Take the guesswork out of advertising ROI Smart marketers know that the strongest creative content can achieve more ROI with less spend. But media is more fragmented than ever – driving a higher volume of assets and meaning there’s much more to get right. With so many ads being created and budgets under more pressure than ever testing can seem like a luxury rather than a necessity. The danger is that brands are not always backing the best ads. At best this could be a waste of money but at worst it could be damaging their brand. Link AI for TV takes the guesswork out of advertising ROI by allowing you to evaluate content that wouldn’t normally be tested. Using learnings from our validated Link database and Artificial Intelligence, the machine predicts how a typical sample of consumers would rate an ad, and provides reliable creative intelligence almost instantly without a survey. And by adding the Analyser module, you’ll have the diagnostic power to understand why the ad performed the way it did, and how to improve it. When you need to: — To predict the performance of ads that otherwise would never be tested. For example, smaller brands in secondary markets — Batch test high volumes of ads to use for meta-analysis — Evaluate different versions of an ad, selecting the best lengths, creative elements, and calls to action — Enhance your strategy by testing competitors’ creative Get in touch To find out more contact your Kantar representative https://www.kantar.com/marketplace/ Why Link AI for TV? — Link AI for TV tells you if your digital video ad is strong or weak. Results available via Kantar Marketplace in as few as 15 minutes. — Priced competitively to enable volume testing — Predicts scores for familiar, validated Link measures, delivered in an intuitive dashboard — Provides frame-by-frame diagnostics including viewers emotional responses to an ad by using facial coding data — Easy-to-use interface available through self-serve or managed services Link AI for TV is part of our broader creative offer that helps guide your advertising development. From identifying the insights on which to base your campaigns, to optimising the executions you invest in real-time, Link AI for TV can transform your creative process. Trained using our extensive database of over 200,000 ads, the Link AI for TV algorithm predicts how consumers would rate an ad on a range of validated Link measures. Coupled with the Analyser module, you can now make confident decisions about your creative faster than ever.