CAN YOU REUSE PULL UP BANNER STAND ? Display marketing updates with the latest trends in the signage industry. Over the time the display of pull up banners can become out-dated and require some innovation to keep attracting people or to exhibit the latest message through carefully and creatively crafted content. But this does this mean you need to change the display banner's stand as well? Display banner and its stand can be separated. SO WHEN YOU UPDATE THE BANNER IS IT NECESSARY TO USE NEW STAND TOO? NO!! You can absol ut el y r euse t he exi st i ng pul l up banner st ands or st andof f s. HOW TO REUSE PULL-UP BANNER STANDS: Pull up banner stands comprise a base structure, cartridge system, and the graphic or content which you have previously used for your client. Now you can reuse the usable content in parts for another project, or smaller displays. WHY TO REUSE PULL-UP BANNER STANDS: A good quality banner stand doesn't degrade for a long time. Trimming the old one does not require you to buy all the elements because the stand and the cartridge are reusable. Opting for it saves you time, energy, and efforts. This would also save you a worthy amount of money. Create new themes or designs for the content according to your client's requirements. Eurotech is a leading supplier of signage accessories in Australia. Visit us +61 8 9350 6161