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Christmas Around the World Worksheet

(Based on facts in 5th Class Grow in Love Teachers’ Manual, Pages 173-174)
Match these appropriately:
1. St. Nicholas
Grotto of the Nativity
2. Wigilia
a service in Australia
3. Mexico
Santa’s name in China
4. Dun Che Lao Ren
Feast of the Epiphany
5. Carols by candlelight
lived in Hungary
6. Celebrated widely in Brazil
to show Jesus as light of the world
7. Christmas in Japan
celebrated with many choirs singing
8. Small lamps on the rooftops in
southern India
people visited their family graves
9. Around Christmas time in Finland
people roller skate to Mass
10. In Bethlehem
a time to spread happiness
11. Christmas in the Congo
Christmas eve meal in Poland
12. In Caracas, Venezuela
a special celebration in Mexico