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Corporate Finance Introduction: IPOs, Valuation, Funding

Corporate Finance
Professor Phil Holmes
Email: P.R.Holmes@lubs.leeds.ac.uk
An introduction to Corporate Finance
Finance Stories
An initial public offering (IPO) occurs when a
private company has its first public equity issue.
example, Apple was founded and owned as
a private company by Steve Jobs and Steve
Wozniak in 1976.
Finance Stories
1980 Apple had an IPO raising funds and
generating over $100 million.
a result, Apple had many owners and the
company was listed on the stock exchange.
how can a company be valued for an IPO?
Finance Stories
are firms valued?
How can firms be valued when
they have no profits?
The five lessons:
Don’t let a good story make you ignore valuation
Beware expensive, cash-starved stocks
Prize probability over possibility
Beware IPOs
Don’t rely on analysts
Finance Stories
Snap share price since 2017 (above left) and over the year to 2
September 2022 (above right).
Date: 2nd September 2022
Finance Stories
FT 12th September 2019
Finance Stories
FT 17th September 2019
30th September 2019
IPO postponed indefinitely
Finance Stories
FT 16th September 2020
Corporate Finance And Value Creation:
An Introduction
Learning outcomes
When we have finished this topic you should:
• recognise the significance of financial decisions to business
• be familiar with the main types of questions we will be
considering in the module and understand why these questions
are important
• be aware of the assumed single financial objective of the
• be familiar with the key sources of long-term funds
• understand key differences between the main sources
The material covered in this module is concerned with how financial decisions
within companies are and should be taken.
It is also concerned with how the characteristics of financial markets affect
that decision making process.
Examples of share price movements:
Selected share price movements in 2020 – in the
early days of the Covid pandemic
Key finance questions for a new business
 A person starting up and running a business must answer the
following questions if they are to be successful:
1. What long-term investments should the business take on?
2. Where should the person raise the long-term funds to pay for the
3. How should they manage their everyday financial activities?
4. Once the business is generating earnings, what should it do with
excess earnings?
Key finance questions for a new business
What long-term investments should the business take on?
For example, if you need a computer system, how can you choose between
the various alternative systems?
Key finance questions for a new business
Where should the person raise the long-term funds to pay for the
There are essentially two sources of funds:
Equity capital
Debt capital
Key finance questions for a new business
How should the company manage their everyday financial activities?
This is a really important question and a business which does not have a
good answer may well run into serious problems.
See textbook by Hillier et al, Part 7.
Key finance questions for a business
Once the business is generating earnings, what should it do with excess
Should the company reinvest, pay off debt or make payments to equity
In the module we will be focussing on the three long-term questions,
questions 1, 2 and 4 from the earlier slide.
The objective of a private sector
In order to answer these and other “should” questions we need
a benchmark or a system of values.
Managers should manage their firm’s resources with the
objective of increasing the firm’s market value by as much as is
Note: the goal is NOT to maximise profits.
Finance stories: More on the Snowflake IPO
Source: CNBC.com
Source: FT.com
The Importance Of Financial Decisions
One of the first questions any new business will face is what
assets must it buy.
Assets cost money. The business, therefore, requires funds in
order to buy the assets.
The business will need an operating plan.
This will allow the business to know how much of each input is
needed and when the inputs are needed.
The Importance Of Financial Decisions cont’d
Any operating plan for a business must have alongside it a
financial plan which allows implementation of the proposed
operational details.
The financial plan will say how much money is needed and when
the money is needed.
The financial plan should consider separately short term and
long term needs for funds.
Sources Of Long-term Funds
Essentially, there are two main sources of long-term
Capital provided by the owners of the firm is known
as equity capital.
Funds from borrowing are known as debt capital.
Sources Of Long-term Funds: Equity capital
The holders of equity capital own the company
Each share represents a share of ownership and entitles the
holder to a share of any profits
Shares can be bought and sold on either the primary market or
the secondary market
Equity holders have a residual claim
Equity capital represents the risk capital of the company
Sources Of Long-term Funds: Debt capital
Debt capital is also known as loan stock, bonds and
Debt capital can also be bought and sold on either
the primary market or the secondary market
While equity holders have a residual claim, debt
holders have a prior claim on the assets of the
Sources Of Long-term Funds: Debt capital cont’d
Debtholders can force the company into
bankruptcy if payments are not made
For the provider of funds, debt capital is less risky
than equity capital and so requires a lower rate of
Debt interest payments are often tax deductible
Since owners are concerned about after tax
income, lowering the tax to be paid can be
An overview of key questions in corporate finance has been
We have considered some share price patterns to illustrate the
valuation issue.
We have considered should questions in corporate finance.
We have identified the key objective for financial managers in
We have discussed key features of sources of long term funds.
Hillier et al: Chapters 1 and 14