Instruction Manual Communication Manual for ACB OCR High Class Communication Manual for ACB OCR High Class 3 Thank you for purchasing ACB OCR. ▶ Please read the safety precautions before using the product, and comply with all user instructions. ▶ Please read the instruction manual carefully before using ACB OCR safely. Safety Precautions Warning ▶Violating the following instructions may result in grievous bodily harm or death. ● Never inspect or install alone. ● Do not install or operate with wet hands. ● Do not use cables with damaged sheath. ● Do not disassemble the product. ● Always wear protective equipment to test. ● Attach a safety warning plate before working. Note ▶ Violating the following instructions may result in light bodily harm or physical damage to products. ● Precautions for installation and terminal wiring - Apply power suitable for the rating to the product power terminal. - Do not leave screws, metal, water, oil, etc. in the product. ● Storage and Handling precautions - Store in a place free from moisture and dust. - Do not throw or apply excessive force to move the product as it may cause damage. ● Disposal Precautions - Dispose of the product as industrial waste. 4 The warranty for the original purchaser who purchased the product from VITZRO is as follows: ▶ Warranty Conditions Products are covered by a two-year customer warranty. Customers can receive support from VITZRO products if a problem or malfunction occurs to them within the warranty period. ▶ V ITZRO EM will not cover any damages caused under the following circumstances even if the warranty is still in effect: The user has failed to comply with the installation instructions (rated power, CT, PT, DI, DO, or communication), power restrictions, PT/CT, or digital input/output ratings stipulated in the Instruction Manual. Product has been damaged due to external artificial factors, or environmental factors where the product has been installed. ▶ Released version of the Portable OCR Tester Instruction Manual is as follows: Document revised due to communication function improvements 5 Table of Contents 6 01 Product Features 07 02 Modbus Communication Protocol 08 03 Communication Map 11 04 Examples 16 05 VICOM Manager 19 1. Product Features ● CB OCR is a controller that is attached to the front of ACB, which detects A system failure and gives commands for ACB operation. ● ince ACB OCR sold by VITRO is applied with MODBUS industrial protocol, S various additional services can be supported. ● S485 port on the top of ACB provides communication function and R supports various additional services such as relay element, measurement and fault events. You can download the information to PC (Master) and analyze it. (ACB OCR is a slave product.) 7 2. Modbus Communication Protocol 2. 1 Introduction Modbus is a serial communication protocol for Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) proposed by Modicon in 1979. Because it is simple and reliable, it has been widely used to date and is a de facto standard protocol. ◆ Advantages of Modbus ● Developed for industrial applications. ● Free as an open protocol ● Easy to develop and manage ● Information transferred in bits or words. 2. 2 Physical Layer ● Communication Port: RS485 ● Asynchronous Format: 8-bit ● Binary and a bit order of No Parity Without Parity Checking Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stop ● Master-Slave type: Master can only make queries, and the Slave responds appropriately to the queries from the Master. 8 2. 3 Data Link Layer (Communication Frame) When the Master sends a Query frame to the Slave, the Slave sends a corresponding Response frame, and each frame is distinguished by the Dead Time. The following shows the general format of a Query frame and a Response frame. Description Slave Address Function Code Data CRC Dead time Size 1 byte 1 byte N * 8 bytes 2 bytes 3.5 bytes Transmission time Query Master Response Slave address Device Address Device Address Own Address Definition of a Slave Action Function Code Function Code Echo or MSB=1 Slave Additional information required for the slave to perform the requested action Data Data The requested data or Exception Code CRC Error check Error check CRC ● Slave address ▶ If the Slave device address field of the Query frame sent by the Master to the Slave is 0, it means the Master device broadcasts to all Slaves. ▶ When the Master makes a Query to the Slave, the Slave address is written in the address field to transmit. ▶ When the Slave sends a response frame to the Master, its address is written in the address field to transmit. ▶ Effective address range of Slave device: 1 - 31 9 ● Function Code (hereinafter referred to as FC) ▶ FC refers to the definition of actions of the Slave required by the Master. ▶ Slave fills in the following information: - For Normal Response: The FC value of Query is echoed as it is. - For Exception Response: The MSB of the FC value of Query is set to 1. (ex) If Master requests FC 0x01 and it is an Exception, FC 0x81 is sent. ▶Effective Range ● DATA ▶ DATA contains the following information: - Register address - Number of items to handle - Number of bytes of actual data - Please refer to the Chapter 3 Communication Map for details ● CRC ▶ Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a method of determining a check value to find out whether there is an error in the transmitted data. ▶ CRC of Modbus communication is applied with CRC-16 method. 10 3. Communication Map 2. 3 Data Link Layer (Communication Frame) ● Communication Notes Because ACB OCR communicates in block units, unit call is rejected. ● Since some communication addresses in the communication map are applied from OCR F/W version 1.9, check the firmware version of the product. (You can check it in all OCR Highclass v1.0 or higher versions unless otherwise noted.) Function Code Name Contents DO Status 0x01 Read Coil Status Output Status Adress POINT Format Properties Setting Unit Remarks 0 1 0 1 DO2 1 1 0 1 DO3 2 1 0 1 DO4 3 1 0 1 Reserved 4 1 0 1 Reserved 5 1 0 1 Reserved 6 1 0 1 Reserved 7 1 0 1 LTD Trip Status 8 1 0 1 1 on LTD Trip STD Trip Status 9 1 0 1 1 on STD Trip INST Trip Status 10 1 0 1 1 on INST Trip GFT Trip Status 11 1 0 1 1 on GFT Trip PTA Alarm Status 12 1 0 1 1 on PTA Alarm MTD Output 13 1 0 1 1 on MTD output Reserved 14 1 0 1 Reserved 15 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 6300 2 1 0 0 LTD set time Read Holding Registers Max DO1 LTD set current 0x03 Min uint8 uint32 uint32 3 1 4 1 STD set current uint32 5 1 6 1 STD set time uint32 7 1 8 1 INST set current Pre-alarm set current uint8 9 1 10 1 11 1 R R R R 50 300 0 0 R 0 20050 0 0 R uint32 R uint32 R 50 401 0 94500 0 0 0 6300 A Shown as scaled current value (A) according to rating ms LTD operating time (msec, @ Ir 600%) Reference time (50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000) Unit: ms A Shown as scaled current value (A) according to rating ms If STD operating time (msec) * I2t is on, LSB is set to 1. A Shown as scaled current value (A) according to rating OCR F/W Version V1.9 or higher A 11 Function Code Name Contents Pre-alarm set time Setting Adress POINT Format Properties 12 1 13 1 14 1 GFT set current 15 1 16 1 GFT set time System 0x03 Read Holding Registers uint32 R 17 1 Rated Frequency 22 1 uint16 Rated current 23 1 Number of Poles 24 MCR/INST Max 0 0 0 180 0 0 0 6300 0 0 R Remarks OCR F/W Version A Shown as scaled current value (A) according to rating Basically supported ms If GFT operating time (msec) * I2t is on, LSB is set to 1. Unit s 50 410 R 50 60 Hz Read Only (factory setting: do not tamper.) uint16 R 80 6300 A Read Only (factory setting: do not tamper.) 1 uint16 R 3 4 pole Read Only (factory setting: do not tamper.) 25 1 uint16 R 0 (INST) 1 (MCR) Communication speed 26 1 uint16 R 9600 38400 Communication ID 27 1 uint16 R 1 31 F/W Version 28 1 uint16 R 0 9999 System Time – Year 29 1 uint16 R/W 2021 2099 FC0x10 support System Time Month 30 1 uint16 R/W 1 12 FC0x10 support System Time – Day 31 1 uint16 R/W 1 31 FC0x10 support System Time Time 32 1 uint16 R/W 0 23 FC0x10 support System Time – Minute 33 1 uint16 R/W 0 59 FC0x10 support System Time – Second 34 1 uint16 R/W 0 59 FC0x10 support Fault Event #1 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). 42 44 46 12 R uint32 40 Fault Event uint32 Min 2 2 2 2 uint32 uint32 uint32 uint32 R R R R 0 0 0 0 999999 999999 999999 999999 Read Only (factory setting: do not tamper.) 0: INST, 1: MCR BPS Read Only, 9600, 19200, 38400 can be set in Device Read Only, 1 - 31 can be set in Device /10 V1. 9 or higher Read Only, 10 -> 1.0 Version A Fault Current Phase R (R-phase current (A) at fault scaled according to the rating) A Fault Current Phase S (S-phase current (A) at fault scaled according to the rating) A Fault Current Phase T (T-phase current (A) at fault scaled according to the rating) A Fault Current Phase N (N-phase current (A) at fault scaled according to the rating) Basically supported Function Code Name Contents Adress POINT Format Properties 48 Fault Event #1 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). 0x03 Read Holding Registers Fault Event Fault Event #2 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). Fault Event #3 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). Fault Event #4 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). 2 unit32 R Min Max Unit Remarks 0 999999 A Fault Current - GFT (GFT-phase current (A) at fault scaled according to the rating) 0 OCR F/W Version Fault Current ELT-phase current (mA) at fault scaled according to the ELT rating 50 2 unit32 R 999999 52 1 unit16 R Event Year/Month (H nibble = Year, L nibble = Month) 53 1 unit16 R Event Date/ Hour(H = Date, L = Hour) 54 1 unit16 R Event min./sec. (H = min., L = sec) 55 1 unit16 R 56 2 unit32 R 0 999999 A 58 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 60 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 62 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 64 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 66 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 68 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 70 1 uint16 R 71 1 uint16 R 72 1 uint16 R 73 1 uint16 R 74 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 76 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 78 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 80 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 82 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 84 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 86 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 88 1 uint16 R 89 1 uint16 R 90 1 uint16 R 91 1 uint16 R 92 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 94 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 96 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 98 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 100 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 102 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 104 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 106 2 uint16 R 107 1 uint16 R 108 1 uint16 R 109 1 uint16 R 110 1 uint32 R 0 999999 A H nibble = Trip type All the same 13 Function Code Name Contents Fault Event #5 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). Fault Event #6 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). 0x03 Read Holding Registers Fault Event Fault Event #7 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). Fault Event #8 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). 14 Adress POINT Format Properties Min Max Unit 112 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 114 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 116 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 118 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 120 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 122 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 124 1 uint16 R 125 1 uint16 R 126 1 uint16 R 127 1 uint16 R 128 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 130 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 132 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 134 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 136 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 138 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 140 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 142 1 uint16 R 143 1 uint16 R 144 1 uint16 R 145 1 uint16 R 146 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 148 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 150 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 152 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 154 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 156 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 158 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 160 1 uint16 R 161 1 uint16 R 162 1 uint16 R 163 1 uint16 R 164 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 166 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 168 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 170 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 172 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 174 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 176 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 178 1 uint16 R 179 1 uint16 R 180 1 uint16 R 181 1 uint16 R 182 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A Remarks OCR F/W Version Function Code Name Contents 0x03 0x10 uint32 R 0 999999 A 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 188 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 190 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 192 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 194 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 196 1 uint16 R 197 1 uint16 R 198 1 uint16 R 199 1 uint16 R 200 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 202 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 204 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 206 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 208 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 210 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 212 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A 214 1 uint16 R 215 1 uint16 R 216 1 uint16 R 217 1 uint16 R 218 2 uint32 R 0 999999 A System Time – Year 29 1 uint16 W 2021 2099 System Time Month 30 1 uint16 W 1 12 System Time – Day 31 1 uint16 W 1 31 System Time Time 32 1 uint16 W 0 23 System Time – Minute 33 1 uint16 W 0 59 System Time – Second 34 1 uint16 W 0 59 Current Phase R Current Phase S 0x04 Unit 2 Fault Event System Max 186 Fault Event #10 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). Preset Multiple Registers 4x references Min 184 Fault Event #9 (If the corresponding event area is empty, it is filled with 0xff). Read Holding Registers Adress POINT Format Properties Read Input Registers Measuring 3x references Current Phase T Current Phase N 0 2 4 6 uint32 uint32 uint32 uint32 Remarks OCR F/W Version V1. 9 or higher R Shown as scaled R-phase current value (A) according to rating R Shown as scaled S-phase current value (A) according to rating R Shown as scaled T-phase current value (A) according to rating R Shown as scaled N-phase current value (A) according to rating Basically supported 15 4. Examples ● FC03 Read Holding Registers ▶ Example of Query/Response to read registers 0000 ~ 0001 from Slave device 1 ▶ LTD set current request (LTD set current is over 2000A): Query Response Field Name (Hex) Field Name (Hex) Slave Address 0x01 Slave Address 0x01 Function Code 0x03 Function Code 0x03 Starting Address Hi 0x00 Byte Count 0x04 Starting Address Lo 0x00 LTD Setting Current Hi 0x00 Quantity of Inputs Hi 0x00 LTD Setting Current Hi 0x00 Quantity of Inputs Lo 0x02 LTD Setting Current Lo 0x07 CRC Lo 0xc4 LTD Setting Current Lo 0xd0 CRC Hi 0x0b CRC Lo 0xf9 CRC Hi 0x9f Master 16 Slave ▶ Example of Query/Response to read registers 0040 ~ 0057 from Slave device 1 ▶ Fault current-0 [A], Event Time - July 23, 15: 46: 53, Trip - LTD (1), Phase - Fault Test (6), Max Phase current - 0 [A] Query Field Name (Hex) Slave Address 0x01 Function Code Starting Address Hi Master Response Starting Address Lo Quantity of Inputs Hi Quantity of Inputs Lo CRC Lo CRC Hi 0x03 0x00 0x28 0x00 0x12 0x45 0xcf Field Name (Hex) Slave Address 0x01 Function Code 0x03 Byte Count 0x24 PhaseR Fault Current Hi 0x00 PhaseR Fault Current Hi 0x00 PhaseR Fault Current Lo 0x00 PhaseR Fault Current Lo 0x00 PhaseS Fault Current Hi 0x00 PhaseS Fault Current Hi 0x00 PhaseS Fault Current Lo 0x00 PhaseS Fault Current Lo 0x00 PhaseT Fault Current Hi 0x00 PhaseT Fault Current Hi 0x00 PhaseT Fault Current Lo 0x00 PhaseT Fault Current Lo 0x00 PhaseN Fault Current Hi 0x00 PhaseN Fault Current Hi 0x00 PhaseN Fault Current Lo 0x00 PhaseN Fault Current Lo 0x00 GFT Fault Current Hi 0x00 GFT Fault Current Hi 0x00 GFT Fault Current Lo 0x00 GFT Fault Current Lo 0x00 ELT Fault Current Hi 0x00 ELT Fault Current Hi 0x00 ELT Fault Current Lo 0x00 ELT Fault Current Lo 0x00 Year 0x0f Month 0x07 Date 0x17 Hour 0x0f Minute 0x2e Second 0x35 Trip Type 0x01 Phase 0x06 Max Phase Fault Current Hi 0x00 Max Phase Fault Current Hi 0x00 Max Phase Fault Current Lo 0x00 Max Phase Fault Current Lo 0x00 CRC Lo 0xf7 CRC Hi 0x10 Slave 17 ● FC03 Read Holding Registers ▶ Example of Query/Response to read registers 0000 ~ 0007 from Slave device 1 ▶ R, S, T, N-phase current measuring information: Query Response Field Name (Hex) Slave Address 0x01 Function Code 0x04 Starting Address Hi 0x00 Master Starting Address Lo 0x00 Quantity of Inputs Hi 0x00 Quantity of Inputs Lo 0x08 CRC Lo CRC Hi 0x45 0xcf Field Name (Hex) Slave Address 0x01 Function Code 0x04 Byte Count 0x10 PhaseR Current Hi 0x00 PhaseR Current Hi 0x00 PhaseR Current Lo 0x00 PhaseR Current Lo 0x00 PhaseS Current Hi 0x00 PhaseS Current Hi 0x00 PhaseS Current Lo 0x00 PhaseS Current Lo 0x00 PhaseT Current Hi 0x00 PhaseT Current Hi 0x00 PhaseT Current Lo 0x00 PhaseT Current Lo 0x00 PhaseN Current Hi 0x00 PhaseN Current Hi 0x00 PhaseN Current Lo 0x00 Slave 0x00 CRC Lo 0xf7 CRC Hi 0x10 Slave Note Adjust all communication data length, byte numbers, in a single data or block unit according to the communication map rules. Requesting excessively long data or ignoring communication map rules may cause communication errors. 18 5. VICOM Manager 5.1 Downloading VICOM Manager ● You can download VICOM Manager from the SW Management and Operation page of the VITZRO EM website ( 5. 2 Installing VICOM Manager ● Refer to the SW Management and Operation Manual for installation of VICOM Manager. 5. 3 Using VICOM Manager ● For more information, see VICOM Manager. ● In VICOM Manager, you can check the following items of ACB OCR. ● Measuring Information ● Status ▶ Settings ▶ Information ▶ Events (Faults) 19 ◆ Measuring Information ● The measuring information screen is shown below. ● You can check the measuring values of R, S, T, N - phase. ◆ Status ● In the Status, you can check the trip information of each relay element and the DO output of the ACB terminal block. ● Below is a screen example for INST operation. 20 ◆ Settings ● In Settings, you can remotely check and change the time settings of ACB OCR. ● The time is the set time on the PC. 21 ◆ Information ● In the Information, you can check the system (rating) and relay element setting of ACB OCR. ● You can check items below in the system tab. ● The items you can check in overcurrent (relay element) tab are as follows: 22 ACB OCR High Class Communication Headquarters and Plant Seoul office Busan office Honam Office Service Center 327, Byeolmang-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-city, Gyeonggi-do VITZRO Bldg, 7, 25-gil Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea 3-109, 37 Industrial Goods Shopping Center, Gwaegam-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan, Korea 87, 170-gil Cheomdanjungang-ro, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju 327, Byeolmang-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-city, Gyeonggi-do * This Instruction Manual is available on VITZRO EM’s website. * This manual can be changed without prior notice to improve the product's performance. * In the event of any problems or inconveniences related to our products, please contact VITZRO EM. 2022. 09(K-01)