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Animal Health Overview: Global Impact & Key Issues

Animal H ealth
(an overview)
Part 1
Judd Aiken
September 2022
Animal Health Issues
All around us
Often Global impact
A few definitions of health
the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit
freedom from physica l disease or pain nursed them
back to health
the general condition of the body
condition in which someone or something is thriving
or doing well
Health ---Dorland’s Medical Dictionary
The state of the
organism when it
functions optimally
without evidence of
disease or abnormality
A state of dynamic
balance in which an
individual’s capacity to
cope with all
circumstances of living
is at an optimum level
A state characterized
by anatomical and
physiological integrity
Dorland’s Medical
Literally “dis-ease” the opposite of “at ease”
An interruption, cessation or disorder of body
functions, systems or organs
A morbid entity characterized by at least two
of these criteria
Recognized causative agents*
Identifiable group of signs and symptoms**
Consistent anatomica l alteration
*e.g. Bacterial or viral infections
**e.g. C ancer, diabetes
Defining Health
is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
What is “Health”?
Absence of disease
Ability to live a long life
Humans, dogs, ca ts
 Broiler chickens?
 Beef C attle?
Animal Health in
a Practica l Sense
Farm Animals
Normal for a
species and type of
Animal Health---Livestock
Grow Rapidly
Reproduce efficiently
Work harder than required in natural environments
Gain lean weight rapidly
Produce more milk than young require
broiler chickens
horses, working dogs
Provide healthy (non-infectious) food for humans
Animal Health--Companion Animals
C lose relationship with humans
Definition of health more similar to
Potential for sharing diseases with
Infectious (eg. Salmonella)
Secondhand smoke
Sentinel for diseases
▶ Infectious diseases, toxins,
Animal Health is Local
“traditional/common” view of Veterinarians
Small animal Practice
Large Animal Practice
Animal Health
is Global
Why is WHO mentioned in an Animal Health Course?
Animal Diseases!
Worldwide trade in Animals and
Animal Products
Issues/Concerns---need for governmental regulations
Animal diseases
Food Safety
Plant diseases
Zoonotic Diseases
Animal Rearing Standards
Complex---need a system with rules!
Imports and exports
Countries require rules/ disease surveillance for exports of animals and
animal products
Kilograms of selected meats per person in Canada
(boneless weight, before spoilage and waste)
Graph: CBC
Data: Statistics Canada
Meat consumption—United States
Developed Countries
Decline in consumption
Total consumption of meat (in million metric tons) in different regions and (inset) globally.
H. Charles J. Godfray et al. Science 2018;361:eaam5324
Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association
for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works
▶For cattle
and beef
products, the share of
domestic production
exported is ~50 per cent.
▶For hog
and pork
products, >70%share of
domestic production
▶ Agriculture
and Agri-food Canada.
Canada: Animal Products
Disease Surveillance Required
Importation of animals and animal products
Exportation of animal products
Federal Animal Health
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Food Safety
Protection of Animal Health
Exports, imports, humane transport
Transport of infectious agent (animal)+
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Livestock industry support
Public Health Agency of Canada
Monitors outbreaks of human infectious disease
Those shared with animals, emerging disease
Health Canada
Approves veterinary and human drugs
Responsible for regulating and enforcing laws
Reportable Disease
Notifiable Disease
Reportable Disease
▶ Require action
to control or eradicate because they are a threat to
animal or human health, food safety or the economy.
Notifiable Disease
Require monitoring for trade purposes, or to understand their presence.
No actions will be taken.
1 Not identified in Canada
1640 England to North America
66 days
Sea Traffic
Source: nasa.com
58,988,624 flights worldwide (2017)
Trade and Travel
Trade in animals, animal products, produce can move infections to
new locations
Travelers can take infections from home to new locations or bring
them back from abroad