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Stress, Coping, & Strong Black Woman: An Empirical Analysis

Let's Talk About:
Strong Black Woman (SBW)
An image of a Black woman that is infrangible,
able to endure hardships, and in possession of
indominatable strength.
Before we
Superwoman Schema
A conceptual framework of the five characteristics
of SBW. Which are manifest strength, suppress
emotions, resistance to vulnerability, succeed
despite limitations, and obligation to help others
Yes! I currently live next door to my
mom and stepdad.
I'm definitely a huge coffee person.
I can't start my day without it.
Purpose of the study
Little is known regarding the specific and
unique ways in which Black women
experience and cope with stress. It is
possible that SBW cultural attitudes influence
Black women's experiences of stress and
coping. Greater insight about the SBW
phenomenon and further understanding
could provide more insight in culturally
relevant approaches in counseling Black
women. (pg 9)
The sample for this study was
comprised of Black female
students, faculty, and staff
members at five universities
Participants were recuirted through email
solicitation and through snowball
There were 100 participants that were
cleared to continue
Participants ranged from ages 18-65
years old
Three instruments were used: the SBW
Cultural Construct Scale, Percieved
Stress Scale-10 item, and Africultural
Coping Systems Inventory
What were the
Findings suggest that Black
women's adherence to SBW
attitudes may go hand in hand
with stress
Those who posses SBW attitudes
may use multiple forms of culturespecific coming instead of relying
on one form. Sprituality-centered
coping may be congruent with the
desire to keep struggles private
"Professional counselor invites an SBW client to
prioritize self-care, may present culturally laden
psychological, emotional, and identity challenges
that the SBW client must work through. This is
largely because SBW attitudes, inclusive of
caretaking, are intergenerational, culturally
encapsulated ways of demonstrating Black
This encaspulates the main implications
Participants reported
less SBW attitudes
This is in comparison to a study
conducted in 2008
The current mean score
is 55.64. In 2008 it was
A 20.43 difference
Scores on the SBWCCS
showed significant
correlation with
perceived stress
There were higher scores
on self reliances than
regulation and care-taking
in the previous study
Scores in positive/ moderate
strength, SWB ideals increased,
so did the stress among Black
women participants.
Fortunately it's only mild.
It suggested that Black women with
less education and more children are
more likely to uphold SBW values
There was statistical sigficance
bewtween SBW attiudes and perceived
stress (pg.6)
Participants scored high on the PSS-10
In culturally specific coping in response
to stress was the top choice collective
then cognitive emotional debriefing,
and spiritual-centered coping
I love what I do,
and editing is
my passion.
My projects are what motivates me to show up to work every day!
The convience sample may not
accurate reflect full range of
Black women
and Further
The sample had 69% identifying as students
Though statistics have changed with Black
women earning BA and graduate degrees.
It does not reflect the norm of Black
women in the US.
Black women with lesser education, income, and
social class may have a unique expirence
"A correlation analysis shows clear evidence of a
relationship between the constructs, but does not
explain the cause of these experiences or which
counseling approaches would be most effective in
supporting SBW."
The study looked for the
relationship of SBW attitudes,
stress, and coping among
100 Black women. (pg.7)
The SBW attitudes are grounded in
historical experiences of hardship and
survival despite unimaginable forms of
oppression. It does not shield Black
women from experiencing stress. It
does not provide a complete narrative
of Black women's lived experience.
Conselours should consider the
nuances of strength, stress, and coping
impact Black women clientele. (pg.8)
Thank You
To these wonderful Black women
Dr. Jasmine Graham
Dr. Michelle Ghoston
Dr. Norma L. Day-Vines
Thank you for listening!
Source Cited
Hall, J. C., Conner, K. O., & Jones, K. (2021). The
Strong Black Woman versus Mental Health Utilization:
A Qualitative Study. Health & Social Work, 46(1), 33–
41. https://doi.org/10.1093/hsw/hlaa036