E-MOBILITY SPRINT MODULE – MANUFACTURING PROCESSES MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING – AN OVERVIEW 1.DEFINITION, NEED AND SEQUENTIAL ACTIVITIES 2. PROCESS PLANNING 3. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (Pertaining to Manufacturing) 4.LAYOUT ENGINEERING 5. MATERIAL HANDLING 1.DEFINITION, NEED & SEQUENTIAL ACTIVITIES WHAT IS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING (ME)? 1.1. A CONTEXTUAL DEFINITION: ME is the process of planning, designing & creation of all Infrastructural, Manufacturing & Support Facilities involving efficient utilization of all resources, to meet the desired output and quality of a single/range of similar/dissimilar products. Also includes periodic upgradation of technologies to enhance the capacity of the facility, quality of Products and reduction of manufacturing costs. 1.2. NEED: To develop technically and commercially viable alternatives for the manufacturing and support processes, facilitating their evaluation and selection for execution. This entails deployment of personnel with executable knowledge in various disciplines of engineering, exploiting Computer- based technologies and visualization by way of ‘Walk- Through Animations’, Simulations etc., of the manufacturing lines, to identify issues well beforehand and their resolution, prior to any asset related financial commitments. Also enables creation of facilities which are well integrated. 1.3. SCOPE: All In-House Manufacturing and Support activities 1.4. ME - SEQUENTIAL ACTIVITIES: We will look at the steps involved in setting up a new Manufacturing Facility for a complex product consisting of a large number of parts & sub- Assemblies. Basis for the ME exercise is the 5 or 10-year Demand Forecast for the product by Business - Planning/Marketing functions. The steps generally involved are: Provide estimate of area, investments and corresponding plant capacities for feasibility and approval. Provide inputs for location and site selection. Identify In-House manufacturing activities through ‘Make or Buy’ exercise. Complete Process Planning and Layout plans for all Inhouse activities and provide inputs for site development, buildings and related civil infrastructure plans. Prepare list of all manufacturing & support facilities including Material Handling, Buildings & civil Infrastructure, utilities. Assign values for all items and prepare a Financial Budget and time frame for completion. Obtain formal approval. Procurement (or aid in procurement) of all items and construction of buildings & related infrastructure. Completion of all Buildings & related infrastructure enabling installation of plant & machinery. Installation and commissioning of all plant & machinery. Start of Manufacture. We will look at some of the following constituents of ME in greater detail: 1. Process Planning 2. Industrial engineering (Pertaining to Manufacturing) 3. Layout Engineering 4. Material Handling It is very important to note that none of the above is a totally independent activity or a clearly preceding or succeeding activity in relation to another. They are interlinked and concurrent activities with outputs from one serving to modify other activities, prior to start of manufacturing. Whenever any change or modification is done in one, corresponding influences in others, are to be studied and validated. As such, the benefit of ME depends on the proper integration above set of activities as a whole. We will also be looking at technological advances in some of the above activities. 2. PROCESS PLANNING Process Planning is the development of a manufacturing plan, defining the sequential operations and the plant & machinery required for the manufacturing processes. It is an essential intermediate activity between the design of a product and its physical manufacture. Process planning translates product design specifications into manufacturing process details. 2.1. NEED: Enables manufacture of interchangeable parts. Forms the basis for Control Plans for Quality control. Provides routing information for Production control. Identification of machines, equipment, tooling etc., required for the manufacture of the part/product. 2.2. Preliminary Process Planning Procedure: Decide the start and finish condition of the product in the manufacturing line. For e.g., ‘Casting’ as the starting and ‘Fully machined part’ as the finishing condition, in a Machining Line for the part. Define the sequential steps of operations to be performed. For each one of the operations, define the machine, tooling, equipment, gauges etc., required. 2.3. Final Process Planning Procedure Estimate the Cycle time (start to end of an operation). Increase or decrease the number of operational steps to match the ‘Takt Time’ as given by Industrial Engineering. For each one of the finalized operations, define the machine, tooling, equipment, gauges etc., required. identification/creation of datum surface, location and clamping of the part during the manufacturing operation to facilitate design of Jigs & Fixtures. 3. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (IE) IE is associated with achievement of an organization’s objectives with optimum utilization of all resources Generally, IE is an all- encompassing and ongoing activity aimed at Setting up standards, Measuring and Improving the efficiency of all types of business processes. However, we will be looking at only those aspects of IE Related to Manufacturing and it’s supporting processes at the time of Planning the Manufacture of the product. As such, the required quantification is based on scientific estimation and not through actual measurements. NEED: Establishment of standards through scientific methodologies enables, ease of acceptance by all concerned. These standards form the basis for comparison and selection of suitable alternatives. Topics of Interest: Estimations/Measurements terminologies & Methods Capacity Planning Manpower Planning Identification of type of Manufacture & Layout 3.1 ESTIMATIONS/MEASUREMENTS TERMINOLOGIES & METHODS 3.1.1- Terminologies Takt time (TT): The pace of producing units at a rate/frequency that meets projected/customer demand. Takt Time ‘TT’ = (Available Time) / (Customer Demand in Units). Available time is the time available to build a Product and excludes time spent on Breaks, Changeover or Maintenance. For example, if workers are available for 7.5 hours or 450 minutes in a shift of 8 hrs and the customer wants 150 units to be produced in a shift, then the Takt Time ‘TT’= 450 /150 = 3 Minutes per Unit. Estimated Cycle Time (ECT) Cycle time is the elapsed time from the start of a process until it is completed. At the planning stage, the cycle time is estimated and ECT = Machine/Equipment Duration + Manual task Duration, of a process. In a Manufacturing line with a number of stages/stations, the ECT is estimated for each station. During trial Production runs and actual production, ECT is refined further to reflect actuals through measurements to get Actual Cycle time. Control Cycle Time of a Manufacturing line (CCT) ‘CCT’ is the EST for the longest operation, which cannot be split up further into smaller operations, in the line. Line Output = Available production time/CCT To meet the Customer demand, ‘CCT’ should be less than ‘TT’. Total Work Content (TWC): It is the duration of time passed, to get a product through the entire production processes in a Manufacturing Line. TWC = Sum of ESTs of all the work stations of a Line TWC will be an indication of the manufacturing lead time required to complete all the processes in a particular manufacturing line. Minimum No of stations required in a line S MIN = (TWC) / (CCT) 3.1.2. Methods IE is involved in planning the output from each and every manufacturing line which will match or will be capable of exceeding the demand for the product, as defined by the Takt Time ‘TT’. The steps followed are: Determination of Takt Time Estimation of the ECT for all the stations The time duration for any process in a line consists of Machine/Equipment times + Manual Operations required in that station, unless the process is totally automated. The estimation of Machine/equipment occupation for the process is based on available standards and the Process Planning sheet. The duration of machine occupation for a machining process for e.g., is estimated based on cutting speed standards, length, depth of cut etc., The Manual content for that process for e.g., may involve loading and loading of the component and operating the machine controls (assuming the machine is manually controlled) is estimated. For the manual content estimation, the preferred option is the Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS) methodology to set the standard time in which a worker should perform a task. (the original and more sophisticated Methods Time Measurement technique, better known as MTM, is a global standard). Maynard operation sequence technique (MOST), is a proprietary Software based PMTS used in India. A manual task is broken down into individual motion elements, and each is assigned a numerical time value in units known as Time Measurement Units, or TMUs, where 100,000 TMUs is equivalent to one hour. All the motion element times are then added together and any allowances are added, and the result is the standard time. The Estimated Cycle Time (ECT) is then the sum of Machine/Equipment time + Manual Task Time for the process. In an ideal situation, the ECT for each one of the stations in the line should be more or less the same. In practice however this will not be the case. A preliminary Line balancing exercise is done to equalize the ECT to the extent possible. A reallocation of operations from one station to another, refining the number of stations, machines for the lines to achieve equalization of ECT. In most cases, the station with the highest investment machine will have the longest ECT which will be the CCT station of the line. 3.2. CAPACITY PLANNING Basis for the Capacity Planning is the year- wise Forecast/Projected demand for the product for a duration of the next 5 to 10 years, given by Marketing/Business Planning functions. It is generally expressed as Number of Units per Annum. Depending on the Complexity of the Product, extent of InHouse Operations, Investments thereof and the uncertainties associated with the Demand Projection, the capacity build-up can be a one- shot exercise or done in a phased manner. In a phased build-up, a single shift operation (of 8 hours duration each) is planned initially. Increase in the number of shift operation is taken up in the next phase with corresponding increase in Manpower. Further increase in capacity will be through installation of additional manufacturing and support facilities to achieve the demand projections. The Planned Capacity should always be based on the Control Cycle time ‘CCT’ of the Main Manufacturing Line and not by the ‘CCT’ of any branch line of the Manufacturing Unit. However, in case the Branch line outputs need to cater to Spare parts and after market requirements, then their capacities may exceed that of the Main Line. 3.3. Manpower Planning Corresponding to the Capacity Build up plan, the requirement of ‘Blue Collar’ and ‘White Collar’ categories of Manpower is estimated. Blue Collar category refers to Workmen on the shop floor either directly engaged in Manufacturing or indirectly engaged in the Support Activities (Viz., Material Handling, Inspection, Stores, Packing & Dispatch etc.,). White Collar refers to the Staff required in various Offices and also the Executive and Managerial personnel for the Manufacturing Lines and Offices. Direct labor estimate is based on the Manual portion of the TWC for the various lines. The Indirect Labor content estimated by the Number of Inspection stations to be manned, Material Handling Equipment (Fork Lift Trucks, Trollies etc.,) to be operated etc., It generally a percentage of the direct labor numbers depending on the type of industry. Manpower Estimates provide inputs for: 1. Cost of Manpower (for Project Evaluation, Product Pricing Etc.,) 2. Facility assessments for Locker Room, Canteen, Wash Rooms, Drinking Water, Domestic Effluent Treatment etc., 3.4. Recommendation on Type of Manufacture & Layout Based on the estimated data available and from the optimum utilization of resources (Area, Buildings, Plant & Machinery, Manpower etc.,) point of view, IE can recommend the type of Manufacture to be adopted and the Layout for the different Manufacturing Lines of the Plant. It is quite possible that within the same Plant different types Manufacture in terms of Batch, Continuous etc., can be recommended for different Manufacturing lines. Types of Manufacturing are Job shop, Batch Manufacturing and Mass manufacturing. Job shop consists of General -Purpose Machinery and run on Made to Order basis of small number of different parts. Batch Production uses general purpose or flexible machinery and batch quantity of one product is taken up after completion of batch production of previous product. Change over involves tooling set-ups. Mass Production uses dedicated or special purpose machinery for a single product or a family of similar products. From the layout point of view, it could be Process, Product or Cellular layout etc., These recommendations serve as vital Inputs to the Layout Engineering and Material Handling Exercises (dealt in detail later), to be done as part of ‘ME’. 4. LAYOUT ENGINEERING 4.1. Definition Layout Engineering or Plant Layout as it is called deals with Planning the systematic arrangement of: Manufacturing Shops and other Buildings within the site, the connecting roads, drains etc., in the Site Layout. Typical Site Plan Drawing Manufacturing Lines, Storage areas etc., within a Shop Building in the Shop Layout. Typical Shop Layout Drawing – Plan View Machines and equipment within a Manufacturing Line in the Line Layout or a Block Layout. Coordinates of each and every machine & Equipment of a line with reference to the Building Columns of the shop, in the Installation Layout. 4.2. Need Layout engineering ensures efficient use of internals of all covered areas. Defines the connectivity between buildings. The flow of all direct and indirect materials required for the Manufacture of the Product and its dispatch to Customers. Identifies the Roads, Drains, Landscaped areas etc., within the site. Forms the basis for site development (defining the elevations of areas of the site) and Material Handling designs. 4.3. Types of Basic ‘Line Layouts’ The three basic type of layouts are: Process Layout Product layout Fixed Position layout 4.3.1. Process Layout Process layout clubs together all similar process machines/equipment and the processed parts move from one process area to another for completion. Process layout is generally adopted for High Variety Low Volume Products where the low offtake of a product cannot justify dedicated Machine/s and a shared Machines facility is the preferred method. Process layouts are found primarily in job shops, or firms that produce customized, low-volume products that may require different processing requirements and sequences of operations. A Process Layout in Manufacturing Characteristics of a Process layout are: Intermittent Operations General Purpose Machines/Equipment Machines Set-up time for Tooling Change Storage space for High In-Process Inventory Flexibility to handle variety Low Efficiency Made to order batch production Low Finished Goods Inventory A Metal Stamping Factory – Process Layout. 4.3.2. Product Layout For stable high-volume demand & low variety products, a Product Layout is the Preferred option where dedicated machines/equipment for each part can be justified. The machines/equipment are arranged in series and in sequence of the processes as defined in the Process Planning document. An Assembly line for Automotive Products is a typical example of Product Layout. A Product Layout High volume demand requires a streamlined flow of materials during the manufacturing process, a steady and balanced output from the manufacturing lines. An Electronic Assembly Line – Product Layout. PART - A PART - B DRILLING PLANING MILLING TURNING GRINDING GRINDING ASSEMBLY & TESTING FINISHED GOODS RECEIPT & STORAGE MATL RECEIPT & STORAGE Product Layout – Machining & Assembly Shop Characteristics of Product Layouts: Streamlined unidirectional material flow Standardized & Repetitive operations Special Purpose Machines/Equipment & Automation Low In-Process Inventory Low Flexibility High Efficiency Balanced Work Stations Any weak Link will affect reliability of the line A Comparison of Product & Process Layouts 4.3.3. Fixed Position Layout In this Layout, Product remains stationery while it is being built. Equipment, workers, materials, and other resources are brought to the Build station. Adopted for building Commercial aircrafts, Ships, Very Large & Heavy Earth Moving equipment etc., which are heavy and bulky to move. The size and complexity of Aircraft production requires a Fixed -Position Layout. Construction takes place in stages at Fixed Locations. 4.4. Types of Hybrid Layouts. Hybrid layouts modify and/or combine some aspects of product and process layouts. The three Hybrid Layouts are: Cellular Layouts Flexible Manufacturing systems Mixed Model Assembly Lines 4.4.1. Cellular Layouts Cellular layouts attempt to combine the flexibility of a process layout with the efficiency of a product layout. Based on the concept of group technology (GT), dissimilar machines are grouped into work centres, called cells, to process parts with similar shapes or processing requirements. Figure below shows a family of parts with similar shapes. The cells are arranged in relation to each other so that material movement is minimized. Large machines that cannot be split among cells are located near to the cells that use them, that is, at their point of use. Cellular manufacturing is appropriate for medium levels of product variety and volume. The formation of part families and the allocation of machines to cells is not always an easy task. Part families identified for design purposes may not be appropriate for manufacturing purposes. A Family Of Similar Parts Revised Layout with 3 Cells Cell 1 will be for parts A, D& F Cell 2 for parts C & G and Cell 3 for parts B, H, & E. In the three cells each part will be produced in batches and tooling set up changes will be required for the changeover. The U-shaped Cells 1 & 3 are very popular with a single or more operators going around manning all the cell machines and a common aisle for supplying the raw material and clearing the finished part. 4.4.2. Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) FMS originally proposed for manufacturing similar set of parts and consisted of fair number of automated machines and handling systems. They could operate 24 hours a day without manual intervention under computer control involving complex software. As such they were prohibitively expensive. Currently, the trend in flexible manufacturing is toward smaller versions of the traditional FMS, sometimes called flexible manufacturing cells. It is not unusual in today's terminology for two or more CNC machines to be considered a flexible cell and two or more cells, an FMS. Alternative FMS Layouts 4.4.3. Mixed Model Assembly Lines Traditional lines designed for a group of similar products with different cycle times were not efficient. A batch run of products was done involving assembly of one product and then a changeover to the next. This method was not responsive to changing customer demands. To be more responsive and efficient the manner in which the assembly line was laid out was changed and operated so that it really became a mixed model assembly line. The time needed to change over the line to produce different models was reduced. The workers were trained to perform a variety of tasks and allowed them to work at more than one workstation on the line, as needed. The way in which the line was arranged and scheduled was also changed. The following factors are important in the design and operation of mixed-model assembly lines: · Line balancing: In a mixed-model line, the time to complete a task can vary from model to model. Instead of using the completion times from one model to balance the line, a distribution of possible completion times from the array of models must be considered. In most cases, the expected value, or average, times are used in the balancing procedure. Otherwise, mixed-model lines are balanced in much the same way as single-model lines. U-shaped lines. To compensate for the different work requirements of assembling different models, it is necessary to have a flexible workforce and to arrange the line so that workers can assist one another as needed. Figure below shows how the efficiency of an assembly line can be improved when a U-shaped line is used. A flexible and cooperative workforce and Product Model Sequencing (Based on work content) would facilitate the efficiency of a Mixed Model Line. 5.0. MATERIAL HANDLING 5.1. Definition Material Handling deals with the movement or flow of materials ‘Before’, ‘During’ and ‘After’ a manufacturing process. It also deals with storage of materials in various conditions viz., Raw Material, In-Process material and Finished Goods, which act as a buffer between Supply and demand ensuring their uninterrupted availability. 5.2. Need Material Handling connects the various stages of product manufacture and thus forms an essential element of the same and cannot be ignored as a ‘Non value addition’ activity. Movement of material needs to be efficient as it utilizes substantially the resources of Area and Manpower. It also accounts for a significant portion of the Manufacturing Costs. Hence the need to examine whether any of these moves can be eliminated, combined with some other moves or simplified. The movement & storage of materials should also ensure that safety and quality aspects are not compromised. 5.3. Handling Systems Design The diagram below shows the general approach to the Handling systems design. 5.4. Handling Equipment – Categories Three categories are Containers Material Transport Equipment & Storage & Retrieval Equipment 5.4.1. Containers. Containers or Pallets enable standardized movement of loose items of various shapes and sizes in bulk. It is important to understand the concept of Unit Loads associated commonly with containers/Pallets The underlying principle of Unit Load is that, “it is quicker and economical to move a lot of items at a time rather to move each one of them individually”. The larger the load handled, the lower the cost per unit handled. Use of equipment and not manpower is required for handling Unit Loads Standard sizes of pallets are given below. Note the unused floor space in a 40’ freight container for different pallets. Wooden Pallets Stackable Steel Box Pallets, normal and Foldable. Foldable pallets occupy less space and preferred when empty pallets are recirculated. Parts of various shapes & sizes are contained in Box Pallets. 5.4.2. Material Transport Equipment Required to move material from one location to another (e.g., between workplaces, between a loading dock and a storage area, etc.) within a facility or at a site. Important equipment are: Conveyors Industrial trucks Cranes Conveyors Conveyors are of different designs and uses. Common types are belt, roller, motorized roller and overhead conveyors. We categorize them as floor style (mounted on the floor) or overhead. Conveyors are used for: Moving products from point A to B (to avoid wasted time walking, or to reduce movements of forklifts, etc) To carry products that are too heavy for manual lifting and carrying. To move a product while operators are working on it (or adding to it). Like a final assembly conveyor at an auto plant. To avoid injury to workers from repetitive movement. Or to prevent damage to products caused by movement To deliver products to a robot for processing. Or to receive products from a robot that are ready for the next step Storage and buffering uses: To store products between processes or at the final process step To create a buffer or accumulation bank. This is a flexible storage system. Used where the quantity of products in storage can be lower or higher as required to balance process flow To sequence or re-sequence products between processes. Power and free systems can provide this. Various types: Belt Conveyor Chain Conveyor Gravity Roller Conveyor Slat Conveyor Overhead Conveyor Overhead Power & Free Conveyor (Accumulation) Industrial Vehicles/Trucks Hand truck and hand cart Pallet Jack Walkie Stacker Forklift Truck Pallet Truck Platform Truck Tractor -Trailer Narrow Aisle Reach Truck Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) Tow AGV Unit Load AGV Assembly AGV Cranes Overhead Cranes are the preferred option for handling bulky and heavy loads. They operate above the operational area leaving it free. Other floor- based handling systems can be used below them at ground level. They are reliable. Skilled operators and proper lifting tackles are a must to ensure safety of the personnel working under the crane area. Overhead Travelling (OHT) or Bridge Cranes BUILDING GIRDER An overhead crane, often referred to as a bridge crane is shaped like a moveable bridge. Bridge cranes are attached to the interior structure of a building and are mounted onto the girders that support the roof and walls of the building. They are a permanent installation in factories and warehouses and can lift extremely heavy objects. Gantry Cranes Gantry crane has an overhead bridge supported with it’s own frame. Gantry cranes are more flexible and versatile than bridge cranes. They are completely self-sufficient and are supported by their own A frames. Gantry cranes are usually on wheels or mounted onto a track system. They are far easier and quicker to assemble than bridge cranes and can be easily moved outside and inside and from site to site where required. Jib Cranes A jib crane is a type of overhead lifting device that’s often used in a smaller work cell area for repetitive and unique lifting tasks. Jib cranes are extremely versatile and can also be paired with overhead bridge cranes to maximize production. 5.4.3. Storage & Retrieval Equipment Industrial product companies often operate to meet forecast of demands as’ Made to Stock’ as against ‘made to order’. They also need to deal with a variety of Product models. Buffer storage, also known as safety stock, is used in manufacturing to temporarily store materials before they move into another production process. It is also used to store safety stock needed in the manufacturing process, to deal with supply chain shortages, transportation delays or unexpected surges in demands. Buffer stocks facilitate rated product outputs, efficient utilization of productive manpower & other resources regardless of the above delays and fluctuations. Open Yard Storage Heavy and bulky Raw Materials which can tolerate atmospheric exposure are stored in the open, served by gantry crane. Finished Goods waiting for shipment are also stored in the open. Storage of materials in Covered Areas Bought out Finished (BOF)components, In-house parts etc., are stored in covered areas. Depending on the size and quantity of the parts, Pallet Racks, Bin Racks etc., are used with appropriate Material Handling Equipment. Pallet Racking System Cantilever Racks (For Long items) Line Side Storage of parts CONCLUSION An overview and basic concepts of Manufacturing Engineering topics have been covered in the above pages. Students are advised to do further studies in their areas of interest to know more details. Advances, mainly using Computer based capabilities will be covered separately.