knew we were going
bogging down includes a whole host of
to talk about it right? It took all
things - the engine shaft
of two weeks until we ordered
breaks, the crew gets ill or
the expansion. It’s well worth it
overheated . . . and trenches
in terms of added play value and
were hard on them. In fact,
giving you a greater sense of the
even at the Battle of Amiens, 2
realities of World War One. In the
years after working with them,
expansion, you get six highly de-
mechanical issues meant often
tailed and pre-assembled 1/100th
50% of your tank force was out
scale World War One British and
of the battle just for mainte-
German tank models, and two
nance and trying to navigate the
crappy German artillery pieces that
battlespace. For me, the rules
are difficult to assemble. The Brit-
replicate this well enough with-
ish tanks are always “male” model
out becoming so house rule ori-
tanks. Like the game pieces in TGW, the plastic for the
ented that we put the game away
other pieces is simply dreadful to work with in terms
because it only works with excep-
of removal and assembly, to include the eight-gun
tion after exception.
crew figures. Again, you are left with the sense that the
overall TLC factor was overlooked here. However, we overall
Of course, the Expansion rules add
liked enough of what we saw that we ordered further the ex-
“tankschrecken” (Did the English call it that? -Mark), the panic
pansion pack of Whippet Tanks.
that tanks created when first employed en masse. It’s interesting that tank fright occurred again as well in the early days of
What you discover is that tanks weren’t a war-winning weap-
World War Two. It’s well handled here. Those who think that it
on, as much as it grieves me to admit that ugly fact. What you
was over and solved miss the fact that it happened again on Au-
find out is your armored “fist” often doesn’t get much out of
gust 8 1918 at Amiens and to a lesser extent earlier at Hamel.
the starting gate. They break down with great frequency and
Of greater import, their mass and proper tactical employment
are hard to recover. The game has it pretty close to right - they
and coordination caused the German High Command to collapse
are neither too powerful nor too weak here. Like in WWI, if you
psychologically. Ludendorff suffered what one would charitably
lead with them, you will lose them early on. The Panzer Pushers
consider a nervous breakdown with the collapse suffered by the
need to grasp that tanks here are a supporting arm, and if used
breaching of the Hindenburg Line that day. It is surprising, how-
correctly in that mode are a combat multiplier for your infantry.
ever, that Hamel and Amiens are missing among the scenarios.
But the bogging down rule is such you may never wish to hear
The Plastic Soldier Company offers prompt, friendly responses
to questions and comments. Here is a company that learned
from their first venture, knowing both what went right with
their first offering and what was not so hot. Game play in TGW
is lots of fun, to include the enjoyable frustration of the assault
on a trench system and objective in World War One. The learning curve of the game is such that by the third game played, I
seldom needed to consult the rules. As I played TGW, I went
from a ho-hum start to the game to loving to play it. I found
myself often frowning as the British Player, not because of the
game system, but in trying to figure out my best tactical response. The game truly felt like World War One enough to me
that I didn’t think about that after a while. I liked The Great War
enough that this M1 tanker will add on the tank expansion kit
and then will await the next modules in the game system. And
that Bugles and Whistles card...you may learn to like it more
than your spouse! With all the planned expansions, this game
should see a long shelf life.
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games we love
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Conan is a miniatures board game that lets you play as heroes
One of the great things about the Conan game is the adherence
from Robert E. Howard’s books. It allows 2 – 5 players to par-
to Robert E. Howard’s works. The team at Monolith worked
ticipate in scenarios that recreate some of Conan’s most famous
with Patrice Louinet, who is regarded as a Conanian (Is that a
battles and adventures. One player will take on the role of the
word?) expert, to make sure that everything evokes the atmo-
Overlord who will be in control of the creatures that are trying
sphere of Robert E. Howard’s world. This ensures that fans of
to prevent the players from
succeeding in the scenario’s
objectives. The players must
cate, and ultimately find a
way to balance their energy
to keep their characters alive
and win each scenario.
Each player will control one
character, represented by a
light gray plastic miniature
and a character sheet used
to track their movement and
the novels will be able to recognize characters, creatures,
and even locations from the
game that Conan will have
encountered on his journeys.
The game includes great artwork from many artists. What
I want to do is talk about the
various components and the
deep immersion they create,
from the character sheets
to the equipment cards. The
miniatures themselves are
actions on the game board. One player will act as the Overlord.
also lovingly sculpted, exemplifying thought that went into
The Overlord uses a plastic tablet, called the Book of Skelos, to
getting everything right.
track the creatures under their command. They will also maneuver minis on the game board to thwart the heroes. The game can
Let’s start with the box art for the cover. This is a powerful
be played with just two people with one taking the Overlord and
piece of art that shows Conan doing what he does best, jumping
the other running several good guys. For those that really en-
into battle and laying waste to a horde of undead skeletons. The
joy managing a lot of moving parts, a person can play solo, they
necromancer in the background bringing his army to life and
would just need to run each character and manage the Book of
Conan swinging his sword and axe to bring them down. It fits
Skelos. It can be done! Although, not very well by me.
the theme of the game very well and gets you excited to open
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the box and see what is in there. Even the logo on the box, with
In addition to the character art on each sheet, there are also
skulls and weapons, lets you know that this is a game of high
various icons that represent the actions available to each char-
adventure and combat, elements that just scream Conan and
acter. At a glance, you can see what your character is able to do
pumps you up to rip off the shrink wrap and start slaying foes.
without having to read lists and charts to decide what to do.
In addition to aesthetics, the icons also have a practical use.
The amazing artwork is seen on all aspects of the game. As you
The boxes that house the icons are where you store the stamina
start to pull out the contents of the game from the box, you can
crystals that are used when you perform actions in the game.
see that much thought went into the layout of every piece used
At a glance, you can see which actions you have performed and
to play the game. Let’s start with the character sheet. The char-
how much energy you have used. This helps you quickly plan
acter sheet includes a beautiful character portrait of each char-
your next step.
acter you can play. The base game comes with four characters.
They include Conan, the main hero of the game about which the
The asset cards are lavishly illustrated, utilizing icons to indi-
novels have been written. There is also Shevatas, who is known
cate the actions available or indicate how the item can be used.
as the King of Thieves. There is the sorcerer Hadrathus, and fi-
Equipment also includes an encumbrance value that is used to
nally there is the Queen of the Black Coast, Belit. Each of these
determine if a character can perform certain tasks if there is too
characters have unique abilities and characteristics that make
much encumbrance. Once again, the visual style not only looks
them unique. We’ll talk about those unique traits later.
good, but also quickly provides what you need to know.
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Spell cards are given the same treatment Sixteen spell cards are
The dice are also very well made and include symbols indicat-
included in the game and scenario setup will determine which
ing damage done. There are three colors used to indicate how
spells will be used. Even the Overlord might have spells at his dis-
much possible damage can be done. Yellow dice will inflict the
posal. The spell cards make it easy to quickly look and understand
least amount of damage, orange dice are the next tier up, and
how the spell will work in the game. They may not be as visually
finally red dice indicate a high chance to doing damage. A nice
appealing as the other assets in the game, but their functionality
touch on the dice are little symbols indicating which tier of dice
once again does away with the
need for books and charts to
track spell information.
that are used to track energy
for the heroes and the Overlord. Each character sheet
will state in a space called
the Reserve Zone how many
energy gems that character
starts with. As characters
perform actions, they move
this energy to the action
icons on the sheet and at the
end of the turn move those
gems to the Fatigue Zone. If
The game includes 75 gems
a character is wounded, gems
you are rolling for colorblind
The scenarios will be played
out on two, gorgeous doublesided maps. These maps represent the battlefields that
Conan and his allies must
traverse to complete each
scenario, and each map is divided up into areas in which
the characters will move and
fight. Each scenario will indicate which map to use.
There are also many other
counters and miniature bases
that are used to track infor-
are moved to the Wound Zone. At the start of every turn, char-
mation during the game. Again, all the pieces are of a great
acters can recover some fatigued energy to be spent on their
quality, very durable, and have great artwork as well. There are
current turn. However, only certain items, abilities, or spells
tokens that represent things like broken walls, tables, trea-
will recover wounds. The more a character is wounded or fa-
sures, stairs, chairs, and even a well. The scenario being played
tigued, the fewer gems the character may spend on actions.
will indicate how each of these tokens will be used. It also gives
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scenario designers a lot of tools to use when creating their own
adventures. There are no rules specifically on how to create
your own adventure; however, there are plenty of things in the
box with which you may try crafting your own stories.
I have played games before that had great looking components,
but were lacking in design. Luckily, Conan not only brings great
looking components to the table, but also brings a wonderful
adventure as well. In Conan, players work together to defeat the
Overlord’s minions and creatures. On the characters’ turns,
use up your energy in dramatic fashion, and when to take turns
they can perform their actions in any order. This allows team-
resting to regain those energy gems. Those dramatic moments
work as one character can perform an action, and then another
of action may not happen often, but when they do, it makes
character can perform an action. This system really allows the
the game come alive and puts you in the shoes of those mighty
players to discuss and use strategy and tactics to their advan-
tage. One character may attack a creature, wound it, but not
have enough energy left for another attack. Another player may
Movement is rather simple. Each turn, the characters get free
step in to attack and kill the creature. Then the first player may
movement points that are listed on their character sheet. If
have enough energy or an ability to open a locked chest to get
they stop moving to perform an action, they lose any remain-
treasure. The combinations of interactions are only limited by
ing movement points. They may then use energy gems to pur-
player imaginations, and energy gems.
chase additional movement points if desired. If a character really needs to be somewhere to help a comrade out, they can get
As I wrote before, energy gems are the limited resource that
there if they have enough energy gems.
players use to perform actions. At the start of a turn, a character regains energy based on their stance. If they choose an
Combat is not overly complicated either. The character sheets
aggressive stance, they’ll receive energy based on the number
and asset cards provide the needed information. Characters
of characters that have died. This stance is used so a charac-
may perform close combat or ranged attacks. Both are similar
ter can perform all their actions, but the downside is you don’t
in execution. Your character sheet and asset cards will state
earn back much energy since your character is being active. If a
how many dice to roll when attacking. You may also spend en-
character chooses a cautious stance, they also get back energy
ergy gems to add more dice to your attack, again limited by any
based on how many characters have died, but it is usually more,
number on the attack icon you’re using. Those character sheets
as the cautious stance is used to catch your breath. A character
and assets will also tell you what color dice to roll. You then
in cautious stance can only perform Guard and Reroll actions.
roll the dice and compare the number of swords rolled against
That is one of the things that players need to strategize among
the creature’s defense. Some creatures are very strong and you
themselves to keep their party going at optimal performance-
need to score many sword icons to inflict damage. Some crea-
who needs to rest and who gets to be active.
tures have a low defense and are easy to defeat. One of the key
player decisions is how much energy to spend on each attack.
This does have a fun narrative effect on the game. For example,
Decide wrong and you may be left standing next to very angry,
one time my son (i.e. Conan) broke through the wall of a hut
very undefeated creatures.
and attacked three Pict. Conan has a special ability to transfer
remaining damage to another creature and if that creature dies,
If the characters are on the receiving end of damage, they may
transfer any remaining damage to another creature in the loca-
have assets that will let them roll defense dice. After an attack
tion. He used all his energy gems in movement and the attack,
roll is made, the number of success are totaled and compared
but killed all three Picts. There are so many moments of ex-
to a defense roll if there is one. The defender will subtract their
citing narrative that can happen, such as breaking through the
successes from the attacker’s successes, this may mean the de-
wall of a hut and with one mighty swing killing everything with
fender lives and takes reduced or possibly no damage. Again,
your battle-axe. Something Conan would be very proud of. The
you can spend energy to reroll dice that don’t give you favorable
downside is now you have to regain your energy gems over the
results. Even the Overlord has the option to spend his energy
next few turns in order to do something heroic.
gems to reroll dice, but that is a tougher decision to make as the
Overlord has fewer gems to spend than the players do.
This is almost like a game within the game. You really need to
talk to the other players so you can all decide when it’s best to
Another challenge for players is Hindering. If there are an equal
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games we love
or greater number of creatures than there are characters, there
Once all the characters have finished their turn, the Overlord
will be penalties for performing certain actions. For example,
then takes their turn. Since the Overlord oversees so many
if Conan were in a location with two Pict warriors, it would cost
creatures, the game provides a plastic tablet called the Book
him two extra energy gems to move from that location. If there
of Skelos. The Book of Skelos is where the Overlord will track
were two characters and one Pict warrior, then one character
which creatures can act, what benefits they can use, and how
could move away with no penalty, but the remaining charac-
many energy gems they can spend each turn. Every single crea-
ter would need to pay an extra energy gem to leave. Part of the
ture or group of creatures has a corresponding creature tile.
party strategy is to put enough characters in a location so no
The tile is like a mini character sheet and has the information
one character is overwhelmed.
needed to play that creature. Each scenario will tell the Overlord which creatures to use and where to put their tile on the
Another concept that is handled well is the interaction be-
Book of Skelos. There are eight positions on the Book of Skelos,
tween encumbrance and skills. Certain assets have weight.
which is called the river, and each tile will take one location ac-
As you carry more objects and your weight increases, there
cording to scenario setup in the river. Once the battlefield board
are skills listed on your character sheet that you will not be
is laid out according to the scenario and the Book of Skelos is
able to perform. For example, if you have a swimming skill
set, the game will begin.
of four and you’re carrying five encumbrance points, you will
not be able to swim. If you dropped the armor with three en-
On the Overlord’s turn, they will decide which creature to acti-
cumbrance points, then you would be down to two encum-
vate. The cost of each creature is based on their position in the
brance points. That is less than four needed to swim, so your
river. The Overlord may activate up to two creatures. If a crea-
character could swim again if needed. Balancing carried en-
ture is in location 8, it will cost eight energy gems to activate.
cumbrance vs. skills is another simple mechanic that brings
Most scenarios only give the Overlord ten gems for the game,
more depth to your characters, and it certainly gives reason
so the Overlord needs balance activating creatures with using
for characters to give gear they find to the player that can
benefits located on the book of Skelos. Every time the Over-
both use and wear it well.
lord activates a creature tile, they will pick it up, and move it to
40 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
the far-right position and move the tiles in the river towards
that Heroes won’t get any spoilers while looking up any rules
the number 1 spot towards the left. In time, depending on the
references they may need.
creatures that are activated, creatures that are more expensive
will become cheaper over time. It is also possible that the Over-
One other concern in the game is that some of the artwork is a
lord could activate something in the number 1 spot, move to
little revealing in the clothing area of some of the female char-
the number 8 slot and activate it again, if they have the energy
acters and with their miniatures. If you had plans to play with
gems to do so. That could use all of the Overlord’s energy gems,
younger players, you may need to check out the artwork on
so this does not happen often.
the Monolith website to see if anything is too mature for your
players. The recommended age for play is 14 years old to reflect
The Book of Skelos has three advantages that the Overlord can
some of the artwork and fighting in the game.
activate. In short, he can also spend his energy gems on rerolls
of combat dice, guard actions, and extra movement. Since the
Finally, there are only nine scenarios in the Overlord’s book.
Overlord also has a limited amount of energy gems they can re-
The scenarios are balanced for the creatures and heroes writ-
cover based on scenario, they really need to think about every
ten. If you change any of the setup, including characters to be
One expenditure of energy
Dredging the River. When
all the creatures of a tile are
slain, that tile takes up a slot
on the river. The Overlord
can pay the cost of the tile
to move it to the back of the
gems comes in the form of
played or assets, it can affect game balance. So, if you
make any changes because
you have played the included
scenarios many times, just be
prepared to continue making
changes until you find the
game balance you like. The
Monolith website does include more adventures that
river, moving it out of the way, or they can pay two energy for
you can download, and they have some adventures that can
every dead tile to dredge it out. When you dredge a tile from
take advantage of creatures and characters that came as Kick-
the river, you permanently lose two energy gems and remove
starter exclusives not in the base box.
the creature tile from the game. Since some scenarios have
the chance of returning creature tiles to play, sometimes this
Overall, I feel this is a great adventure game and gives you a
is only used to remove creatures from the river that cannot be
lot of content for the price. Once you get used to the mechan-
returned to play, such as unique creatures per scenario rules.
ics of managing your energy gems, you’ll find a lot of strategy
and tactics waiting for you to explore. And even if you have to
Once the Overlord has completed their actions for the turn,
play the same scenarios over again, the games tend to play out
the turn tracker is advanced and play returns to the characters.
differently each time. If you have been on the fence about this
Once the number of turns for the scenario has expired, victory
one, I say go for it. If you have never heard of this game before,
conditions are checked and a winner can be decided. Will it be
I still recommend it and encourage you to visit the Monolith
Conan and his brave companions, or the Overlord and hordes of
website for more information. http://www.monolithedition.
Although I enjoy the game very much, I did want to share a couple of concerns. The rulebooks are very nice looking and contain
great art. There is one rulebook for the Heroes and one rulebook
for the Overlord. Both books are printed on nice glossy paper
and are very easy to read. Some concerns have been brought up
about how well the rules are written and have been translated,
leaving some players confused with some rulings in the game.
However, the folks at Monolith have already posted to their
website Version 2.0 of both books with better written rules and
better examples that really help clarify concerns of how the
game should be played. I think the game is still very playable
out of the box, but the updated rules are certainly welcome. I’m
not bothered that there are two books of rules, one for the Heroes and one for the Overlord. This allows the Overlord to read
up on how to play their part, and it contains the scenarios so
Yaah! Magazine | 41
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games we love
In 2011, Martin Wallace released A Few Acres of Snow, a remarkable wargame about the battle between the British and the
French over the future of North America.
What made that game different was not its subject, which had
been covered by other games such as Columbia’s Quebec 1759
and GMT’s Wilderness War, but rather that it took the deck
building approach most famously seen in Dominion to a board
Each player began the game with a small core deck, and then
took alternating turns taking two actions per turn to gain supremacy in North America. Players could build locations, raid
settlements, trade to generate cash, and set sieges to their foe.
As settlements spread across the board, your deck would get
larger. There were also so-called Empire cards consisting of
military units and special cards that could be drafted into your
deck as well. The game could end by building your final town or
city token, successfully raiding 12 points of enemy settlements,
or by successfully winning a siege in Quebec City (for the British) or New York/Boston (for the French).
A Few Acres of Snow caused a lot of initial excitement in the
boardgame community at large for its innovation and fresh
take on conflict simulation. It had a broad appeal in the gaming community, drawing in people who were fans of deck
builders, Martin Wallace, and wargames in equal measure. A
sign of its popularity was that the game was ported to Yucata.
de for online play. This is when dark clouds appeared on the
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horizon. The late Tim Seitz over the course of several hundred games discovered an unbeatable strategy that, properly
implemented, would guarantee a British victory. It became
known as the Halifax Hammer. Right or wrong, A Few Acres of
Snow was deemed broken by a vocal few and the enthusiasm
for and promise of deck building as an engine for a wargame
quickly fell to the side. (Maybe not. The game still consistently
ranks in BoardGameGeek’s Wargame Hotness and has garnered over
6.2K reviews. I’d take it. I’ve never designed a game that’s pulled 1K
reviews. -Mark)
Fortunately, Daniel Berger was not deterred by this perceived
Hands in the Sea is a wargame about the first Punic War between
Rome and Carthage. It uses a deck building engine to simulate
the logistical challenges both sides faced.
In his designer notes, Daniel wrote that he had been thinking of designing a game based on the First Punic War because
there had not been very many entries on the subject. Originally
inspired by Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage as the core system, he
played around with a card driven game design, but that kind of
game was not what he had in mind, and despite toying around
with ideas, nothing ever came of it. Then came the announcement that Valley Games was going to release Hamilcar, a game
on the First Punic War using the same system as Hannibal: Rome
vs. Carthage. He put the design on the back burner.
The arrival of A Few Acres of Snow in 2011 reinvigorated his interest in getting a design to the table, and the rest as they say is
history. The challenge became how to make a playable game,
especially as there was a significant need to represent a naval
element that was not vital to the North American conflict. The
other challenge was to avoid a Halifax Hammer kind of spoiler
to the game.
After many years of play testing, experimentation with a number of different naval system, and a successful Kickstarter campaign, Hands in the Sea saw print in 2016.
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games we love
Hands in the Sea comes with an oddly folded six panel board that
There are several ways to end a game of Hands in the Sea, includ-
lies nicely flat on the table, but the way the folds present them-
ing sudden death options, but the primary way is to accumulate
selves leaves a few odd curves and indentations that might mean
the most victory points when an end game condition is met.
markers will be a little offset from where they’re supposed to be.
The sudden death victory conditions are as follows. Rome wins
The markers for the cities, towns, fleets, and fortresses follow
if it conquers or settles Carthage. Conversely, Carthage wins if
the example of A Few Acres of Snow and uses discs and cubes for
it conquers or settles Rome. Either player wins if at the end of
the purpose, although if you backed it on Kickstarter, you got
a turn it has a 25+ lead in victory points. The latter is a kind of
nicer looking bits. Despite their nicer look, however, I prefer
mercy rule that I honestly wish more games would have built
the discs to the houses! My one concession though is to use the
in. There are many games where you do want to play it out until
ship markers which look like triremes and eschew the larger
the end because you never know, but this is not one of them.
wood disc of the retail edition.
A growing gap in victory points will press you to action, but if
your deck is not cooperating and you cannot gain traction on
For those who backed the Kickstarter project, you also received
your opponent, it’s nice to end the misery without having to
a companion guide and more cards. There is so much packed
formally concede. The final sudden death winning condition is
into the basic game that I haven’t touched the expansion cards
the complete conquest of Sicily.
yet, but what is in there looks promising. What is that old saw
about so many games and so little time?
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Then there is a laundry list of other game ending conditions.
Someone scoring at least 90VP, placement of your final town or
to expand your borders by settling into new areas, and you want
city cube, capture of 10 points worth of enemy towns (1) or cit-
to do this for two very important reasons. One is that you get
ies (2), scoring 8 Prestige points (through combat victories), or
the location cards for those spaces into your hand, which will
the completion of 12 full game turns. A final adjustment to the
let you expand out even further. Two is that your ability to act
scoring is then reckoned and the person with the highest vic-
militarily requires that you have a jumping off point to get to
of Hands in the Sea.
Hands in the Sea is a deck
player has a starting deck
which includes the location
cards for their starting towns
and cities, an empire deck of
cards that can be drafted into
your hand, and then there are
tory point total is the winner
the town or city you want to
conquer. Furthermore, some
places on the map have victory points associated with
them, so they are obvious
places to go if you can get
You will need to develop
your towns into cities because cities generate money
in the end of turn sequence,
location cards for spaces that begin the game unsettled by ei-
and you need money to buy some empire cards, especially the
ther player and some neutral (grey) mercenary cards that can
troops and navies you’re going to need to build to conquer ene-
be bought by either player. Each player has a hand of five cards,
my locations. You can also earn money with mercantile actions,
and has a menu of twenty-four different actions they can take.
or better yet, steal money from your opponent by pillaging his
coastline with your fleets.
The success or failure of your empire will hinge on your deck as
well as maximizing the benefits of your actions. You will need
Speaking of fleets, the naval game is abstracted into a simple
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games we love
system of counting ships. If two fleets meet in the ocean and
British Player in A Few Acres of Snow, but it’s not something that
fight, you roll dice to determine a winner of that combat. The
will work in this game.
designer notes show that a lot of development went into the
naval aspect of the game, and that despite numerous efforts to
include them in the cards themselves, it was a laborious and
The reason a Halifax Hammer solution won’t work in Hand in
clunky outcome, so the simplification of the naval cominterest in keeping the game
flow smooth and engaging
Combat takes many forms,
from field battles in towns,
bat came with a profound
the Sea is that there are simply too many variables to
trigger a game end. Rome and
Carthage are both well protected spaces with very difficult approach patterns, and
the cost of setting up a similar kind of lean deck ignores
the importance of the other
cavalry raids to capture towns or city tokens, and the all-im-
game end triggers, including getting to 8 prestige for winning
portant sieges to conquer a space. Where Hands in the Sea dif-
a land, sea, or siege engagement. Furthermore, you only have
fers significantly from A Few Acres of Snow is that sieges have a
two actions per turn, and the clock is ticking.
finite duration and if you’re not successful in the time allotted,
you automatically lose. This gives a strong incentive to having
The ingenious addition to the deck building core of this game is
a good plan in place, and also mimics the difficulties of supply
that the Carthaginian player has some say over the length and
lines at the era.
tempo of the game, because at the bottom of their deck is a turn
ending Campaign Card that
One interesting innovation Hands in the Sea provides is the addi-
causes an interrupt.
tion of a strategy deck, which is a card that represents a special
bonus or enhancement to your side. Some of the strategy cards
Each time the campaign card
are only available to one side, but many are usable by both.
is triggered, a random event
Three cards are available for purchase at any given time, and it
card is drawn that is almost
takes an action to both acquire one and to get rid of one, and you
always bad for one player.
cannot have more than one in play at a time.
One of these events can even
end the game early. Money
Of course, this being a deck building game you need to man-
is collected for cities. Victory
age your deck. You can draft cards from your empire deck to
points are accrued for cit-
build up your military capacity and obtain cards to improve your
ies in supply. A new strategy
ability to manage your turn. For example, you can place cards
card is drawn for the consid-
into a reserve for later, which is the ideal place to store troops
eration of the players. The
for a planned siege. You can pull cards out of your deck to burn
turn marker is advanced, and
the cards you don’t need or want to increase the frequency of
the campaign card is put back
the useful cards. This is the crux of the Halifax Hammer for the
to the bottom of the Carthaginian player’s draw deck.
The first few turns of the
game will go by relatively
quickly, but as the game
marches on, the duration can
be longer. If the Rome player
is leading, the Carthage player may want to play more circumspectly to delay the passage of time, but if Carthage
leads, deck thinning might
be the priority of the day.
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Is Hands in the Sea any good? Yes, it is. The game can suffer from
a mid-game lag if both players are not aggressively thinning
their deck of cards that are gumming up the works, but this is
a problem that anyone interested in pursuing all the depth and
challenges this game offers will overcome with sufficient experience. There is a lot of strategic variety to be explored, the
conflict is inherently an interesting one, and the deck building
engine simply works.
The question for me is whether deck building as a wargame
engine is something that is here to stay or if this is going to
be another niche within a niche within a sub-niche kind of
situation for the wargame hobby. Card driven games (CDG)
went almost viral with a strong period of growth and seemingly every conflict under the sun finding itself a representative game. That design hotness has faded, but CDG are still
being designed now, and one could even argue that the COIN
(counterinsurgency) series of games are a natural evolution of
that genre.
The deck builder is a different animal though. It takes a lot of
work to make a deck building game dynamic enough to be interesting, yet balanced enough in a wargame context to avoid a
Halifax Hammer type perfect solution even rigid and thorough
play testing cannot expose before hitting the market. I suspect
that the future of deck building wargames like this is murky at
best, but when it’s done right, like it is with Hands in the Sea, it’ll
be worth the wait.
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
A Fictional Scenario for ‘ 65
It was the morning of January 31st, 1968 and the platoon commander
RPDs will always use suppressive Fire.
had been briefed that there would be a cease fire. Even though it was
Activated Sapper units that are adjacent to U.S. units will use
a holiday, the platoon was given orders to stay on guard but not to fire
unless fired upon. The morning intel brief seemed on point until about
their Satchel Charge power if directed to fire.
At the end of any turn in which the US loses two or more
16:00. Fireworks began to fire into the air and during the lightshow, the
units they get an Artillery Strike. The Artillery Strike will
NVA made their assault on the unexpecting Americans. – Josh Harris
take place after the Reserve Phase but before the beginning
Turns: 10 Turns. Turn ends when fourth End Turn is drawn.
Set Up
of the next turn.
Event Markers:
There are no event markers in this scenario, however, when
the third NVA unit is eliminated, read Paragraph 1.
Set up in or adjacent to building M5. 8 x Rifle, 4 x M60, Black,
At the beginning of Turn 5, read Paragraph 2.
U.S. Reinforcements: Set up on or adjacent to Hex L10. 4 x Rifle,
Paragraph 1:
Riggs (See SSR)
“These bastards should have stayed home, nothing can stop the
US Army!” screams a boot. He continues to fire at the retreat-
North Vietnamese (NVA)
ing NVA. A stream of his bullets cuts down a fleeing Vietnamese
Set up on Hue City Map: 1 MM, 1 Rifle, 1 RPD on Hex H7 & M10.
woman. Enraged by the murder, the Vietcong Militia attack.
1MM, 2 Rifle on Hex H8 & L10. 1 MM, 3 Rifle on Hex J7, L9, M9.
All Vietcong units stance changes to Skirmish and will remain
VC: Set up on Hue City Map: 1 MM, 1 Rifle, 2 Sappers on Hex F5,
that way for the remainder of the scenario. The Vietcong may also
G6, F6. 1 MM, 1 Rifle, 2 RPD on Hex O9.
move one hex closer to the objective during the Reserve phase.
Draw Cup: Not Used.
Paragraph 2:
Initial Stance: (NVA) Offensive, (VC) Defensive
Riggs and his men are returning from a routine patrol when they
Change: (See SSR)
hear gunfire and explosions. At first, they think it is just the NVA
Scenario Designated Event: (Artillery)
celebrating their holiday. As they clear the tree line, they see NVA
Objective: Hex M5 or any U.S. Unit
assaulting the base and their fellow soldiers. Without a second
Victory: At the Scenario’s end, the side eliminating the most
thought, Riggs and his men charge in full force to eliminate the
enemy units wins. Each NVA/VC controlled hex of building M5
enemy and help their fellow soldiers.
counts as two American units eliminated.
Special Scenario Rules:
All MM are revealed at the beginning of the scenario.
Communist units may stack up to 3 non-heroes in a hex for
this scenario only.
Units attacking over-stacked units (i.e. three non-heroes in
a hex) gain 1 HEF.
Neither side may exit the map.
Reserve Phase. US cannot move in the Reserve Phase. All
non-shaken eligible NVA units will move one hex closer to
the closest objective. If two objectives are equidistant, randomly determine to which they advance. For Vietcong units,
see Paragraph 1.
48 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
A Historical Scenario for ‘65
West Hill Outpost, Ben Het Special Forces Camp.
Scenario Special Rules
For days, patrols and listening posts heard tracked vehicles pass-
Dug In: US tanks may start the game in prepared firing po-
ing nearby, but the intelligence experts discounted their reports.
sitions. These are represented by the Foxhole markers. As
On the night of March 3rd, 1969, the experts were proven wrong
long as a tank remains in the Foxhole hex, any hits on the
when an exploding landmine illuminated a company of PT-76
tank automatically become Turret Hits. Once the tank moves
tanks approaching the hill. The tankers of B Company, 1/69 Ar-
(including pivoting in place), it loses this protection. (The
mor, were ready for them. This would be the only engagement
tank may re-enter its original hex but it no longer receives
between US and enemy armor during the war.
the bonus.) The normal Foxhole rules still apply to any leg
units in Foxhole hexes.
Friends in High Places: the West Hill outpost was supported
10 turns. Each turn ends when the second ‘End Turn’ marker is
by a battery of 175mm guns at the main Ben Het compound
drawn, or when both players pass consecutively.
nearby. US forces may play any POWER card as if it were an
Artillery card.
On Map 2, place a Bunker in each of hexes E4, G4, F4. Place Fox-
is currently under a FIRED marker receives a +1 bonus to its
holes in E3, F2, F3, G3. Place Wire in each of: D2, D3, D4, E5, F5,
G5, H4, H3, H2, G2, F1, E2. The Wire demarcates the perimeter of
the West Hill Outpost.
Night Fighting: Any unit conducting AP fire at a target that
Targeting Modifier.
Superior Numbers: Once PER GAME, the NVA player may
play a Reinforcement action to flip over any or all PT-76
Wreck markers to their good order sides and mark them Ops
US: Set up first on Map 2, in any hex numbered 2 or higher. 3 x
Complete. This applies ONLY to PT-76 Wrecks that are out-
M48, 3 x M60, 3 x LAW, 1 x M40, Black, Dixon.
side of the Wire perimeter. NOTE: the destroyed PT-76s still
count toward the VP total, so we suggest you use a pencil,
NVA: Set up last on Map 3, in any hex numbered 1. 5 x PT-76.
percomputer to keep track of them. (My favorite always re-
a pile of unused markers, or a billion-dollar quantum sumains a beer-stained napkin. -Mark)
The NVA receive Victory Points for each American unit
3 VP per tank
Maps 2 and 3, laid out as shown.
1 VP per leg unit
Deduct -1 VP for each PT-76 destroyed.
If the NVA control any or all of the Kunai hexes (E4, F3, F4,
G4) on Map 2 at the end of Turn 10, add 5 VP.
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A Historical Scenario for ‘65
Inside the Hue Citadel, February 1968.
Charlie Company, 1/5 Marines, has been tasked with clearing a sector
The Marines receive 1 VP for each NVA unit eliminated
of urban neighborhoods north and east of the Imperial Palace. Close
Deduct -2 VP for each USMC leg unit eliminated.
support will be provided by a tank and Ontos working in tandem. Op-
Deduct -3 VP for each USMC vehicle destroyed.
position is expected to consist of NVA regulars, well-equipped with
See also the SSR below.
RPGs and other heavy weapons. Be aggressive — but be careful.
Final VP tally is greater than 0, USMC victory. Equals 0, is a
draw. Less than 0 is a NVA victory.
10 turns. Each turn ends when the third ‘End Turn’ card is drawn
Scenario Special Rules
or when both players pass consecutively.
When a USMC unit enters a building hex (excluding those in the
USMC setup area), mark the hex with a coin, spent 5.56mm casing, or another suitable object.
If the NVA reclaim the hex by
US: Set up first in the northeast corner, above the road that runs
entering it, remove the marker. At the end of the game, award 1
from M1 to U5: 1 x M48, 1 x Ontos, 6 x Rifle (40mm), 3 x Rifle (Con-
additional VP to the Marines for each hex that remains marked.
ditioned), 3 x M60, 1 x M2 Mortar, Duffey, Rock, Wayne
NVA: Set up second, anywhere south of the M1-U5 road. 12 x Rifle, 3 x RPD, 4 x RPG (use VC counters as needed), 2 x 12.7mm MG,
Trang, Chu, Minh.
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
Use the City Map.
A new scenario for Stonewall’s Sword
General Nathaniel Banks’ isolated corps is deployed in front of the bulk of the
tivation chit
rest of the Union Army of Virginia and is very much “ripe for the picking” by
Turn 4 (4:00) – Garnett’s Brigade; Hardy and Peagram Artillery
the approaching Confederate corps, lead by the legendary Stonewall Jackson.
units at 2218
This scenario depicts the “march to battle” for both sides and is a longer and
Turn 6 (4:40) – Ronald’s Brigade at 2218
more open-ended scenario than those included in the game. Players are free
Turn 7 (5:00) – Thomas’s Brigade at 2218 + Hill Division Activation chit
to develop the battle as they see fit, within basic historical constraints.
Turn 9 (5:40) – Branch’s Brigade at 2218
Turn 10 (6:00) – Archer’s Brigade at 2218
Place the “Game Turn” marker in the Turn 1 (3:00) space of the
Turn 11 (6:20) – Jackson CIC chit (unless using Stonewall’s Bad
Game Turn Track. If using the Stonewall’s Bad Day optional rule,
Day optional rule) and Pender’s Brigade at 2218
place the Jackson CIC chit in the “Start” space of the Where Is
Jackson? Track. If using the General Pope’s Reinforcement
Special Scenario Rules
optional rule, place the Ricketts Division Activation chit in the
1. The scenario starts with Game Turn 1 and ends at the conclu-
“Start” space of the Where Is Ricketts? Track as well. Only the
sion of Game Turn 16.
Ewell Division Activation chit is available at the start of the game.
2. The Confederate Brigades Forno and Trimble must only move
Union Army Setup
to and remain upon hexes on Cedar Mountain (hex rows 3300
Knap – 1607
to 3700 (inclusive) that are of Level “4” or greater. They cannot
McGilvery – 1705
Best – 1806
Reynolds – 1905
Cothran – 2005 Robinson – 2205 Roemer – 2304
move from Cedar Mountain until the Jackson CIC chit enters the
game or until any one of their units is engaged in Close Combat
by a Union unit.
Turn 3 (3:40) – Greene’s Brigade at 2400; Prince’s Brigade anywhere
3. There are no chit pulls of any kind during Game Turns 1 & 2. In-
between 2000 and 2300 (inclusive) – the 8th US and 12th US units must
stead, the Confederate player will choose one of Ewell’s Brigades
be in Skirmish Order; Geary’s Brigade anywhere between 1500 and
to activate. After completion of that Brigade’s activation, he
1900 (inclusive) + Auger Division Activation chit + Banks CIC chit.
must then still make the necessary die roll against Ewell’s Com-
Turn 4 (4:00) – Crawford’s Brigade anywhere between 1003 and
mand Rating to keep the Division Activation chit in the game and
1006 (inclusive) + Williams Division Activation chit
be able to move the other brigades.
Turn 5 (4:20) – Gordon’s Brigade and 1st PA cavalry at 1300
Confederate Army Setup
Ewell’s Division – Trimble’s Brigade
4. On Game Turn 3, conduct normal chit pulls but during the Command Decision Phase both players must instead randomly remove
four Event chits from the pool (rather than the normal two).
15th AL – 3416 21st GA – 3417 21st NC – 3418
Ewell’s Division – Early’s Brigade
5. Beginning with Game Turn 4, all normal rules are played.
13th VA – 2016 52nd VA & 58th VA – 2017 31st VA – 2117 12th
GA – 2218 25th VA - 2217
6. Free-For-All Option: If you’d like to try a “wild and crazy” op-
tion, deploy only the Union and Confederate artillery at start. Al-
Terry & Latimer – 3415 d’Aquin & Dement (A) – 2913
low the Confederate Brigade’s of Early and Trimble to march onto
Brown & Dement (B) – 2612
the map from anywhere on the western map edge on Game Turn
1. All reinforcements thereafter enter on the turn prescribed, but
may do so from anywhere on the western map edge (for the Con-
Turn 2 (3:20) – Forno’s Brigade at 3418; Poague, Caskie and Car-
federates) or the eastern map edge (for the Union). All restric-
penter Artillery units at 2218
tions to Forno’s and Trimble’s Brigades are removed – they can
Turn 3 (3:40) – Taliaferro’s Brigade at 2218 + Winder Division Ac-
move where they want to when they wish to.
Yaah! Magazine | 51
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
A Dead Reckoning Scenario
Fearing spread of the zombie virus, the Na-
Zombie Setup
tional Guard has ordered the valley to be
The zombie player sets up second. Pull
quarantined. No one gets in, no one gets out.
10 zombies from the cup, and place 2 in
If a solution can’t be found soon, the towns-
each of the following areas: the three
folk, tired from days of fending off the zombie
starting zombie areas, Entry Zone 1, and
hordes, will be left on their own... for good.
Entry Zone 2.
The town’s only hope lies in the hands of Doc-
tor Georgia Romero and her team, holed up in
All standard gameplay rules are the same,
the hospital, working diligently on a cure for
except that no units may move off the
the virus. They’ve been given 48 hours to find
map, due to the quarantine. As the game
a treatment before the town is permanently
begins on turn 3, Zombie reinforcements
cut off. Since the Guard can’t trust the word of
can enter play in Entry Zones 1-3 in the
the terrified townspeople, a Guard unit must
first Zombie Avalanche step, Entry Zones
meet up with Romero’s team, see the complet-
1-4 in the next one, etc.
ed antivirus, and radio back to headquarters
with the news.
For the quarantine to be lifted, there must
be a Guard unit in the hospital at the end of Turn 6, when the cure
If the cure works, reinforcements will pour in to save what’s left of the
is completed. If not, the humans lose the game automatically.
townsfolk. If there’s no proof, well, there’s always artillery...
If a Guard unit is present to lift the quarantine, compare players’
victory points. The humans score the printed victory points for
This is a short scenario, good for sharing with inexperienced
refugees alive at the end of the game, and the zombies score vic-
wargamers, or for a quicker game if you’re pressed for time. It
tory points for refugees killed. There are no points for other hu-
lasts only 20 Action Rounds, and results in an outright win for
man units killed or for buildings held. The player with the most
either the human or zombie player.
points is victorious.
General Setup
Optional rules, which can be used in this scenario or others:
The turn marker starts on the Turn 3 space. There are four turns
NOM NOM NOM - When a non-refugee human is killed, return
in this scenario. Remove a “3” card from each initiative deck. The
a unit from the Zombie Dead(?) pile to the reinforcements cup.
decks will only be 8 cards in the game, with 5 used each turn.
Human Setup
The human player sets up first. Place human units in the
Hoozenfirst Forest and town buildings per standard scenario rules.
52 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
A Little Less Swing - When reshuffling the initiative decks at the
start of a turn, ensure that the cards removed from the previous
turn are included in the new decks.
A Solitaire Scenario for Night of Man
The Raging Tiger Militia Battalion has learned of a group of civilians being
any guarding Killer MECA. There are none, but neither are there in-
held captive by a Killer strike force. Now would be a good time to strike
nocent civilians. The men and woman in the house all wear vests,
back against the invaders and free innocent civilians. The helicopters in-
and they all wear a blank, unseeing expression. The vests remind
sert the Tigers just outside the village where the civilians are being held.
you of the life jacket that you daughter wore when learning to swim,
The mission is to get in, get the civilians, and get back to the choppers.
the one with a series of pockets in which you slid Styrofoam tubes
Turns: 6 Turns. Turn ends when second End Turn is drawn. Use
the Hue (City) Map from ’65 Squad-level Combat in the Jungles
to keep her afloat. But there is no Styrofoam here. Wires link each
tube on each vest on each body. To your right, a beautiful woman
pumps a ball in her hand. Your world ends in a flash of light.
of Vietnam.
Set Up
50 Meters Distant
Raging Tigers: Enter on Row A on Turn One: Iskara, Jack, Larkin,
The Sergeant watches the building explode, pieces of wood, glass,
T’Qual, Doc, 6 x Infantry, 1 x M60.
and flesh falling from the sky like thick rain. A figure stumbles
Aliens: Place a random MM in each of the following squares: H3,
out. One of the militia. The Sergeant rushes to his side. The man,
F5, F6, D1, G9. Place the Warper and a random MM (revealed) in L4.
bleeding from numerous lacerations, looks at the Sergeant. “They
2 x Civilian Units. Set up on I4. Will not move, except when di-
wouldn’t have done that, Sarge. They were just people, but their
eyes…” The man shakes his head. “You should have seen their
Draw Cup: 6 x MECA, 1 x 2X, 1 x RE.
Initial Stance: Defensive.
Change: Never.
Scenario Designated Event: Spooked.
eyes. Someone was controlling them.”
Remove the two Civilian units in I4. They have detonated the
explosive packs that they are wearing, killing themselves and
the unit that discovered them.
Place a Civilian unit in K5, M5, L5, and two Civilian units in N4.
Use the following rules:
a. Civilian units activate in the Reserve Phase, moving their
To win the Militia player must accumulate 6 Victory Points (VPs) by
entire movement allowance toward the nearest Militia unit.
scenario end. VPs are awarded as follows:
Resolve ties randomly.
Each Civilian Rescued: 3 VPs.
b. After all Civilian units have finished moving. Resolve Melee
Each MECA unit destroyed: 1 VPs.
combat for hexes containing Militia and Civilian units. Civil-
Each Raging Tiger unit lost: -1 VPs.
ians have a HEF of 3 due to the explosive vests that they are
Scenario defined.
Special Scenario Rules:
c. Civilians may be fired on normally. Eligible Units may Op Fire
on Civilians in the Reserve Phase.
Reserve Phase. Killer units cannot move in the Reserve Phase.
d. Civilians do not Shake. They are 2-step units. When they
Militia units move normally, as per Reserve Phase movement
suffer a Hit, flip the counter to the Fanatics side. A second hit
destroys them. Disregard all values on both sides of the Civilian
To rescue a Civilian unit, the Militia unit need only move into
counters except for the MF.
its hex. Remove the Civilian from the board and credit the Mi-
e. The Militia player gets 1 VP for every Civilian units destroyed.
litia player 3 points.
f. If the Militia player eliminates the Warper, read Paragraph
Event Markers
Paragraph Two
Event Marker A Occupation. Place in hex I4. Militia activation only.
Bullets shred the cloaked Killer. With a terrible scream, he falls to
When activated remove the marker and read Paragraph One.
the floor. Dead. The bond with the Warper broken, all Civilian units
Paragraph One
cease moving in the reserve phase. If a Militia unit enters their hex
You burst into the house, gun at the ready, prepared to mow down
they do not attack, they are considered rescued.
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
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Yaah! Magazine | 55
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
The idea of wargaming the battles of King Arthur is certainly a
the tactical rules for these battles. Richard Borg and the folks
compelling one, especially if one judges by the number of min-
at GMT are working on the upcoming C&C: Medieval (C&C:M)
iature wargaming products that have come out in recent years
variant of the system, but as I understand the press about the
to support that activity. But this is also a great topic for tactical
game, it is not being based on early dark ages Britain, at least
board gaming. Here, when I discuss King Arthur, I am talking
not initially.
about a likely “Arthur-like figure” that was the charismatic,
and skilled, leader of a military force in Post-Roman Britain,
The Army of Arthur
but drawing heavily on the military customs and training that
The army of an Arthur-like figure would include three main
they would have inherited from the late Empire. There are
groups of troops. The first would be the cavalry, which would
many, many competing theories about Arthur, his existence,
be effective against the enemies of the British people at the
the epistemology of everything about him, his legends, if he
time especially because many of those enemies lacked their
existed, and the sources that mention him. That is not the con-
own cavalry. These would be armored, but relying heavily on
cern here – this is about wargaming some of Arthur’s battles.
a large (for cavalry) shield, and a spear for their main weapon.
It is quite likely that a war leader like Arthur would have a co-
A topic even as narrow as wargaming Arthur’s battles quick-
mitatus, or core group of heavier, better-trained cavalry (some
ly gets us into deep water– what are the sources for Arthur’s
interpretations have these in the Sarmatian heavy cavalry tra-
battles? For that, I am going to make a leap and base it on the
dition). These would be interpreted by later sources as Arthur’s
writings of Nennius, who writing in the 9th century, described
Knights. The British cavalry, or Combrogi, in C&C:A might be
twelve great battles of Arthur. Some of those have more de-
best represented as Medium Cavalry. The comitatus might be
scription and detail than others, and all would be later de-
best represented as Heavy Cavalry if you are using units from
scribed by sources such as Geoffrey of Monmouth.
the base game, but the additional edge of using Heavy Cataphract Cavalry (from Expansion 4) might be a better represen-
The next immediate question is, what about Arthur’s army? For
that, I am going to base this on the idea that Arthur represented
a cavalry-heavy Post-Roman British army. The troops in this
The second element in Arthur’s army would be the basic infan-
army are not quite medieval in nature or battlefield behavior,
try. These would be in the tradition of late Roman pedites. They
so I feel justified in using Commands & Colors: Ancients (C&C:A) as
would be spear armed, rely on a very heavy shield, and fight in a
56 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
dense formation, almost like the shield wall of later Saxon and
The first group might include the Welsh (which could be seen
Viking armies. These would not be as heavily armored at the
as British, but without the benefit of the Dux, or war leader
Roman Infantry from the earlier Imperial periods, so might be
Arthur), the Irish (although the battles discussed do not have
best represented as Medium Infantry in C&C:A.
Arthur battling the Irish), the Scots, and the Picts. The Welsh
would have troops very similar to the British (essentially the
The third element in Arthur’s army would have been some light
combrogi, pedites, and archers), without the benefit of the Comi-
infantry, most likely armed with bows. This is a perfect trans-
tatus (the heavier cavalry), or of any mercenary troops. Both the
lation to Light Infantry: Bow in the C&C:A system.
Irish and the Scots (here representing the Irish that came over
and settled parts of what is now Scotland) could conceivably
Prior to the period we are talking about for Arthur, the British
have a small amount of Chariots for their nobility or leader-
army (under Vortigern) hired some Saxon Mercenaries, which
ship, but would have a small amount of Light Cavalry, and a few
opened the door to the Saxon incursion onto the island. If those
Light Infantry (with bow), but primarily would be Medium In-
were present, they might be best seen as Warrior infantry, in
fantry. The Picts were the original peoples of Scotland that the
the C&C:A system. As it was, at Arthur’s time, these might still
Scots (incoming Irish) displaced. The Picts would no longer be
be loyal Saxons, but they could have been either Irish or Frank-
using chariots (the Scots and/or Irish would probably not be us-
ish mercenaries. If Irish, then Warrior infantry is also likely,
ing Chariots by this time either, but because of some referenc-
and if Frankish, then the style would have been like the British
es, they seemed like a fun addition for the armies), but might
infantry (Medium infantry).
have some small amount of Medium Cavalry, as well some Light
The Enemies of Arthur
These are basically of two varieties. The first are the other
Cavalry. The bulk of the army would again be infantry, split between Medium Infantry, Auxilia (representing spear units with
incorporated archers), and Light Infantry: Bow.
groups native to the Island that were once kept at bay by the
stronger Roman presence, but after their departure had to be
The second group, of course, are the Germanic warriors com-
kept back by the British. The second, of course, would be the
ing from across the seas, referred to here as the Saxons. His-
incursion of the Saxons from over the seas.
torically, these were kept at bay for a short while at the end of
Yaah! Magazine | 57
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
the fifth and beginning of the sixth centuries (the period of
the unit disbands, granting a victory banner to the opposing
Arthur, here assumed to be from about A.D. 475 to about A.D.
player). If Arthur joins a new, eligible unit, that new unit gains
539). Later they would come back, and conquer almost all of
an extra block. This represents the bodyguard of Arthur- his
Briton, making it into England, and lasting as a number of in-
“knights of the round table”, if you fancy using the term.
dependent kingdoms until the Viking incursions. In Arthur’s
time, however, the Saxons are represented by an army almost
The Battles of Arthur
entirely composed of Warriors, with a small component of
The 12 battles of Arthur we will discuss here are the battles that
Light Infantry (bows). It is possible that rogue Welsh cavalry
were described by the Welsh Monk, Nennius. He wrote the His-
elements might have joined with a Saxon war leader in some of
tory of the Britons, in the year A.D. 828. His work does not spend
the later battles. If so, these might be represented as a small
a lot of time on Arthur, but it does have some specificity in list-
force of cavalry (like British Combrogi) fighting alongside the
ing his battles. They are as follows:
Saxon warriors.
Special Rules
Arthur’s First Battle was fought at the River Glein. This first
battle may very well have been Arthur responding to a fresh land-
Shieldburg – Medium Infantry and Warriors in these scenarios
ing of Saxons coming into Briton. This battle is between Arthur
are adept at fighting using the Shield Wall tactic. This was re-
(the attacker) and a Saxon horde, defending their boats (a fortified
ferred to as “forming the shieldburg”. If such a unit is eligible
camp) on the banks of the Glein River.
to ignore a Flag Result (i.e. by being supported by two adjacent
friendly units), it is also able to ignore one Hit sustained in
Arthur’s Army – 1 Heavy Cavalry, 3 Medium Cavalry, 6 Medium
Infantry, 2 Light Bow Infantry, 1 Leader, and 1 Arthur Leader.
close combat.
Deploy second, within two hexes of Arthur’s base edge.
Special Leader – Arthur – If Arthur is located with any Mounted
British unit (either Medium Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, or Heavy
Saxon Army – 8 Warrior Infantry, 2 Auxilia Infantry, 2
Cataphract Cavalry), that unit receives an extra block. If Arthur
Light Bow Infantry, and 2 Leaders. Deploy first, all units
leaves the unit, the extra block also leaves (if it is the last block,
within five hexes of the Camp.
58 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
Terrain – Saxon player will set up terrain before deploying.
Colgren’s Army - 6 Warrior Infantry, 4 Medium Infantry,
Along the Saxon Left Side of the board is the river Glein
2 Light Bow Infantry, and 2 Leaders. Deploy first, all units
(running from North to South). Next to the river, at the
within two hexes of the Lindum City Wall.
Saxon base edge, is placed a Fortified Camp marker – this
is where the Saxon boats have beached. The Saxon player
Terrain – Saxon (Angle) player will set up terrain before
can also place 6 hill tiles and 8 forest tiles anywhere on the
Walls of Lindum (rampart tiles). Across (approximately)
Along the Saxon base edge. Place the City
the middle of the board, from the left side to the right, set
Special Rules – Shieldburg applies to Arthur’s Medium In-
up a fordable river (the river Dubglas) with two bridges.
fantry, and the Saxon Warrior Infantry. The Arthur Leader
Additionally, set up a forest of 3 connected hexes, and 5
rule applies. Saxons deploy first. After Arthur deploys,
hill tiles.
two Saxon units may redeploy. Each side has 5 cards. Victory is set at 6 banners. A unit from Arthur’s army that
occupies the Fortified Camp is worth a Banner.
Special Rules – Shieldburg applies to all Medium Infantry,
and to the Saxon Warrior Infantry. The Arthur Leader rule
applies. Saxons deploy first. After Arthur deploys, two
Arthur’s Second Battle is the breaking of the siege of Lindum.
Saxon units may redeploy. Saxon units that must flee be-
Arthur arrives with his army in the region of Lindsey, just in
cause of banner results will flee by the most direct route
time to break up an army of Angles (treat as Saxons, which is
to either the left or right edge of the board (whichever is
what the British might have called them) that is attacking the
closer) rather than to the rear edge. Each side has 5 cards.
walls of the town Lindum. Colgren, an Angle leader, has at-
Victory is set at 6 banners.
tacked the town, and Arthur arrives in time to help break up
Colgren’s army.
Arthur’s Third Battle is in the marshes of Lindsey.
holdout forces of Colgren’s army have retreated to a defen•
Arthur’s Army - 1 Heavy Cavalry, 3 Medium Cavalry, 6 Me-
sible marshy area, and prepare to repel an attempt by Ar-
dium Infantry, 2 Light Bow Infantry, 1 Leader, and 1 Arthur
thur to root them out. Because of the terrain, Arthur’s force
Leader. Deploy second, anywhere on Arthur’s side of the
fights this battle all on foot, losing some of their mobility
River Dubglas.
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
Arthur’s Army – 1 Heavy Infantry, 9 Medium Infantry, 2
unfamiliarity with the Marshy region around the river
Light Bow Infantry, 1 Leader, 1 Arthur Leader. Deploy sec-
Dubglas, he only receives 4 cards for this scenario. Victory
ond, within two hexes of Arthur’s base edge.
is set at 6 banners.
Colgren’s Survivors – 8 Warrior Infantry, 2 Light Bow In-
Arthur’s Fourth Battle is the defense of Lindum. Arthur, after
fantry, 2 Light Sling Infantry, and 2 Leaders. Deploy first,
the battle in the Marsh, has temporarily withdrawn his men
anywhere on the map, at least four hexes from Arthur’s
to behind the walls at Lindum. While there, Colgren, with his
base edge.
forces renewed, attempts an attack on the city. For this battle,
Arthur’s men are once again fighting on foot, but they are de-
Terrain – Saxon player will set up terrain before deploying.
fending the walls. Colgren has received additional troops from
The terrain consists of a fordable river starting on the Sax-
a kinsman who has brought his own warband to join in the as-
on Left edge, and extending to the Right edge, somewhere
around the middle of the board. There are two bridges.
The Saxon player should place 5 Marsh tiles anywhere ad-
Arthur’s Army - 1 Heavy Infantry, 9 Medium Infantry, 2
Light Bow Infantry, 1 Leader, 1 Arthur Leader. Deploy first,
jacent to the River, along with 4 hill tiles, and 6 forest tiles.
along or behind the walls of Lindum.
Special Rules – Shieldburg applies to all Medium Infantry, and to Saxon Warrior Infantry. The Arthur Leader rule
Colgren’s Assault – 9 Warrior Infantry, 4 Medium Infantry,
does not apply (since there are no mounted units in this
2 Light Bow Infantry, 2 Light Sling Infantry, and 3 Leaders.
scenario). After Arthur deploys, two Saxon units may re-
Deploy second, anywhere on the map, at least three hexes
deploy. The Saxon player has 5 cards. Because of Arthur’s
from the walls of Lindum.
60 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
Terrain – Arthur player
Terrain – Saxon player will set up terrain before deploy-
will set up terrain before
ing. A fordable river is set up, starting in the middle of
deploying. The terrain con-
the Saxon right edge, and running to one other board edge
sists of the walls of Lindum
(Saxon player’s choice). There is one bridge crossing the
– across the map from Left to
river. There are two fortified camps, set up within two
Right, in the second hex from
hexes of the Saxon base edge, and the two camps are two
Arthur’s base edge.
In the
hexes apart from each other. The two hexes between the
space in front of the walls,
camps have a rampart constructed between them. In ad-
the Arthur player will set up
dition, the Saxon player will set up a 3 hex tile forest, any-
6 broken ground tiles and 6
where on the board, and will place 6 hill tiles anywhere not
marsh tiles. Their placement
adjacent to the river.
should not create any multi•
tile regions.
Special Rules – Shieldburg applies to all Medium Infantry, and
to Saxon Warrior infantry. The Arthur Leader rule applies,
Special Rules – Shield-
but only if Arthur is with a British cavalry unit. The Theodoric
burg applies to all Medium
Leader must remain with a Visigothic unit. After the Arthur
Infantry, and to Saxon War-
player deploys, the Saxon player may redeploy up to two units.
rior infantry.
Each player has 5 cards. Victory is set at 6 banners.
The Arthur
Leader rule does not apply
(since there are no mounted
Arthur’s Sixth Battle is beyond the River Bassas. Here, Arthur
units in this scenario). After
has been called to the north (in Strathclyde) to deal with a lo-
the Saxon player deploys, the
cal Scottish petty-king, Prydain, that is threatening invasion.
Arthur player may redeploy
Arthur has taken the initiative, but the battle is essentially an
up to two units. Each player
open field pitched battle between the Britons and the Scots.
has 5 cards. Victory is set at
6 banners.
Arthur’s Army – 1 Heavy Cavalry, 3 Medium Cavalry, 6 Medium
Infantry, 2 Light Bow Infantry, 1 Leader, and 1 Arthur Leader.
Deploy second, within two hexes of Arthur’s base edge.
Arthur’s Fifth Battle is the
final assault on the Saxon
camp in Lindsey. Colgren has, through luck and treachery,
Prydain’s Army – 1 Barbarian Light Chariot, 3 Light Cav-
managed to survive, and has gathered his forces to a camp they
alry, 7 Medium Infantry, 3 Light Bow Infantry, 2 Leaders,
have built along the Dubglas river. In addition, Colgren has
and 1 Prydain Leader (starts with the Light Chariot unit).
lured some disaffected British cavalry to join his force. Arthur,
Deploy first, anywhere on the Scottish half of the board.
with Visigothic assistance in the form of Theodoric (commander of an allied fleet of Gothic ships from the continent), has de-
Terrain – Scottish player will set up terrain before de-
cided to remount his army, and take the battle to the Saxons, to
ploying. This is rough country, north west of what is now
drive them from Lindsey once and for all.
Glasgow, but not as far as Loch Lomond. The terrain is a
considerable feature of the battle. There is a fordable river
Arthur’s Army – 1 Heavy Cavalry, 3 Medium Cavalry, 6 Me-
against the Scottish right hand edge of the board, and then
dium Infantry, 2 Light Bow Infantry, 3 Heavy Cavalry (Vi-
the Scottish player places 10 forest hex tiles, 10 hill hex
sigoths), 1 Arthur Leader, 1 Leader, and 1 Theodoric Leader
tiles, and 4 broken ground hex tiles.
(must remain with the Visigoths). Deploy second, within
two hexes of Arthur’s base edge.
Special Rules – Shieldburg is not available to either army,
as the ground is too rough and uneven. The Arthur Leader
Colgren’s Army – 6 Warrior Infantry, 4 Medium Infantry,
rule applies. After the Arthur player deploys, the Scottish
2 Light Bow Infantry, 3 Medium Cavalry, and 3 Leaders.
player may redeploy up to three units. Each player has 4
Deploy first. Infantry must be within two hexes of one of
cards, representing the difficulties of command and con-
the Fortified Camps. Cavalry can be anywhere at least four
trol in the rough country. Victory is set at 6 banners.
hexes from Arthur’s base edge, but must deploy as a single
adjacent group.
Stay tuned for the final six scenarios in issue #10.
Yaah! Magazine | 61
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
This issue’s game
On the 18th of March, 2014, after the formal annexation of
Crimea, Russian president Vladimir Putin gave a speech to the
Russian Federal Assembly in which he called for the restoration
of historic Russia. These words were ominous and the implications familiar to many of Russia’s smaller neighbours who had
embraced diplomatic and economic relations with the West following the collapse of the Soviet Union. While many were occupied debating the legality and diplomatic implications of that
annexation, protests and independence rallies in Ukraine’s
eastern reaches transformed into insurgency and civil war in the
Donbass region. This uprising was and continues to be support-
establishing roadblocks and checkpoints while calling for Rus-
ed by Russian diplomatic and military efforts under the guise of
sian support. The independent and unrecognized Donetsk Peo-
protecting ethnic Russian populations from retaliations by Kiev.
ple’s Republic (DPR) was established in April and later formed
Donbass lay in the February
2014 Euromaiden movement
that culminated in massive
protests and street fighting in Kiev and other urban
centres and the ousting of
pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovich in favour of a
pro-European Union govern-
an unofficial confederation
called Novorossiya with the
smaller Luhansk People’s
Republic to the north.
The Ukrainian government
of the separatists’ initial
The catalyst for the War in the
responded quickly and many
gains were quickly returned
to government control.
fast-moving series of spring
ment. This revolution was framed as both a populist democrat-
and summer offensives recaptured 23 of the 36 districts initially
ic movement by pro-Western voices and an unconstitutional
seized by pro-Russian separatists in 2014, until the arrival of
coup by Russia and her allies. It led to the almost immediate
Russian troops and material support in August created a stale-
annexation of Crimea by Moscow, and increased tensions and
mate. Another surge of Russian support in January of 2015 re-
burgeoning support for separatist groups in the Donbass re-
sulted in major separatist offensives in the vicinities of Donetsk,
gion. The Donbass comprises the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts
Horlivka, Debaltseve, and Mariupol. At the peak of the fighting
of Eastern Ukraine and the population is predominately Rus-
in early 2015 there were estimated to be roughly 10000 Russian
sian speaking, the result of Soviet era settlement programs.
troops and upwards of 500 AFVs deployed to Eastern Ukraine.
Following the fall of Crimea, many local government officials
Today the frontlines remain relatively static and the breakaway
and police and military forces in this region defected, seizing
states find themselves stuck in limbo, unrecognized by the in-
towns, villages, and government buildings. They quickly orga-
ternational community and unable to break cleanly enough from
nized themselves into de facto local governments and militias,
Ukraine to join Russia. In reality, this status may suit Russian
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interests, as the continued conflict in the east prevents Ukraine
from officially applying for EU or NATO membership, even as
they form closer ties with many members of those organizations.
The battles for the Sergey Prokofiev International Airport on the
North-West outskirts of Donetsk were a grudge match that has
come to define the brutal civil war. Occupied by separatists and
foreign fighters in the opening moves of the insurrection, it was
quickly seized back in a devastating and one-sided assault by the
Ukrainian military in May 2014. This First Battle of Donetsk Airport was a motivating success for the embattled Ukrainian government in Kiev, and its occupation quickly became a thorn in
the side of the fledgling Donetsk People’s Republic.
The two main terminal buildings, especially the recently constructed New Terminal, and the Control Tower at the airport
provided excellent observation posts over most of the city of
Donetsk and its northern and western approaches.
As the
largest city in the region and an important industrial center,
Donetsk was a valuable symbolic and strategic target. The occupation of the airport denied its use to the separatist armed
forces and provided a good vantage point for artillery spotters
and heavy weapons that would impede the DPR from using the
city as an assembly area. Any troops attempting to mount an
offensive out of the city would be subject to accurate artillery
fire from nearby villages. Furthermore, the occupation of the
the border before culminating in the deployment of Russian ar-
airport along with the fighting around it and heavy shelling
moured and motor-rifle brigades and special forces teams on the
prevented a return to normalcy in the city that may have lent
ground. Bolstered by swelling ranks, new AFVs, and artillery,
more legitimacy to the teething DPR government and the Com-
the separatists launched a major offensive on the airport in the
bined Armed Forces of Novorossiya (an amalgam of local mili-
final days of September. This resulted in heavy fighting in and
tias, foreign volunteers, and defected soldiers from the Donetsk
around the airport grounds that lasted until the final withdrawal
and Luhansk areas organized into ‘Volunteer Battalions’).
of Ukrainian troops from the airport in late January, 2015.
After a summer standoff that involved almost daily shelling
The fighting at the Donetsk Airport during those final months
of the airport and surrounding areas of the city, the separat-
was brutal and non-stop. Repeated separatist attacks eventually
ist forces began to receive more reinforcements and high-end
corralled the Ukrainian forces in the New Terminal and Control
equipment from Russia in July and August. This was in response
Tower. Cut off from friendly lines in the nearby towns of Pisky,
to Ukrainian operational successes elsewhere and started with
Avdiivka, and Opytne, the troops in the New Terminal lived un-
artillery attacks and surface to air missiles launched from across
der siege conditions. Endless shelling had reduced the building
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to a crippled shell and as temperatures plunged in December and
The Ukrainians were finally forced to withdraw in late January.
January, the troops suffered immensely. At night, they were un-
Things began to come undone when the Control Tower col-
able to light fires to melt water and warm themselves for fear
lapsed after heavy shelling, depriving the defenders of an ex-
of being spotted and drawing enemy fire. Their continued resil-
cellent spotting position for the artillery cover they relied on.
ience under such conditions earned them the nickname of ‘the
Then DPR troops, backed by Russian special forces and T-72B3
Cyborgs’. These troops relied on daring convoys that would cut
tanks, managed to infiltrate several levels of the New Terminal.
cross-country from Pisky to the western end of the runway and
They subsequently detonated the floors above the Ukrainians
then drive straight down the tarmac, often under fire, to the rear
causing heavy casualties and compromising their defensive po-
of the terminal where they would quickly exchange supplies and
sitions. The final troops withdrew on January 21st, 2015, leav-
fresh troops for casualties and the war weary before speeding off
ing the shattered airport in DPR hands. The scale of destruction
again. Fighting was also heavy on the outskirts of Pisky itself, as
wrought by artillery fire and heavy weapons was total- the air-
DPR troops attempted to seize the village and cut off the Ukrai-
port had been reduced to a skeletal frame filled with rubble and
nian’s ‘highway of life’. Troops and the media began to refer to
the tarmac was littered with massive impact craters, destroyed
the airport as ‘Little Stalingrad’.
airliners, and burned out AFVs.
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Forces on both sides of the conflict are a smorgasbord of regular military personnel and volunteer militias. On the separatist
side, the militias comprised of enthusiastic locals are supported
by foreign volunteers and mercenaries from Russia and abroad.
Many of these foreign fighters have prior military or police
training and combat experience in conflict zones like Chechnya,
Afghanistan, Ossetia, and the former Yugoslavia. The militias
are loosely organized into ‘volunteer battalions’ with colourful and evocative names drawn from local geography and history such as the Svarog Battalion named for an ancient Slavic
deity, the Miner’s division comprised of local coal miners, and
the Vostok Battalion named after a GRU special forces group that
operated in Chechnya and South Ossetia in the past. These various volunteer battalions have been reinforced by Russian regular
army units and their hardware that are regularly rotated into the
the Ukrainian National Guard, such as the famous Azov Bat-
conflict zone from staging areas across the border. These units
talion. The Ukrainian forces are mostly volunteer forces and
include elements of the 18th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, the
are well motivated, but they have experienced various short-
9th Motorized Rifle Brigade, the 200th Motor Rifle Brigade, the
comings in the field. Many of their troops are older and poorly
76th Airborne Division, 98th Airborne Division, 31st Airborne
trained reservists with no prior combat experience. They have
Brigade, and Spetsnaz teams from the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade
also found themselves short on supplies on many occasions,
and 45th Guards Spetsnaz Regiment. While Russia does not of-
using outdated and broken down equipment while waiting for
ficially recognize its participation in the conflict, the presence
resupply and aid from allies. At the outset of the conflict, many
of these units has been confirmed by independent observation
of their tanks and infantry carriers were mothballed in storage
and identification of vehicles,
captured combatants, the issuing of medals and awards
the transportation and burials
of casualties back in Russia,
and social media posts and
interviews given by members
of the units.
effort to keep reliable combat vehicles in the field. The
Ukrainian armed forces are
generally short on high tech
communications, UAVs, and
counter those supplied by
The regular Russian forces
by the Russian government,
and it has been a continuous
have been important for the
electronic warfare assets to
the Russians.
for the Ukrainians, high
morale and national pride
have kept their forces moti-
survival of the fledgling DPR. Following the initial seizures by
vated and in the fight even during Russian led offensives that
local dissidents, most separatist offensive operations have in
had them technologically outclassed. They have also received
fact been spearheaded by Russian forces. Successful offensives
substantial training and material support from NATO allies
against Ukrainian forces have all coincided with spikes in the
such as the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Lithuania.
deployment of Russia troops, their casualty rates, and the issuance of medals and honorary awards. By many accounts, local
Both sides use a variety of armoured vehicles and weapons of
insurgents- being more poorly organized- have been used as
mostly Russian origin. These include BTR and BMP personnel
cannon fodder in assaults, for public relations appearances that
carriers and fighting vehicles, BRDM armoured cars, and 2S1
attempt to portray the movement as a populist local effort, or
and 2S3 self-propelled howitzers. In the early stages of the
as simple holding forces after the heavy fighting was finished.
conflict, before Russian air defenses established a no-fly-zone,
the Ukrainian air force made effective use of Mi-24 Hinds and
On the Ukrainian side, the regular military forces have been
SU-25 Frogfoot ground attack planes. The BM series of multiple
bolstered by large-scale mobilizations of reserves and their
rocket launchers is ever present, with the mobile and versa-
own smattering of militias and volunteer battalions, many of
tile Ural truck mounted BM-21 Grad platform seeing especially
which have since been officially recognized and supplied by
heavy use on both sides. The T-64 tank has seen the heaviest
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combat use of its long service life during this conflict. With the
tration’s more lenient attitude towards Russia will embolden
original Soviet factories located in Kharkov, the tank is a main-
them in their intervention.
stay of the Ukrainian armed forces. The separatists have armed
themselves with many captured and formerly mothballed tanks
The Russo-Ukrainian War in the Donbass has proven to be a de-
as well as reinforcements from Russia, many seized during the
fining modern conflict and testing ground for some of the first
annexation of Crimea. All varieties of the tank ranging from
examples of ultra-modern mechanized warfare. For the first
older stored T-64B models up to the modernized T-64BV and
time in post-Soviet Europe, modern main battle tanks have en-
T-64BM models have seen extensive use. The Ukrainian army
gaged each other in open field battles with supporting mecha-
also has much smaller numbers of modernized T-80s, though
nized infantry. Drones and UAV technology has been used to
these have seen limited use, and is beginning to produce and
scout enemy positions and artillery observation and counter-
implement the modern T-84, though again in very limited
battery operations. There has also been unconventional use
numbers. DPR separatists have also made use of a number of
of existing hardware, such as the frequent re-purposing of the
T-72 models supplied by Russia, including the updated T-72B3
2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer into a direct lay anti-tank
used by Russian forces.
and siege gun, providing overwatch for armoured columns. It
has also re-established the effectiveness of Russian massed ar-
tillery in conventional warfare (estimates suggest that as many
Today the war carries on sporadically, punctuated by brief
as 80% of casualties have been caused by shelling and rocket ar-
ceasefires and uneasy truces with no final resolution in sight.
tillery) and the continued dependence of infantry on traditional
As of February 2017, the Ukrainian military has suffered over
entrenchment techniques to shelter from that bombardment,
3500 troops killed in action that it acknowledges, though some
evidenced by long lines of complex trenchworks seen snaking
suggest the numbers are much higher. Meanwhile the sepa-
across former farmers’ fields on Google Earth.
ratist and supporting Russian forces may have lost more than
5000 fighters1. At least 2300 civilians have been caught in the
Further Reading
shelling and crossfire while whole villages and towns have been
ing effects of modern artillery. The frontlines around Donetsk
remain largely the same, with the DPR occupying the airport
Beckhusen, Robert. “Why Ukrainian Troops are Calling
the Donetsk Airport Siege ‘Stalingrad’.” War is Boring.
completely levelled or rendered uninhabitable by the devastat-
January, 2015.
Ferguson, Jonathan and N.R Jenzen-Jones. “Raising
and surrounding suburbs and Ukrainian troops entrenched in
Red Flags: An Examination of Arms & Munitions in the
the village of Pisky and industrial areas of Avdiivka. Fighting
Ongoing Conflict in the Ukraine.” ARES Research Report No.
3. November, 2014.
here is a daily reality, and in spite of the token ceasefires and
slowed pace of action, casualties continue to mount. The year
Fox, Amos C. “Russian Hybrid Warfare and the
2017 has seen an increase in heavy artillery bombardment and
Re-emergence of Conventional Armored Warfare:
tensions are on the rise as many fear that the Trump adminis-
Implications for the U.S. Army’s Armored Force.” Armor.
July-September, 2016.
Karber, Phillip A. “Lessons Learned from the Russo-
Karber, Phillip A. “Russia’s New-Generation Warfare.”
Sherr, James. “Ukraine Three Years On: A Basis for
Ukrainian War.” The Potomac Foundation. July, 2015.
ARMY Magazine. May, 2016.
Optimism.” NATO Review. 2017.
Sutyagin, Igor. “Russian Forces in Ukraine.” Royal United
Services Institute Briefing Paper. March, 2015.
Exact figures for insurgent losses are difficult to track. Russia refuses
to openly acknowledge the involvement of its troops in an attempt to
maintain plausible deniability and the local militia forces leave something
to be desired in their transparency. Estimates range from a low-end
figure of 2000 KIA provided by the Donetsk People’s Republic to the
likely inflated claims by Kiev that over 10000 enemy troops have been
killed. Independent observers and researchers estimate about 2000
local insurgents, 1500 foreign volunteers from Russia and abroad, and as
many 1000 active duty Russian personnel have been killed fighting for the
separatist cause.
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Design: Ryan Kirk
Development: Art Bennett, Mark Walker
Art: Ilya Kudriashov
1. Components and General Rules
capacity is indicated by the number of gun symbols above the
front of the Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)/Truck vehicle im-
1.1 Map and Scale
age. In addition to Infantry SQUAD(s) the IFV/Truck can carry
The map covers the Donetsk Airport and adjacent town area.
ONE Leader/Weapon Team.
The top of the map is North. Each hex represents approximately 150 meters and each turn represents 10 minutes. The coun-
Leg Units
ters represent Infantry Squads (8-15 men), Heavy Weapons and
Leader Teams (3-5 men), and single AFVs/IFVs/Trucks.
1.2 Counters
There are two types of counters in the game. Unit counters represent the fighting troops, vehicles, and leader teams of each
side. Marker counters are used to keep track of information,
unit status, and for administrative purposes.
Note: Blue and yellow tape around the magazines was a common practice of the Ukrainian troops, hence the ‘rainbow’ col-
Units are categorized as either hard or soft targets. Infantry
ored magazines on the Ukrainian Infantry counters.
Squads, Heavy Weapons, and Leader Teams are soft targets. All
AFVs/IFVs are hard targets. Trucks are soft targets.
Units are rated for the following capabilities: Attack Strength
(Hard/Soft), Range, Defense, Movement Capacity (top right),
and any special abilities such as Transport. The blue and yellow
counters represent the Ukrainian Government forces and the
red counters represent the combined DPR/Separatist and supporting Russian Government forces. Leg unit movement factors are yellow and Vehicle unit movement factors are black.
Transport capable vehicles are indicated by movement factors
contained inside a yellow circle. Infantry SQUAD Transport
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Leader Teams/Heavy Weapons
Vehicle Units
During the Action Phase, players alternate activating their
AFV/Armored Fighting Vehicle
units and performing actions, starting with the current Initiative Player. These alternating activations continue until all
units have been activated. Players may NOT pass an activation
- mark a unit as spent whether it moves/fires or not.
2.1 Initiative
IFV/Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Remove all Smoke Markers
Remove all Pin Markers
Resolve pending Fire Support from the previous Turn Ukrainian Player first/results applied simultaneously.
Plot and check current turn Fire Support - Ukrainian Player
first/results applied simultaneously.
Determine the Initiative Player for the Action Phase
Note: Trucks are vehicles like IFVs but can carry three Infantry
2.2 Action Phase
squads and one Leader/Weapon Team and are considered SOFT
Initiative Player activates unit(s)
Non-Initiative Player activates unit(s)
Players continue alternating unit activations until no units
1.3 Dice
on both sides are left to activate. Players cannot ‘pass’ to
The game uses three dice – one four-sided die (1D4) for initia-
save activations, they must activate at least one unit even
tive determination and two six-sided dice (1D6/2D6) for Fire
if the unit performs no actions.
combat and Fire Support resolution.
1.4 Stacking Limits
3. Initiative
In each scenario, each side is rated for Initiative and Hesitation.
Each side may stack up to three Infantry Squads and two Ve-
These values are used to determine the motivation and offen-
hicle units per hex. Infantry Squads loaded in transport vehi-
sive capabilities of each side. During the Initiative Phase each
cles do not count towards the stacking limit. Heavy Weapons/
player rolls 1D4 and adds this to their current Initiative Level.
Leader Teams and Marker counters do not count towards the
Then both sides’ combined Initiative + 1D4 value is compared,
stacking limit.
and the side with the highest value is the Initiative Player for
the rest of the turn. If there is a tie grant the initiative for the
Stacking limits apply at the END of a movement activation, al-
turn to the side that did not have the initiative the previous
lowing units to move freely through hexes ignoring the stack-
ing limit but not ending movement in a hex in excess of the
stacking limit. Since enemy units may occupy the same hex
3.1 Initiative Reduction
these limits apply to each side for a single hex. For example,
Each side’s Initiative Level may decrease during the game due
there could be three Infantry Squads and two Vehicle units from
to casualties, causing a side to falter in its commitment to the
each side in the same hex.
battle. Each time a unit is ELIMINATED (not just reduced), lower that side’s Initiative Rating by one. Use the Game Turn Track
1.5 Rounding
on the map to record Initiative Levels with each side’s Initiative
When calculating movement and firing factors DROP all frac-
tions from the FINAL calculation.
2. Sequence of Play
3.2 Hesitation
Each side is also assigned a Hesitation Level by the scenario.
Each turn is divided into two phases – the Initiative Phase and
This number represents the point at which a side begins to lose
the Action Phase. During the Initiative phase players remove
its will to fight due to mounting casualties and battlefield con-
Smoke and Pin Markers from their units, resolve pending Fire
Support from the previous turn and plot the current turn fire
support, and finally determine who has the initiative for the
When a side’s Initiative Level is reduced to equal to or less than
current turn.
its Hesitation Level, that side’s units will no longer willingly
perform offensive operations that place them in danger. In
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game terms, this means that units that are not activated by a
Fire at an enemy unit at full attack strength OR
Leader Team are no longer able to move towards enemy units
Move up to half its movement allowance AND Fire at an
enemy unit at half attack strength or vice versa OR
within their line of sight. They may not move adjacent to or into
the same hex as any enemy unit. If an enemy unit moves adjacent to or into their hex, they must use their next activation to
Assume Overwatch Status
move away from that enemy. If they are unable to do so without
5. Movement
moving closer to another enemy unit in their line of sight, (e.g.,
When a unit is activated for movement the player moves it one
they are encircled) they surrender and are removed from the
hex at a time, pausing briefly in each hex entered so that the
game and counted as a casualty, reducing that side’s Initiative
other player may choose to perform Overwatch Fire if able, un-
til the unit has expended all its movement allowance (or half of
its movement allowance if the move/fire action was chosen) or
3.3 Broken
the player chooses to move the unit no further. Units may move
If a side’s Initiative Level is reduced to zero, that side’s will to
into and out of half hexes on the edges of the playing map.
fight has been broken and the game ends in a victory for the
other side.
4. Activation
5.1 Terrain
Each type of terrain has a movement cost for leg and for vehicle
units listed on the terrain effects chart. A unit must expend
When it is a player’s turn to activate units, the player may
movement points equal to the cost of the terrain in each hex it
choose to activate either a Leader Team and multiple units, or
enters. If a unit does not have enough movement points to en-
any single unit.
ter a hex, it may not do so. There is no one hex minimum move
as with other games. Units may never occupy terrain which is
4.1 Leader Team Activation
listed as Prohibited for its type (leg/vehicle) on the Terrain Ef-
If a player chooses to activate a Leader Team, the Leader Team
fects Chart.
may also activate any friendly units that are stacked with or
adjacent to the Leader Team. This includes adjacent Leader
In cases where a hex contains more than one type of terrain, the
Teams which may then activate other units stacked or adjacent
unit must pay the cost for the terrain that gives it the best de-
to them – and this can continue in a chain of Leader Team/unit
fensive modifier. A unit cannot enter a hex that has terrain that
activations. The player must declare all units that will be acti-
is Prohibited to its type. Example: Vehicle units are prohibited
vated by the Leader Team(s) immediately after activating the
from entering Terminal, Parkade, or Control Tower hexes.
Leader Team and before performing any actions with the units.
Pinned Leader Teams may not activate friendly units. Leader
5.2 Road Movement
Teams who are passengers in vehicles may still activate friend-
Road movement occurs when a vehicle unit moves along a con-
ly units as normal. Only units activated by a Leader Team may
tiguous path of hexes connected by a road. The unit must enter
move into an enemy hex.
the new hex across a hexside crossed by a road to receive the
benefit of road movement. When this condition is met, the unit
Units activated together by a Leader Team must perform their
pays only the road terrain cost. While using road movement the
actions one at a time. The player must finish all actions with
unit still receives the best available terrain defensive modifier
one activated unit before moving to the next activated unit. The
in the hex if attacked. Note that roads are the only way for ve-
exception to this rule is activated units that start the activa-
hicle units to cross wooded stream hexes and other rough ter-
tion stacked with the Leader Team may combine their fire to-
rain normally prohibited to them.
gether when attacking enemy SOFT Target units (see Fire rules).
Units activated by a Leader Team are not required to perform
5.3 Transport
the same actions. Units may only be activated once per game
Certain vehicle units in the game are marked as transports.
turn. After a unit has been activated and has finished its ac-
These represent Infantry Fighting Vehicles that can be used to
tions, mark it with a Spent marker or rotate the unit counter 90
transport infantry units. Infantry Fighting Vehicles may carry
degrees to indicate it is done for the turn.
ONE infantry SQUAD (as indicated by the gun symbol on the
counter) plus ONE Leader/Weapon team. Trucks may carry
4.2 Unit Actions
THREE Infantry SQUADS (as indicated by the gun symbols on
When a unit is activated, it may perform ONE of the fol-
the counter) plus ONE Leader/Weapon Team. During an infan-
lowing actions:
try unit’s activation, it may mount a transport located in the
Move up to its full movement allowance OR
same hex by paying a cost of one movement point. Once loaded
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onto a transport unit the infantry unit is placed under the ap-
6.3 Leader Team Activated Fire Groups
propriate vehicle counter and can perform no actions until it
If multiple units (leg and vehicle) in the same hex are acti-
is unloaded. Unloading occurs during the transporting vehicle
vated by a Leader Team stacked with them, they may combine
unit’s activation at a cost of one movement point to the trans-
their SOFT fire values against one enemy SOFT target type unit.
porting unit. The passengers are unloaded in the same hex as
Combined attacks can NOT be used for Overwatch fire. Hard
the transport unit, not to exceed stacking limits. If a transport
targets are NEVER subject to combined attacks. A Leader Team
unit is destroyed while carrying passengers, the passengers are
may only coordinate one combined fire-group per activation,
destroyed as well.
however it may also still activate additional units to perform
regular movement and separate fire attacks. Leader Team acti-
5.4 Pinned Unit Movement
vated fire-groups are subject to possible sniper attacks.
Units that are pinned due to enemy fire may either remain in
their current hex or move away from enemy units in their Line
6.4 Snipers
of Sight (LoS), but only into hexes that have an equal or better
In dense industrial and urban environments, snipers are a con-
defensive modifier than their current location if remaining in
stant threat. Any time a Leader Team directs a fire-group attack
enemy LoS. If a pinned unit starts its move out of enemy LoS, it
involving more than one other friendly unit (e.g. one Leader
may not enter enemy LoS.
Team and two or more combat units) an original roll of 11 or 12
on the CRT will trigger a sniper attack.
5.5 Enemy Occupied Hexes
If activated by a Leader Team, units may move into hexes con-
When the sniper activates, the leader team that directed the
taining enemy units. Units may move out of enemy hexes at any
attack is immediately flipped to its wounded side. If it was al-
time. The moving units individually undergo reaction fire from
ready wounded, it is eliminated. After resolving the effect on
enemy units in the hex (see 6.10 Reaction Fire).
the Leader Team, all other units in the hex immediately become
6. Fire Combat
6.1 Line of Sight (LoS)
6.5 Fire Limitations
Players may target any enemy units in the target hex except for
In order to perform a fire attack an attacking unit must have a
Leader Teams. Leader Teams may only be attacked if they are
valid LoS to the enemy target unit. An attack must be declared
the ONLY units in a hex. If another unit is present, it is assumed
BEFORE checking LoS. If the LoS is blocked, that attack is lost.
that they present the larger target and that the Leader Team is
LoS is determined by drawing a straight line between the center
busy coordinating troops and keeping their head down. Units
dot of the attacker’s hex and the center dot of the defender’s
may fire into hexes containing units of their own side with no
hex. If at any point between the attacker and defender’s hexes
the line crosses any part of a blocking terrain drawing/structure
(building, forest, etc.) per the terrain effects chart, the attack is
When attacking hard targets, units use their hard attack factor.
blocked. Terrain in the attacker or defender’s hex never blocks
When attacking soft targets units use their soft attack factor.
LoS. Units ALWAYS have LoS to targets within their own hex
Units that do not possess a hard or soft attack factor are not
and in adjacent hexes.
eligible to attack enemy units of that type.
6.2 Fire Resolution
6.6 Combat Results
Unless firing units are stacked in the same hex as a Leader
On the combat results table, there are four possible results:
Team that activates them, all fire attacks are by a single attack-
No effect ( - )
ing unit against a single defending unit. Troops that are loaded
Pinned (P)
in vehicles may not fire until they are unloaded. Once LoS has
Reduced (X)
been verified, compare the attacking unit’s modified attack
Eliminated (XX)
factor to the defending unit’s modified defense factor. Attack
and defensive modifiers are listed on separate tables. All attack
When a unit is pinned because of a fire attack, it is immedi-
and defense modifiers are cumulative. Subtract the final defen-
ately marked with a Pin Marker and stripped of any Overwatch
sive value from the final attack value and consult the Combat
status it may have held. Infantry Units that are reduced are
Results Table. Find the differential column corresponding to
flipped to their reduced side to reflect mounting casualties and
the attack/defense differential, then roll 2D6 to determine the
a wavering will to fight. In addition, they are marked with a Pin
Marker, and stripped of their Overwatch Status. Any ‘Militia’
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This issue’s game
unit that is stacked with a unit that is reduced or eliminated
the game in Overwatch status may NOT activate during the first
becomes pinned immediately. Infantry Units that are reduced
turn of the scenario. It is important to weigh the pros and cons
for a second time are eliminated from the game as they either
of prepared firing positions versus tactical flexibility during
have suffered too many casualties or have lost too much cohe-
unit setup.
sion to continue as an effective fighting force. Heavy Weapons
Teams do not have a reduced side, and are eliminated from the
6.10 Reaction Fire
game the first time they are reduced. Vehicles that are reduced
Any time a unit moves INTO or OUT OF a hex containing enemy
are eliminated and turned over to their wreck side. Whenever a
units, it is subject to a single reaction fire attack by any ONE
unit is eliminated that side’s Initiative Level is reduced by one.
enemy unit in that hex at half strength that has not previously
performed reaction fire that turn. Previously activated/spent
6.7 Reduced Leader Teams
units are eligible to perform this reaction fire but not Pinned
Leader Teams are wounded if they are reduced. Wounded leader
units. If multiple units are activated by a Leader Team together,
teams are no longer eligible to conduct fire groups and when
they still move one unit at a time and each unit undergoes re-
they make group activations they may only activate units in
action fire individually when moving into or out of an enemy
their same hex, not adjacent hexes. If a wounded Leader Team
occupied hex.
is reduced again it is eliminated. Whenever a unit is eliminated
that side’s Initiative Level is reduced by one.
Resolve the fire as if it occurs in the same hex containing the
enemy firing unit. Note that the half strength attack is then
6.8 Pinned Effects
doubled again due to same hex fire. If the enemy reaction fire
A pinned unit’s ability to move and fight is severely limited.
unit is in Overwatch status then its attack strength is not halved
It may only remain in its current hex, move away from enemy
before doubling for same hex combat the first time it fires. The
units, or if it starts its move out of enemy LoS it may not enter
unit then loses its Overwatch status. After an eligible unit re-
enemy LoS as detailed previously. It may not fire at all (Regular
solves reaction fire mark it with a Reacted Marker to indicate it
or Reaction and Overwatch status is removed). During the Ini-
cannot perform reaction fire again that turn. The firing enemy
tiative Phase, all Pin Markers are removed. An already pinned
unit is still eligible for later activation in the turn if it has not
unit that becomes pinned again suffers no additional ill effects.
already activated.
Pins do not ‘stack.’ Pinned Leader Teams may not activate other units (per 5.0) but may still spot for Fire Support (per 8.0).
If the reaction fire results in a pin or reduction, and the moving
Pinned Vehicles may also still spot for Fire Support.
unit is attempting to ENTER an enemy hex it is ‘bounced’ – and
returns to its entry hex. If the moving unit is leaving an enemy
6.9 Overwatch
hex then it continues to its destination hex.
A unit that spends its entire activation assuming Overwatch
status is marked with an Overwatch marker. It may then fire
Note that it is possible to move into AND out of an enemy hex
during an enemy unit’s activation. It may fire at full strength in
in the same turn, provided the moving unit has enough move-
reaction to any enemy movement or fire attack within its line
ment points and is not adversely impacted by an enemy fire at-
of sight. It may fire at any point during an enemy unit’s move-
ment in its LoS or immediately after an enemy’s fire attack is
resolved in its LoS. Leader Team combined fire is NOT allowed
7. Fire Support
for Overwatch fire – each unit must fire individually.
Fire support is a catch-all term that encompasses all off-board
assets including mortars, field artillery, self-propelled howit-
Overwatch status is retained until the unit fires, suffers an
zers, multi-rocket launchers, helicopters, and aircraft.
adverse combat result causing loss of Overwatch status, has
an enemy unit move into its hex, or is activated again on the
7.1 Fire Support Availability
following game turn. Following firing, the unit is marked as
Each scenario will specify what, if any, fire support is avail-
SPENT. If a unit on Overwatch has an enemy unit move into its
able for each side as part of their OOB. Available fire support
hex, it may fire at full strength rather than the normal half-
modules are represented by markers that are used to plot and
strength reaction fire, which is then doubled due to the same
resolve the attacks on the game map. Each fire support module
hex fire modifier.
in the scenario will list the type of equipment, the number of
barrages available, attack strength, whether smoke is available,
Units may also be placed on Overwatch status during a scenar-
and Reliability number. Place the corresponding fire support
io’s set-up. This reflects prepared defenses. Units that begin
markers aside where they will be easily accessible during play.
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Each module may only perform a barrage once per turn. Once a
7.4 Smoke
module has used up all its barrages, it may not be used again in
When firing smoke, perform scatter determination as before
that game. For example, there may be four barrages available
and then place a smoke counter on the final target hex. Smoke
from a Howitzer battery during a scenario, but you may only use
blocks ALL line of sight for leg units through the hex it is in
one of those barrages per turn. Players can use paper and pen-
and halves any fire into that smoke hex. Most modern fight-
cil or extra Fire Support markers of the same type on the Turn
ing vehicles are equipped with some kind of optics equipment
Track to track usage of barrages.
that allows at least partial visibility through smoke screens.
Vehicles may fire through one smoke hex at half-strength –
7.2 Fire Support Placement
but may not fire into or through more than one smoke hex.
Fire support is plotted during the Initiative Phase of each turn.
Smoke does not halve the strength of fire support. Smoke is
Each player places any fire support markers they wish to use on
removed at the beginning of the following turn during the Ini-
target hexes. In order for a hex to be specified as the target of a
tiative Phase.
fire support barrage, an eligible unit must spot for it. Eligible
spotter units are limited to Leader Teams and vehicle units (IFV/
8. Special Units
AFV). Each spotting unit may only place/spot for one fire support
marker per turn. A spotting unit must have a LoS to the target hex.
8.1 Wrecks
Any time that a vehicle unit is reduced it is eliminated and
After all fire support is plotted, players roll for each attack to
flipped over to its wreck side. Any vehicle unit entering a hex
see whether it arrives this turn or at the beginning of the next
containing a wreck using a road must end their movement
turn. Roll 1D6, and on a result equal to or less than the fire sup-
immediately as they navigate the roadway blocked by the de-
port’s Reliability number it strikes immediately. On any other
stroyed vehicle. Eligible units may opt to bypass the wreck and
result the fire support marker is left on the game map until re-
use the other terrain in the hex (unless Prohibited) to avoid the
solved during the FOLLOWING turn’s initiative phase.
clogged roadway. They must pay the full cost for moving into
the other terrain in that hex AND into the next hex when they
7.3 Fire Support Resolution
leave. Wrecks may not be cleared and are not cumulative; one
When a fire support is resolved, there is a chance that the fire
wreck marker indicates any number of eliminated vehicles and
support may scatter from the target hex. Roll 1D6 and on a re-
clogs the roadway in the hex.
sult of 5 or 6 for Rockets/MLRS or 6 for conventional artillery
and airstrikes, the fire scatters. Resolve the scatter by first roll-
8.2 Heavy Setup Weapons
ing 1D6 to determine Scatter Direction (1 is North then clock-
Certain heavy weapons such as anti-tank guided missiles and
wise 2-6). Then roll 1D6 again on the Scatter Distance Table to
automatic grenade launchers – indicated by an * on the coun-
determine how many hexes it scatters in that direction. Fire
ter - must be set-up in order to fire. These weapons may never
support attacks may never be combined. If two fire support at-
move and fire during the same activation. They may only move
tacks hit the same hex, resolve each attack separately.
at full capacity or fire at full strength during an activation.
These weapons also may not fire at enemy units in the same
There are two possible ammunition types for fire support: high
hex, as they are not maneuverable or flexible enough for close
explosive and smoke. When resolving a high explosive fire sup-
quarters combat and in some cases (e.g. ATGMs) have mini-
port attack, resolve it as any other fire combat, except that it
mum arming ranges.
attacks ALL units – enemy AND friendly AND Leader Teams - in
port strength is halved versus HARD Targets. The Fire Support
9. Special Terrain – Multilevel
strength is halved for adjacent hexes. These are cumulative so
The two main terminal buildings, the parkade, and the control
for a HARD target in an adjacent hex the Fire Support strength
tower at the airport are large, multilevel buildings. These hexes
is halved twice and fractions dropped.
are marked with a Red Triangle in the center of the hex and are
the target hex and each adjacent hex individually. The Fire Sup-
under special rules. These buildings receive higher defensive
When attacking multi-floor buildings such as the airport ter-
modifiers - as listed on the TEC - than regular built up urban
minals, fire support attacks are considered to hit the top floor at
terrain to reflect the resilience with which they stood up to
full strength, and half strength on the hex/floor directly below
heavy bombardment and the sheer size and complexity of the
as if it was an adjacent hex. Adjacent upper story building hexes
structures that provided a wealth of possible hiding places and
are also attacked at half strength. Hexes that are below AND
firing positions.
adjacent are not attacked.
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This issue’s game
9.1 Movement Effects
10. Scenarios
These buildings and only these buildings have upper levels. A
For victory purposes a side is considered to have control of a
unit may move to an upper level as a normal move action pay-
hex if their units are currently the sole occupant of the hex or
ing the normal cost of the terrain. Place an Upper Level Marker
the last sole occupants of the hex. If units from both sides oc-
UNDER the units occupying the upper level and over those units
cupy the same hex, it is considered contested/uncontrolled.
on the lower level. For all game purposes, levels directly above
For multi-level building hexes BOTH levels must be controlled
and below are considered as adjacent hexes. Units may never
or one level controlled and the other vacant for the hex to be
move to a new hex and a new floor as a single move, they must
considered controlled by a side.
first move up or down, then side to side.
9.2 Fire Support Spotting Effects
10.1 First Battle of Donetsk Airport, May 26th
Leader Teams that occupy the upper floors of the New Terminal
During the night of May 25, Donetsk People’s Republic separatist forces
building or the Control Tower may spot for fire support attacks
comprising about 200 local militiamen and foreign volunteers of the
at any point on the map. They may also be spotted from any
Vostok Battalion occupied the airport terminals and posted lookouts
point on the map for the purposes of plotting fire support at-
and guards on the roofs and upper floors. These troops were trans-
tacks. These exceptions to the regular LoS rules apply ONLY to
ported in trucks and were lightly equipped with small arms and no
spotting for fire support and NOT for direct fire combat. These
heavy or specialized anti-armor or anti-air weapon systems.
high points were excellent vantage points of the battlefield and
After the fighters ignored an ultimatum from the Kiev government to
were frequently used to coordinate fire support.
abandon the airport, the government attacked. Paratroopers from the
9.3 Fire Support Resolution Effects
3rd Separate Special Forces Regiment attacked with close air support
As previously detailed (7.3), Fire Support attacks hit the upper
from SU-25 fighter bombers and MI-24 attack helicopters. The speed
level of these buildings with their full attack value and hit the
and brutality of the attack caught the separatists off-guard. They had
bottom floor below and adjacent upper floor hexes to the im-
not expected the government to fire on the airport buildings for fear of
pact hex with half attack value.
damaging them and had left most of their heavy weapons and AFVs
behind in the city of Donetsk. The separatists were driven from the
airport after suffering high casualties. Roughly 40-50 fighters were
killed in the engagement, many of them when an RPG struck a transport truck fleeing to Donetsk proper. The Ukrainian troops suffered no
Elements of Vostok Battalion and Local Militiamen:
Initiative: 8
Hesitation Point: 3
Set up first anywhere inside or within 3 hexes of the New and Old Terminals
Leg Units
Leader Teams
Can remain in current hex, move away from
enemy units in their LoS, only into hexes that
have an equal or better defensive modifier than
their current location if remaining in enemy
LoS, or if starting out of enemy LoS may not
enter enemy LoS (6.4)
Not Allowed (Regular,
Reaction, or Overwatch)
Self, may not activate
other units or form
same hex fire teams
Same as Leg
Not Allowed (Regular,
Reaction, or Overwatch)
Can still spot for Fire
Same as Leg
Not Allowed (Regular,
Reaction, or Overwatch)
Can still spot for Fire
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6x Militia (Locals)
vided by the Russians. These included a number of T-64 and T-72
3x Infantry Squads (Foreign Volunteers)
tanks as well as BM-21 Grad MLRS platforms. By this stage in the con-
1x RPG Section
flict, Russian supplied air defense assets had negated the Ukrainian’s
1x HMG Section
air superiority.
3x Leader Teams
1x Truck
The fighting was intense on September 28 as the Separatists pushed
north from the suburbs of the city and into the outlying areas of the
airport. Nine Ukrainian soldiers were killed with over twenty more
Elements of 3rd Special Forces Regiment:
wounded and one APC was destroyed by a separatist tank. The Sepa-
Initiative: 9
ratists also suffered an undisclosed number of casualties, probably in
Hesitation Point: 4
the low dozens. Both sides made heavy use artillery and shelling began
Set up second anywhere on the Western and Northern board edges.
to make its first major impacts on the airport grounds. By October 1,
6x Infantry Squads
the DPR forces had seized a number of large hangers and out buildings
3x Leader Teams
that they would later use as staging areas and concealed approaches
6x BTR80
for assaults on the terminals.
4x MI24 Helicopter Strikes (Strength: 16, No Smoke) Reliability: 3
4x SU25 Airstrikes (Strength: 16, No Smoke) Reliability: 3
Initiative: 10
Hesitation Point: 4
Victory Conditions:
Set up first anywhere on or north of Hexrow 10 that comprises
The Side with the highest victory point total at the end of the
the stream (4 hexes up from south edge)
Scenario wins.
9x Infantry Squads
Each New/Old Terminal hex controlled: 2 VPs (at Scenario
1x HMG
start all New/Old Terminal Hexes are considered in DPR
2x RPG
3x Leader Teams
Each enemy unit eliminated: 1 VP
3x BTR80
Each DPR unit exited via hexrow x10 AFTER turn 5: 1VP
1x Konkurs ATGM
Turn Limit: 8
1x T-64BM
Special Rules: None
4x Howitzer Barrages (Strength: 12, Smoke available) Reli-
ability: 5
Notes: This is a good scenario to learn the major game systems (Fire Support, Fire Teams, Clearing Operations). The DPR
needs to hold on to any part of the Terminals until the end of
Initiative: 11
the game. Do they set up spread out to force the Ukrainians to
Hesitation Point: 4
chase them down or concentrated for mutual support? Do they
Set up second anywhere on the south board edge.
attempt to inflict casualties on the Ukrainians during their ap-
6x Militia
proach or hunker down in the Terminals and make them come
6x Infantry Squads
in after them? Do they attempt to evacuate after turn 5? The
1x HMG
Ukrainians do not have enough infantry to clear the terminals
2x RPG
without preparatory Fire Support and ranged BTR Fire. How
1x Recoilless Rifle
long do the Ukrainians soften up the DPR and when do they
4x Leader Teams
send in their infantry for the clearing operations? What ap-
1x T-64BV
proach route - quickly over the airfield or slower through more
1x T-72B3
built up terrain with cover to minimize casualties?
3x BM21 Rocket Barrages (Strength: 16, No Smoke) Reli-
10.2 Second Battle of Donetsk Airport, Opening
Moves (September 28th, 2014)
ability: 4
3x Howitzer Barrages (Strength: 12, Smoke available) Reliability: 4
After a summer of sporadic shelling and pot shots back and forth, the
DPR launched a major offensive. Having learned from their defeat in
Victory Conditions:
the spring, the separatist forces had mobilized more heavy weapons
plundered from their early seizures of government territory and pro-
DPR Victory: Control 8 or more building hexes on the airport grounds (within the boundaries of NE=W4 NW=K4
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This issue’s game
SW=K10, SE=W10) at the end of the Scenario
1x Recoilless Rifle
Draw: DPR controls 4-7 building hexes on the airport
3x Leader Teams
grounds per above at the end of the Scenario.
1x BTR80
Ukrainian Victory: DPR controls less than 4 building hexes
1x T72B3
on the airport grounds per above at the end of the Scenario.
1x T64BV
2x BM21 Rocket Barrages (Strength: 16, No Smoke) Reli-
Special Rules: None
ability: 4
Turn Limit: 8
10.3 Counterattacks (November, 2014)
Victory Conditions:
Throughout the month of October heavy shelling, damage to the
buildings housing their positions, and constant infiltration from the
captured outbuildings had pushed the Ukrainians out of the Old Ter-
Old Terminal at the end of the Scenario
minal into the more defensible New Terminal. Both buildings were
beginning to collapse and the tarmac was littered with destroyed AFVs.
The battle for the airport had become purely symbolic as the facilities
were damaged beyond usefulness.
Ukrainian Victory: Ukrainians control all 3 hexes of the
Draw: Ukrainians control at least 1 hex of the Old Terminal
at the end of the Scenario
DPR Victory: DPR retains control of ALL 3 hexes of the Old
Terminal at the end of the Scenario
Special Rules: The Ukrainian player automatically has the initiative on the first turn.
The recently captured Old Terminal provided the perfect springboard
Turn Limit: 6
for DPR attacks on Ukrainian positions within the New Terminal and
probing attacks were a daily reality. During November, the Ukrai-
10.4 Final Assault (January, 2015)
nian army staged a series of concentrated attacks to try to retake the
In the first weeks of January, the Ukrainian soldiers were complete-
Old Terminal and maintain footholds there that would deny the DPR
ly cut off inside the New Terminal. The Control Tower collapsed on
troops a covered approach. These back and forth offensive operations
January 13, denying them a crucial Overwatch and artillery observa-
would continue throughout December and even into the final weeks of
tion position. The DPR also shifted resources to the fight for the nearby
the siege in January.
town of Pisky hoping to deny the Ukrainians access to their besieged
troops in the airport. The Ukrainians could only rotate and resupply
troops and evacuate casualties along the ‘highway of life’ that ran
Initiative: 12
from Pisky across access roads onto the far end of the tarmac. They
Hesitation: 4
then sped down the runway in their vehicles to park beneath the pas-
Set up second anywhere in or North of Hexrow 7 AND in or West
senger gates before speeding back. Often they would be under fire the
of Hexrow F.
entire time.
9x Infantry Squads
1x HMG
On January 14, the DPR staged a major assault on the New Terminal
2x RPG
seizing control of about 1/3 of it and causing serious damage to Ukrai-
1x AGS-17
nian positions. On the 17th and 18th the Ukrainians launched a coun-
4x Leader Teams
terattack involving troops and a full company of tanks from Pisky. This
2x T-64BM
killed at least 15 DPR troops and restored control of the New Terminal
2x BM21 Rocket Barrages (Strength: 16, No Smoke) Reli-
to the Ukrainians.
ability: 4
4x Howitzer Barrages (Strength: 12, Smoke available) Reli-
The final Assault took place over two days and began on the 19th when
ability: 5
the DPR managed to infiltrate the upper floors of the Terminal building corralling the Ukrainian troops on the lower floors. They then deto-
nated demolition charges dropping portions of the second floor on top of
Initiative: 10
the Ukrainian positions, causing heavy casualties. Further fighting and
Hesitation: 3
more collapsing floors occurred on the 20th. By the 21st, the final Ukrai-
Set up first anywhere in or East of Hexrow N OR anywhere in or
nian troops were forced to evacuate and the airport was fully under DPR
South of Hexrow 8.
control. Over 40 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed in the final two days
3x Militia
of fighting, and dozens more wounded and evacuated or captured.
3x Infantry Squads
1x HMG
Many combatants alleged these final assaults and demolitions involved
1x RPG
Russian Special Forces committed after Moscow had grown tired of the
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separatists’ inability to gain control of the airport. Observers reported
Russian accents and military jargon on radio traffic and an increased
presence of T72B3 and allegedly T-90 tanks in the area. The airport
3x BM21 Rocket Barrages (Strength: 16, No Smoke) Reliability: 4
was also shelled with 240mm self-propelled Tyulpan mortars, weap-
4x Howitzer Barrages (Strength: 12, Smoke available) Reliability: 5
ons not in the Ukrainian arsenal.
Victory Conditions:
This scenario represents some of the brutal fighting that oc-
withdrawal of the Ukrainian troops. The Ukrainians start with
Ukrainian Victory: Ukrainians control at least 1 hex in the
New Terminal at the end of the Scenario.
curred during January 19th and the 20th and led to the final
Draw: Ukrainians control no hexes in the New Terminal at
their infantry garrison and receive meagre armor and mecha-
the end of the Scenario BUT manage to evacuate at least
nized reinforcements from the West board edge to help them
three ORIGINAL/Starting Infantry Squads – not from the
turn 3 reinforcements - from the New Terminal (See Special Rule).
Infantry Squads.
Separate Airborne Battalion, 81st Airmobile Brigade:
Initiative: 11
DPR Victory: DPR control ALL hexes in the New Terminal
and prevent the Ukrainians from evacuating three or more
Elements of 3rd Battalion 80th Airmobile Brigade and 90th
Turn Limit: 8
Hesitation: 3
Set-up Second: Anywhere within the New Terminal, Parkade,
Special Rules:
and Building Cluster I3, J4.
Control Tower: Rubble and out of play, impassible terrain
that blocks line of sight.
6x Infantry Squads
2x RPG
1x AGS-17
upper level in the New Terminal building after the Ukrai-
1x HMG
nian player has finished his set-up. Automatically receives
1x Konkurs ATGM
the first activation of Turn 1. Attacks all units on upper
3x Leader Teams
floor of hex at 8 no Def TEM, all units on bottom floor of
2x BM21 Rocket Barrages (Strength: 16, No Smoke) Reliability: 4
Spetznas Demolition Team: May set up anywhere on the
target hex at 6 no Def TEM. Remove counter after use.
Evacuation: In order to fulfill the evacuation victory condi-
4x Howitzer Barrages (Strength: 12, Smoke available) Reli-
tion, the Ukrainian player must exit infantry squads that
ability: 5
begin the game inside the New Terminal (e.g. not reinforcements) off the Western board edge. They must board
Reinforcements (Evacuation Team) arrive from the Western
one of the BTR80s that arrives on Turn 3 and then move off
board edge on the runway on Turn 3.
the Western board edge without being destroyed.
2x T-64BM
6x BTR80
11. Game Notes
3x Infantry Squads
Donetsk is not like most tactical level games on the market.
1x Leader Teams
First, it differs in scale - while units are relatively small (squads,
individual teams and vehicles) the hexes are relatively large
(approx. 150m). This was done to simulate the relative emp-
Initiative: 12
tiness of the modern battlefield as compared to earlier con-
Hesitation: 3
flicts. Modern combat units move slower and more cautiously
Set-up First: Anywhere outside the Ukrainian setup zone.
due to the increased range and lethality of modern weapons.
1x Spetznas Demolition Team (see SSR)
These factors explain why leg unit movement factors are low
6x Militia
and there are no ‘close assault’ rules like earlier conflict period
6x Infantry Squads
tactical simulations.
1x HMG
2x RPG
Second, even though the battle was called Little Stalingrad, un-
1x Recoilless Rifle
like the forces involved in that pivotal WW2 battle, the forces
4x Leader Teams
in these battles were very brittle. It did not take many setbacks
3x T-64BV
and casualties before a side lost their aggressive spirit and will
1x T72B3
to fight. The central game mechanic that depicts this, which
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This issue’s game
the player needs to manage, is Initiative/Hesitation. Protecting
If units are caught by enemy fire support in relatively uncov-
your Initiative Level is critical to keeping your tactical options
ered hexes, it could have catastrophic effects. Also, if units are
and chances for victory open. Initially the player with the high-
concentrated in preparation for an attack, one well-placed en-
est initiative normally gets to activate first - especially if in a
emy Fire Support mission could break up the attack. The player
close quarters battle in the Terminals the ability to fire first or
must wrestle with the tension between concentrating for more
withdraw from a bad situation before the other side can fire can
attack power versus the risk of enemy Fire Support taking ad-
be critical. Later, if your initiative level drops to your Hesitation
vantage of the concentration to inflict extensive damage. One
Level then your options become very limited. If on the Offen-
of the safest places on the board from enemy Fire Support is
sive, the player is left with ranged fire hoping to attrition the
adjacent to or in the same hex as enemy units since Fire Sup-
defender to victory. If on the Defensive, then the other player
port attacks both sides. The safest place from a terrain point
can be more aggressive and it becomes very hard to hold impor-
of view is the bottom floor of a Terminal/Parkade/Tower hex.
tant objectives in the face of a determined assault. Therefore,
Fire Support attacks the top floor at full strength while the bot-
being sensitive to casualties is critical to winning.
tom floor is considered an adjacent hex, which halves the Fire
Support. Combine that with the high defensive TEM and this
Initiative can only decrease during the scenario through elimi-
makes units on the lower floors tough nuts to crack. Ukrainian
nated units. So, the obvious goal of a player is to minimize their
troops survived in these locations for weeks against enemy as-
own casualties, inflict enemy casualties, while maneuvering
saults. The main use for the top floor is Fire Support spotting,
and attacking/defending to meet the scenario victory condi-
so normally a player will only put a Leader Team on the top
tions. Pulling this off in the time allotted for the scenario can
floor. Should a player use up one of their precious Fire Support
be a tough balancing act. A few bad mistakes and good rolls by
barrages to destroy the Leader Team and prevent its spotting is
the enemy could lead to the battle being over relatively quickly.
another decision a player must make. Finally, Fire Support is
Or spending too much time doing ranged/prep fire of the enemy
not unlimited. Once it is used up the deterrent effect of keeping
before assaulting the objectives could lead to time running out
the enemy in cover and not concentrating for attacks is gone.
for the scenario.
As for actual unit use, the most powerful way to use units is
The Infantry based units (with reduced sides) are somewhat
in Fire Teams with a Leader Team against soft targets. Espe-
resilient to losses, but after they have been reduced the player
cially when attacking high Defensive TEM terrain, this may be
needs to make the decision whether to keep them in the thick
the only way to generate enough firepower against defending
of the battle and risk their loss and drop in initiative or pull
soft targets. Of course, then these stacks of units become mag-
them back from the main battle into a support role. Of course,
nets for enemy Fire Support and risk Sniper Fire. We have had
the enemy player may purposely target these reduced units
groups of these attacks immobilized for most of the scenario
to eliminate them and drive down their opponent’s initiative
because they weren’t in the best defensive terrain and the en-
level. If the opponent has a spotter on the top floor of one of
emy kept them pinned through judicious use of Fire Support.
the Terminals/Tower hexes then there is nowhere to hide on the
As for vehicle/hard targets, their best use is either against other
board from their Fire Support. Heavy Weapons and Vehicles,
hard targets - tank vs tank or APCs - or standing off from the
while powerful, do not have a reduced side so the player needs
main battle in the terminals and providing soft/concentrated
to be careful when committing them to battle as one reduced
fire support.
result eliminates them and decreases initiative.
The game is a balancing act of numerous items - minimizing
The most potent weapon a player has is their Fire Support (Ar-
casualties while inflicting them on the enemy thru effective use
tillery/Air). High fire values combined with attacking ALL units
of Fire Support and maneuver/fire to achieve the scenario vic-
in a hex and adjacent hexes give them a lot of bang for the buck.
tory conditions - all in the time allotted. Good luck and enjoy.
78 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
The Compleat
Some issues back I addressed some unusual design approaches
to the battle of Waterloo. Forgive me for returning once again
to those muddy fields in Belgium—this time to discuss an even
more unusual take on the battle. The publishers are a new Spanish company, Trafalgar Ediçiones. The game is Waterloo 1815:
La última batalla de Napoléon, designed by José Antonio Luengo
I first became aware of this game through Paul Comben’s review
on the The Boardgaming Life. (See https://theboardgaminglife.
com/2016/11/27/waterloo-napoleons-last-battle-a-boardgaminglife-review/ ) What struck me about the game initially was its
unusual game board. It was a simplified topographical map of
the battlefield with two unusual features. First, it extended farther east along the approach route of Blücher’s Prussians than
most other Waterloo games. Second, it lacked any sort of grid:
What the game truly excels at, however, is the psychological
no hexes, no squares, not even irregular areas. Then there were
effect it produces on its players. It illustrates better than any
the playing pieces. Not cardboard but a different sort of wooden
other game just how cramped the main battlefield is. Except for
blocks. They are a cross between the long narrow rods seen in
an inch or two on the extreme British left, Wellington’s entire
Bowen Simmons’s Napoleonic battle games and the square
line lies on the western half of the board. And the funneling
blocks of GMT’s Command and Colors series. And they come
effects of Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte are dramatic indeed;
in three sizes, the largest representing infantry brigades, the
the crowding of the French attacks caused by the constriction
mediums representing cavalry brigades, and the smallest (really
comes home to you, as does the severity of the threat posed to
small!) representing artillery batteries and leaders.
Wellington’s position by the fall of the latter late in the day.
The core idea of the game is that the blocks take up physical
This hybrid of miniatures and boardgames is a successful and
space on the battlefield equal to their actual size. “Half a mo’,”
insightful one and well worth your time. But be warned, if you
you might say, “that sounds more like a miniatures game than
reject the inherent measuring and fiddling, and the relative
a boardgame.” And you would be correct. This is, in fact a min-
looseness of miniatures-style positioning and terrain interpre-
iatures game played on a board, with movement and fire ranges
tation compared to the use of pristine hexes, you may find this a
determined using custom cardboard measuring tools. I don’t
frustrating experience and give it a pass. That would be a shame,
have space or inclination to do a full review of the game here but
though, because you will be missing out on a fresh and illuminat-
suffice it to say that, despite some rules issues, the game systems
ing perspective on a battle we all think we know only too well.
do a creditable job of representing combat at these levels.
And that, after all, is why we play these things, yes?
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
A Scenario for Old School Tactical
June 24th, 1941. Elements of the 6th Panzer Division meet a KV-1 at a
German Forces
crossroads near Raseiniai. Allegedly, the single tank held up the Germans
1 x Wreck, 2 x Rifle, 1 x Lmg, and 1 x Sergeant in hex BB13.
for an entire day, only being overrun after depleting its ammunition.
1 x SdKfz 222, 2 x PzKpfw II F, and 1 x PzKpfw III J in AA13, Z14, Y14,
This is a variation of a solitaire scenario that I designed for backers of the
Y15 (one per hex).
Old School Tactical Reprint. -Mark H. Walker
Impulse Dice: 1D10 (0 = 10).
Control Hexes: None.
Turns: 3.
Gut Check: 7.
Special Scenario Rules
If a German unit enters a hex that is 10 or more hexes from
the nearest Soviet unit, the German unit suffers an 0-col-
umn attack on the appropriate Combat Table for each such
To win the Germans must destroy all Soviet tanks or damage all
hex entered. This simulates the larger battlefield surround-
Soviet tanks’ main guns.
ing this small encounter.
Don’t use Luck Cards.
Neither side has offboard assets.
1 x KV1 in hex EE8
All Soviet units automatically rally in the Free Rally Phase.
1 x T34 m1940 in hex FF8.
The Soviet tanks cannot leave the hill on which they set up.
Soviet Forces
Impulse Dice: 1d6 + 1 to the number rolled.
Gut Check: 6
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
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Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)
82 | Yaah! Magazine
Daniyar Yambulatow (Order #11968077)