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Google Educator Certification Practice Exercises

Part 2. Practice exercises.
Note: During this part you have to pass practical exercises. We have provided a detailed
explanations and tips on how to do them correctly. Keep in mind, that test results are
automatically checked by Google algorithm, be careful naming files and entering data (use copy
paste where possible instead of manually entering data).
(Scenarios are given in random order. Search the file for a particular scenario)
Scenario 1/11
Task 1 of 4
You’re looking for videos to use in your biology class to help your students grasp difficult
concepts. While browsing YouTube, you find some interesting, educational-specific videos.
Subscribe to a relevant science channel so you can find these videos again.
Open YouTube in a Separate Tab of you incognito window.
Make sure you’re sign in with a Google account provided by the test center. Refresh
window if needed.
Search for video using query such as “biology crashcourse”.
Open a YT video channel and press the subscribe button. Make sure you’ve
subscribed with the right google account.
Task 2 of 4
Your student Jacob is struggling to understand why water is one of the most important
substances in the universe. You find a video titled “Water-Liquid Awesome: Crash Course
Biology #2” on the featured channel ‘Crash Course’
Find the relevant video on YouTube and share it with Jacob Kerr via email
Hint: Open up Gmail account provided to your for this exam to complete this task.
Copy paste video title “Water-Liquid Awesome: Crash Course Biology #2” in YT search box,
open the video watch page.
Click share button and copy a shareable video link
Sign in to gmail in a new tab. Send an email to Jacob Kerr. Copy paste video link in email.
Task 3 of 4
You decide to create a playlist of relevant biology videos to share with your students as a
reference material
Create a new YouTube playlist containing three suitable videos
Give the playlist a description and the settings make it “unlisted’
Share the playlist with some students in your class by emailing it to class@myeducert.org.
Create a new playlist. Note: do not create a YT channel, you just need a playlist, not YT
channel playlist. Click + icon below the video > create a new playlist.
Select “unlisted’
Find your playlist on a left sidebar. Click on Playlist name to enter playlist page.
Add a description.
Click Share button, select Email tab. Enter email address class@myeducert.org to share the
Task 4 of 4
One of the videos in your playlist is perfect for a class homework assignment as it covers all the
topics from your biology class last week. You want to use this video and quiz your students on its
From Google Drive create a new Google Form called Biology Homework. [Hint: Go to My
Drive | New | More | Google Forms | Blank | Click on “Untitled Form” and give it a name
“Biology Homework”].
Add a video from your YouTube playlist. [Hint: In your form click the Video icon on the right
side bar | Find a video from your playlist | Select a video to add it to the form].
Add a question with paragraph text that asks your students to describe their favorite part of
the video. [Hint: Click + icon on the right sidebar to add a question | Select “paragraph” in a
dropdown menu | Write a questions asking to describe their favorite part of the video | Note:
Make sure you have a video inserted with the question and not in another question ].
Send the Form to class@myeducert.org to distribute to your class. [Hint: Click ‘send” button
on the top right | paste email address in the “To” field | check “include form in an email” | click
send ].
Scenario 2/11
Task 1 of 2
You’ve given some of your students an assignment to write a short essay on the Amazon river,
and you want to give them some early feedback because they’re doing a great job.
Open the Google doc The Amazon-Group5 in Drive and share with Gavin Chan, lily Vance,
Ethan Reed, and Heidi Koch. [Hint: Open a document Amazon-Group5 | Click Share button
on the Top right of your screen or go to file>share | Start entering a name to find a person |
click done when all 5 persons are added].
Highlight the last paragraph of text and add a comment. [Hint: Open a document AmazonGroup5 | Select the last paragraph | highlight the text – click “A” icon in toolbar & select a
Task 2 of 2
Your students keep making the same punctuation errors in their essays, so you want to remind
them how to use apostrophes correctly. You have a relevant document that will be helpful for
Share the Punctation_Apostrophe_factsheet PDF in Drive with Gavin Chan, lily Vance, Ethan
Reed, and Heidi Koch, and copy the link. [Hint: find a document
Punctation_Apostrophe_factsheet | Note: you don’t need to open the document, right click on
the document, select share | enter 4 people to share it with].
In the Google Doc The Amazon_Group5, write a direct comment to the same students and
ask them to read the Punctation_Apostrophe_factsheet PDF, adding the PDF URL to the
comment. [Hint: Copy a shareable link of PDF | Open a document Amazon-Group5 | Click +
icon in toolbar or right-click>comment to add a comment | Ask students to read a document
and paste PDF link | add people to assign by using + and start entering the nam | click
comment when done].
(Hint 1 : include + [student email address] in the comment to ensure each student is notified.)
Hint 2 : Use the “Get Link” feature in Drive to get the correct URL)
Scenario 3/11
Task 1 of 2
Some of your students have talked about getting malware on their PCs after clicking links that
redirected them to infected web pages. You want to teach your students about safety measures
they can take to protect them online.
Complete the presentation slide Internet Safety Presentation in Drive with tips that students
should consider to protect their personal data and avoid malware. Each tip should be created
in a different text box. [Hint: find a google slides document Internet Safety in your Drive | Click
T icon on the toolbar to add a text box | write 5 tips | use copy text box feature, make sure you
have every tip in a different text box].
Share the presentation with your student Charlotte Ford so that she can help edit from a
student’s perspective. [Hint: Click Share button | enter Charlotte to share a document
| double-check the drop down menu to be sure she can edit the document | click send].
Task 2 of 2
Make the Internet Safety slide more interesting for your students by embedding a video.
Charlotte Ford, one of your students, will find this video especially interesting so you want to
share it with her before class.
Embed the youTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RCsHJfHL_4 into the Internet
Safety slide. [Hint: Click Insert > Video on the top toolbar | select “By Url” tab | copy paste the
video link].
Add a comment that says “Please watch this video before class” on the video for Charlotte
Ford. (Hint: include “+charlotte.ford@myeducert.org “ in the comment to ensure she is
notified). [Hint: Click + icon on the topbar or use right click > comment | copy paste test into
the bow from the task ““Please watch this video before class” |
add +charlotte.ford@myeducert.org to notify her].
Scenario 4/11
Task 1 of 4
You have recorded the scores your students achieved in their last 4 physics tests. You now plan
to analyze the data to review the progress of your students.
Open the Physics Test Sheet and use the formula function to calculate the average score for
each student. [Hint: find google sheet Physics Test in your drive | calculate the average score
for each student. Note you can drag + sign down the column to apply the same formula to all
Task 2 of 4
You want to compare the top performers in your class.
Use the filter to sort the students in descending order (largest to smallest) by average score.
[Hint: use filter to sort by score].
Task 3 of 4
You feel a visual representation would be the best way to compare the students results.
Create 2 charts from the student test data and place them in the Sheet. [Hint: click chart icon
on the to tollbar to create a chart | select chart data in right sidebar].
Share the Sheet with your colleague Mr Evans. [Hint: click share button on the top right | find
evans to share the document | click send].
Task 4 of 4
You decide to share the most compelling chart with your school’s principal.
Identify one of the two charts that is the most compelling. Use the menu options on the chart
to move it to its own sheet titled Physics Test Chart (Hint : Use the menu on the chart itself.)
[Hint: click on the chart | click dor menu on the top right | select “move to own sheet”].
Share Physics Test Chart with the your principal Mr Anderson. [Hint: click share button on the
top right | find Anderson to share the document | click send].
Scenario 5/11
Task 1 of 2
You need to create a document of notes on teaching methodologies for an upcoming
professional development session. First, you need to source some research online. [Hint: find a
document Teaching Research and open it | open it]. Note: this task is simply copy paste job with
no need of additional explanation. If you’ve managed to register for Educator certification and
find this helper file, this task won’t be any problem. Just use copy paste where possible, do not
enter data manually as Google will use automated software to check the results.
 In Drive open the Doc titled, Teaching Research. Use the Chrome Omnibox to search for
‘teaching method’.
 Copy and paste a paragraph of text from the page into I. Philosophy of Education section in
your research document.
 Create a footnote for your paragraph and add the source URL of the page.
Task 2 of 2
You find some interesting data about the best use of classroom space and dimensions, which
suggests that the optimum length for the from wall of a classroom should be a minimum of 30
feet. You want to include this data in your presentation along with the metric equivalent.
Use the Chrome Omnibox to convert 30 feet in meters. [Hint: enter “30 feet to meters” to find
a metric | copy paste the whole box] Again, Google will use automated software to check the
results, better to copy paste more, than less.
Add the metric measurement in the Teaching Research document.
Scenario 6/11
Task 1 of 4
You want to test how much your geography class students remember from the previous lesson
on climate change.
In Google Drive create a new Google Form titled Climate Change Quiz 4*******-1 [Hint: go to
your drive | New | More | Google Forms | Blank form | Copy paste the text from your task to
add the name exactly as needed]
Add three different types of questions as described in the Google Document, Climate change
quiz questions.docx. [Hint: go to your drive | open the document Climate change quiz
questions.docx| Add questions copy pasting the text from the document, do not manually
rewrite the text because of possible typos as we are not sure how automatic algorithm works,
it’s very possible that algorithm uses exact match].
Students should only be able to complete the quiz once, without being able to edit after they
have submitted their answers, and you don’t want them to see the results of the quiz.
Send the form to class@myeducert.org
Have the form automatically collect results in a new spreadsheet.
Task 2 of 4
As you prepare to teach your lesson, you want to review the results of a Climate Change quiz
you gave another set of students last year.
In Drive, open the spreadsheet titled, Climate Change- 2014 (Responses). [Hint: go to your
drive | find the Climate Change- 2014 | click a column needed | use sort feature]
Sort the Street based on the responses to the Question 1 (Column C) in ascending
alphabetical order (a-z).
Task 3 of 4
Some of your students have expressed a strong interest in climate change. You decide to set up
a Google Group, so the topic can be discussed in more detail.
Create a group called Climate Change 4*******-1. (Hint: make sure your Google Group is
created within your domain. Your domain administrator has restricted you from creating public
Google Groups) [Hint: go to your drive | click dot menu in the left from G Suite log on the top
right | Click more if you do not see Groups app | Click Groups app | creat a new group | name
it copy pasting the text form the task]
Give the interested students access to the group by inviting Charlotte Ford and Ethan Reed.
[Hint: start entering the name to find a person you need]
Task 4 of 4
The students in your Google Group have suggested a field trip would be a great way to better
study climate change. You are supportive of the idea and want to know where they would like to
In Google Drive create a new Google Form called Climate Change Field Trip Survey to
survey the group. [Hint: go to your drive | New | More | Google Forms | Blank form | Copy
paste the text from your task to add the name exactly as needed]
Add 3 text questions to your form to determine the top 3 destination preferences of each
student in the group: Destination 1, Destination 2, Destination 3
Send the Form to class@myeducert.org. [Hint: click “send” on the top right of your screen |
copy paste an email address | click send]
Scenario 7/11
Task 1 of 1
You recently lost an email from a student that included coursework. You decide you need to
organize your inbox with labels to stay on top of your emails.
Go to your Gmail inbox and find and label the following 5 emails with either Student, Exam, or
From student Ella King requesting a deadline extension (Student) [Hint: go to your gmail |
search for an email from Ella King | Right click on the email | select “Label as” | create new |
create a label Student | proceed the same with 4 other emails, if a label already exists simply
label the email selecting a corresponding label]
From principal Mr Anderson asking you for your class midterm results (Exam)
From classroom assistant Mrs Brady verifying your class midterm results (Exam)
From parent Mrs Nolan questioning the grade you gave her son for an in-class presentation
From the faculty support Mr Chang asking for your feedback on recent teacher coaching
sessions (Support)
Scenario 8/11
Task 1 of 5
You decide to create a calendar specifically for planning parent-teacher meetings.
In Google Calendar, create a new calendar called Parent Meetings.
[Hint: go to your drive | open dot menu near G Suite logo | find “Calendar” app | click create
on the top left | create a new calendar and name it “Parent Meetings”
Task 2 of 5
You need to arrange a meeting with Sam Nash’s parents to discuss his poor performance. It’s an
important meeting as he is at risk of not getting into the college of his choice.
Set up a calendar event titled Sam’s Parents in the calendar called Parent Meetings for a 30minute meeting sometime next week. [Hint: Select a day within a calendar | click the field in
the calendar | add an event | name the event “Sam’s Parents| | adjust event time for 30 min. |
gor to the tab “reminder” | set reminders as described | click save]
Set 2 notifications an email 1 day before, and a notification 15 minutes before the event.
Task 3 of 5
You want to set up a short one-to-one session with Sam to review his performance a week after
you meet with his parents. You have already created an agenda for this follow-up meeting.
After checking Sam’s availability on his calendar, create a 30-minutes meeting event called
“Meeting with Sam” in Google Calendar and invite [Hint: Select a day within a calendar a
week later | click the field in the calendar | add an event | name the event “Meeting with Sam”
| adjust event time for 30 min. | click add guests, add Sam | click
save] sam.nash.7431079@myeducert.org at a time convenient to you both.
Find and add Sam Nash Agenda Doc, from Drive, as an attachment to your event.
Task 4 of 5
During class you talked about one of your favorite books by isabel Allende, and you’ve received
an email from Kori Lopez, a student, asking to borrow it. You want to set yourself a task to
remind yourself to bring it in the following week.
In Gmail find the email from Kori Lopez and select “Add to Tasks’.
Set a due date sometime next for the task, and include a note to remind you to bring in the
[Hint: Go to you gmail | find Kori Lopez email | select the email checking the box | click dot menu
on the top bar | select add to tasks]
Task 5 of 5
You also promised the class that you would play them a film adaptation of a Gabriel Garcia
Marquez novel.
Within Gmail.
Create a task to remind yourself to bring in the DVD on the same day you’re bringing in the
book for Kori Lopez.
[Hint: Go to you gmail |open the tasks clicking the icon in the right Toolbar | Add a new task as
Scenario 9/11
Task 1 of 2
Your students have returned from spring break and you want your students to write an essay
about their adventures during the break. You decide you will go paperless and use Google
Go to Google Classroom (https://classroom.google.com) and sign in as a teacher.
Open the class titled Algebra
A new student has just joined your class roster and you want to add them to your Google
Classroom. Select the “People’ tab and invite Lily Vance to your class. (Hint: Make sure
you’re looking in the school’s Directory and not just your contacts)
Create a new assignment titled Spring Break with a due date within the next 2 weeks. Include
the template Essay template_Highlights of Spring break from Drive and create a new copy for
all students. [Hint: go to classroom tab | create | assignment | name it “Spring Break”]
Hint: if your view of Classroom defaults to another language, use this link to change it back to
English: https://classroom.google.com?h?hl=en
Task 2 of 2
Before Spring Break you spent time discussing with students how to be good digital citizens. You
want to see how many of them remember the online safety tips you covered by generating
conversation online within Google Classroom.
Within Google Classroom Stream, create a new post. [Hint: go to stream tab | create | select
post | copy paste the text as described]
Copy and paste the following discussion question into the “Share with your class” section and
post it to the entire class. Over the past week, how did you manage and minimize the
negative impact of your digital footprint.?
Scenario 10/11
Task 1 of 4
You need to set up folders in Google Drive to help organize your classroom.
Create a folder in Google Drive called Admin
[Hint: go to your drive | click new | select folder | name your folder “Admin ]
Within the Admin folder create two folders labeled Lesson Plans 1 and Resources
Task 2 of 4
You want to allow your colleague, Mrrs Brady, to access and edit your Resources folder so she
can help you develop your classroom resources.
Share your Resources folder with Mrs Brady so she can edit the contents [Hint: to share the
folder right click on the folder | share |find mrs Brandy | click done ]
Task 3 of 4
You want to create a new lesson plan for your English class on the topic of American novelists.
Using Google Docs, create a new document in the Lesson Plans 1 folder in Google
Drive. [Hint: go to your drive | find the folder Lessons Plans 1 | New | Google Docs | Blank |
Name the document “American Novelists” | copy paste the text from the task]
 Name the document American Novelists
 Add the following content as the start of a possible lesson plan
————————————— Copy paste info from the box ————————————————
Task 4 of 4
You want your students to do a presentation on a book of their choice by a contemporary
American author. Before they start the project, you want to get a list of the books selected by
each student.
–In the Lesson Plans 1 folder in Google Drive create a new spreadsheet titled Book
List. [Hint: Go to your drive | find the folder Lessons Plans 1 | New | Google Sheets | Blank
Spreadsheet | Name the spreadsheet “Book List” | click share | enter an email from the task |
click send]
–Share it with class@myeducert.org so they can edit the file.
Scenario 11/11
Task 1 of2
Hint: Please use New Google Sites to complete this question. If you find yourself on the old
Google Sites homepage, please click through the “New Google Sites” from the menu on your left.
You’ve decided to create a website for your history class so you can consolidate teaching
resources, distribute letters for parents, and share extraordinary pieces of coursework. [Hint: Go
to Google Sites app, you can find it via dot menu near the G Suite logo | make sure you’re using
a new Google Sites interface | New Google Sites | Press + icon at the right bottom to create a
new site | Use copy paste to add the needed information from the task]
In the New Google Sites create a site called History with 4*******-1. On the homepage include
the following text:
—————————————Copy paste info from the box—————————————————
Create a new page called Letters under the homepage, and include the text:
————————————— Copy paste info from the box————————————————
Add the document North Falls Consent Form from Drive on the Letters page.
Create a page called Coursework under the homepage and add the following text:
————————————— Copy paste info from the box————————————————
When the site is complete invite your colleague Mr. Schneider as an editor.
Task 2 of 2
You want to customize your class homepage by adding an image from Drive to the right of your
welcome message.
[Hint: This could seem tricky as per default the google sites container has an image to the left |
you can simply drag it to change the placement]